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Diner with friendsthe evolutztuion of Karen This is 100 PERCENT true

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Dinner with friends. The evolution of Karen continued.

I have had a few request for a follow up to this story that was posted a few months ago. I included the first part as well so it is a long post For the grammar police I am neither a writer or English major. If you enjoy great if not move on.

My wife and I have two groups of friends. Those that know we occasionally play with others and those vanilla friends that don't have a clue . We do our best to keep the two apart. This is about one of those vanilla friends.

My wife (Gail) had met and became fiends with a lady (Karen) thru one of the many organizations she is part of. Thru my wife I was introduced to her husband (Larry ) Over time we became friends and would get together for dinner or a game of cards. To be honest our friendship was more with Karen. Larry could be a real jerk at times. He was always putting Karen down and when if was just us guys he always complained about his sex life or lack there of and it was always Karen's fault. He called her Sexless and cold. When she did give it up she would just lay there till he was done. One evening they were at our house enjoying some wine and playing cards. Larry started talking crap about Karen again and you could tell she was upset and embarrassed . I had enough and called him on it. I told him she was a sexy desirable individual and would do her in a heart beat. He told me to go for it and find out for myself. I looked at my wife, she smiled, I took Karen's hand. She looked at my wife who said go have a good time. I kissed her full on the lips in front of her husband. I'm not sure if it was the wine or what but she kissed me back. I lead her to our bedroom Leaving my wife and Larry at the table.

When we got into the bedroom I ask Karen how far she wanted to push Larry. She said as far as I wanted to go. We kissed again and started making out on the bed. Her body was willing but could tell she was still nervous. I ask her if things were moving to fast or if she wanted to stop. She stood up and I thought the evening was over. She reached under her dress pulled her panties off and handed them to me. They were soaked. She ask me to to take them to Larry and hurry back.

When I went back to the living room my wife and Larry were still at the card table. Larry being the jerk he is said, That didn't take long .I dropped her panties on the table kissed my wife and said we will be a while.

When I got back to the bedroom Karen was naked on the bed . She told me from here on she was mine to use anyway I wanted the only thing she wanted was to make sure it was loud so Larry hear everything. We sucked fucked moaned and screamed in organism for a couple hours. Not sure what Larry's problem was but cold sexless she was not.

Afterwards, We laid there and talked. She was concerned more about what this had done to our friendship than to her marriage . I assured her, as far as she was concerned, both my wife and I were good.

This time she took my hand and lead me into the living room. We were both still naked. Karen's tits were covered with hickies. She had cum in her hair and running down her leg. My wife was smiling Larry, looked lost. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. Karen ask my wife if it was Ok if she took a shower and spent the night in the guest room. My wife told her yes to the shower and No to the guest room that she would be sleeping there but her bed was available if that would work. Just to add to Larry's pain. I told the wife we would need clean sheets Karen gets real wet when she cums

She told Larry to go home and she might call him tomorrow.

Larry left without saying a word. Karen went to the shower. I checked again to make sure the wife was ok with what happened and was about to happen. I ask her too join us but she thought that might be a bit to much for Karen to take in at the moment.

I kissed my wife and joined Karen in the shower. Where the previous hours were rushed , revenge sex and pure lust. The shower together was more like two lovers .We caressed and stroked each other. From the shower we dried each other and returned to bed where we made slow gentle love and went to sleep in each other's arms.

Between the wine an nights activities I slept in and woke to a empty bed. I sliped on a pair if boxers and went looking for the ladies. The guest room was empty as well. When I got down stairs. Karen and my wife were in the kitchen having coffee and talking.. Karen had put on my shirt from the previous night. My wife was dressed in jeans and blouse.

My wife ask me if I was just going to stand there or did I want coffee. After a couple minutes of awkward silence they both started to laugh and told me everything was good and she explained everything to Karen.

Karen had told me that Larry had been burning up her phone all morning but she had not answered because she was not sure what she was going to do or say yet. She said my wife told her she could stay here till she decided.

Gail explained that she had made plans to spend the day with her mother and would be back this evening. Kissed me on the cheek and told me to behave and out the door she went.

Karen and I talked over coffee. It seems that Larry's idea of sex was two strokes bust a nut and go to sleep. If she wanted more he would call her a slut. Oral sex was only for whores. During this entire conversation her nipples were poking at me thru my shirt that barley covered her ass.

I reminded her that my wife would be gone the rest of the day and and assured her she could be a slut and whore with me anytime she wanted. She kissed me took my shirt off and started back to the bedroom. She said that today she was going to be a total slut and whore and I could do anything I wanted. I shaved her pussy bare and and sucked her clit till she came. Larry called I answered the phone and said she could not talk because she had a mouth full of dick and hung up. He called back later and Karen answered the phone while we were fucking. She put it on speaker until I came in her pussy. She told him that if he wanted to stay married things were going to change and he could except it or be gone when she got home. She would call him later to see what he decided. We spent the rest of the day in bed . She was instable. As soon as we finished fucking she would go down on me till I was hard again. I got to be the only ( first) person to fuck her in the A$$ or cum in her mouth..

She called Larry about 5 and told him to come pick her up. When he showed up Karen answered the door naked. We had not showered since the previous night. The hickies were obvious as well as the freshly shaved and well used pussy. She had cum in her and on her.I was on the couch waiting for the crap to hit the fan. After a few minutes they both came into the living room. She kissed me then kissed my dick and said she would call my wife later. She put her coat on and out the door they went. Larry never said a word.

That night.

Karen called my wife on the way home to thank her for as she said her awakening, and would call her later tonight to talk. But for now she and Larry had a few things to resolve.

Saturday night passed without hearing from Karen. Sunday morning she called my wife and wanted to come over and talk . Wife said I needed to go find something to do for a while and call before I come home. I grabbed the clubs and headed to the golf course.

This is what my wife told me later. Karen had a lot of questions about what happened. Her main concern was that she was afraid that what happened would hurt their friendship. Gail ensured her that everything was ok then explained that we had a somewhat open marriage and as long as the other knew what was going on it was ok. We shared but never cheated. It seems that it was not Karen who was turning down sex but Larry. He was a one stroke ,one and done type of guy. When she wanted more he would tell her she was being a slut for wanting more. Until Friday night he was the only one she had ever been with. Being insecure and somewhat submissive by nature she just excepted it. When Larry made the offer to me to go for i don't think he ever considered it would be something Karen would do or my wife would allow to happen. Friday night when I brought Karen's panties to him he commented that we were making a good joke of the evening. When he heard us having sex he said it had to be a porn motive because Karen is never loud. He was in complete denial until we came out naked and Karen sent him home.

By the time she had called Larry to pick her up Saturday evening she had made up her mind what she was going to do and the rest was up to Larry.. Answering the door naked was not planed he showed up before she could find her clothes and when he made a slut comment that's when she came back in and kissed me and my dick good by. They did not speak on the way home and when they got there she headed to the shower. When they finally talked he wanted to know what happened in the bedroom. She told him in great detail. She told him that since she called her a whore and slut she might as well live up to his definition of what that was. Then gave him some more details. Seems there were a few things she did with me that she had never done before. I was actually starting to feel a little sorry for the guy. She was really rubbing it in. She explained that for the first time she enjoyed sex and was going to continue to enjoy it.. She had no desire to end the marriage but things in the bedroom were going to change. If he did not take care of her needs she would find a friend that could.

That was two weeks ago Gail and Karen have talked several times since that night and are coming over for a cook out this Saturday. This will be the first time I have seen or spoken to them since that first night.

Saturday was here and Gail was making plans for dinner. All things considered I was a bit concerned. .The last time I saw Larry his wife had just made a big production of fucking me. It was not that I was afraid of him I'm just not one that cares for drama.

Larry and Karen showed up on time and things were like nothing had ever happened with a couple exceptions. Larry was not talking his normal crap and Karen was dressed a bit more relaxed. Nothing sexual or slutty just more casual than normal for her. Dinner and conversation were good. After dinner we grabbed our drinks and headed to the living room. In one of those awkward silent moments Gial brought up our last meeting and how much fun it appeared Karen had. Larry said nothing. Karen explained that they had a heart to heart talk about a lot of things including their sex life or lack there of. They had come to the conclusion that they loved each other but Larry could not take care of her sexual needs even before she found her slut side. They had agreed that Karen would be the ever faithfully wife in public. She would not turn him down when he wanted sex. He in turn would not say anything when she wanted to let her slut side out as long as she was discreet.

Gail and Karen had spoken and shared a lot of info since that night. Gail had told her everything about our other set of friends and the occasional house parties. She wanted to know all about them. During this entire conversation Larry had said nothing.

I ask Larry what he thought of all this. He said that he never realized that Karen needed this type of sexual attention or even wanted it. After the other night he realized that it was something she wanted to explore. It was not something that he was interested in being involved in. She was more than enough for him but if it's something she wanted to experience he was fine with it as long as it could remain between friends.

So I ask him point blank , was he really ok with me fucking his wife.He laughed and said it sounded more like she was fucking me the other night. But yes he was ok with what ever she wanted to do that would make her happy.

I looked at my wife, and she said have fun. I took Karen by the hand. I think she thought we were going back to the bedroom again, but I left her standing in the middle of the living room and set back down.

I as her if she remembered what she said to me that first night after I gave Larry her panties and came back to find her naked in my bed. She blushed and said yes she remembered. I told her to tell Larry. She said that when Mike ( that's me) came back to the bedroom she told me that I could use her anyway I wanted as long as it was loud so Larry could hear what was going on. I ask her if it was still true that I could use her anyway I wanted. She looked at her husband and said yes.

I told Karen to take her cloths off

I think my request was unexpected and she hesitated for a minute but never breaking eye contact with Larry She started to undress. Nothing erotic she simply undressed giving each article of clothing to Larry as she removed them.

Once naked and still looking at Larry she said to me ,now what?

Larry and Gail new that she and I had sex behind closed door but for Karen the prospect of doing it in front of her husband and best friend was something entirely different. You could see the hesitation and resolve in her face.

With Karen standing there naked I told Larry that his wife had a talent for sucking dick and really enjoyed doing it. I think she should show you. With no more hesitation she dropped to her knees pulled my pants down and went to work. It was not long before I told her I was going to cum and did mostly in her mouth but some landed on her cheek and breast. Larry had watched the entire thing without a word. I don't even think he noticed that my wife had unbuttoned her blouse and was pulling her nipples.

Larry finally found his voice, but what he said surprised me. He ask my wife if Karen was spending the night or going home with him. Gail looked at us and said spending the night. God I love my wife. When Larry went to leave we noticed two things. He took Karen's cloths with him and he had a wet spot in his pants. He had cum while watching his wife suck my dick.

Karen spent the weekend with us exploring her as she calls it her inter slut. This time Gail did not sleep in the guest room. By the time the weekend was over she gave the Bi side a try. Karen admitted that it was a nice distraction and enjoyable. Not something she would go looking for but it it found her? Her preference would be dick.

God I love my wife. Gail told her anytime she need any to come on over.

There are many other stories with Karen and Larry but this is how some vanilla friends became FWB or at least his wife.

A couple months have passed since Karen had become a steady item in our bedroom. From the conversations Karen and my wife have had thing were better than ever between Karen and Larry everything but the sex

The only time Larry would come over was when Karen made plans to spend the night. I think it's a control thing for her. She makes him drop her off for sex then pick her up when she is ready to go home. She usually greats him at the door naked when he picks her up. Once Gail answered the door naked and had him come in where Karen and I were fucking on the couch. Karen told him to have a seat we would be done in a couple minutes. He took a seat we finished and they left. Gail was a little offended. She was there naked and Larry never so much as looked at her. She said she would have fucked him just for the hell of it but he showed no interest at all.

Fast forward a couple more months

Karen mentioned to Gail that Larry was taking her out to dinner for her birthday Saturday and wanted to know if she was coming home or if he was dropping her off for us so she can her slut on. My wife's devious mind kicked in and said of course he is dropping you off so we can give your birthday present.

My wife reached out to our small group of friends and arranged for a couple more people to stop by Saturday night. Knowing Karen's preference for dick she invited three of our male friends and one couple without telling Karen. Up to this time the only dick Karen had ever had was her husbands and mine. This was either going to be a good time or a total failure.

At the appointed time Karen was dropped off at our place. Larry had already been told she was spending the night. There were the normal greetings, an occasional kiss and some grab ass going on but nothing serious until she told Karen it was time for her birthday present but if she wanted it she had to put on the blindfold and do as she was told. The blindfold went on and she was moved to the center of the room and told to stand still as we moved some furniture. We used the noise of the moving to hide the sound of the others coming into the room from upstairs. Once everyone was in the room and seated.Gail started to remove Karen's close. As each peace came off she would give it to one of the observers and tease her some.Karen my prefer dick but her nipples were hard and when Gail took her panties off they were soaked. Now naked in a room full of strangers ( strangers to her) . Gail helped her to the pad that was placed on the floor and told her before she could have the rest of her presents we wanted her to play with her self and make her cum. With one hand playing with her tits and God other between her legs it did not take long before she came. It was at that point that seven naked people applauded. She pulled from the blindfold with look of total shock and even attempted to cover herself. Gail reminded her of the comment about preferring dick so she got her five for her birthday. Gail and the wife of the couple ( Cindy) would take care of each other but all the dick was hers. After a minutes hesitation she said who's first. Then the party started. Karen took them one at a time and all together all night into Sunday afternoon.She Would fuck till no one could get it up then take a nap and come back for more.The girl was unstable. Gail and Cindy fixed breakfast for everyone , naked of course, Most of the guest left after breakfast with a lot of hugs kisses and a couple of BJ' and a promise to do it again soon. Cindy and John hung around and help clean up. Larry showed up to get Karen. John walked her to the door and thanked her for a fun night.


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