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Wifes innocent Fantasy about seeing a black man naked get a little out of control

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One night when my wife and I were playing games we started to have the winner ask a question. Anything they wanted to ask and the loser had to answer honestly. My wife, Jill, is about 5’5” and weighs about 135 lbs. She was into ice skating as a child and is very good. She would go all the time but no one we know is any good at skating. When we go together she is seriously worried I’m going to get injured. That’s how bad I am. She has an ice skater’s body but her real talent is how much fun she is to be around. Years after we meet someone, she will still remember them and when we chance see them she will call them by name and remind all of us how we know each other. All you have to do to get Jill into her party mode is let her have a couple of drinks. Alcohol really loosens her up and brings out the party animal.

Well, back to our game, we had asked about favorite this and that and first time sex and the usual. After she had a couple of drinks, I asked her want her widest fantasy was. It was obvious that one came to mind almost immediately but she hesitated telling me. With a little coaxing she finally reveled that she has always wanted to see a black man naked. Not just any black man but a really cute one with a large dick. We laughed and talked about the myth that black guys are bigger and she swears that friends of her have discovered for themselves the black cocks are bigger and some are enormous. Turns out that she really gets horny watching “Criminal Minds” because of Derek Morgan, a black actor that she thinks is totally hot. Also a actor named Morris Chestnut is, in her mind, the sexiest man alive. She mentioned several others, but these two are key to this story.

Well over the next few months, every time we see Criminal Minds or Chestnut on TV I remind her of her fantasy and mention that wouldn’t it be exciting if it came true. We would discuss little scenarios like, what it you happened into Morris Chestnut’s hotel room by accident and he was stark naked and when he see you he just stands there and smiles at you. Or what if Derek Morgan and Morris Chestnut were best friends and we met them in a club and they started dancing with you and you got them hard. I know it sounds silly but talking like this really got her horny. We would have great sex after talking about them or watching them on TV.

Well, fiction is stranger than fact, because we were in Las Vegas where I was attending a Human Resource conference and guess who was at our hotel? We were having drinks in the hotel bar after my conference trying to decide what to do, when in walks two black guys, who look just like Derek Morgan and Morris Chestnut. Even my wife who is great with names and faces had to admit that they could be their twins. The funny thing is that after walking in they stood there for a minute like they couldn’t decide what to do. So without really thinking about it, I jumped up and walked over to them and invited them to our table. Jill was mortified but I couldn’t pass up this opportunity and if nothing else it would definitely get Jill in the mood for sex later.

Now Jill was dressed to kill. She had on a silky red cocktail dress that was like what the dancers on Dancing with the stars wear. It came down just above her knees but when she turned it flew up. The dress had just straps over her shoulders holding it up. She had a matching red lace bra that you could see because her dress showed so much cleavage. Her black pumps were what you would expect a stripper to be wearing and they showed off her great legs.

So, as it turns out, Morris and Derek were doing to same thing we were doing. Trying to decide what to do tonight. As we talked to them, thing just went right and we really hit it off. They were good friend from Graduate school who meet up every chance they get. One lives in LA and the other in Salt Lake City. Vegas is their play ground and they were taken by Jill. They both showed her a ton of attention and I enjoyed seeing them flirt with her. She may not have realized just how much they were into her but I saw it and I let my mind race with it. What are the odds that the two people who are in her wild dreams just happen to be here with us in Vegas?

So we all decide on a dance club and they invite us to go with them in their car. Turns out to be a very nice black Mercedes. We had a blast at the dance club. The best thing was that I didn’t have to dance all the time. Jill danced with me, then Derek and then Morris (those weren’t their real names but when they found out that Jill had an infatuation on them they encouraged us to call them that). There was a lot of bumping and grinding going on and Jill seemed to be enjoying herself so I didn’t mind. She looked so sexy dancing in that dress. I wish I would have taken a picture. We were all getting tipsy so when we started talking about what to do when the club closed no one wanted to go back to the hotel. Where can you go after the clubs close in Vegas. Strip club? We actually talked serious about that but then Derek mentioned the “Green Door Club.” It was a social club. I had heard of it and knew it was a sex club but wanted to see if Jill would go there. Well, one thing led the the next and we ended up at the Green Door. Before I knew it, Morris had paid for all of us to go in and we were being given the grand tour. There were a lot of single men there but also quite a few couples. This was the perfect place for Jill to get to see a naked black man and not just any naked black man but the two who are at the top of her sexiest man list. Jill mentioned to me that she felt really safe, being with three guys. She knew no one was going to mess with her. Little did she know that the ones she need to be worried about were the ones she came with.

Well, we looked around the place and I bought drinks for the four of us. There was a room that was couples only with a window looking into it so single guys could watch couples getting it on. In fact, as we were just about to walk away three couples went into the room that were pretty drunk. They started dancing and then switched partners and started kissing. Next thing we know the girls are pulling the guys pants down and giving them blow jobs. Then they switch partners again and the guys are going down on the girls. As I was amazed at the seine on the other side of the glass, I started to notice several guys watching with us and then looking at Jill. Weird thing was that I knew they were getting horny and thinking things about my wife that other guys are not supposed to think but I was seriously turned on by the whole thing. I have a beautiful wife and so what if other guys notice her.

Finally, Morris suggested we look upstairs and we walked off. As we got to the second floor, I noticed several guys had followed us like they were expecting a show or something. Derek bought another round of drinks for us and told Morris and me to be alert and watch out for creepy guys. I guess he noticed the same thing I did. Jill was oblivious to the whole thing, and was giggling and asking if there was a dance floor.

At this point I started getting a little nervous and asked Jill how long she wanted to stay. She said that she was OK with staying a little longer. She liked being with these two and I wasn’t sure what to expect. So when I had to go pee, Morris met me in the bathroom and asked if I was OK being there. I told him I was a little out of my comfort zone and he seemed genuinely understanding and said we could leave whenever I wanted and that trust and respect were very important to both him and Derek. I must have been drinking a little too much because that is when I confided in him that Jill has a fantasy to see a black man’s cock. The minute I said it, I knew I had said too much, but he laughed and said that is such a common fantasy and not to worry. She could see as much as she wanted as long as I was OK with it. Well, I was OK with her seeing a black cock, but I wasn’t going to let someone do anything with her.

As we left the bathroom, first thing I see is Derek kissing Jill and several black guys sitting on the couch with them. Morris immediately tells me not to worry, that it’s just the booze and the atmosphere. Derek stops as soon as he see me and tells me that Jill is the hottest, sexiest girl in town and he just couldn’t help but kiss her. He said it was all his fault and that he would try to control himself and asked me to please forgive him. This really took me back. I was already to punch him, grab Jill and leave but then she was smiling from ear to ear and giggling and I knew if she was ever to have her fantasy come true it was tonight.

Jill had asked several times if there was a dance floor. Morris was talking to some guys and one of them left and a few minutes later Hip Hop dance music comes on and the volume goes up. Then he comes back and starts dancing by himself on the small dance floor between the couch we’re sitting on the little stage with a stripper poll. The dance floor was small but it was an actual dance floor. He wasn’t a half bad dancer and then Derek and Morris join him. Someone hands me another drink and next thing I know Jill is out dancing with four black guys. Morris comes over and gabs my hand and pulls me out there and I start dancing. They push me into Jill so I am dirty dancing with her, you know, grinding up against her, and then they are all pushing up against us and the music is so loud I can not hear what anyone is saying. Jill turns around with her arms in the air and is face to face with Morris, who puts his hands on her waist and grinds his pelvis into hers. He is wearing loose fitting Dockers and I can see a bulge in the front of his pants. Now, I’m not usually one to even notice but I was watching his hands on my wife and then it was just too obvious he is getting an erection dancing with my Jill.

The weird thing is that I didn’t do anything to stop it. Truth be told, I was getting turned on watching my wife dance with four strangers at a sex club. Looking back on it, I think I was a little drunk and living my own fantasy. You see, when I was a teenager there was a girl who accidentally walked into the boys locker room and got banged by several boys. That story was very erotic to me and now I was watching my wife in a similar situation. Not that she was going to get banged or anything. . .

Now, here we are, my wife is dressed extremely sexy, she is tipsy if not drunk, dancing with four black guys, two of whom I know she is very attracted to, and we are in a sex club. To be honest, I didn’t think about it this way at the time, but now it seems like we really set ourselves up.

There must have been something about this situation that made me wonder, because I remember asking Jill if she was OK and if she wanted to leave. Her answer was that she was great and wanted to keep dancing. She was smiling and enjoying the attention. Then a song came on that she said to no one in particularly, Oh I love this song, and she turned to Derek and started dancing. Morris step in behind her and the two of them sandwiched Jill. I could still see that Morris had an erection and was grinding it into Jill’s ass. So now I step back off the dance floor and just watch while four black guys continue to dance with my wife. At first just Derek and Morris were dancing with her but then one of the other guys start rubbing his butt against Jill’s butt. He is in his 30’s, about six feet tall and built like a linebacker. He has an I don’t care look on his face like he is very easy going. Then Jill turns towards him and puts her hands up around his neck and starts dancing with him. Morris is dancing behind her and continues to push his pelvis into her from behind. Things seem to spin out of control at this point and I am standing there watching. Derek comes up to me and asks if I’m alright. I didn’t know what to say. What do you say when your wife is dancing at a sex club with four attractive black guys and they are starting to crowd around her. He then points out that Jill has incredible boobs and asked if it is OK if they touch them. I remember thinking to myself that I’m not worried about her boobs, it’s a little further south I’m worried about. So I say, “If she is OK with it.” Which I knew she wouldn’t be. Once they touch her boobs, she is going to be out of there, and we will go back to the hotel.

Well, I guess I misread that one because Derek goes back and maneuvers in behind Jill and puts his hand on her sides and slowly works them up and puts one hand on her chest. Jill turns to face him with a smile on her face and looks into his eyes as he puts a hand into her dress and started caressing her right boob. She not only doesn’t object, she seems to move in closer to him. That is when I notice her hand is touching his crotch and she has this wicked smile on her face as she is looking up at him. Well, here she goes to fulfill her fantasy, but she never puts her hand down his pants. Then Morris is behind her with his hand down her dress feeling her other boob. After a few minutes, she turns to face Morris and puts her hand in his crotch. So now she knows how big they both are. The other two are next to her and she proceeds to feel them also. Or they may have taken her hand in their’s and placed it on the crotches. That’s when I see Derek’s hand on Jill’s leg slowly moving up until he is touching her crotch. His hand is up her dress and she is not stopping him. In fact, she seems to really enjoy having his hand on her private parts. This should give her the go ahead to put her hand down his pants, so I wait to see if she’ll try to feel his manhood like she fantasied about. But she is content to let him feel her. Then it occurs to me that by this time it is likely he has a finger or two inside of her. She is likely wet and slippery because it is obvious she is really horny.

Just as I was about to go out on the floor and stop things they all kind of walk passed me. Jill has a glassy look in her eyes and is holding Morris and Derek’s hands. As they walk past, Morris motions with his head for me to join them. One of the guys that I don’t know tells me not to worry, that they are just going to let her feel their cocks. Finally, she can see and feel black guy’s cock and we can leave. Little did I know. . .

We go as far back into the club as we can and find a room. Well, it’s not really a room because there is no door on it, but there is a round bed. Derek and Morris lead her to the bed and she sits down and all four of them stand in front of her and start unzipping their pants. They are down to their underwear and now Jill starts touching them. First Morris. She slowly pulls down his underpants and I think I see her eyes widen as she proceeds to touch and feel a 8 inch fat black cock. After a couple minutes she then pulls down Derek’s underwear and revels another black cock almost the same length and thickness. Both of them are circumcised. She has one in her right hand and the other in her left hand and she seems to be enjoying them. A LOT! The excitement in the air is almost palpable. She is in heaven experiencing these two cocks. But she doesn’t stop with just two. She proceeds to pull down the other two underpants and feels their’s also. One was about my size, 6 inches and thick but the other was probably 9 inches and about as think as Jill’s wrist. It was huge! She was stroking Derek and the huge cock while she was looking straight at Morris’s cock. It was at eye level and suddenly she leans forward and kisses it and then takes it into her mouth. She is sucking on the head of Morris’s cock while stroking two others. Holy Shit! What have we got ourselves into? Right then she looks me straight in the eye and smiles and that’s when I realize she wants it. She continues to enjoy these magnificent specimens of man meat for maybe twenty minutes. As she goes back and forth touching, holding, stroking, and sucking these cocks, the guys remove their shirts so they are complete naked standing in front of my wife.

Morris sits down next to Jill. Just innocent at first but then she looks up into his face for a second. Next they slowly lean into each other and start to very passionately kiss. As Morris is kissing her, Derek pushes the two of them back so Jill is laying on her back and Morris is lying next to her on his stomach. While they continue to kiss, Derek reaches under her butt, and Jill lifted up her ass allowing him to easily remove her panties. At this point I know that we have crossed the point of no return. She is going to get fucked by these four black guys and all I can do is stand there and watch. Next, he quickly put his head under her dress and started licking her pussy. The other two guys pulled Jill’s dress up and she lifted her ass again and then sits up a little allowing them to remove her dress. When she sits up she looks down at Derek licking her pussy and then lays back again. Morris continues kissing her and the other two started kissing and sucking her boobs. Me? I just stood there dumbfounded and watched my wife being taken by four black guys. Jill’s hand was on the back of Morris’s head so I knew she was totally into everything what was happening to her.

How did we get to this point? All that was suppose to happen was her seeing a black guy’s penis. Now I was watching her being kissed, and sucked by four guys. As I am trying to come to terms with what is happening, Derek stops licking her and lays sideways and starts rubbing Jill’s pussy with his cock. His cock is slipping up and down my wife’s crack. There is a lot of lubricant because the part of his cock touching her is shiny and it slips up and down her crack easily. As he goes up and down he hesitates at her love hole for an instant and then he is inside her. I just stood and watched a black cock slowly disappear inside my wife’s cunt. He starts thrusting in and out of her. After a few minutes he picks up pace and really thrusts hard into her very wet love hole. He pushes in deep one last time and empties his balls inside my wife. I still can’t believe I just stood there and watch a guy not only fuck my wife, but empty his seed into her womb. The site of another man’s sperm slowly oozing out of her vagina will forever be burned into my memory.

Well, no sooner had Derek finished than the guy with the 6 inch cock got on her missionary style and quickly buried his erection balls deep. His arms were out straight holding himself so he was off Jill. Morris was still kissing her and the one with the huge cock was still playing with her boobs. This guy didn’t last long because he let out a moan and then got off. As he did, I saw a river of cum flowing out of Jill’s vagina and run down the crack of her ass. The guy with the big cock position himself over her and his cock was laying on Jill pussy the tip was at her belly button. Then she reaches down and with her hand guides this massive cock into her love hole. Jill stopped kissing Morris and looked down and watched as the biggest cock I had ever seen enter her tight white pussy. He was slow and gentle but deliberate as he slowly pushed that monster all the way inside of her. As he started pushing in and out of her, I could actually see her belly tenting up as the tip of his cock was pushing out her belly. Now that Jill was filled with cum, you could hear this cock make slurping noises as it went in and out of her cunt. I couldn’t take my eyes off of this stranger’s cock penetrating my wife’s love hole. At one point she looked right at me and smiled, like she was thanking me for not stopping what apparently was a very enjoyable experience for her. As Mr. huge cock got closer to orgasm he laid on top of Jill and kept humping her like a dog. So now I am watching my wife’s body completely covered by this black man as he fucks her hard. Then his whole body tightens and he pushes into her deep keeping his cock buried to the hilt while he empties his balls deep inside my wife’s vagina. It seemed like he came for a full minute and then as he is getting off of my wife he is completely out of breath. I saw another river of cum drain out of my wife’s cunt and down her ass. There was the biggest wet spot ever right at Jill’s ass.

Before I could do or say anything, Morris got on top of her and immediately buried his cock inside Jill’s wet hole. I don’t think he liked being last, but he apparently didn’t mind that she was full of three other men’s seamen. He was holding her more passionately and slow moving his hips into her while french kissing her. They went on like this for 20 or 30 minutes. The other two guys had left and Derek came over and thanked me for letting them join us. He told me what a hot sexy wife I had and what a lucky man I was. . . What do you say to someone who just fucked your wife? Even if it was obvious she wanted it. Then he told me to take off my clothes because it was pretty obvious I needed a turn. That’s when I noticed the wet spot on my pants. I had precum soaking through my jeans. So I undressed and when Morris had finally emptied his balls inside my wife, I was ready to take his place.

As I was getting on the bed to mount Jill, she rolled over. I was about to say, Oh hell NO, you can’t be done yet. But she got on her hands and knees and pointed her ass at me. I then mounted her doggy style and pumped her hard. If she could take that huge cock and like it, she could easily take me pounding her hard, which I did. She then looked at Derek. He had another erection and he sat down in front of her. Without hesitation, she started sucking on his cock. I couldn’t believe how totally into this she was and that she wasn’t completely spent after getting fucked by 5 guys. Well, I enjoyed sinking my cock into her extremely slippery cunt while watching her suck Derek. I was hoping he would cum in her mouth, just to see if she would swallow it, but I could not hold out any longer and I added my load to the four that were already inside of her. After an incredible orgasm, I got off the bed, only to watch Derek turn Jill around and fuck her doggy style while Morris sat down and offer her his flaccid cock. So as Derek entered her cunt from behind, she started sucking Morris back to stiffness. She had to be tasting four different guy’s cum plus her own juices as she licked and sucked that big black cock. I just couldn’t believe she was still interested in fucking after just having been gang banged by five guys. But she was not done yet. So now I was curious how much longer she had in her. So when Derek came and Morris then took his place, I sat in front of her and sure enough, she started sucking me while Morris road her from behind. That is when I saw Mr. Huge Cock. As soon as he saw that we were still going at it, he headed our way.

Well, Morris came and I was wanted to see that huge cock inside Jill again. So I helped Jill back on her back. She didn’t even care that she was laying right in the middle of all our juices. I started kissing her and Mr. Huge Cock got between her legs and slowly pushed that big, black cock inside my wife again. After he was buried inside of her, I stopped kissing and offered her month my cock. She was still into this, and took me into her mouth. So now I am getting a blow job from my wife, while watching a huge cock going in and out of her cunt. Isn’t life full of surprises. Who would have thought?

He fucked my wife fast then slow, hard then soft, deep then shallow for probably thirty minutes. I couldn’t believe she could take a pounding like that. There were times she wrapped her legs around him, holding him deep inside her, and then there were times her hands were on his butt pulling him into her. At no time did she make any sign that she wanted to stop. I noticed sweat on his forehead about the time he started moaning and then pushed that monster deep and held it there while he emptied his ball again inside Jill’s cunt.

So, of course I figured we were done, but then Morris laid down next to Jill and they started making out. I’m pretty sure Morris was her favorite. They were on there sides facing each other kissing. Derek then got behind Jill and lifted her leg up with his hand and position his erection at her love hole. I stood there and watched his cock disappear inside my wife’s vagina while she was kissing Morris. These two must be very good friends to be OK with this situation. So here we are, Morris and Derek are sandwiching Jill, with Derek fucking her from behind and Morris face to face with her making out. Soon Morris has an erection again and it seems to be competing with Derek’s cock for Jill’s love hole. The two of them are oblivious to the fact that their cocks are touching each other as this is going on. Then I notice Jill reach down with her hand and start playing with Morris’s cock while they are making out. This whole situation is blowing my mind.

Finally, Jill had had enough. She pushed Morris away, moved away from Derek, sat at the end of the bed, and asked for her clothes. Before I could find them, Derek had found them. He kissed her one last time as he handed Jill her clothes. She quickly dressed and we headed back to the hotel. Not much was said. What can you say to your wife after watching her get fucked by four guys and then joining in on the fun?

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