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Special Delivery

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We finally bought a new dishwasher to replace the old noisy one we used for years. The delivery was promised for the next day but the time unspecified and since it was my regular golf day, Eve agreed to stay home in the morning and I would wait in the afternoon.

After my round I saw a text message from her saying to not eat lunch at the club, but come home directly. When I got there the store truck and Eve?s car were in the driveway and the garage door was open. I put my clubs away, stepped out of my shoes and entered the kitchen from the garage.

The kitchen was empty but the new machine was installed and some tools were on the counter. I heard voices coming from the den. As I approached I heard my wife?s voice, ?God, oh god you?re so big, I don?t know if I can take it all.?

A male voice said, ?The trick is to relax and let it in, not force it in. Ahhh.?

Her again, ?Ahhh. But I want you to fuck me.?

?Take your time. It will be there when you?re ready. Your pussy is silky smooth on my cock.?

When I reached the doorway I was accosted by the sight of a black man sitting on my sofa, his head lying back, his pants around his ankles and my wife astraddle him. She was topless, with her skirt rucked up around her waist and her eyes closed as she tried to settle onto his very large cock. She was making little noises as she rose up and then settled down on it, not getting much more than 3 or 4 inches in before stopping.

I was mesmerized as I watched her pink pussy stretching around his huge dick, his fingers on her ass, opening her outer pussy lips to facilitate entry. Jesus! This was my wildest fantasy right before my eyes. In recent years sex has gotten sort of routine for me and I have been enjoying internet porn, imagining Eve as the cuckolding wife; and here it is. I can?t describe the many emotions that ran through me at that moment.

Just then she bent forward and kissed him, plunging her tongue into his mouth; he reciprocated with a moan and his hands moved to her breasts, ?Your pussy is so fucking tight and wet. My cock is humming.? Then he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked it.

I must have made a sound because Eve suddenly turned toward me, ?John, you?re home. You startled me.?

I heard a quiet, ?Uh oh.? There was a several second silence while her ?deer in the headlights? expression gradually changes to a wry smile. Then she said, ?I?m glad you made it home in time honey; this is Bill. He installed our new dishwasher. I was just thanking him for his good work.? I was still in shock, but had enough presence of mind to get the joke. One black hand raised in a brief greeting wave.

?Some people would just give him a tip.? I replied, looking directly at Bill. The shock was wearing off. I had a knot in the pit of my stomach but I was definitely becoming aroused.

?Well, as you can see I?m the one getting the tip, and it?s a very big one.? I looked but the ?tip? was under cover; but just at that moment Bill?s cock slipped from Eve?s pussy and flopped between his legs, partially deflated but still formidable. Incongruously, I thought, ?Damn, now I?ll have to have the sofa cushions cleaned,? then equally ridiculous, I said, ?It looks like I?ve spoiled the moment.?

Eve turned to him and said, ?Not to worry, there?ll be another moment.? She took his face in her hands and kissed him. She said, ?Stay put.? Then she slid off his lap, bent down and lifted his cock to her mouth and kissed the tip. ?I woke this bad boy up once, I can do it again,? then she came over to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. God, I could taste their sex on her mouth. I may have recoiled a bit.

?Relax honey, your fantasy is about to come true.? Then to Bill, ?My husband has a fantasy of me fucking a handsome well hung black man while he watches and helps. I hope he really means it ?cause I choose you,? turning to me, ?are you ready for this??

?It might have been nice to discuss it first,? I said.

?Well, darling, I think that I?ve gone beyond discussion.? She guided my hand under her skirt to her soaking wet pussy. ?This won?t wait very long. If you don?t want to play say so now.?

?I?m not saying no; I just need to get my legs back under me.? I was beginning to realize that the train was leaving the station and I had better decide if I wanted to ride.

Eve went to Bill, knelt and untied his work boots. She slipped them and his pants off, then she took his hand and said, ?Come on; my husband can join us when he is ready.? To me she said, ?Don?t wait too long honey, I?m too far gone to wait.? Off they went toward our bedroom.

Damn, he really has a great body; of course he is 20 years younger than me. I could hear their murmurs in the hallway, him probably wondering if I would show up with a butcher knife and her assuring him that I am not homicidal.

A little history here: over the years we have been together Eve has been a willing but indifferent participant in our sexual activities. I have always been interested in pushing boundaries; we tried swinging with only moderate success. I don?t think she ever had a vaginal orgasm. Sex was more about gluing a relationship than scratching an itch.

Recently I have been watching porn and have verbalized fantasies as I masturbated myself or her with some good results. She seems to come easier now, but I have never seen her be assertive or slutty before. I hope that this is a fun experience for both of us.

Later that night, as we lay in bed, side by side unable to sleep, still a bit stunned by the events of the day, I asked her how it had come about. I wanted the details. She said:

?I was working on my computer when I saw the Appliance truck drive in and a tall, slim black man in shorts came to the door. I had expected them to call ahead so I wasn?t exactly dressed for company: I had on baggy shorts and your old T shirt with the bottom half cut off, and I was barefoot.

?When his big hand engulfed mine as he introduced himself, I admit that I briefly thought of that old stereotype about large hands.

?As I showed him to the kitchen I commented that he was alone. He replied that yes, he had a light day ahead because his helper had called in sick, so he could only do jobs that he can handle alone. He said he could do me if I?d move my car so he can come in through the garage. I happily complied while he got his tools.

?While he emptied the under-sink cabinet he suggested that I draw some water for coffee or tea before he disconnected things. As I stood at the sink filling the kettle I suddenly realized that he could probably see up my shorts, and surely up my shirt to my boobs. I became flustered and blushed and I?m sure my nipples jumped to life. I hastily said, ?Excuse me,? and practically ran from the room. He didn?t say anything but I could feel his eyes following me as I left.?

I?ll bet he got an eyeful of her beautiful legs, ankles and pretty feet and more. Her nipples are like bullets when they are erect. I?ll bet his dick was already beginning to wake up.

?I recovered my composure and went back to work in my study. A while later I saw him unloading the new washer from his truck. He had removed his shirt down to a singlet that showed his muscular arms. The contrast of the white cloth against his dark skin was striking and attractive. His movements were deliberate and assured; he knows his work and does it well. I began to notice how attractive and sexy his body is. It was about then that I flashed on your fantasy of watching me fuck a black man. The thought was not unpleasant and he fit the bill perfectly. I watched him for a while and let my imagination run a little. I could see myself with him between my legs as his, I imagined, large cock slid in and out of my pussy.

?As I watched I realized that my hand was rubbing my crotch and my panties were getting wet. In my minds eye, his clothes disappeared and his cock appeared. He kept looking sexier and sexier and I was getting hotter and hotter. A warm feeling was spreading in my abdominal area. When he moved back into the house I tried to return to my work, but I couldn?t concentrate. All I could think of was his body and I wondered if e might make a move on me.

?After a while I decided wanted to see him again. I went to the kitchen and asked if he would like coffee. He said yes thank you. We chatted while I fixed it. He is retired military, has been a widower for a couple of years and is not involved with anyone. He is very soft-spoken and polite, calling me Mrs Jones. I became fascinated with his lips and wondered what kissing him would be like. I could also see a rather large bulge in his shorts.

?He admired the view from the kitchen window, so we took our cups out onto the porch so he could get the full view. We chatted companionably out there, standing side by side. I couldn?t get the idea of sex out of my head. At one point our shoulders touched and neither of us moved to put distance between us. I was getting a buzz from the contact. His skin was soft and warm in spite of his muscles. There began a roaring in my head and a warm feeling in my abdomen again. I know my nipples got hard then and I think he noticed.

?I wanted to kiss him but was too timid to try it even though I was pretty sure that he was feeling something too. I imagined that if I just put my hand on his arm we would be on each other, but I had no idea how to make the first move. I actually began to tremble with lust. Finally after a long uncomfortable silence he said, ?I guess I better finish up in there.??

I am getting some familiar feelings: a mixture of jealousy and arousal. This is my wife saying things I have never heard before. The woman who had never initiated any kind of adventurous sex act. I put my hand lightly on her thigh.

?He went back to finish up his work and I felt very let down. That?s when I decided that this was a chance that I wasn?t going to miss; I went to our bedroom, texted you to come home and changed into one of my little golf skirts with no panties underneath. My mind was running wild with images of what we would do to each other. Then I returned to the kitchen and watched him work saying nothing, enjoying his movements. My nipples were aching and practically punching out of my shirt. I even pinched them when his back was turned to me.

?I waited until he was under the sink again reconnecting things, then I walked to the new dishwasher and bent down to put our cups in. His face was directly under me and my face was burning and I was shaking. He said, ?The view down here is even better than up there Mrs Jones.?

?I straightened up, stood directly over him, looking down and said, ?Call me Eve.? then, ?Is that a flashlight in your pocket or are you glad to see me?? I laid my foot on the long bulge that was almost poking out of his shorts. You would have been proud of me being so brazen and slutty.?

It is true that I have suggested that she should be more open to guys when she is out alone or one of her trips, but she has never done it. This is definitely new territory for her. My dick was getting hard again hearing about her lust.

?He grasped my foot and gently moved it up and down his cock which was getting quite long and hard. ?My flashlight is in the truck.? Then he slid his hand up my leg and caressed my ass. I placed my feet on either side of his head and held onto the counter. When his hand went between my legs I spread them and nearly collapsed when his fingers touched my clit. I came right then and there.

?I fell on him and began kissing and biting his lips. I plunged my tongue into his mouth and received his in response. I was obsessed with his mouth; I reached down and pushed two fingers into my wet pussy then put them to his lips. He sucked them in greedily. I wished that I had a little penis that I could watch him suck on. I pulled his shirt up and over his head so that I could lick his chest and bite his nipples. I tugged my top off so that our nipples touched when we kissed. He kept telling me how beautiful I am and how much he wants to fuck me. He said he felt the attraction from the moment I answered the door.

?I finally realized that he must be uncomfortable on the floor with his head half in the cabinet so I stood and helped him up.?

Jesus, who is this woman. I hardly recognize her but I was loving this story. I moved my hand to her pussy. It was wet and wide open. I?m not sure that it will ever recover; especially if she fucks him again.

?We did some kissing and groping each other. He caressed and sucked my nipples. I told him about your little fantasy. Then I got on my knees, opened his fly and worked his cock out. It was so beautiful, partially erect, long and black with the head hooded. I was sure that I could never take it in my pussy, but I damn sure wanted to play with it.?

I interrupted her to ask, ?Did you think of me at all??

?Honestly, I was so obsessed that I could only think of his cock and my mouth and what I wanted to do with them.

?After licking the drop of precum from the tip my knees began to hurt from the hard wood floor so, holding his cock I walked to the den. I finished unbuttoning his shorts, pushed him down onto the sofa and began to explore it with my hands and mouth. He just laid his head back and moaned when I pushed his foreskin back and the slipped bare head into my wet mouth. I could put both hands around the shaft and still have a mouthful. I wanted to stroke it, lick it and swallow it all at once.

?I wondered then when you would come home and what you would do, but I was on autopilot by this time so when he urged me up into his lap I didn?t hesitate. I was his for the taking. That?s about when you showed up so you know what happened then.?

They stopped in the hall to kiss. There was no way that I was going to let that guy fuck my wife in my bed without getting in on the action but I was really worried that I would come off poorly next to this hot new lover. Finally I stripped out of my clothes and went to the bedroom door.

Eve was on her back with her feet on the floor; Bill was on his knees between her legs eating her out. She never much cared for me licking her pussy but she seemed to be enjoying it now. She had her fingers in his hair guiding his tongue and cooing at him, ?Slowly, like that, yes, mmm.?

Saying nothing, I walked around the bed, leaned over and kissed her, caressing her breasts and pinching her nipples. She plunged her tongue into my mouth. ?Isn?t this great John? I love being a slut for you especially with Bill. He?s really handsome and a great lover. I hope you are liking it too.? She raised her legs in the air, squeezing him between her thighs. I laid down beside her with my cock next to her mouth and my head beside her hips. She turned her head and sucked my cock in while I grasped her ass and opened her pussy for Bill?s tongue. She moaned and was soon too distracted to attend to my cock. I could feel her butt muscles clenching, raising her pelvis to his tongue. I turned around and kissed her mouth again.

?Are you going to take that big cock of his into your little pussy?? I asked.

?Oh yes, I intend to try.? I had broken the spell, so she pulled Bill?s mouth from her cunt and told him, ?My husband?s fantasy is for me to be a total slut while he watches. You want to hear what mine is? I want John to help me lick your big cock. Come up here please.?

In truth I wanted to do just that. We all got up on the bed, him on his back, Eve and I on our knees. Soon we were both licking and sucking that beautiful thing greedily; tonguing it and each other sloppily like two pigs at the trough, saliva dripping. Eve was cheering me on, pushing my head down until I gagged on it. ?You love sucking cock don?t you, you perv,? she laughed. Finally she whispered in my ear, ?Do you think I can take this monster?? I was not really sure but I certainly wanted to find out.

We kept on licking him while Eve stroked his long cock and I cupped his tight balls. We kissed across his big cock and licked each other. ?Look at this beautiful thing, I just want to keep sucking and stroking it,? she said between licks. His moans got louder and more urgent. We both reared back as he cried, ?Oh shit!? and cum spurted into the air landing on his belly.

Eve giggled, ?Oooh,? and after the second spurt clamped her mouth over him to catch the rest of his spasms, still stroking and letting his cum dribble out between her lips onto his pubic hair and balls. She rode him until he calmed, then still holding his cock she stretched out on her side next to him.

Bill mumbled, ?Sorry,? but Eve kissed him and said, ?Don?t be. It was my fault; I loved giving you head so much I couldn?t stop. I feel so powerful when I bring you off with my mouth and hands. But I?ll bet that we can get you ready again soon.? She slid two gooey fingers into his mouth. Over her shoulder she said to me, ?Honey, could you bring a wash cloth for Bill please??

As I went to the bathroom and soaked a cloth in warm water I heard Bill ask to lick her pussy some more. When I returned Eve was kneeling over him, holding on to the headboard, slowly rocking her hips and moaning while he tongued her.

Since there was no place for me in that action I just kneeled down and began to clean up the mess on his belly and cock. I liked the heft of his soft but heavy cock when I lifted it to wash his balls. I couldn?t resist licking a little of his cum. Already he began to stiffen again.

Eve laid down beside Bill and patted the bed on her other side for me. She took my semi-hard cock in her hand, kissed me and asked, ?How are you doing hon, are you liking this??

?It?s hot. Now I think you should lie back and let us pleasure you. What do you think Bill?? She laid her head back and closed her eyes.

He turned on his side facing Eve and said, ? Show me what she likes.?

?Well, she loves to have her nipples licked and sucked.? Suiting action to words, I leaned in and circled her areole with my tongue, then sucked the nipple into my mouth. Bill copied me on the other side causing Eve to sigh and place a gentle hand on each of our necks. Next I gently slid my hand down her belly. As it approached her pubic area she parted her thighs and dr*ped her right leg over Bill?s hips. He began to stroke her right thigh. I described my motions as I guided my hand over her inner thigh and slid my middle finger up through her wet pussy lips on slowly over her clit. This made her moan so I retraced the path a few times until I felt Bill?s finger taking my place, then I kissed her mouth, her nipple, her belly. I slid my hand under her buttocks so that I could feel them tense when she raised up onto his hand and feel the little shiver of pleasure when he touched her clit. Soon he had two fingers in her and she took hold of our cocks, not stroking, just holding them.

?John often makes me come stroking me this way but I?m too excited to relax enough for that right now. I want you inside me John.? I moved aside so she could get on her knees facing Bill. ?Fuck me slowly darling while I try to awaken this bad boy.? She bent to his cock which was already pretty awake, I thought.

I didn?t need to be cautioned; I was so turned on that I was in danger of coming before my cock was all the way in. I looked down at that pretty bottom with its little brown button and its pink pussy lips open and glistening. I met no resistance when I eased into her, just a low moaned, ?Yess!?

Soon my cock brushed against Bill?s fingers as I buried my cock in her. He kept on rubbing her clit. She began to moan and move her pelvis. ?John?s cock is buried in my pussy to the hilt. I think I?m going to come soon.?

I noticed that her hand was wrapped around his fat, hard 10 inch cock. Soon Eve shouted, ?Oh god, I?m going to come!? and she started backing into me which pushed me over the edge too. We bucked so hard that I came out of her and spurted my load onto her back.

Before I even finished spasming she was climbing onto Bill. I sat back on my heels stroking my throbbing cock and watched as she guided his massive hard-on to her pussy and slammed down on it. Unbelievably it took only a few strokes until she had it buried nearly to his balls. I had to jump out of the way when she rolled on her side pulling him with her until he was on top. She wrapped her legs around his hips. ?Now fuck me! Fuck me with that big cock til I can?t take any more.?

Fuck her he did, for what seemed like ages while she grunted and yodeled. I could only watch, amazed at my slut wife kissing him and pulling him into her deeper, asking him to come in her pussy. Finally he came again and she went limp under him, cum dripping out of her pussy onto the sheet. Her arms flopped out to her sides and she closed her eyes. ?I?ve died and gone to heaven,? she sighed. ?That was incredible!?

Now I was not feeling so hot. I could not have imagined my wife going so nuts over another guy. On my best day I have never given her an orgasm like that, and now at my age I often can?t even stay hard. I laid down and closed my eyes, listening to their breathing. I heard them kiss again.

They lay in a sweaty pile for several minutes, no one speaking until Bill said, ?I have to get going.? Eve got up, got him a towel and got into the shower with him. When she got out she put on her robe and cinched the belt. I stayed on my back watching them until they went out to find his clothes. I could hear their voices murmuring as he dressed and gathered up his tools.

I was in a bit of a daze but it seemed a long time before I heard his truck start and drive off. When Eve came into the bedroom, her cheeks seemed flushed and her robe was hanging open. She shrugged it off and lay down beside me saying nothing for a while. ?Was it all you had hoped?? she finally asked.

?You bet. It was quite something. How about you? Did Bill enjoy it?? I tried to sound happy.

She said, ?Yes,? hesitated then, ? we exchanged cell numbers.?

?You plan to see him again then??

?Let?s not talk about that now.? She replied as she curled up in my arms and kissed me chastely on my cheek.

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