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Kates Life and Loves

Pages: 1

Act 1:

A Café' Conversation between Sisters

"But sometimes I feel so guilty." Said the attractive middle aged, auburn haired professional woman dressed in an expensive spring weight woolen suit.

"After all these years?" the second, slightly younger, taller, less busty and more casually dressed woman asked. The two women looked similar, like sisters because they were indeed sisters. This was not the first time they have had this conversation.

There were three well coifed, attractive middle aged women sitting around the café' table. It was a beautiful fall day and they had decided to take one of the outdoor tables and tough they did not notice it, they turned a few heads. The attractive brunette sisters, Kate and Kathy, were sipping wine after a light lunch while Kathy's best friend sipped a diet Coke.

Kate continued, "Yes, sometimes I get that feeling of guilt. Not very often, but this time it's worse." She sighed "perhaps it's the onset of menopause."

"It's not that Will is feeling neglected?" her sister said speaking of Kate's husband of 29 years.

"Hell no" Kate protested. "He still thinks I badger him for sex. And he still feels so special because I do. Hell no, he gets blown more than any married guy on the planet. He couldn't be happier than we watch porn together while I ride him then suck him to climax. He calls it low demand sex. When we are out of town, we go the strip club on occasion together, and when I'm not there he jacks off to internet porn or our old videos, with my explicit blessing. What could middle aged accountant want more than that?"

"Yea" her sister cut in "But, you fuck around on him so close behind his back that you once told me you do anal to hide the fact your pussy is all stretched out from fucked one of your big dicked lovers right before you come home."

Kate smiled sheepishly "That's beside the point, he likes doing my ass and he gets to do it regularly. He doesn't complain. And, we both know he isn't as clueless as he pretends. Deep down, I know he knows. And if he didn't approve he'd tell me."

"Yea" her sister countered "But does he know how much you fuck around. Damn, sister, you fuck as many different guys in a month as my other slutty friends do in a year....and your fifty four years old, not twenty-one."

Kathy's friend, Cheryl, was clearly shocked by the talk. She'd met her friend's sister several times and each time there had been some slightly embarrassing obtuse sex talk, but this was so graphic. Not that she thought she was a prude, after all she had the entire Sex and the City series on DVD, and she'd been married once before she'd met her current husband, but..... this was way beyond her zone of understanding. Kathy's sister didn't look like a slut. She was very well dressed, clearly very smart and her BMW 5 class indicated that she was successful as well. That's not how she envisioned women who have sex with a lot of different men. Though not unattractive, Cheryl didn't have the face or body that caused men to fall under her spell with a mere glance as did both the sisters. Her slim figure had been positively boyish until she was into her 30's and by then she didn't think of life in sexual terms.

"Yes" Kate said leaning back "I'm fifty-four, have three grown boys and I'm soon to be a grandmother. But I love sex just as much as I did when I was in college....when I was younger than any of my kids. Even after all these years, all those men, each new one is an exciting new discovery."

Cheryl, was thinking about what this well-dressed woman had just said and asked herself "how many?", then realizing she's said it aloud and quickly said "Oh, I'm sorry. That was rude. I didn't mean to say that."

In fact, Kate had not heard the question asked "What?" Kathy had heard and repeated it "She asked how many?"

"How many what?" Kate said swinging her gauze directly to Cheryl.

Timidly she said "I just asked myself how many lovers have you had. But it's none of my business. I really didn't mean to let that slip."

"No" Kate said "Once I make new friends, I don't hide who I am, and that is a common question." And it was a common question once she began to talk. She much enjoyed shocking people. The way she thought about it, if she were a man having sex several times a week while out on his traveling sales job, no one would be shocked. But for a woman, it was scandalous, even in the 21st century. "But let me ask, what do you mean by lover?" Kate continued "Because if you mean how many men I've had sex whom I was passionately love with, that would be eleven, in addition to my husband whom I love very much. There is just nothing like the soul filling rapture of total physical and emotional love. Once I was so in love I had to create an elaborate story about a crisis at my company's main office to escapee to the Bahamas with my lover for a week....and what a week it was. But those things don't last over the long haul, the just require too much physically and emotionally." Kate took a breath, then continued "If you include the men I've had sex with who were passionately in love with me, well that would be more like a hundred or more. I don't know what it is about men that equates great sex with love? Oh well, those relationships don't last either. If you mean good friends with whom I occasionally have had sex over the years.... I guess three dozen or so, and that includes a couple women as well as men. I'm mostly straight, but I have had two close female friends over the years, one is a lesbian, and the other is a happily married wife and mother. They are the only women that I have that I have slept with... I mean slept without a man there. See, when I have sex with women as part of a threesome I don't consider that the same thing. But those two have been my two my best friends for a very long time and well, if you can't have sex with your best friends who can you have sex with?" Kate enjoyed taking in the other woman's look, then she dropped the bombshell "But, if you're asking me how many different men have I just fucked, like ever fucked in my whole life? Well that would be hundreds and hundreds, I'd guess in the 800 range. But, if you figure I first had sex when I was 16 and I'm 51, that's 35 years, and even at the rate of one new guy a week it would be what.....close to 2,000. That's not all that many if you consider that averaging out the busy times and the slow times an average of one new guy every third week. It's really not that many."

Cheryl was just dumfounded. How could anyone think having 800 sex partners was not that many! She thought she was experienced having had sex with two guys before her first husband and three between husbands for a total of six. But Eight-Hundred!

Kate took in the woman's look. It pleased her. She didn't know why. Perhaps it was become back Charlotte, no one knew that about her. She could not tell her friends at the Methodist Church, or Rotary or the country club. Even her husband didn't know the "real" her. Sure she knew he willfully ignored the signs over the years that she was cheating on him. Cheating? Not the right word given the fact for every time she had sex with him she had been with other men for or five times. It was the unusual trip that found her alone in the hotel bed at the end of the day.

"Yea, come to think about it, that number might be a little low, but in recent years I'd say I have only one or two new partners a month, so for now it is about right, but a few years back it would it was most defiantly at least one new guy a week. You see, just like male sales reps back in the 70's had their little black book full of women to keep them company, I have my Blackberry that does the same. So, though I have company nearly every night, it's usually guys from my virtual stable. Like tonight, a very nice man named Kenneth will be buying me dinner and afterword I'll fuck his brains out for an hour or so. At 9:00, Kenneth and I will take a break so I can call home and check in with my husband, then we'll rock and roll till about 10:00 when I'll tell him to wrap it up, he'll cum and I'll let him see himself out. Just another night on the road."

Kathy added to her friend "Don't challenge her on the that plan. Back about ten, no fifteen, years ago I thought I'd be clever and show up at her hotel about 9:00."

Kate laughed adding "That was so funny."

Kathy continued "So, she was staying at the downtown Holiday Inn, and I knock on the door, a couple of minutes later she lets me in. She was wearing a robe, but no man as she said there would be. So I sit down on the side of the bed and just as I start to tell her how she is full of shit for telling me that bull shit story about how she fucks around on Will, the bathroom door opens and this very handsome, very naked man with a full erection comes out of the bathroom."

Kathy interjected "You should have seen her face. See, Kate and I had lunch, just like this earlier that day and I had, for the first time, told her how, since shortly after I'd gotten married to Will, had lovers on the side and, just like a minute ago, I told her how I'd be meeting a man for dinner and sex. Well, since I'm seven years older than her, she was never aware of how much I screwed around in college or any of that. She had not the slightest idea I was anything but the devoted wife and mother that our mother still thinks I am."

"Not the slightest" Kate agreed "So, I told her at lunch if she didn't believe me to drop by around 8:00. I knew she didn't believe me so when I heard the knock on the door at precisely 8:00 I knew it had to be Kate. So I had Jeff (who was a regular that I still see on occasion) go in the bathroom and told him to wait a few minutes then come out ready to do me before my sister could escape."

Kate picked up "And that's what he did. I hadn't even thought about the fact that Kathy didn't sit down when I did. Then this guy steps out and I'm like 'Oh my God' and suddenly Kathy no longer has on her robe and she gives the naked man a French kiss and before I could get my wits together she begins to fondle his penis." Kate covered her face to demonstrate her surprise. "I'm like frozen. I didn't know what to do. I'd only seen a tiny bit of porn even and here is my sister whom I've looked up to as my role model, naked kissing a naked man in her hotel room. It was horrifying, or would have been if he hadn't been so handsome. Damn, was he hot. As soon as my head cleared I grabbed my purse and headed for the door."

Kathy interrupted again "But she didn't leave. I told her that I thought she'd come by to watch, which of course I knew wasn't the case and she blubbers something about she couldn't believe I'd do this to Will. She stood by that door for at least 15 minutes, maybe longer."

Kate "No, I didn't. It was like when you stare at a car wreck. You know you should not, but you can't tear your eyes away. So, like she said she pretended like I'd come by to watch and I was so flustered I didn't realize at the time she was being sarcastic. While I stood by the door searching for the way to explain why I was there she rolled a red condom down the man's penis."

"You remember the color?"

"Well yea, it might have been just a routine night of love making to you, but for me it was traumatic and the first only time I've ever seen real live people have sex like that. So, yea, I remember it all clearly."

Kathy was surprised "I guess I've never thought of it that way. So, I'll let you tell the rest because, like you said the sex was pretty routine except for you standing by the door."

Kate resumed "So, I know I should leave. Part of me was disgusted by what I was seeing, but another part of me had to see how far she would take this. At least that's what I told myself, but looking back, If I'm really honest I think that other part was both curiosity and arousal. Kate looks back at me standing at the door after she'd finished putting on the condom and gives me this wicked grin as if she could see what I was feeling. I actually turned the door knob at that point, but couldn't open the door. Not yet. I had to see what she would do."

"After looking at me she takes him by the hand and led him to the foot of the bed and pushes him back, so I see him in profile, his penis standing straight up. She crawls up and over him they begin to kiss. At first I still didn't believe she will actually have sex with him in front of me. But in just a few minutes, from the side, I watched her reach between her legs and guide him up into her. Something in my mind changed right then, instead of being gross, it was beautiful, she was beautiful as she rocked on him. I'd always thought my big sister was pretty, but watching her on that man, her back arched and her breasts swaying, she was amazingly beautiful. I lost any desire to leave. So, I sat on the arm of the chair by the door. I can still see it so clearly. They rolled over and this guy had the perfect ass and I watched it as it relaxed, drawing his penis out then tightened as he pressed it back into Kate. For her part, Kate wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him in deeper. "

"I didn't know you got off on it so much" Kate said with a smile.

"I didn't say...." Her denial was half hearted "Your head lights tell me you go off on it then and clearly it still excites you all these years later. Come on admit it."

Kathy kicked at her sister under the table. "I'll admit nothing."

It was Cheryl that brought Kathy back to what she'd seen "And what else did you watch them do? "

Kate jumped at that "Ah, someone else is getting off on this."

Kathy ignored the comment and said "Well, I was there longer than 15 minutes. It was just after 9:00 when I started up my car, so I watched them for almost an hour."

Kate interrupted again "I knew that, I just wanted to give you an out. I moved in positions so you could see him going in and out, like when I laid on my side and he held my leg straight up and did my scissors style, it turned me on that my little sister was watching his cock go all the way in me."

"I thought it was odd you said 15 minutes because you kept looking over at me. I knew you wanted me to watch. And, yes, that position did give me quite a view. " then to her friend she said, "You gotta understand this was not a huge suite, the bed was perhaps ten feet from where I sat on the arm of the chair, so I could see and hear everything, and from that position, like she said, I could see his penis come nearly complexly out of her, and then he would slide it back in till his pelvis hit hers and his ball sack lay on her ass cheek. When he did it hard I could hear first the smack of their pelvises hitting, then a split second later his balls would hit her with another smack. They did that for a while, and then she took off the condom and sucked his penis, and I mean all of his penis and he was longer than most but she went down to to the base and would hold him there. I don't know how she did that."

"Practice" her sister commented.

"Then he went down on her." Kathy looked at her sister, "and you opened your eyes and looked right at me just before you climaxed while he gave you oral sex.

"Yea, now that you tell the story, I do remember."

"After he'd gotten her off a few times, Kate put on a second condom on the guy, a green one that time, and did it all over again. I finally left when she once again when she'd once again given him a blow job without a condom and he told her he was about to cum but she sucked him all the way through his climax. I didn't want him to know I'd watched the whole thing so I slipped out."

"and what did you do after you watched?"

"I went home and found Steven" to Cheryl she added "I'd been living with him since we graduated from UNC Charlotte.....and fucked his brains out, and when he was done and I was still wanting more I jilled off right in front of him. That was the first and last time I masturbated in front of him because he moved out a few weeks later." Kathy paused "That was also the last time we had really hot sex. By then I knew he was doing that Sarah woman from his work, and it was the only time that I used the image of him screwing that married whore to get off." Then to Kate she said "Not that you're a married whore" Her sister said "I know what you meant."

Kathy continued "But I guess because it was watching you and your guy, know, got me ready. That was the last really good memory I have of my relationship with Stephen. Watching you commit adultery for an hour, right in front of me, was the most erotic thing I have ever done in my life. Really, nothing even comes close. I had to resist the urge to jill off right there in the hotel room. Do you still see him, the guy I watched you with?"

"No, he moved to Boston years ago. But, no doubt he was good looking and not a bad lay, not great, but his good looks made up for it" "SO." Kate said with some finality "This brings me to where I started. I want to tell Will everything. I don't want to hide this anymore."

"Oh wow." Kathy responded "From 'honey I've never fucked anyone but you' to 'Honey I've been fucking other men ever week since the our first date.' How will he take it?"

Cheryl just nodded and added, "I don't think my husband would do well with that and we carried on an affair for a year before he left his wife."

"It's not like the thinks he's the only guy I've ever had sex with." Kate came back "He knew full well I had done dozens and dozens of guys before we met at UNCC. I'm sure I had a reputation and we had casual sex a number of times before we were a couple and he knew full well that I'd continued to do other guys for most of the time before we got engaged. I told him all about those times when we decided we were got engaged and I agreed then to have sex only with hm."

"And did you? I mean did you have sex just with him?" Kathy asked.

"Yea, well for the most part. But I never once planed out a tryst, the few that did happened while we were engaged and then the first five or so years of our marriage were just spontaneous happenings. Remember I've been on the road for pharma or medical equipment since I got out of college thirty years ago next May. In all those years I doubt I've had more ten weeks where I didn't spend at least one or two nights in a hotel. That's a lot of time alone on the road, and things would occasionally happen. I don't know a single person in my business who makes it six months without cheating on their spouse."

Kathy cut in "but you didn't make it that long" Kate laughed "Hell no. But, I never went looking for it, at least not until after Henry moved in."

"Oh, yea, I remember that." Kathy recalled "It was right after Megan was born and Will's friend Hank came to live with you guys for a while when his wife kicked him out."

"Yep." Kathy looked over to Cheryl and explained "Nothing about Henry living in our home or what happened was my idea. You see, Will's best friend in the world and his wife had a falling out. Of course Henry insisted that it was all his wife's fault, but you know how those things go. So, we'd just bought our house in Gastonia because Will had landed his first city manager job, and they had a residency requirement. Like you said, Megan was less than 6 months old and Little Will was in pre-school. Will knew full well that I'd slept with Henry several times before he and I got serious, but that didn't seem to bother him because though he had succeeded in catching me where Henry had tried and failed. I think it was an ego thing, and I think, to him what happened between the three of us was a kind of macho rubbing in in his face that Henry didn't get me."

Kate inquired "And what did happen?"

"Henry had been in the guest room for about two weeks. It was Super Bowl Sunday and we had planned for a little party with friends so the kids were at my mothers, but something came up and it ended up just Will, Hank and I. So we began to drink the case of beer we'd bought. I say we drank, but I'm not a beer fan, so more correctly they drank a lot of beer. In time we began to reminisce about college. Will and Hank were already in grad school when I met them, but I was just in my junior year. Since we were drinking, the subject of parties came up and it seems they knew me as a party girl before they knew me as a person. And to my great surprise, Hank told us in detail his memory of the first time he and I had sex. Now, clearly he was not so memorable to me since I couldn't even then have said even how many times we'd had sex let alone any details, but for him the experience was clearly more important. With that they both start telling stories of having sex with me as if I wasn't even in the room. "

"So were you the great party girl they remembered?" Cheryl asked.

"Only with the guys in my sororities' brother fraternity the Kappa Sigma's." Kathy defended "And, yes all the stories of wild parties among the sororities and frats are true. I'm most defiantly not the only well paid professional woman today that has a legacy of fucking every single guy in their brother frat when they were in school. Connections count and connections with a guy who remembers you as the best night of his college life count even more. That's why the code of silence is so important. I could tell stories of very well-known women that would ruin their public image. But of course, they could do the same for me. That was the prudish 80's and nothing would be more dangerous than a puritanical sister, so our imitation procedures weeded those girls out. And don't ask what, just suffice it to say that is was not possible when I was in school, to become a sister if you didn't put out."

Kathy could see her sister and Cheryl mulling that over so she went on "I've got to wrap this up, I do have a business appointment to make. So, someone, perhaps it was me, suggested we get in the hot tub. Now that house had a nice built in tub on the patio surrounded by a brick lattice wall. We get out there and I thought I'd be daring and took off my top, under which I had a lacy, semi sheer bra, well, Hank must have assumed I was going to get naked from that, though I hadn't planned to. So, he drops his pants and underwear and gets in nude, and Will does the same. It's not like I was a prude, so I go ahead and get naked too. It was only then I thought this was possibly a way to get out of my promise of monogamy and get into the tub between them. But, I didn't have to connive to make something happen. My husband Will, begins to talk about one of my sorority sisters and asks if he remembers the manage a trio's the two of them had with her out by lake Murray. Not surprisingly Hank did, and well, they relived that experience with me. For nearly six months we had Hank join us at least once a week. It was some of the best times Will and I have ever had. That were I found out about the unique DP experience."

"What's DP?" Cheryl asked.

The question cought Kate off guard. "DP? You've never even heard the term?"

Cheryl shook her head.

"Double penetration; when one guy is in your vagina and the other in your ass."

Kate was actually surprised as the look of total disbelief on both the women's faces. "Do you want me to go on?" They both said to continue so she did. "It was like this Hank was well.. how do I say, less endowed. I guess that's why I didn't remember anything about having sex with him in college. It's not that he's particularly short, but his dick is thin. So thin that when he would do me after Will had been in me first, I could hardly feel it. Now, I'd done the back door thing with a couple of guys in school and had even enjoyed it on occasion, but never equated the small size with how much I liked it till, like the third time Will and Hank did it together. When I was on top of Will, Hank saddled up behind me, and slides his lubed cock up my ass. I'm sure my eyes got as wide as saucers, but after the surprise, it was really, really nice having him fucking me like that with Will inside me. Like I said he was thin and it didn't hurt at all. I had told Will about the disappointment of the size of Hanks penis, so when this worked the fed Will's vanity. After all, he already felt superior to Hank in that I rejected Hank and married him, the small dick thing made it all the better. So, we did DP nearly every time we had sex as a threesome. We still occasionally talk about it when we are having sex. It was with Hank I really began to like anal. I still don't let guys with big dicks do my back door, but I can really enjoy average sized guys, and I think I prefer it with small guys "

Kate and Cheryl just looked shell shocked.

"Was that too much detail?"

It took a few seconds but Cheryl said "No, not too much, but certainly a lot to think about. I really thought that stuff was just in porn."

Kathy also commented "It's not that you do DP that surprises me, because it doesn't'. It's that Will did it with you. That's hard to fathom."

"Like I said, it fed his sense of superiority. Maybe it says something that he wanted to marry the girl who had fucked every one of his friends, repeatedly. A jealous guy couldn't do that. I mean, how many guys would stand at the alter knowing that every one of the groomsmen had done his bride. I think it was a point of pride to him that he got to keep me and they just had me for a night or two....or three."

"Well, if that's so, how did you go from having sex with another guy in front of your husband all those years ago, then afterward always doing it behind his back?"

Kate sat a moment "A couple of things happened. First, little Will walked in on the three of us going at it one morning. Now he was only four, so he had no idea of the significance of what he saw, but he did asked why we were naked. That freaked Will out. But even more was the fact that after a few months of us as a regular threesome, even after he'd moved into his own place, if Hank would see me in town he'd be overly familiar, touching my arm, standing or sitting too close and a couple of times he tried to cop a feel in public. Even if Will wasn't jealous, he knew full well that Hank would stop by for a quickie once or week or so when I was home; Will couldn't let even the hint of scandal taint his name. Gastonia was a small conservative city and if even a rumor that I was sexually involved with Hank would ruin Will's career. We talked about it and we agreed that too much rode on his career and as much as we had enjoyed using Hank, it was not worth the risk. So he told Hank we couldn't do it again, and we didn't. "

Her sister asked "So, you just started doing it on your own and he's never known."

"I didn't miss the fact that he did not ask for me to agree to monogamy again, like he had before we became engaged. I don't believe that was an oversight. So, yes I already had clients and coworkers who had been hitting on me, all I did was started saying yes to the offers. "

"And he never got suspicious" "What I think is he's always known deep down, but he's maintained the fiction even to himself that Hank was the last man besides him I've slept with. Why? Deniability. When he took the job in Charlotte, the stakes were even higher, so the need to keep up a pretense of being the all American family became all the more important. After a while it became the way we lived. I've carried condoms in my purse forever, yet I had my tubes tied when our youngest was born. Not that he digs in my purse, but I feel certain that at some point he's come across them. And, though I'm usually carful, I had a hot love affair with one of our neighbors. Many a time I'd come back to the house after visiting a "friend" reeking of the smell of sex. Once, I came right from my lover's bed to a family drive to the beach only to be confronted by the kids that I stank. If my kids had been older they would have known the smell of sex, but certainly Will knew the smell, yet he chose not to notice. "

Cheryl began to catch on "So, do I get this right, he knows you sleep around but pretends not to and you feel guilty about that?"

"Yea, pretty much, but I don't know he knows and I'm sure he has no idea of the scale of my sleeping around. So, yes I feel guilty. I also remember how nice it was to talk about what I had done with Hank. I Like I said, to this day, he still brings up Hank and our threesomes when have sex. I've found that porn about wives cheating, and it really gets him going." Kate signed the bill and gathered her stuff to go.

"I want you, either of you or best both you to consisted doing me a favor. I've decided to make a couple of videos of me with some my regulars as a way to show Will what I do. I'm certin that if I stage it so that he doesn't realize it's me until the video is well underway, he'll be way to excited to object. I could do it with a tripod, but it would be better to have a photographer. I'll be back in Asheville next Thursday and Friday, and I'd like to you to consider being my film crew. I've already booked a nice suite so there will be plenty of room to work with. Think about it and give me a call, later today if possible so I can plan. OK."

She left them at the table. She hoped they would say yes. She could tell they were entranced by her stories, as she'd hoped.

Cheryl looked at her best friend. "Boy, when you ask me to join you for lunch with your slutty sister, I didn't expect this. "

"Believe me this was way more information than I'd gotten out of her in fifteen years of hints." Kathy replied. They sat for a moment , both thinking about Kate's request.

"Well?" Cheryl asked "What are you going to tell her. I can't decide until you do."

Kathy thought for a minute then said "I'm just trying to salve my conscience by saying I'm thinking about it, the truth is there is no way I'd say no. "She leaned toward her friend, lowered her voice and added "It helps me to justify it by saying I'm doing it to help her, but if I were to be really honest with myself, I'd admit I want to watch again." She blushed and sat back, "I can't believe I told you that. Kate has always been my role model, and not I'm talking like her too."

Her friend leaned toward her and whispered "I want to watch too. Is that honest enough?" Then she sat back, but I can't promise I can bring myself to go through with it."

Before she'd even arrived at her appointment Kate got a texts saying "yes, both"

Entre les actes

The next day Kate sent an email detailing the plan. She wanted to do two separate videos with two different men on the same day. She wanted one video was to be discreet, carefully avoiding her face and the second to be very clearly her. She asked for them to make the videos as tasteful and artistic as they could. She told Kathy to buy an HD Digital Camcorder for which she would reimburse her.

Kate cut her day short on Friday to have dinner with her son, Little Will, who was no longer little, and his lovely wife. They had been cryptic as to why they wanted to meet Kate and Will for dinner. Kate's suspicions were confirmed when she was told she would be a grandmother in seven months. It was a wonderful night. She was fully ready to be a grandmother.

When they got home she went to their room and changed into some Agent Provocateur lingerie and set up a video to stream to the TV via their network. Then sashayed into to the living room, switched off the TV and sat in her husband's lap. She'd worn this outfit several times before and received very high praise, so she knew he'd like it. A pang of guilt hit when she thought that it appeared she had bought it just for him though he was the fourth man to see her wearing it. She quashed the thought by reminding herself she bought lingerie for herself, not her lovers and fuck buddies.

"Do I look like your grandmother?" she asked with feigned annoyance at finding out she would be a grandmother.

She knew she did not. She not only worked out in the horizontal fashion on the road, she only stayed in hotels with full fitness rooms and she used them every morning. Besides her fitness routine, she also had all the modern medical magic that money could buy to stave off old age. As such, at 54, she still had no trouble bedding any man she casts an eye on, of any age. She was a shapely size 12 and her flat belly lent positive attention to her curvy hips and 36DD bust that had only been firmed and lifted slightly, not enlarged, by the very expensive plastic surgeon several years before.

She most certainly did not look like any grandmother William Coffee had ever envisioned. took all of her beauty in. His wife was still the head turner she had been when he first laid eyes on her over thirty years ago. She was a trophy girlfriend and now over three decades later, she was still was. Even if she weren't the wonderful person and sexual tiger she was, he'd be willing to marry her just to look at her. She wore her hair shorter now, but she was ageing only slowly and gracefully like a movie star.

And, like a movie star, one could not expect her to remain not have lovers on the side, it was part of the cache' of having her as his wife. It was true when they first become more than fuck buddies. The process from him being just another of her many casual relationships, to being her fiancé' had taken half a year, and during the entire time she had not only been having sex with other guys, she would tell him about what she had done with whom. The whom, more often than not had been his frat buddies. She was not ashamed and he was not jealous....well....not very jealous. But that lifestyle of sleeping with his friends tapered off as they became a serious couple and had ended with her engagement ring, except for the half a year with Henry.

She kissed him lightly, then with full tongue, but only for a moment before rising to switch the big TV on, but not to the news, but to the video she'd set up. It was carefully chosen, not porn, but a film by the Italian director Tino Brass about a beautiful wife who sleeps around on her doting husband. In the end he finds out but doesn't object to her philandering. It was in Italian, so they had to read the subtitles.

Will loved her outfit and is was soon evident that this was not an art film, but not a porn either, perhaps something in between. He was amused that she thought she was so clever. He had noticed her choice of porn had become focused clearly on wives who slept around and when the wife in the movie made love to a paramour, she unzipped his slacks and slipped her hand inside and through the fly of his boxers. By the second love scene she had his pants open, and his penis out for her to slowly stroke. Watching the movie, he could not help but wonder if she had had another man's penis in her hand this past week, or in her mouth. The thought made him more aroused than the movie. He leaned over to kiss her, he wondered had these lips been wrapped around another man's penis recently?

He knew with a fair degree of certainty she'd had lovers in the past. She had not been all too careful when she had carried on with a neighbor about a decade ago. She would take "walks" and come home smelling of sex. Once he had pounced on her when she walked in the door, only to find her labia bright red. He pounced on her not in anger, but in arousal knowing for sure what she'd been doing. He'd climaxed in a matter of minutes knowing the looseness of her vagina was because the neighbor had just vacated it. Yet even in this both he and she maintained the external fiction that she was monogamous.

After he'd come to senses and ended the thing with Hank, he'd chosen his words carefully when he told her, "I have a public office and I cannot ever be seen to be condoning adultery in myself or others." He was sure she was sharp enough to follow what that meant and did not mean. On several occasions he had repeated the same thing after they had reminisced their time with Hank during passionate moments. He wanted to ask her if she was indeed sexually active outside their marriage so many times, but he never did. That would be violating his own "don't ask, don't tell" rule.

They did not finish the movie before they made love on the floor. And it was love, not just sex for both of them.

The intervening week was one of pensiveness and for both Kathy and Cheryl; however, after those whispered words at the café', neither admitted to that this endeavor was sexually charged the entire then days between that conversation at the café to the time they arrived at Kate's hotel suite to set up. Instead, they both reverted to the more conformable pretext that they were helping Kate with her marriage. It helped to focus on the technical challenges. Both Kathy and Cheryl did internet "research" on line for erotic video technique. Though the research led to several sessions of self-pleasure for each of the women, neither even hinted to the other they had done so. Kathy after both her research and a long talk with the man at the camera shot took it upon herself to buy a video tripod, a florescent light bank on a stand and a reflector board.

Act 2:

Light and Heat in a Hotel Suite

Kathy had never even been in The Grand Bohemian hotel, though it was just across the street from the famed Biltmore House and not three miles from her home. She picked up a key at the desk and she and Cheryl moved their camera set up to room 312. The room, or suite rather, was stunning, not at all like the type of hotel in which she stayed. Rich furniture and real art décor filled the sitting room and the adjacent bedroom. A large window illuminated the sitting area and another shone light on the oversized tub in the marble clad bathroom. Not only was it impressive, but it helped Kathy shift into her desired mode of cinematographer. Her sister had encouraged her to think of herself in that manner and assured her she would have complete artistic freedom. Though Kathy had minored in art history, she had only had one class in cinematography and by focusing on herself as artist, this would be easier to justify.

After some discussion, Kathy and Cheryl decided to shoot the "session" that would feature her sister's identity clearly first, using the natural lighting provided in the sitting room while it was still daytime. It was currently 3:00 and her sister had told her she and her lover would arrive at 3:30. The second session was scheduled for approximately 9:00 and she decided to use bedroom and their light bank to create directed lighting with dark shadows to obscure Kate's face.

Cheryl, for her part just followed her friend's directions. She would be using the large, collapsible reflector to even out the lighting by reflecting the sun from the back of the room. As the time grew closer to 3:30 she could feel her pulse quickening and her sexual arousal grow. She might be able to put on the facade of this being art or helping out Kathy's sister, but the tingling sensitivity in her crotch told her the real reason she was here was to watch another couple have sex. Her motives were purely prurient and she knew it.

The room door finally opened an Kate strode in followed by a nice looking man. A young man, apparently not older than 35. He was tall and on the thin side with a full head of dark blond hair. She was dressed in another finely made skirt suit, he was more casually dressed, a sort of bohemian look as opposed to ratty redneck. He looked every bit the starving artist for which her town was justly famous.

"So, are you guys read?" Kate said brightly "Because I can promise both Drew and I are ready to go." With that she kissed him lightly and groped his budging crotch. Then she introduced her sister "This is my baby sister Kathy and her best friend Cheryl. Cheryl's going to be our director and cinematographer, so she'll tell us what to do." Then she said to Kathy "So, tell us what to do."

Kathy had already thought this part out. She instructed the both to strip to their underwear and for Drew to sit on the right end of the couch that she had moved to best frame them in the light. "Kate, I want you to come from the bathroom, sit down and do what you do naturally until I stop you."

With a cheery "OK", Kate removed her skirt, blouse and jacket, carefully hanging them up. Drew pulled off all but his plaid boxers, from which a tent stood out plainly.

"Drew, those boxers are just too busy looking." Kathy instructed "Cheryl, get him a towel to use instead of the boxers."

He unceremoniously dropped and kicked away his boxers, his full, long, thin, erection in full view of Kathy and Cheryl who had returned with a both towel. It was only then that Kate realized he was shaven entirely with the exception of his head, he didn't have one hair. She'd never seen a man like that.

Strangely, Kathy found herself calm and un-aroused, but Cheryl thought her heart would explode. She couldn't really quite believe this was really going to happen right in front of her.

In the bathroom, Kate found herself also unusually aroused. For all her sexual exploits she'd only had a non-participating audience on a few occasions, one of those being her sister over a decade ago. And, most important , was the camera was her beloved husbands view. This was for him....mostly. She felt confident that her sister would do a great job on the videos after half a dozen long talks about ideas and methods. One thing about Kathy, she never half-did anything in her entire life and this video project was not any different. She even suspected that it would take only the slightest suggestion and she'd have a videographer on call whenever she wanted one.

She looked herself over in the mirror and touched up her make-up. When the cue for her entrance came, she decided to remove her panties at the very last second. Clad in a dark blue Agent Provocateur garter and lace bra, she made her entrance. Suddenly she was hyper conscience of her every move. How much should she sashay? Was that too much or too little? Did she step hard enough to get a bounce out of her breasts?

Fortunately the time and distance was small, and she found herself standing over her man. She leaned over and kissed him. First softly then open mouthed and full of sexual desire. Just as her body was getting into it... "Hold it." Came her sister's voice "Let's do that again, but Cheryl, you move the reflector board over to your left about five feet, and I'm going to move the camera over here."

Take two stopped after several minutes of kissing and she had begun to slide down his body to begin a blow job.

"That's creating too much of a dark spot" Kathy said "Kate, we will pick up just when you begin to kiss his neck. What I want you to do is to guide him to sit on the arm of the couch, one leg on the ground and one against the back cushion, so that when you begin to give him head, your right in the" she pointed to where she was to be giving this guy a blow job. Kate was both pleased and a bit annoyed that her sister was taking this so seriously. The video would be great, but she thought it would be hard to maintain the heat if she kept interrupting. Then she happened to glance at Cheryl, her face and body gave away that she was very much waiting with anticipation for Kate to get down to real sex. It would be easy to perform for such an eager audience.

"Go" Kathy said when she was ready. She really did want this to go off right. Deep down she knew she'd get off on watching this later, but now all she was thinking about was the light from the window and the damned shadows. She knew from her homework that moving the camera too much was a common beginner's error, so once the frame was filled with her sister sucking the man's penis deeper than she thought possible, she left it untouched for what seemed way too long before zooming out and slowly moving her tripod over the her left so as to get a better view of Drew's face. She was glad she did as his arousal grew his face turned red and he began to breath harder and faster. She still surprised however when Drew announced "Yea, I'm gonna cum!" Quickly she snapped the quick release that connected the camera to tripod and reframed on her sister's hand that stroked the long shaft and her lips that that was working magic on the large head. When his breathing reached a crescendo, he groaned "Yes!" and held his heavy breathing stopped. She zoomed in, not sure what her sister would do. Her sister kept her pace with hand and lips and only a momentary buildup of which goo in the corner of her mouth indicated her mouth was filling with his semen. She slowed her pace as his breath slowed but didn't remove her mouth until he was fully done. The looking to her sister "How'd that look?"

"Amazing!" was the reply from Cheryl across the room. Kathy seconded "Amazing."

Kate stood and kissed him full on the mouth. He clearly did not object to the semen flavored kiss. Then she said "I suggest we take a short break, then we should do 69 for a bit to get him fluffed back up. He's always good for at least two rounds and usually three."

And she was right. Kathy videoed her sister climaxing twice to his, evidently considerable, oral talents while at the same time bringing him back to full staff. Even was Kate was gasping for breath after her third orgasm, Kathy began to direct again. "OK, that was great, let's use that erection while we got it. Drew, you sit in this chair..." she said indicating a leather Queen Anne arm chair she was moving to sit with the window light shining at just off the left armrest. "...with your butt near the edge. Kate, as soon as you're ready, I want you to straddle him facing me, your right leg just forward of your left. On my que, slowly work your way down onto him. Use your fingers to spread your lips over the head, and give me time to get it all before slowly, really slowly, lowering down. Cheryl, I need you to sit here in front of them and reflect the window light up from the bottom to where shadows will naturally form." Cheryl's eyes got big, but she took her place in front of the Queen Anne chair and fiddled with the reflector trying to get the sun. K Kathy watched for a minute said "Let's to this, let's practice that part once, especially so we can work out the lighting before I use the camera." Motioning to her sister "Are you ready to do this?"

She said she was and took her place over Drew's shaft.

"OK, now lower yourself down on to him." Kathy directed.

Kate's left hand gripped the chair's arm and her right hand opened her lips up and placed them over the bullet shaped head like a cap before grabbing the armrest so she was comfortable "Is this what you're looking for?" "Yes, and hold it like that from when I start the camera till I motion you to continue. I'll be panning down, starting on your face and ending with a tight shot of her lips over his head before I zoom out. That will build the tension up before the real sex begins." The director replied. "Cheryl, move the board till you light up the inside of Kate's leg." It took a few tries but she found the spot "Good, now keep it there. Kate, go all the way down and let me look at the lighting."

Once Kathy was satisfied, she took her place behind the camera on the tripod. "Ready. Rolling." And the red light came on, and she took her time working down Kate's body before she used her hand to indicate it was time for Kate to start her decent.

Kate knew exactly what she would do to make this work. When Kathy's camera moved from her face she looked Cheryl right in the eye and gave her the best "I want to fuck you" look from less than four feet away. She kept that eye contact for over ten minutes of film time as she fucked Drew and masturbated to two more climaxes. Kathy saw what was going on and did not think further than how that would be great for the heat of the scene. When Kate told her sister she just couldn't do this position anymore, her legs were utterly spent. She was having more fun with this than she thought she'd have.

When the camera went off, Cheryl was physically sweating from her arousal. She could not remember having ever in her life been so turned on. When during the break the took, Kate whispered in her ear "He'd be glad to do you too", the lie that she didn't want to do that didn't' convince either of them. But, the lie after Kate's second whispered suggestion "We have time for you to go to the bathroom and get yourself off" was even less convincing. Especially since as soon Kate's attention was shifted away from her she did exactly that, went in the bathroom and masturbated to an orgasm in less than two minutes. Back in the room Kate's knowing smile both embarrassed her and restarted her arousal.

There were two more scenes, one began with Kate stripping out of her lingerie and then Drew doing her as she leaned over the Queen Anne nude and the final was on the floor. For this they moved the furniture back and Cheryl was instructed to stay at a 45° angle to the camera and she told Kathy "Now, I'm finished with I had preplanned, the rest is for you to show what you enjoy doing most with your men. I only ask that you keep in mind the light is coming from the widow, and I need you to keep in mind were I am with the camera and don't close off the interesting things. I'll be editing this, but the more good hot footage I have, the better."

The last scene lasted a full hour. They fucked and sucked and fucked some more in quite a few positions that Cheryl had never seen or even imagined. She wanted to reach out and touch his penis so badly it hurt. A hundred excuses came to her as to why it would be OK for her to let him fuck her. In the end she was saved from making a decision by the time.

It was nearly 6:00 when Kathy had finished filming the closing scene designed by Kathy. In the scene Drew lay spent and exhausted on the floor, Kate picked up the six condoms they had used during the filming and casually tossed them in the trash. Then, fully nude, stood up and addressed the camera, or addressed her husband rather. "I love you Will. I'm sure you liked watching this as much as Kathy and I had making it."

After Kate and Drew left Kathy and Cheryl went downstairs to the hotel restaurant. They didn't say a word for the longest time after they sat down at their table. Both their minds were so full.

"That was the most sexually exciting thing I've ever, I mean ever, been a part of." Cheryl blurted out. "You know your sister offered to let me have sex with him when they were done. I think I would have done it if there had been time and she'd offered again. I'd have felt bad later, but damn it, I would have done the deed right in front of you guys, I was that turned on. Hell, I'm still that turned on that or else I wouldn't be saying this" Kathy just looked at her. "Yea, I know what you're saying, especially since from the time I watched her before, but this was different for me, I didn't have room in my head to call it sexual, I really really want this project to turn out nice. Since I was a kid I've looked up to her and followed her, and now I have an opportunity to do something for her."

"Well, if this second session is like the first I might break down and beg to get naked and join in. After your done with me of course." Her friend added.

"I don't know what I would have done that first time if I'd come back a couple hours later and watched her again. I might have joined too. I gotta admit, now, as it runs over in my head, it's turning me on to know I was there and directing them to do what they did. I mean that was pretty kinking telling my sister, step by step, how to screw a man. I've never in my life ever talked to a woman about her pussy lips, but bold as brass, I told Kate to spread them over the head of his dick."

They both laughed and Cheryl agreed "Yea, that was pretty bold, and hot. Remember I was on the ground watching from like two feet away. It's a sight I'll never forget."

"Did you find it disturbing?" Kathy asked "Yea, disturbingly hot!" Cheryl ejected "Would you think I was a lesbo if I said I so wanted to lick her sister as he did her. Because I had to fight the urge to put my mouth right on that ridge that lead up to her clit" They both laughed again.

"So" Kathy brought them back to their task "For this second shoot, we will pull the dr*pes and darken the room as much as possible, then I'll use our light bank to light only from the left corner of the bed and I'll shoot from just a few angles. When we get back I'll use you as a test subject, I'd like to know how it will look before we shoot it with Kate."

It was past eight when they'd set up for the test shots. "OK, get on the bed and I'll direct you."

"Do you want me to get naked?" Cheryl asked. Just setting up for the scene had gotten her going again, and getting naked on the bed and pretending to make love seems oh so right at the moment.

Kathy had not thought of that, but if she was nude, it would be easier to balance the lighting as clothing absorbed much more lighting than did bare skin. "You don't have to, but it would help. So, I guess if you don't mind."

"I don't" Cheryl said as her oxford shirt was already fully unbuttoned. Inside a minute, she beheld her friend of twenty years naked for the first time.

"Damn, woman, you look fine, why don't you show off that body more often" Kathy said, and she meant it, she was truly surprised that under the expensive but frumpy clothes her friend wore, was a very shapely body that defied her forty something age. Age had filled out the boy figure into one of nice but subtle curves. Even her boyish short haircut looked sexy with her naked. "What size bra are you wearing now? A 34 C, perhaps?"

"Thanks, and yes I moved into a 32 C two years ago." Cheryl replied "Doe Curtis know how hot you are? Get up on the bed on all fours" Complying with the direction she answered, "If he does, I don't hear much about it."

Kathy moved the lights around and then picked up the reflector. "His loss. OK, turn your body to the right." She moved to look at several angles. "Get on your back with the pillow over you like a man"

Cheryl could not help but imagine what it would be like to have a new man on her, in her. It had been ten years since she'd done anyone but Curtis, and even when they first made love, she'd been a bit disappointed. The years had only made it worse. She opened her legs and lay the big, king sized, pillow down between her legs. It felt good. She didn't even know she'd begun humping up on the pillow when Kathy said from behind the camera "Keep doing that, it's really hot." She began to freeze with embarrassment, but her body did not, she just wrapped her legs up and around the big pillow pulling it into her and continued thrusting. Kate moved the tripod to the right and then picked up the reflector with the camcorder still recording. She went to the head of the bed and reflected light on to her friend. "Put our right hand on your breast and stimulate our nipple" she directed. Cheryl complied "and, now your left hand, put it under the pillow and stimulate your clit." Again her friend obeyed.

Cheryl was beyond reason; she was in that zone when sexual desire overwhelms reason. She could feel a great climax building. Kathy kept up her experiments with the reflector. "Now move to your side, and move the pillow away." Rather than being put off by the direction, they were part of her arousal. Kathy moved the camera again. Cheryl climaxed and stopped masturbating.

"No, don't stop" Kathy commanded, "Your body has more to give, use both hands now, and finger yourself with one." Cheryl obeyed, and rapidly a second wave began to build. She had never in her life had more than one orgasm at a time. It was so sensitive down there, almost painful, but she was told to keep going and she did. A whole series of orgasms swept over her over the next ten minutes. She collapsed utterly spent. She kept mumbling "that was amazing" over and over. It was only with Kathy's help the stumbled into the bathroom to shower and get dressed before Kate returned.

The man this time was both older and far more handsome than the first. Kate introduced him as Peter and she said they had been meeting once per month for 17 years. Kathy estimated him to be mid to late 50's, dressed in a thousand dollar suit and carried himself with the barring of a man who is used to getting his way. But, his smile made it clear why people wanted to give him his way. Though he didn't look like George Clooney, his style and mature sexuality made Kathy think of that actor.

"So sister, tell us the plan" Kate said "As you requested, I'm trying to shoot this as a stylish and moody art film. As you can see" pointing to the windows and the light bank as the sole source of lighting. "I have chosen to use the contrast of shadows and light to create both mystery and evoke a film noir type effect. I want to leave the light where it is because that is the place where it reflects the least off the walls. The plan is to let you and Peter go about your business as you feel inclined, however, as it will be easier to move you than the lighting, I will need to ask you to rotate on occasion if you close yourself off too much. I want to leave the duvet cover on as it is solid colored and darker than the sheets underneath and I would like to propose a opening shot if you don't mind though."

Cheryl came from the bathroom looking refreshed and very pleased. Kate noticed that her shirt was only half buttoned and as she moved it gapped to show she'd removed her bra. What had happened while she was gone? Clearly the latent sexual energy she saw in Kathy's friend has been vented somewhere. It made her feel good she'd contributed to this transformation.

Kate and her second man of the day were on their knees, nude, facing one another when Kathy said "OK, now if you don't mind stay up like that for at least a few minutes. Ready. Camera on."

The nude couple moved with the confidence of long time lovers. To Cheryl this was more like love making than the Kate's first coupling. She had a feel for where Kathy wanted the light and only a few times during the whole encounter did she require verbal directions. This allowed her more time to simply enjoy watching the lovers. She'd never been a fan of porn, but this was so very different. This she very much enjoyed, very very much enjoyed. She wondered how Kate would react if she asked to come watch next time she was in town with a man. It was with that idea in mind, that as she watched Kate look her way while Peter ate her out, she began unfastening the rest of her shirt buttons.

Kathy, had noticed the eye contact between her sister and her friend earlier, and this time when she saw Kate watching as Cheryl unbuttoned the first button, she moved the camera slightly so that it shot across Peter's prone body, across her sister's body and focused on Cheryl's watching them, and unbuttoning her shirt.

As Cheryl's primary job was to watch for Kathy's needs, she did not miss the change of focus. She was now part of this film. She continued to hold the reflector with one hand, while finishing unbuttoning with the other. She opened up her shirt, and caressed her breast looking into Kate's eyes.

Kate climaxed.

Peter moved up and they began to slowly fuck.

"Could you guys move 90° to your left?" Kathy asked. She repositioned her camera directly behind her sister's head and directed Cheryl to a position opposite her behind Peter's feet. "Peter, if you could hold yourself up so you leave a little space between your body and Kate's" The love making and filming continued.

Later Kate was riding her lover watching Cheryl again caress her bare breast. Kathy's again adjusted the angle to take in Cheryl's visual interaction with her sister. Kate looked down to Cheryl's pants and back to her eyes. Cheryl knew what she meant. She propped the reflector board on the end table and used both hands to unsnap and remove her pants and panties at Kate's direction. Kate arched her back and lifted up slightly to give her hand access to her crotch. She began to masturbate while riding Peter's penis and watching Cheryl. Cheryl was transfixed, she knew Kate was doing this, masturbating, for her and about her. Again Kate's eyes looked down to where Cheryl's pants had been and back to her eyes. Cheryl knew what Kate wanted, and she complied. Spreading her legs slightly, she slid her fingers through the thick mat of hair. Her actions both relieved some of her desire and intensified it at the same time.

Kathy was busy trying to record both the Kate's beautiful ride on this handsome man, and the secondary story of Cheryl and Kate's mutual masturbation. It suddenly occurred to her that Cheryl might fall down if she kept this up much longer, so she left the camera running and grabbed an occasional chair and took it to her friend. No words were exchanged, just a grateful smile as Cheryl sat down and propped her feet up on the edge of the bed.

Cheryl and Kate eyes never left one another. Kate's breathing became harder. Cheryl had several fingers of one hand as deep insider herself as she could while the other furiously worked the area around her clit. Cheryl nearly doubled over with her intense but silent climax which set off yet another orgasm deep in Kate as well. Once she was done, she pulled back on her pants, and resumed her reflector duties as if nothing had happened.

Kate and Peter went on for another half an hour before both lay exhausted, side by side, covered in sweat.

"Just stay there like that" Kathy instructed.

She stood on the same occasional chair that Cheryl had used and slowly panned up the two nude bodies, finally coming to rest the frame on Kate's face. With that the video shoot was done.


It took nearly a month for Kathy, using Adobe Premiere Elements, to have the two video's ready to her satisfaction. She even made a log of what she would do differently in shooting if/when she gets the opportunity to shoot this kind of thing again. She thought she had a flair for it. The two videos were made very differently. As planed the video of Kate and Pete were set as the first video. Even before leaving the room she'd decided how she would process it to be a story. It would be about Cheryl, not about Kate. She converted it to high contrast black and white and it opened with Cheryl and morphed into what was presented as the fantasy of Kate and Pete two which she masturbated. It was not Feline, but it wasn't trashy porn either. He thinking was that by focusing on Cheryl it would slow Will's recognition of his wife. Thought, until that last full view of her face, Kate was only shown in dark and oblique ways that did not make it rapidly apparent that it was her. The second video was very different; she made It slightly over exposed and spent a great deal of time on Kate's face and her enjoyment.

It was the three weeks later when Kathy had shown Cheryl some of the preliminary footage that Cheryl had the nerve to ask Kathy to ask Kate if she could watch her again. As it turned out they had a little "Premiere" party with the two sisters, Cheryl, Drew, Peter and to Cheryl and Kathy's surprise, Peter's wife (of which Kate had never mentioned a word). Everyone agreed the videos were great. They must have been because before they were done, Drew and Peter's wife were having sex on the floor in front of everyone. Though Kathy only watched both Drew and Peter's wife and Kate and Drew having sex, Cheryl broke down and joined Kate and Drew in a threesome. It must be noted, that once Cheryl joined in, Kathy striped to her bra and panties and openly got herself off several times while the other's fucked.

Three days later, on a Saturday night, Kate, after months of planning, finally put her plan into action.

Over the past month they had developed a Saturday evening routine, that after dinner at a fine Charlotte restaurant, he would relax in their living room with a drink while she changed into a new lingerie outfit. They'd watch an erotic movie that she'd picked out during the week always with the theme of a married woman who fucks around. Afterward...or during, they would make love. So, she changed into the same Agent Provocateur outfit she'd worn in the video with Drew and upon entering the room she said "I had dinner with my sister when I was in Asheville on Wednesday. It seems my sister is getting more daring. I think the genes are finally beginning to show. It seems she and a friend of hers have taken up making video erotica together as a hobby. She gave me DVD's of her first two attempts to get our feedback. Only watched a little of these during the week because I thought it would be fun to watch them together."

He looked confused and concerned "Has she left Jimmy?"

"No, they are OK, not great but OK. But he doesn't know about any of this."

"This friend" he asked "A male or female?"

She knew she had him where she wanted, "Oh, a female. Her name is Cheryl. I met her. She's nice but not happy in her marriage, so she's trying new things. The first video is mainly about her." With that she cued the video and sat on the couch across for her husband on his Lazy Boy.

Kathy had added some footage of Cheryl waking around Asheville seeing couples hugging and kissing, then a shot of her laying in her tub thinking before the footage of her naked on the bed began. The transition to she and Peter was so smooth that it wasn't until a quarter view of her giving Peter head caused her husband to say "I don't think that's she same woman. This one has bigger boobs" "I think your right. I think Kathy did a really good job on this though."

"Your right, this is really good for her first attempt. Where do you think she got this couple?"

The scene Pete giving her cunnilingus as Cheryl undoes her top was coming up. She answered "I'll have to ask." Then added "why don't you come sit with me on the couch.

The edited video was just over 30 minutes long. Her hand was caressing her husband fully erect cock through his pants most of the time the video showed her fucking Peter. As she knew the climax was near, and the movement of her unmasking she opened up his pants and took the full organ out to stroke. Kathy edited it so that it cut between the string of Cheryl's orgasms as she masturbated alone on the bed came her last orgasm and Peters orgasm so that the appeared to happen simultaneously. Then a long shot of Cheryl laying on the bed in her bliss that morphed to the shot of Kate's face, that then zoomed out to show she and Pete nude on the bed also laying in post orgasmic bliss.

She continued to stroke her husband. He said nothing, but from his penis, pre-cum came oozing out. Clearly he was not upset.

She leaned over and kissed him. "Well?"

"When did you make this?" He asked flatly "About a month ago. It took Kathy that long to do the editing."

"So your sister filmed you having sex?"

She began to get worried. She paused the video player as she knew there was just about 30 seconds of black before the other video. "Yes. I think she did a great job."

He looked over at her "She did. That was the most beautiful and erotic thing I've ever seen."

She smiled broadly and kissed him again. "I have been wanting to stop this game of pretending you don't know for so long!"

"I have too, but just didn't have the courage to say it." He replied. "I so wanted to hear about what you and James Jenson did at his house on Saturday afternoons years ago, but I thought you were happy with the pretending game."

"No, I've never liked it. It's not like I've really tried all that hard to hide it, especially with James, but you had just become the City Controller and I knew you were concerned that it would get out."

He kissed her "That's all water under the bridge. And besides, I've already qualified for full state pension even if I quit tomorrow."

The kisses became more intense as was the ensuing sex as she recounted in graphic detail about making the video with Pete, and the threesome with Pete and Cheryl on Wednesday night. They didn't get to the second video until midnight and a rare second lovemaking session in one night followed that video as well.


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