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My Affair

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MY AFFAIR We were a pretty normal couple, both 32 and both average in height and weight. My husband (Jon) was starting his first job since grad school, teaching at a State College in Southern California. Our sex life was full and a bit varied; we fucked 5-6 times per week, we had two 3-ways (WWM) and one soft swing where we fucked next to another couple. But, I had not fucked another male since we were married six years ago. Nor had I any strong desires to do so. I decided to go back to school and applied to the grad program in biology and was accepted. It was a great program with outstanding teachers and a great group of students. I quickly began to gravitate to one professor and his “in group” of students. I had some built in status as a faculty wife. But the “in group” was harmonious and I quickly fit in. They were serious students with a lighter side. Just my type. I became buddies with a couple of classmates–going out for a beer and to a Mexican restaurant. Judy was the other married woman in the group and we really hit it off. Kenny and I became buddies as well, doing lab projects together. Kenny was charming, very bright and a hard working student. The three of us seemed to make a small sub group and we spent a lot of time together. About ¾ of the way into the semester a weekend field trip was planned to a beach in Mexico. The trip was optional but it provided great experience in fieldwork where we could gather specimens and observe animal behavior. I wanted to go and asked Jon if it was OK with him. Let me digress and say it was a courtesy ask as I did not need his permission. But, it was the way we interacted. If Jon was going away to a conference, he always asked me if it would be OK. He told me to have fun. I packed sparingly as we were told we would be sleeping on the beach and there were basic toilets and showers there. The group started the 6 hour drive in two 12 passenger vans on Friday morning. Kenny and I wound up in the back of the van essentially to ourselves. After about 3 hours into the drive I became sleepy and rested my head on Kenny’s shoulder. A few moments later he took my chin in his hand and kissed me. I was surprised and pulled my head away. But I was not offended and continued to rest my head on his shoulder. But, now I had a different set of thoughts. What if he did it again? Did I want him to? The first semi sexual thoughts occurred to me since Kenny and I met. I was immersed in these thoughts when I felt his hand on my chin again bringing my lips to his. Without much thought, I simply kissed him back. I felt his tongue inside my mouth and so I deep kissed him back. I realized I liked what was happening, my first extra martial kiss. I liked the sensations and I liked Kenny. So when he put his hand on my tits I just went with it. I have small tight breasts so I never wear a bra. By the time Kenny started I had erect nipples and I simply laid back and enjoyed the pleasure. Playing with my nipples brought an overall feeling of eroticism and I loved it. After a while Kenny began to rub my pussy through my jeans. I liked it. I liked it because of the sensations it brought and surprisingly the wantonness of the situation itself was pleasurable. No one seemed to be watching us but if they had it would have been easy to back off. Then I did something that surprised even me. I unbuckled the top of my jeans pulled the zipper down raised my hips and slid my jeans to my knees. This gave Kenny unfettered access to my pussy and he began to rub me through my panties. All I could think of was how much I was enjoying this and upping the ante. I reached down and pulled my panties to the side and shortly Kenny had a finger in my pussy. He began to finger fuck me and in a few minutes I had my first orgasm—a quiet one. After my orgasm I had my first overall thoughts about the events. What would Jon think? Should I even tell him? Where did we go from here? Kenny continued to finger fuck me and I knew where I wanted it to go: I wanted to fuck his cock. I simply postponed my self discussion about my husband since the thought of being fucked by Kenny far outweighed other issues at that moment. About my third quiet orgasm I pulled Kenny’s hand from my pussy and began to reach for his cock. I put my hand down his pants and felt his hard cock. I began to rub it and he moved with the pleasure. I thought about blowing him there in the van but it would be too obvious so I whispered in his ear that I would suck his cock once we got to the beach. At the beach we began to unload and Kenny and I set up our sleeping bags at the edge of the encampment. All day as I gathered samples and took notes I kept thinking of crawling into Kenny’s sleeping bag and fucking him. I would consider what to do about my husband after. It was a busy day and during lunch Kenny and I kept staring at each other . I did not get a chance to be alone with him though we did get to cop a feel now and then. I did whisper to him “I am going to fuck your brains out tonight”. Night came and we all sat around a fire drinking beer and Tequila. I got semi smashed as did Kenny and we got a little more daring. We even kissed somewhat passionately. But so did some of the other students. This field trip had the reputation of being a bit promiscuous so some activities were expected. My martial status probably made some my behavior more problematic. Some of the folks began to pair off and it was clear that Kenny and I were paired. Folks just didn’t know how paired till we walked off together at the time folks were going to bed in their sleeping bags. I went to take a cold water shower. Coming out I did not dress but used a towel for cover and went to where we had placed our sleeping bags. Kenny was already in his and had it open for me to join him. I dropped my towel and stood there for a moment naked, then crawled into Kenny’s bag. He was naked and his warm body felt so good on my cold showered shivering one. We began to immediately kiss passionately and I moved down to suck on his cock. He was already hard and I loved having him in my mouth. I moved my body around and we were in a 69 position as we worked at orally pleasuring each other. I did want his cock in my pussy so I moved around again and guided him in. It felt so good. I loved the newness of the situation and the excitement of doing the verboten. He moved his pelvis inserting his cock, withdrew a bit and then reinserted and I began to meet his thrusts with strong ones of my own. Anyone near could have heard out bodies slapping together or my loud moans. It was a fantastic experience and soon Kenny said he was about to come. Since I was on the pill I told him I wanted him to cum in me but hold off a bit till I caught up and we could cum together. A few more strokes and we did come together in an animalist explosion of grunts and shrieks. I felt his semen being pumped in me and it sent me to a new high. I immediately yelled in his ear “oh Kenny, I love you”. His response was “I am in love with you too” . Just the statement of those words raised the intensity of the feelings saturating throughout my body at that moment. The “I love you” statement provoked and prolonged the eroticism of the sex. Kenny being only 25 recovered quickly and we were fucking again within10-15 minutes. This time it was more mellow and I felt the sense of a permanent sensual high as long as we were coupled in this manner. We came together again and the orgasm seemed to never end. We were so exhausted at this time we began to sleep. But within the hour Kenny had recovered and we were doing our third fuck. This lasted the longest. I didn’t cum but Kenny did and he told me he loved me. I kissed him and we both went to sleep. We were awakened the next morning when Judy came up to us and said “you better come soon as breakfast is ready.” We dressed and started down the hill to the encampment. We were unsure whether or not to hold hands as we did not want to announce our pairing at this point. We might as well have as everyone seemed to know our status as we walked in. But the demeanor was a congratulatory one. It was like “Kenny has got some hot married pussy” and “Maria has got some young hard cock.” Our colleagues smiled and appeared to be happy for us. Judy told me she wished she could feel daring enough to do what I did as there was a couple of young guys she would like to bed. I told her “ fuck ‘daring’ ”, Just do what you feel like doing. She smiled and said she worried about her husband finding out. I told her I had not decided whether or not to tell Jon. The Saturday went much like the previous day, only I had a great glow on as I fantasized how Kenny and I would make love that night. After supper around the fire and after the shots of beer and Tequila, Kenny looked at me and said lets go to bed. And off we went my arm around his waist and his arm over my shoulder. It was clear to everyone that we were paired and going off to fuck. I took my shower and rushed to our sleeping bags. Kenny had zipped the two of them together so there would be plenty of maneuvering room. There was not the frantic rush to fuck as we had all night and plenty of room. We kissed and hugged and talked about being with each other. Shortly I noticed that two other couples had their bags near us. I recognized the voice of Judy, my married friend. She had paired off with Frank, one of the better looking young guys. Earlier after she had congratulated me for fucking Kenny, I urged her to loosen up and try some strange herself. Apparently I was persuasive. That night Kenny and I tried almost every conceivable sexual activity. When we were doing 69 I began finger fucking his ass (A maneuver I had learned from Jon.) He came almost instantly. I loved it all and told Kenny I did and that I loved him. Sunday morning we began to pack up for the 6 hour ride home. Kenny and I sat in the back again and I had on a long t shirt and nothing else. This insured me that I would get a lot of finger fucking and tit rubbing. Kenny went commando and he got a nice blow job out of it. The 6 hours went by fast. When I got home Jon had just arrived and asked me how it went –did I have a good time. I planned to tell him all the details but at the appropriate time. That night as we began our love making I said “I am having an affair”. Jon easily noted the tense difference between “am having” and “had”. With whom he asked. I said Kenny , you met him at a dinner a couple of weeks ago. Jon had let me know that he wanted to watch me fuck other men and if he could not watch I need to detail it for him. Is it serious he asked. It is indeed and I want to keep fucking him. Will it interfere with us Jon asked. I assured him it would not. Did I want a 3 way? No, I want to fuck Kenny by himself. Just as I want you by yourself. I love you Jon Are you in love with him? I am in lust with him—a distinction I made on the spur of the moment and was to prove to be the case despite my “I love you” whispered to Kenny. I later needed to sort out love and lust but at the moment I just wanted to fuck my new young stud and my wonderful husband separately. I assured Jon that He was my true love and lust and fucking Kenny could only enhance my relationship with him, my husband. He thought for a moment smiled and said “go for it” Just tell me all the details. That night I gave a quite detailed description of my behavior and feelings for the weekend. As the details got more lustful Jon would ramp up his excitement and we fucked 3 times that night. The third time I pretended Jon was Kenny and I had an explosive orgasm. Later I would use those detail telling times to enhance the frequency and quality of mine and Jon’s sex life. I would use those times to experiment with Jon. It was there I first rimmed him which drove him insane with desire. An imaginary Kenny often participated at some point and Jon did not mind the occasional “fuck me Kenny” outbursts. On Monday morning I could hardly wait to get to school and hook up with my Kenny. I found him in the lab and almost ran to him. We hugged but restrained from other shows of affection because the whole class was there. Kenny did whisper “Let’s go to my house for lunch”. Kenny lived in an old Victorian just a mile from campus. He had three roommates and each had their own bedroom and shared the kitchen and a rather large living room as well as a small alcove with a couch that was used as a TV room. When we got there two of his roomies were lounging about. Kenny did a quick intro and we went to his room and fucked our brains out. This was an accepted practice as the guys would bring their girlfriends there to fuck and hang out. Kenny told me I need not restrain myself and that sex noises were expected and approved. When we finished our first fuck we lay there naked and thirsty. I wanted a second round and also wanted something to drink. Kenny said lets go to the kitchen. I wondered if I needed to dress as two of his roommates were there. Kenny said the usual is for girlfriends is to go naked or just with panties. The notion of going out with just my panties in front of his roomies was titillating so I opted for that rather than totally nude. Besides my tits looked great, a point that was not missed on Kenny. We grabbed a soft drink from the fridge went to the living room and sat chatting with the two guys—me in just my panties. That was so erotic and I looked forward to describing it to Jon. Soon we headed back to Kenny’s room for the second round and after that back to school. At school we looked for places to fool around. Often we would go to my or Kenny’s car and sometimes we would find a “safe room” at the school. The storeroom for the Bio lab seemed like a perfect place and we started going there for make out sessions. I gave Kenny two blowjobs there. We were caught the second time as the professor unlocked the door and came in. He said “excuse me” and quickly left But we never went to the storeroom again. For the most part we went t Kenny’s place and soon I was making myself at home walking around in just my panties between fucks. It went on this way for months, Kenny and I fucking 5-6 times a week and my husband and I 7-8 times a week. Jon and I stayed ahead because I always gave him details of my Kenny fucks and that kept him extremely turned on. My dozen plus fucks kept me alert, horny and feeling loved and wanted—so I truly enjoyed the situation. I spent so much time at Kenny’s place that I got to know his roommates’ well enough that I felt comfortable around them naked. When I came in we would hug and give a quick peck on the lips. I ditched my panties early on be cause I loved the sensuality I felt being totally naked around eligible young cocks. They often went naked especially, Roy. Roy was a beautiful chisel bodied black man and he had a good sized cock. It was not gigantic but was clearly bigger that Kenny or my husband or his other roommates and it was bigger than anything I had seen in real life . He often had a hard on while walking around and though he was quiet and non assuming his cock kept saying “look a me.” I had a comfortable affection for all of the boys especially Roy since he and I seemed to always have something interesting to talk about . (aside from his huge cock and hard on.) Since almost all the girls the boys brought to the house were in their early twenties, I became the de facto house mother. The boys appreciated me in this role and the girls loved it. It meant for the girls always having a friend that was not a “competitor” in their minds. Though I must confess a few fantasies now and then that I never told them about. When Jon was out of town I often spent the night with Kenny at the house. One night this led to the only time I was ever “unfaithful” to him. It was a Friday night and the boys had thrown a big party inviting many of their friends. It was about 1 or 2 AM and I was horny and I got Kenny and said lets go to bed. He had clearly drank too much and despite my oral efforts his cock remained flaccid. We lay there naked for awhile and he simply rolled over and passed out. I was not ready to call it a night so I got up got a beer in the fridge and went to the TV room and sat on the couch watching a movie. Soon Roy saw me and came and sat down next to me. We were both naked and he had his raging hard on. I finally decided to comment on it and said something creative like “ wow, you’ve got a big cock there.” Would you like to touch it he said. “No” I lied. He detected my lie and took my hand and put it on his hard cock. I gave it a few tugs and then stopped. I am Kenny’s girl I said. That doesn’t mean you can’t play with my cock, Roy said. It means I cannot make out with you without Kenny’s permission I said. Lets ask him Roy replied. He’s passed out I said. Since we cannot ask him we need to decide the matter ourselves Roy observed. Roy, its not that I would mind whatever we do I just want to do it without hurting anyone. Does that mean you would like to fuck me he asked. I took a few minutes to say, yes I would like to fuck you but I don’t want to hurt Kenny. Roy asked what if he didn’t find out. How would you manage that I said. There are still several people milling about and they can see us here or they could see me go in your room. I have a plan Roy replied. You get up, go in the kitchen and the door to the garage is there. Go into the garage and get in the back seat of my blue Toyota. I will wait here alone for 5-10 minutes and then join you by the same route. No one but us will know he said. I was still horny and the thought of fucking Roy’s big cock made it worse. On that impulse I got up and made my way to Roy’s Toyota. In about 10 minutes the door opened and he joined me. He put his arms around me and I pulled his head to me and we began kissing. His tongue felt so good in my mouth. I was on my back and he was on top. I wrapped my legs around his body scooted my pelvis so his big beautiful cock was at my pussy lips. He pushed in and I felt his huge cock head stopped at the entrance. I took my hand and pushed it past my lips and felt it go in. His cock was so big he had to slowly work it in inch by inch. When it was fully in I had a hard orgasm. I felt the walls of my pussy stretched and my whole pussy filled like I never felt before. When Roy began to thrust it was so erotic I came again. I began to thrust back and as our bodies met it was explosive. I merely looked at this beautiful man who was fucking me and came again. I was digging my nails in his back and neck when he announced he was going to come. I thought there is no more room in my pussy for anything but he began to shoot in his semen and I felt the streams on the back of my pussy and I responded by slamming my body against his with all the force I had in me. It was maybe the best orgasm I had ever had. I was exhausted and as we lay there I told Roy what a great fuck he is. He said “little lady Kenny is a damn lucky guy.” I got up and thanked him and headed back to “our” bedroom as I was ready to sleep now. I said Roy, please please let us keep this totally to ourselves. He gave me a thumbs up and blew me a kiss. Roy liked me and I believed he would not speak about it. As I walked to the bedroom I could feel some of his massive cum running down my leg and I hoped no one would notice. I lay down next to Kenny and was soon sound asleep. That Sunday Jon was back and we talked. I told him I had fucked Roy and promised him the details. I asked him should I tell Kenny. He said will you be fucking Roy again. I told him no because I could barely keep up with him and Kenny and the last thing I needed was another lover. Besides fucking Roy was a major production that I was unlikely to undertake. Jon asked if I trusted Roy to not say anything. I said we were friends and I believe strongly he would respect my wishes on this. In that case Jon replied he did not see the advantage in telling Kenny. So, I decided not to say anything. I had this overwhelmingly intense fuck from Roy and I could let it go at that with just a great memory to draw on. So, Kenny and I resumed out torrid fuck schedule only surpassed by my husband fucks for the next several months. After about a year into my affair Jon said to me one day “Is everything alright with you and Kenny?” “Sure, I said, why do you ask.” “Well, you don’t seem to have the same verve as you once had. When you first started the affair with Kenny you were assertive, confident and generally in an excited mood. I don’t see that much anymore.” “You’re right” I finally admitted (to myself). “ I still love Kenny but the excitement has dissipated. We fuck only about once a week now and I rarely find myself planning to get laid.” “ Maybe you need a new lover” Jon observed. “Also I have been meaning to suggest that you have a talk with Kenny about the future. He may need to move on because your future is with me and he needs to find girlfriends and eventually perhaps even have a family.” “You are right on that too” I said and began to think about how to deal with the entire situation. I told Jon that I would be spending the night with Kenny to talk to him about moving on with our lives. I drove over to Kenny’s and began the talk. I told him let’s spend the night together and clarify what is next for us. It has been a special year, one that I will never forget but let’s move on while we still enjoy the great feelings we have for each other. I said I will always love you and you can always fuck me anytime you want but we need to move in a different direction. Kenny teared up but he shook his head in acceptance of what I said. That night we made love in the most tender way—slowly and meaningfully. I woke up the next morning early, put my clothes on and drove home. Later that morning I wrote a poem on Love and Lust. I was thinking of my charming English Lit professor as I wrote it. I took it to his office and gave it to him. After the next class he said He wanted to talk to me about it. “Could we do it over lunch.” I replied “We certainly can do it, but I would prefer over dinner.” He did not miss my double entendre nor the come on look I flashed. Maybe Jon is right I need a new lover.

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