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The Business Associate

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I had many occasions to talk with this woman from time to time through our work Our businesses coincide with each other’s and we had bantered back and forth through some crucial situations. I felt like she was more than a business acquaintance the first time I heard her laugh. I kept wanting to hear it over and over so I kept trying to be funny. it seemed to work because I could tell her laughs were genuine and coming with more and more frequency. It went on like this for weeks and sometimes I could tell that she was glad to hear from me. We threw each other some good business and after a while started talking about what we had been doing with all the money we were supposedly making.

One late and boring Friday I figured id give her a call and see what ways she planned to spend her extra income this coming weekend. Like I said I was bored. She seemed to perk up when she found out I was on the other line and from the time I had to wait, she must have hung up on the other party. When she answered she sounded upbeat and very perky. I told her I was just curious to find out what she had planned and she excitedly told me she was looking forward to Saturday night. She had an overnight sitter and she was going out to a club with some of her friends. Then she told me as much as she was looking forward to going out, she was concerned she would end up in trouble. When I laughed and asked why, she said her friends were wild and she was hoping she would not get caught up in too much she couldn’t handle. I didn't take the hint then, but it did dawn on me a bit later. She then asked me what I had planned and of course, I have nothing ever exciting to plan ahead. And that laugh got louder and sexier. I had to get off the phone soon so I thought of how to approach what I had in mind. So instead of playing a game, I came right out and said I might try and get out of my house for a fun evening, if only I knew where she and her friends would be. She didn’t hesitate to blurt out their intended destination and completed the flirt with the exact time. I chuckled to myself and allowed the normal hour late that most women are accustomed to, but she insisted that they would be there at that time. My mind started racing immediately after we said goodbye. Was I taking the signs correctly? I was trying to convince myself that the safest way was to stay home. But I was ready for something more than the mundane. So I made up an excuse to get out and then made my plans. I was going to walk in and have this woman look for me. But we had never seen each other. How would she know it was me unless she got the chance to talk to me? I thought hard that maybe this would not work out and had more than a few doubts. But I was still intrigued and had faith that if this was something that was meant to be, and then I should be there.

I was thinking of what to wear, knowing I would be sweating profusely, so I decided to dress down and make sure I was comfortable instead of fashionable. I grabbed my sleeveless white T-shirt and new khaki Dockers and then remembered something. I had told her that half of my wardrobe is adorned with the logo or name of my favorite college football team, and when she was impressed instead of disgusted she wanted to know more. That's what started me thinking of her in more of a business sense and it built up from there. I looked through my wardrobe to find the perfect shirt to wear and give her all she needed to recognize me. I found what I was looking for and got ready.

As I walked in the club I could tell this wasn't going to be easy. It was very loud and hard to even hear the bouncers talking. And they were farthest away from the source of the music, a full DJ system that was at the far end of the club. I strolled in and made my way to the bar quickly. When I found an opening I ordered a drink and looked around. There were many couples sitting at the tables surrounding the bar area and most of the people at the bar were loners like me. I started to get a sinking feeling that I would be let down and looked at my watch. It was now the exact time she said she would be there, so I looked more intensely for groups of women about the size I expected her to be with. I found one within eyeshot and investigated from my spot at the bar. Just then, I was tapped on the shoulder and when I turned around I knew it was her. Don't ask me how I knew for sure, but I did. She was taller than I expected but just as attractive as I could have imagined. Dark, curly shoulder-length hair, seductive brown eyes and a smile that could light up the darkest night impressed me at first glance. I stammered hello and introduced myself and she reached out her hand to shake mine. I was again impressed by her friendliness although I was confident from our phone calls that her friendliness was never in doubt. What was in doubt was her attractiveness and now it was not a question but a plus. It was hard to communicate with all the noise and we continued to try and yell in each other's ears. She totally shocked me when she tried to tell me she hated trying to talk in such a raucous environment and suggested going somewhere more private to get to know each better. I had to ask her to repeat what she said but instead of saying anything she held up her index finger as if saying, "Wait". She turned and disappeared into the crowd and in what seemed like 1 minute returned with her suede jacket over her arm, carrying her purse. I started to say something about how fast it took her to come back, but I never got the chance to say a word. She just grabbed my hand and walked toward the exit, with me stumbling to keep on my feet behind her. When we got outside she let go of my hand and turned around. I was smiling from the dragging she had just given me and laughed that she should slow down a bit since I'm not as young as I used to be anymore. She didn't respond to that, instead addressing where we were going now. I told her anywhere she had in mind was fine with me, that she was the reason I was out in the first place. She seemed to really like that and smiled even wider than she had when she first touched my shoulder to say hello. Then she suggested that we go and sit in her car and talk. She explained that she was none too happy with her girlfriends because they had gotten to the club way before she did and she had to park so far away that she didn't even see any of her friends’ cars. I took that as a hint too and agreed to go wherever she wanted. She motioned her head in the direction her car was parked and started walking away.

We said very little while we found her car, which, as she said, was kind of far from the club and parked in a fairly secluded location. She unlocked my side first and I watched as she made her away around the front to her side. I hesitated long enough before getting in to notice she had a nice rear end, full and not too skinny, but with great shape and tone. I felt a slight pang of desire before I stepped in and I felt my knees get suddenly weak when I bent down to get in. I sat down and got her lock unlocked and again took notice of her body as she got in. The more I noticed the more I felt those pangs of desire, but tried to ignore them long enough to carry on a normal conversation. We began talking and I felt very comfortable and at ease, even more so now we had met in person. I could tell she felt the same way by the body language she exhibited. She looked relaxed with no apparent nervousness and I liked that. I felt like I was making her feel at ease too. We talked and talked about many things. Our work, our families our needs and desires. It was easy to talk to her about many touchy subjects right from the start and I felt she thought the same from her questions, answers and comments. She told me she worked hard and when it was time to have some fun she felt cheated sometimes, not having anyone to share the good times with, just like I felt. We had many things in common too. We both lost our spouses to early untimely deaths and were left with children to raise. Hers a 10-year-old girl, mine an 11-year-old boy. We talked about what it had been like to be single parents again and found out we were so similar it was almost frightening. I was enjoying our conversation so much I didn't even realize that she had started talking about sex. Usually its me who initiates any type of talk like that but now I had to stop and think twice. Should I be open and honest and risk going backwards with the progress we had made or be distant and risk not going for what I had decided I wanted with her? I listened to more of what she was telling me about her daughter, her private life and how it was hard to separate the two. The more I listened the more I realized she was trying to tell me something.

I began to think of how I should make my move. Should I just come right out and tell her or should I wait for her to move first? As I thought and listened at the same time, it occured to me that what she had already said was her way of making her move and now she was waiting for me to react. So I did. When I felt the time was right to interject I said, "I have enjoyed talking and laughing with you, both on the phone and tonight. And I would be lying to you if I said that I have feelings now that are surprising me and making me very attracted to you'" I just stopped looking down at my feet and glanced up to see what kind of reaction she got from that blunt statement. Was I completely shocked to see her smile in a sexy way I had not seen before now. I didn't even take time to think. I just moved toward her and kissed her. It was short and sweet but incredible. I felt shockwaves all the way to my toes and got a chill down my spine. I reached out to hold her hand but she already was reaching out to touch mine. The next kiss was longer, deeper, wetter and even more incredible. And then another…. and another…wetter, softer, and deeper, too. I needed to catch my breath for a minute and pulled away slightly to look at her. Her eyes pulled me in. Now it was her turn to talk and I was anxious to hear what she was thinking. She asked me to come to her house. I agreed eagerly and she gave me her address. I told her I could be there in 10 minutes, if I could get out of her car and walk after the way she kissed me. She didn't laugh at the small joke. She just smiled that smile again. So I kissed her once more and got out. Before I closed the door I asked her for some confirmation that this was not a dream, that this was for real. She complied by saying "look at this" and lifted her blouse to show me what was the prettiest lace pink bra, with the biggest and hardest nipples protruding from inside. One more look to see that sultry grin made me stammer, "OK then, I will be right over." I slammed the door shut and before I could take two steps she had started the engine and was backing up to leave. I just watched to see if she would look back but she never lost her concentration on her driving and sped away. It was now up to me to get to her house as soon as I could.

I arrived and was feeling very good as I pulled in and saw her car already in the driveway. My head was spinning, thinking of what I would find when the door opened as I walked up the porch steps. One knock was all it took for the door to fly open. Standing there in a flimsy negligee was my lady, that smile and those eyes boring a hole right through me. I stepped in and didn't even notice anything inside the house but her. She didn't say a word, just grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her, our arms locking around each other's backs and out lips beginning to meet. I felt her tongue part my lips and start to swirl inside my mouth. I reacted in the same way, only more so, my tongue trying to tie hers up in knots. We parted briefly to look into each other's eyes again, but this time we stood entwined and stared into each other's eyes for the sign to proceed. I kept thinking of how good her lips felt and was exciting myself to the point where I felt my cock start to twitch and rise. I leaned forward to kiss her again and felt more of her lips and wet tongue, faster and more excitedly than the first kiss. Now there was no doubt that we both were ready for more. I could hear her breath come out in short spasms, her nipples made their presence well known against my chest and my cock was starting to bulge within my shorts. We came up for air and stood back to see what our kisses had done to each other, her looking down, me looking at her chest. When we looked back into each other's eyes, we both smiled, knowing what was to come. I was gonna wait for her to take the lead, then just blurted out, “I want to make sweet love to you: tell me where we can go." She motioned her head towards her bedroom and started to walk that way with me following fairly closely. Her bedroom was a only step away but it felt like miles. I could not believe this sexy wonderful woman was with me, wanting to make love to me as much as I wanted to make love to her.

We made it to the bedroom, and I could hear her breathing even heavier than before. She turned around, her nipples poking through that sexy nightgown, and just stood there looking at my bulge. It had gotten bigger since she glanced at it the first time and I was dying to let my cock out and show her what her kisses had done to me. I was going to wait for her to give me some indication of what was next, but instead felt the heat and passion overcome me. She reached down to grab the hem of her nightgown and in one swift motion pulled it over her head. I was panting heavily looking at her completely nude, her nipples as hard as little pebbles, and her neatly trimmed pussy looking so inviting. I bent over to kiss her left nipple and reached my tongue out to give it a quick flick. When I made contact with her nipple I heard a very loud moan turn into a gasp as my tongue instinctively worked that nipple over. She fell back on the bed, pulling her luscious nipple away from my hungry mouth. I watched her position herself on the bed, hunching herself up on the edge of the bed, opening her legs. My eyes must have gotten wide, because I could hear myself gasp now as she looked at me seductively. I couldn’t take my eyes off her now. She was sliding her hand down her soft flat belly down to where her legs had opened wide. My eyes widened too and before I could think about it my own hand was lowering to wrap around my stiff prick. As I continued to stare at her fingers now working on her pussy lips, I felt my cock get harder by the stroke and felt my mouth hang open in excitement. She began to make noises like she was enjoying what she was feeling and I could see her squirm the more she rubbed herself. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, nor my hand off my cock.

She smiled a cute little smile in between her ooohs and ahhhhs and I decided she wanted me to keep watching her play with herself. She was glancing at my hand working my shaft to full hardness and I could tell she was enjoying watching me as much as I was her. She didn’t stop rubbing but raised herself up slightly to get a better view when I let go of my dick to let her see it swing in the air fully erect. I was so excited when her eyes opened wider still watching my dick that I began to climb on the bed and laid beside her, She rolled over to meet me and we kissed the hottest kiss yet. When our lips met she let out the loudest groan and grabbed my hand before I could put it on my cock, guiding it to her opening and holding it there. I lowered my face to kiss her neck with my hand between her legs and I heard her whisper,” I want you to feel how wet you've made my pussy, baby." I stopped licking her neck to whisper back, "I would rather find out how wet u are with my tongue, baby" and she groaned her approval. Before I knew it I was face level with one of the sexiest cunts I have ever seen. Her pussy lips were inches from my face and swollen and so red from her rubbing. I could feel her moving her cunt closer to me, trying to push it towards my face when I started blowing hot breath on her opening, in between soft wet kisses on the inside of her thighs. I now saw the juices escaping from her hot hole and dove right in, my tongue finding her hard little clit on contact. She screamed, "Oh my God" as I moved my face and tongue up and down her slit. The more I licked at her the more she wailed and squirmed. But I was enjoying my taste of her so much I could hardly notice. I ate and licked and sucked at her lips, moving up to lick her clit every so often and I could tell she loved it as much as I was. I placed my hands under her soft ass to grab and massage her cheeks while I ate her and she started to hump my face more and more. I could feel her tense up and knew she was close to exploding her first orgasm so I licked and caressed her clit more intently. She put her hands on top of my head and her nails began to dig into my scalp when I sucked her clit directly between my wet lips and sucked on it like there was no tomorrow. She started to moan louder, telling me in between gasps not to stop, that she was going to cum soon. I let her clit go long enough to ask her if she wanted to cum on my face, then waited slightly for her to practically scream her response, then dove back down and continued to suck her swollen clit, reaching around her thighs from the top to pull her pussy wide open for my tongue lashing. Instantly upon contact I could feel her start to explode, I licked and licked and licked and she screamed and began to spasm her orgasm on my tongue. She bucked more that a few times but I never took my tongue off her clit the entire time until she let out a huge breath and I knew she had finished. She smiled widely as I rose up and got next to her, so I leaned over to kiss her and let her taste herself on my lips.

She got a look at how my cock was for the first time since I began my tongue's assault on her cunt and got this look on her face that made me realize she wanted more than just a good cunt eating. I felt her hand move from my face directly to my swollen member and she began to stroke the full length softly. It was my turn to moan now and my noises seemed to make her hand move stronger and more fervently than when she started. In no time, she was stroking my cock and playing with my balls, her eyes looking into mine to see how much I was thrilled by her touch. Without a word, she raised herself up, still stroking my cock, until she was straddling me. She only said,” Baby, I want this nice hard cock of yours deep in my pussy, NOW" and started to rub my knob on her soaking wet lips. I thought she would impale herself down on me quickly but instead she rubbed my cockhead on her throbbing clit over and over and over again, driving me wilder the more she enjoyed it. Her hand then stroked my balls and the entire length of the shaft, when in one instant, I felt my cock being surrounded by her hot dewy wetness. In one swift motion I was completely buried in her snatch, and her eyes got this look in them like she had me where she really wanted me. We both just looked at each other, not wanting to say much, except "oh my God, " as I reached up to massage her very hard nipples, inches from my face. She moaned that moan again when I touched them, still buried to the end of her cunt, so I started to pull and pinch those sexy nipples hard. Immediately, her hips began to move up and down on my lap and I could sense this was about to get a lot better. I moved my hands from her nice tits to her waistline to steady her as she bounced up and down on my cock. Over and over she raised herself up to slide my cock in and out of her deep chasm of love and with every thrust downward she moaned loudly. She then stopped suddenly and climbed off me quickly and I didn’t know what to do so I just hesitated to do anything, when she regained her balance next to me, grabbed my glistening dick and dove lips first onto it. I could not believe how good her mouth felt as she went up and down on me. After a few more strokes with her mouth I was stunned again when she stopped, holding my cock now very hard. Wondering what was next, she again straddled me; this time her nice ass was facing me. Having never taken her hand from my shaft, she positioned her pussy directly above my knob again and instead of teasing her clit again, she slid my cock in her pussy in one hard downward thrust. Again I was fully buried inside her and again she moved her pussy up and down my hard cock, but this time I had a better view of what she was doing to me. I lay there enjoying the sensation only slightly less than the view I was getting for what seemed like forever. Over and over she rose up, and on every stroke my cock shaft came into view. She rose up off me each time, just enough to allow the head to barely keep from pulling all the way out. Each time my dick appeared from her pussy it emerged wetter than before. I wish I could have seen her face from the sounds she was making, moving faster and harder on my dick and moaning louder and louder. I watched as her back arched and she left her ass completely on my lap, knowing she was about to explode all over my cock in a second fury of cum. In seconds I heard her scream that incredibly sexy scream. I held her steady by grabbing her hips and stopped my upwards movements briefly. Then she moaned the longest moan, telling me it was about to drain out of her cunt and down my rigid cock. I felt it wash from her onto me and listened to her wail in breathless spurts. Again and again I watched her spasm and felt every drop of her love juices cover my region. Finally she had erupted every last bead of cum she had left and I felt her go limp in my hands. She rolled off awkwardly, as if her orgasm had been drained from her feet, and regained her balance next to me gracefully.

Without hesitation, she looked at me and started talking as dirty as I had ever heard. Telling me things, like she could feel how hard and fat my cock was in her pussy and how good she felt riding my prick made me even hotter now. She didn’t take her soft hands off my knob and kept stroking it, feeling the dew from her snatch make my cock sticky. It seemed to turn her on even more from how her hand was moving and her neck strained to watch my face and her hand work at the same time. She looked as if she couldn’t make up her mind whether to see my eyes as she finished me off or watch herself stroke that cock she had just came all over, to orgasm itself. In an instant she made up her mind. Her hand left my cock, only to move to my hanging sack and before I could breathe or even moan, her head moved down to encompass my dickhead between her lips. A few gentle touches from her hand on my aching nuts made me almost ready to explode. Her lips sucked my cock harder and I moaned out that I was gonna shoot my load. She backed her face off me briefly, only to tell me more dirty things. “Cum on me, baby…. give that hot wad to me…. I love to watch your cum fly from this sexy hard dong…” I closed my eyes and let loose, her two hands both working my cum from me. The first spurts hit her cheek and that made her lower and open her mouth. Those first hot drops were dripping down her cheek to her neck when the second blasted from me, her hand loosely and expertly stroking the vein under my shaft. Her mouth caught most of it but the last few drops hit her chin. Her hands kept moving, one massaging my balls, the other feverishly moving up and down the shaft of my cock. The rest of my orgasm hit her all over her face, forehead and open, hungry mouth. She licked what she could reach off her chin and lips with her tongue and took her hand off my balls to catch the rest of my juice off her face to lick off her fingers. I was outta breath and fully satisfied when she came back up and lay down beside me again. Reaching my arm around her back, she nestled up next to me, the heat from her breasts keeping me extremely warm and rested her head on my chest. She sighed a heavy sigh and I laughed inside. I wanted to say something clever but decided to let her say something first when she was ready to talk. All she said was. “I am so glad we met.” I couldn’t argue one word.

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