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SwingLifeStyle Free Erotic Stories are written and submitted by our members Sit back and enjoy "The Bar Swinger, Couple, Threesome (mmf), Oral, Anal, Voyeur, First Time, Male Dominant".


The Bar - swinger, couple, threesome (mmf), oral, anal, voyeur, first time, male dominant

Pages: 1

We walked into the bar, I’m not sure what I expected but he had me dress in my little black dress he loves so much. It’s low cut and the skirt is cut just below my ass. He had me go all out, pedicure, manicure, hair, and …. Maintenance; bare and smooth. That he did himself, taking his time and pampering me. He likes to keep up on it, and I like the pampering. He has really been going out of his way lately to take care of me and try to cheer me up. It’s been two months since I told him about my wants. My needs. Baring my soul to him was easier than I expected. He always told me so many years ago that this day would come, I would hit my sexual prime and want to stretch out and explore. I never thought he was right but as I have come to learn; he’s always right.

We walk in and it’s just what you would expect for this part of the county; country music, juke box, cowboys and people still smoking. As directed, I went to the right side of the bar from the entrance, which is the busy side. He went left. He sat with some good old boys and ordered up his usual, bourbon on the rocks. I know the rules and I know them well. I watch for his glass and his napkin. I have my phone close for direction. If the glass has bourbon in it and the napkin is on the side of the glass, then all is well and continue. If the glass is sitting on the napkin full of whiskey then slut it up.. do what you want.. free for all. Worst case is the glass is empty, upside down on the napkin; immediately go home. He gave me these rules last year to let me “play on the leash” as he says. I get to flirt and play, kiss and even some light foreplay. As long as I watch for the cues and follow direction. It was plenty at first but lately I have been wanting so much more. How do you move from sex with your husband to exploring the limits of control? Anal? Group sex?!?! Hard core action and still have love? I need a drink!

I make my way to the bar and pass some real characters. All wearing plaid shirts and wranglers, belt buckles as big as they come and all with big smiles and a wink. Am I in a movie? I hear an old country melody playing on the juke, it’s a nice break from mustang sally, that’s probably next. I find a stool and sit down and look to see him. There he is and already has a whiskey, how does he do that? The napkin is to the right of his glass and his hat is back, all is well. I do as I’m told and sit on the stool, order an 805 and smile. It doesn’t take long, and Jake comes by. He’s all-American boy, 22 years old and all confidence. “Well, hello there, my friends call me Jake, why aren’t you just as sexy as can be, can I buy you a drink?” he slurs. “Sorry Jake, I’m already taken care of and I’m waiting for a friend but thank you!” He sneers and walks off. I notice a bit of toilet paper on his pleather boots. “Good luck with that Jake” I think.

I take a sip of my beer and look to him, he’s sipping and talking to the guy next to him, the napkin and drink in place. He dressed me tonight as he usually does but tonight, he went a bit slutty. This dress is short in both direction and my bra pushes me up to nearly falling out. My heels are high and my hair curly. I never wear my hair in curls. I feel off kilter but revel in the fact that he dressed me, he’s here and in control and this is my night. My Birthday and he always takes care of me on my birthday. We have been together for nearly 20 years since I was only 15 when we got together, and this year I told him I wanted something to really light my fire, I want something to remember. I’m not sure why but as of late I have been going crazy, he’s been trying to keep up, but my sexual urges are on fire. Lucky for me I can tell him anything and all and he judges not! Or so I think….

I relax a bit and take in the scene. I really love these places, although most people here are younger than I am I look good for being in my late 30's and I have taken good care of myself! The bar is a mix of ages, and all seem to be having a good time. Even though the juke box is doing its job they seem to be wanting karaoke. Everyone wants to be in the spotlight or make fun of who is in the spotlight. I take a sip and before it’s down I get a slight tap on the shoulder; I turn and there is the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid eyes on. “I’m Dave, is this seat next to you taken?” He asks. I quickly look to him, and he is talking to his new friend and tilts his hat back, that’s a go. “Sure Dave, have a seat I’m here alone.”

Dave is tall, very handsome, week-old beard and obviously keeps in shape. Water polo if I had to guess but I guess it could be soccer? He has dark hair, strong arms and an impossible flat stomach. I’m sure it’s ripped under his Marlboro Man shirt. His belt buckle yells “Dave!” and his scent…. OMG is that Brut? By Faberge? Ha!

Brut or not, he is a sexy fucking beast. I take the last swig of my beer and smile at him. I turn on the stool to face the bar and I catch him glimpse my thighs as I move. “Meow!” But of course, I ignore it and ask Skip the bartender for another. Skip and I have been friends for a while, he’s a nice guy and always takes care of me. He’s been here most nights that we come in and always keeps his eye on me. Skip is a good old American boy with great looks and a very pleasant demeanor. He fills out his jeans nicely. ? Speaking of which as I turn to look at Dave I glance at his jeans, Jesus... does he have all his loose socks in there? That can't be real!

Dave asks me the usual, where are you from, what are you doing here, what do you do, damn you look good in that dress… meaning in next to nothing. The only thing holding this outfit together is the bra! He’s so handsome and so young! He must be a least 22! I catch him looking at my breasts, I squirm a bit, I see he is distracted and wanting, and this excites me! I have only been with “him” for the past 20 years, but he does let me lust after others. My phone vibrates I can feel it, so I smile at Dave and steal a quick glance.


Fuck! I blush and Dave gives me a strange look. He knows something is up with that text. “Should I let you go, you seem….” “No!” I reply quickly. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and whisper to him “Please wait here”. I quickly step to the lady’s restroom through the crowd of clawing my way through dancing people. Young men all trying desperately to get one little sign that they might get a little action tonight and all the young women desperately trying to get a sign of a connection tonight. I walk into the restroom and find an empty stall. I remove my bra and try to find some way somehow to get the girls to fit back into the dress. I panic and I know this is what he wants. He loves to see me uneasy and suffer. I say fuck it and tuck them as best as possible. If he wants them on display, then display that shall be on!

I walk out and it seems all eyes are on me. I feel uncomfortable but I stand straight and walk to the bar to join Dave! He's there and I join him. He looks at me, smiles and then takes a double take. I look at my drink and take a sip and let him take it all in. I give him some extra time before turning back to him. "Thanks for saving my spot Dave" I say with a sly smile. I look over to him and we are still go, he is in the midst of a long story it seems. I feel Dave looking me over again and he says, "why are you here alone, you should be with someone; are you waiting for your boyfriend?"... is this the way 20 somethings make a move I wonder with horror, poor Dave!

“Dave” I ask with a smile. “Are you a good boy or one of those bad boys?” I grin at him and spin back and forth on my stool. I’m teasing him and he blushes. “I like to think I’m just enough of both” he replies. I pretend get my heel stuck on the stool and bend over to free it. I’m sure Dave is getting the full treatment from the girls. When I finish pretend playing with my shoe, I come back up quick to catch him looking, I do, and he turns red. I like to torture and play with the young ones a bit. The Juke Box changes and “It’s Your Love” by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill comes on. Dave looks to the dance floor longingly and I glace over at my man. We are still go. Dave turns back and asked me to dance. “Sure, let’s go pardner!”

When I stand next to him, I realize that Dave must be at least 6’4” and absolutely well built. I’m starting to like the brute! Taking me way back! Dave grabs me close and pull me to his powerful chest. I nuzzle in and it doesn’t take long before I feel his excitement. I push in just a bit to let him know I’m there. He moves me with ease and my heart melts. I am sure he’s a wonderful lover even though so much younger. He lightly runs his fingers down my back and cups my ass. I would rather perhaps one hand cupping my ass and his strong hands pulling at my hair. We move across the floor with ease, and I’m lost in his embrace. I’m also getting soaked. The song ends and he holds my hand as we go back to the bar, he gives it a light little squeeze and he let’s go so I can sit down. I check my phone as I know there will be a message, or should I say directions.


Oh shit! I have barely had 2 beers and that is not enough to feed this young boy! “That must be some text you got; you make a very pretty red” he jokes. I put the phone down and gather my confidence. I lean over and place both hands on both of his legs, I move in close and stand on the foot bars on the stools so that I’m over Dave, my hair falls around him and he enters my trance. I whisper in his ear; “Dave, tell me what you think” I asked. I lean in close letting my breast brush against him. He mummers “fuck you are sexy.” I stay in close to him and slyly run my finger across his thigh, large and powerful and over his cock. It grows in what seems like a 10th of a second. I rub it slowly and now it’s growing larger than these poor wranglers will allow. I stop my torture just long enough to take that same finger and run it over my thighs and then up and in. I’m hot! Swollen and absolutely dripping. Dave is watching me, and I think he may explode, he starts to protest and say something, and I quiet him with my fingers to his lips. I leave it there until he gets the hint and opens his mouth. I slide my wet dripping finger and let him taste. “Are you hungry Dave?” I sit back down and take my beer; I drink and give him a coy wink. I look over to my man and he’s not there. I see his glass empty of whiskey and sitting upside down on the napkin. What the FUCK?! That is my birthday present?! I sit back down on my stool and run quickly through the events. I did exactly what he wanted me to do where did I go wrong? I look at Dave and he’s still a bit stunned and looking at me like he needs directions to the school lunchroom. I look to Skip for help, and he shakes his head. “You’re all paid up Doll, see you next week!” I lean over to Dave and whisper in his ear “Goodnight Sweetheart, you would have been fun”.

It was a quick drive home and I’m still steaming. I must have slipped up somewhere some little direction not followed but I’m sure I didn’t. It clearly said, “FEED HIM” and feed him I did. I let myself drift in that memory for a second, I am so submissive at heart but once in a while it’s fun to take control and tease a bit. I have only been with him, and we have only tried so much. I remember 15 years ago he brought up anal sex and I freaked out on him, how disgusting I thought. Now I not only wanted it but maybe tied up or forced. What’s going on in my head! The door is open, and I go in. Music is playing and its BB King. Great. Now there are two men in the house that think they are in charge. There is a note on the table.

Relax, there is a hot bath waiting for you, enjoy and then dress and go into the library. I go into the bathroom and there are candles let, a nice bath running Luther Vandross. That’s more like it. I see he has laid out a nice new black nighty. Sexy. The candles are nice, and I love the citrus scent. He really does go out of his way to show how he loves me. I feel warm again. I enjoy my bath and make sure all is clean and smelling sweet. I touch myself but not much, I am all worked up over Dave and I don’t want to waste my frustration here. Although our little control game is fun, we have not taken it to the bedroom yet. It has stayed in the bar. He’s really not the controlling type more a lover and wanting to please me and keep me happy. What is wrong with this picture? Nothing, I sigh and slip deeper into the water. I move and slowly rub circles just enjoying Luther and the bubbles. Not to fast as I don’t want to… What is this primal need I have, to conquer, to be used, to be.... soiled. I hear the door and he comes in. The music goes down and he says, “come out when you’re ready”.

I rise and slowly dry off. I relax a bit and slowly forgive him for denying me Dave. I really wanted to see what he had in those pants! As I walk out of the bathroom the lights are off and he takes my hand. “Do you like the nighty” he asked? “I do, it’s very sexy thank you sweetie.” He leads me through the dark hall to the library. Tonight, we are going to go about this a bit different. If it’s too much for you or you’re scared and don’t trust me then use this safe word. “Kauai.” Ok, that’s a strange safe word, I think.

We move into the library and things are different. The lights are down all the way, but I can make out a table where the couch was. “Wait here” he tells me. He comes back and takes a blue and gold tie, wraps it around my eyes and ties it tight but not too tight. With the tie blocking my vision he leads me to the table and helps me up. I go to sit, and he directs me to a different position, on my knees and hands. “Did you enjoy that young man tonight dear?”, “yes” I reply. He rubs some oil onto my ass, it’s warm and then hot. He rubs it in first one side then the other. It seems very intense and I hope he doesn’t hit my sex with it because I’m sure that would be very painful.

I feel him kiss my ass, first a peck and then a nice slow lick up one cheek. This man loves my ass, I think. “Down on your elbows, ass high in the air” he commands. Oh, I like this, he hasn’t taken charge at home before and this is all new, I’m excited and concerned at the same time. He takes his hand and moves it in a slow, deliberate motion on my ass. I feel my cheek start to warm, and then slightly burn. “Did you lust for him?” he asked. “Yes, I did” and as I answer it feel a sharp pain and he smacked my ass and good!

He moved around the front of the table near my face and whispered, “You’re a very naughty girl” He took yet another tie and slipped it around my neck. “Tell me what you wanted to do with him dear, tell me all” he whispers. I feel the tie tighten just a bit. It’s been hard telling him this because I’m so afraid he will be hurt but lately I think he enjoys it. “I wanted to go to his car and feed him. I wanted to lay him down on his back seat and sit on his face. I wanted to grind away and fuck him and watch him stroke his big, beautiful cock.” SMACK! Right in the same place, I can really feel that my ass is hot to the touch. I feel the oil again and he rubs right where he just struck and as I feel the soothing pain of the oil, I get another SMACK! “Did you plan on sucking his cock and then coming back here to kiss me, is that my special gift on your birthday?” he asked with no hint of emotion. “Yes” I murmur.

He lightly touches my ass and tells me “It’s your birthday beautiful and you deserve a nice cock if that is what you want.” He again licks my ass cheek where he has been spanking and his tongue feels good. He rubs it with both hands giving my ass a nice rub down. I melt my face down into the table pushing my ass higher in the air and exposing my sex to him. He answers by licking up my thigh and lightly running his tongue over my sex and up over my ass. I tense up a bit as this is new, he runs his tongue around my ass and over it. The sensation is exciting, I’m so exposed to him and this is so very personal. He moves back to licking around my clit and teasing it and replaces his tongue on my ass with his thumb or finger, lightly touching and rubbing it while licking me lower.

This builds me to orgasm quick and he falls quickly into the rhythm knowing just how to get me there. He loves licking my pussy and I love him licking it. Before I get there, he stops, and I hear him move away. My mind is racing, I have told him about my anal fantasies, and he has really never gone near it, yet tonight he’s on it like its old hat. I’m so turned on wondering what he might have in store for me next, I think I’m going to reach back and touch myself while he’s out but before I can he’s pulling my hands together and wrapping a tie around them. I’m going to secure your hands right here in front of you. He does, I’m feel them holding tight in front of me tied to the table, he moves to the back and tells me he is going to tie each of my feet. He does so in a manner that has me on my knees with my let’s spread a bit. My hands are tied tight and my feet as well and I’m blindfolded and soaked. OK, this is hot. He moves in front of me and I’m panting, “please I plead, don’t make me wait” I asked.

He takes the tie that is around my and lefts my head, he’s pulling it and I can feel it around my neck just tight enough to make it barely uncomfortable. He’s hot me tight and ask me “do you like this cock?” and as he does, he rubs his cock across my cheek. I move to try to intercept it with my mouth but it he pulls it away teasing me. “Yes, I say, I want your hard cock daddy” I answer. He usually doesn’t like such references, but it seems fitting, and he continues to rub his cock on my face. “Would you like a taste young lady” he asked? “Oh, please yes.” I beg. I feel him push his cock into my mouth and lean over me at the same time, the tie gets a bit tighter around my neck. I feel his cock enter my mouth and fill me up, at the same time his hand races down my back and finds my ass. He pushes a wet finger into my ass and pushes his cock deeper into my mouth. I’m in heaven and giving up all control, this will have me in orgasm heaven shortly!

He pulls his cock out and rubs it about my face, “do you like that baby?” “YES!!” is all I can say! He moves back from in front of me and I can feel him walking around me. Without notice I feel his strong tongue move from low over my clit up and through my sex and across my ass. He grabs my ass and moves into position. I can feel him rubbing the head of his swollen cock over my clit and he pushes it in. “Damn, I have wanted you all night” he moans. He strokes only 2 or 3 times and pulls out. I feel a very warm liquid over my ass and smell a scented oil. I tense a bit; he runs his finger over my ass and presses it in just a bit. I gasp and let it enter me. He caresses the ass cheek that is still burning, and he slides his finger inside me. I do like this feeling. I hear a familiar sound and recognize my little the friend the vibrator. With his finger in me he moves it over my sex to my clit and then back inside. I now have two friends inside me, hot. I moan and push back against him so he can have his way with me.

He moves the vibrator and slowly moves it to my ass and then in just a bit. Without notice or cause, he strikes me again on the ass “SMACK!” With that smack of his hand the vibrator enters me a little more, this is intense! “SMACK!” he spanks me again and continues to fuck me with this vibrator and this time a bit deeper. The warm liquid he put on is letting it slide with ease and I’m so fucking hot I’m going to explode! “Did you want that young man’s cock?” he yelled, “YES” I yelled back, “I wanted Dave’s cock!” “SMACK!” and in goes the vibrator fucking me hard now and faster, I’m about to explode with ecstasy when I catch a familiar smell…. FUCKING BRUTE! Dave is in the library! As it dawns on me I feel my man move and withdrawal my little friend. I feel him, rock hard and he’s about to enter my ass. He’s bigger than my little toy and I’m not sure I’m ready for this! I feel that warm liquid on my ass and then the pressure as he pushes in. As I’m reeling from my husband fucking my ass for the first time while I’m tied up to a table I come to my senses with that smell of brute. I feel and smell his sex. It’s in my face and it feels like he’s stroking it right in front of me. My man behind me now fucking me seriously tells Dave, remove her blindfold. He does and there stands Dave just as I suspected and he’s stroking his large, beautiful cock right in my face teasing me with it. Hello he says. My hands dig into the table, as my well-endowed husband is fucking me silly from behind. Dave rubs his big cock across my face and over my lips. “Suck his cock” my husband yells, and SMACK!! As Dave pushes his cock in my mouth my as stings with that last strike. I’m not sure I can take any more when my husband clearly not happy with just being in my ass pushes one of my larger toys into my dripping pussy.

I feel it enter and push my husband out and I feel him push back. This is raw, unadulterated hard-core sex and I love it. Remembering that this is what I have craved I push hard to get all of Dave in my mouth. As I do I feel the tie tighten… I’m fading into submission, my orgasm is uncontrolled, and I float there in complete release having the most intense long orgasm of my life… the tie around my neck gets tighter, my husband fucking me harder and harder, and Dave is moving fast and faster and the tie, it’s getting tighter. I’m still cumming hard switching from vaginal to anal orgasm and this is all so new, my body now shaking uncontrollably I feel Dave release in me, and he keeps releasing and does not let up. My husband also releases and fills me, I collapse, and I feel my husband come out and Dave also out at the same time and both continue to release and I’m getting covered. My eyes roll back, and the tie is now completely tight, and the lights go out…

I wake sometime later and there is a dim light and I’m not on the table and not tied up. I’m in my bed and my man is there with a nice warm sponge and he’s cleaning me very lovingly.

I hope you enjoyed your Birthday today dear, it’s because I love you. I smile at him with love and feel as content as one could feel. Did I just do all of that or what it a dream?

Pages: 1

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