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Indian Couple’s Loving Threesome – A fantastic Triple Union

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Indian Couple?s Loving Threesome ? A fantastic Triple Union

I am Raj. I was working for an M.N.C. in Jaipur. It was Holi festival time. Those from India know how Holi in North India is. It is a festival of colors and also of tom foolery. At a big central ground in the city; the Municipal Corporation of Jaipur organized every year a festival called ?Maha Murkh Sammelan (Assembly of great fools)?. In this program, which would run for a full night starting from 10 pm to about 5 am next morning, big poets would render their humorous poetry and make the audience laugh out of their seats. The entry was free and huge ground would be full with people of different shades.

I and my wife Neena always liked to attend this function. We were very active in going to important functions like classical music concerts, drama etc. We always went to this function every year. That year, I decided to invite my very close friend Anil and his wife Anita, who also lived in Jaipur, to join us. I spoke to my wife Neena, who agreed. When I rang up Anil, I found that Anita had left for Delhi for the weekend to celebrate holi with her parents. As Anil had some important work, he had to stay back.

Anil was working in a company, which was my company?s competitor. However, we helped each other in sharing information on markets and other important issues that made us favorites in our companies. Anil and Anita visited us regularly and we went out to see movies, for shopping and attend functions often. We regularly visited each other?s houses for dinners or casual visits and spent a lot of time together because, we had complete understanding between all four of us.

Both Anil and I were married almost at the same time and had one child each. After six or seven years of marriage both of us had that ?seven year itch?. Anil and I both had fancy for the other?s wife. Both of us loved our wives; however we felt that grass was greener on the other side of the fence. I loved cooking and helped Anita, when we went to their house. Anita liked this very much. Anil loved playing with my child and took him out for a walk and always brought presents for him. Neena liked Anil for that.

Once Anil came alone to our house. I was playing with my son. Anil went to the kitchen to say hello to my wife, Neena. At that time, she had climbed up on the kitchen platform to fetch a bottle of tomato ketchup, from an overhead rack. Anil was watching her and was cautioning her to be careful. Neena was certainly impressed by Anil?s attention for her well being. However, I knew that he went there basically to watch her attractive back side and to touch her, if possible.

He stood just below her to protect her in case she slipped. As luck would have it, she did slip (was it deliberate?) and fell down with the bottle in her hand. Instantaneously, Anil caught her in his arms and did not allow her to fall on the floor. In the process, the bottle flew open, smearing Anil?s face completely. His face was covered with a liberal helping of tomato ketchup. When I heard the commotion and came into the kitchen to see what was the matter, I saw my dear wife Neena in Anil?s arms resting her head on his shoulders and his arms carrying her. I could see fingers of his hands touching my wife?s boobs. The scene caused an electric current like sensation in my mind. It turned me on. I had a big bulge in my trousers. Because of the fall, Neena was in a mild shock and seeing my wife in Anil?s arms was a titillating shock for me. I began to wonder in my mind, why should it excite me erotically, rather than make me angry or jealous? I was seeing my wife in any such situation for the first time.

As soon as she regained composure, Neena quickly stood up and disengaged herself from Anil?s arms. She looked at Anil and began to laugh and wiped his cheeks with a corner of her saree. However, when She saw me, she felt a bit embarrassed. To assuage her embarrassment, I went near Anil, patted him on shoulder and said, ?Thank you Anil, for saving my wife from a sure injury or a fracture. Neena and I are both grateful to you.? I caught my wife?s arms and pulled her closer and took her also in as I hugged Anil.

All the awkwardness went away and all of us were at ease. Seeing the opportunity, Anil joked, ?Raj, I would be glad to do it a hundred times; if Neena bhabhi could come in my arms as the result.?

There was a big laughter. Neena blushed profusely. I told Anil jokingly, ?Sure, I will ask Neena to phone you, when she plans next to climb on that platform. However, I have one question to both of you. I hope that the whole thing was not stage managed??

Again all of us laughed. Neena said, ?Don?t talk nonsense.?

After that incident, both Anil and I became free with the other?s wife. Whenever, Anil visited us, he would go to the kitchen and talk with Neena. She liked this gesture. Similarly I would not hesitate to mildly flirt with Anita, whenever I had an opportunity.

It was Anil?s son?s second birthday. My wife and I visited them with gifts. We were late and the party was over. Anil served us drinks. When ladies refused, he insisted that all of us must have at least one drink. Reluctantly Neena agreed. After a while, ladies went inside leaving us alone. We must have taken a bit more alcohol, as our talks quickly turned to sex and our wives.

Anil began complaining about Anita?s complete lack of interest in sex with him. He said that he also found their sex life was dull and monotonous. I also joined with him and said that it was equally true for me also. I complained that Neena also did not entertain my request for sex most of the times. Only occasionally, she would let me have sex with her. I also felt that sex with Neena had become a dull affair.

Then suddenly I laughed and said, ?Anil, I feel that our wives are not interested in sex with us and I find that that zing in sex has gone from our lives also. The last spark I saw in Neena?s eyes, was when you caught Neena in your arms, in my kitchen. We had an explosive sex on that night.?

Anil was thoughtful. He said, ?May be you are right. Do you know that Anita and I had the most explosive sex, when you hugged her on her last birthday. In the night, I teased her and asked her if she liked your hug. I also asked her if she would like you to kiss, fondle and fuck her. Of course, she shouted at me. However, soon after, we fucked like rabbits, and I thought that it was the thought that I planted in her mind about your fucking her.?

I was stunned to hear Anil say that. I whispered to Anil, ?Do you mean to say that we are fancying sex with the other?s wife and similarly Neena and Anita also are perhaps not averse to that idea deep in their hearts??

By then, Anil was drunk and incoherent. He said in a slurred voice, ?I don?t know about the women, but I am sure that you and I would love to get into the pants of the other?s wife, if we had the chance. I have a feeling that the women may protest initially, but would like us to do that by overruling their resistance.?

That happened two months ago. On that fateful day, when I rang up Anil, I found that Anita had left for Delhi for the weekend to celebrate holi with her parents. Anil had some important work; as such he could not accompany her. When I invited him to join us for going to the function, Anil was thrilled to accept my invitation, as he had nothing else to do.

He asked me, ?Raj, it is holi. Can we have some fun particularly with Neena bhabhi?? (Bhabhi is a word used respectfully for brother?s or friend?s wife). I understood his point. I knew he was attracted to Neena and talked many times of his fascination for her. Anil and I were friends for about two years, but became very close. He, his wife and us met socially regularly and were quite friendly. On many occasions, Anil and I talked about our wives shapely features. Perhaps, in our dirty minds, each of us wanted to enjoy the other?s wife, if it was possible. Anil always complimented my wife for her beauty and sometimes even complimented for her thin waist, long hair and luscious figure. Neena gracefully accepted the compliments and never felt offended and responded with ?Thank you?.

I said, ?Try your luck. If you can manage to persuade her to join us in some real action, I shall be more than pleased; I shall even try to help you in this. However, I know her too well. She is almost a prude and I do not expect you to achieve anything?.

?We shall see?, said Anil.

Earlier, Neena had confided in me (she had not complained) that Anil tried to flirt with her several times when I was away on tour. He would come to our house, time and again, without any serious reason. Of course, as my close friend, he was always welcome. Occasionally, he tried to find some excuse to touch Neena. On one such occasion; when she was sitting in the bedroom with our baby in her lap; Anil came and pretended to play with the baby. However, under the pretext of playing with the baby, he fondled Neena?s breasts through her blouse several times. For some time, Neena thought that this was accidental and kept quiet. When this went on a bit longer, then she got up displaying her annoyance without being offensive.

Neena also told me that on another occasion; Anil came to our house late one evening and was talking to her casually in the drawing room. They were sitting side by side. Suddenly lights went off. Sensing an opportunity; Anil pulled Neena in his lap, fondled her breasts and took her one hand and tried to place it on his crotch. As he tried to kiss her, Neena was alarmed and got up. However, she did not raise alarm and did not make any fuss, but told Anil to control himself.

She told me that though she liked Anil as a person and as a friend; she was afraid of Anil, because he tried to flirt with her. She said that she did not tell me about Anil?s flirting, because she did not want my relationship with Anil and Anita to be spoiled. I wondered if she did not complain because it might mean complete stop to Anil?s flirting. Perhaps she wanted Anil to occasionally flirt with her. The thought and my wife?s narration turned me on.

I told her, ?Neena, he is a flirt, yes. However, I can assure you that Anil would never go overboard. Anil told me that he loves to look at you I suspect that he is particularly crazy about your breasts. Once when I went to his house, he sat with Anita (Anil?s wife) after dinner and began fondling his wife?s breasts in front of me. Anita was angry but he did not bother. He was subtly signaling me to feel her breasts.?

When Neena heard this, she asked me, ?So! You then fondled Anita?s breasts, did you? Tell me, what do you think Anil would do, if you fondled my breasts in his presence??

I replied, ?No! I am a gentleman. I admit that much against my temptations, I ignored them. Regarding your second question, I do not know what he would do, if I fondled your breasts in his presence. Perhaps, he might immediately join in and undress your breasts and suck them dry.? Looking at her embarrassed face, I then added laughing, ?Look, do not worry. He is a flirt, yes; but would never cross limits of decency under normal situation.? I saw a hint of blush on her face.

She said, ?Well I am not worried. I can handle such men. However, I knew that he was just casually flirting. That is why I did not resist him aggressively. I could have thrown him out of the house otherwise.?

Coming back to the present story:

Anil came by his old Ambassador car to pick us up at about 10 pm. It was Saturday and the next day being a holiday, we were very relaxed. We thought that if the function was interesting, we would spend major part of the night there. Luckily for us; my parents were in town and we left our children with them. Whilst Anil was waiting in the car for us to join him, I and Neena came out of the house to get into the car.

My wife looked very attractive in the chiffon peacock colored designer saree and matching blouse with strings tied at the back in place of buttons. I was about to sit in the front seat next to Anil. As I was trying to get in, Anil asked me if I had house keys with me. Neena said she had forgotten the house keys. We had decided to lock the front door of our house; so that when we get back late, we would not need to wake our parents. There was a side entrance, so in any emergency, people inside the house could always come out. I offered to go to fetch the keys. As I went back to fetch my house keys, Anil invited my wife to sit in the car by his side in the front. Neena got inside the car without a second thought and sat next to Anil.

Ambassador car had steering gear lever with a continuous front seat, unlike recent cars, which have bucket seats. It was a right hand drive car (unlike European and American cars). As soon as I returned with the keys, Anil asked me to sit in the front seat by the window with Neena seated between me and Anil.

Anil started the car and instead of going to the function; was driving in another direction. When asked, he replied that since his wife Anita was out, he did not have dinner and would like to eat something before going to the function. He took the car out of the city roads.

As we were travelling, Neena asked Anil ?How did you spend your day?? Anil was driving very slowly and replied, ?I got a phone call from one of my college mates.? Looking at me he said, ?Raj, do you remember, this is the same person, who had a very strange but erotic experience.? I nodded.

Neena asked Anil ?What Kind of experience??

Anil was hesitant. He said ?Neena, the story is slightly unconventional and involves some sexual element, should I narrate it??

I interjected and said, ?Anil, today is holi. We are out to have some fun. Why are you so hesitant? We have talked many times of all the things on earth, including sex. Are you afraid that Neena being a lady, is so conservative that she will not hear about sex??

Anil said ?I do not want to offend Neena bhabhi?s feelings, lest she minds.?

Hearing this, Neena replied, ?No, Anil, go ahead. I don?t want to be a spoilsport. I am not that prudish, as you think I am. Besides I am also a mother. We are all mature persons and sex is a part of our life, so don?t hesitate. You two want to have fun so go-ahead.?

Anil then narrated an erotic encounter of his friend Samir (who had telephoned Anil). Samir once visited his close associate and a friend in Delhi and stayed with him at his house for a few days. The host was married for the last 7 years. The host?s wife was also very friendly to Anil?s friend Samir and knew him before they were married. The three of them studied together in college. In fact, Samir was the go between for sending and receiving this couple?s love messages many times before their marriage. The wife in her college days had a hidden crush for Samir. However, nothing happened between them.

On arrival, Samir came to know of the couple?s strained relations for the past few weeks. The real reason of the conflict, Samir realized, was sexual dissatisfaction. To his surprise the husband complained to Samir of his wife?s lack of interest in sex and the wife after considerable probing questions reluctantly admitted that their sex had become so monotonous, tiring and simple physical labor for her that she feared sharing the bed with her husband.

Anil said, ?Samir was so close to the couple that he discussed this highly delicate, intimate and emotional issue with the husband and the wife separately and offered his frank personal assessment to each of them. He told them that their problem was not unusual. It happened to all the couples. After some years, sexual activities become monotonous and boring. Couples get bored, lose interest in sex. They tend to take the other for granted. Frustration develops. Many times, couples hide the real reason and this results into negativity and fault finding leading to heated arguments on trivial issues. Ego overpowers arguments with potentially disastrous consequences.?

Anil continued his narration, ?Samir told them that the answer was to bring some change in sexual life by innovative and sometimes unconventional adventures and to be sensitive to each other?s fantasies and try to accommodate them to the extent acceptable. Both the partners need to agree to a common line of action.?

Anil said that the couple carefully listened to Samir and generally agreed to his views.

Anil halted for a while and looking at us continued, ?One late evening, all three of them after some drinks and dinner, were sitting in a light mood, chatting, making fun of each other and cracking sexy jokes in the couple?s bedroom. After some time, Samir excused himself to go his room to freshen up. When he returned, he knocked and entered the couple?s bedroom which was not bolted and discovered that the wife was topless and the husband was cupping wife?s bare breasts. it looked as if the couple was about to engage in sexual act.? Anil paused to breathe (or was it to to see the impact the story made on us?)

He resumed, ?Samir felt embarrassed. He apologized and was trying to withdraw from the room. The husband called him and made him sit on the bed. The husband, then in front of my friend Samir, made his wife sit in his lap and continued fondling his wife?s breasts. He called Samir and asked him to sit by the side of his wife. The wife then resting her head on her husband?s chest, stretched her legs to rest them on Samir?s lap. She asked Samir to massage her legs as she said she felt tired. It seemed to Samir that the couple had discussed about him in his absence.?

Anil went on to narrate that the couple aroused Samir sufficiently and made him join them in their sexual acts. They all had great sex together. The wife enjoyed sex with her old fantasy lover. However, since it was mutually accepted by the couple, there were no complications and no personal attachment.

Anil concluded saying, ?I do not want to go into erotic details of their sexual foreplays and sexual activities.?

Anil then briefly narrated the impact of this on this couple?s married life. He said it brought back spice and enjoyment in the couples? lives. The couple, which had lost interest in sex and were gradually drifting apart, began to enjoy each other?s company more than before. They looked forward to meeting each other in bed and talked of their fantasies to each other and enjoy their physical experiences much more. This brought great relief to them and their children. Anil said the wife developed a great deal of respect for her husband because, the husband had allowed her to satisfy her buried desire for extra marital sex to a person she found attractive.

As soon as Anil concluded the story of his friend, I supported Anil?s philosophy and said that as an exception, such extra marital engagement with spouse?s involvement is not to be viewed as abhorrent. I said that some flexibility rather than rigid monotony helps marriages, if lovingly, carefully and sensitively handled. This would avoid cheating the marriage partner. Care should be taken to avoid jealousy and emotional attachment with the third person. Anil emphasized that one should enjoy the life without excessive inhibitions. Neena also added that one should be careful about his loved ones and should not hurt their feelings.

To my astonishment, my dear wife Neena listened to most part of the story with rapt attention and heard the discussion without expressing any comments. During the story, I noticed that sometimes she appeared slightly edgy. She nodded at times, perhaps to indicate approval. When we stopped talking, I heard her murmur, ?Not many husbands will accept such things.?

I retorted, ?Are you prepared to bet??

She replied back conclusively, ?You are nuts.?

This was the first time that Neena heard such erotic stories. We did not have any porn in the house. After her telling me about Anil?s flirting, many times during our foreplays, I chided Neena on how she would react if Anil did have sex with her. She would promptly rubbish the idea. However, I found that she became a tigress in bed after such a talk. I suspected that she got aroused with such an idea. Barring such talks with me, Neena had no exposure to sexual erotica.

It looked to me that Neena was quite impressed with Anil?s suave talk and behavior. It impressed her that Anil avoided using sexy words, did not mention secret body parts (except breasts) and was generally gentlemanly in his description of sexual acts.

Anil had very sweet, low and soft voice. One needs to be silent and attentive to hear him. Neena and I had to push closer to Anil to hear his low voice. I noticed that as he talked, Anil occasionally pushed his left elbow further to brush it with Neena?s protruding breasts, when Neena bent forward to hear him. She was endowed with curvaceous figure size 36C 30 36 and had gorgeous breasts. Her bra and blouse were unable to control her generous breasts. Neena perhaps either did not notice this or ignored it, thinking that this was unintentional and could be because there were three persons in the front seat and Anil was tightly squeezed in a corner. I knew it was not. I also realized that Anil was not really very hungry for food, because he was driving on an empty road on the same route in a circle, without making any effort to reach any food joint.

When Anil heard Neena support him indirectly, he was quite excited. He stopped the car at a desolate spot. Neena was so engrossed in hearing and thinking that when I touched and squeezed her saree on her thigh in full view of Anil, she not only did not object, but in excitement, placed her hand on Anil?s thigh. This signal was what Anil was waiting for. He knew he had broken the ice; the first step.

Whilst talking, Anil imitated me and placed his one hand on Neena?s saree on her thigh in a casual way and squeezed Neena?s thighs. Neena became conscious of his moves and looked at me with some concern. I immediately put her mind at rest by squeezing and massaging her saree where her thighs were and said ?Anil, your friend?s experience is very erotic and I am quite aroused hearing it.? Neena looked at me confused at my reaction. She felt relieved seeing that I considered this reaction of Anil as normal and that I had no objection to Anil?s squeezing her thighs. However, she still appeared apprehensive and agitated. She was afraid that Anil might take more liberties.

To avoid a negative situation from developing and disturbing the sweet environment, I asked Anil, ?Anil, we want to know the intimate details of how the couple involved Samir in the sexual games. I want to hear all. Do not be shy to skip the details.?

Anil looked inquiringly at Neena, who was looking at Anil with anticipation of hearing more. I felt that Neena nodded her head just a little to indicate go-ahead to continue the story. She however, pretended to be nonchalant about it. Anil?s story of the wife, husband and friend went on further.

Now Anil described in detail, their sexual acts, foreplays, body parts and positions. It was very erotic and romantic. I knew that although Neena pretended not to listen to Anil?s story by looking in different directions. However, I knew that she was so absorbed and excited that she forgot about her previous reservations and seemed not to notice Anil?s almost constantly squeezing and massaging the dress on her thighs.

Whilst narrating about the encounter and encouraged by Neena?s non rejection of his hand on her thigh, Anil elaborated how the husband uncovered his wife?s breasts gradually in front of Samir. Anil tried to demonstrate this by pushing his fingers under Neena?s blouse and pulling it up slightly. I saw that as a consequence, Neena was alarmed and I felt that she might resort to some impulsive negative action.

I immediately, caught hold of my wife by shoulder turned her to face me and started kissing her fully on the lips. I told both Anil and Neena, ?Hearing such an erotic story, I am unable to control myself.? Neena was also sufficiently charged and after some hesitation, began to respond and kissed me back passionately. I noticed that she did not realize or care that Anil was watching. She did not push Anil?s hand away from her blouse. However, due to the act of my pulling her in my direction and turning her on my side to kiss her on the mouth, Anil?s hand slipped inside her blouse and his fingers touched the rib cage of my wife?s back and perhaps touched her bra strings.

Neena suddenly looked back at Anil breaking from the kiss (May be he had dug his fingers in her back!). She saw Anil watching us from behind her back. His looked helpless and sidelined! His passionate love story of husband, wife and affectionate friend had a powerful impact on all of us including Neena. Looking at Anil?s such condition and knowing that I would not mind it, Neena turned towards Anil and affectionately pulled Anil?s head and rested it on her shoulders and kept combing his hair with her fingers.

Anil was in cloud number nine. He could not control himself; dropped his head from Neena?s shoulders to her chest and was almost in her lap. His face touched Neena?s thighs and breasts and his hands placed between Neena?s legs. Pressing closer to my wife, he pushed his head between Neena?s breasts. The electric shock of his head touching her breasts, even if, through the fabric, was like a thunderbolt for both Neena and Anil. Anil always fancied my wife?s breasts. He was going crazy. I saw angry expression on Neena?s face. Her eye brows raised and eyes blazing. I saw that she was about to push Anil?s head away and explode in anger.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and sound of commotion, a little distance away from our car. It seemed that on the road, a truck had hit pavement. The focus of our attention shifted. Quickly recovering from the influence of Anil?s story and action; Neena pushed Anil?s head away from her lap and suggested that we should all have something to eat and then proceed to the poet?s assembly.

Promptly, Anil brought out a bottle of whisky and three glasses from his seat back. He poured into three glasses from it. Neena is hardly a drinker and declined the offer. However, I insisted that she should drink. I reminded her that she had agreed to drink a little, if we went out and had good time. She relented with a condition that we would not ask her to drink more. The first rather generous peg given to Neena by Anil followed by some spicy jokes appeared to have quite an effect on her. Her mood flourished. Her earlier anxiety was replaced by a some enthusiasm. She declared that as soon as we were finished, we would go to the assembly and if the program was not interesting we would come back there and ask Anil to finish the story.

The assembly program was hilarious. There were blaring loud speakers all round. The poets, one after another, rendered hilarious poetry making fun of people from all walks of life from poets to politicians and chiding and mimicking them. We heard the program sitting in the car at a distance from the crowd. All three of us laughed and were in very jovial and relaxed mood.

I would like to remind readers that Neena was still sandwiched between two of us and was now quite free of the initial inhibition. I had my right hand on her left thigh and her left hand on my right thigh. I noticed that Anil was now easily holding her hands, pressing her thighs under some pretext of enjoying the jokes and poetry and was slowly pushing himself closer to Neena. During the program I pulled Neena to my side some times and several times Anil pushed his body closer to Neena or discreetly pulled her to his side. He made her place her right hand on his left thigh.

Now one of her hands almost always rested on Anil?s thigh. In the dark, I was unable to see the exact location of her hands, I was not sure, but I feared that Anil once or twice placed her hands between his legs; perhaps on the spot on his pant where, there might have been a bulge. Perhaps she might have withdrawn her hands then, but certainly she did not show any sign, protest or create any fuss. Unintentionally, I felt a tinge of jealousy.

At about midnight there was a small break. I suggested that we should go out and have popcorn or something. Anil brought out his bottle once again and proposed that before we go out, all of us must have one round of drinks. Neena, to my great surprise, agreed with just slight persuasion. We had another round of one drink.

All of us were now very relaxed and had greatly shed our inhibitions. Neena was very bubbly and talked about many things including the poetry rendered. Anil appreciated and agreed with her all the time. He went out of his way to keep on emphasizing to me and Neena how deeply, intelligently and judiciously my wife thought and spoke on a variety of subjects. He said Neena was a rare combination of intellect and beauty.

Sometimes I thought that he went a bit too far. However, this pleased Neena no ends. It opened her up and my otherwise reserved wife, began talking animatedly. It pepped her up. This way Anil gained her quick acceptance and appreciation. She was so happy. It was ok with me. I wanted her to relax completely and enjoy the evening with the two of us fully. I knew that, as a house wife, she has to undergo so many social, financial, physical and psychological tensions and problems in her day to day life. Dealing with house hold chores, children, in-laws and others is a tough task.

I suggested why not we go out of the assembly to some place and continue the talk, which we left incomplete. All agreed. Anil said ?why not we go to my house. There is no body in the house and in any case, you have already told your parents that you would return only the next morning.? Neena also agreed and said, ?It is better to go to Anil?s house than parking the car in some corner, sitting in such a small space and inviting unnecessary attention. At least that way we can relax and freshen up there.?

We reached Anil?s house soon.

As soon as we entered Anil?s house, we all went into Anil?s bedroom . I took Neena in my arms as we went in. Anil said he wanted to freshen up and change and went to the bathroom. After some time, he emerged wearing a towel. Neena looked at Anil half undressed for the first time. She was watching with interest his hairy chest, tall structure, well built muscles and arms, broad shoulders, slim waist and shapely hips. I could see from her expression and eyes that she was impressed.

Anil then fished out a night dress from his wardrobe and put on white Kurta on top and Lungi (wrap around waist cloth, people in South India wear like a towel) at the bottom in our presence. We could see that he wore nothing underneath. That was Ok, because we also in our night dress only wore the outers and nothing underneath.

Anil asked me, ?Why don?t you put on a spare night dress from my wardrobe.? I said, ?Why not?? So I also put on a similar night dress from Anil?s wardrobe. Whilst we both changed in her presence,

Neena stood and watched both of us with great deal of interest. After having changed into more comfortable dresses, I and Anil sat on the bed. As I mentioned earlier, Anil and I were very close friends and were very frank and open with each other. I invited Neena to join us on the bed. She complied with a trace of hesitation. We lay down on the bed. Whilst my wife was in my arm on one side, Anil was on my other arm.

One of the poets, in the program we attended a little while ago, had greatly highlighted about gender equality. This had impressed Neena very much. Recalling this, Neena got up from the bed and looking at Anil and me, said ?I was impressed with the narration on Women Empowerment by one of the poets. Today?s women are no less than men.?

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