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Brad and me sharing one another

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The truth is in the first paragraph, the rest is a fantasy that I hope someday comes true.

I am a 53 year old single woman that has a fantasy of being with two men. My last relationship of two years ended a year and a half ago and ended very badly. I was left with no self-esteem and haven’t dated since. I am now ready but not really looking. I have however, fantasized for years about being with two men, being single this is not something you go looking for. I have always felt that if I was in a loving relationship with someone and they were open to it then it could happen. On the other hand if it never happened I would be okay with that too. What I really would like is a loving relationship that is full of lust, love, trust and well a lot of sex!

My fantasy is about meeting that loving man with whom we both worship one another in and out of the bedroom. They say if you think it about it, you bring about it which is why I decided to write this story. This is part one of what may be a two or three part story, I haven’t decided yet. I hope the readers enjoy the story and I am open to feedback. The first part of the story (company in town) is true, the rest is what I would like to have happen.

It’s a warm May weekend in the desert. One of my best gal pals came from San Diego to visit me for the weekend. We went to our favorite place for happy hour on Friday. The place was packed, it’s spring in Arizona which brings everyone out. We found two seats at a large table that was being shared by two other parties. She and I were getting caught up so I didn’t notice anyone or anything else. At some point she said, check your phone. I grabbed my phone and she had text me that the guy at the end of the table can’t keep his eyes off of you. I was oblivious to this. I responded “who?” She told me who it was and without making a major scene I glanced his way. She was right, he seem to be mesmerized by me and I was oblivious. Although I am single I am not looking at the moment. If someone comes into my life that is worthy and appreciates me then I am open.

I glanced around the table to see who was with whom and quickly figured out that he was with another couple. I sparked up a conversation with the woman whose name was Samantha. She, my friend and I started talking while the guys were engaged in their own conversation. About an hour had passed and Sam said to me “Sherry, would you be interested in hanging out sometime?” She went onto to say, “Like going shopping or for a mani, pedi.” I responded with “of course, I’d love to.” She added that a lot of her gal pals were married with children and it was difficult for them to get away. She and Morgan (her husband) didn’t have children so they were a little more flexible. Sam introduced us to Morgan and their friend Brad. Brad was the man who (in my friend’s opinion) was mesmerized by me. He was very handsome, tall, nice build, brown hair and blue eyes. He was quite though so I didn’t know what to think about all of this.

They had been there longer than us and soon left. Sam & I exchanged numbers and she added that she would be in touch soon. We left soon after they did. On the ride home I couldn’t stop thinking about Brad. I snapped out of it and told myself, you’re crazy! Just let it go I said to myself. I was getting ready for bed and phone started buzzing. It was Sam. She said that they enjoyed meeting us and that she and I should get together soon. In another text she added that Brad was very attracted to me and would like my number. She asked if it would be okay. I waited until the morning to answer her, I didn’t want to disturb her and Morgan if they were having sex. I later found out that Sam, Morgan and Brad had sex together that night. More on this later.

I woke in the morning a little foggy but managed to make coffee. My friend and I spoke about the evening and she again said “that guy is into you, you need to figure out how to see him again.” She said. I told her that Sam texted me and mentioned that he wanted my number, she said “well I hope you said it was okay.” “Not yet, but I will.” I said. I finally did text her back and mentioned that it would be fun to get together and yes, you can give Brad my number. Sam quickly answered and said “great! Brad is such an amazing guy and we would love for him to meet a nice lady.” She said.

We went to the pool for the day and I left my phone in the house. I didn’t want to be checking my phone wondering if I would hear from him, how silly! We returned from the pool and got ourselves ready for dinner. I still hadn’t checked my phone. When I finally did I saw a text from Brad which had been received a few hours prior. He knew I had company so I didn’t think he expected a response. I did however want to respond and who wouldn’t want to “Hi beautiful, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I want to see you again soon.” How sexy and romantic. I finally responded and said, “thank you handsome, I hope you’re having a fantastic day. I too want to see you again soon.” It wasn’t long before he responded. It is Saturday night and he responded so quickly, hum? I thought. He asked if I was busy on Monday evening. Wow! That is quick, this guy means business, and I like it. I am not into games but felt I did need to play a little hard to get. I told him that any other day would be better, Mondays are tough. We set a time on Tuesday to meet for happy hour.

Tuesday seemed to drag on forever. I made at point of picking out a sundress that was sexy but not too sexy. I work from home so most days my hair is up, no makeup etc. This day was different, I felt sexy and alive for the first time in a very long time. When arrived at Roys, Brad was anxiously awaiting my arrival. He stood up, pulled out my chair what a gentleman I thought. He asked me what I would like to drink. “A pinot noir would be nice.” I said. When the bartender approached to ask me what I wanted, Brad quickly ordered for me. WOW, this guy was in control and I liked it. He handed me a bouquet of flowers and said, “These are for you beautiful.” The night was amazing! We had a couple of drinks, some amazing food, laughed a lot and shared more about one another. He shared that he was an Architect and was quite successful in his career however humble. I asked about his friendship with Sam and Morgan. He said that they had been great friends and a great support system after his divorce. They always wanted to set him up with ladies, however he wasn’t ready until now he said. I asked what was different now. He said, “You, you are beautiful, sexy, smart and I could tell the moment that I laid eyes on you that I wanted to get to know you better.” “I work with a lot of people and I am a good judge of character, when you walked into the room nothing else mattered and something inside of me fired up.” He said. WOW, I was taken aback I didn’t see that coming at all. I was at a loss for words. I looked at him and said, “I haven’t dated since my last relationship and want to be very careful.” However, there is something about you and to be honest I haven’t been able to get you off my mind I said. He smiled, took my hand and kissed me on the cheek and said “likewise my lady.”

It was a work night and we both have busy schedules so we decided to call it a night. We walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, it felt so right and so comfortable. I put my handbag and flowers in my car and turned to him. He put his arms around me and I felt like I was going to melt. My pussy was soaking wet and I wanted him but not tonight. He kissed me, first gently then passionately. He hands went down my back and finally to my firm ass. His hands held my ass as he kissed me. I imagined being on my hands and knees as he took my from behind. “I love your ass and want it” He said

“Not tonight handsome” I said and pushed him away. “I know not tonight, but some night.” He said. “I am a gentleman and I am not looking for just sex, any man can just have sex I want more than that.” He said. I looked at him again at a loss for words. “I am glad that you’re not just looking for a hook up, I too want more than that. It is refreshing to hear this from you.” I said.

I got into my car with the agreement that I would let him know I got home okay. I texted him to let him know that I was home safe and thanked him for a wonderful evening. He responded saying, “you’re welcome beautiful, I can’t wait to see you again, sweet dreams.” I was so hot inside but tired. I fell asleep quickly and slept through the night. I got up early and started my day at the gym. The evening was still heavy on my mind and I wondered what would come of this. I didn’t want to rush things with him but couldn’t stop thinking about him. Apparently he was thinking of me as well. I received a text from him early. He said “good morning beautiful, I hope your day is as wonderful as you.” “When can I see you again?” Is this guy for real? I thought to myself. I didn’t answer him right away but when I did I said “I hope your day is amazing as well handsome.” “How about we get together tomorrow?” I said. He responded and said “great, I will call you later.” I couldn’t get him off of my mind all day. I found myself fantasizing about him and wondered where this was going. Is he for real? Or is he just blowing smoke up my skirt? We had a lengthy conversation over the phone and both opened up more to the other. I wanted to believe this was real, however I was being very cautious. He asked if he could pick me up for our date. I asked if it would be okay if we met just one more time, I wanted to feel safe. We agreed to meet at Flemings for dinner at 6PM the following evening.

My sexual desire for him continued to become stronger, I wanted him so badly and wondered when that would happen. Our evening exceeded my expectations. He was a gentleman the entire evening. Our conversation was easy, it was all easy which is how it should be. He walked me to my car and again passionately kissed me, grabbing my ass again and said “I love your ass and can’t wait to have it.” “You’re a naughty boy.” I said. He said, “Yes, yes I am and I think that you are not only sexy but have a naughty side too.” “We will just have to see now won’t we?” I said.

The following morning just like clockwork I received a message from him wishing me a wonderful day. I thought to myself how long can I wait with this guy, he seems genuine but I just don’t know. My gut told me it was real but my heart was scared. I got him off my mind by diving into my work. At the end of the day he called me, this is new most men simply text these days. He told me that he couldn’t stop thinking about me and expressed that this is something new for him. He said it’s been years since he has thought of a woman as much as he has been thinking about me. I told him that I too had been thinking a lot about him as well and this too was new for me. “When can I see you again?” He said. I wanted to say now but didn’t want to seem too eager. “Well tomorrow is Friday, we both don’t have to work on Saturday so why don’t we spend a longer evening together?” I said “May I pick you up?” He asked “Yes, I would love that.” I said He arrived right on time at 5:30 with wine and flowers in hand. I commented that he had just given me flowers. He said “A woman can never have too many flowers.” “And besides that was a few days ago, you need fresh ones”. He said He looked so handsome, nice slacks, dress shirt that enhances his blue eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a long passionate kiss on him. Now in private he began to explore my body a little more and I let him. He reached his hand under my dress and grabbed my ass with both hands. This made me really wet. We pulled away from one another and I noticed his cock was rock hard! He said “we better go before I take you into that room and fuck your brains out.” Where we were going was a surprise but I knew it was somewhere nice, this guy is first class. Our evening was amazing, we talked, laughed, played a little with one another under the table and even kissed a few times over dinner. On the ride home he said he had a question for me. “Sure you can ask me anything.” I said. “I would like for you to stay with me tonight, is that too forward for you?” He said. I did think it was a little early since we had only known one another for a couple of weeks but I wanted it. Hell, we are adults and I was so hot for him. “I would love to stay with you tonight as long as you behave.” We laughed and he assured me that he would behave. He asked if I wanted to grab a bag from my house, “sure that would be great.” I said.

Interestingly enough he lived very close to me only about 2 miles. We entered through the gates into his neighborhood. “These are lovely homes.” I said, “I have only driven past this neighborhood but have never been in it.” I said, “Welcome.” He said. His home was one of the larger ones and I thought what does a single man need with such a big house? My whole apartment could fit in his house. I started to feel a little intimated but quickly told myself, you deserve the best and don’t sell yourself short. He took my bag from the car and led me into the house. He gave me a tour of his home which was beautiful! His backyard was straight out of magazine, a lovely pool and Jacuzzi. Of course he has a lovely home, he’s an Architect. “What would you like to drink?” He asked, “how about a glass of wine?” I said. “Well if you would like wine, follow me.” He said. He led me by the hand to a room which had been made into a wine cellar. “Wow, this is a little overwhelming.” I said, “Pick any bottle you want darling, any bottle.” He said. I choose a nice bottle of red for us which was one of the best wines I had had in awhile. He later commented that I had very nice taste, ‘yes I do I am with you.” I said, he leaned over and planted the most amazing kiss on me. I was steaming hot!

“Would you like to take a Jacuzzi?” He asked “I assume you brought a bathing suit?” he commented. “Yes, yes I did and I would love to.” I said

He showed me to the room where my bag was and told me to make myself at home. He was being such a gentleman. My bag was not in his room which I found interesting but thought nothing more about it. We headed out to the Jacuzzi, the lighting was romantic and the music soft. I removed my cover up and he took one look at me and said, “pardon my French but you look so fucking sexy and hot.” I blushed a little and said, “thank you, is that French or you being a naughty boy? I said. “It’s both naughty and French.” He said.

He didn’t waste any time coming over to kiss me. This time he kissed my neck, down my chest but didn’t touch my tits, yet. He looked me in the eyes and asked if he could see my tits. I said I wouldn’t mind at all. I started to remove my top when he stopped me. “Turn around, I want to do this.” He said. My back was to him as he ran his hands down my tone arms, up my flat belly and finally cupping my tits in his large hands. My tits are small but very perky and responsive.

MMMMM, he whispered in my ear, “Your tits are perfect.” He said.

He undid the hook allowing my top to fall into the water. He cupped my tits in his hands again as he kissed me on my neck. He began to slowly pinch my nipples asking me if I liked what he was doing. Yes, very much.” I said. “Can I pinch a little harder?” He asked, “Yes please do.” I said.

I could feel his big cock on my back, it was very hard and I really wanted it. I reached back to touch it when he stopped me. “Tonight is about you, there is time for that later.” He said. I turned around faced him, wrapped my arms around him pressing my tits on his chest. We kissed like this for a long time and all the while he had my ass in his hands. Suddenly I felt him remove my bottoms. “Is this okay with you?” He asked, “yes” I said. He removed his bottoms as well and when he did his cock sprung out, wow he is at least 9 inches a little thick but not too thick. My first thought is how am I going to take that, I am petite, my pussy and ass are tight! He started sucking my nipple while his hand pinched the other. I am sure I was about to cum but held back. He lifted me onto the side of the Jacuzzi still sucking hard on my nipples. “Would you mind if I kiss your body up and down?” he asked. “No, please do.” I said.

He laid me back and moved beside me first kissing my mouth, my neck, my tits again, down to my stomach, my legs, inter thighs and even sucked my toes. I spread my legs a little and felt his tongue working up one thigh then the other. He was teasing me big time but I loved it and then he began licking my pussy. OH MY GOD! It felt so good and even better when he inserted two fingers into my pussy. He raised my ass off the ground and started working my ass with his tongue. I thought I was going to die, I love my ass played with. Laying me back down he continued to lick and finger me but this time he put two fingers into my ass as well. “Do you like this?” he asked, “yes, I love it” please don’t stop. I have had only one man that knew how to make me squirt until now. I began cuming like I have never cum before. This made him finger fuck me harder both in my pussy and ass. Once I came down from that I asked if he would kiss me. He lay next to me and we embraced and kissed even more passionately than before. I reached again for his cock but he stopped me again. “Not tonight, this is about you and I don’t want you to think that I only want to fuck you.” “I want more than to just fuck you, I want to make love to you.” He said. “Make love to me then.” I said. “Not tonight my love, let’s go in the house and dry off.” He said. Is he for real? What man doesn’t want to fuck or even make love to a woman, he was a mystery.

I put on some dry clothes and found him on the couch with two glasses of wine. “Did you enjoy yourself?” He asked. “Yes, I loved it it’s been a long time since I cummed so hard.” I said. “Get used to it.” He said, “There is more where that came from.” He said. He asked if I would be comfortable sleeping in his bed with him and of course I said yes. He grabbed my bag and took me by the hand and led me to his bedroom. It was late and we were both tired. We snuggled most of the night which I loved. Feeling his body next to mine made me feel so good! I woke in the morning and he wasn’t in bed. I laid there scanning this amazing room and wondered what the day would bring. He entered the room with coffee and fruit on a tray. “Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?” he asked, “yes like a baby, who wouldn’t after that amazing foreplay last night.” I said. “Well I am happy to be of service to such a sexy lady.” He said. He asked me if I had any plans for the day and if not would I like to stay and hang out by the pool. I didn’t have any specific plans that couldn’t be broken. I know I shouldn’t do that but I loved being with him. He took me home so that I could get fresh clothes for the day and evening. I offered to follow him in my car but he insisted that he drive me. I was both aroused by this and a little scared to not have a car in case I needed to leave. Here I go again trying to think the worst, just go with it for Christ’s sakes.

We grabbed some lunch and went to the store for some food for the day. When we arrived back at his house he took my bag out of the car, took me by the hand and led me to his bedroom. “Please make yourself at home, I will empty the car.” He said. I really couldn’t believe that all of this was happening to me but I loved it and even though we had only known one another for a couple of weeks, I was falling for him. I changed into a sexy bikini and didn’t bother with a cover up. He was in the kitchen and when I walked in he looked at me and said “can you get any more beautiful and sexy?” I blushed and said, “You’re too kind.” He made us some drinks and we made our way outside.

I felt super naughty and decided to turn the tables on him. If wasn’t going to fuck me or make love to me, he was at least going to get teased like he teased me last night. He asked if he could put suntan lotion on me and I replied with “please sit down.” I stood in front of him, removed my top and started playing with my tits, pinching my nipples making them really hard. He reached for me and I said “no” just watch. I ran my hands down my body turning around to show him my ass that he loved so much. I started to grind up and down with my back to him when I heard him say “holy fuck, you’re so sexy.” I turned back around and hovered over his lap and started to grind up and down without touching him. He reached for my hips and I said “no touching, just watch.” I could see his cock was fully hard and I asked him to stroke his cock for me. He obeyed, it was so hot watching him stroke himself while I teased him. I took off my bottoms and inserted a finger into my dripping pussy and began pumping myself while he stroked his big cock. He looked me in the eyes and said “you’re going to make me cum.” And without invitation I quickly lowered my mouth onto his cock. His head went back and he let out the biggest scream as his cum shot into the back of my throat. I keep sucking him until he was limp. I took a sip of my drink, straddled him and kissed him long and hard. He inserted a finger into my ass. I moved really slow allowing him to finger fuck my ass and felt another finger and yet another one. He had 3 fingers inside of me which sent me over the edge, I came almost as hard as I did the night before but this time all over his limp cock. He held me tight allowing me to recover my orgasm and said “nice turning the tables on me.” I said, “Did you like it?” “Hell yes I loved it, you know how to give a great blow job.” I said, “Well it’s only fair that I get to taste you too and pleasure you since you won’t fuck me or even make love to me.” “Oh if you keep this up you’re going to force me to not only make love to you but fuck you too.” “Promise?” I said, “I promise” he said.

He made us another drink while I jumped on the double raft in the pool. We must have been tired from our foreplay because we both fell asleep on the raft. I woke first noticing his cock was rock hard again. My first thought was to lower my pussy onto but I knew he wanted to take the lead so I just gently stocked it with my fingers. This woke him and he said “that feels good, please don’t stop.” I picked up the pace a little when he asked me to slow down a bit, I obeyed him. We laid there for quite awhile, me stroking his cock and his fingers inside my pussy. We finally made each other cum and decided that it was time for a shower.

His shower was a large walk in with two shower heads, one that you could hold in your hand. My mind went wild thinking about him washing me with it until I came. We were so hot for one another and I still couldn’t believe we only had oral sex. He insisted that he wash me first and ordered me in a gently way to turn around with my back to him. He’s a little dominating but in a sexy way and I am happy to submit to him. He started by washing my hair, my back, skipping my ass, my legs, up my thighs, to my pussy where he rubbed my clit gently which made me rock and forth. He inserted two fingers inside of my pussy and finger fucked me really fast until I cummed again. Wow, I thought no one has ever made me cum so much with just oral sex I can’t imagine what it will be like with his cock inside of me. He took his fingers and put them into my ass again. “Bend over” he commanded. I grabbed the side of the shower bench and exposed my ass to him. “I can’t wait to make love and fuck this ass” he said as he inserted 3 fingers. Slow and easy he brought me to another orgasm. Now it was my turn. I turned around and took his cock in my hand. I washed his body, stroked his cock when he whispered to me…please suck me. I sat him on the shower bench and bent over so that he could look down my body as I worked my mouth up and down his big hard shaft. I sucked his balls and licked his cock very seductively. I wanted him to cum in my mouth again, this turns me on so I picked up the pace. He asked me to slow down but I was in control and didn’t stop. He finally emptied his load into the back of my throat I keep sucking him until he was limp inside my mouth.

We got out of the shower and he said, “no one has ever made me cum so hard by sucking my cock, I can’t imagine what it will be like when I am finally in the tight pussy and that ass of mine” I said “Your ass? What makes you think you’re going to put that big thing in my ass?” He said, “Because I know you want it there so it will be there eventually, it’s my ass now.” “Your ass now?” I said, “Yes, it’s my ass now and no one better think about touching it.” He then smacked it gently but firm and said, “Is this okay with you?” I said, “It’s more than okay.”

He left me to get myself ready and went to the kitchen to start cooking our dinner. I wondered what the night would bring. Obviously we were so hot for one another but up to this point only had oral sex. I know it’s still early in our relationship but wanted so badly to feel him inside of me, to feel him making love to me, to feel him fuck me long and hard. Yes I wanted it inside both my pussy and my ass, but the ass would have to be slow and easy because of his size. I entered the kitchen when he turned and said “could you be any more beautiful and any sexier?” I blushed and said “thank you handsome sexy lover of mine.” I didn’t do much with my hair and put on very little make up. I had on a short sundress which showed my body off. I opted for no panties or bra knowing they would be off soon anyway. He walked over to me and kissed my gently, his hands all over my body. He quickly discovered that I had no panties on and said “you’re a naughty girl and naughty girls need to be spanked.” I said, “Promise to not spank me too hard?” “Bend over and pull up your dress.” He said in his gentle yet dominating voice. I did as I was told, I bent over pulled my dress over my ass and exposed it to him. He positioned himself behind me as if he was going to enter me from behind and began licking my ass as he gently spanked me. He fingers found their way to my pussy. He was fucking my ass with his tongue and my pussy with my fingers. Just when I thought I couldn’t cum anymore he brought me to another one.

After my body stopped shaking from the foreplay, he kissed me and said “I am falling in love with you.” I was speechless but felt the same. I looked at him and said “we have only known one another for a couple of weeks, how could this be?” He said, “remember I told you about the fire inside of me when I saw you?” “Yes” I said, that fire knows when it knows, I knew you were special and spending these past couple of weeks with you that fire has gotten more intense and it’s not just our foreplay.” He said. “It’s more than the foreplay and this is why I haven’t just taken you and fucked your brains out because I have wanted to.” I looked at him and said, “I know the feeling, I know that fire because I feel it too.” As much as I want you to fuck me, make love to me until I can’t take anymore for me there is more for me too.” “So what do we do about it” he said. “Well let’s see how it goes” I said. I went onto to say that I don’t think I can hold out much longer without you inside of me though. “Oh baby, don’t worry because I can’t either.” He said. How about we finish making dinner and make love all night long. “I love that idea but how about we cook and eat naked?” I said, “Great idea.” He said.

After we cleaned up from dinner he took my hand and led me outside. I didn’t say a word, I just went along with it. He said, “I want you first where it all started. In his dominating voice he said “get into the Jacuzzi and show me that hot ass of yours.” I obeyed jumping into the spa leaning over the side exposing my ass to him. He was rock hard and I was dripping wet. He put his cock at the opening of my pussy and slowly entered me, very slow. Inch by inch he was inside of me pumping me slow and easy. “Oh my god, you’re pussy is so tight and so wet.” He said, “You’re so fucking sexy.” He said, with a slap on my ass. I jerked a little, which was stung because of the water. He had 2 fingers in my ass which made me move back and forth meeting the thrust of his cock and fingers. We made love this for at least 20 mins before we both came. Out of the Jacuzzi and into the bedroom for more fun. He was slow and easy with me once in bed. “Lay back and let me worship your body.” He said. For hours we gave oral to one another, he fucked me slow and easy and at times fast and hard. We looked at the clock and realized that we had been fucking for over 4 hours. No wonder we were tired. No man has ever been able to keep it up for that long to my knowledge but it was the fire inside of us. We fell asleep with our naked bodies against one another. At some point in the middle of the night I felt his hard cock on my ass, this aroused me. I felt his fingers around my opening but this time it was cooler and wet. He had woken up with a hard on and decided to see if he could slip his cock into my ass while I was sleeping. I moaned when he said “just relax baby.” He turned me onto my stomach putting a couple of pillows under my belly so that my ass was high up and exposed. He worked my ass with lube and his fingers inserting 4 fingers inside of me. “I am ready.” I said “make love to my ass please.” He started slow and easy just like he did with my pussy until he was almost all the way in. That’s when I started to move to meet him. The feeling of him in my ass overtook me. I started to cum hard which made him pick up the pace a little but still gentle going slow and easy the whole time he was inside of me. I asked him to go just a little faster, he picked up the pace and spanked me at the same time. He fucked my ass for at least a half an hour and finally released his load into me. He didn’t pull out right away, instead kept fucking me slowly. I couldn’t believe what we were experiencing, it was magical. He got hard again inside of me and said “I can’t stop, can I keep making love to this beautiful ass.” Only if you promise to spank me while you make love to me. He did just what I wanted while picking up the pace. Finally we cam together again unloading inside my ass. We collapsed onto the bed and before going asleep again I cleaned us both off.

We woke up late for us and of course made love again for the first hour of the day. He looked into my eyes as he slowly made love to me and said “I love you beautiful.” “I love you too handsome.” I said. He thanked me for letting him take my ass and I said “you better get used to it because I love it.” We laughed and he said “I knew it.” Turnover and show me that beautiful ass he commanded. I put my ass up in the air and said, please baby, please spank and fuck me. My ass was already ready and he didn’t waste time. For the next half hour he spanked me and fucked my ass. We were hungry, it was time for breakfast. He went to the kitchen first, I cleaned up a little but didn’t put any clothes on. We cooked and cleaned up together again. He looked at me and asked me if I had anything pressing I had to do today. I said “the only thing pressing is you inside of me all day.” I did have things I needed to do but I wanted to be with him. We swam, drank cocktails, made love, gave oral to one another and finally before taking me home he fucked me good and hard. I thought I would be good for a long time after all the sex but neither of us were. We saw one another every night the following week, some nights out, some nights at home naked, making love and fucking. I wondered how long this may last, the sex, love making, it was erotic. He finally told me about his friendship with Sam and Morgan. They had had several 3somes with one another while Brad was in his slump. Sam likes to have 2 men and Morgan doesn’t mind sharing. Brad told me this wouldn’t happen with them anymore. I was all that he had hoped for and that I was all his. I assured him I was all his for as long as he wanted me. “How’s a lifetime sound to you?” He said, “It sounds amazing.” I said.

It all began to make sense to me. Sam never did call me after that evening and Brad never mentioned getting together with them. I asked him why. He said, “Sam is a little jealous of you, she hoped that we could continue our encounters.” I told them the next morning that we would not be getting together for sex anymore because I want to see where my relationship with you could go. I asked how this made Sam and Morgan feel. He said that Morgan totally understood but that Sam was a little upset. He added that it was not the response he had hoped for from her. The agreement was that it was something temporary until he Brad met someone. “Sounds like Sam is a little controlling.” I said, yes, very he added. I shared that I was disappointed that I may have come between their relationship. He assured me that I didn’t, he still speaks to Morgan and that he is very happy for us. He added that he and Sam are starting to have some problems. She wants to find another man but Morgan is not interested anymore. He felt he has more than satisfied their fantasy and that it’s time to enjoy one another, Brad agreed.

We have been together for over a year now. Our intimacy has only deepened. We have sex every day some days all day. I could never grow tired of our love making and fucking. He expressed to me that some day he would love to watch me with another man and asked me how I felt about it. I shared it is something I’ve always wanted to do, a fantasy if you will. He said if I was willing he has a friend who is in a similar situation that he was when he met Sam and Morgan. I said you that I was willing as long as it wouldn’t harm our relationship. He assured me that it would not and asked if his friend could visit us soon. “Yes, I would love that.” I said.

The following week Brad told me that Keith would be in town in a couple of weeks and would I mind if he stayed with us. I told him that I didn’t mind at all and asked him what he was up to? Nothing he said. Didn’t you say you have a fantasy of being with two men? I do is that what you have in mind Brad. Well maybe, I smiled and said only you can have my ass. He can have my pussy all weekend. Brad grabbed me, kissed me and said you’re so naughty you need a spanking, bend over. I bent over to allow him to spank me and while bent over he put his cock in my ass. Is this what you want, smack. YES! YES! YES and came very hard.

The week Keith was arriving was here. I felt sexy knowing I may have two men inside of me. Brad was really turned on by this and our love making became even more intense.

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