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The Middle of Nowhere ( A story of Fiction)

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The Middle of Nowhere

(A Story of Fiction)

(Friday, 23rd of December)

The snow was more than four feet deep with drifts three times that and it was only the end of December, the ski lodges were having a great Christmas week with all of the skiers flying in for the holidays and spending their hard earned money. Luckily all those crowds and noise were fifteen miles to the east of where Larry had his cabin. The only way into his place other than air drop, was on horseback or snowmobile. Someone that wanted to hike in could do it, in good weather during the summer in about 7 hours. Highway 22 was only just over five miles to the south-southwest. In this kind of weather with all the snow on the ground and the weather service calling for another foot or more by the next night, Larry was not going to have any visitors until spring, or so he thought.

He was out checking his traps and seeing where the small elk herd was located, in case he needed to replenish his meat supply. His snowmobile was pulling the sled and having no problems with the snow or the drifts, he was taking care to stay away from the stream that ran along the bottom of the valley, he didn't feel like splashing around in this kind of weather at all. He was about four miles from his cabin when the snow really began to come down hard. Just as he was turning for home, he crossed a set of fresh ski tracks heading off downhill into the back country. He looked to make sure that's what they were and turned to follow them, knowing that whoever it was had to be lost and only heading into deeper trouble if he didn't stop them. He had gone about 3/4 of a mile when he saw a bright red jacket in front of him, the person had glanced off a tree and fallen and not gotten up. He pulled up alongside and after getting his snow-shoes on and moved slowly through the deep snow and was able to get to the person. He called to see if they were conscious, no reply. He reached down and carefully turned the person over; she had cracked her goggles and was unconscious. Larry thought to himself; “Great” another lost snow-bunny that wanted to see the great outdoors and didn't pay any attention to the "Out Of Bounds" signs marking the limits of the skiing area. There was no way he could get her back to the ski lodge in this weather, he was going to have to take her to his place and wait until the storm had passed and the weather cleared. If she was that badly hurt, he might be able to call for a rescue chopper to fly in and get her to a hospital.

He carefully dragged her to the sled and after he placed his gear and her skis next to a tree and marked it so he could find it later, he placed her limp body into the sled and strapped her in and covered her with the tarp and strapped that down also. It took Larry more than ninety minutes to work his way back to the cabin, the storm slowed his pace a lot and trying not to turn the sled over and cause any more harm to his first guest in more than a year really slowed his pace.

When Zeek heard the whine of the engine, he raced out into the snow to find his master. The big wolf-husky mix loved this kind of weather almost as much as he loved Larry. Zeek liked to sleep inside on extremely cold nights, but was just as happy to sleep on the front porch in the snow that always drifted over the one side. He got out to the snow mobile about two hundred yards from the cabin, Larry stopped so he wouldn’t hit the excited dog and told him to hurry back to the house, Zeek jumped and raced back to the cabin and waited outside the shelter that Larry parked the snowmobile in. As soon as the sled stopped and Larry killed the motor, Zeek sniffed the sled and knew that there was something different. The sled did not smell like a freshly killed elk or deer, he barked when the bulge under the tarp moaned. Larry told Zeek to be quite and to go sit by the door. He did as his master said and trotted off to sit in front of the door and wait on the porch until he was given his next command.

Larry quickly uncovered his guest and carefully lifted her and carried her around to the front porch, when he got to the bottom step he told Zeek to open the door and go inside. Zeek pushed the door open and walked over to his spot in front of the bedroom door. Larry carried her to the middle of the room and laid her down on the large rug in front of the fire, he quickly took off his jacket, snow-bibs and boots.

He then proceeded to undo her things so he could see if she had any serious injuries. He slowly undid the tie for the hood of her jacket and unzipped it, he carefully removed her goggles and scarf, she had a nice sized bump on her left forehead and some small scratches on the side of her face. Her face was bright red and she was more than likely dehydrated and close to catching frost bite on her hands and feet. He removed her gloves and jacket and then her boots, her hands and feet were extremely cold but no sign frost bite, she was smart enough to have dressed in layers he saw. He removed her ski pants and her North Face polar fleece jacket, she also had on some under-armor thermals and he removed them so her body could cool down and not over heat, the cabin was plenty warm and he was going to cover her with a large blanket anyway. Larry did take notice of the sexy boy short undies she was wearing and the sports bra that was restraining her amazing looking chest, maybe 32 or 34 C possibly even a D cup.

That would all have to wait; He once again lifted her up and laid her on the couch then he grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and covered her, placing a pillow from his bed under her head. He gathered her things and hung them around the room by the fire place which he stoked with more wood. He stepped into the kitchen and put a pot of water on to boil, after he added wood to the kitchen stove. He turned on the radio and listened to the weather report, they were now calling for at least two feet of snow in the next 24 hours with the possibility of more in the back country. Great he thought to himself: there was no way to get her out even by air now; well he had plenty of supplies and as long as she did not have any major head injury, which there was nothing he could do about anyway, she would be fine until he could call someone to fly in and get her or try to get her out on his snowmobile in a few days.

Larry made some dinner for him and Zeek, some stew that he'd thrown together last week and some biscuits that he cooked fresh in his Dutch-oven. He checked on her and saw that she was sleeping without any problems breathing and her color had returned to her face and the rest of her body. He carefully tucked the blanket around her and went to get some blankets for himself and pillows too; he was going to sleep on the floor in front of the fire place in case she came to and needed something. Larry told Zeek to go and lay down; he walked over to the couch and lay next to it instead of his normal spot or even outside where he usually went on nights like this. Larry placed a few large pieces of wood on the fire and blew the kerosene lamp out, got as comfortable as he could on the large Indian rug on the floor and closed his eyes.

(Saturday, 24th of December – Christmas Eve)

Samantha was dreaming and she seemed to be surrounded by all kinds of wild animals, but none of them seemed to be dangerous or trying to hurt her, she was wandering through the woods and while she knew she was lost she was not afraid or scared. It was very peaceful and warm, she felt like she did when she was a little girl on her grandparents farm back east. Walking through the woods and listening to the birds and squirrels chatter at each other. She drifted in and out of sleep, her bump was nothing more than that, and she did not have a concussion and would be fine in the morning, all except for a small headache.

Samantha could smell bacon and onions, and then the strong smell of coffee jarred her mind into reality. She opened her eyes and as they came into focus, she could see a large Bull Elk mounted over the fire place, sitting in front of her was a large dog with one blue eye and one brown. He gave a little whine and held up his paw to her, she reached out and took it. He seemed to smile and licked her hand. "Zeek" is his name, be careful, he thinks he’s a lap dog, but he forgets that he weighs 150 pounds. The coffee is ready and breakfast will be in about five minutes; I'm Larry in case you're wondering, and you are kind of stuck here as my guest for the next few days until the storm is over and I can get you back to the ski area and your friends.

Samantha was about to throw the blanket off when she realized that she only had on her panties and sports bra. A Startled Squeal escaped her lips; and Larry realized what she had just discovered. He told her to wait a moment and he would get her a robe. He pulled the pan from the burner plate and quickly stepped into his room and reappeared with a large white terry-cloth robe and placed it on the couch where she could reach it. She looked at his face and was instantly unafraid of what may have happened when her cloths were removed. His face and eyes were too kind looking to have done anything indecent. He stepped back into the bedroom and gave her a moment to stand and get the robe on before he reentered the room. My name is Samantha, but my friends call me Sam or Sammy. I am very grateful for what you done, you saved my life I am certain of that. I would have frozen to death before anyone would have even known I was missing. I’m not with a group or friends, I decided on the spur of the moment to fly up here from LA and spend some time alone and clear my head. I’ve been under a lot of pressure at work and with my boyfriend; I just wanted to get away and try to work things out before I moved forward with my life.

Well Samantha, you are more than welcome to stay here, and clear your mind because it will be a day or two before I could even try to get you out of here on my snowmobile. I think I may have a few things that you could wear, but that robe is yours as long as you are here and your ski cloths should be dry soon. I have most of the same comforts that your lodge had; it just takes a bit longer to prepare them. I have plenty of food and water, I can give you plenty of hot water for a bath or shower, the hot tub is always at 101 degrees and there is plenty of fire wood for cooking and warmth. If there is anything that you need I most likely have it or can make something close to it.

Larry placed the frying pan in the middle of the table and set the biscuits and jelly to one side while he set the bacon on the other, he set out two plates for them and silverware and asked if she wanted coffee. She said that she was dying for a cup of good strong coffee and felt like she hadn't eaten in days. Larry tossed a few pieces of elk jerky for Zeek to chew on and said breakfast is served. Samantha took her coffee and savored the aroma and slowly drank it in, she told him how good it tasted and that it was much better than the drain-o they served at the hotel she was staying at. Larry placed some scrambled eggs on her plate and asked if she wanted any of the fried potatoes he’d cooked before she woke up. Just a little she said, she didn't want to gain too many pounds while she waited for the storm to pass. He told her that if she gained any weight it would look good on her and she would be able to work most of it off just walking around the cabin during the day. They sat quietly for a few minutes eating and Sam didn't want to interrupt his eating with a bunch of questions. When she saw that Larry was almost finished with his plate, she cleared her throat and said "I would like to thank you again for rescuing me. But how is it that you found me and why are you all the way out here in the middle of nowhere?"

Larry said that there was no need to thank him anymore, once was enough, and besides he would not be able to live with himself if he found out that someone died on his property and he did nothing to help them or prevent it. ''You're Property, she said!" Yes, I own about 2000 acres out here in the middle of nowhere as you put it, but it is only five miles from the interstate and about ninety minutes from Salt Lake City. Are you sure you want to hear all of this, he asked. She nodded her head and held up her cup for a re-fill. He filled her cup and shrugged his shoulders telling Sam, remember you asked for it. Larry told her how he grew up in Oregon with his mother and father, his mother was a lawyer and his father an engineer and businessman. That his mother and father were both extremely successful in their careers and that they had made financial arrangements for him in case anything ever happened to them. How he played sports in high school and joined the Army after he graduated. He told Sam how he had spent his first enlistment in the Infantry and decided to join Special Forces because he loved the training and idea of working with foreign militaries and all that went along with being a Green Beret. Larry said that while he wasn't one of those adrenaline junkies, he did like to push himself and find out what his limits were. He said that he was Airborne and Military Free Fall qualified, Scuba qualified, that he'd been a sniper in both Iraq and Afghanistan twice. He had received advanced medical training from the Special Forces medics and Surgeons during his twenty plus years in "SF". Larry told her while he was getting ready to return from Afghanistan his last time, he received a Red Cross message that his parents had been killed by a drunk driver while on vacation in Hawaii. How the military had gotten him home in time for the funeral, and after he’d buried his parents he was informed by one of his mother's partners that he was a very rich man. His parents had invested very well and quadrupled their investments in the last ten years. That based on the initial paperwork that had been gathered by his mother's firm, Larry would never have to work again for the rest of his life.

Larry said that he was going to retire in a year or so from the Army and just decided to do it earlier. He spent some time looking for where he wanted to live and if there was anything he wanted to do, when he happened to be talking to one of his "SF" buddies who told him about some land that was up for sale next to his property, if you didn't mind leaving it mostly alone. He told Sam how the deal was that he could buy it and live on it, but could not bust it up and sell it off in little pieces or develop it commercially. It took him a year to get all the paper work and approval to get the things that he currently had at the cabin out here. That it cost him over one million dollars to have everything flown in by chopper, and then buried so it would not upset the owls or elk or the bears that are constantly coming around sniffing for something to eat. Larry said he’d like to show her everything once he cleaned up and put the leftovers away. Sam said she would love to see his place and asked if there was anything she could do to help. He said that he was fine doing it himself and she could take her cup and sit in front of the fire and warm herself while she waited.

Sam really began to notice how large this part of the cabin was, the living room and kitchen were almost as large as her apartment in LA, even though they were in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, Larry had electric appliances, and the only heat seemed to be coming from the fire place and the wood stove in the kitchen. But she remembered he said "Hot Tub" and all the hot water she could need, how he could have all this without any power lines running to the cabin was unbelievable. Larry announced that he was finished and said that he was ready to show her the rest of his place. He asked her to follow him as he walked to the right side of the living room to a closed door. He opened the door and turned on a light, it led down some stairs and into a basement. The walls were solid concrete; there were row after row after row of batteries all connected together. These are connected to the 20 kilowatt generator that is about 75 yards to the left of the shed outside where I have my vehicles stored, there is a five thousand gallon underground triple lined storage tank buried in concrete, which I have topped off once a year, it’s got 2/3 kerosene and 1/3 gasoline inside, he also said that he had about 25 or 30 small propane tanks for emergency backup fuel. He said that he didn't really use it all that often, he had gotten use to candles and kerosene lamps for light and wood for heating and cooking, besides Zeek didn't like it when the cabin got to warm. The thing that uses the most energy is the hot tub in the winter and his walk-in fridge and two large deep freezers. They were in the next room over; the fridge as he called it was larger than her bedroom and filled with shelves of canned and sealed items. The deep freezers he said was where he stored his meats, mostly what he shot and cleaned himself. That he only went to a regular store about once every three months or so. There were two other rooms that had some boxes and things in them but they were mostly empty, they were almost 20 feet square and had solid concrete walls and ceiling.

He led her up a second set of stairs to the left side of the basement which came out to an enclosed room that led out to the garage as he called it, or onto the covered porch where the hot tub is located, it was big enough for four adults and had an extra thick cover on it to keep the heat in. He turned back into the cabin and left again, there were three rooms along the back of the cabin, two bedrooms that shared a full bath and a room that had more rifles, shotguns, pistols, bows and arrows with all the ammunition you could ever need. She asked why he needed all of this, Larry said it was one of the things from his past that he really enjoyed, shooting. While he did kill for meat he didn’t kill just for the fun of it, besides he had done plenty of killing while in the Army, but being able to use a gun, rifle or bow like any other tool and improve your skill and understanding of all its characteristics was a challenge. He said these are my toys and I am very careful with them, it's just that I have a hard time not buying a new one if I don’t already have one like it. As he led her back to the living room, they walked past the stairs that led up to the second floor which also had two bed rooms and a shared bathroom, when they came back down and into the living room they walked past a door and he did not tell her what it was. She asked and he said that was his room and he didn't think she would want to see his dirty bedroom, he was never very good at keeping his room clean and his mother was always yelling at him to pick his things up. Sam said that she didn't expect it to be anything but a man's room and she promised not to think any less of him if it was messy.

He turned and opened the door for her; she stepped past him and into a room that was not what she had been expecting to see. It was spotless, nothing was out of place. It had its own large wood stove and a large bear-skin rug in front of it; there were pictures of his parents on the large stone mantle along with one of him and his parents with him in his military dress uniform. His bed was a large wooden framed thing that looked big enough to sleep a football team, the headboard was made from small trees it look like and had shiny shelves on each side where more pictures of Larry and his parents were displayed. Sam walked toward two doors; the right was a walk in closet where every manner of work, hunting and dress clothing hung in perfect order. The other door led into the master bath, wood and stone were used throughout the bath, the large shower had a glass wall to keep the water from splashing into the rest of the room but it did not have a door, you just stepped around the end of the glass to get in or out. The double sink was one large sheet of granite with deep stainless steel bowls, two round mirrors were hung above each sink. The toilet was hidden behind a short half wall of block glass with a small window above it.

Sam for some reason felt so completely comfortable and relaxed standing in Larry's bathroom, she turned and asked if she could use his shower, she said that she had not showered since yesterday morning and she felt like her body was covered with ten layers of dirt. Larry pulled two large towels from under the sink and handed them to her, as she took them from his hands, their hands touched and hers lingered for a moment on his. She smiled and thanked him, saying she wouldn't use to much hot water in case he needed to take one also. Larry told her to take her time because he was going to be outside for a bit, filling the wood box on the front porch so they would have plenty of dry wood for the next few days. Sam took the towels from him as he stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him, Samantha heard Zeek talking to Larry because he was going outside and was hoping to play in the snow with him, she smiled as she thought of the two of them playing out in the snow with no one around to see, probably just like a little boy and his dog would be doing anywhere it was snowing like this.

Sam slipped off the robe and her bra & panties, she looked at her forehead in the mirror to see the bump, it didn’t look too bad. She then stepped back at took in her five foot six inch, size six body to examine it for any other possible bumps or bruises. Her long brown hair reached down to just above her butt, her 34D cup breasts hung perfectly, not to close or too far apart. All the time she spent working out and on her roller-blades was paying off, no one ever believed that she was thirty-two years old. She stepped in and turned on the water, it was hot in just seconds, she stepped in under the large rain-fall shower head and let the hot water flow over her entire body for more than five minutes before she reached for the shampoo, she even liked the conditioner that Larry was using for himself. She was very careful about scrubbing near the small bump on her head, it was going down but it still was quite tender to the touch. She lathered up one of the scrubbers that were hanging from a hook and proceeded to scrub away what she thought was layer upon layer of sweat and grime from the last two days. Once she had rinsed clean, she again stood under the water and let it cover her in its warmth. She stood under the water for almost ten minutes before she decided that she was done. As she was drying off she noticed that one side of the counter was set up for him and the other for what appeared to be a woman. She had not seen any signs of a woman's things or presence anywhere else in the cabin, so why here? A brush, comb, tooth brush and a few other things that only a woman would want or need in the bathroom, and all of it looked unused.

Sam used the brush to get the knots out of her hair, before she put it into a tight French braid, she then brushed her teeth and used the deodorant, she wasn't sure what she might be doing later, but she knew she did not want to smell bad. She put the robe back on and opened the door, there on his bed, Larry had put one of his Special Forces t-shirts and pair of his old running shorts, the shirt and shorts were both about a size or two larger than what she needed. Thankfully the shorts had a tie string and she was able to secure them so they would not fall off her hips when she walked. She put the robe back on and picked up her bra and panties and walked back out into the living room.

Larry was outside filling the wood box and playing with Zeek, Larry would get about half way between the porch and woodshed when Zeek would explode from his hiding spot and attack Larry knocking him down and then jump on him and roll all over him, never making any attempt to bite Larry, just trying to wrestle with Larry and have some fun in the snow. Larry never once yelled at Zeek or told him to stop so he could finish filling the wood boxes, he would wrestle with the big ball of snow and fur until Zeek would race off to hide again and wait for Larry to make the return trip. What should only have taken Larry twenty minutes at the most, even with the snow getting deeper and deeper, took him just less than an hour. But there wasn't really anything else he had to do today, unless he was going to go retrieve his gear and Samantha's ski's, which he saw no real good reason to do in this heavy snow. That stuff wasn't going anywhere and it was just as safe there as if it were inside his garage. Samantha stood in the window watching them play and roll around in the snow; she would smile and laugh whenever Zeek would jump from his hiding place and crash into Larry. Sam wished her head didn't hurt so much, she would love to be out with them playing in the snow, and it looked like more fun than she had had in a long time.

Larry finally got the boxes full and put the sled away that he had been dragging back and forth, Zeek ran off into the woods as Larry headed for the cabin. Larry yelled at him not to be gone to long and Zeek called back to answer that he heard his master and would be back soon. Larry stomped and brushed as much snow off as he could before stepping inside. As he stepped through the door, there was Samantha holding a cup of coffee with the robe he’d given her hanging open so he could see that she was wearing the shirt and shorts he left out for her. ''Hope they aren't too big, but I wasn't sure you wanted to put your ski suit back on just to sit in the cabin all day" he said taking the cup from her hands. Sam stepped up to him and on her tip-toes she gave him a small kiss on the cheek and said they were the most comfortable thing she had on in a long time and couldn't think of anything else she would rather lay around in than a pair of shorts and t-shirt, with a nice fire and great coffee to keep her warm, and even better an honest to goodness ''Knight In Shining Armor".

Larry said he didn't know about the Knight or the shining armor, but he was sure that he smelled like a knights horse after all the rolling around in the snow he had just done with Zeek, so if she didn't mind sitting by the fire for a bit longer by herself: he was going to get cleaned up and then she could tell him if she felt up to it, how she had gotten so far off track to have ended up in his back yard. Just as he started to move towards his room and the shower, Sam grasped his jacket and pulled him back to her. This time she kissed him fully on the lips and made sure that he knew she was extremely grateful for saving her life, when she released him from her embrace she told him that she would tell her knight in shining armor anything and everything he wanted to know. Larry smiled at her and with a bit of a puzzled look on his face, headed off to get cleaned up.

It wasn't until he had left the room that Sam noticed her nipples were rock hard and it wasn't because she was cold, her entire body was warm from the kiss that she had given to Larry and the restrained strength she had felt in his one arm that he'd placed around her back as she kissed him, he had practically lifted her off the floor without any effort at all. She moved over in front of the fire place and carefully put a few pieces of wood into the fire; her mind was racing as she heard the shower running and imagined Larry standing in the shower with the water running over his hard body. It had been almost a month since she'd been with her fiancé, and then they had that fight that had her questioning herself and her decision to marry him, which was the reason she had taken this trip by herself to get away and think things through. Now here she was in a place so far from anything she knew, with a man she had never in her wildest dreams considered she would be attracted to, considering what would be the best way to let him know that she wanted him, and that she hoped that he would take her and fulfill her every fantasy.

Sam considered taking off the shirt and shorts and leave just the robe on, to be standing in front of the door facing outside with her nipples getting harder and harder from the cold and then when he entered the room she would turn and reveal her naked body to him and he would pick her up and take her to the rug in front of the fire and make mad passionate love to her for the rest of the day. Or she could take the shorts and robe off and just be wearing his t-shirt, lying on the floor with her ass exposed as she watched the fire and waited for him to come into the room behind her. Maybe she should just take everything off and lay on the rug with her eyes closed and her hands caressing her perfect tits and her legs wide apart leaving no doubt about what she wanted him to do with her. Her mind was so occupied with all the different things she wanted Larry to do to her that she hadn't heard the water stop or that he had walked back into the room. She was staring at the fire with her hands crossed over her stomach hugging herself when he asked if everything was Ok. Samantha screamed because he had startled her out of her daydream, she immediately turned red as she felt that he had seen her caressing her tits and hugging herself with his arms.

Samantha quickly regained her composure and apologized for screaming, the robe was framing her firm chest with her nipples trying to poke their way through the t-shirt. She also noticed that Larry had on a matching pair of shorts and a different t-shirt with some kind of Special Forces logo and Latin words circling the logo. He also had a large terry-cloth robe hanging open in the front, showing off his well-defined chest and legs, there was almost no body fat visible anywhere on his sculptured body. Samantha wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him while she got lost in his deep blue eyes. He asked if she wanted another cup of coffee or maybe some tea, she blurted coffee and followed him into the kitchen. Samantha felt her body floating along behind him; she stood in front of the sink and waited for him to fill the cups and hand hers back. Larry then asked if she still wanted to tell him how she got so lost or if she wanted to wait. Sam said she did want to tell him, but that she wanted to tell him something else first. Sam placed her cup on the counter and took a few steps over to where Larry was standing; she took his cup and set it on the table and then reached up with her hands and pulled his face to hers and kissed him deeply. Larry's hands slipped around her lower back and effortlessly lifted Sam until her feet were several inches off the floor; they slowly kissed each-other and let their tongues dance back and forth between their mouths.

Larry held her tight to his chest as he slowly carried her onto the rug in front of the fire, he removed her robe and then his, then he slowly lowered her down onto the rug and laid down next to her never taking his lips from hers. Samantha had her hands all over his back and chest; she then wrapped one leg around his waist and pulled her body closer to his. Larry placed his hand on her flat belly and slowly moved his hand up until he had her right breast firmly in his grasp, his thumb and index finger gently pulled then pinched the nipple, and Sam broke the kiss and let her head fall back as she moaned her approval as Larry squeezed one breast and then the other. "Oh Yes Larry, please take my body, make love to me, over and over. I want to feel your strength and power deep inside me all day long", she whispered into his ear. Larry said he would make her feel better than she had ever felt with any other man in her life. However, it had been a long time since he'd been with a woman and a very long time since he'd been asked by such a beautiful woman to make love to her all day long. Larry said that he would make sure that, before the day ended, she would remember this day as the greatest sexual experience in her entire life.

Larry moved so his body was above hers and lowered himself down on top of her until his weight was almost completely on her, he whispered into her ear "Your Body Is Mine Now", "I Promise Not Hurt You or Cause You any Pain unless YOU Ask for it", now close your eyes and enjoy the moment. He kissed her lightly on her eyes, nose and lips, worked his way down her neck on the right side and behind her ear, then back down her neck to the other ear. His hands were slowly pulling her shirt up over her chest and onto her arms where he let Sam remove it the rest of the way, she flung it over her head and it landed on the couch. Larry was gently yet firmly squeezing and sucking on Sam's soft but firm breasts, Sam was moaning and running her hands through his hair as she would sometimes push his mouth hard onto her nipple to get more of it into his hot wet mouth. Samantha was surprised at how vocal she was so early, normally she didn't make a sound until her fiancé had been eating her or pounding into her for half an hour or longer. Sam actually felt like she could have her first orgasm just from Larry sucking on her tits.

Larry was in no hurry to move his mouth anytime soon, while he couldn't wait to taste the sweet nectar between her thighs, he wanted to see if he could get her to climax just by having her tits & nipples sucked and squeezed. By the way Samantha was talking and forcing her nipples deeper into his mouth; he was sure that she would be screaming his name soon, telling him that she was close to Cumming and wanted more. Larry moved his right leg forward until his knee was applying pressure against her moist pubic mound. Her body jerked as his knee pressed against her erect clit, "Oh My God" she said as she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled herself against his leg while she forced his mouth down onto her left nipple. The first electric charges of her first orgasm in almost six weeks began to build and work its way down to her pussy.

In less than 20 seconds, Sam knew she was going to orgasm and it was going to be a powerful one. She pushed his face tighter against her chest and contracted her stomach muscles which forced her wet hot clit against Larry's knee, she tipped her head up and back and screamed as the juices flowed from her pussy, "Oh My FUCKING GOD, LARRY YOU HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN". Larry moved his leg back and took his left hand and began to rub her wet mound through the soaked shorts she was still wearing, as he moved his mouth and right hand back and forth from one breast to the other. Sam's hands were moving from his head to his back and then his arms, she didn't know what to do with them or where to place them, she only knew that she wanted him inside of her and she was going to ride him long and hard, and see how long she could go before she collapsed from exhaustion. It was only about four or five minutes since she had screamed through her first orgasm, this one was much more powerful because Larry had been rubbing her clit between his two middle fingers while he sucked her nipples between his teeth; Oh god yes Larry... chew on my nipples, that's it baby, chew on them both.

Larry did as she asked and soon she was screaming his name again, her voice ringing throughout the cabin, her body rocked and shook under Larry as her juices flowed from her pussy, and Larry had not even entered her dripping slice of heaven yet. Larry had released his grip on her clit and let her nipple slip from his mouth; as she lay there trembling, he slowly pulled the shorts from her and tossed them with the shirt she had on earlier. He looked down and saw a perfect little patch of fur that was nicely trimmed in a diamond shape, not much bigger than a silver dollar and right next to it was a small tattoo of a black cat stretching as thought it had just woken up from a nap. Larry said to Sam, let's see if we can't get this cat to purr some more, and he lowered his face down and began to kiss her inner thighs and run his hands under her legs and back up to her still erect nipples. Oh Yes Larry, Please make my little pussy purr and meow, I promise you she will not scratch or bite you. Larry took more than five minutes to get his mouth on her clit or outer lips, Sam was squirming so much and begging him to eat her pussy or she was going to explode before he ever got his tongue inside her. Larry was purposely avoiding her clit and pussy in order to drive the sensation of his first lick higher and higher. Her body had tightened and contracted so much that her hips and ass were off the floor and her chin was pulled tight into her chest as she tried to get his mouth onto her pussy. Sam was begging Larry to please suck her clit into his mouth, please stick your tongue deep into my pussy and fuck me with your face, please, please, please, PLEASE.......

Larry took his hands and pushed her legs apart exposing her gleaming pussy to him, he lowered his mouth over her clit and breathed his hot breath onto her exposed clit, Samantha moaned from deep in her belly and lifted her hips to get her clit into his mouth, Larry lowered his mouth and lightly sucked the small button into his wet mouth and flicked his tongue rapidly over it until he felt her body relax and then tighten up again as the next orgasm flowed from her body. While her juices dripped from her throbbing pussy, Larry lowered his mouth until it covered her lips and licked them clean and then slipped his tongue as deep as he could get it into her. Her hands found the back of his head again and pushed him deeper inside, she was going to get his entire head inside of her or die trying, her hips began to thrust against his face and tongue as she moaned for him to eat her pussy, make it purr louder and louder. Samantha had never cum so fast or so many times in her entire life and he still had not slipped his wonderful cock into her body. Where had this man been all of her life she wondered, and what would she have to do to if she wanted to keep him right where he was for the rest of her life, she didn't know what it might cost her but she was willing to do or give whatever it might be, as long as he made her feel like this for the rest of her life.

Samantha finally relaxed her grip on the back of Larry's head, her body was still shaking from the remnants of her last orgasm, Larry had moved back up so he was above Sam looking down at her face as she tried to catch her breath and regain some control over her body. She looked up at him and smiled, his face glistened in the fire light with her juices, she lifted her head and he lowered his, she kissed him and could taste her cum on his lips and in his mouth. For some reason her cum tasted so much better than she remembered it ever tasting before, she had never really liked that taste or smell of her own juices but this time it was like pure honey. Samantha began to lick his face clean and said that she wanted to taste more of her own juices when he got them flowing from her again. Sam said that she would also like to taste him and see if she could make him feel as wonderful as he had just made her feel. Larry kissed her lips and said that he would love to have her suck on his cock and drink his cum down her throat.

He asked her where she would like him to lay or sit, she pointed to the large chair sitting to the left of the fireplace, it was wide enough that his legs could be spread wide open and she would be able to kneel in front of him and have complete access to his cock. Larry got up and helped Sam up too, he stepped over to the chair and turned to sit down, Sam knelt on the floor and slowly pulled his shorts down to revel his nine inches of rock hard cock. Sam said that she had not seen a cock as long or big around as this in more than ten years and wasn't sure if she would be able to even get half of it into her mouth, let alone her pussy. But don't worry Larry, she said, I am going to do my very best to take as much of it as I can. Larry said that since it had been quite some time since he'd been on the receiving end of any oral sex that he was pretty sure that he would cum in her mouth seconds after she wrapped her lips around his shaft. Samantha said that she would swallow all of his cum and continue to suck on his large cock to keep it rock hard so he could sink it into her waiting pussy. Larry sat down and lay back in the chair, Sam took his hardness into her hands and stroked it a few times before she lightly kissed the head.

Sam watched Larry's eyes close and his head fall back against the chair as she slowly took the head of his cock into her hot moist mouth, her lips were tightly wrapped around the head and shaft as she slowly sucked more and more of his dick into her mouth. Sam could feel it swell and twitch inside her mouth as she moved her tongue side to side stroking the shaft, her left hand slipped down and began to squeeze and massage his large nuts. Larry's hips jumped and he let out a loud moan, Sam knew that she was going to have her mouth filled in seconds; she closed her eyes and took a deep breath then forced her mouth down as far as she could. She felt the head of this large cock pressing against the back of her throat, and then the first blast of warm fluid exploded against the back of her throat. Something completely unexpected happened then, her mouth relaxed and more of his cock slipped into her mouth and down her throat and she didn’t gag. The cock continued to move down her throat as it shook and shot its load of cum into her stomach, Larry had placed his hands on the back of Sam's head and firmly but gently pushed her mouth down onto his raging pole.

Samantha was rolling his nuts in her hands and milking every last drop of his seed from them. She could not believe that she had taken all of his cock into her mouth without any trouble, the picture in her mind of what she must look like with such a large cock buried in her mouth, sent bolts of lightning from her brain to her clit and started her first ever mental orgasm, Sam squeezed her legs together as her body raced through its own orgasm; her mouth contracted around his shaft and made Larry force her head down onto his cock even harder. Larry was telling her to swallow his cock, to take it all and suck his balls dry. After about a minute the last of Larry's load seeped from the end of his swollen cock and Samantha's own orgasm slowly subsided.

Sam was finally able to return her focus to the cock that seemed to be shrinking in her mouth; she slowly pulled her head back until only the head was sucked between her lips, she sucked and kissed the head for a few moments before she grasped it with her hands and then removed it from her lips. Sam looked up at Larry and said that his cum tasted even better than hers and she hoped that he had more for her to swallow again later. Larry said that she could suck his cock anytime she wanted too and drink every drop of his cum that he could muster. Larry said that he had never had any woman take his cock completely into her mouth and suck the cum from his balls like she had just done. Sam said that this was the first time she had ever deep throated a cock ever, and that she had cum also while doing it. This was turning into quite a day of "firsts" and she hoped that there were more firsts to come as the day progressed.

Samantha told Larry to lay back and relax while she got his weapon back into fighting shape, she was going to make sure it was good and ready for some serious combat, she wanted to feel his powerful body pounding into her and she wanted to be sure that his massive cock was rock hard. She gave the head another kiss and then began to use her hands, lips, tongue and mouth for the next fifteen minutes until she had Larry's shaft rock hard and glistening in the fire light. Sam deep throated the shaft once then twice, she pulled the cock from her mouth and then lay back onto the rug and spread her legs and asked Larry to fill her cock starved pussy with his big cock.

Larry slid from the chair and quickly moved into position above Sam; he guided the head of his dick between the wet lips of Samantha's waiting pussy. ''That's Right Baby, Fuck Me, and Fuck Me Hard" Sam said as she felt the head of his cock slip between the outer lips of her soaked pussy. Larry said that it had been more than a year since he had last dipped his cock into a woman's pussy, and he was going to pound into her as hard as he could, he just hoped that he didn't hurt her while he was fucking her hard like she wanted him too. "Baby, Just Start Fucking Me", I will tell you if you're hurting me. Larry slowly forced his hard shaft deeper and deeper into Sam; she was moaning and begging him to fill her up, to stuff his huge cock into her until he split her pussy wide open. When he had finally got all of his cock into her, Sam was screaming and yelling that she was close to Cumming already, to please fuck her and fill her with his cum until he collapsed on top of her. Larry had his arms under her and grabbed her by the shoulders, he then began to thrust into her and soon the cabin was filled with the sounds of their bodies slapping together, along with her screams of ecstasy and his grunts, they were oblivious to anything else in the world except the connection they currently shared.

For the next ten minutes Larry sped up and slowed down the pace of his thrusts into Sam's pussy, but the power of each thrust never diminished. Samantha was moving from one orgasm to another, she was moaning, screaming and begging for Larry to continue pounding his cock into her body. Sweat was dripping from Larry's face onto Samantha's face and chest mixing with hers. They had moved into an entirely different universe, the only thing that mattered to either of them was that the rhythmic pounding of his cock into her pussy continued without end. Larry's grunting became faster and faster, Sam had long since released control of her body to Larry, she was holding her legs high up in the air and wide apart so he could get every millimeter of his cock into her. Her pussy was contracting like a jack-hammer around his cock and Larry lifted his head and yelled that he was Cumming, filling her pussy with his load while still pounding into her. Larry soon lost his ability to hold his body above hers and fell exhausted on top of Samantha. Sam wrapped her arms and legs around Larry and held onto him as her body rocked through a powerful orgasm. Samantha felt so completely at peace as the weight of Larry's body pinned her to the floor, her legs fell from his back and her arms fell down to her sides. Larry was still breathing hard and had his head lying next to hers on the floor. It was more than five minutes before either of them spoke, he asked if she could still breathe or if his body was crushing her. Sam said that she loved the feeling of his body pinning her to the floor and not being able to move, it made her feel safe and secure. She also told him that she had never experienced anything like this before, she didn't know that her body was capable of anything like what it had just been a part of and she hoped that she would be able to have that feeling again.

Larry carefully rolled off of her and lay next to her on the floor, he said that he had never experienced such an extremely powerful sexual encounter in his life and he too wanted to feel that way again; he hoped that she would like to try again later. "Oh Yes Baby, We are going to do this and many other things" Sam exclaimed, it’s still only morning and if this storm is as bad as you say it could be. We are going to have days to find out just how much we can experience or if there really is a limit to how high we can go. Larry looked at the fire and could see that he needed to add some wood to it. When he lay back down next to Sam, she rolled over on top of him. His hands moved to her ass cheeks and gently squeezed them; she turned her head to the side and listened to his heart beating. Sam said that she was a little tired and wondered if he would mind if she took a short nap on him, Larry said that she could take her nap and he would make sure that she didn't get cold. Samantha quickly drifted off and was soon asleep, snuggling into his arms and letting the feeling of peace and satisfaction fill her mind and body. Larry was soon drifting off to sleep as well, only his mind was racing with thoughts of how it would be if Sam were to make his cabin her home and stay with him forever. Larry hugged her body tighter to his and smiled as he dreamed of what his life would be like with this beautiful woman spending the rest of her life with him.

They had been sleeping for almost an hour, each resting peacefully and content cuddled in each other’s arms in front of the warmth of the fire. Samantha had been dreaming about all the possibilities that might be if she were to stay with Larry at his cabin, when her dream became sexual she was having her pussy licked by Larry and he was doing another amazing job. In her dream she was nearing another of her powerful climaxes when a cold breeze blew across her and brought her out of her dream She opened her eyes to see that she was still laying on top of Larry and he was still asleep, but someone was licking her pussy and she was starting to cum, her ass arched up in the air and her juices flowed from her pussy. Sam moaned as the wide tongue licked her clit and pussy drinking up all of her cum, the pace of the tongue quickened and sent new waves of excitement through her body. She had to see what was causing this, if she was still sleeping or if Larry was actually licking her pussy and causing her to spill her juices all over the rug again. Sam turned her head and screamed loud enough to wake Larry and scare Zeek, who ran back out the open door and back into the snow storm.

Larry asked what was wrong and why had she screamed, Sam had her face buried into his chest and would not look up at him, Larry rolled her off of him and onto her side. He then was able to get her to look at him and he could see that she was shaking and had tears in her eyes. What had happened, he asked? At first all Samantha could do was shake her head and say ''Nothing, Its Nothing, Its Ok", a few more minutes passed and she finally said that she had been dreaming and that in her dream, he was licking her pussy like he had earlier and she was nearing another orgasm when something woke her up and she was having an orgasm and there was someone licking her pussy. Except it wasn't him, she took a deep breath and pressed her face back into his chest and said it was his dog, "Zeek" had come back into the cabin and must have got behind her and started to lick her while she was asleep on top of him. She was crying and he didn't know quite what to say or do, Zeek had run back outside and was not going to be coming back anytime soon to be scolded for what he did.

Larry was trying to think of what he could say to Samantha to let her know that she was Ok and that she had not been hurt or done anything wrong. But how could he let her know that without making it sound hollow or uncaring, he need to let her know that Zeek meant her no harm, only that he was acting on his instincts and nothing more. So that's what he said to her, that any male dog would do the same thing to any woman if the dog were able to get into a room where a man and woman were and had just had sex; dogs are curious and use their nose and tongue. Sam said she knew that, but what made her feel dirty and ashamed, was that she had actually enjoyed the feeling of his tongue as she was Cumming and raised her butt up in the air to make it easier for him to get at her pussy before she turned around to see who was licking it. I actually was Cumming harder when I lifted my ass in the air and his tongue was licking my entire pussy, the power of that orgasm was amazing, then I turned to look and see who was giving me such an amazing tongue bath and it was a dog. I was getting off and liking it, No I was LOVING IT, right up until I saw that it was your dog. Then all I could think of was how can I ever look at you again and not feel like a complete whore or some worthless piece of trash. Larry took his hands and gently took her face and turned it to him so he could look into her eyes, she slowly opened them as tears were still running down her face. I am only going to say this once he told her, that there was nothing she could do on her own or have done to her by someone else that would ever make him think she was anything but the most beautiful and amazing women he had ever met in his life. That what had just happened to her was unfortunate, but nothing that a little soap and water would not clean up, as for the mental image that she had in her mind, she should just let it slip from her mind like water off a ducks back. No one would ever know about it from him, that he would take what had just happened to her to his grave. Samantha looked up at Larry and asked if that is what he honestly believed, he nodded his head yes. She asked if he would still want to make love to a woman that had allowed a dog to have sex with her. Larry said that she didn't allow Zeek to have sex with her, that it was an accident, and beside he couldn't really blame Zeek for something that he had just done with her and was going to do with her as long as she would let him; Larry was smiling as he said that last part. Yes I do plan to spend the next few days making love to you in as many ways and places as we can think of until this storm has passed. Now what I want to know from you Larry asked her, do you still wish to stay here with me until the storm is over or would you like for me to take you back to your hotel now?

Samantha looked into his eyes, through her own tears and after swallowing hard she said. I would like to stay here with you for as long as you'll have me, and I do not mean just until the storm is over, I would like you to have me as often as you'd like, and for as long as you'd like to have me. I am completely at peace here with you and do not want to go back to that life that I left when I came up to these mountains, and found you out here in the middle of nowhere. I am asking if you would want to change your life that you have established here in the woods and let me become a part of it. My job means nothing to me, I know now that I was not going to go back and go through with my marriage to Stephen. I felt like I was being pushed into something that I didn't really want and was nothing but a trophy for him to show off to all his corporate buddies. I would rather go home to nothing than marry him, and I am not asking you to propose or even get married, I just know that I would feel much more complete and have a fulfilling life if I were to spend it here in the middle of nowhere, "With You" and your dog.

Larry was trying to keep up with the flood of questions she was asking and that were running through his own head; He looked down at her and the only word that came from his mouth was "YES", yes he wanted her to stay, yes he wanted her to change his life here at the cabin, yes, yes, yes a thousand times yes he said to her. But first I think we should go get cleaned up and then I think a dip into the hot tub would feel pretty good. Larry got to his knees and then slipped one arm under Sam's upper back and the other under her thighs, he lifted her off the floor and then easily stood up and carefully tossed her in the air and caught her again, Sam put her arms around his neck and she said that she was his to do with as he pleased. That he could toss, throw and position her body any way he wanted too, that she had never felt so safe and secure in her life and she hoped that if there were any way she could make him happy or provide him some small measure of pleasure with her body, that was going to be her job from now on. Larry said that he hoped that she liked to be pampered too as he carried her to the master bathroom, because he got real pleasure from doing things for others and he'd really love to make her feel special, just so she would never regret her decision to throw her life away and live in the woods in the middle of nowhere in a little shack. Sam said, that she wasn't throwing her life away, that she had chosen a different path and one that she knew would make her happy, and that this was by no means a SHACK.

That her entire apartment could fit inside his living room and kitchen, that he had things in his cabin that she had seen in some houses in Beverly Hills. Larry set her down in the shower and turned on the hot water, he kissed her and turned her around and began to lather up one of the scrubbers and wash her from her neck down to her toes, paying very special attention to her chest, firm round little ass and of course her delicious honey hole, which after he had rinsed her clean he knelt down and fingered and licked her to two separate orgasms. When he had finished and rinsed her off again, she took the soap and scrubber and returned the favor, using her body to scrub as well. She spent twice the amount of time washing his cock and balls as he had spent on her lower region, after he was rinsed off: she knelt down in front of him and began to make love to his erect cock. She used both her hands and mouth, pushing him back against the corner seat, she adjust the shower head so it would continue to spray water on them. Back on her knees, she took his cock in her hand and began to lick and suck on his sack, even moving lower and flicking her tongue across his tight ass rimming him while she jerked his rock hard shaft with her hands. Larry was telling Sam how good that felt and she replied that she wanted him to fuck her doggy style, and fill her pussy with his raging hard-on and empty his load deep into her clean pussy.

They got into position with Sam leaning on the corner seat and Larry behind her guiding his wet cock into her waiting pussy, she stood on her tip-toes and said to fuck her until he saw his sperm shoot out of her mouth. He pushed his cock into her opening and grabbed her long braided ponytail and pulled back on her hair, asking if she really wanted him to ride her hard, that's right baby she said, how do they say it “ride um hard and put them away wet”. Yes Larry said; I'll ride you hard, like you've never been ridden before. Larry shoved his cock deep into Sam and slapped her ass with his right hand. Sam squealed and pushed her ass back against Larry; he was pulling on her hair with his left hand and slapping both her ass cheeks with his right. He could see her tits bouncing in the mirror with her nipples aching to be sucked. After only a few minutes Samantha was nearing her orgasm, she was begging for Larry to fuck her and spank her harder, he applied more force to his stroke and slaps. Sam began to add her own shower of cum juices to that of the water showering them both. Larry released her ponytail and grabbed her by the hips and pounded into her exploding pussy, Samantha was screaming and yelling for him to keep going, he had lifted her up so he could get a better angle for his cock to work its way deeper into her fiery depths. He pounded her like this with her feet off the floor twenty times, then reached down and grabbed her by her tits and pulled her into a standing position in front of him, except her feet were still off the floor. He held her up and fucked into her, supporting her weight with his cock and hands, her hands were covering his as wave after wave of her juices flowed from her shaking body, Sam grunted deeply each time Larry thrust his cock into her, she was getting everything she had hoped for when she asked Larry to ride her hard. He was nearing his own climax when she screamed as another larger and more powerful orgasm rocked her body, her pussy clenched tightly around his cock and started squeezing it, milking it for its load of sperm. Soon her scream was matched by his as he fired his hot cum deep into the upper reaches of her love tunnel. The water was still showering over them and helped Larry regain his ability to maneuver them around in the shower, he slowly turned and sat down on the corner seat with Sam still impaled on his shaft and her tits still in his hands. They sat there for five minutes before moving and washing off again before slowly heading out to the hot tub.

Larry said that Sam should get their robes from the living room because it would be cold getting into and out of the hot tub, which they would need them for the brief instance getting in and out. Samantha walked into the living room to get them while Larry stoked the wood stove in the bed room and the fire place in the living room Larry stepped out the side door to sweep the snow from the porch that had blown under the overhang, that only took a few minutes and he slid the cover off and turned the jets on. He moved back to the door and waved for Sam to come out, he took her hand to keep her from slipping on the icy deck boards. He held her hand as she stepped up and into the tub, then took her robe and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall; he then put his robe on the other hook and quickly moved to join Sam in the tub. Just as Larry had stepped onto the top seat of the hot tub, Sam said "STOP", Larry froze and wondered what was wrong, Sam smiled and said she wanted to see his cock and balls shrink in the cold air before he stepped into the water. Larry smiled at her and asked just how long he was supposed to stand there and let his body parts freeze, Sam said that only a few seconds. Naturally his shaft shrank to a third of its normal length, while his sack almost disappeared with his balls up inside to escape the cold. Sam stood up and her nipples hardened immediately as she reached out and took his shrinking member into her hands and slowly pulled it toward her, Larry carefully stepped down into the hot water and wrapped his arms around Samantha kissing her, they slowly sank into the water until only their heads were above the water.

Samantha turned over and pulled Larry's arms around her, she let her head fall back and rest on his left shoulder, as the water and bubbles caressed her body. Larry let his head rest against hers and closed his eyes, still trying to except the fact that all this was really happening to him, that he was awake and that this drop-dead gorgeous woman was telling him she wanted to spend the rest of her life out in the middle of nowhere making him feel like this for as long as he wanted her too. His hands were crossed and holding her tits in his hands and slowly moving his index finger over her soft nipples, her hands were caressing his legs and pulling them around her own legs. Thank you again, Sam said; I hope you don't get tired of hearing me say that Larry, I cannot say it enough and it seems like it will never be enough, just two little words can never express the amount of joy or happiness that I feel now, I don't know what else to say but thank you. I know that common sense will say that all of these feelings are from my near death experience, and I have thought that could be true. But, I have never felt so completely safe as I do right now in your arms, the feeling of complete happiness, mentally, physically, especially sexually, oh my god Larry you do not know how far you have taken my body to places that I have only ever dreamed of sexually. I am not one that makes quick decisions in anything, but this one just feels so right, so real, so unquestionably correct, that I hope I can make you understand that I will do whatever you ask of me or tell me I need to do to stay here with you. If your concerned about the possibility that I may be after your money or material things that you have here, you don't have to be, I will sign any document that says I have absolutely no right or claim to any of your property or money, that the only thing I am entitled to is the joy and happiness that you give me by letting me be part of your life.

Larry's mind had been running in high gear as he listened to her talk, hearing all of the concern and warnings from his mother's firm that still watch over his holdings, how they would be telling him to think this through and move very carefully and not to promise anything. He was already tuning those legal voices out and listening to the soft music like sounds of Samantha's voice as she tried to express herself to him and let him know that she really wanted to stay with him and only wanted him and not the things or wealth that he had. Larry thought of the few women that had tried to attach themselves to him in the weeks after his parents had died and the news of their fortune passing onto him. Those women were so transparent as to their intentions, they only saw dollar signs and the possibility of getting out of what-ever life they were in and moving up into social circles that they would only see on T.V. or in the grocery store magazine rack. They did use their bodies to try and seal the deal, but they were nothing better than some of the working girls he had paid for a few hours of pleasure years ago during one week on R&R in Bangkok Thailand. While those women were talking about how they would make him happy and everything, they were already measuring for dr*pes and picking out memberships at the local country club. Samantha was telling him that she wanted none of his money or things that he'd shown her and was ready to sign away any rights that she may someday have, she didn't care if he was a rich man or that he own an amazing home in the middle of the woods with every convenience that someone could need or want in a home anywhere in the country. All she knew about him was what he had told her and showed her in the last few hours, she didn't know about his parents’ home in Oregon that belong to him or the condo that belong to him in Myrtle Beach, the property in St. Lucia or the small Casa 212 airplane that he'd purchased last year to complete his dream since childhood of owning his own plane. She knew practically nothing about him and yet was saying that the only thing she wanted from him was to have his arms around her and continue to make her feel like she was feeling right now.

Larry was still running his fingers over her nipples and they were getting hard even though they were under water, he could feel her hands gripping his thighs' as she now sat quietly letting the hot water and bubbles massage her body. He sat quietly for a while too, letting his mind work and argue with his lawyers about what he wanted and what they thought was best for him. More than ten minutes had pasted since Samantha had stopped talking, her body was completely relaxed and was moments away from slipping off to sleep in the hot tub when Larry said; I've been thinking about everything you have said Sam, I have also thought about all the possible reasons that this is nothing more than survivor worship or whatever a bunch of shrinks might call it. I understand that there are plenty people that will say that you are in shock or just trying to get your hands on my bank account. I am a pretty good judge of people or I would never have made it through those tours in Iraq or Afghanistan. I for my own reason decided to move out here into the woods. I never thought that such a beautiful woman would ever consider living out here away from all the things that such a woman would want or need to feel complete. There are still things that you do not know about me nor I about you, yet I feel as though if I take you back to your hotel and you leave I will be missing out on one of the things that is missing from my life. A person to share all I have to offer as a man, to try and make some woman happy and have a life worth living with. Larry slowly took Samantha by the shoulders and turned her to face him, her eyes were open and looked like they were near tears, he looked into her eyes and said that he knew that there would be difficulties and hard times in their future and that there would be times when neither of them would be able to understand what the other was talking about. But he did know that there was not one part of his body that had any concern or fear about asking her to become a part of his life and share with him all that he had to offer without any regret.

Larry looked at Sam and said he had two questions to ask her. Samantha looked puzzled, two questions? He said that he's had the most amazing sexual experiences in the last few hours in his life and he still did not know her full name. Samantha blushed and dropped her head smiling; she looked back up and said that her full name was Samantha Ann Moore. Larry said back to her, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Moore. My second question is once we have gotten everything straightened out and all of the details are set, would you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife and spend the rest of your days sharing in all that we can for as long as we can? The tears did start to fall from her face and she pulled herself close and kissed Larry, her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him tightly to her. When she finally broke the kiss, the tear tracks were visible on her face even through the sweat caused by the hot tub. Sam said that she too was a little scared about what others might think or say, but that she would be happy to share the rest of her life with him and do her best to make their lives as happy as they could be. Larry kissed Samantha and held her tight; they were lost in their own little world and oblivious to everything else around them.

Sam and Larry were still locked in a tight embrace, until they were both startled by a bark on the steps of the hot tub. There stood Zeek, with what looked like a smile on his face, he was covered in snow and looked like he wanted to have another romp in the snow with Larry. Until Samantha turned and stood up, Zeek then dropped his head like he was being scolded, Sam moved over to the big dog and said to him. You are going to have to wait to play with Larry for a little while longer because I am going to play with him here in the hot tub and then he is going to take me inside and we are going to make love for a little while longer. Do you think you can wait to play with him for a couple more hours, as she reached up and scratched his ear? Zeek leaned his head and let Samantha give him a good scratch, after a few moments he turned and licked her hand and then gave her a few licks to her face. She said, now go on and play or take a nap, Larry will be out to play with you before it gets dark outside. Zeek jumped down and gave a few barks and walked around to lick Larry's hand before he trotted off toward the shed and disappeared into the wood storage area. Sam turned and looked at Larry, she ran her hands up her sides and over her breasts, saying that she was going to get him hard and ride him for a bit until he was close to Cumming, then she wanted him to take her inside and make love to her on his bed.

Samantha stepped back over to Larry and straddled him, she lowered herself down and took his soft limp cock into her hands and slowly began to stroke it and play with his nuts that were being blown about by the jets in his seat. Larry was running his hands over her chest and down her sides getting her nipples good and hard. It wasn't long until she had his cock hard and slowly lowered herself onto it. She put her hands on his shoulders and with her feet on the seats on each side of Larry, she raised and lowered herself on his shaft in long slow strokes filling her pussy with hot water and hot hard cock. For the next ten minutes Samantha slowly fucked her pussy with Larry's large cock until he said that he could feel himself getting near an orgasm, Sam said she didn't want to stop because she was nearing her own orgasm. She pumped a few more times and then stopped saying that she wanted him to take her in and make love to her. Sam regretfully moved back off of Larry and let his cock slip from her pussy, he reached over and turned off the jets and stood up to get their robes, he got out and put his robe on and then helped her out and quickly put the cover on the hot tub and then picked up Samantha and carried her into the cabin and into his room.

Larry set Sam down in front of the fire place in the master bedroom; he got her a towel to finish drying off while he lit some candles and put some more wood in the stove. Larry excused himself for a few moments and when he returned, he was carrying a tray with some cheese and crackers and two glasses filled with water and two wine glasses halfway filled with a California white wine. Larry set the tray on the night stand next to the bed and took the wine glasses and walked back over to where Samantha was standing in front of the wood stove with the two doors wide open looking at the flames. She still had her robe on as did he, Larry handed her one of the wine glasses and lifted his, "A Toast" he said, to our future life together, "May the Rest of Our lives be as amazing as Our Meeting has been". Their glasses clinked and they each slowly emptied their glass, Larry took her empty glass and set it on the mantle, he then undid the belt from her robe and slipped it off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor, she did the same to his robe. Larry leaned down and kissed Samantha and easily picked her up and slowly carried her to their bed, he was already thinking of it as theirs, no longer just his.

Larry laid her down and moved next to her, where he returned to kissing her and running his hands over her body, stopping to squeeze her breast or stomach, or reach under her and take her ass into his hand and pull her closer to him and squeeze the firm cheek with his powerful hand. Samantha was so entranced by the moment and the controlled power of Larry's hands and mouth, her body was quickly heating up with passion again. Larry soon moved his mouth from her lips and worked his way slowly down her neck, kissing and lightly biting as he moved towards her chest. He spent what seemed like hours to Samantha sucking and massaging her breasts and nipples, she had multiple orgasms during his tit feast. He then moved to her stomach and tongued her belly button and sucked on her belly ring, even fingered her while doing it and that too caused her to have another orgasm.

Larry pushed her legs apart and slowly kissed his way down making sure to avoid her pussy, he kissed her inner thighs and the area all around her mound and pussy lips, her hips were soon grinding up against his face trying to get his mouth on her fiery pussy. Her hands were on the back of his head trying to guide his mouth to her waiting clit, her moans were getting louder and her juices were slowly dripping from her sweet smelling love tunnel. Larry sucked and nibbled on her love button while his hands moved from her legs and ass up to her chest and rolled her hard nipples between his fingers, before returning to her ass while one hand fingered her trembling pussy. Samantha was moaning and begging Larry to eat her pussy and make her cum again and again, that she loved the feeling his mouth was giving her pussy, how he had her little cat purring and wanting more. Larry used his tongue and fingers on Samantha's fiery little love box for more than thirty minutes bringing Sam to numerous orgasms, Samantha was pulling on his ears and squeezing his head between her thighs trying to get him deeper and deeper into the volcano raging inside her pussy. Larry placed his hands under her legs and lifted them up, pushing them towards her chest which raised her pussy and ass up off the bed. He slowly wiggled his tongue from her clit down between her swollen lips and thrust it into her wetness stopping for only a few seconds. He then resumed his decent and let his tongue dance around her tiny puckered back door. Sam let out a small squeal and her hips jerked as though a new electric shock had been sent through her body.

Larry continued to swirl his tongue around her tight hole and flick across it every few seconds, in which he was rewarded with another squeal and contraction of the muscles guarding the gate into the last point of entry into "His" woman's body. Larry started to move his face and tongue back and forth over her pussy and ass, rocking her legs up and down like she was riding some strange rocking horse ride outside a grocery store. Samantha was yelling again that her pussy was on fire and how she wanted him to shove his cock inside her to put out the fire. Larry said that he would put out the fire in her pussy later, but first he was going to fuck her ass with his tongue and fingers, and if she was willing and wanted too, he might even make love to her ass.

Samantha said that she had never let anybody put their cock into her ass, but that her body was so turned on by everything that he had been doing to her that she was willing to try as long as he went slowly and didn't hurt her. Larry said that he would never hurt her, not in a million years. That if she felt the first sign of pain he would stop and move his cock back into her tight pussy. Sam asked if he would put his cock in her pussy first and make her cum a few more times, so her juices could lube his big cock before he tried to force it into her virgin ass. Larry said yes, he would do as she asked; he lowered her legs and moved into a missionary position above Sam. As he was supporting his weight with his hands, she reached down and took his shaft with both hands and rubbed the head between her soaked lips and over her erect clit. Larry slowly lowered himself down on top of Samantha until his shaft was completely buried inside of her. Sam looked up into his eyes and said "Make Love to Me, Please". Larry kissed her on the forehead, then her eyes, her nose and then a deeply passionate kiss on her lips, as his cock throbbed inside her tight pussy. Larry made love to her for the next half hour, his pace and speed varied as did the force of his thrusts, there was no counting the number of times that Samantha came, her body was completely lost in a new world of passion and desire, once again she knew that she would do whatever it took to keep this man happy, and if that meant that she would live out here in the middle of the woods with Larry for the rest of her life, that was just fine with her, as long as he continued to make her feel this way there was nothing else in the world that mattered. She wrapped her legs around his back and pulled her hips up to meet his thrusts, she had been visualizing his big cock sliding in and out of her ass, just like it was doing in her pussy. The intensity of her last orgasm caused her juices to flow from her pussy and splash down onto the bed as his cock pounded into her. Samantha dropped back onto the bed and said, ''Now Larry, I Want You to Make Love to My Ass Now". Larry pushed himself back up and reminded her to say if she felt any pain, to tell him so he wouldn't hurt her; she nodded her head and said that she would.

Larry pulled his glistening shaft from her dripping pussy; he carefully rolled her over onto her belly and pulled her hips back and up to him as he knelt behind her. He slowly slipped his cock back into her pussy and pumped into her while he took his right thumb and with some of her pussy juices began to play with her tight little pucker. Samantha was moaning from the new angle of his cock pounding into her pussy and the feeling of his thumb pressing against her virgin hole was amazing, after just a few seconds she felt his thumb slip inside and cause her body to explode in a new type of orgasm that she did not know existed. Larry was fucking her pussy and ass and all she wanted was more, her hips were shaking and her pussy was contracting around his cock like a vise. Larry pulled his cock out and held it with his left hand, he slowly pulled most of his thumb out and aimed a small drop of spit onto her ass and used his thumb to lube the opening. He swiped his cock between her drenched pussy lips to coat the head of his cock and placed it at the opening. Before he pushed into her, he told her to take her hand and finger herself, it would help him ease into her with less pain.

Samantha did so without asking, her left hand began to rub her clit while her right hand was pinching her right nipple. ''Now Larry, fuck me in my ass now, I want to feel your cock fill my ass with your Cum"; Larry ever so slowly began to press the head into the tight opening. It clenched closed even tighter against Samantha's wishes, she could feel him working his thumb on her hole and continue to press the head into her. After a few minutes of pressing and his thumb working her hole, along with some more spit, the head of his cock was finally inside her. Samantha had been biting her upper lip the entire time Larry was getting the head of his large cock into her tiny little ass, but once the head was in all of the pain she had felt was gone. The moment it popped inside her fingers were squirted by a flood of pussy juice, she let out a loud moan as her body screamed into space on a rocket fired into her virgin ass. Her hips pushed back against Larry and the feeling got even bigger. Sam screamed for Larry to fuck her, to pound into her ass like he was still fucking her pussy, Oh God yes please Larry fuck my ass, pound it, spank it, fill it with your big fucking cock, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MY ASSssssssssssssssssssssss.

Larry grabbed Samantha by her hips and carefully slid his cock into her ass until his cock was buried up to his balls. Samantha's entire body was shaking, her hands were above her head now on the bed, grabbing the bed spread and trying to hold on to anything to keep From flying off the bed. Larry started to piston his shaft back and forth until the sound of his hips slapping her ass filled the room. Samantha was yelling yes, yes, yes as her body rolled through a continuous orgasm, Larry raised his right hand and slapped her right ass cheek as the perfect "smack" echoed in the room. Sam screamed as her ass and pussy clenched together, causing her orgasm to go higher, again she screamed, spank me again. Larry began to use both hands to slap her ass, after about ten strokes of his raging cock into her ass, his hand would spank one cheek and after another ten stroke the other cheek would receive a solid smack. With each smack her body would jump and contract, her body was now on auto pilot, she had absolutely no control over it at all. The sounds coming out of her mouth made no sense other than they were the sounds of a woman in complete and utter ecstasy. Larry felt his own climax nearing and grabbed Sam by the hips again, only this time he was pounding into her tight ass so he could fill it with his white hot load of cum. Samantha was practically a limp rag in his hands, he felt the first tingle of his own orgasm at the back of his cock, Larry's pace quickened and just as he was on the back stoke the first jets of sperm blasted for the end of his raging hard-on. He slammed his cock deep into her ass and ground his hips into her as his massive load of cum spilled into her.

Larry collapsed down on top of Sam and forced her to lay flat on the bed, with his cock still throbbing in her trembling hole. Her body was still rolling through wave after wave of orgasm; their bodies were connected in a combined orgasmic event that neither of them had ever thought possible. Larry had enough brain power to know that he was much too heavy to be on top of Samantha for very long, so he slid one arm under her belly and the other under her chest and rolled over onto his back, pulling her over on top of him without letting his still hard cock slip from her ass. He then placed his hands on her tits and roughly squeezed them and pinched the nipples, which sent one last jolt of electricity through her body; her back arched and forced her hips to grind his cock deeper inside of her. One last scream escaped from her lips and then she collapsed back on to Larry's body and passed out. Larry called her name and tried to get her to respond but she was out, he was in no big hurry to go anywhere or remove his semi-hard cock from its new resting place, he pulled part of the bedspread over them and placing his hands back on Samantha's perfect tits, then drifted off to sleep with his cock buried deep in her ass for more than ten minutes until her ass muscles finally relaxed enough to let it slip from its tight grip. Larry and Sam slept for over an hour before the sound of Zeek outside the bedroom door woke them up.

Samantha rolled over and snuggled into Larry, telling him thank you for the love making he had just provided her with, that she had never in her life experienced such powerful passion or raw sexual feelings or desire as she had just done with him. She only hoped that she would be able to return the favor and let him feel what she had felt and how warm and comforting it makes you feel inside your soul. Zeek was calling for them to come out of the bed room, he was still waiting for Larry to go outside and play in the snow with him again. Sam said that they had better get cleaned up before Zeek chewed his way through the door to get at them, Larry sighed and said that he would much rather stay in bed with her than to go back outside and get attacked by Zeek any day. Samantha lifted her head off his chest and with a wicked little smile said, that it was ok to go outside and play with his dog, she would wait until they were done playing in the snow before she would attack him, beside she said, I've got a couple of days to attack you before this storm is over and I can make arrangements to get my things sent somewhere close to here so we can go pick them up, I can't just live with one set of cloths unless you don't mind me walking around in the nude or in some of your clothes for the rest of the winter.

Larry said that he didn't have a problem with her walking around in the nude at all; it’s just that he would more than likely never get anything else done because he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands, mouth or cock off of her. She smiled back at him and said if he wanted her to be naked and have her body available for him 24-7, then she would do exactly as he wished. Sam pushed herself up and off the bed, she walked over to the door and opened it, a blur of black, white & grey fur flew by her and landed on the bed. Zeek began licking and talking to Larry, telling him that he was supposed to go back outside and play with him. Sam walked back over to the bed and asked Zeek if she could get back on the bed, Zeek stood up and stepped over Larry and put his ears back and lowered his head. Samantha reached out and with both hands scratched the big dog behind his ears, telling him that she forgave him for his early accident in the living room. She looked at Larry and said that the only man allowed to lick her pussy was Larry, but she would let him give her a kiss if he behaves for her also. Zeek's ears popped up and his tongue came out and he began to lick her face like it was covered in chocolate. He licked and kissed Sam until she was giggling and laughing so hard that she had to grab Zeek around the neck to make him stop.

Larry slipped off the bed and headed for the bathroom to clean up before getting dressed to go out and play with Zeek, he could hear Sam giggling as Zeek continued to lick her face and yelp as he played on the bed while he waited for his master. Sam was calling for Larry to come and save her from his dog. Larry stepped back into the bedroom to see that Samantha was on her back and pinned to the bed by Zeek, the big husky was standing over her licking her face and nuzzling his nose on her neck and ears, she was laughing so hard while pleading with Zeek to stop, Larry called for Zeek to stop and go outside. Zeek gave a small yip and jumped off the bed and raced out of the room and outside to wait for Larry. He moved over to the bed and leaned over to give Sam a kiss, he lightly pressed his lips to hers as she grabbed his left hand and placed it on her right breast, pressing it firmly down and mashing it flat. When he pulled his lips from hers, she said that she would be cleaned up and waiting for him when he was done playing with his dog. Larry smiled and said that he would only be out for a little while, Samantha told him to take his time and play with his dog, she wasn’t going anywhere without him.

Sam lay on the bed for a while, rerunning their last session through her mind again, it amazed her how easily Larry could make her body explode and do what-ever he wanted it too. Also how easily and willing she felt to do anything that he asked her to do, she would never have let her Ex-fiancé anywhere near her back door much less shove his little dick into her. She said out loud to no one, that she would rather have Zeek lick her pussy one more time before she would ever consider letting Stephen near her body again. She said that a dog was able to do in two minutes what took him more than thirty minutes and she had to be half drunk and watching porn before she even got close to having an orgasm with him. Well she said, I don't have to worry about that ever again since it seems to be so easy for Larry to make my body explode, just by thinking about having sex with him. She threw her legs off the bed and stood up, stretched and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. After a quick shower Sam walked out into the kitchen and put some wood into the stove and filled the pot with water for when Larry was done outside with Zeek. She stepped over to the window to see if she could see Larry and Zeek playing in the snow. Larry was standing in the open throwing snow-balls in the air at Zeek, he would bite at them or catch them in his mouth, then try to run by Larry without getting hit or tackled as he ran around his master. She watched this for about five minutes before Zeek ran off into the woods and disappeared, when Larry stood up and called for him, she tapped on the glass and when he turned to look at her. She saw a huge smile on his face, she smiled back and then pressed her chest against the window smashing her tits flat, the cold window made her nipples immediately hard and sent a bolt of electricity through her body right down to her clit, still looking at Larry she blew him a kiss and then let her head roll to the side and back as she arched her back and moved her chest back and forth across the window for about a minute, her hands were cupping her breasts and when she pulled back from the window her erect nipples were almost an inch long and she pulled on them and rolled them between her fingers. She looked back at Larry just in time to see Zeek come running out of the woods and knock him sprawling into the snow. Samantha ran to the door and called for Zeek to come inside, the big dog sprinted into the house passed her as she called to see if Larry was Ok.

He pushed himself up to his knees and said he didn't think anything was broken, but he thought that he might have a ton of snow inside his jacket after that last hit. Samantha said that he should come inside were she would use her body to warm him back up. She was caressing her tits again and moving her hips side to side very seductively, Sam called to him in a voice straight from a Hollywood movie, "Hey GI, Me Warm You Up. Stay Happy Long Time. What You Say To That GI?" Larry laughed out loud and said that he would gladly let her warm his cold body for a long time, but if she didn't get back inside her tits were going to freeze and fall off into the snow. Sam agreed and turned to head back through the door, just before she stepped through the door she looked over her shoulder and said to Larry; "Come and Get It" and slapped her ass with both hands. Larry had made a snowball and threw it at Sam; it hit her right in the ass just as her hands smacked her cheeks. She yelled in surprise from the cold shock because it combined with her slap and sent another jolt of electricity to her pussy. She grabbed the back of one of the kitchen table chairs and slowly bent over until her ass was pushed up high in the air, so when Larry closed the door and turned to see her he would see the hand prints on her ass cheeks and the melting snow dripping down her crack.

Larry knelt down behind her and stuck his tongue between her pussy lips and slowly flicked his tongue back and forth until he was probing her tight little back door. Sam was squirming and pushing her hips back onto his face when she felt his gloved hand push up against her pussy, Oh My God she screamed, he had a hand full of snow in his glove and the cold snow on her pussy and clit was over whelming. The feeling of his tongue licking her ass and his hand pressing snow onto her pussy was over the top mind blowing, there was a slight twinge of pain, but the amount of pleasure she felt made the little bit of pain feel good to. She ground her hips back and down even harder as she felt her climax get closer, she heard someone yell "GOD YES, FUCK MY ASS WITH YOUR FACE" ''THEN FUCK IT WITH YOUR BIG FAT COCK". Samantha was shocked that she had just yelled that and couldn't believe she actually wanted Larry to do just that. I'm Cumming Larry, I'm Cumming, Oh My Goddddddddddd I'm Cummmmmmming, FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK Meeeeeeeeeeeee.

Larry stood and in a flash had his hard cock out and the head pressing between her drenched pussy lips, he slowly pressed it deeply into her throbbing hole. Her body shook as his pole forced its way deeper and deeper into her pussy. After only a few moments of Larry stuffing his hard shaft into Samantha's body, the juices' were flowing from her pussy again. Larry told Sam to start fingering her clit, she did as he said and her right hand was feverishly rubbing her erect clit between her fingers sending electrical rockets throughout her entire body. Larry pulled his gleaming shaft from her dripping pussy and placed the tip of his cock on Samantha's puckered hole. He used his thumb to relax the opening and less than thirty seconds after pulling his cock from her pussy he had the head of his cock inside her ass and slowly stuffing the rest of it into her as wave after wave of orgasm rocked her body. OH, OH, OH, OH, OH MY GOD, that feels so fucking good Larry, oh god yes, I'm cummmmmmmmming. Soon there was another howling in the room, Zeek was standing in front of Samantha and joined her howling. The dog knew what was happening and that his master, the Alpha Male was mating his female and that she was enjoying it. It was just part of nature and Zeek knew that Larry was the Alpha male and Sam was the Alpha female, his only part in this was to show his support for his master's choice and protect them from harm no matter the cost.

Larry pounded into Sam for almost five minutes before he felt a burning deep in his balls, he slapped her left cheek and then her right ass cheek as he got closer and closer to filling her with his load. Samantha was by now holding onto the chair to keep from falling over, that and Larry's grip on her hips kept her from falling to the floor. Larry grabbed her hips and lifted her off the floor and slammed his rock hard shaft into her quaking hole and began to fill it with his white hot load. Samantha pushed herself up with the help of the chair and reached up behind her and wrapped her arms around Larry's neck as he finished squirting his cum deep into her ass, her own cum juices dripped from her pussy and onto the base of his cock and balls. I just love having your cock buried in my ass she said almost as much as I do having it buried in my tight pussy.

I can't remember the last time I had this much sex with a woman that was so amazingly beautiful and wanted to do nothing more than please me. I am the lucky one said Samantha, I have found a man that doesn't need to live the way society thinks he should, and has made me feel more complete in the last twenty-four hours than any other man in my life, your ability to take me to new heights of pleasure is unending and immeasurable. If by making my body available to you whenever or wherever you want it, will bring you the smallest amount of joy and pleasure, then my new life here with you will be complete. Larry slowly moved his hands up her sides and cupped her perfect “D” cup tits in his hands and ever so slowly lifted her up and off his semi-hard cock, a small pop announced that he had finally been released by her tight hole. He set her feet on the floor and turned her around to kiss her deeply and make sure she knew how much he just enjoyed what they had done.

The steam whistling from the pot on the stove brought them back to reality. They both laughed and moved to get the pot from the burner. Sam said that he should finish getting undressed and get cleaned up, that she and Zeek would make dinner, Zeek barked when he heard his name and moved over next to Sam and sat down with his tail wagging. Larry picked up his things and headed off to get cleaned up. Sam looked down at Zeek and asked what he wanted to make for dinner? Zeek whoo-whoo'd back to her and shook his head, so Samantha said they would just wing it and see what was in the kitchen that they could throw together.

When Larry came back out to the kitchen, the table was set and there stood Samantha beside the table with a large glass of beer in her hand for Larry and a glass of white wine for herself Sam had found something that looked like chicken and some potatoes and sweet peas with baby carrots, she had also made some fresh biscuits and gravy. She was still completely naked, dinner is served my dear she said, please let me know if there is anything else you require or desire and I will do my best to get it for you. Larry walked over to her and instead of taking his glass he took her perfect breasts into his hands and kissed each nipple, then he held her face with his hands and lightly kissed her on the lips and said that everything he could ever want or need was right here in front of him, everything in the cabin was all he would ever need and she was the finishing touch. They sat and ate a quite dinner; Samantha had turned off all the lights and lit a few candles and the kerosene lamp. They sat quietly and ate their meal while looking into each other's eyes and smiling at one another. After they finished, Sam quickly cleaned up the table and made sure everything was put away.

Larry added some wood to the fire and sat on the couch waiting for Samantha to join him there. She sat next to him and he wrapped his arms around her after she placed a blanket over their legs. He asked if she had enjoyed her first day in the middle of nowhere. Samantha said that she never thought she would ever feel so comfortable or safe, and be so far away from everything she thought was what she wanted in her life. Because of certain circumstances in her life and how they had unfolded, she was able to see that she wanted something different and because of a badly marked trail on an isolated ski hill, she got lost and fell into the only place she ever want to be for the rest of her life and with a man that she could only hope to make as happy as he had already made her. She knew that it would be hard for some of her friends to understand her decision, but her family would understand her reasons and support her regardless of what others might think or say. Quitting her job would not be a problem beca

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