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I have two husbands now Part-2

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The way he offered his house to us (it was said that one may entrust his wife to someone; but would never entrust his house to anyone in Mumbai), was extra ordinary. I would never be able to repay his debt. He was extremely decent to me. During my most difficult period of my son?s sickness and hospitalization, he stood behind us and helped us to the best possible extent. Even after I lost my son, he spent so much of his time with me to make me feel better. I thought that he also had a special liking for me, because whenever he phoned or visited; he would make it a point to talk with me. He would ask well being of my parents and not just as a formality but seriously. He remembered all my close relative?s names. He would meticulously ask about welfare of all my close ones.

I had seen him get over the tough period in his life, when his wife died. He was completely shattered and yet he recovered with remarkable strength. I tried to be with him at that time and it was then that I saw a glimpse of desire for me in his eyes. This was the first time that he looked at me with that kind of look. I could see that he was undergoing a great turmoil in his heart. He was fighting with himself. On the other hand, when his relatives and friends tried to pressure him for considering proposal for another marriage, he ruled it out completely.

I had immense respect for him. During this period, I also began to look at him differently.

He was tall and well built. He did not have a belly, like my husband. When all of us walked, he always walked ahead of all of us. He was the fittest of us all. I liked his dress sense. He was immaculate in his dresses. The most beautiful part of his personality was his smile. Whenever I saw him smiling, I felt something. Of late, when my husband began to fantasize about Mukesh Bhai, I would get aroused. I felt that my husband noticed it too. I knew that Mukesh Bhai liked me because, whenever he came to our house, he spent a good deal of his time with me, chatting with me wherever I was. If I were in the kitchen, he would pull out a stool and sit on it to talk. If I was washing clothes or attending to something else, I would do the work and he would sit and talk with me. This was his quality, which I liked so much. My husband never sat and talked with me, when I was doing some work.

My husband exploited my weakness for Mukesh Bhai. He began to fantasize situations clubbing Mukesh Bhai and me together. When Nalin fucked me, he would ask me to imagine that it was not him but a man of my dreams. I knew that he meant Mukesh Bhai. I also enjoyed his fantasies. The mention of Mukesh Bhai began to drive me crazy. I had flow of juices from my pussy. Normally Nalin made me ride on him. This position made both him and me acutely vulnerable. I would have orgasm after orgasm. In this position if he mentioned the name of Mukesh Bhai, I would explode in no time. Nalin exploited the weakness of mine.

The high point in the drama came when one evening Mukesh Bhai brought a surprise present for me. He came and handed me a gift wrapped package and asked me to open it. My husband and I were wondering what it was. I opened it and saw that it was a beautiful swimsuit. I had never before worn a swimming costume. I had seen in films female actors wearing such provocative dresses. The dress was provocative. I was shy even to look at it. It was short. I could see that it would barely be able to cover my pussy lips. Plenty of my cleavage would be visible.

My husband suggested that I should wear it then. However, Mukesh Bhai said that he would like me to wear it when we would go to swimming pool. I was excited at the prospect of wearing this in front of people and particularly, Mukesh Bhai. We went to the swimming pool on Tuesday evening. There were a good number of swimmers in the pool. We went to separate compartments to change. There were women wearing different types of suits. Some were very short. I felt more confident seeing that I was not alone wearing such a dress. I changed and came out after shower to the pool with some hesitation. I saw Mukesh Bhai and Nalin swimming in the pool.

I hesitatingly went near the pool and stood on the edge of the pool. I did not know swimming and I was afraid to enter the pool. When Mukesh Bhai saw me, I could see him dazed. This was the first time that he had seen so much of my body, exposed. I saw him forcibly looking away from me, so that I would not feel offended by his stares. He swam close to the edge and asked me to jump. He was standing in shallow water. He could not avoid staring at my generous cleavage. I was trembling out of shyness and fear of water. Nalin also saw me. He saw that Mukesh Bhai was talking to me and asking me to come in the pool. He therefore waved at me and continued swimming away from us.

Mukesh Bhai extended his hand asking me to catch it and jump. I sat on the floor and called Mukesh Bhai closer. I gradually lowered myself and slipped through his arms into the shallow end of the pool. Mukesh Bhai put his arms around me affectionately. I told him that I was afraid of water. I did not know how to swim.

He asked me not to worry at all. He said that he would see that I did not drown. I laughed. Suddenly he came closer to me and said in very low voice, ?Neha Bhabhi, if you will not get angry, I want to say something to you today.? I looked at him puzzled. I nodded my head.

He said, ?This dress is just made for you. You look very sexy in it.? I could not control my blushing.

I was not to give up. I said, ?I can see the impact of your seeing me in this pose.? I did not know, if he quite understood that I was hinting at the tent in his trunk. Then I quickly added, ?I can see that you are trembling. It could be due to cold water. I paused and said, ?I am scared of water. I do not think I can learn swimming. However, I do want to learn swimming.If I fail to learn, please promise that you will not shout at me.?

Mukesh Bhai asked me not to worry. He asked me to hold the stairs. He put his hands under my belly and lifted me up, trying to make me lie flat on water without my legs taking support from the floor. He asked me to try to lie flat on water surface holding the steel stairs and stroke my feet as if I was cycle peddling. I did my best. I remained afloat for a few seconds but again my feet touched the floor.

He held me firmly from my waist. However, his hands slipped up or down and touched my boobs or my crotch for a few seconds. Perhaps it was not intentional. However, his touch made me hot. I felt as if I should grab him and make him touch me all-over. Suddenly I slipped and fell in water. I gulped some water. Some water also went in through my nose. Although I was in shallow water, I was scared of drowning. I struggled to catch whatever I could. I grabbed Mukesh Bhai?s body, hands, whatever I could, to stay afloat. I caught hold of his swimming trunk and felt his hard penis in my hands. I fumbled and felt it getting bigger in his swimming costume. Although it was barely semi erect, it was sizable. I felt an electric current pass through my body. However, struggling to come out of water I had to clutch, whatever I could.

Since I was in shallow water, soon my feet touched the floor. I regained composure, left Mukesh Bhai?s rod (which, by that time had hardened to full length) and stood up shaken. I was shaken half out of excitement and half out of fear. I was in a daze. I looked at Mukesh Bhai. He was equally shaken because of my accidentally grabbing his cock. I told Mukesh Bhai, shaking off water from my hair that I could never learn swimming.

As he saw me struggling in water, Nalin came near us and said that if I followed the lessons given by Mukesh Bhai, I could learn to swim soon. Nalin said that what Mukesh Bhai taught me was the first mantra of swimming. He asked me to continue following Mukesh Bhai?s instructions. As Nalin swam away, Mukesh Bhai again asked me to carry on with this exercise. By then, I became calm and felt more comfortable with him. Although, it was not necessary for him to hold me, I asked him to lift me by grabbing my tummy. I told him that it is my lower portion that is not coming up.

He placed his hands just above my crotch. I did not know what sensations, he was experiencing. I was erotically excited. Nalin was swimming far away. I took his hand and placed it on my crotch. He now literally lifted me up; pushing me up, thrusting his hand between my two legs; just on my pussy (please imagine my condition!); keeping his other hand on my buttocks. It was highly titillating.

It must have been more than half an hour since I was struggling to learn the first lesson of swimming. I did not know for sure, whether it was my inability to learn or my secret desire to continue his support (so he could touch on my sensitive body parts). I was breathless and tired with the struggle. I told Mukesh Bhai that I would like to come out. I climbed the stairs and came out. I told him that it was very nice of him to help me learn and I had decided that I would not rest until I learnt swimming.

Since then I went to learn swimming from Mukesh Bhai about seven to ten times. My husband could come only once as Mukesh Bhai made it a point to come early in the evening; during week days, especially for me. I had told him that I could not stay there after 5 pm as I had to attend to my house. During this period I had learnt to stay afloat and could swim a few feet using my hands and feet. Also during that period Mukesh Bhai and I had developed very good chemistry. We talked of many things. I casually asked him about his fling with girls in the college. He mentioned about his fancy for a girl in college. However, nothing ultimately came out of it, as he had no courage to talk to her. Mukesh Bhai asked me how our married life was. I told him that we had lost interest in each other. I knew Mukesh Bhai?s situation. He was reluctant initially, but admitted in a disguised way; that he missed sex.

He said that since his wife was unwell for quite some time, he could not have any physical contact with her. He implied that he was without sex for almost one year. I understood what he meant and sympathized with him. I could quite understand how a man of his virility could remain without sex for such a long time. He hinted that after he had closer association with me, he was feeling a bit better. I asked him, if our intimate talks caused discomfort in his mind. He said that our intimate talks helped him and he felt better. I guessed that he perhaps masturbated in his house in the night, fantasizing about me remembering our talk.

Since then, during swimming lessons, I encouraged him to touch me. He caressed my back and once his hands felt my boobs. I pretended not to notice it. Once he squeezed my buttocks and probed my pussy area with his finger (of course over the swimsuit). However, he did it, pretending that this was by accident. In turn, once I caught his cock pretending that I was scared and clutched his body. Our embracing each other was so common, that all in the pool, swimming at that time; thought that we were husband and wife. Fortunately, there was no one around, who knew either of us.

I was truthful in narrating to my husband; all details of our touching etc. I described the incidence of our touching as accidental. However, I told him that I was excited. Nalin?s fantasies knew no bounds. He became very vocal in the night in teasing me about my encounter with Mukesh Bhai. After that incident, my sexual urge increased many folds. I wanted Nalin to screw me every night. I had such sensation in my pussy that I was unable to control the urge. Nalin added fuel to the fire by asking me teasing questions of how I flirted with Mukesh Bhai. He asked me openly about my desire to have sex with Mukesh Bhai. He titillated me and drove my sexual urge.

One night, Nalin drove me crazy with his arousing talk, foreplay and asked me if I was ready to fulfill his fantasy, I told him that I thought that fantasy was ok; but practically doing it was risky. When I reacted negatively, he felt let down. Then to pacify him, I told him that implementing the fantasy in real life would depend on the circumstances. I asked him if he was sure that he wanted this to happen. Nalin said he was as positive as he could be.

I cannot forget that date and day. Mukesh Bhai picked me up to go to the pool at about 4.30 pm. He was far more somber than normal. I could see the seriousness on his face. I remembered that it was exactly one year after his wife passed away. I felt sad for him. I caught his sleeve as we walked to the car and squeezed his arm in expressing my solidarity with him on this anniversary.

We reached the pool. By that time, I had learned to swim a bit. Mukesh Bhai had told me that it was then just a question of stamina and improving my style and rhythm of swimming. He told me that I would have to practice a lot to improve. That day, when we reached the pool, there were only a few people in the pool.

It was a working day. It was humid and hot. Mukesh Bhai was somber. He said that he would not enter the pool and would watch me swimming. I changed and after changing, I went to him and caught his arm and squeezed it again. Ho looked morose and sat dispassionately. I looked around to ensure that no one was looking at us. I went close to him and kissed him lightly on his cheeks quickly. I mumbled ?I love you,? and swam away. I saw him just stand there wondering what got over me. That was the first time perhaps, that I dared openly express my emotions for him.

For me that was a thrilling experience. This was my first open expression of love for him. Perhaps, I wanted to kiss him on the lips, but could not gather the courage. Very soon, some more people joined in the pool and I started swimming. That day, I saw him for the first time, not paying attention to me. He looked lost. I decided to come out of the pool. I took shower, changed and we came out of the club. It was raining rather heavily. We ran to the car. However, by the time, we reached the car, we were drenched.

As usual, Mukesh Bhai dropped me at my flat. However, I felt that I should spend a little time with him to help him alleviate some of his pain, if I could. As I came out of his car and saw him ready to leave, I said, ?You are completely wet. You better come up and change into dry clothing. Nalin?s pajamas will fit you fine. I shall leave your clothes for drying and iron them. Besides, I have some special sweets from Baroda. Eat some sweets, put on your dry clothing and then you may leave.? I knew that he had a sweet tooth. He agreed and came up to our flat.

It was about 5.30 pm. It was still about one and half hours for my husband to reach home. I gave him my husband?s night dress. There was a cricket match between India and Pakistan on that day. As soon as we came in, Mukesh Bhai hurriedly rushed to the bathroom, changed and switched on the TV and said he would watch the match for a while. He said that he would not go that day to his office and instead, he would spend his evening with Nalin and me. I was wet too. I wanted to take a shower. I told Mukesh Bhai that I shall take a shower and then we shall sit and eat the sweets. He was too pre-occupied watching the match to answer me or perhaps he did not hear me due to the din made by the crowd watching the match in the TV.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, I came out of the bathroom into our bedroom, wearing my night gown. I wanted to dry hair and relax for a while. For drying hair, I went to take my hair dryer out of the closet. As I was taking the box of the dryer out, a picture, which was perhaps stuck under the box, fell down. I bent down and picked it up. It was my picture about one year ago; when I was breast feeding my new born son. My husband was very enthusiastic about taking my pictures partially dressed or nude. I strongly resented that. I forbade him to take my pictures in such a condition. However, he somehow managed to deceive me, or goad me and was still able to take some pictures. Once, when I was bathing, he made me open the door under some pretext and took my pictures, even though I kept protesting.

This was amongst those pictures, which he took, when I was not aware that he was taking the picture. The picture quality was good. The picture showed my breasts swollen big, fully exposed and full of milk. I was not properly dressed; my hair fell over my eyes and partially covered my face. The baby was playing with my breasts with his two hands. He had an innocent toothless smile. I remembered my baby. I could almost see him smile. If he had been alive, he would have been almost one and half years. Tears welled up in my eyes. I kept remembering his smile, his crying and all other incidents. I sat in a corner of the bed with tears in my eyes.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Mukesh Bhai was standing behind me, watching me crying. I tried to control my emotions and looked up at him, as I tried to control my sobs. He said, ?Neha, we are both in the same boat. It is one year today, since Anu passed away.? I looked at him and nodded. He sat opposite me, raised his hand to wipe my tears and said, ?You have shared my pain to a great extent. Was it not for you, I would have been a broken man.?

I said, ?You too have been a great support for us. You are more than any family member for me.? I leaned and placed my head on his chest. The atmosphere in the room was somber and emotional. Suddenly, he looked at the picture lying in my lap. He took it to see it closely, as I tried in vain to snatch it from him. He would not give it to me.

?My God, you look so beautiful in this picture, Neha.? He exclaimed inspecting the picture closely.

I was blushing head to toe. This was the first time; Mukesh Bhai ever looked at my half nude picture. I was too nervous to speak. I lowered my eyes. Mischief replaced emotional atmosphere in the room. Perhaps, he wanted me to get over the sadness that had gripped me. He was looking closely at my picture. I felt awkward, but could do little. On the other hand I felt erotic excitement building up inside me, as he looked at my breasts in the picture. It was clear that he was also turned on looking at my breasts in the picture. I faintly saw a small tent building up between his legs.

?They look so good in the photo, how good they would look in real!? he exclaimed. He could not bring himself to say ?breasts?.

He sat next to me. Bringing his face closer to me, he whispered in my ears, ?Can I see them??

I was too stunned to speak. I did not expect such a situation to develop. Yet, I was so turned on by the development that I felt too weak to reject his demand. I looked directly into his eyes as if to check if he really wanted to see my breasts. I saw the depth of an ocean in his eyes and a craving that was the result of months of depravation of female companionship. The craving was not just his. I felt huge leakage of juices between my legs. I craved for his love so much. The fantasies my husband and I were nurturing for a long time, were taking their toll on my body. Instinctively, I slid closer to him. Perhaps my silence and my sliding closer, was my consent. I felt his hand slide over my shoulders down to the neck sliding below, brushing my breasts. I shuddered and simply surrendered to the demands of my body. I took his hand and placed it on my breasts, without speaking.

He looked at me. I was sitting inclined then, resting my back against the wall. I knew that my cotton gown was forming seductive contour of my boobs. I had no blouse or bra underneath. He picked my breast over the gown and lifted it up a bit to feel its size and shape. He whispered in my ears, ?I love you Neha.? I felt waves of ecstasy driving my desire to its crescent. He moved back, stretching his arms, which encircled me completely. He pinned me into the wall behind me, brought his mouth and lips on mine and kissed me on the lips for the first time. I was thrown off balance. He kissed me on my lips, face, nose etc. mumbling, ?I am sorry, Neha. I do not know if what I am doing is right or not; but I cannot remain without you.?

I stopped him, putting my fingers on his lips and said, ?Do not say anything, please. Just relax.?

I forced my lips on him and we both began kissing each other with all the force at our command. As we were kissing, Mukesh Bhai?s hands were exploring my back. He ran his fingers through my hair, brought his face down a little to push my mouth further into his. He ran his fingers down on my back feeling the cavity between my shoulder blades and then ran his hands down to my buttocks. We must have kissed for almost two or three minutes. We then separated.

I took his hands in mine and asked him, ?Do you miss Anu very much?? I saw his eyes wetting up. He did not say anything. I caught his hands in mine and said, ?I am sorry for reminding you of her.?

He said, ?Do not say that. Neha, I hope, you will not misunderstand me; but whenever I see you, I feel that I am seeing her. When you are with me, I feel her presence. You know, Anu and I used to sit just the way we are sitting now. She would catch my hands and play with them. Sometimes, I would tease her and play with her body. She would easily get excited and would look up at me. I would kiss her and do all kinds of things with her?.? He stopped suddenly.

I said, ?I know that I can never measure up to Anu bhabhi. However, I would love to give you some pleasure that Anu bhabhi gave you.? I looked straight into his eyes and said, ?Will you please make me yours? I want to be your Anu at least for today. Please come to me and make me share your pain. Make love to me please.? I was drowning in the ocean of lust and love. I literally begged him for his love.

He looked at me with affection mixed with lust. From his body language, I could sense energy building up in him. I took my hands and kissed them. I squeezed his hands hard to indicate my aroused state. Mukesh Bhai slowly brought his hands down to just above my tits. He felt the cleavage and pressed his palms a little. At that very stage, I almost had an orgasm.

I shuddered noticeably and pressed his hands on my breasts to indicate that I wanted him to feel them and to play with them. He was overwhelmed with excitement. It was as if his compressed emotions suddenly burst out in open. He felt my breasts under his palms. I had no bra under the gown. He instinctively began squeezing my breasts over the cloth. I let him feel them for some time. Then I turned to face him. I brought my face as close to his, as I could. Our lips almost touched. He caught my head and pressed his lips on mine.

That was the day, when I decided that I would fulfill the fantasy of my husband. I wished he were there. Mukesh Bhai and I were locked in the kiss for about two minutes. His hand began fumbling on the buttons of my gown. I helped him unbutton them and push it down my shoulder. I saw him mesmerized by the swollen breasts overflowing out of his palms. He looked like a child looking at some new item with wonder. My breasts swayed slowly as I moved. He cupped them. I felt constant flow of juice flowing out of my pussy.

He cupped my breasts. My boobs were swollen and pointing straight at him. My nipples ballooned to the point of bursting. There were tiny goose pimples on areolas. Areolas of my tits were fully swollen. I was amazed at the impact of my arousal on my body. I felt as if my breasts were full of milk. They were craving for a hard and ruthless mauling. I had such churning of sensations and desire in my breasts that I wanted him to suck them, squeeze them and bite my nipples hard. The feeling of his cupping my breasts was driving me mad. My body language revealed of my horny state. I was queering on the bed almost as if begging him to fuck me. I felt almost like reaching the climax. I had such twitching spasms in my pussy that drove me crazy with lust and itch to be fucked hard.

At that point, I wanted him to fuck me dispensing with the foreplay. However, he was so calm. Perhaps, he wanted to drive me to a stage that I would beg him to fuck me. I was surprised that after so many months of celibacy, how a man could remain without penetrating. Perhaps, he satisfied his urge masturbating, visualizing this situation. Perhaps because, he felt that it was important for him to make me enjoy this love making more than to satiate his physical urge. Perhaps, he wanted to titillate me to the point of no return. All the same, his foreplay was driving me crazy.

Until then, Mukesh Bhai was fully dressed. Instinctively, my hand reached his crotch, as I found him pressing his crotch into me. I had to squeeze my hand in the tight space between our bodies. He moved a little, to let my hand reach his fly. I felt his meat rod pressing into his trousers. He inserted his one hand to unbutton his trousers. His trousers fell down on the floor. He had no underwear beneath. He was fully erect and hard. I could feel a sizable mass of meat in my palm. I saw his big cock point straight at me.

Perhaps it was the result of all the pent up feelings over the past few weeks of seeing me half-naked in the swimsuit; or the result of his suppressed sexual desires. He came behind me and grabbed me in his arms from behind. Due to the thrust of his push, I fell onto the bed. He quickly loosened my pajama and threw it on the floor. I lay on bed completely naked in front of him for a few seconds. Those seconds were enough to drive him and me out of our minds. I instinctively, tried to cover my breasts and my body. He pulled me up in sitting position and brought our lips together to kiss me hard on my lips.

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