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Weekend with Steve n Kelli (part 5-final part)

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Breakfast led to us causing the restaurant to run out of champagne for the mimosa’s we were pounding down. As I got to know Herm and Juliet it only made up my mind even faster, these were some of the most genuine people I had ever met. Rich or not, you would never be ever to tell it because they were personable and not what you may expect from people who have plenty of money tucked away.

Tim and Cyndi finally joined us and you could tell by Cyndi’s face she was not in the greatest of moods. She grabbed a Bloody Mary from the bartender and went over to whisper something in Kelli’s ear. Kelli shook her head no and looked at my wife. Susan also gave the “No” expression and Cyndi fired back half her drink. The three girls excused themselves and went to the ladies room.

By this time I was not buzzed anymore…I was approaching drunk status and could tell the only thing I was going to be able to do for the rest of the day was lay out and get some sun or crash in the bed for a much needed nap. Yeah, I’m a lightweight when it comes to drinking and I truly regretted having started so early in the morning.

The girls returned and we finished up the last of our drinks. Again, Steve grabbed the bill, but Herm threw a couple hundred on the bar for the bartender and also gave a $200 tip to our waitress. She was a very young girl who gave Herm a big hug thanking us all for making her day.

The trip back over seemed to last a little longer. Maybe it was because I wanted nothing more than to lie down for a while. My wife, Kelli and Cyndi were on the back of the boat talking and I took this time to chat with Herm and Juliet a little more. Steve and Dave were in the main cabin with Tim and I guess they were talking to Joe about the best areas to drop a fishing line. I really couldn’t make out what they were saying because of the engine noise and my attention was more focused on Herm and Juliet.

We all jumped back onto Steve’s boat. Herm and Juliet said they would meet up with us later and the pick-up boat pulled off. I gave my wife a long kiss and she already could tell by my face I was done for a while. She said, “Yeah, go get in bed and grab a nap”. She planned on lying out with the rest of the girls on the bow. She had already begun taking her top off as I went inside the air conditioned cabin to lay my drunken ass down.

I must have really been out-of-it because I slept for almost three hours. I woke up with a dry mouth and feeling like crap. Beer and champagne are not a great combination and I had proven that fact this morning. I made my way out on deck searching for some water and my wife… who was no-where in sight.

As I was finishing off my second bottle of water I heard a voice call out, “Hello sailor”. I had no clue where it came from but from the sound had to be close by. There was no one else up on any of our boats and no one in sight. A second call of, “Hi sweetie” gave me the answer. I looked over the side of Tim’s boat and the lovely Ms. Juliet was paddling by in some type of mini kayak thing. She was wearing a string bikini and to her credit, a floatation vest. Juliet pulled along the back of Steve’s boat and I helped her tie off.

She stripped off the vest which caused her string bikini top to let loose her amazing perfect tits. Juliet said, “Whoops” and retied her top. I guess she could read my face because she said, “Yep, they are real and they are all mine”. We both laughed and I complimented her on being such a beautiful lady. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and climbed on board Steve’s boat.

Juliet asked, “Where is everyone”? I simply gave the “I don’t know look”. She did not say anything else and started heading below. Juliet went to the master cabin. Since the door was propped open, she jumped onto the bed with Steve and Kelli. They had also overdone the morning breakfast cocktails and like me, needed to take a nap before the night ahead.

My wife had lay down with them next to Kelli as I had been taking up the entire bed and could not be moved when she tried to lay down with me. Made me a little jealous at first, but I was later assured by my wife and Kelli, it was only because they could not get me to wake up and Susan wanted to take a nap in the air-conditioned cabin and not outside. They had continued drinking in the hot sun after I had lain down and it had apparently kicked everyone’s ass today.

When my wife got out of the bed, the towel she had wrapped around her fell off and she was completely naked. Juliet gave my wife a quick hug and said, “Well if you’re going to be naked, I might as well be too”. With that Juliet stripped off her top and slid off the bottoms.

I said this once, but I will have to say it again…..there is no way this woman could be sixty years old. She was damn hot. Her perfect tits were a wonderful match for her ass and that shaven pussy made me start to get hard just with the quick look I got while she was stripping. Juliet hugged my wife once more and asked, “How do you like your steak”? My wife stammered for a moment and replied, “Just medium is ok”. Juliet hugged her again and said, “You have a great ass sweetie”. She playfully slapped my wife’s ass and headed back up to the deck.

I went out to help her get back onto her kayak thing and she repeated her question to me, “How do you like your steak”. I replied, “Oh same way, just medium”. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and I could not stop running my eyes over her just once more. Juliet must have caught me because she said, “Sweetie, it only gets better”. She tossed her bikini into the Kayak and wrapped her vest back on. She kissed me on the cheek again and off she went on her naked kayak trip back home.

The plan was for us to join Herm and Juliet on their boat for dinner. This is something Herm loved to do as he was at one time a chef and took any opportunity he could to play in the kitchen. Steve and Tim decided it would be easier to just use Tim’s boat to get over to Herm’s because calling for the pick-up boat for a 50-75 yard trip would probably piss off “The Old Man and the Sea” (Joe). It took the girls about 30 minutes to primp up and get ready. Cyndi was the first to come out on deck and she looked amazing in a light blue sundress which DID NOT hide the fact her nipples were poking through the material. As we waited for Kelli and my wife, I jumped over onto Dave’s boat to see if he was coming with us.

Looking into the main cabin area I saw Dave on the phone and a very serious expression on his face. He gave me the “Hold on a minute” sign and went back talking on the phone. I assumed by the look on his face it was probably Sara on the other end, but that is none of my business. He waved me to come into the cabin and I opened the door to stick my head in.

Dave said, “Tell Herm and Juliet I’m sorry I can’t do dinner, but I will make it up to them later”. I simply nodded and closed the door as Dave went back to his in-depth conversation. My assumption about it being Sara on the other end was confirmed when I heard him say in a very loud tone, “No…this is the last time you are pulling that shit on me”. I quickly jumped back across Steve’s boat onto Tim’s not wanting to get involved in anymore drama.

When I came back over Kelli and my wife were ready. They were wearing bikinis with a little wrap skirt kinda thing. Both of them looked sexy as hell and as I climbed onto Tim’s boat to join them I had to once again think to myself, “THANK YOU STEVE FOR INVITING ME”!

Steve and Kelli’s boat was gorgeous. Herm and Juliet’s boat was magnificent. It was a little bigger than Steve’s and once you climbed onboard you could tell everything on this boat was expensive as hell. Herm met us and whisked us into the main cabin area.

This was probably the most lavish area I have ever seen on a boat. Even in movies you could not have beaten this set up. The bar area Herm led us to was stocked with nothing but top shelf, high end liquors. There was a wine cooler which I could see was filled to the gills and at the top you could not mistake the three bottles of “Cristal” champagne. Steve told me these two had money, damn if he wasn’t lying.

Herm had already made up another pitcher of Mimosas and the two empty champagne bottles on the bar were definitely not the “Andre” brand. He tossed them into the trash and began handing out drinks to which the girls and I welcomed. Yeah, OJ and champagne will either help your hangover or make it worst…so hope for the best. Might as well stick with what killed my head this morning.

Juliet came up from the bedroom area and joined us. She was wearing a yellow sundress and nothing else. Yep, as soon as she turned to say hello to Cyndi and Tim the sun came through the window and perfectly lit up the fact Juliet was nude under her little sundress. I don’t know why this turned me on so much because I had seen her naked already…but it did. Once again I had to run my eyes over this incredibly sexy lady.

Herm must have also been a great chef as well as a business man. While he had made some steak kabobs with little pieces of filet minion, the side dishes he had prepared for the trip were fantastic. He had a seafood type risotto and dozens of small appetizers which I have no idea what they were made of, but they were incredible. I felt ashamed at taking a couple more extra than anyone else. Yes, my hangover was quickly disappearing and Herm’s drinks and food were doing the trick.

Herm hardly sat down the entire time ensuring everyone was taken care of and continually asked who needed a refill. Juliet proved she was not only beautiful, but smart as hell. She entertained us with stories about her traveling around the world while working for Samsung. When she mentioned a Country she had to visit for work, she changed from speaking English to the language of the Country. She could speak French, German, Spanish and Japanese fluently. Ms. Juliet was not only sexy as hell….she was a woman you would never want to try matching wits with.

All through dinner Cyndi was quite. She only spoke when she was asked a direct question. It took me a few minutes, but I finally realized she was not really feeling well. My wife also read her face because she told Cyndi to come out onto the deck with her. A minute or two later Susan came back in and told Tim, “Cyndi needs to talk to you”.

Tim went out and after a quick conversation he gave a wave indicating he’d be back and the two of them climbed onboard his boat. He pulled off and headed towards Steve’s boat. He pulled alongside and Cyndi jumped off as Tim held his boat in place. After a minute or two Cyndi came back out carrying her bag and Tim steered toward the cove entrance and disappeared around the bend.

While the guys probably didn’t know what the problem was….all the girls sure did. Poor Cyndi had her monthly visit start a little earlier than she had expected. She had told my wife she knew it was coming and was too embarrassed to take a chance because she did not have anything with her for such an occasion. I felt sorry for her and at the same time a little grateful those days were long gone for my wife. As it turns out Kelli was also finished with those days. Not to bring a story down, but sometimes it happens.

We finished dinner and were making plans on whose boat we would hang out on tonight. Kelli suggested we head over to the little bar next to the restaurant which would probably have a band playing tonight. As soon as she said this I knew what my wife’s vote would be. She loves to dance and can still put on quit a show when she does. (Yes, she was a stripper for a brief minute back-in-the-day, but could only do it after getting very drunk. She quit after 6 nights.)

Tim rounded the cove and slowly made his way back over to us. I guess the look on my face seeing Cyndi was not in sight and had been apparently been dropped off caused Steve to lean over and whisper, “They aren’t really together, she’s just a good friend”. I later learned Cyndi was actually married and her husband was in the military deployed in the middle-east somewhere. This was their “thing”. Cyndi had a “Hall Pass” as long as she sent her husband pictures and videos when she fucked around with Tim or whoever. May sound strange, but I was learning a lot about the lifestyle from this little weekend trip. Tim pulled back up, tied off and jumped back onto Herm’s boat. I helped Herm clean up while the rest of the group went out to finish the drinks Herm had whipped up. As I was picking up the last of the glasses Herm said, “Your wife is gorgeous. Please tell me you like to share”?

A comment like that last week would have probably gotten Herm punched in the face, however after the brief experience we had had, I simply nodded my head yes and said, “Whatever she wants to do is fine with me, she’s the boss”. Herm smiled and went back to putting away the glasses. I then realized once again how beautiful my wife really is because every guy on this little outing wants to be with her.

The girls had decided they wanted to hang on Herm’s boat for a little longer. WHO WOULDN’T? This was met with Herm saying he would make up some extra special drinks and his announcement was met by cheers from the ladies.

As I was picking up the last of the dishes from dinner, Steve’s phone rang. He said, “Yeah, we are on Herm’s boat”. He gave some basic description on where we were anchored and glanced over at me with a smile on his face.

I went back into the cabin to help Herm clean up and grab another round of beers for the guys as a boat pulled alongside Herm’s and tied up. I was walking back out when I heard a voice say, “Oh my God, you have to be shitting me”? I did not even have to look because I recognized the voice without a doubt.

Staci had been a dispatcher for about 10 years when I worked on the police department. I knew that voice from countless days spent in a patrol car listening her over the radio. I also knew her from the countless days the whole shift had all spent together after working midnights and having our morning “breakfast” at the only bar which was open at 7 o’clock in the morning. I thought she was always an attractive girl, maybe a little heavy in some people’s opinion, but she was definitely a looker. Her husband Mike was someone who I had also worked with years before as a police officer, but he had left to form his own business doing IT. Yeah, Steve had warned me on day one. I may know more swingers than I thought I did. He was proving himself right. Even though it was a little awkward, the thought of a girl I had known for years who had a secret side to her kinda turned me on a little. They climbed onto Herm’s boat and Staci came right up to me and gave me a hug. She then locked me in a long kiss and I could tell she had been partying all day. She said, “I can’t believe YOU are here”. She gave me another hug and asked, “What are you doing here”?

What was I supposed to say? I just joked, “I’m here for the tits and beer”. Without even missing a beat Staci pulled her top down exposing her very large breasts which were capped off with nipples as big as coffee cup saucers. Yeah, I was a little surprised, but damn she had some big ass boobs. The nine of us hung out on Herm’s boat for the rest of the evening into the night. Herm never let up and kept bringing out special shots along with small, bite size treats he’d brought along. This was a party like nothing I could have ever imagined and my previous hangover feeling was long gone. My wife was laughing her ass off at whatever story Juliet was telling her and I relaxed in my chair catching up with Staci and Mike about the past.

At about 9, Mike and Staci said they had to go crash because they were heading back home early in the morning. Staci gave my wife a quick hug then locked me into a lip-lock which may have lasted a little longer than it should have. She was very drunk by then and the light brush she gave my cock told me there was probably going to another day of partying with these two now that they knew my wife and I were “available”. They untied, drove about 200 yards away avoiding all the other boats and anchored for the night.

It was Kelli who said, “Who wants to go dance with me”? We could faintly hear music coming from the direction of the restaurant bouncing around the cove. Yep, there was a band playing and although I was a little drunk, very full of food and dying for another nap….it was time to man up and let the girls have their fun.

Herm called “The Old Man and the Sea” (Herm loved the nick-name because it was one of his favorite movies). Joe said he’d be there in about an 1/2 hour so the girls had a little time to slip back over and doll themselves up, even though neither of them needed it. Herm insisted I stop helping him clean and go with the group as he and Juliet had not really decided on what they wanted to do for the rest of the evening.

Tim tied us back up to Dave’s boat. The girls went into the main cabin and immediately began their primping routine while the guys hung outside waiting. I took the opportunity to ask Tim, “So is Cyndi ok”? He responded by saying she got her period early (Yeah, we all had figured that out). It wasn’t supposed to arrive until next week sometime but, surprise …surprise! She didn’t have anything with her and was afraid “something” embarrassing would happen.

Since she had planned to get picked up early in the morning anyways and the nearest place to get what she needed was about 20 miles away she had called her girlfriend who met them at the dock with the required necessities. Cyndi had told Tim she would not be feeling great tomorrow and just wanted to go home. She had told him to say goodbye to the rest of us and went home with her girlfriend.

When I smiled and laughed under my breath a little, both Tim and Dave caught why I had done so. They each had shown up at the beginning of the weekend with a beautiful woman. Both had later dropped them off at the same spot on the dock. You might not think it’s funny, but for whatever reason at that point in time….I did.

“The Old Man n the Sea” pulled alongside about 15 minutes later. Kelli came out first and she looked amazing. She had on a very tight sundress and obviously no bra underneath. Those perfect nipples were poking out from the air conditioning inside the cabin and she looked sexy as hell with her hair pulled back in a cute pony tail type style.

My wife on the other hand looked STUNNING! When she came out of the cabin the first thing all the guys focused on were her 36 DDDs which were almost clearly on display in the tight little top she was wearing. I had a funny thought run through my mind….honey if you sneeze they are going to pop out. She had done her hair extra special and the tight little shorts she had on made her ass look sexy as hell. I have said it once….I will say it a hundred thousand more times…..DAMN MY WIFE IS A SEXY, BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!

Herm had already called Steve and said they were going to just stay in tonight. Steve suspected Juliet had once again overdone her afternoon kayaking exercise. She liked to go for a few miles up the river and then power back as fast as she could. Well, God bless you Juliet. Hope I can still do things like that when I’m 60. Hell, most people probably couldn’t do it in their 20’s.

The little bar was not as little as I thought it would be. It used to be an old VFW Post which was closed down because of lack of membership. A local couple bought it to turn it into a bar/restaurant. Unfortunately the kitchen was so outdated it would have cost too much money to try and update so they settled for a small pizza oven for now. Judging by the number of people in the place, they were making their money slinging drinks.

We got lucky and the five of us grabbed a table near the dance floor. I volunteered to go stand in line for the first round of drinks and made my way back over to the bar. Surprisingly, as packed as this place seemed, I got waited on rather quickly and Kelli and my wife each gave me a thank you kiss when I returned.

The five of us drank, danced and had a great time listening to the band which turned out to be actually very damn good. They played a little rock, old blues, country and even a few songs they had written themselves. I have never been one to just sit and listen to a band play…unless it’s Aerosmith, however these guys…and the girl bass player were damn good.

Dave, Time and Steve all took turns dancing with my wife and at sometimes both girls at the same time. When a slow dance came up Tim beat me to it and asked my wife to dance with him. She gave me a look and I just smiled…go ahead baby. Dave had already beaten me to Kelli by the time I finished giving my wife her approving nod. Oh well, I’ll go pay the band to play a few more slow songs so I get a chance.

Steve said he was going to the bathroom and would stop by to grab another round on his way back. I sat back and watched as my wife rocked in Tim’s big arms. She had her eyes closed and was running her hand along his arm. Kelli was basically doing the same thing to Dave however Dave had his hand on her ass and was rubbing it back and forth. Yep, their little show was slowly getting attention from several onlookers including a group of three young girls sitting to the table on our left.

Once the dance was over my wife gave Tim a quick kiss and grabbed Kelli by the hand. They came over and said, “Ladies room time”. They grabbed their purses and went off to go take care of business. All three of us guys watched them walk away and I could not help noticing the other guys in the place almost breaking their necks to take a look at those two sexy asses coming by. Steve came back carrying another round and handed them out. As soon as he did, Dave turned over to the group of young ladies and asked, “So, where’s your boyfriends”? Their giggly response told me all I had to know. They could not have been more than 21. At least I hoped they had been ID’d to get in the place and were at least 21.

Dave went over to their table and began a conversation. Tim joined him and the two of these monsters standing next to these young girls looked funny as hell. They towered over the table and I think this was not the first time Dave and Tim had fucked around with young girls who wanted an up close look at their muscles. When I say “fucked around”, I mean a “reverse tease” which most men can’t pull off.

I saw Kelli sit down at an empty seat at the bar and Susan slide into the chair next to her. Not wanting them to buy another drink because we were already set, I told Steve I would be back in a second. I was trying to make my way through the crowd because the band was on another break and everyone was trying to get to the bar or have a conversation while the music was not blaring.

I was standing about three feet away when the bartender poured out two shots of something for Kelli and my wife. They thanked him and my wife slipped him a twenty. Just as they were getting ready to make their toast to each other a young kid, maybe in his mid –twenties pushed in between the two and said, ‘”Where’s mine”? You could tell he was drunk and never let his stare away from my wife’s cleavage. What happened next was so quick it surprised me.

As I was moving in Kelli said, “Sorry sweetie, girls only”. His response of “Fuck you bitch” caused me to push past a couple who was standing in line so I could confront this rude jackass. As he started to point his finger in Kelli’s face I grabbed his arm and said, “Listen man, you don’t want any problems”. I could immediately tell this guy was fucked up and he reminded me of that one guy on the show “Jersey Shore” who has the spiked up hair. He gave me the response of “Fuck Off” and I quickly made my assessment of how I was going to probably have to knock his ass out. After thirty years of being a street cop, l was at one point very good at making these types of quick judgments however, had not been forced into doing so in many years.

Just before the kid started to come at me his facial expression changed. He was still looking at me but, I quickly realized he was also looking behind me. I glanced over at the bar mirror and I guess who I saw? Yep, Dave, Tim and Steve were all standing behind me with very “UNPLEASED” looks on their faces. Drunk or not this kid instantly realized he had fucked with the wrong people and he began to back away from the bar. He stopped when Dave said, “The ladies want an apology”. He did just that and walked away into the crowd hopefully a little wiser than he had been a few minutes before.

Steve slapped me on the shoulder and said, “Thanks man”. I turned back to the three of them and said, “No THANK YOU guys, I really did not want to go to jail tonight”. I turned back to the girls and said, “OK ladies, are you going to do your shots now”? Kelli and my wife picked up their glasses, tapped them together and cheered, “To our boys”!

As they downed their shot I will admit I was a little relived I did not have to hurt that kid. Even though he was more than 20 years younger than me, he would have had no chance as I had taken out people over the years twice his size and not as drunk as he. Yep, the guys probably saved me from a trip to jail that night.

We stayed at the bar another hour and most of it was spent with the girls dancing together as Dave and Tim continued to “Fuck” with the young girls. They actually pulled their table over and I bought a round of shots for everyone. Very cute girls and as it turns out, I was right. Becky had just turned 21 last night and this was her little party. Her girlfriends Kaley and Carrie were almost 22 and all three of them worked together at another restaurant about 10 miles away.

They were each overjoyed to take turns dancing with Dave and Tim and I was even was asked by Kaley to do a slow dance with her. Gentlemen! Holding a girl half your age is a wonderful thing. I said it before, I love my wife, but damn this felt incredible.

I didn’t feel so guilty about my dance with Kaley once my wife took the dance floor with not only Dave, but Tim standing behind her. The three of them locked together in a very slow song with Dave in her front and Tim in the rear. The expression on the young girl’s faces watching my wife being sandwiched between these two was absolutely priceless. It made me smile a little as you could almost see the envious thoughts running out of their ears, but it made me smile at how sexy my wife looked between the two. This was just a precursor to what would come later.

Once the dance was over I could tell my wife was done for the evening. Her face was flushed with not only the alcohol, but just having been groped by these two guys on the dance floor in front of about 50 people. Steve said he had already called for the pick-up boat and we finished off our drinks while Dave and Tim playfully got the phone numbers from the young girls.

As we walked out the young guy causing the earlier problem was sitting on the grass. He looked up and said, “I’m am really sorry ladies”. My wife said, “It is ok”, however Kelli responded with, “Fuck You ASSHOLE! Yeah, I love my wife, but Kelli has and still does have a special place in my heart. She is not only sexy, but someone you don’t want to fuck with.

Joe pulled up a few minutes later and we climbed on. As we made our way back Steve asked, “So are we going to keep going or call it a day”? Kelli was all in for another round of drinks and she convinced my wife into one more as well. I guess the night air and breeze on the drive back over had helped wake her back up and she appeared to be ready to have at least one more before calling it a night. As it turns out, she would be having two more.

We had to go onto Dave’s boat because Steve’s bar was almost running bare. I started up the blender and having run out of tequila we decided to make up some daiquiri drinks with a rum Dave had bought in Jamaica. They were pretty darn good, even though we probably overdid the rum.

The girls had gone below on Steve’s boat. Both said they wanted to jump into the shower because the night of dancing made them feel all sweaty. Tim and Dave had done the same thing and returned about 10 minutes later with towels wrapped around their waist. We handed out the drinks and waited for the girls to finish up.

My wife came back over first. She had a towel wrapped around her but once she grabbed her drink she said, “Fuck It” and threw the towel over to me to hang off the back of the boat. She looked sexy as hell having been sunbathing for the last few days and tanned all over. Her nipples were sticking straight out. Maybe from the shower, cool air or the fact she was probably horny as hell after what Tim and Dave had done to her at the bar. Either way, she looked incredible.

Kelli came back over onto Dave’s boat stark naked. She jumped on the couch seat and wiggled her way in between Dave and Tim who had finished cleaning up and were both ready for another drink. Kelli said to me, “Showers all your if you want it”? Having felt a few days of the water and the alcohol tonight, a cold ass shower would feel great right now. I went over onto Steve’s boat and stripped out of my clothes. The shower was no bigger than an old-fashioned phone booth and the buttons were timed to only allow about twenty seconds of water at a time, but damn it felt great. It almost made me sober up but since I had brought my drink with me that feeling was quickly pushed away as the rum went down.

I came back up about ten minutes later and rejoined everyone on Dave’s boat. My wife gave me a long kiss and pulled the towel I had wrapped around me off. She whispered in my ear, “I love you so much baby” and kissed me once again. Glancing over, Kelli was alternating between kissing Dave and Tim while Steve had taken a seat at the Dave’s bar to watch the show.

After about 5 minutes Kelli looked over to my wife and said, “Your turn baby”. She got out from in between Dave and Tim and walked over to kiss my wife lightly. They then locked into a very long kiss leading my wife to moan out while they did so. Once they stopped, Kelli pulled my wife over to where she had been seated and Dave and Tim welcomed her in between them.

Kelli came back over and locked me into a very long kiss. My cock was already hard and when she ran her hand over it I pulled her in more tightly and ran my hand over her cute ass. We continued kissing for another minute or so until she led me over to the opposite side of the couch where my wife and the guys were engaged in similar make-out session.

Kelli had me sit down on the couch…which barely had room for the four of us. Kelli knelt down, ran her hands along my cock and took me into her mouth without saying another word. I guess she could tell I was ready for whatever she wanted to do…. and questions were now out-the-window.

I looked over and both Dave and Tim had discarded their towels. My wife was sitting between them with one hand on each of their cocks. She was kissing Dave at the moment and slowly began pumping her hands up and down causing the guys to moan out with each stroke. Dave and Tim both had a hand on her pussy and were obviously working her into frenzy because my wife was almost panting out in pleasure as she went back and forth kissing these two guys.

This was yet another moment I wish I could have gotten a photo, however Steve took care of that little issue. He had gotten up from the bar and was now taking pics with his phone. Like the rest of us, he was hard as a rock and got down on his knees to take a close up of my wife as Dave inserted one of his fingers into her and Tim toyed with her clit. As it turns out, Steve wasn’t taking pics, he was taking video. A point I would later thank him for because the moans my wife was making were sexy as hell…as was the moans she was causing Dave and Tim to make. Although these two guys were beasts as far as muscle my wife pretty much well owned both their asses right now.

Kelli stopped sucking my cock and ran her hands down my chest. She stood up and leaned into me and whispered in my ear, “You like”. When I said, “You’re fantastic”, she smiled and repeated her question while glancing over at my wife. I could only manage a smile and she grabbed my cock in one hand while planting another long kiss. I now understood what her question really meant. I thought, well yes Kelli, I am enjoying watching my wife service two guys at the same time.

Tim had moved onto the floor and was now working his way up my wife’s legs spread legs with light kisses. Dave was sucking on her left tit while Susan kept up working his cock in her hand. She had her head laid back and was almost whimpering in pleasure as these two toyed with her. She may have owned them a few moments before, but it seemed the tides had turned and they now owned her.

Tim lightly kissed my wife’s pussy and then pushed one finger inside her causing my wife to spread her legs even wider for him. Dave groaned out because I guessed when Tim did this it caused Susan to tighten her grip on Dave’s hard cock. Must not have hurt too much because he went right back to playing with her nipples, alternating from one to the other.

Tim slowly licked his way from the bottom to the top of my wife’s pussy and locked onto her clit after the third run up and down. She let out groan and placed her hand down on the back of Tim’s head. As she did this she slid over into a position where she could get at Dave’s cock with her mouth. She stroked him a few more times and took him in. Something I suspected she had wanted to do all night. Tim worked his tongue in and out of her for another few minutes. My wife’s breathing was building with every moment and although I did feel a little jealous twinge again, looking at her I knew my girl was one “HAPPY GIRL” right now.

Tim looked over at me and smiled as he watched Kelli bounce up and down on my cock. He said, “Looks like you are having fun too”. He stood up causing my wife to let out a little disappointed moan because he had stopped his service. Tim simply asked, “You ok if I fuck her”? I didn’t have to answer because my wife’s moan of approval, even with Dave’s cock in her mouth, told me she was all in for whatever would come next. Tim took one of my wife’s legs and positioned her so he could kinda stand up in between her legs. He held his dick next to her pussy and rubbed it up and down causing my wife to really moan out in a manner which said, “DON’T TEASE ME MOTHFUCKER….JUST DO IT”!

Tim pushed his cock all the way in with no effort at all. My wife took Dave’s cock out of her mouth only long enough to moan out a long “OOOOOOHHHHH”. She pulled Dave back to her and began sucking his cock while Tim slowly worked his dick in and out of her. He fucked her very slowly for about 5 minutes while Steve got several close up shots of Tim’s cock in my wife.

Tim pulled his cock out of my wife and looked at Dave. They both kinda said it at the same time….”Now”? Dave replied Ok and pulled his cock away from my wife who was still sucking it for all she was worth….casing her to make another disappointed moan.

Dave pulled my wife up into a seated positioned and he lay down on the couch. He pulled her toward him and she realized he wanted her on top of him. She straddled his waist and reached between her spread legs to grab his cock and guide it where she wanted it go. I knew by the way she had been staring at Dave since he arrived, she wanted to fuck him. I will admit….even I could see why women wanted to fuck him.

Susan lowered herself down on Dave’s cock. Like Tim, he easily entered her with no effort whatsoever. She must have really released the flood-gates because I could actually hear a little bit of squishy sound as she slid down Dave’s cock. Steve got close enough to film Dave’s cock slipping in and out of my wife’s pretty pussy and the moans she was letting out almost made me want to cum in side Kelli. Fortunately, the earlier alcohol had pretty much numbed my rock hard cock and I knew I was nowhere near cumming just yet.

Tim reached down and ran his hand over my wife’s ass as she began slowly grinding back and forth. Tim kissed each of her ass cheeks as she fucked Dave then he did something I would have never expected. He reached and put his hand on Dave’s exposed balls and ran it up and down the base of his cock. As my wife would go up in her fucking motion, Tim would stroke the exposed part of Dave’s dick and then move it back down as she came back down. Yep, this was a new one for me, but what came next was a new one for my wife.

Dave grabbed my wife by the waist so she would stop fucking him. He pulled her down so her head was on his chest. She was still impaled on his cock and her pretty ass was fully on display. This next part Steve got everything on video.

Tim knelt up on the couch and got between Dave’s legs. He reached down and felt the base of Dave’s cock and gave it a few brushes with his hand. He then squatted and ran his own cock over the base of Dave’s dick. This caused my wife to tense up. She moaned out in a manner in which I was not really sure if she wanted this stop. As it turns out, whatever Dave whispered to her put her at ease and she relaxed to allow Tim to continue.

Tim ran his cock along my wife’s exposed pussy lips. He toyed with Dave’s dick a few more times before getting into his final position. He was semi squatting/ kneeling behind my wife as he guided his dick toward her already full pussy. Just before he pushed himself into her to join Dave’s cock inside her pussy, my wife let out a long “OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK MEEEEEE”! She tightened her hold on Dave’s shoulders and buried her face in his chest.

Tim was now in as far as he could go. He began moving back and forth and Dave tensed his body so his dick was firmly sticking as far into Susan as possible. My wife was simply repeating, “Oh fuck, Oh fuck”, as she experienced her first ever “double-pussy” penetration. An experience neither of us thought would have ever happened. However, it’s something she looks forward to on a regular basis now that she knows what it feels like to have two men inside her at the same time.

Tim was working his cock into my wife as best he could. Steve put the phone in the only place he could to get a good shot of both their dicks inside Susan. When we later watched the video the sight of Tim’s cocks sliding into her and rubbing against Dave’s always get her so hot I get fucked hard whenever she watches it.

Susan gave out one long “OH FUCKIN HELL” and grabbed Dave as she released into an orgasm. Her arms were actually shaking as she held onto Dave but there was no way she was going to get away from these guys. They had her locked in place and were using her. Yeah, she may have owned them a little while ago, but they were most definitely in control now. Her screams of pleasure as they worked their cocks into her in a rhythm must still be echoing around the State.

Tim was the first to let go. He pushed into my wife a few more times (once or twice maybe too hard because she let out a little whimper) and worked toward his own orgasm. He reached between his legs. I guess he was feeling his dick going into my wife’s pussy or maybe he was feeling Dave’s cock rub against his…or maybe both. Whatever it was, Tim groaned out and released inside my wife. Susan moaned out in pleasure and held onto Dave’s shoulders as Tim filled her. He pushed into her a few more times and pulled out leaving Dave to finish her off. And finish her off is exactly what he did.

Dave flipped my wife over and began fucking her so hard the couch was moving even though it was bolted to the deck. He had her legs wrapped around his back and was lifting her up with every stroke and pounding down on the return. My wife was simply screaming out in pleasure with every downward stroke Dave made. By the groans Dave was making he was very close to coming himself and it was only about a minute when he locked himself around my wife harder and released his come inside her. Yeah, Steve got the whole thing on video and I will even have to admit myself, it looked hot as hell.

Dave finally released his hold. My wife simply collapsed back and gave out a long, “UUUUMMMMMM” before closing her eyes. Her pussy was still a little stretched out and there was cum running down between her ass cheeks. My girl was one thoroughly well fucked woman at this point in time. Steve made a point to ensure he captured my wife’s first ever “double-cream pie” and these turned out to be some of the sexiest pics taken that weekend.

Kelli was still bouncing on my cock and I felt her muscles tighten. I guess the little show had turned her on and she was now nearing a climax. She rocked forward, ground down on my cock and exploded in orgasm. Even though I thought I would not be able to come, having just watched my wife get fucked by two guys at the same time and the feeling of Kelli’s tight pussy was putting me over the edge. Steve jumped over and held his cock in front of Kelli. She grabbed it and gave him a few quick strokes which caused him to shoot out his come all over her tits. I later learned this was another thing they liked to do and I was done….I could not hold out anymore. I came so hard I did not even know I was coming….it just happened.

I held Kelli in place while she rocked back and forth on my dick. Steve lowered the camera to her pussy level and filmed the last of her climax. He kept the camera there until Kelli eased up off my cock taking a long trail of cum out of her as she did. She turned and kissed me deeply and said, “Thanks baby”. I noticed my cum was running down her leg and still dripping out of her pussy. She rubbed what was on her legs and tits saying, “Momma needs to get another shower”. She kissed Steve and went inside Dave’s bathroom.

I looked over and saw Dave actually had a few deep fingernail marks from my wife on his shoulders. It was accidental and Dave laughed it off saying it was well worth it. He then told me Kelli had talked to him about this beforehand saying Susan had never tried it. Again, Ms. Kelli had done some pre-planning and left me out of the loop. Oh well, I fucking enjoyed it and I know my wife did also. She was almost falling asleep and I hated to wake her but, she had a ton of cum drying in between her legs and it was still running out of her pussy.

When I said, “Come with me my lady, we need to get you cleaned up”, it was meet with a little resistance, but she got up. She gave Dave a quick hug and kiss followed by Tim and we made our way back over to get back on Steve’s boat.

As my wife cleaned up I went back over to Dave’s boat. There was an awkward moment of silence between the three of us until Tim said, “Hey man, your wife is fucking incredible”. I agree with him and Dave chimed in, “She’s got to be one of the sexiest women I’ve ever been with”. His comment was not vulgar or insulting in any way and I took it as a compliment.

These two could probably have any woman/girl they wanted, however genuinely appeared to be infatuated with my wife who was more than 20 years older than either one of them. I thanked them for the compliment and said, “I am very sure Susan had fun tonight. Don’t be surprised if she asks for a repeat performance”. They both tapped their glasses together and I knew right then….there would be another performance in the future. I also thought to myself my wife’s pretty pussy would need a very long break for a few days after we got home.

Tim was the one to ask me if I liked the show they had put on. I admitted I had, telling him I had gotten hard as a rock as I had only ever seen something like that in a porn movie. I felt a little funny talking to them about this because we were all three still naked. After watching Tim run his hand over Dave’s cock and the enjoyment they both had being inside my wife together rubbing their cocks against each other, I wasn’t sure if these guys were just a little more than “work-out partners”.

Dave must have read the look on my face because he said, “No, we’re not bi or anything”. He went on to tell me he and Tim had both been trying to date a girl who worked out at their gym. Even though they had been friends for so long, this girl had caused a little rift between the two and it almost came to blows one night. Long story short, the girl figured out what was going on and invited them both over to her apartment one night. It was the first time they had done a double penetration together and was now one of their favorite things to do. Although they both denied it, what I had watched tonight told me YES, these guys may have been a little closer than what they wanted to admit.

Susan came back over after freshening up. She looked at Dave and Tim still lying on the couch with very happy smiles on their faces. She jokingly said, “I don’t even get a thank you”. This caused a little laugher and Dave gave his praises of thanks…followed by Tim. Since Steve and Kelli were done for the night, we all called it quits and ended another day. This had been another day of firsts and my wife fell asleep in my arms holding my now hardening dick as I thought about what she and I had just done.

I was the first up and didn’t even bother trying to wake up my wife. She was still lightly snoring in her “cute” little way. I guess yesterday…and especially last night had put a hurting on her. I rolled out of the bed and decided not to use the bathroom in the cabin. Since the sun was just barely up, there was a bigger one outside.

There was a fog coming off the river which made a few of the boats anchored a distance away from us completely blocked out of view. The temperature must have really done some flip-flops because the fog was thick as shit. Well……good for me. No one would have to watch me piss off the back of Steve’s boat.

The only boat really in clear view was Herm and Juliet’s. There was a light on in what I guessed was the main cabin. A shadow flashed across the small window and I figured they were also up. I took in the morning air which was a little chilly, however felt great after all the drinking I had done yesterday. The only thing which would really make me feel good right now was a strong cup of coffee with maybe a little shot in it.

Juliet came out on deck and dumped something from a container over the side into the river. She saw me watching and gave me a big wave. She also pulled open the robe she was wearing to display her wonderful tits and pushed them out toward me. I didn’t want to yell so I just did my best “Praise Allah” move and raised and lowered my arms in front of me. She waved again and went back into the main cabin area.

I gathered up a few towels which had been throw on the deck and hung them over the side. I also took one more inventory of the cooler. Poor thing was almost empty with only two or three beers floating around in the ice water. Even though we were heading back later today, this little problem would have to be addressed and I figured we’d hit the restaurant once more for either breakfast/brunch.

My wife had come out and actually startled me when she hugged me from behind. I had not heard her and was still playing in the cooler when she did it. I spun around and saw she was stark naked, as was I and her nipples were very hard from the chilly morning air. The sexy “I’m still sleepy” look she had was just that ….SEXY! She leaned into me and we kissed for about the next five minutes. I can’t remember a make-out session like that with my wife since when we first started dating. She felt incredible in my arms and my cock was fully ready for attention.

My wife was softly stroking my cock as we finished our make-out session. She pulled me toward the back of the boat leading me along by holding onto my cock. Well, I knew where this little trip was going. YEAH FOR ME! Susan let go of me and grabbed onto the small rail on the back. She pushed her ass out at me and said, “All yours now baby”. My already hard cock got even harder when she said this because the thoughts of her being taken by Dave and Tim last night were still bouncing around in my head. Hell, they are still bouncing around in there till this day and it’s been almost a year now.

I later learned from Herm, this is what some couples like. Once a man’s wife has been taken, fucked, used, played with…whatever terminology you want to apply, her husband wants to…“reclaim” her. Might seem a little vulgar or sexiest to some, but since the weekend with Steve n Kelli I have watched my wife being fucked by another guy dozens of times. After which I fuck her harder and longer than I did back when we were dating.

She says she is in a “Win-Win” situation. She gets to fuck young guys and then her loving husband fucks the hell out of her for the next month or so until her next “date”. We have had more sex over the last year than we did throughout our entire marriage and I will admit it feels like the first time every time now…..(not to steal a line from “Foreigner”)

Anyway, Susan had her ass pushed out at me and my rock hard cock knew exactly where it wanted to go. I ran my hands over her smooth ass and she pushed out at me further. I ran my hand in between her legs and my girl was already wet and ready. I did not hesitate; I ran my hard cock along her wet pussy and slowly pushed in causing her to moan out in pleasure as I worked my cock into “MY” pussy.

Susan gripped the rails as I worked most of my cock into her and began fucking her in the way I knew she loved. Slow at first and a little harder later. Well, this morning she surprised me and said, “No baby, just fuck me hard”. Always doing what my wife asked I said, “Yes ma’am”! I rammed my cock all the way into her and she screamed out when all 8 ¼”s hit the very depth of her pussy and stretched her to her limit.

I only asked once, “You OK baby”. She pushed her ass back into me and took the entire length of my cock into her again. I took this to mean she really wanted me to fuck her hard and I did just that. I began pounding into my wife so hard I was afraid I might really hurt her, but she was crying out with every thrust and these were most definitely cries of pleasure.

I was repositioning myself because the morning dew on the deck had caused my feet to slip. I saw Herm and Juliet on their boat. Juliet was gripping the side rail and Herm was fucking her from behind. Juliet still had her robe on but those tits had come out and were bouncing off the rail as Herm pumped into her. Yep, my dick got even harder than I ever thought it could be and I slammed back into my wife so hard she screamed out, “OH FUCK”! A scream so loud I know everyone had to have heard it.

I continued to fuck my wife and watch Herm and Juliet doing the same. Herm actually gave me a wave then grabbed Juliet’s hair and tugged her head back. This caused Juliet to moan out loudly and Herm began to pound into her harder. Although it looked sexy as hell, I know my wife does not like to have her hair pulled on so I just grabbed her ass and pumped my dick into as hard as I could.

Our little “mirror” fuck session lasted another five minutes or so before I heard Juliet scream out in what must have been one damn good orgasm. She had grabbed one of her nipples and was apparently pinching it as Herm continued pounding into her from behind. This put me over the top and I said, “Sorry baby…..I can’t last much more”. My wife responded with, “Do it”. Well that was it. With one final thrust all the way into my sweet wife’s pussy, I blew my load.

I slowly pumped everything I had in me into my wife while trying to keep my balance. The wet deck and the fact I had just had one of the best orgasms I could recall in a long time made me a little weak in the knees and I did not want to fall down. I pushed once more into my wife and she said, “It’s all mine baby, it’s all mine”. I grabbed her hips and squeezed out what little cum I had left in me, now really feeling weak in the knees. Shit, I felt weak in the knees, legs, body and especially the balls. She had taken everything from me and from the little satisfied moans she was making…this had been her plan as soon as she woken up this morning. GOD I LOVE MY WIFE!

Herm was still fucking Juliet. I watched as he pounded into her a few more times then pulled his dick out and began stroking himself off. Juliet spun around and dropped to her knees. She placed a hand on his balls and opened her mouth waiting for Herm to bring himself off. Herm leaned his head back and put his dick down to allow Juliet to take it in her mouth. He stroked the base and moaned out as he came yet once again in his wife’s mouth. I had a quick thought run through my head…..damn I hope Susan and I still have sex like that when we hit our sixties.

I slipped my cock out of Susan and she placed a hand down on her pussy to stop my cum from running out. Even though I had fucked Kelli last night, the old boys must have refilled themselves quite well during the night because when Susan looked down her hand was covered with what had run out of her. She flipped her hand over the side of the boat to clean off and joked, “Well if any fish get caught that look like YOU, we’ll know where they came from“. She kissed me deeply and said, “I love you so much baby…thank you”. She kissed me once more and I again took in how beautiful my wife truly was.

As my wife and I turned to go back inside we both stopped short. Dave and Tim had been watching our little morning fuck show from their boats. They were both sporting very hard cocks and had the look on their face of…”Hope it’s our turn now”? I knew immediately what they wanted and it only took my wife a second longer to realize the same thing. She whispered to me, “Oh god no….she needs a break”. I guess her pussy had been fucked enough this weekend and after what I had done this morning, it was probably really ready for a much needed break.

Susan took in the sight of Dave and Tim standing there with their hard cocks. She said, “Does anyone have some lotion”? This made Tim rip open a bag on the back of his boat while Dave climbed over onto Steve’s boat to join us. Tim came up with a bottle of suntan oil and jumped onboard as well.

My wife gave each of them a quick kiss and said, “You can’t start the day like this”, as she grabbed each of their hard cocks. They pressed into her and at that moment I had the good sense to take this opportunity to go grab my phone out of the cabin. When I came back out my wife was knelling on a cushion and Dave and Tim were standing on either side of her. She had their cocks in her hand and was playfully toying with them by slowly running her hand up and down the length. She gave me a look and said, “You ready baby”? My smile and surprisingly now hardening dick told her all she wanted to know. She kissed the head of Dave’s cock while she stroked Tim a little harder. She then gave Tim the same treatment. I started taking the video.

My wife took Dave in her mouth first (Dave turned out to be her favorite) then switched over to Tim. She alternated back and forth several times for a few minutes and then did something I would have never expected from my sweet wife. She took both their cocks and rubbed them together in front of her face. She looked up and said, “Are you going to be good boys”? Dave and Tim only groaned out their response with what I guess was an approving …OH HELL YES!

My wife rubbed their cocks together again and then placed both the heads of their dicks into her mouth. She tried to force as much as she could in but was only able to take the very top of their cocks. Both Dave and Tim moaned out and Tim reached down to place his hand on the back of my wife’s head. She pulled away and said, “Hands off”. Tim did as he was told and she again tried to get as much of their cocks into her mouth as she could manage.

She went back to sucking one at a time for a few moments then did the double suck once more. Both Tim and Dave were groaning, especially when they got the single treatment from my wife’s sweet mouth. After years of blow-jobs from Susan, I know she loves to suck cock and it always makes her super horny. She must have been in heaven right now because what she did next shocked me.

Susan released her hold on her boys and said, “Jerk them for me”. Both Dave and Tim did as they were told while my wife grabbed the bottle of suntan oil Tim had gotten out of the bag. She cracked it open and poured oil all over her hands. She looked up at the guys and asked, “You want me to take care of you”? The only response from Dave and Tim was a groan as they continued stroking their hard cocks.

My wife grabbed each of their dicks while pushing their hands away. She slowly made circles around the heads of their dicks causing both to moan out in pleasure and close their eyes waiting for what was coming next. What came next lasted for another ten minutes or so. My wife teased them by jerking off both of them at the same time in a very slow fashion. Even I could tell…. she was “TORTURING” these big, muscle bound studs and judging by the look on her face, she was enjoying it. Damn, this was another side of my wife I had never seen and my now hardening cock was at full mast.

My wife said, “You want me make you cum”? Both guys groaned out in a manner which indicted …OH GOD YES! She laughed and said “Not yet boys” as she slowed the motion of stroking their cocks in her hands. She looked over to me and saw I was filming. This must have really flipped a switch because she looked up at the guys and said, “Are you going to be good… really good”? Both Dave and Tim could not even respond. They may have owned my wife last night when they double fucked her pussy, but right now (and as it turns out thereafter) my wife OWNED both their asses. She was in charge…and loved every second of it.

My wife said, “You have to ask me nicely”. Both responded with the same answer, “Oh please yes”! My wife stopped stroking their cocks and said, “That’s NOT nice enough”. They looked at each other and Dave almost begged, “Please don’t stop”! My wife took her hands off their dicks and said, “No sweetie, tell me something nice”.

I guess both realized what she wanted to hear. Tim lead off with, “Honey, you are a gorgeous lady, I am so glad I met you”. Dave chimed in with, “Gorgeous my ass. She’s incredible”! This must have been what my wife was looking for because she grabbed both cocks and worked her hands up and down rapidly.

She looked up at them and said, “I want it”! This made both guys groan out and tense up their muscles even harder than they had been. My wife then said, “If you don’t give it to me you will never get it again”. This was followed by her saying, “You want to fuck me again…don’t you”? I had never heard her talk like this and my now hard cock was screaming.

Dave gave out first. He yelled out, “Oh HOLY SHIT” releasing a stream of cum which landed on my wife’s arm. She shifted and the next stream hit her directly on her right breast. She kept pumping Dave’s cock until there was nothing coming out and he was trying to get away from her hold. She was having nothing to do with that though and continued pumping on his dick.

My wife kept stroking Dave’s cock even though he was almost begging her to stop. She looked up into Dave’s eyes and said, “Not until your boy is done”. She was going to continue her torture of Dave until Tim shot his load. Yeah, I said it once….she OWNED these guys right now.

Dave looked over at Tim and said, “Man please, she’s killing me”. Tim just groaned out and locked his jaws looking like he was just about to make a tackle on a pro football team. He was grunting and actually shaking as my wife worked his dick up and down in her hand. Yeah, she had this guy by the root and by the look on her face….she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

My wife asked, “Do you want me to stop”? Dave yelled out. “OH GOD YES” which only made her stroke his now over-sensitive cock harder. Poor Dave had gotten into something which was now something he now wanted to get out of….lol. Tim’s response was a little different. He said, “Please take it from me”. This caused my wife to increase her rapid pumping of his dick and it was all it took. Tim locked his muscles, grabbed the back of his head with both hands and released a stream of cum onto my wife’s left tit. She shifted again and took the remaining cum from Tim on her chest…right dead center.

Susan continued to pump Tim’s cock until there was nothing else coming out. He tried to pull away from her grip but she kept him firmly in place. At the same time she still had Dave locked in place and never released her grip on squeezing his now softening cock. She looked up at both and said, “You two are bad, you better be good”! They both just nodded their heads because right now they would have agree to anything she said because all they wanted was for her to stop her little torture game. Again, this is a side of my wife I had never seen.

My wife stood up and leaned into Dave for a kiss. She then kissed Tim and said, “You do what momma says…right”? Both of them again just nodded their heads. She still had both of their dicks in her hand and had not fully let up on her control over her new “Boy Toys”. She turned me and said, “Honey, please get a good picture of this”.

Susan released the guys and turned around. She grabbed both cocks again and gave me a sexy smile with the “I’ve been a bad gurrrrllll look” on her face. Her tits were covered in Dave and Tim’s cum and it was running down to her stomach. There was actually a little stream hanging off the cute belly ring she has which was about to break off.

I got everything on video as she kissed each of her boys once more and finally released her hold on their dicks. They both pressed into her and picked her up holding her between them. She looked at me with a big smile on her face and said, “You see honey, I know how to make new friends”.

Yeah it was funny, but I later took a snap shot out of the video of this moment and had a 10”x10” picture made. It’s in my safe and every time I look at it I have to go jerk off. My wife being cradled between these two gargantuan guys and their cum clearly visible all over her gorgeous tits is what one might call…..a hell of a Kodak moment! Especially knowing the back story!

Susan said, “Ok, I need to get cleaned up, you guys made a mess”. The guys put her back down and Dave grabbed one of the towels hanging on the side rail. As they both helped wiping off their “mess”, my wife looked over at me with the sexiest smile I have ever seen from her. The look on her face made any little jealous feeling in me vanish because I knew she was a very happy lady. What she had just done was not only for her enjoyment, but mine as well. (Yeah, I got a picture made of that moment as well).

My wife came over to me after the guys were done cleaning her up. She looked me in the eyes and said, “Baby I love you”. She kissed me hard, long and deep. Even though she had two dicks in her mouth 15 minutes ago…I didn’t give a shit. My girl is “MY GIRL” and at this moment I knew she was probably feeling exactly the same feeling I had earlier.

We had both fallen in love with one another once again. Yes, it might sound strange to some people…or most people, but this little weekend trip had brought out things in both of us which were now new and ready to be explored. We had not just dipped our toes in the Lifestyle water…..we had jumped in head first…hoping not to hit the rocks. Fortunately, the jump has made our marriage and life together a hell of a lot more “spicier” than anyone else we know.

Susan told me she was going to have to go take a quick shower and gave me one more kiss. She turned to the guys and said, “Bring em back when you are ready”. They both laughed however, Dave had the expression on his face which said, “I’m scared”! My wife went into the main cabin and all three of us watched her sexy ass disappeared to go take a shower.

Tim was the first to say it, “Holy shit man…your wife is fucking incredible”. Dave followed with a similar comment and I just had to take their comments as compliments. I already knew she was incredible, but hearing this from these two guys, who again could probably have any woman they wanted, just made my ego swell a little. Again, it may sound strange to some, but now every time I make love to my wife I do my very best to make it “HER” best. Sharing her with other guys has brought out some weird side of me which keeps pounding the fact in my head….you better keep your ‘‘A” game out at all times.

Dave and Tim both shook my hand and repeated their compliments about me having a gorgeous wife. I felt a little funny when they did this because I was still sporting a very nice hard-on from having just watched my wife do her little torturing act on these two. They jumped back onto their boats with Dave taking the “Clean-up” towel with him as he wiped off the suntan oil from his cock.

I went inside and Steve was standing there stark naked with a look I had seen many a times. Yeah, I was a lightweight when it came to drinking. As it turns out, Steve was a “FEATHERWIEGHT”! He was so hungover his eyes looked like they would fall out at any moment.

Kelli was trying to find something behind the bar to put in the Bloody Mary mix she had poured into the blender. When she jumped back up her perfect tits bounced and my hard cock was now at full standard! She had found a whole bunch of little miniature bottles of vodka and dumped them into her blender. Poor Steve looked like he could barely stand up and sat down at the bar waiting for Kelli. Hell, after this morning…I wanted a drink also.

Kelli eyed my hard dick. I was trying to think of anything I could to make it go down. However the little show my wife had just put on had that fucker so hard you could have used it to batter a door down. At that moment it wasn’t going anywhere and Kelli gave me a sexy smile. She later told me she had been watching Susan play with Dave and Tim. She had also been watching me as I stroked my cock while my wife jerked those two off. In the meantime, I wanted a Bloody Mary and a place to hide my dick because it was sticking straight up in the air and yelling out for some attention.

I sat down at the bar and placed my arm over my still raging hard cock. Kelli kept giving me the “All knowing” look and poured out four drinks. She handed Steve one first and he just kinda groaned out and took a few sips. She handed me the next one then came around the side of the bar and sat in the chair next to me. Kelli said, “Did you guys have a good time this weekend”? As I was trying to answer she grabbed my still rock-hard dick and repeated her question.

Kelli’s question this time and my response of “Oh GOD YES” may have been too loud because my wife chimed in from the cabin down below, “YOU DANM RIGHT WE DID”! This was met from laughter from all of us, including Steve who could have been used for target practice at the moment and would not have cared less. Steve was hurting!

Kelli leaned into me and kissed me very deeply. She broke away and said, “We hope you guys come with us again”. Her hold on my dick never let up and I took this chance to run my hands over her sexy legs and waist. I said it a few times already. I love my wife, but being able to touch another woman made me feel…….young again. Does that sound correct or strange???? Kelli gave my cock a few more small brushes and said, “We’ll take care of that in a little while”. She gave me one more kiss and went down below to talk with my wife.

As Steve and I sipped our drinks he said, “Man, do you think you can get us back to the marina”? The look on his face told me he was not really in any condition to even try and drive a tricycle, must less his boat through what would probably be a packed river on a Sunday afternoon. I took one last pull off my drink knowing now I would be in charge of the trip back home.

As the girls did whatever they were doing down below, Steve and I went out on the deck. The sun had burnt off the fog from this morning and the day was most definitely going to be another hot one. Most of the boats around us the last days had already left and a few were just pulling up anchor to head back home or wherever they were going to end the weekend. A little sad, but I guess all good things have to an end.

Just then Juliet rounded their boat in her little kayak thing. Herm was in the water holding onto the back of it basically being towed behind her. She waved at me then dug the paddles back into the water. They made their way over to Steve’s boat and I met them to help tie off. Yeah, I was getting to be a pretty good “seaman” out of this trip.

I helped Juliet climb on the back. She was only wearing her flotation vest and nothing else. Her ass was on full display and looked amazing. Yeah, I’m an ass guy. Even though Juliet was 60, it didn’t matter; this lady was sexy as hell and having gotten to know her…most desirable.

Juliet gave me a quick hug and then did the same to Steve. Even thought he was hungover it seemed to brighten up his mood and we watched as the sweet Ms. Juliet walked away to find the girls below.

Herm never got out of the water, but he called me over to talk. He said Juliet was giving my wife their number. He said, “We would love for you guys to come out on the boat or over to our house for dinner some night”. Seemed like an innocent comment however, I already knew….Herm wanted to fuck my wife. Well Herm, Mike wants to fuck your wife as well. Although I had just met these two people, I knew at that moment…we would be seeing each other again. I think I said this once already, but as it turns out they are among some of our best friends…in and out of the bedroom, if you know what I mean.

Juliet came back out and gave Steve another hug. She turned and grabbed my arm and gave me a quick kiss and said, “Your wife has our number and she wants to make a date”. My thoughts were running and my now softening cock stared to get hard again because the way Juliet said this to me suggested what anyone would conclude. She climbed back on and Herm gave me a handshake saying, “Please give us a call, it was great meeting you two”. They paddled back over and disappeared around the other side of their boat/yacht.

Tim was the first to jump back on Steve’s boat. He said he was heading back and shook my hand while asking where my wife was. Steve said, “They are down below” and walked back into the main cabin with Tim following. The girls met them in the main cabin and my wife gave Tim a hug and a quick kiss. She playfully grabbed his cock and asked, “You gonna be OK for a while”. His response of “OH YEAH” was met with a little laugher. Tim said goodbye and fired up his boat to head off.

Dave came over as the girls were finishing off the last of the Bloody Marys’ Kelli had made. He gave each a big “BEAR” hug and got a quick kiss from each. He ran his eyes over my wife one last time as she was still naked and apparently didn’t give a shit about being so anymore. Dave turned to me and said, “You guys ever want to come out with me, please call”.

I helped Dave untie and off he went. As he did I thought to myself, you lucky mother-fucker. You showed up with one of the most gorgeous girls I have ever seen (besides my wife) driving a boat which I would never be able to afford and you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Plus you fucked my wife and would probably be fucking someone else before you got back home. Yeah, a little envious, but I still liked the guy… and I know my wife liked him

Steve and I prepared to pull up the anchors and I had some trouble with the one off the back. We both had to pull on the rope to get it out of the mud which caused Steve to go to the side and throw up. He looked at me and said, “I tell you where to go, but you are going to have to drive”. I was very glad I didn’t finish the drink Kelli made me that morning. We pulled out of the cove with me at the wheel. Steve gave Herm and Juliet a blast on the air horn thing as we passed. Both waved and the lovely Ms. Juliet shook her tits at me/us one last time as we went by.

My wife and Kelli were making yet another round of drinks. However I knew I was in charge of the trip back home and would not be partaking. Steve was barely awake and the girls were already laughing in a way which said they had found something to make their morning a little brighter. Yeah, they were both drunk! I headed out onto the river with Steve sitting in the chair next to me pointing in the direction I needed to go. I was very glad I was sober at this point because there were boats everywhere heading to whatever place they were going. I looked over at Steve and he had his head back on the window and was probably going to be very little help from this point on.

Kelli had opened the windows and doors to allow the breeze to come in. I could hear they were both having a good time a deck below. Even with engine noise and the wind, my wife’s very distinctive laugh was making me smile because her weekend…was not yet over.

About 15 minutes later, a bunch of jet skis started heading toward us to jump over the wake Steve’s boat was making. I slowed down a little and asked Steve if I should slow down more. Steve was asleep so I did what I thought was best. I backed down a little more because they were also cutting across the front of the boat to close for my comfort.

It was at this time I heard a very familiar sound. The sound was my wife’s voice and her trademark, “.Oh fuck, Oh fuck, OHHHHH FUCCKKKK”, coming from down below. Now my attention was diverted from driving though a bunch a jack-asses on jet skis to what the hell was going on below.

The girls came up about 20 minutes later and my wife leaned in to kiss me. Once she stopped said asked, “Does Kelli’s pussy taste good”? This was something I already knew, but now knowing the girls had a little play-time of their own down below made me hard as a rock. My wife later told me Kelli had pulled out some little “razor rocket” type vibrator and had gone down on her while Mr. Razor did the rest. She had then returned the same favor to Kelli. Damn, Steve was asleep, the girls were fucking each other and I was stuck driving. Oh well, this weekend was more than I had expected and I was happy to pitch in and get us home.

My wife grabbed my now hard cock and kissed me once more. Kelli came up behind me and also took hold of my dick. She leaned in, pulled the three of us together in a hug and said, “I am so glad you guys came, we are going to have so much fun”. Kelli gripped dick tighter while giving my wife a kiss.

Kelli let go and said, “We can’t have our captain this way”. My wife lightly bit my ear and whispered, “You want a blow job”? Ah well honey….let me think about that for a few minutes…OF COURSE I WANT A BLOW JOB! With that, the girls pulled my shorts down and went to work.

Kelli was on my left, my wife on the right. They both toyed with my aching hard cock for a few minutes and giggled about something only they understood. I did not care if they were making fun of me. I only wanted what was coming next. Oh my lord what came next….was amazing.

Kelli took my hard cock in her mouth first. As soon Kelli began sucking on it, my wife grabbed my ass and slapped it a few times. At first she was doing it playfully, but increased the velocity with the final slaps. Yet just another side of my sweet wife had had not known about. Not that I’m into pain or anything of that nature, but a little butt slapping to put me in my place while enjoying having my cock sucked was a unique experience.

Kelli’s mouth felt wonderful as she worked the head of my dick in and out in a rapid motion. She only sucked on the very top of my cock this time while holding the base of it firmly in one of her hands. My wife was running her hands over my legs and ass and I was doing my best to at least try and pay attention to where I was driving. And my buddy Steve….well he was no help. He was now very much asleep and snoring with his head back on the window.

Kelli stopped and my wife’s mouth replaced hers. Even after all this years of marriage, whenever my wife sucks my dick it makes me weak in the knees. I know she loves to do it because it kicks her into her extra horny mode a little faster, but today she seemed like she wanted to really make me fall down. Her tight grip on my balls and the manner in which she was trying to work my whole length into her mouth was a bit different from my all the previous blow jobs she had ever given me. While my wife tried to swallow me whole, Kelli had taken over the ass slapping duties. She lightly spanked my ass a few times then whispered you better be good from now on. I had no clue what she was talking about and didn’t care. I just nodded my head yes.

Kelli leaned in and my wife took my cock out of her mouth. She held it in place while Kelli kissed around the tip and took me into her again. As Kelli sucked on the head my wife worked her hand in a small half circle on the base of my dick. Earlier I said I was weak in the knees… I was now getting ready to explode and could barely stand up.

Kelli stopped and ran her tongue along the left side of my cock from the tip to the base. My wife followed her lead and ran hers along the right. The two of them met at the tip and gave me a little double suck action which made me feel my orgasm start to build. My balls were tightening up, especially as Kelli ran her hand over them and played with my ass. I’m not sure if she was trying to work a finger in there, but my muscles were locked and there was no way she was going to accomplish that trick.

Kelli grabbed my dick and stroked it rapidly while my wife put her mouth around the head. Ten seconds later, I released into my wife’s sweet mouth. I have no idea what I released because she had drained me this morning. It may have been a little cum, it may have been air…it may have been dust. Whatever it was….it felt amazing!

Kelli stood up and gave me a kiss as my wife finished sucking my cock and taking every last drop of cum I had away from me. Kelli ran her hand over my chest and said, “Now get us back home”. She helped my wife up off the deck who also gave me a long kiss and the two of them went back down in the main cabin area. Their plan was to lay out up top for the last 1/2 hour of the ride back to the marina.

Steve was still asleep when I saw the markers for the small creek where the marina was located. He had taught me a few basics about which side to stay on. “Red-Right Return” was the one I remembered, but there were little markers and floats everywhere. I backed down and came to a stop. This woke Steve up and he looked like he felt a little better than this morning. I bet if he had gotten the same treatment I did a little while ago from the girls would have “REALLY” felt a lot better. Oh well, you missed out brother man.

Steve called back down to the girls who had changed their mind and decided to lie out near the back of the boat. Both were still naked and gave some “Boo’s” when Steve said, “Time to get dressed ladies”. Steve told me all the houses which were along this little creek were families with little kids. He joked, “I’m a Hedonistic Mother….but I also have some decency”. As the girls went inside to get dressed I went down and pulled the lines out of the locker and prepared to tie back up in the slip Steve owned at the marina. Why he had bought it as opposed to renting, your guess is as good as mine. He had money to throw away and I didn’t. He spun us around and backed into the private covered slip where I tied off feeling a rush of disappointment our weekend get-away was coming to an end.

He came down and helped tie off ensuring he had all the lines in the proper position with the marks he had on them exactly in the right place. I didn’t say anything about the double blow-job I had gotten while driving back because I thought he would have been upset at having not gotten his turn. As I was grabbing up all the trash and towels Steve said, “Don’t worry about it”. He paid a young guy to come take care of the clean-up and he planned coming back tomorrow afternoon to do some maintenance. I at least put everything into a trash bag, tied it up on the dock near and threw it into a container with wheels which looked like it was meant to haul trash up to wherever the dumpster was located.

When I jumped back on-board the girls were still sitting at the bar and making what would turn out to be our final shots of the weekend. They had made up some type of sweet-ass shots and although I didn’t like it, they seemed to love it. My wife and I cheered our hosts and we fired em back. My wife gave Steve a hug and then kissed him deeply. Kelli moved into me and I did the same to her. This led to out weekend not being over just yet.

The little goodbye session went on for some time and I could not believe my cock was hard yet again. I had already been fucked this morning by my wife and gotten a double blow-job from my wife and Kelli. I wasn’t complaining, it felt great to feel like a young man again and holding Kelli while I ran my hands over her tanned body made me ready and willing to go again.

Long story short…too late, Steve fucked my wife once more and I fucked Kelli. We used the bed my wife and I had slept in and both girls were on their backs side by side while Steve and I fucked them senseless. Steve only lasted a few minutes. He jackhammered into my wife and blew his load inside her in less than five minutes. I guess he was still not feeling too great, but my wife seemed to enjoy her final fuck session with Steve for the weekend.

I had already come twice today so I fucked Kelli without any concern of being able to cum myself. After she had her second orgasm she told me I had to stop. I continued for another few minutes and only stopped once I realized we had been going at it for a long time and she was probably not enjoying this anymore. Her little pussy had been very well used during the past few days and probably needed a break as much as my wife’s did. I slipped my cock out of her and rolled off the bed.

We hugged our friends and I hauled our stuff over to the car. During the ride home my wife only smiled at me and ran her hand over my now once again hard dick. She asked me, “Honey, are we going to do this again”. The manner in which she said it made me take caution with my answer. YES, I wanted to do this type of thing again, however I did not want her to think I didn’t care about her and only wanted to stick my cock into other women. My pause made her say, “Baby, I know you had fun….so did I”. She leaned over and kissed me and gave my cock one final squeeze.

Since the evening we got home, my wife and I have fucked more than we have in the last few years. Three or more times a day has become a normal routine for us. As soon as she gets home from work she is met with a cocktail and a hard cock ready for her. Again, it may sound strange but having shared her with other guys made me want her so badly every day I can’t wait until she walks through the door. It’s been a little less than a year since our first trip with Kelli and Steve.

Since then we have done several more boat trips and also a week-long stay at the beach resort which was a non-stop party. There was a nude beach about ½ mile walk away from our resort and we spent many of our days there lying out naked in the sun next to the ocean. We also spent many a night coming up with new ways of having our little min-orgies in the room. One of the nights included the bartender from the hotel, who was a very cute little girl about 23 or so and her boyfriend. They had fun and came back the following night for a “rerun” and to tell us goodbye. (That’s another tale)

We have also just been invited to Herm’s birthday party at his and Juliet’s home. I said home, most would call it a fucking mansion. Susan and I went there one night for a dinner party which we were warned was filled with “vanilla” people, however Herm wanted us to see his house and we readily accepted after he gave a run-down of the menu he and his staff were preparing.

As I said, Herm and Juliet became very close friends of ours. The six of us are planning another trip. Herm wants to go to a place called Desire in Mexico while the girls said they wouldn’t mind just doing the nude beach in Florida again. Whatever they decide, I’ll let you know what happens.

Submitted by: Localloversinit4fun

Pages: 1

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