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Pioneer life---legacy -PIONEER FAMILY HISTORY

Pages: 1


The hand delivered note was brief but puzzling.

Hello everyone, my name is Tim. Some of you have seen me in advertisements and even on a news or business show now and then. I'm here to tell you of my family history. Yes, I know you already know how I got to where I am today. That is the public knowledge. But I am going to tell you “the rest of the story” so to speak. You are reading this because I have looked at your story through some private investigation and liked what I saw. Don't worry, your information will remain strictly private with me and some members of your new family. Yes, your NEW family. I am taking you into my family if you agree to some terms. First and foremost is confidentiality. Anything and everything you learn from today on must remain private, no matter what. You will be required to sign documents stating that you agree completely with no reservations or other motives. Any violation will bring severe penalties, which I will explain to you in detail if you decide you may like to join my family. Second lets talk about benefits to you as family. OK you are not being adopted, but neither are you being hired. You are simply going to be treated as a true family member so long as you or I desire.

Please contact me personally through the person who hand delivered this message to you. You have his name and number and I await your answer. We will meet in person and discuss every facet of your new life. Thank you for your patience, I am sure you will like what you and I talk about. Tim walked to the door of his office and greeted the two persons waiting there. “Hi, glad you decided to come talk with me, please come in.” Both people entered the room and were immediately struck with it 's size and furnishings. Opulent is a word that would not cover the description, it was actually gorgeous. Not only the furnishings but the other two people in the room were also gorgeous. A man dressed impeccably in a suit and very handsome and a woman dressed in an also impeccable business dress. She was also gorgeous. The two newcomers were wondering what is going to be talked about. “Please have a seat anywhere, would you like some refreshments? No liquor I'm afraid, one of my foibles is being a teetotaler. I do not drink alcohol during business hours and one of the things you must agree to is that you also will not imbibe during business hours. “ The two newcomers were looking puzzled as Tim continued. “ALSO you will be required to dress and maintain your selves in a manner that will bring only great credit to yourselves and your new family. Yes, you are being offered a chance to join us all as family. Up to you to decide when you leave here today. You will be given contact information for me alone. You will not share it with anyone. Understood?? “ Both newcomers quickly agreed. “OK now here we go. You are not being hired, but as family you will be given an allowance. Large enough for you to maintain a level of comfort you desire and with occasional increases. If you ever decide to leave the family then the allowance stops, but any increase in your money you make will remain yours with no discussion of reimbursement to the family. I know you are wondering what “duties” you will be expected to perform so here are some of them. You will always be available to myself and other members of the family for duties that may sometimes be required of you. You may not refuse to complete the duties asked of you. As members of the family, you may have others perform duties for you. Do not worry, you will never be put into harms way intentionally. Please review your tentative agreement that I have provided for you and let me know if you have any questions or reservations about this arrangement. “ “ Having reviewed all things please come forward and sign the agreement I have here or, if you like, you will be paid for your time today and allowed to leave, since you are each from out of town, I will provide you with transportation back to your “old” home and you can then prepare to come here to your “new” home. I may ask you to relocate again later on. Of course you may or may not as you desire.” Jack, the new member, stood, came forward and offered to sign on the spot. Tim asked the other woman in the room, “Alice please come here and you Allen, come here also. Sign as witness' and Alice please notarize the document.” Both did so, Jack signed and Tim shook his hand. OK now Mary will you please come forward and sign? Mary stood and quickly came to stand in front of Tim. “May I ask in what wage range I will be given?” Tim simply said “I assure you that it will be much more than you currently make. I will not disclose the amount with others in our presence. It will be told to you privately and kept confidential by you and I. Completely confidential from any and everyone.” Mary looked hesitant but finally signed the document and the others notarized and witnessed it as before.

Two days later Jack was back before Tim shaking hands with him in agreement. Tim handed Jack some paperwork consisting of a bank account number, a couple of credit cards, one for personal use and the other for family business use. Jack accepted all of it and was shown to another building on the property where he was introduced to several of his “brothers and sisters” and some hired help. A maid, a housekeeper and chauffeur. The chauffeur took him to a garage and he was given the keys to a very nice late-model Tesla. He was told to use it as he see's fit but if he needs to get somewhere he does not have an address for to simply “call for me, I am Johnson.” Going back to his quarters, he explored and found he had much more than a simple place to live. His quarters consisted of two large bedrooms, two baths, a full kitchen completely stocked with food and utensils along with implements. His living room was spacious and had all the latest electronic entertainment items, large TV, stereo with remote that played 50,000 different songs of every genre. The den was also fully equipped for business, a top of the line powerful computer, a full library to access electronically and even a private bath and couch that easily converts to a bed. Just in case he sleeps late, he was told by the maid. She was a very attractive Latino who followed him around as he acquainted himself with his new house. She was about 5'6” dark complected and short hair. Her maid outfit was like you would see in old movies. He asked her “is that your uniform every day?” She replied, “normally sir I choose something appropriate for what the days tasks will be. Today I was asked by Mr Johnson to dress like this. Is it OK with you sir? I can go change into whatever you like.” Jack asked “what would you like to wear today?” The maid told him “ I will wear whatever you want me to. Anything you like. Anything at all.” Jack smiled and thanked her telling her the uniform is OK today but she is to choose for tomorrow. Jack continued exploring, finding a full size swimming pool out back that had a sign that read “family and guests only please”. He went back in and asked the maid if many guests are around and if the pool is open 24 hours. She answered that the number of guests depends on how many a family member invites. Normally not more than ten guests are invited by any one family member. He thanked her and considered his new life.

At the same moment Mary, the lady that was with him when he was offered this family membership, was also in Mr. Johnson's office. They were also talking about her new housing and was told the same things Jack had been told. Mr. Johnson then told her to go with his aid to her new housing and to return tomorrow around 11 am.. She left with the aid, a medium build black man who was very attentive and explained all the things to her that had been explained to Jack. Her housing was the same layout and size as Jacks, but with some more feminine accouterments. Colorful curtains, different furniture covers kitchen items designed to be used by women and more. Her Chauffeur was a woman. A medium sized Hawaiian with jet black hair. She had on a suitable uniform and then she met the “maid” her maid was a butler. He took her though the house showing her every item and where it all was. She followed him around discovering things she had never had before. Mostly electronic miracle stuff that her Butler assured her he would teach her how to use.

A text message came in to her and Jack saying that for the first day here she would be welcome to join some of her family for a supper at 6 this evening. Wear anything you like, the gathering is informal and is only to introduce her to other family members.

Jack dressed in casual slacks and a collared shirt, put on his shoes and headed to the dinner he had been invited to. He was curious about his other family members and was looking forward to meeting them. He also wondered if some of his female relatives would be interested in more than dinner. Off he went to the hall indicated in the invite. Arriving he was welcomed at the door and entered a fair sized room set up for dining. Sitting around the table were some others. He counted 15 in all. Among them was the lady named Mary he had been with in the office of Mr, Johnson. He picked the seat next to her and introduced himself. Neither of them had been introduced to each other earlier. Jack and Mary smiled and had small talk as the host, Mr. Johnson himself greeted everyone. Welcome to our first family gathering for new members. All or at least MOST of you are new in the last few days. I forgot to mention when we first met that we have quite a large family and it will take you some time to meet all of them. Some are here now but most are in other cities and even other countries. All are family, keep that in mind please as time goes on. Also realize that we are not blood family, simply family of men and women who have common needs, wants, desires and goals. All of us want fellowship with others in the family, all of us wish to be successful in business of some sort. All of us want to love and be loved. Some of us want all of that and more, how much more and more of what, is up to you individually. But the more you share with others the more rewarded you will feel. The food is now ready so lets start! With that he clapped his hands and waiters and waitress's entered with the food. Platters of meats and vegetable of all different kinds, something for everyone it seemed. As the food was served some of the family were looking more at the wait staff than at the food. Some of the waitress's were beautiful and some of the men were indeed handsome. The others were above average too. Jack was wondering where they found that many people to serve as wait staff. Mary was one of the ones who were looking at the men more than the food. Two men on her left were also looking at the men more than the women. Well, thought Jack, to each their own happiness. Soon the dinner was over and the crowd was mingling and talking. No alcohol was served so everyone was a little nervous at first. Most of the people there were first timers also. Jack talked with some of the men and found they had many different backgrounds in areas of the world. They all had jobs before and made enough money to live comfortably on and some were married but divorced in order to be part of this group. The same seemed to be true for the women who were there. All in all Jack could not put a reason on why they all were part of the family now. Could it be the money or the luxury or the idea of doing whatever you like with nobody damning them. There had to be a catch but he had not seen what it could be yet. He was sure he would find out soon. He also hoped it was not something horrible. One day here and he was quite happy already. Good food, great place to stay nice cars, lots of others here felt the same and there were at least one woman for every man. Although there was no alcohol in the public place, Jack did have his private bar in his quarters. After a bit he was talking to a very good looking woman. She said her name was Eve. Raven black hair, a nice body with all the curves in all the right places, beautiful smile and she seemed to be intelligent too. Jack was one of the guys who thinks brains are better than boobs. And was immediately drawn to her as the evening went on. Eventually they danced and had a nice conversation. Then as the end of the dinner came he invited her to his room for a late night toddy. She said yes but she wanted to go change clothes first and invited him to come along to her place then go to his. They agreed and headed out. They walked to her place, which was on the other side of the compound. They passed through the center area and passed through a small park, a pond area with footbridge a garden of flowers and even a small orange orchard. Arriving at her place she opened the door with a password spoken, not entered with a device. She spoke softly and Jack did not hear what the password was. He decided he would use the same technique on his room. Walking in he discovered the layout was very similar to his area. The biggest difference was all the colors. Lots of bright and pastels in some rooms and some more subdued colors in others. The bathroom and bedroom setup was the same as his as was the living area of his place. Just the type and style of furniture was different. They sat on the couch and had the fireplace lit with real flames as they talked. She did not get up to change clothes. She leaned to him and they kissed. He enjoyed the kiss and they kissed again and this time her hands and his started roaming on each others body. He had her breasts in his hands and she had her hand on his crotch. He felt her hand and started getting hard She also felt him growing and kissed him even harder. At last they stopped kissing for a minute and she said out loud twice BED BED. He thought she meant to take her to bed. But to his surprise the couch was moving under him. It was not going anywhere but it was moving. They stood up and he watched in amazement as the couch transformed itself into a bed. She smiled and started taking off her dress. He took his time and she finally reached over unbuttoned his pants, removed his belt and his pants hit the floor! He was now fully aroused and it showed very well in his boxer underwear. He took his hands and removed her bra and she pushed his hands to the waistband of her panties. The delicate red frilly panties hit the floor also. They removed each others underwear. They stood naked looking at each other. She said, you know you are family now. Suppose it is OK to fuck your brother or cousin or whoever you are? He answered God I hope so Sis and went to his knees and licked her shaved pussy. She moaned and dragged him to the just formed bed. They fell into a 69 and stayed that way. Licking and sucking and playing with each other in any way they desired. He ran his tongue deep into her and she sucked his hard cock to the hilt. Balls against her nose as he licked her and pushed a finger into her pretty, firm, perfectly shaped butt. She moved to push it in farther as they enjoyed the play and taste of each other. Soon he moved into a missionary position and she took him deep into her. Moving slowly at first he soon was sliding in and out rapidly breathing heavily. She suddenly moved from under him and got on all fours. He took a hint and got behind her and slid quickly into her wet pussy. She said NO NOT THERE and again, he took the hint and moved to penetrate her ass. His finger had prepared the way for his cock.. it was still tight but relaxed quickly as he went further into her Soon he was totally engulfed in her ass and she was relaxing more. He moved slowly at first then as she moved against him he went faster and deeper till he had no more to give her. She was holding him tightly and moaning to him “cum in my ass! PLEASE CUM IN MY ASS---NOW PLEASE!! in a few more strokes she got her wish as he unloaded a weeks worth of cum into her beautiful butt. Soon they were laying together and softly making noises only the other could hear and understand.

When Jack awoke he saw it was day light. She was nowhere to be seen but he knew where she was because she was singing in the shower. He went to the shower to see her. He stepped into the huge shower with her and they embraced and kissed. He quickly went to his knees and started licking her pussy. She smiled and asked him to lick her ass too. You need to clean up the mess you made! He looked up and smiled and turned her as she bent at the waist and leaned against the wall. He spread those marvelous cheeks and licked the hole it revealed. He did not taste his own cum so he knew she had already cleaned herself there. He licked and rimmed her for a bit then she turned and stood him up. She went to her knees and took his now hard cock down her throat and sucked it rapidly and as deeply as she could. She had all 7 inches deep in her with his balls slapping her chin when he moaned and shot his load straight down her throat. She moaned and did not even have to swallow as the cum passed into her belly. They stood together and kissed again. They eventually made it to the kitchen area only to find her Butler had already made breakfast for them. Eggs cooked perfectly toast golden brown with their favorite jelly on it. Gr*pe for him and strawberry for her. (How did the Butler know that personal preference?) The coffee was excellent and the milk was fresh and cold. Perfect start to the day she thought. Cock, cum rimmed and a great orgasm. Hope he isn't busy later today. As Breakfast was over they finally exchanged names. I am Jack he told her, she smiled and said, quite a wonderful time with you Jack, I am Eve. He smiled and told her “I always wanted a sister named Eve who eats cum! “ they chuckled and were done. As morning was ending he left her with a kiss and telling her how wonderful she is. Eve, he said, I had a wonderful time and hope we do it all again and again! She smiled and let him leave. As he left she hummed a song to herself.

Jack found a note from Mary the lady he had joined with initially. She asked him if he had found out about the kind of family they had joined. It also invited him for lunch. He replied to her with a Yes and Yes. He gave the note to the maid (who had dressed in more comfortable clothes than the last time he saw her. Tasteful and sexy. White top showing her marvelous tits off and a black skirt that was cut quite high. He loved the look as she walked away with the note for Mary. At the agreed on time he was in front of Mary's door. Her Butler opened it and showed him to the patio where she was waiting. “Hello Jack, how do you like this so far?” He replied that so far he had no complaints whatsoever. Everything was done tasteful and quite nice. Mary asked him if he had met one of his new sisters. A bit embarrassed, he told her he had indeed met one. She smiled and said she had met one of her new brothers also and was VERY pleased. They both smiled at that and Jack asked if she was pleased with her brother and if she had spent the night with him. She said she had indeed been pleased and had spent a quite enjoyable night. Then she asked if he had spent the night with her and his sister. To that he chuckled and said he too was very pleased. They ate and discussed what was next for them when her butler appeared and announced that Jacks new sister could join them for lunch and she was waiting outside now. Mary looked at Jack and nodded to the butler that she would be pleased to entertain their new mutual sister. The butler showed her in and she had a seat with Jack on one side and Mary on the other. They smiled and talked in innuendo's for a bit when Mary suddenly just said “did you two spend the night fucking?” They all laughed and admitted they had. Then Mary asked “recovered enough to continue the party? Both said yes simultaneously and giggled. At that Jack moved to kiss Eve and then Mary kissed Eve too! Jack was surprised but not shocked. Eve kissed Mary back too. All smiled and moved to the big couch. As they sat Jack said “BED BED!” the couch dutifully transformed itself and they all laid back groping and kissing. Eve stood and took off her dress, no panties today Jack noticed. Mary looked hungry as she too stood and called for her butler. He arrived and Mary asked him to help remove her and Jacks clothes please. He complied and Mary's clothes hit the floor He moved to Jack and off came Jacks shirt and then shoes and pants, leaving him standing in his underwear. The butler asked Jack if he could remove the rest of his clothes. Jack told him of course and felt his underpants hit the floor. Eve and Mary looked approvingly at him and Mary licked her lips. Jack knew this would be a good lunch meeting. The butler picked up the clothes and Mary told him to come back soon as he put the clothes away. Mary then kissed Eve again and Eve was visibly getting wet. Her pussy was a bit more than damp. Jack moved to her and licked her pussy as Mary kissed her sensually. At that time the butler returned and asked Mary “Is that all ma'am?” Mary smiled and told him to please move over to her. He complied and she removed his pants and underwear. Out popped a nice big, and now hard, 8 inch cock. Mary took her mouth from Eve and quickly swallowed the entire length. Eve and Jack just looked and were amazed. Jack said he would never had guessed Mary could do that so easily. Mary smiled and told him “Lots of practice. How about you Eve? You want some of this too? Eve dropped to her knees and opened her mouth. Mary took the cock and slid it into her mouth. Eve went deep and also took the entire length. The butler moaned and started pumping his cock into the mouth. Mary took Eve's place and was also getting her mouth pumped. Eve looked at Jack and said “You like that?” Jack said Oh YES! I love it.” then Mary took her mouth off and moved the butler in front of Jack. Jack was taken aback but Mary and Eve both said that part of the deal here is that you do whatever a brother or sister wanted. They moved Jacks head to the cock and held his nose so he had to open his mouth. When he did, the butler buried it in Jacks throat in one push! Jack, to his own surprise, did not complain nor hesitate, he started moving his head to suck the cock. Both women giggled more and told him to take the cum. The butler was told to cum NOW please. On command he filled Jacks mouth and belly full of hot cum. Pulling out, he asked Mary “Is that all Ma'am?” Mary told him to sit back and she would soon have another chore for him. He sat back and Eve and Mary shared jacking his cock while Eve kissed Jack. “Oh Jack, I can taste his cum in your mouth. Here Mary, have a taste. Mary did just that. Jack was completely thunderstruck. He had never dreamed of sucking cock and eating cum but here he was, sitting here with a guys cum in his stomach and two beautiful women enjoying it all. Eve bent to Mary's crotch and started eating pussy. Mary moaned and told her she was going to squirt! Eve took her fully with her mouth and tongue and fingers deep in the cunt as Mary squirted. Jack watched and, to his amazement, was getting a boner again! As the butler started to leave Mary panted out “suck jacks cock please but do not make him cum. Us girls want it all!' The butler smiled and said “of course madam. Happy to obey your every order” He sucked Jack and was doing a great job when Eve told him to stop and kiss me. He let the cock go and kissed Eve and then Mary asked to be kissed too. He obliged. She dismissed him “for now but stay handy and naked please.” He smiled and moved to the other side of the room, still watching. Both ladies moved to eat each other as Jack watched. He was now really ready and his cock was fully hard. Mary moved her hands to him and instead of grabbing his big throbber, she slid a finger into his ass crack. Soon he had two fingers in his butt and was, surprisingly, enjoying it . Eve moved and sat on his cock. Mary was fingering his ass Eve was being fucked as the butler watched quietly. Jack was having the time of his life. Mary found Jacks hot spot in his butt and suddenly Jack shot huge cum-load up Eve's cunt! Cum flooded her and was flowing out. Flowing right into Jacks mouth as she moved to straddle his face. He, for his first time, had been sucked off, sucked cock, got his ass penetrated and shot a load and now was eating his own cum! He was dumbfounded and totally surprised that he was enjoying every second more than he had ever enjoyed sex before.

Soon the butler was summoned to eat Eves cunt and let Mary put Jacks still hard cock into his ass. He sat on it and felt it grow. Mary fingered Jacks ass until he was fully hard again. In not time at all Jack was shooting cum up the butlers butt. As they all relaxed, the butler went to shower and soon returned with towels for all. “Is that all Madam?” Mary told him “All for now please be available for some possible guests later” He stood by as the others cleaned up enough to get to the shower and watched as they all washed, dried off and licked and sucked each other before departing. Mary told them that she had enjoyed every second of “Lunch” and would be happy to do it all again and again. They departed for their own rooms.

That evening Jack got a message from the “boss” to come see him right away. Jack went to the office where he saw the man who had started all of this and was directed to sit and not say anything till asked. Jack sat and was comfortable. A movie screen appeared in a cabinet on one side of the room. Soon a video was starting. The video was one Jack instantly recognized. He was one of the stars! The foursome that he had for lunch were on screen. He watched as a few other people also entered the office. They smiled and took seats as the boss told them to watch and give feedback at the end of the video. But please no comments until then. They all watched as Mary, Eve, Jack and the butler played out everything from that meeting on screen in front of the others. Jack was bright red from embarrassment as they all saw him suck cock, eat cum get finger fucked and lick everyone clean! The others stayed silent, although a couple of them moaned when Jack ate cum and Eve sucked Mary clean. Soon the video was over. The boss turned to all of them and one by one asked if what they had just seen was OK with them. Were any family rules broken, did all the people there enjoy the video. Why or why not. Each in turn was asked, Jack was asked last. The first response by one of the ladies was one of approval, that no rules were broken and she had enjoyed every bit of the video, including the cum eating. The next one asked was one of the brothers and he too agreed with the lady. No rules broken and he was impressed with how well all the newcomers had taken to doing whatever was asked without hesitation. All present had pretty much the same opinion with some of the women and men commenting that they wished the video had been of them too! The boss agreed with their opinions. And now would every one please go to the open area that acts as an outdoor gathering for family in attendance. They all met in the open space that, until now, had been the pool. It was now an open meeting place with couches and chairs for everyone. The whole family in attendance at the time were there. About 20 people, with more men than women. Included were the butler, Jacks maid and Eve and Mary. Talking among themselves Eve and Mary and their help decided it had been a good day. The boss entered and on several screens appearing around the area, told everyone that it is movie time! Most of the crowd clapped and said to roll the videos. The screens came to life and many of those present were shown doing the same things and more that Mary, Eve, Jack and their help had done that day. The only one left out was Jacks maid. She was called to stand in the center of the room and disrobe. The videos were showing everyone fucking and sucking everyone. Men eating cum from cocks women sucking cunts full of cock and taking cock in the ass with cum flowing from mouths ass, pussy and dripping off the bodies. The maid had apparently been part of a group like this before as she stripped and laid out on a round bed that rotated for everyone to see every inch of her. She fingered her pussy and ass. Took a toy to the same holes and pointed to a lady and a man present to join her. They did without hesitation and started fucking and sucking each other with abandon while the crowd watched and applauded as they all came and the video continued playing for all to see. As the video's ended and showed all of the people there collapsing into pile, the boss asked if anyone wanted more. Surprisingly Mary stood and said she wanted more cock cum and pussy! Two men and a woman quickly joined her and stuck every hole of every one of them full of cum. The boss was there watching and finally at the end of the meeting, congratulated everyone of them for being successful members of the family. They all applauded each other and soon were headed back to their own rooms. Jack got to his room feeling tired and dirty so he asked his maid to get the shower ready. He stood in the bedroom, stripped off and walked naked to the shower. The maid, who had been thoroughly fucked and filled with cum in every possible place, asked if he would let her shower with him Of course he agreed and they stepped in to clean up. It took a little while but finally Jack had cleaned up every inch of his maid, inside and out and tasted her all over, top to bottom, front to back and inside and out to declare her clean. She returned the favor for him. Sucking and licking him all over, cock, face, balls, asshole and wherever she could find a speck of dirt, sweat or cum until she knew he was completely clean. They left the shower, dried each other off and Jack told her to get into his bed and make yourself comfortable. She did and they both fell asleep almost immediately. About 3 in the morning Jack realized his cock was hard. He had never fucked and sucked so much before and was amazed he had a boner again so soon. He felt something and lifted the covers to find his maid throat deep on his cock. He smiled and soon filled her mouth with cum. She kind of purred and swallowed it all. They both returned to sleep. When they awoke they went to get dressed. The maid went to dress in her choice of clothes and Jack did the same. Having nothing else to do he put on swim trunks and a robe and went to eat whatever was for breakfast. He sat at his table to find eggs cooked exactly the way he desired, biscuits and sausage gravy two perfect pancakes syrup and butter along with a delicious bagel smeared with cream cheese. He was stuffed completely sated. Full of food enjoyed the best sex of his life and happier than he had ever remembered when. The maid cleared the table and he asked if she was happy and pleased as well. “OH MY YES!” She replied with no hesitation. “I will be pleased to please you in every way you like sir!” Jack smiled and asked if she would continue to be his maid. She said “Oh my yes sir! Never had a man treat me so well at work. But at the end of the month you will be getting another maid. Or a butler if you wish.” I will return to family life and hope to see you much more. MUCH more in EVERY way sir! “ Jack suddenly realized she was not a hired maid but a fellow family member, like everyone else. She was doing what she was asked to do and she did it all very well. He looked forward to seeing her outside of her “work”. Mary woke up much the way that Jack had, with a mouth on her and feeling wonderful. As she opened her eyes she discovered the mouth belonged to Eve! She was really enjoying herself eating Mary's pussy and fingering her butt. The butler came in an announced that breakfast was ready. Eve looked up with a cum smeared face and asked if his cum was on the menu for breakfast! He smiled and told her that he would be happy to feed her and her friend whatever helping she wanted. Then he left them to finish and dress as they liked. Breakfast for them was similar to Jacks and held the same surprise that Jack got about getting a new maid or butler. They sat talking as they ate and tried to decide if they each wanted a butler or a maid. They quickly decided to get both! Of curse they can only have one but they decided to trade off now and then They both admitted to liking to have pussy to eat and a cock to suck. And, they figured, they can each have the others help at the same time. They can have their cock and pussy too.

The end of the time came to have each family member get new help. Some family became the help too. Much to Jacks surprise he got a butler this session. The butler was younger than Jack and about the same size and build. He was also eager to please. He would offer Jack things he figured Jack would want. For breakfast for clothes and things to do. Jack often accepted but now and then declined and made his own choice. Those times made his butler look disappointed and even sad at times. But he never argued or declined Jacks request. All in all Jack got along with his butler just fine. One evening Jack was feeling a bit sore from some exercise he took part of earlier in the day. He asked his butler if he could get a massage somewhere locally. The butler, being every helpful replied “Of course sir. Would you like a masseuse or masseur? Jack told him either but a man would be able to work out the sore spots faster. The butler smiled and told jack he would be right back. In a minute or two he told Jack to go to the den near the living room and left. Jack went and there was his butler in a loose robe standing by a massage table. He smiled and laid on the table after disrobing and getting a towel. The butler moved to him and spread the towel over Jacks buttocks. Then he moved to the top of the table and started kneading Jacks neck and skull. Jack realized quickly that he was getting a first class massage He asked where he ha gotten the skills? The answer was simply “former occupation sir' Just tell me where it is sore and if I am not pleasing you. Jack mumbled OK and relaxed. He actually started to doze off. The butler was just finishing his lower legs and feet. He told Jack “Turn over sir” and Jack turned as the butler lifted the towel and replaced it over his cock . He then continued the massage starting at his feet. The hands felt wonderful to Jack. He was really loving the massage as it moved to his calves. Then he felt the hands on his thighs and then the towel was removed completely. He felt the hands move from thighs to inner thighs then to his belly and chest and shoulders. As the massage continued he realized it was nearly over. He told the butler to go back to his back and then rolled back over with out the towel. He said “my butt cheeks hurt some. Can you do them now?” The butler said “oh yes sir!” and moved to the butt cheeks. He kneaded the cheeks and then started to work into his butt crack. Jack moaned and the butler asked if everything is OK Jack reached back, took the hands and moved them into his butt crack and said “more please”.. the hands worked deeper into the crack and then started to slide across and a little into his butt hole Jack moaned more, “it feels wonderful” he said. The butler smiled to himself as he moved deeper into the butt with one hand. The other hand cautiously moved lower and touched his balls and edge of the cock. Jack let out a moan and a loud YES MORE of that. A LOT MORE. The butler put another then another finger in Jacks butt and pulled the cock out from under him with the other hand. He fingered and stroked until Jack just suddenly rolled over showing his engorged cock. He took the butler and moved his head onto his hard throbbing cock! There was no reluctance no hesitation as the butler continued to move his head up and down sucking the cock. Jack moved the butler so he was standing next to his own head. Then he took the butlers robe, opened it and found a cock to hold. He stroked it and found it hard and wet from precum. He moved to take it in his mouth as he got sucked. The butler moaned and tried to pull out of his mouth without success. Jack took his cock into his mouth tightly and sucked it for all he was worth. Jack let go a moment when he said “Swallow all my cum NOW! And unloaded a great burst of cum into the butlers mouth. No sooner had he shot his load when the butler simply shot a huge load into Jacks mouth. Jack felt his cum being swallowed and took as much cum as he could and happily ate every drop! Jack then told the butler that he can finish the massage now. Then he felt the hands moving over his entire body as all the pain and tensions were released He fell asleep on the table. As Jack awoke he realized he was in his own bed. He felt a movement and turned his head. Lying next to him was his former maid, naked and asleep. The butler came in and told him “She showed up just as we finished the massage sir. I asked her to help me get you into the bed and she obliged. I must say sir, I really enjoyed giving you the pleasure of my massage and that your friend here is quiet beautiful. Jack thanked him and asked him for a bottle of water. He turned to the naked woman next to him and gave her a kiss. She smiled and murmured thank you. She fell back asleep as the butler returned. “Anything else sir?” Yes please, Jack said. Did you enjoy sucking me off and eating my cum? “Indeed I did sir I have wanted to do that for you from the minute I was introduced to you. Would you like more of it sir? I will be happy to suck you off and more if you like.” “More?” Jack said. “yes sir I noticed you liked to feel my fingers inside you too. I must admit I like to be filled up too. Would you be interested in that or me filling you?” “Yes to both. In fact, this beautiful woman next to me would enjoy your cock in her ass too if you like. Just let me know and I'm sure you will be taken care of in most any way you desire. Just ask nicely” “Yes sir I do enjoy a lady now and then, I especially like to have a lady to do ATM.” He asked the butler “would you suck a cock after it was in an ass?” “Yes sir, as long as it was clean.” “OK “Jack told him. Lets get me hard and I'll fuck you then you can suck me off again!” “YES SIR” with that he sucked Jack and in less than a minute he was hard. “OK I'm ready to fuck you.” He put some lube on the butlers ass and lubed it up nice and slippery. Then he got him face down on the edge of the bed and with one push slid right into the butlers eager ass! He fucked him good and when felt a cum starting he pulled out and shoved it into his mouth. He was sucked hard and fast and quickly shot his load. “MMMM” The butler said “That was nice I love sucking and being fucked good.” A voice behind them said “So do I!” they looked and the former maid was awake. “loved seeing that. Now can you do it for me? She got on all fours and offered her ass. Jack told the butler “Fuck her good and cum in her mouth!” the butler reached for lube but She told him “not necessary, your cock will slide right in. I still have cum from Jack in my ass from earlier.” Surprised, Jack asked “when did that happen?” “when you were asleep I saw your cock was hard to I just climbed on. I must say it felt good but I was worried you didn't find me sexy enough to wake up when you shot your load!” Jack was amazed but told the butler to go ahead fuck her good! She loves I up the butt. Save the cum for her mouth.” “Yes sir” he said and moved to slide into her butt hole! “You seem to prefer ass to pussy don't you.” Jack said. “Not really but a guys ass is easier to find to fuck than a good looking woman like her!” She smiled and pushed back to get him inside her! Soon she was moaning and he was groaning. He pulled his cock out of her backdoor fuck hole and shoved it into her mouth and shot a nice load! She swallowed it all and kissed Jack. He smiled and thanked them both.

Mary woke up next to Eve. She smiled as she remembered the evening. Eve had brought her butler with her and they had both sucked and been fucked by him and then fucked him with a nice thick toy. He was pleased to be able to please them. As Mary was starting to move she lifted herself up a bit then lowered her pussy onto his face. He smiled and opened his eyes as he licked and sucked her fucked cunt. Still some cum in her he thought. He remembered filling her up and then watching Eve eat it out of her. He was surprised there was any left in her. He ate her till she had her orgasm. Eve was now awake and moved her cunt over the cum eating mouth of her butler. She knew he ate cum because she had seen him suck off 5 guys a few days before he was her butler. They all had fed him nice loads and his only reaction was to lick his lips and ask if anyone was ready for seconds! Turns out two of them fucked his mouth again so he was finally full.. when he finally got her to orgasm she kissed Mary good morning as they stretched. It was going to be a good day.

About 10 that morning the boss, now being called by all, Father, let everyone know that today was LADIES DAY until midnight. Everyone loved ladies day. It started at noon and any lady could have any man or men, please them in any way they wished so long as there was no pain involved. Serve them food, feed them peeled gr*pes eat each other's pussy or suck off a never ending line of cocks! Now and then a woman wanted to fuck any particular man they would do so. Until the woman was in pain. Or the woman picked another man. If a woman wanted to be endlessly ass fucked the men would fuck her ass till they were done or she was in too much pain. No permanent pain was allowed to happen. Even some women wanted to be licked and sucked by other women in an endless line. If a woman wanted it then it was pretty sure to happen on Ladies Day here. Then of course there was a “MANS DAY” too. Women would make the choices that day! They would pick any man there to fuck them in any way they liked. Fuck them eat them, whatever they wanted the man to do! At least once, and usually more times, during MANS DAY they would like to use dildos on the men of their choice. Men, gay or not, would be submitted to having their ass full of plastic by women. Often it was some guy that had coerced, at least a little bit, a woman that did not enjoy being assfucked . It was payback time! Of course there were days when any man would get to fuck any woman and any woman would choose any man they wanted to fuck them in any way. Some women wanted to see men sucking cock or being fucked by other men as they watched. Some wanted to see a man eat another mans ass full of cum. No perversion was too much or too little

Of course the family rules insisted that any request be honored so long as no extreme pain or legal limits are surpassed. If a family member denied what was considered to be a “common request” by another family member then that person was formally removed from the family with forfeiture of all benefits.

This rarely happened, mostly due to the screening of possible family members to be invited. But now and then someone did something so egregious that they were removed immediately. They lost income provided, were fired from jobs provided, and given legal counsel about the contract they had signed. Rarely happened because when you were chosen you had already done most things on your own.

s all too happy to make sure he was squeaky clean inside and out. She had dinner clothes laid out for him and clean underwear. The underwear were quite sheer and “frilly”. She smiled when he made a quizzical face and assured him “Your Brown Betty will love these.” He shrugged and left for dinner.

He arrived at her place and was welcomed in by her maid. Similar to his maid, she was a very pretty Thai in her mid 20's. She smiled and was very attentive to him and her mistress during dinner. It was obvious that both ladies liked being pampered. After dinner they retired to a living room that was nicely laid out and included one of the wonderful couches that turn into a bed or a table or just a platform, with the verbal command “Bed, or Table or Platform”. They sat and had a sip of the local wine, which was quite good, and talked. Soon the maid went out and came back in with Jack's friend Henry. They all greeted each other and sat on the couch. It was a close fit but both men next to each other and Brown Betty on one end. The maid smiled and Betty nodded. The maid sat on the other end of the men. Betty reached around Jack and put her hand on Henry's crotch, rubbing it a bit while chatting. Henry just sat and smiled. The maid reached around and did the same for Jack. After a few minutes of this Betty stood up and told the maid to change places, which she did with a smile. Having made that change they sat and all felt and played with each other. Then Henry stood up and the maid quickly reached out, took his belt off in one move and pulled his pants down. Henry was surprised but not upset. Betty smiled and looked at Henry and his bulge which was growing as she watched.

MOVING UP IN THE FAMILY pioneer life legacy (Family history 2)

One day Jack was told he was to be moved to another branch of the family. No he can not take his favorite people with him. Yes a similar group is to be available to him when he arrives. Yes the quarters are pretty much the same and the rules will remain the same. No disclosure to anyone outside of the family about anything. Jack got off the plane and it was hot. Not just kind of hot, it was HOT. Of course it was hot, he reminded himself. You are in Thailand to join your family just outside of Bangkok. Thailand where exotic sex is a part of every day life. A family car with driver was sent to pick him up. The driver was a small but very pretty girl. She chatted him up on the drive, which took about an hour through the city down the famous street where any kind of sex can be had and into the countryside near a small town. The “house” was more like a business building. From the outside at least. It had armed guards lots of surveillance equipment and alarm systems. It was secure from most any occurrence that could cause the family harm. When inside, Jack noticed immediately the Asian styling of the rooms All the same things he had in the original location were here as well, but tailored to the Asian experience The men and women were all wearing Asian style clothing. Stylish and attractive for men and women. As he was brought to the main office the computer screen, which was huge, showed the boss back home with a video and sound link. The boss welcomed him to his new home and the rest of his family. He introduced Jack to the local administration that would help him. He had been briefed before leaving on what his duties here would be, outside of sexual activity but not excluding it. He wished Jack good fortune and signed off. Jack soon met his local staff. Although most were men there were many women too. And not just secretaries but also business as well as family partners. He was shown the way to his new quarters which were very nice, comfortable and air conditioned. A pool, large meeting room, computers and all manner of communications for his business and personal use. Heck they even provided a local porno channel for his pleasure. All actors were more than actors, they were chosen to be on the channel because they loved sex of all kinds and were not in the least bit uncomfortable showing all things with all participants. Jack felt comfortable here. Some minor language differences, were worked out with a portable translator that had become available months ago. Speak into it in one language and it said what you said, in the chosen language. Speak to it in Spanish and it would come out in any language you want. As Jack met people he did his best to remember all the names but it would take time. So he associated people he met with actions or looks or likes and dislikes. We all do that anyway. For instance jack met Bev, a pretty brunette with big tits and remembered her simply as Tits. Don was a big guy, tall and muscular so he became Giant. Etc etc, At a meet and greet dinner Jack found himself meeting some of the best looking, sexiest men and women ever. Thais, Chinese, Russian, Filipino and more including Caucasians and Mexicans. He chatted with a Filipino lady who happened to be fluent in English and 4 other languages. She was dark haired 5'1” and about 90lbs or 45kilo. Very attractive and happy. He also met a Thai man who was very nice and spoke just enough English to make Jack use the translator. He was a good looking man in his early 30s. About 5'4” and 130lbs or 65kilo. They also introduced him to many other family members, all of whom seem very nice and intelligent. The dark haired lady was named Rosie. The Thai man was named Joshua. They took him under their wings and showed him the way around the property. There were indoors areas air conditioned. Outdoors not so much but still nice and comfortable. Jack got to his new housing and started settling in. He was getting comfortable when a maid came in. She was a Thai who was very attractive. Beautiful face and body, nice and compact without being muscular. She chatted in English with him as he asked questions about how things run here. He found out the same criteria back home was used here. Be with whoever you want if all are agreeable. He had a good dinner that was just a bit more spicy than he had wanted but tasted delicious. The maid, whose name was Tao made his new bed and told him if he needs anything from her to just call her name as she would be monitoring the premises for requests He felt a bit uncomfortable about that but he accepted it. As he approached bedtime Jack decided to see if Tao was monitoring as she said she would. He took a breath and said softly “blowjob”. Within seconds Tao asked if he was ready now. He said yes I am and she appeared in less than 15 seconds. She was not dressed in her normal maids clothes, she had on a nightgown in preparation for sleep. He smiled and told her that worked really well. “Very fast reaction so I feel much better now that you can serve me well.” She said “I am happy to serve you in any way sir. Would you like your blowjob now?” Jack blushed a bit and explained he just wanted to know if she would respond promptly. She replied “Yes sir I will respond to your wishes as you like. Will you want to cum in my mouth or elsewhere sir?” Jack was surprised that this pretty woman, really not a worker but his sister here as well as back home, would quickly respond to and welcome him with a blowjob. So he told her “You do not have to do that to me right now. But I do enjoy a mouth to cum in. “ she smiled and told him that she also enjoys sucking a man's cock and eating his cum if he wishes. “Would you like to cum in my mouth now sir?” “I would be very pleased to do that for you Tao, if you want me to.” Tao replied “yes sir, I like to feel a man cum in my mouth. Also in my pussy and my butt or anywhere else you need to cum. Hands, titties face. I like a man's cum and I think it tastes good too.” Jack said “ thank you Tao, I would be happy to please you in any way you like also. I too enjoy the taste of cum if that is OK with you. I enjoy sucking a man's cock, eating his cum and licking a pussy full of cum.” she nodded and started to drop her night dress as he opened his pants and undid his belt. As his cock came into view she smiled and licked her lips. Seeing this his cock grew quickly. He sat her on the edge of the low bed and moved his cock to her open mouth. To his surprise she quickly took his entire length into her mouth and started sucking as he felt her throat open for him. It did not take long, she sucked and moved and kneaded his balls as she sucked. She took a break to say that his cock was very good, bigger than some of her local brothers in the family. She said she enjoyed feeling it in her throat. Smiling at her he reinserted his still hard and throbbing cock into her sucking mouth. In a few seconds he moaned as he unleashed a torrent of his cum straight down her throat! She did not need to swallow as it ran right to the bottom. She continued sucking him until he started to go soft then pulled her mouth off him. He bent to her and saw some cum in her mouth and on her lips, so he gave her a big wet kiss, tasting his cock and cum in her mouth. She took the kiss and when done she smiled at him and said that he was very good and delicious. He told her “I bet you are delicious too” he pushed her onto her back on the bed and opened her legs to see the dark hair covered pussy. He dived in tongue first. Licking and sucking she moaned and suddenly squirted. He licked and sucked her as she had her orgasm. She finished and was out of breath. She smiled at him and kissed him, tasting his and her cum. He told her to lay back and rest. Then they both got naked and went to sleep together.

The next morning after waking first, she made breakfast as he slept. Eggs and ham with bread was fine with him. She smiled the whole time and every time she was close to him he pinched her butt. Even once when she bent over the table to pour tea, pushed a finger in her bare pussy. No underwear was good. As they sat and drank tea, she got down on her knees and took his cock out to suck it. She drank a big mouthful of hot tea and when she sucked him he almost came immediately due to the heat of her mouth. He held off for a few minutes then emptied his cum into her sucking mouth then kissed her again. He thought to himself “If she and I get a chance this evening I am going to fuck her and eat her pussy full of my cum to see if she likes it. If I can I will fuck her ass too, she said she liked that also.” As he left to make a morning meeting she was cleaning the table making the bed and smiling the whole time. He left her that way.

His meeting was all business but he did meet a nice looking Thai lady who seemed very interested in him. After the meeting she asked if she could do “anything” for him. Anything at all she told him with a smile He thanked her and said he would definitely let her know He named her Brown Betty for now until he could remember how her name was pronounced. “ Lunch was with a guy who had been here a year and he provided Jack with some advice. Mostly business but also some advice on who was willing to do what. He told him which women would be happy to accommodate his cock or tongue or fingers or whatever in most any way he desired. He also mentioned some of the men who would do the same. Jack appreciated the advice and planned to make use of it soon. Becoming a bit horny he decided to find Brown Betty and see if she would like some playtime. He found her in the library and they hit it off as they talked. She broke the sexual ice by mentioning she had not had sex for a week or more. Of course being a gentleman, Jack offered to help her out. They went to her place where she offered to blow him he let her suck it a bit then told her to bend over and open her ass for him. She had a big smile and said she really loved to be fucked like that. She bent over, lowered her underwear and reached back to spread her ass cheeks for him. She had a nice ass and his cock was hard too he fingered her a second then slid his cock into her butthole. It felt really good and went in easily. Thinking nothing of that, he assumed she had been assfucked quite a bit and was used to it. Mid stroke he shot his load into her bowels. She squealed a bit as she orgasmed from being butt fucked. Not every woman can do that he thought. He cleaned his cock and kissed her and left feeling great relief. Back in the work area he met the guy who had advised him on who would fuck and suck. When jack told him he had assfucked the gal his buddy laughed. Jack asked what was so funny and the guy said next time offer to eat her pussy. She loves that. He was still giggling as they left. Jack decided to do that next time he got with her. Heading to the dinner area he saw one of the other new people and sat with them while they ate. After dinner he got the new guy to come back to his place to see if he would get to try to give his maid some double cock action She was there and the new guy was happy to meet her. Jack took her aside and told her the new guy wanted to share her pussy with him. She told him “OK no problem. Two cocks in my pussy will fit good. But one must let me swallow cum too.” Jack agreed and told his new friend, Henry, what the maid wanted. Henry told him that rubbing cocks inside a hot cunt will make us cum really fast so you have to be the one to feed her unless I get the chance. They retired to the bedroom got naked and Jack went down on his maid while Henry started to fuck her mouth. Soon as she said she was ready Jack laid on his back as Henry got on top behind her and they both slid their hard cocks deep into her hot cunt! Jack was really loving the feeling of his cock on Henry's and in her cunt all at once! It did not take long to get her to cum! She moaned, cried and made lots of other noises as they fucked her. Jack felt his cock being rubbed wonderfully against Henry's and her now amazingly tight cunt. He managed to say I'm cumming and she spun around and took him in her mouth just in time to swallow his load. Henry also said he was cumming and she almost jumped to take his load in her mouth also. Swallowing and moaning all at once she took all both men had and wanted more. Jack thought “this woman is a real hot babe who probably would take double cock in every hole and ask for more cum! Finished they all showered with her as she sucked them both as she washed them. Jack and Henry were absolutely in awe of her and her sexual needs! She asked Jack if it would be OK to have Henry over when he was not there. Jack told her that if it was OK with Henry it was fine with him. As she washed Jack he watched as Henry ate her fucked cunt clean. Henry came up with a sticky face and kissed her. They all loved it. Jack went back to the library to find some information on a business that was wanting to hire the family. While there reading Brown Betty showed up. They talked a bit and she invited him to her place for dinner. He asked if she liked more than one cock at a time and she told him it's up to him if he wants to share He told her he would be there later on and may bring a friend. She smiled and offered to get under the table there in the library and swallow his load right now. His maid and Henry had pretty much used up his immediate supply of cum so he told her later would be fine. She offered up her ass again too. As she left he almost called her back to see if he could fill her mouth. But he let her go.

That evening Jack got his shower with the help of the maid, who wa “Henry,” she said, “would you like to have your cock sucked?” Henry quickly said YES with a smile. Betty looked at Jack and told him, “Jack would you mind making Henry's cock nice and hard and big and ready to cum for us? Please.” Jack had not quite expected that but he knelt down and dropped Henry's briefs and jacked, then sucked Henry's cock. Soon Henry mentioned that if Jack wants a mouthful of his cum he will soon get it. Jack was pushed back and Betty and the maid moved to double suck Henry! As the erotic sight was going on Jack noticed Betty was fingering her own snatch! He bent to do the obvious thing and soon had his tongue inside Betty as far as he could reach. The maid joined in by playing with Henry's butt. Squeezing his cheeks and a playful slap along with a finger in Henry's ass. Betty pushed Henry down on the couch and said “BED”. The bed was formed and all four of them were sprawled out on it. Jack was having his pants removed and heard Betty mention she loves to see man in panties. He smiled and thanked his maid for dressing him appropriately. The maid took her hand and massaged Jack's cock as he felt it get completely engorged. Then she moved Jack to suck it. Jack quickly engulfed the hard cock and was sucking it fast, then slow, then jacking it. All he wanted then was to feel Henry's cum in his mouth. But it was not to be. Betty moved to place her face between the maid's cunt and Henry's cock. She expertly sucked both at once. Moaning from Henry and the maid and even Jack was probably heard outside the room! This all continued for a long while when Jack heard Henry moan he was bout to cum! The ladies left Henry's cock and virtually shoved Jack's face onto it! Just as Jack was really starting to enjoy the cock in his throat, it shot a nice load. Jack was pushed away and Betty took part of the load and the maid simply slid a finger in each mans ass and pumped. Henry exploded in Jack's mouth and Jack swallowed all he could then Jack shot a load but instead of it being on the sheets, Betty had bent to the task and sucked every drop. Betty then shared the cum with the maid. As they all relaxed and laid back, they started laughing. It was a laughter of joy from each of them. They all finally stopped and Jack announced he is completely empty of cum and will be going back to his own room. Betty told him he would be very comfortable and taken care of here, but Jack said something about needing his own maid to take care of him. As he stood up the doorbell rang and the maid went to see who it was. Soon she was back with Jack's maid and two other people in tow. “I hope you don't mind Jack, Betty said, but I took the liberty of calling your maid over to take care of all of us and you and whoever she likes in any way she likes.” Jack smiled and greeted his maid with a kiss. She took the kiss and then commented that he must have sucked a cock recently. He grinned and admitted he had indeed! One of the new guests, a pretty girl about 22 (he guessed) and dressed in a rather sheer dress smiled and told him to suck on her too please. “ I like to see a man eat cum”. Jack of course said he would be happy to do just that. As he approached Henry he was told “Sorry old buddy but I'm out of cum for a little while.” Jack looked around at the other new person. A large Thai man and smiled. The man said he would like to see Jack eat cum too. The new girl took Jack by the hand and told him to sit on the bed. Jack took a seat, naked and starting to get hard again as he thought about all the things he had done today. The new girl turned her back on him and reached to undo her dress. It dropped to the floor so she stood there in panties with her ass facing Jack. She slowly moved her hands to lower the panties. Teasingly, she lowered them bit by bit. When they were completely off her pretty ass she turned to Jack and said “Here is what I want to see you suck on!” She revealed the front of her. A nice sized hard as a rock COCK was pointing straight at Jack's mouth! She was a very passable SheMale or Ladyboy, as she was called in Thailand. She quickly moved Jacks face to her cock and suddenly Betty shoved his head forward as he sucked the entire length of her all at once. Within two minutes he was swallowing a large amount of cum. He swallowed some and then everyone there wanted to taste too. They all took turns kissing and licking to get all the cum he did not swallow! When done they all collapsed on the bed together. All had gotten naked and they all had their hands and mouths on everyone and everything. The orgy was on! As dawn approached the group started to stir. One or two wanted more sex and were given it. Some MM some FF and at least one FMFF. Lots of sex to go around as the breakfast was ready to eat. One girl insisted on pancakes with cum syrup, and butter. Jack helped the Thai man supply the cum syrup. Betty just wanted to suck a cock and the Thai man was the one she wanted to suck. He slid his cock into her open mouth and they managed to suck and jack each other a whole 3 minutes before Betty's mouth was full of cum. She enjoyed feeling it shoot in her mouth and kept it there while the cock emptied itself. When he was empty she swallowed the entire load Then went down on Jack to eat his cum too. Within a few minutes she emptied every set of balls she touched. Jack was loving the mutual cock sucking but really loved when he got sucked off. The sucking continued till only Betty wanted more cock and cum. Everyone else was either empty of full of cum. Betty was insistent that Jack get his load down her throat and was very successful in getting it. Took only a few minutes for Jack to empty his cum supply into her mouth. Jack moved to kiss Betty and tasted cum from everyone around him. He laid back and rested as he closed his eyes. Soon he felt the unmistakable urge to taste more cum. He was partially asleep and dreaming of the taste in his mouth that he loved. When he choked a bit, he woke up and realized that he was not dreaming A cock was indeed in his mouth and was cuming! He swallowed as more cum went into his belly. Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman on his face, but she was where the cum was coming from. He realized that Betty had squatted over him and covered his mouth with her full cunt. All the cum she had taken in it was now being released into his mouth. He managed a smile as he swallowed. Betty finally finished emptying her cunt full of cum into him and relaxed. He rolled to the side as she lifted up and he saw her gaping pussy still dripping. He thought it was one of the most erotic, beautiful sights he had ever seen. Then he fell completely asleep.

Every one who was involved in the dream was real and when he awoke, they all were still there. Jack made his way to the shower and washed. He was quickly joined by one of the guests. He also needed cleaning so he and Jack washed each other, Top to bottom, front to back and inside and out. Just to make sure his friend was clean Jack took him in his mouth and tasted then bent him over and tasted his ass where he found little more cum to clean. His friend did the same for him.

The days and nights went on, work and play were intermingled to the point that Play started to feel like work. Time went by almost in a blur until one day he received the message that he was being transferred once again. .

MOVING UP IN THE FAMILY pioneer life legacy (Family history 2) Jack got off the plane and it was hot. Not just kind of hot, it was HOT. Of course it was hot, he reminded himself. You are in Thailand to join your family just outside of Bangkok. Thailand where exotic sex is a part of every day life. A family car with driver was sent to pick him up. The driver was a small but very pretty girl. She chatted him up on the drive, which took about an hour through the city down the famous street where any kind of sex can be had and into the countryside near a small town. The “house” was more like a business building. From the outside at least. It had armed guards lots of surveillance equipment and alarm systems. It was secure from most any occurrence that could cause the family harm. When inside, Jack noticed immediately the Asian styling of the rooms All the same things he had in the original location were here as well, but tailored to the Asian experience The men and women were all wearing Asian style clothing. Stylish and attractive for men and women. As he was brought to the main office the computer screen, which was huge, showed the boss back home with a video and sound link. The boss welcomed him to his new home and the rest of his family. He introduced Jack to the local administration that would help him. He had been briefed before leaving on what his duties here would be, outside of sexual activity but not excluding it. He wished Jack good fortune and signed off. Jack soon met his local staff. Although most were men there were many women too. And not just secretaries but also business as well as family partners. He was shown the way to his new quarters which were very nice, comfortable and air conditioned. A pool, large meeting room, computers and all manner of communications for his business and personal use. Heck they even provided a local porno channel for his pleasure. All actors were more than actors, they were chosen to be on the channel because they loved sex of all kinds and were not in the least bit uncomfortable showing all things with all participants. Jack felt comfortable here. Some minor language differences, were worked out with a portable translator that had become available months ago. Speak into it in one language and it said what you said, in the chosen language. Speak to it in Spanish and it would come out in any language you want. As Jack met people he did his best to remember all the names but it would take time. So he associated people he met with actions or looks or likes and dislikes. We all do that anyway. For instance jack met Bev, a pretty brunette with big tits and remembered her simply as Tits. Don was a big guy, tall and muscular so he became Giant. Etc etc, At a meet and greet dinner Jack found himself meeting some of the best looking, sexiest men and women ever. Thais, Chinese, Russian, Filipino and more including Caucasians and Mexicans. He chatted with a Filipino lady who happened to be fluent in English and 4 other languages. She was dark haired 5'1” and about 90lbs or 45kilo. Very attractive and happy. He also met a Thai man who was very nice and spoke just enough English to make Jack use the translator. He was a good looking man in his early 30s. About 5'4” and 130lbs or 65kilo. They also introduced him to many other family members, all of whom seem very nice and intelligent. The dark haired lady was named Rosie. The Thai man was named Joshua. They took him under their wings and showed him the way around the property. There were indoors areas air conditioned. Outdoors not so much but still nice and comfortable. Jack got to his new housing and started settling in. He was getting comfortable when a maid came in. She was a Thai who was very attractive. Beautiful face and body, nice and compact without being muscular. She chatted in English with him as he asked questions about how things run here. He found out the same criteria back home was used here. Be with whoever you want if all are agreeable. He had a good dinner that was just a bit more spicy than he had wanted but tasted delicious. The maid, whose name was Tao made his new bed and told him if he needs anything from her to just call her name as she would be monitoring the premises for requests He felt a bit uncomfortable about that but he accepted it. As he approached bedtime Jack decided to see if Tao was monitoring as she said she would. He took a breath and said softly “blowjob”. Within seconds Tao asked if he was ready now. He said yes I am and she appeared in less than 15 seconds. She was not dressed in her normal maids clothes, she had on a nightgown in preparation for sleep. He smiled and told her that worked really well. “Very fast reaction so I feel much better now that you can serve me well.” She said “I am happy to serve you in any way sir. Would you like your blowjob now?” Jack blushed a bit and explained he just wanted to know if she would respond promptly. She replied “Yes sir I will respond to your wishes as you like. Will you want to cum in my mouth or elsewhere sir?” Jack was surprised that this pretty woman, really not a worker but his sister here as well as back home, would quickly respond to and welcome him with a blowjob. So he told her “You do not have to do that to me right now. But I do enjoy a mouth to cum in. “ she smiled and told him that she also enjoys sucking a man's cock and eating his cum if he wishes. “Would you like to cum in my mouth now sir?” “I would be very pleased to do that for you Tao, if you want me to.” Tao replied “yes sir, I like to feel a man cum in my mouth. Also in my pussy and my butt or anywhere else you need to cum. Hands, titties face. I like a man's cum and I think it tastes good too.” Jack said “ thank you Tao, I would be happy to please you in any way you like also. I too enjoy the taste of cum if that is OK with you. I enjoy sucking a man's cock, eating his cum and licking a pussy full of cum.” she nodded and started to drop her night dress as he opened his pants and undid his belt. As his cock came into view she smiled and licked her lips. Seeing this his cock grew quickly. He sat her on the edge of the low bed and moved his cock to her open mouth. To his surprise she quickly took his entire length into her mouth and started sucking as he felt her throat open for him. It did not take long, she sucked and moved and kneaded his balls as she sucked. She took a break to say that his cock was very good, bigger than some of her local brothers in the family. She said she enjoyed feeling it in her throat. Smiling at her he reinserted his still hard and throbbing cock into her sucking mouth. In a few seconds he moaned as he unleashed a torrent of his cum straight down her throat! She did not need to swallow as it ran right to the bottom. She continued sucking him until he started to go soft then pulled her mouth off him. He bent to her and saw some cum in her mouth and on her lips, so he gave her a big wet kiss, tasting his cock and cum in her mouth. She took the kiss and when done she smiled at him and said that he was very good and delicious. He told her “I bet you are delicious too” he pushed her onto her back on the bed and opened her legs to see the dark hair covered pussy. He dived in tongue first. Licking and sucking she moaned and suddenly squirted. He licked and sucked her as she had her orgasm. She finished and was out of breath. She smiled at him and kissed him, tasting his and her cum. He told her to lay back and rest. Then they both got naked and went to sleep together.

The next morning after waking first, she made breakfast as he slept. Eggs and ham with bread was fine with him. She smiled the whole time and every time she was close to him he pinched her butt. Even once when she bent over the table to pour tea, pushed a finger in her bare pussy. No underwear was good. As they sat and drank tea, she got down on her knees and took his cock out to suck it. She drank a big mouthful of hot tea and when she sucked him he almost came immediately due to the heat of her mouth. He held off for a few minutes then emptied his cum into her sucking mouth then kissed her again. He thought to himself “If she and I get a chance this evening I am going to fuck her and eat her pussy full of my cum to see if she likes it. If I can I will fuck her ass too, she said she liked that also.” As he left to make a morning meeting she was cleaning the table making the bed and smiling the whole time. He left her that way.

His meeting was all business but he did meet a nice looking Thai lady who seemed very interested in him. After the meeting she asked if she could do “anything” for him. Anything at all she told him with a smile He thanked her and said he would definitely let her know He named her Brown Betty for now until he could remember how her name was pronounced. “ Lunch was with a guy who had been here a year and he provided Jack with some advice. Mostly business but also some advice on who was willing to do what. He told him which women would be happy to accommodate his cock or tongue or fingers or whatever in most any way he desired. He also mentioned some of the men who would do the same. Jack appreciated the advice and planned to make use of it soon. Becoming a bit horny he decided to find Brown Betty and see if she would like some playtime. He found her in the library and they hit it off as they talked. She broke the sexual ice by mentioning she had not had sex for a week or more. Of course being a gentleman, Jack offered to help her out. They went to her place where she offered to blow him he let her suck it a bit then told her to bend over and open her ass for him. She had a big smile and said she really loved to be fucked like that. She bent over, lowered her underwear and reached back to spread her ass cheeks for him. She had a nice ass and his cock was hard too he fingered her a second then slid his cock into her butthole. It felt really good and went in easily. Thinking nothing of that, he assumed she had been assfucked quite a bit and was used to it. Mid stroke he shot his load into her bowels. She squealed a bit as she orgasmed from being butt fucked. Not every woman can do that he thought. He cleaned his cock and kissed her and left feeling great relief. Back in the work area he met the guy who had advised him on who would fuck and suck. When jack told him he had assfucked the gal his buddy laughed. Jack asked what was so funny and the guy said next time offer to eat her pussy. She loves that. He was still giggling as they left. Jack decided to do that next time he got with her. Heading to the dinner area he saw one of the other new people and sat with them while they ate. After dinner he got the new guy to come back to his place to see if he would get to try to give his maid some double cock action She was there and the new guy was happy to meet her. Jack took her aside and told her the new guy wanted to share her pussy with him. She told him “OK no problem. Two cocks in my pussy will fit good. But one must let me swallow cum too.” Jack agreed and told his new friend, Henry, what the maid wanted. Henry told him that rubbing cocks inside a hot cunt will make us cum really fast so you have to be the one to feed her unless I get the chance. They retired to the bedroom got naked and Jack went down on his maid while Henry started to fuck her mouth. Soon as she said she was ready Jack laid on his back as Henry got on top behind her and they both slid their hard cocks deep into her hot cunt! Jack was really loving the feeling of his cock on Henry's and in her cunt all at once! It did not take long to get her to cum! She moaned, cried and made lots of other noises as they fucked her. Jack felt his cock being rubbed wonderfully against Henry's and her now amazingly tight cunt. He managed to say I'm cumming and she spun around and took him in her mouth just in time to swallow his load. Henry also said he was cumming and she almost jumped to take his load in her mouth also. Swallowing and moaning all at once she took all both men had and wanted more. Jack thought “this woman is a real hot babe who probably would take double cock in every hole and ask for more cum! Finished they all showered with her as she sucked them both as she washed them. Jack and Henry were absolutely in awe of her and her sexual needs! She asked Jack if it would be OK to have Henry over when he was not there. Jack told her that if it was OK with Henry it was fine with him. As she washed Jack he watched as Henry ate her fucked cunt clean. Henry came up with a sticky face and kissed her. They all loved it. Jack went back to the library to find some information on a business that was wanting to hire the family. While there reading Brown Betty showed up. They talked a bit and she invited him to her place for dinner. He asked if she liked more than one cock at a time and she told him it's up to him if he wants to share He told her he would be there later on and may bring a friend. She smiled and offered to get under the table there in the library and swallow his load right now. His maid and Henry had pretty much used up his immediate supply of cum so he told her later would be fine. She offered up her ass again too. As she left he almost called her back to see if he could fill her mouth. But he let her go.

That evening Jack got his shower with the help of the maid, who was all too happy to make sure he was squeaky clean inside and out. She had dinner clothes laid out for him and clean underwear. The underwear were quite sheer and “frilly”. She smiled when he made a quizzical face and assured him “Your Brown Betty will love these.” He shrugged and left for dinner.

He arrived at her place and was welcomed in by her maid. Similar to his maid, she was a very pretty Thai in her mid 20's. She smiled and was very attentive to him and her mistress during dinner. It was obvious that both ladies liked being pampered. After dinner they retired to a living room that was nicely laid out and included one of the wonderful couches that turn into a bed or a table or just a platform, with the verbal command “Bed, or Table or Platform”. They sat and had a sip of the local wine, which was quite good, and talked. Soon the maid went out and came back in with Jack's friend Henry. They all greeted each other and sat on the couch. It was a close fit but both men next to each other and Brown Betty on one end. The maid smiled and Betty nodded. The maid sat on the other end of the men. Betty reached around Jack and put her hand on Henry's crotch, rubbing it a bit while chatting. Henry just sat and smiled. The maid reached around and did the same for Jack. After a few minutes of this Betty stood up and told the maid to change places, which she did with a smile. Having made that change they sat and all felt and played with each other. Then Henry stood up and the maid quickly reached out, took his belt off in one move and pulled his pants down. Henry was surprised but not upset. Betty smiled and looked at Henry and his bulge which was growing as she watched. “Henry,” she said, “would you like to have your cock sucked?” Henry quickly said YES with a smile. Betty looked at Jack and told him, “Jack would you mind making Henry's cock nice and hard and big and ready to cum for us? Please.” Jack had not quite expected that but he knelt down and dropped Henry's briefs and jacked, then sucked Henry's cock. Soon Henry mentioned that if Jack wants a mouthful of his cum he will soon get it. Jack was pushed back and Betty and the maid moved to double suck Henry! As the erotic sight was going on Jack noticed Betty was fingering her own snatch! He bent to do the obvious thing and soon had his tongue inside Betty as far as he could reach. The maid joined in by playing with Henry's butt. Squeezing his cheeks and a playful slap along with a finger in Henry's ass. Betty pushed Henry down on the couch and said “BED”. The bed was formed and all four of them were sprawled out on it. Jack was having his pants removed and heard Betty mention she loves to see man in panties. He smiled and thanked his maid for dressing him appropriately. The maid took her hand and massaged Jack's cock as he felt it get completely engorged. Then she moved Jack to suck it. Jack quickly engulfed the hard cock and was sucking it fast, then slow, then jacking it. All he wanted then was to feel Henry's cum in his mouth. But it was not to be. Betty moved to place her face between the maid's cunt and Henry's cock. She expertly sucked both at once. Moaning from Henry and the maid and even Jack was probably heard outside the room! This all continued for a long while when Jack heard Henry moan he was bout to cum! The ladies left Henry's cock and virtually shoved Jack's face onto it! Just as Jack was really starting to enjoy the cock in his throat, it shot a nice load. Jack was pushed away and Betty took part of the load and the maid simply slid a finger in each mans ass and pumped. Henry exploded in Jack's mouth and Jack swallowed all he could then Jack shot a load but instead of it being on the sheets, Betty had bent to the task and sucked every drop. Betty then shared the cum with the maid. As they all relaxed and laid back, they started laughing. It was a laughter of joy from each of them. They all finally stopped and Jack announced he is completely empty of cum and will be going back to his own room. Betty told him he would be very comfortable and taken care of here, but Jack said something about needing his own maid to take care of him. As he stood up the doorbell rang and the maid went to see who it was. Soon she was back with Jack's maid and two other people in tow. “I hope you don't mind Jack, Betty said, but I took the liberty of calling your maid over to take care of all of us and you and whoever she likes in any way she likes.” Jack smiled and greeted his maid with a kiss. She took the kiss and then commented that he must have sucked a cock recently. He grinned and admitted he had indeed! One of the new guests, a pretty girl about 22 (he guessed) and dressed in a rather sheer dress smiled and told him to suck on her too please. “ I like to see a man eat cum”. Jack of course said he would be happy to do just that. As he approached Henry he was told “Sorry old buddy but I'm out of cum for a little while.” Jack looked around at the other new person. A large Thai man and smiled. The man said he would like to see Jack eat cum too. The new girl took Jack by the hand and told him to sit on the bed. Jack took a seat, naked and starting to get hard again as he thought about all the things he had done today. The new girl turned her back on him and reached to undo her dress. It dropped to the floor so she stood there in panties with her ass facing Jack. She slowly moved her hands to lower the panties. Teasingly, she lowered them bit by bit. When they were completely off her pretty ass she turned to Jack and said “Here is what I want to see you suck on!” She revealed the front of her. A nice sized hard as a rock COCK was pointing straight at Jack's mouth! She was a very passable SheMale or Ladyboy, as she was called in Thailand. She quickly moved Jacks face to her cock and suddenly Betty shoved his head forward as he sucked the entire length of her all at once. Within two minutes he was swallowing a large amount of cum. He swallowed some and then everyone there wanted to taste too. They all took turns kissing and licking to get all the cum he did not swallow! When done they all collapsed on the bed together. All had gotten naked and they all had their hands and mouths on everyone and everything. The orgy was on! As dawn approached the group started to stir. One or two wanted more sex and were given it. Some MM some FF and at least one FMFF. Lots of sex to go around as the breakfast was ready to eat. One girl insisted on pancakes with cum syrup, and butter. Jack helped the Thai man supply the cum syrup. Betty just wanted to suck a cock and the Thai man was the one she wanted to suck. He slid his cock into her open mouth and they managed to suck and jack each other a whole 3 minutes before Betty's mouth was full of cum. She enjoyed feeling it shoot in her mouth and kept it there while the cock emptied itself. When he was empty she swallowed the entire load Then went down on Jack to eat his cum too. Within a few minutes she emptied every set of balls she touched. Jack was loving the mutual cock sucking but really loved when he got sucked off. The sucking continued till only Betty wanted more cock and cum. Everyone else was either empty of full of cum. Betty was insistent that Jack get his load down her throat and was very successful in getting it. Took only a few minutes for Jack to empty his cum supply into her mouth. Jack moved to kiss Betty and tasted cum from everyone around him. He laid back and rested as he closed his eyes. Soon he felt the unmistakable urge to taste more cum. He was partially asleep and dreaming of the taste in his mouth that he loved. When he choked a bit, he woke up and realized that he was not dreaming A cock was indeed in his mouth and was cuming! He swallowed as more cum went into his belly. Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman on his face, but she was where the cum was coming from. He realized that Betty had squatted over him and covered his mouth with her full cunt. All the cum she had taken in it was now being released into his mouth. He managed a smile as he swallowed. Betty finally finished emptying her cunt full of cum into him and relaxed. He rolled to the side as she lifted up and he saw her gaping pussy still dripping. He thought it was one of the most erotic, beautiful sights he had ever seen. Then he fell completely asleep.

Every one who was involved in the dream was real and when he awoke, they all were still there. Jack made his way to the shower and washed. He was quickly joined by one of the guests. He also needed cleaning so he and Jack washed each other, Top to bottom, front to back and inside and out. Just to make sure his friend was clean Jack took him in his mouth and tasted then bent him over and tasted his ass where he found little more cum to clean. His friend did the same for him.

The days and nights went on, work and play were intermingled to the point that Play started to feel like work. Time went by almost in a blur until one day he received the message that he was being transferred once again.

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