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The Husbands Give Us a Surprise

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My husband is in the advertising business and is also a pretty talented photographer. One afternoon, about six years ago he told me that he had a photo shoot to do for a new nightclub that was a little on the wild side. At that time, he had a fairly large studio set up on the top floor of our home. I was a little surprised when he asked if I wanted to be one of the models for the shoot, but I was complimented as well. A model that he had used for some years was arriving at four and he explained that most of the shots would be body shots, dressing in leather harnesses. None of the shots would be explicit, other than showing a nipple of the edge of a nipple, and in those shots no faces would be shown.

I thought it would be kind of fun. I knew the model, Cher, fairly well and had had lunch with her and gone shopping a coupel of times, but sometimes when they were working together, I wondered if she and my husband had had an affair.

She was cute, that?s for sure, long naturally curly brown hair, pretty oval face, about a size two. I know my husband always tells me he likes my body, with its big boobs and full hips, but I?ve always been a little jealous of her body. It looks a little french with high firm small buppies. Her butt is kind of a surprise, a little bigger and rounder than you would think.

The shoot was set for five and Dan always uncorks a bottle of wine before hand as he feels it helps everybody relax and photo shoots are always a matter of hurry up and wait. Dan had a smile on his face when he handed me the first outfit. It was simply a thing of black leather straps joined by chrome o-rings. Cher and I went to our bedroom to change. I realized that I was going to have to trim my pubic hair not to look ridiculous in the thing, so I put my hair up and went into the shower with a pair of scissors. I was a little disconcerted to see Cher watching me. After I had trimmed it, I lathered up and shaved the rest of it off. I had noticed when Cher stripped that she didn?t have any hair at all.

When I came out she said, ?I used to shave, but then I figured out that I could wax it off and then pluck it every couple of days. You should try it, it makes it very soft.?

That got my mind working, but we put on robes and went to the studio. Dan had the lights set and positioned us so that we were ready to lay down and get to it. The first shots involved Cher laying on her side with me dr*ped over her, her hand shielding my nipples. Her hands were very small, but at first she was very careful not to touch my breasts in placing her hands, but Dan told her to move her hands closer. She giggled the first time she brushed by my nipple, which responded by getting hard. I laughed back and said, ?It must be cold in here.? Of course we both knew that Dan had set the thermostat in the mid 70?s to keep us warm, but she didn?t say anything. In a number of shots, Dan had us hold each other?s breasts so that he could get the lines he wanted without transgressing the limits imposed by the clients. On one shot, he had Cher put her hands over my mound while I covered her nipples. I could feel the heat from her hands over my freshly shaved lips and in turn I felt her nipples grow hard as I moved my hand slightly over them in response to Dan?s direction. The first shot ended and Dan had us remove the outfits in preparation for the next shot which was going to use a really diaphanous silk fabric dr*ped over parts of our bodies.

When I removed the leather strap outfit, I was horrified to see that the leather had left stains on my body. Dan explained that it was undoubtedly from the shower that I had taken shortly before the shoot. He said he had had that happened to him once before and had baby oil and cotton swabs that would remove the marks. He got busy re-arranging the lights and Cher set to work with the cotton balls to remove the strap marks from places I couldn?t reach. She approached her job clinically even though she was completely naked, but I was a little disconcerted to see that while she worked the pink tip of her tongue stuck out from her lips. I was sure it was just a nervous tick, but it looked exactly like a little clit between her plump lips. When I looked down, I could see that her nipples had become completely hard. She had small areolas and in contracting they had almost disappeared, so her little pinkish nipple appeared sitting on a pale mound of firm breast. I had never really considered myself attracted to girls, but all of a sudden, I realized that she looked very sexy and I became aware that I was very moist. At that point, she had moved to my back and was removing the marks from my shoulders. I realized that the staps had gone crossed my buttocks and had then gone between my legs, covering my butt hole and pussy. I had cleaned up the stains on my pussy but had not been able to reach my butt. Surely, she would stop before she got that far. Part of me was hoping that she would stop before she got that far, because now my body was betraying me and I could feel that I was getting really wet. Soon, I was afraid, you would be able to see the moisture collecting around my lips. She got lower and lower, discarding soiled cotton puffs as she went. I looked at Dan and he winked at me, smiling. I felt Cher put her hand on my back and she told me I would have to lean forward and then she was on her knees behind me, the cotton ball getting closer and closer. I looked back between my legs and saw her face. The tip of her tongue was still sticking out and I could tell she was staring straight at my butthole and my pussy. She put a hand around my leg to steady me and then she was between my cheeks, scrubbing closer to my butthole and then she was down beside my lips. I was pretty sure I had cleaned up all of the marking there, but her wiping continued, first on one side and then the other, and I felt myself starting to cum. I made a real effort not to and she seemed to sense this and moved back to my butthole, swirling the cotton around. I thought she would stop, but she said, ?It really stained here, Dan, would you get me the washcloth, please??

I watched as she put some oil on her cloth-covered finger and then she was scrubbing at my pussy lips again. I could feel her finger through the cloth and now it was too late and my legs began to tremble. As I began to cum, she pulled the cloth away and put her little finger in my hole, curling it down to touch my g-spot. She didn?t say a word. Dan had his back to us fooling with some lens. She wiped me off with the washcloth and stood, saying, ?There I think that takes care of it.?

When I turned around, she was standing there smiling at me. I was completely confused. Dan walked over and handed us each a large oblong of the thin silk and told us how to wrap ourselves and then positioned us on a fresh sheet of black background paper. I ended up behind Cher, with one hand behind her butt as she turned and looked towards my face. By now I was feeling a little miffed; she had deliberately aroused me and made me cum without so much as a ?may I? or a ?thank-you?. I wasted no time in moving my hand forward under the cover of the silk and inserting a finger in her pussy. It was completely wet. I slipped it out and ran it it up between her lips, feeling the hard little nubbin of her clit. I circled it, feeling it slip under my finger and then ran my fingernail down her folds before slipping it back in. I continued this circle and felt her squirm once or twice and then I moved my finger a little further back and slipped it up to my first knuckle into her butthole. Dan was continuing with his direction, seemingly unaware of my distraction, though once or twice he had to repeat his directions to the two of us and accused us of inattention. Unfortunately he finished the sceene before I could complete my play. The next scene required us to tangle our bodies and I felt Cher?s little finger enter my pussy, but I wasn?t going to allow her bak in there until I?d goten at least one orgasm out of her so I shifted my legs to move her hand away. My face was close to her and I whispered, ?It?s my turn.? Dan asked us to move again and once more my hand found her pussy. This time I was to her side, so I started pinching and pulling her small lips, flicking her clit, pulling its little hood back and forth. She started shifting uncomfortably but I didn?t let up and then she was biting her tongue and I slipped my finger between her legs and hooked it back to pull on her g-spot. Her legs started drumming on the floor and she uttered a little moan. I looked up at Dan who had stopped and was staring down at us.

?Are you two doing what I think you?re doing??

I looked at him, ?She started it.? We untangled ourselves and stood up. Where Cher had been sitting there was a wet spot on the background paper.

She put her hands in front of her pussy. Her nipples were hard little raisins. ?She got wet when I was wiping her clean. I saw it. She came first.?

We both noticed Dan?s trousers at the same time. He was was wearing khaki pleated chinos and there was a visible tent in front. I laughed and walked over, saying, ?See you?re aroused too.? I looked in his eyes and undid his belt, the button and unzipped him. His boxers had a wet spot and I pulled them down to free his cock. I looked at Cher, ?See what we did.? Dan shucked off his slip-ons and stepped out of his trousers and boxers and put his camera down. I unbuttoned his shirt. ?Cher and I are going to make you share us.?

We laid him down on the paper we had just baptized and shared his cock between us. Understandably, he didn?t last long the first time. We each got a couple of swallows, but then Cher lay back and I took the opportunity to put my face between her legs. She was right, plucking produced an amazingly soft pussy. Her lips were fuller than mine and I ran the same paths my finger had earlier. She tasted delicious. It took only a few minutes for her to come, and at the moment she started I put my finger in her and stroked her g-spot. She came off the ground. After she came, she insisted on tasting me. We were so busy that I hadn?t noticed Dan, but then he was behind her, and she moaned into my pussy as he entered her. She timed her licks to his thrusts and soon all three of us were cumming.

We tried a few more variations and then we finished the photo shoot. The pics, when I saw them, were spectacular.

Cher got married soon after and moved away, not too far but far enough. She did come to visit one weekend about a year later and we all made love again. I really enjoyed her this second time, I think even more than Dan did. There was enough contrast in our body types that I really enjoyed exploring her and always enjoyed spending time with her. Dan however, didn?t seem that interested in experimenting with anyone else, and I wan?t about to go find a girl to have an affair with. Funny thing was it was really only Cher that turned me on.

Anyway, life went on and our sex lives resumed their usual path. I think that sex between couples comes to have a different meaning as your relationship matures. We still did it fairly frequently and I still found Dan just as attractive as in the beginning, but sex became more of a comfortable thing for us. It gave us both a lot of satisfaction. If by virtue of travel or a cold we missed a week we both became a little snappy with each other, but it always only took one good fuck for us to know that all was right with the world.

We were cleaning out his archives one Saturday when I came across the old pictures. They were just as sexy as the day he had taken them and when I looked at the shots he had taken, I could now see the sexual tension between Cher and me. I realized with a pang that I missed her. I asked Dan if he had spoken to her recently and he gave me a sideways glance; ?No, but then we only spoke when there was work. I always thought you were better friends with her than I.?

I don?t know why it slipped out, but I said, ?I thought for a long time that you were having an affair with her.?

He chuckled, ?I thought the same thing about you.?

?Were you jealous??

?No, I just hoped you?d do it more often with me there.?

?Well, we only did it with you there.?

Next week business took Dan to the city where Cher lived and I phoned her and suggested that she and her husband join us for dinner. When the evening came, I was a little nervous, but Cher was too nice and clever to end up with a dud. Her husband Bill was sexy and charming and got along tremendously with Dan. The four of us were like old friends. When Cher and I went to the restroom, I asked her whether she had ever told Bill of our adventures. She looked at me and said, ?No, I?ve never dared. Sometimes, though, I have a little fantasy about showing him how we feel about each other.?

My mouth got a little dry when she said that, because I had always assumed that I was the only one who felt something for her. My eyes immediately filled up. I said, ?I?ve had a little too much to drink and I think I?ve gotten something in my eyes.?

She looked at me and held my head between her hands, ?It?s OK, here, I have a tissue.? When she finished dabbing the corner of my eyes, I leaned down and put my lips on hers, just as the door opened. A matron with blue hair looked at us disapprovingly as Cher said, ?I think I?ve gotten it out.?

When we went back to the table I insisted on re-arranging the seats so I could sit next to her. We sat with our men and made small talk, but every once in a while I put my hand on her arm, or on her leg. I moved once so that my leg was alongside hers, and just that contact was enough to make me wet. Dan, I could tell, was amused, but Bill didn?t give any indication that he thought anything was unusual. When we got up to leave Cher leaned into me for a goodnight kiss. She actually fell against me and lifted up one leg, holding her mouth up for a kiss. I laughed and pressed my lips against hers, and felt that little pointed tongue on my teeth.

I made sure I gave Bill a kiss goodnight too, and even though we did air kisses, I felt his hand around my back and felt him press my boobs into his chest.

Later in the car, Dan said he thought he was going to get an erection when Cher kissed me. The next day I called her to tell her how much we had enjoyed the evening. She said she had had a great time. She hemmed and hawed a little and I asked her what was on her mind. Finally, after some prompting she said, ?When are you guys going back. I was hoping that I could spend some time alone with you, maybe at the hotel.?

I told her I would love to, but we were leaving that day. There was a pause on her end of the line and she said, ?I don?t want to cheat on Bill, but I just wanted you so much last night. He asked me about you and asked whether we had ever had an affair. I told him we were lovers once. He got so turned on that he made me tell him about it twice, and then..? she laughed, ?he came like a fountain.?

I said that maybe the four of us should get together, but there was silence on the other end of the phone. ?I didn?t tell him about Dan. And I didn?t tell him about the time I visited you after I got married.?

Just then, Dan came to the door to tell me we had to catch the plane, and I rang off. Later that night Dan and I talked about it, but I didn?t see any solution that wouldn?t cause harm, so I let the matter drop and for a matter of weeks thought nothing more about it. One afternoon I came home and saw a brochure that had been printed out on the internet, along with a note that said we were leaving that weekend for a week?s vacation. The resort was called the Desire Resort and was somewhere south of Cancun. It listed itself as a clothing optional resort for couples only. It had been nearly a year since we?d been away and I was excited at the idea of a week in the sun.

When we arrived, the resort was exactly what I needed. The first few minutes were a little scary though, as we arrived in the lobby as the same time as a seventy year old man ventured down a stairway into the lobby clad only in a thong that looked as if it were holding a pair of outsize marbles. Dan looked at me and we both had to look away, but I could see him chuckling behind his hand. Our room turned out to be very nice; cool tile floors, fresh white linens on a king size bed surrounded by plaster columns. Dan and I took quick showers and then he suggested that we wrap ourselves in the towels and head for the beach. The beach, as it turned out, was just outside the door. Thatched palapas were placed at intervals along a powder sand beach. We walked along, trying not to be overt in inspecting the couples already lying, naked, on lounge chairs. Halfway down the beach Dan and I took off our towels and held hands. It felt good to be naked in the sun and the breeze. We turned at the end of the beach and walked back. We were just about to turn into the path leading to our room when I heard my name shouted. I looked down the beach and saw Cher and Bill, walking hand in hand, naked, towards us. She dropped Bill?s hand and started running towards us. I looked at Dan, who said, ?Bill and I thought it would be a good surprise.?

I let go of his hand and raced to meet her, heedless of my boobs flying in every direction. When we met, it was almost a collision and we shared a deep kiss. In a few seconds we were aware of the boys walking up. They shook hands with each other, grinning like a couple of school-kids. Cher and I were laughing and had our arms around each other, but at the same moment Cher and I both noticed each other?s husbands cocks. They were starting an upward journey. Cher said, ?Look who?s happy to see us together.? she looked at me, ?and we thought they did it for us. Who?s room is closest??

I pointed at our door, which was only twenty feet away. ?Let?s go.? She said, dropping my hand and running towards the door. I got the key from Dan and followed her flashing butt, beckoning to Dan and Bill, who now had hands over their cocks to shield the complete erections that were peaking out. When I reached the room Cher was laying on her back, her arms outstretched towards me. I fell into them and felt her little hands move to cup my boobs. We were kissing when we heard the door close. Cher broke the kiss and said, ?Bill come over here and see these titties.?

He walked over beside the bed and I could see his cock clearly. It was a little shorter than Dan?s but the head was a lot more pronounced, and the shaft was thicker. Cher wrapped a hand around it and pulled him closer. ?Aren?t they pretty?? She leaned in and kissed a nipple and then showed it to him. ?Suck it Bill.?

I leaned back and saw Dan on the other side of the bed. I motioned him closer and then felt Bill?s mouth vacuum a nipple. Little sparks shot down to my toes. I saw him lean in and kiss Cher on the mouth and then I knew it was going to be all right. Cher said, ? I want you two to sit and watch us for about fifteen minutes, without touching yourselves, and then you can join us.?

Actually it was a little longer than fifteen minutes, but by the end of it we had both had bed-clothes- clutching orgasms. When we were finished, we lay on our backs, side by side, and our husbands came over. We both sighed as they entered us, and then leaned our faces together, kissing as we were fucked. At one point, I saw Cher lift her knees up, and then I heard her saying to Bill. ?I want to see you fuck her, Bill, I want you to stick your cock in her. Go on, Dan wants to fuck me.? She was almost chanting it, over and over, and then the two boys pulled out and without saying a word changed spouses. Bill took his time entering me and I felt his big glans slowly pop past my lips. I flipped around to take it doggy and Cher was doing the same. It didn?t take long for both of them to paint our pussies with cum. At then, at the end of it when they were both laying beside us, we used our mouths to clean them up, which of couse had the effect of reviving them. Bill, it turned out, had turned Cher into an ass fucker, and she showed us her talent. Dan was an enthusiastic fan and then the three of them worked on my ass. Cher relaxed it with her tongue and then she coaxed Bill inside, giving a running lewd commentary. By the time we were done exploring each other it was near dinner and we parted to dress.

We were all pretty subdued at dinner, but enjoyed a long walk on the beach afterwards. The resort, it seemed, was pretty full and we started noticing people for the first time. Most of the people were between 35 and 50, and most appeared in good shape. There were some scary looking fat people, but generally it was a pretty attractive slice of the population. After our walk we went up to the roof-side terrace and discovered a nice bar overlooking a huge jacuzzi. There weren?t many people there, so we decided to shuck our clothes and get in the water. The boys waded over to the bar to get refills while Cher and I sat next to each other and talked.

?What a great surprise.? I said.

?I couldn?t believe it when Bill told me we were going to a nudist resort. It seemed so out of character. It?s funny, isn?t it how sometimes we put people in little boxes and don?t really know them.?

?True. I can?t recall being happier than the moment when I saw you on the beach.?

?Me too. Quick before they get back. Did you enjoy fucking Bill??

?I did. Of course having you watching was a big part of it, but he has a nice way of moving. My ass is sore though.? I laughed.

?That?s OK, you?ll get used to it. I want to see them both fuck you at the same time while I kiss your breasts.?

I felt a little tremor at the thought, ?Mmm, I can?t wait.?

The boys were wading up with fresh drinks just as I spoke and Bill said, ?Can?t wait for what??

?She can?t wait to be fucked up the ass and the pussy at the same time.?

?Don?t you think they have rules here about public displays of affection?? Dan asked.

Cher nodded towards a couple at the other end of the jacuzzi. The girl was sitting on the ledge leaning back, her tits bobbling up and down as she got fucked. ?Apparently not.?

We sat and enjoyed our drinks, watching the show. The heat became too much for me at one point and I hopped on the edge. Cher had watched our neighbor get eaten by her husband and leaned over, sticking her tongue deep inside. ?Lean back on your hands.?

I pushed my mound in her face. The jacuzzi was starting to fill up and I could see people watching us. Strangely that seemed to make me more excited, and within a few minutes I was clutching Cher?s hair, begging her not to stop. The orgasm that followed was mind numbing. When I came back into my body I noticed half a dozen couples clapping. I slipped back into the water, my face turning red and bumped into Bill who was easing himself onto the pool?s edge, his cock sticking straight up. I told him to lean back and started exploring him with my tongue. Couples around us were apparently turned on by our activities and when I looked up I saw that Dan was now sitting on a lounge chair, Cher riding him face forward. I turned back to Bill?s cock, thrilled by its strangeness, savoring the little flap of skin under his cockhead. I slipped further down and took one of his balls into my mouth, pulling on it. When I let it pop back out I noticed a pretty blonde girl watching me. She said, ?You give a really good blowjob. Maybe you could show me later on my boyfriend??

I laughed and went back to work. When Bill came, it was almost too much to swallow and a little drip ran down my chin. He wiped it with a finger and smeared it around my nipple, which he then sucked into his mouth. I had never seen a man do that and it gave me a real tingle, making me wonder if I could get him to clean Dan?s cum out of my pussy next time we fucked. Afterwards we all made our way down to our rooms, our clothes clutched in our hands. We kissed as we said goodnight. I fell asleep in Dan?s arms, thanking him for a wonderful vacation.

The rest of the week lived up to the fabulous beginning, including a wonderful interlude when we gave my little blonde admirer a lesson in fucking and sucking her boyfriend. Since then we make it a point to schedule a weekend a month for the four of us to get together. Life is good?

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