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Charlottes First Sex Party (from The Chronicles of Mike Bates) (orgy, sex)

Pages: 1

We agreed to meet at the airport and then take the drive down to Flagstaff . It’s a long drive, and we had a lot to talk about. Mainly things like how enjoyable it is to finally meet each other – we’ve been talking online via email for almost a year – and it’s finally great to actually touch that skin that we have been looking at through photos we have sent each other.

We also needed to talk about how we felt about each other… how life would be different from that point onward, and how we felt emotionally about each other. And how would we make plans for you to come and visit me in Minnesota or Wisconsin or wherever I would end up at the end of this “welcoming home period.”

We made arrangements to attend a swing party being hosted by a group in Flagstaff . We wrote and told them that although this would not be my first swing experience, it is my first swing experience with my new “sweetie.” I didn’t refer to you as my girlfriend nor as a possible wife either… people get bent out of shape quickly when you bring “girlfriends” or someone who isn’t “your wife.” Bringing “your sweetie” allows them to invite you and then while you are there are, you can share the information they are fishing around for – no, we’re not married to each other. No, she’s not a one-night stand or just someone I found to gain entrance to your little party. Yes, she is willing to play – not with everyone – I leave that to “Minnie” to decide.

And yes, we talked about the fact that – at least for this first event – that you don’t come as yourself. While I end up flying back east and north, you are still there in Arizona…subjected to any number of guys who could easily find out where “Charlotte” lives and ending up parked on your doorstep – especially after hearing that I’m not going to be there inside your place after a few days.... you pouted at that and said “Why Minnie? Couldn’t you come up with a cuter name for me?”

“Okay, how about ‘Dawn’…”

You poked me and said “I don’t want one of your OTHER bimbo’s names…” and then you laughed about it…”No, they’re not bimbos but I don’t want you calling me “Dawn” or “Diane” or “Betty” or “Carmen” – although Carmen’s a name I can get into…”

I looked at you for a second or two before looking back on the interstate.

“Okay,” I said, “Carmen it is. Just remember that’s your name for this evening. Single guys don’t give up easily, especially if the pussy’s good…and …” I said, touching the top of your skirt, “the pussy’s great!”

You blushed and then said, “Thank you, sweetheart…it’s all yours!!”

We drove on a bit further and I decided to play a little with your skirt. You moved yourself over so that I could have access to your skirt hem while I was driving.

“You know I don’t have anything under this, right? Don’t get us into an accident somewheres, okay?? My momma would be so pissed at me for not wearing anything under this!!”

I smiled and said “Okay…I’ll be safe…but I knew you didn’t have anything on under this…” and I raised the skirt hem up just a little so that the cool air could hit the top part of your pussy. The air conditioning unit picked up the scent coming from between your parted legs and lifted it throughout the car.

“I can smell hot pussy…”

We finally arrived at the place…a big name hotel close to the airport. We grabbed our small bags and I got the printed email notice from the host, and we went into the hotel lobby.

To people seeing us, we were just another biracial couple showing up to get a room for the night…or perhaps several nights. We knew otherwise.

“I have a reservation under Candey…” I told the man at the desk. As he pulled out the reservation card and had me to sign in, You excused yourself to find the ladies room “It’s been a long drive, honey, and I can’t wait…”

I got the keys and the free newspaper they offered and stood around while you went off to the little place with the silhouette of the girl in the dress. I resisted the urge to go into the guy’s room with the narrow man on the door because I didn’t want you to somehow feel I just dropped you and ran off.

I looked around the lobby to see if I could find anyone else who “looked like swingers”. I did. Over in a corner, there was a couple. The woman looked like she was about 50, wearing a black dress and a locket around her neck. Her man was wearing a button down short sleeved shirt with a pair of dark pants and black shoes. They looked extremely nervous. Across from them was a tall, thin Black man, wearing a tee-shirt and a pair of running pants along with matching running shoes. He was holding a paper – it looked like an email in one hand – and a cellphone in the other. He too, was nervous about the event to take place somewhere in the hotel.

I started to walk over to the three but then you came out of the bathroom and walked over toward me. You had applied some lipstick to your lips and adjusted your skirt and the light blue top you chose especially for this evening.

“Miss me?” you said, kissing me on the lips.

“Sure I did, Carmen!” I kissed you back, holding you tight against me. I can feel your tits through my shirt, the nipples getting hard as rocks while we exchanged saliva through our tongues and mouths.

“This is going to be so much fun…let’s get in there before I gush all over the floor, honey!” you said. I took your hand and we walked over to the other three.

“Excuse me – you here for Don and Donna’s party too?”

The man looked at me and after looking back at his wife, answered, “Yes. You Don?”

I shook my head. “No. Mike Candey’s my name…this is my sweetie Carmen….”

I extended my hand and the two males shook hands.

“Richard. Dick.” We all giggled a little when he introduced himself. “This is my wife Carla.” Carla stood and shook both of our hands. “I guess you pegged us as new people, right?”

“Yeah…I put on these kinds of things back home and I can tell the new folks from those who’s been in the lifestyle a while...don’t worry…nobody except me knows….” I smiled.

The black guy got up from his chair and walked over to us. That was when I realized how tall he was – he was six-three.

“Antquone’s the name. I guess you’re here for the party too, right…”

He shook my hand but was paying attention more to you.

“Mike Candey, and this is Carmen…”

“Nice to meet you, Carmen….have you been to Don’s parties before?”

“No, “you answer, “this is my first one… and I feel probably like Carla…but Mike says that everything will be fine…” You look back at me as I turn around and introduce Carla and Dick to the single guy.

We stand there for a minute or so…looking around for any sign of anyone else. Finally, I said, “Well, we might as well go on up there…”

Carla whispered to her husband, “You sure you want to do this, honey?”

Dick held his wife’s hand as they entered the elevator.

“Yes, dear…” he kissed her on the forehead. “I want you to have a good time!”

I looked at you and whispered, “You too, baby…” and I kissed your cheek.

Antquone knocked on the door to the room.

The door opened and a large woman wearing an oversized Phoenix Suns jersey answered the door.

“Hi! May I see your invite emails please?”

We gave the woman our pieces of paper. She looked at them briefly and then opened the door even further and said “Welcome!”

When I came into the room, I hugged the woman and said “My name is Mike Candey…”

“Oh…you’re the one that calls himself “Candy”….I smiled and you turned and smiled too. “No, it’s like “Con-die”.

“Okay…Make yourselves at home. There are two rooms with two beds in each room. You can put your stuff down over there,” she said, pointing, “and there are bathrooms in each room. My name is Molly, by the way. Don and Donna are in the bedroom over there…”

I looked around. Dick and his wife found seats on one of the two couches in the hotel suite. There was a porno movie being shown on the television – the volume was turned down really low but you could still make out the moans from the woman who was getting fucked in her ass by some black guy.

I counted four other couples, another single gal besides Molly, and two other black guys sitting together talking and pointing out the merits of how to fuck a gal’s ass by the kitchen area.

I walked around to the bedroom, taking you by the hand. In one bedroom, the lights were off and nothing was going on. As we walked to the other bedroom, I stopped and introduce us to the other couples. There were Phil and Peggy from Flagstaff ; Art and his girlfriend Sunny, a little Asian gal from Kingsman; and two other couples. We walked over to the doorway leading to the other bedroom and saw Donna getting fucked on the bed by some guy – I take it’s Don, her husband and the host. There was one other white guy in there – a guy with a large belly and a short dick. The guy was jacking off while watching the two of them fuck.

“Oh fuck!” Donna said, as Don moved away from her pussy toward his wife’s mouth. She opened her mouth and accepted Don’s spray of come as the first spurts hit her face, and then her mouth… she grabbed his dick and shoved it into her mouth, sucking on it and licking it. It was very obvious that she was enjoying this.

You got wet almost as soon as you got into the room. You looked at how the guy was fixed on Donna’s big tits, her large tummy and short, stocky legs as she continued to accept her husband’s come in her mouth and down her throat. Finally, after Don finished squirting, she pulled his dick out, licking it with her tongue and looking at him. She then let go of it, saying. “That should fix you for a few hours. Come on back and see me again, big boy!!”

Don then moved away from his wife, found his shorts, and started to put them on.

The heavyset guy started to grunt at that time, looking around. Almost instinctly, you walked over to the man, placed your hand on his dick and moved your mouth over it. He started to come into your mouth and you opened your mouth, looking at me for approval.

“You must need a drink, honey…go for it…” I said, walking over as you continued to hold and suck this stranger’s come down your mouth.

“Hey! That was supposed to be for ME!” Donna said, walking over to where you were now kneeling.

“Sorry!” you said, “I can share, though...” Donna needed no other invite. She got onto her butt, sat beside you and as you guided the guy’s dick into her mouth, accepted the next two loads of come from this guy. I walked over and after looking at Don and asking “May I”? I kneaded Donna’s large tits, standing at a corner behind her. Don walked out into the living area.

You touched your own tit with your free hand, while continuing to feed Donna this guy’s little dick. The guy finally stopped coming and grunting….

“Oh shit! This was much better than any porno flick!! I don’t know who you are, but thank you!”

“Oh Frank, you’re supposed to be thanking me!” Donna said. “All of that was supposed to be for ME, not whoever she is….” She looked at you cross as she wiped her mouth clean of Frank’s cum.

“Carmen. Her name’s Carmen and I’m Mike Candey…and those are some nice tits you have, honey….”

Donna turned her head to me as I made the introductions and then turned back to you.

“I want some of that cum…” You looked at me and then at her and said, “You’ll have to kiss me for it!”

Donna immediately found your mouth and started kissing you. Never been kissed in this way by anyone – male or female – before, you took it all in and laid back on the floor, almost hitting your head against the bedrail. Donna caught your head, and gently placed you on the floor while Frank moved into the living room area.

I took the opportunity to finally eat your pussy while fingering Donna’s.

After two minutes of this, she stopped and said “We’ve got to play more later, honey…but right now, I’ve got to take care of some other people. I’m GLAD you’re here…and thanks for coming….”

“You haven’t seen coming, honey….and thanks for inviting us!!” She walked out of the room, completely naked.

You looked at me and asked “You’re not mad or anything are you?”

I bent down and kissed you. I could taste Frank’s come still in your mouth and I kept my mouth there for a few seconds.

“No. Normally parties don’t start out this way…it normally takes people a little more time to “warm up” and the host and hostess doesn’t fuck each other beforehand….but hell no! I’m not mad at all…”

I pulled you up from the floor.

“I just wanted to make sure I didn’t do something you didn’t want to do, that’s all. I mean…Donna kissing…”

“…I’ve never been kissed-kissed before by a gal before… that was fun. I didn’t know if she was mad at me for taking all of her cum or what, but when she started to kiss me and started touching my head, I knew that she wasn’t mad…just horny!!”

We both giggled.

“Let’s get back in there before someone thinks that I’m fucking you in here now…”

“You know,” I said, lowering her skirt back down, “I could just do that…”

“But I’d miss all of the other stuff, and this is my first party…”

“Yeah, right…the way you attacked that guy’s dick…you SURE you’ve never been to a swing party before Charlotte ?”

“It’s Carmen and no. I’ve never been to one…but you’ve given me a lot of descriptions about them – so it’s like I’ve been to several already in my mind!!”

We walked back into the “living area” of the hotel suite and mingled again, having made already new friends among the hostess and Frank – who was telling his wife Molly (the woman at the door) all about the “BBW gal over there who sucked my dick and then shared it with Donna.”

Molly looked at you with wonder.


In the living area, Don (finally joined by Donna, who was wearing one of those oversized Suns jerseys like Molly’s – different player’s name, though) walked around and reintroduced himself to everyone and apologized for not meeting them at the door.

“Molly does the doorman job very well, doncha think?” Molly took a small bow before grabbing her drink from a nearby counter and took a drink.

“I think everyone’s here,” Don said, looking around the room. That was Molly’s cue to lock the hotel room door and apply the deadbolt latch to the door.

“To those who have been at one of our parties before, welcome back friends! To those of you who are new here, WELCOME. I promise you all will be friends of each other by the end of the evening… I also wanted to extend a special welcome to a special guest. You know that I normally don’t take in people from “out of town” because in the past we’ve had problems with some of them…but I can certainly say that you’re in for a wonderful treat this evening. That’s Mike Candy – is it? – over there and he can introduce his friend with him.”

I stood and allowed you to stay seated on the floor…”It’s Mike – there’s no other Mikes here right?” I paused in case there was another “Mike” present.

“It’s actually “Can-die”,” I repeated again. “…And thank you both for extending an invite to us and for understanding our special desire…this, folks, is my sweetie Char—Carmen.”

I pointed to you and you waved your hand around. “This is, believe it or not, her FIRST party do be kind and nice!”

Frank said “She can do me anytime!!” You replied, “Maybe I will get that chance, Frank…that is, if it’s okay with your sweetie!!”

Molly smiled and said “Go for it, honey!!”

“Not so fast, you two…” Don stated. “For the benefit of those new, let me explain the ground rules and then we can get right to it.”

He walked around the room, looking at everyone. I could tell he’s been doing a lot of these parties before.

“First, there are two bedrooms here. Those are the only play areas until after midnight. After midnight, the entire place is fair game except the bathrooms and the closets. No fucking in the closets, Sunny!”

Sunny smiled and looked at the host. Everyone else smiled and laughed.

“Second, unless the couple says otherwise, all of your penetrations must be done while wearing a condom. That’s for your protection and ours – we don’t take any responsibility other than providing you the means to play here…so if you fuck up and get Roger’s wife pregnant, it’s between you and Roger and his wife… hey Roger…great to see you and Lacy here again…”

He shook Roger’s hand and kissed Lacy on the cheek.

“No absolutely means no here, folks. Give the women here some time to warm up to you…I can tell you that everyone here is aware of what kind of party this is by now…and are willing to play with you…but if they aren’t feeling well or something’s bothering them, don’t push it…there’s always other women who will accommodate you this evening. Same goes for the men.”

“Johnny is bi.” Johnny raised his hand. “If you don’t want to play with Johnny – and very few don’t – you don’t have to. Same goes for the women with Donna or Molly…

“Finally, I hope that everyone is feeling up to playing tonight. Is there anyone here who doesn’t feel well, or right now have changed their minds about participating this evening?” Nobody said anything.

“Okay. Oh…before I stop talking and start playing – We’re expecting two other couples to come over after midnight along with two other guys…So if you want to wait until they arrive, then you don’t have to disrobe here…but you can’t play in the living room area. If you don’t like the porno, you can change the TV to whatever you like…and there’s drinks and chips over in the table area. Any questions?”

“If I start out with someone and I need to stop for some reason,” Carla asked, “Can I just tell them to stop? I’m sorry, this is my first swing party so I don’t know all of the stuff…”

“There’s no secret words, honey, “the woman beside her tapped Carla’s leg with her hand and said, “Just “I don’t want anymore” will do just fine….or just “stop please…”

Carla nodded her head.

“Any other questions?”

“Okay…so let’s fuck!” Donna said. She grabbed Johnny and moved with him to the bedroom where she came out of.

Sunny and Art found Antquone and moved with him to the other bedroom. The two black guys found the ESPN channel and was getting ready to watch “Sports Center” when Molly walked up to them and said “Which one of you is going to get my ass first tonight?”

I looked at you and said, “Okay. Just watch for a while, okay…that is, unless you get thirsty again…” You smiled back at me and kissed me on the mouth again…I could still taste Frank’s cum in your mouth…

Sunny and Art led the tall black man back to the bedroom and Art had the guy to lay on the bed. Sunny was taking off her little dress to reveal her small tits and a thong.

In the other bedroom, I saw Donna lay back down on the bed, having already shed the jersey shirt already. Johnny was working his pants off when I walked in…

“Where’s that honey at?” Donna asked.

“I asked her to watch for a bit before we started to play…care if I watch?” Donna motioned me over and pulled down my pants. “Only if you feed me this for a couple of minutes.” She pulled my underwear out of the way and grabbed my dick. She started to suck on it while waiting for Johnny to finish undressing himself.

“Johnny…you need to start by sucking my clit for me, honey….and Don left something for you…”she said.

“For me? How thoughtful of him…and you, dearie…” I smiled and giggled. You walked into the room and said “Hey! I thought we were ‘watching!’ You walked behind me and rubbed my back…”Besides, I was looking forward to some of that from you to get things really going for me…”

Donna released my dick from her mouth and said “It’s my fault. I wanted something to suck on while waiting for Mr. Slowpoke here to get undressed….Mike was just going to watch…”

“It’s okay….I think I found something to suck on too…” You reached down and grabbed Johnny’s dick…it was starting to get hard as he kneeled on the edge of the bed and brought Donna’s thick legs toward him. He then opened the legs to reveal her pussy and ass.

“See Mike, Johnny, well, he likes to clean me up after Don – or anyone else – has come in my pussy…” Johnny started to lick the outer lips of Donna’s pussy, and then groaned as both Donna opened her pussy up to accept his tongue as well as to start enjoying the licking and sucking you were doing on his dick.

“I can see why the gals like him…” you said, between licks. You then took the guy’s dick all the way into your mouth and started to move your face back and forth over his groin area.

Johnny was eating Donna’s pussy, getting all of the cum which started to leak out, and swallowing and swirling it around in his mouth.. Meanwhile, Donna was moaning while sucking my dick, not really sucking it as more as having it in her mouth.

After a few minutes of moaning and groaning, Johnny finally said, “I want to fuck Donna now…” You let go of his dick.

I saw for the first time what you had been sucking on…his dick was about ten inches long, and about a inch thick. You moved out of the way as Johnny climbed on the bed and placed his dick at the entrance to Donna’s hole.

“No condom?” you asked. “No, I don’t like them…Johnny…I’ve been waiting for your dick... where is it? Don’t tell me that she got your cum too?” At that time, Johnny slammed his dick all the way up Donna’s pussy hole, causing her to yell “Oh shit!!”

You got up from the floor and motioned for me to go to a chair in the room. “Sit down and enjoy the show…I got some more sucking to do…” I sat down, pants still around my legs, and you grabbed my dick and started to lick it like an ice cream cone.

“Don’t look at me…look at that woman over there getting fucked by that big dick….I want that later, Johnny!!” You then looked at me and then down as you proceed to start to suck me hungrily.

In the other bedroom, Sunny and Antquone was enjoying each other. Art had him to lay on the bed so that the tiny Sunny could get up on top of him and place her unshaven pussy down over his face. “Suck this for me, please…” she said in her Asian accented voice. Art sat in a chair and started to pull his pants down to jack off while he watched.

Molly came into the room with the two black guys and plopped herself at the other end of the bed. “You will be nice in my ass…and you, my friend, you will have the wonders of my mouth this evening. How about it?”

The two black guys looked at each other, gave each other a high five and started to undress. Molly already was naked – her rounded body was half-leaning, half sitting on the bed. Her large tits were getting hard as the two men revealed good sized dicks. “Condoms are over on the dresser…” she motioned.

“I don’t really want to put on one,” the guy who was supposed to get her ass stated. “No jacket, no ass…” Molly said.. The other black guy looked at the one balking about not wearing a condom and said “Neal –dude. Put the raincoat on…she’s offering her ASS your way…”

“Nah man, I ain’t doin’ it with the condom. You want it…you take it!” The other man looked at Neal and then walked over and grabbed a condom. “You sure?”

“Yeah…I’ll just stand here and watch the play by play...” The other guy opened the package with his teeth and took out the circular plastic. He placed it around his hardened dick and rubbed it a couple of times.

“You don’t need any lube – what’s your name?” Molly was fingering her pussy and applying some of the juice already flowing out of her pussy into her ass with two fingers.

“Scott. Peeps call me “Scooter”.

“Well Scooter, you’re about to get the ass fuck of your dreams, honey…just be slow and let it happen, okay?”

Scooter removed the rest of his clothing. He was thin as his friend, but he had some hair on his chest while his friend, Neal, did not.

Molly leaned back on the bed, opening her legs and holding her ass open with her hands.

Scooter entered her ass slowly, and Molly emitted a low “Ummmmmmm” which stopped play for everyone in the room to watch this large woman take this man’s dick up her ass.

“I end the night on my knees,” Molly said, “But my first fuck I always want to give the man the opportunity to REALLY feel my ass work his dick!”

Scooter finally placed seven inches of his nine inch dick into her ass from this position. Molly was still leaking cum from her pussy onto the man’s dick and her ass.

“I am always wet so I used my wetness as extra lube for the ass fucks….Okay Scooter, here goes…” and almost on cue, he started to yell, “Oh damn! Oh shit…she’s got my dick in there….it’s too fucking tight!”

“You want tight? I’ll show you tight, babe…”Molly said, releasing his dick with her anal muscles, “Come on, fuck me!!” The young black man started to move more of his dick into Molly’s ass and eventually got all of it in there before Molly again latched onto his dick while he was fucking.

“Molly must of introduced another guy to her ass…” Donna breathlessly said. Johnny was pounding away at her pussy while you were still sucking my dick – and I was watching the two of them.

“Of course. That woman’s ass is dangerous!”, Johnny said, picking up the pace. “And I’m about ready to let go right now, honey…” I saw Johnny’s body tense up and then he started pumping really fast, emptying his balls into Donna’s little pussy hole.

“Oh, I’m going to come too honey….oh…”Donna found Johnny’s lips and started to kiss him deeply as she bucked back and forth on the bed as Johnny continued to pump come into his friend’s hole.

“Oh man!!” Donna said, after a couple of minutes. “You still sucking his dick?”

You looked at me and said, “It takes him a long time to come, but when he does, watch out!”

Johnny moved off of Donna and kissed her once again. “Thank you honey!” he said. He walked over and touched my leg and then asked “Do you mind?”

You looked at me and I looked back. “He can try…guys don’t do anything for me, okay?” Johnny nodded and said “Yeah, right.”

Johnny took my hard dick and slurped it down his throat. He then started to go back and forth over my dick. After a few second of watching me, you bent over and found his dick, still wet with Donna’s juices on it and you took in your mouth and started to do the same thing.

“It’s all in the rhythm, honey…I know, I’ve sucked a lot of cocks in my time, “Johnny stopped sucking me to instruct you. “Like this….”and he turned and bent back down and started to suck me again, running his tongue up and down the dick shaft. You looked and did the same thing to his dick. “Yeah, like that…but just keep it up….Okay. your man’s right – by now, I should have had a yummy treat…”

“No harm, no foul, right sport?” Johnny extended his hand to me. “Thank you for trying, though…it was getting good for a couple of seconds there...” We shook hands.

“Hey…my record for getting a guy off is about 14 minutes….and thank you, dearie, for cleaning my dick for me…”

“Any time,” you dreamily stared back, holding my dick in your hand. “And don’t forget…I want what you gave Donna there later…”

“I don’t forget a pretty woman….” Donna was getting up and walking to the bathroom to go clean up.

Molly was still fucking Scooter’s dick with her ass…giving it a workout, while she was moaning and yelling for him to give him more.

“See man, all she asked you to was to put on a fuckin’ condom…you could be having this ass…it’s great man…” Scooter was fucking Molly hard. Her husband walked in and touched her tit.

“Hey honey…I heard it all the way back into the living room…”

“Sorry,” she giggled. “This is some good dick. Get his email and let’s stay in touch…I think I have another guy to add to my DP sandwich finally…”

Meanwhile Antquone was fucking Sunny’s pussy while Art was getting a blowjob from Lacy. She had her pussy out, four fingers in her hole, frigging herself frantically and looking around for something – or someone ---

She finally stopped and yelled, “Will someone PLEASE put a condom on and FUCK ME? SHIT!! WHAT DOES A LADY HAVE TO DO!!”

Neal, standing right beside her, found the condom pile and placed one on over his hardened dick and got behind Lacy. Lacy reared up and spread her legs a bit so that Neal can get into her pussy from behind. She finally said, “Oh good…that’s what I’m looking for…” and went back to sucking Art’s fairly sized dick.

Antquone was the first to go…he hardly made a sound as he started to empty himself into the plastic covering between his dick and Sunny’s little pussy. But Sunny started yelling and screaming…”ummmmmEEEIIIIWIWIWIWIIWIWIWIIW!!” as she came, moving her little body back and forth over the man’s large dick..

Next was Molly, coming after hearing Sunny’s exchange and watching Lacy get fucked…she was in a good position to see Neal’s dick enter and leave Lacy’s hairy black pussy – as opposed to her blonde short haired one.

Then, Scooter started in as he was pounding Molly’s pussy and ass with his dick. Molly had the side of the bed soaking wet with her cum while she was upended. Finally Scooter stopped and laid there on top of the large woman. “Oh lady…that was the BEST FUCK I’ve EVER received in my life!”

“It gets better with practice. I hope you’re up to practicing more with me….if you like my ass, maybe you'll get to fuck my twat!" As she said that, Scooter released a little more cum. Then Molly squeezed his dick with her anal muscles and then released. “and my ass hugs your dick and says “Thank you Scooter…”

She then kisses the young black man and they embrace for a good five minutes’ worth of kissing and exploring each others face and neck.

You are getting me close and finally said “Look – an open bed. Better we get it!”

We moved over to the bed and you laid down on it, still wearing your skirt. I started to take it off but you said ‘No. Leave it on…just move it up….” I knew you weren’t wearing any underwear, so I knew what I was to see when I moved your skirt up to your waist. There it was…your shaved pussy…ready and leaking already from the earlier encounters.

“Condom?” you asked me. I started to go get one and you stopped me. “I’ve been holding onto this one for Mr. Bi guy out there….say, did you really didn’t like that…I thought that was hot…I’ve never seen a guy suck another guy’s dick except in a porno….”

“It was okay… but no, you were doing more for me than Johnny was… that’s why he stopped. Bi guys know that if they’re haven’t started the precom part already, they ain’t getting anything.” You took the wrapper off the condom and put it on the bed. Then you put the entire condom in your mouth.

“I hope that’s not lubricated…” I said, making a face..

“No. it’s not…but it will be in a second or so…” you said through the condom in your mouth. You then took your hand, jacked me off a couple of times to get me back hard, and then slipped the condom over your mouth and over my dick. “Been practicing!” you said, as the condom was completely over my hard dick.

You then moved back on the bed and waited. “Fuck me, Mike…come on… I need that stuff now!!” I climbed on top of you and moved my dick inside you. It was the first fuck that evening between the two of us… and we made the most of it…I fucked you steadly, with your legs up and around my waist, for about 20 minutes before you turned me over and got on top.

While we were fucking, Roger came into the room and took off his clothes. He walked toward my head and touched me to let me know he was there. He then looked and I said “I think Roger needs a little head…can you help him out there love?”

“I don’t know…he needs to move closer to me…get over here, honey...” You moved Roger closer to the edge of the bed and then bent over and started to take his dick into your mouth. At the same time, your tits were hanging low and I found one with my tongue and mouth and started to suck on it…

“UUUMMMMIII<<<GGGI” you said as you washed my dick with your cum while you continued to fuck me, climbing up and down over my dick and balls.

Roger didn’t last very long…he came and you sucked his dick and come down your throat, missing a couple of drops which fell on my forehead.

“Thank you,…you are….”

“Carmen.” You looked at him and then kissed him gently. Then you got back to me.

You bent back and started to buck and move again, feeling your pussy grab my dick over and over and over…

“I’d wish you trusted me without those condoms…I’m not complaining…but it’s a little chafing. Remember I haven’t been fucked in some time until recently…”

I touched you and said “Roll over”.

You rolled over onto the bed., laying there on your belly.

“Remember that one of the first things I was going to do for you when we got to a party?” You giggled because you remembered.

“Get on your knees, please…” I said as I got around behind you. I placed my dick, still slick with your cum from earlier, at the entrance to your ass.

“Okay…here I come….” I slipped my dick firmly into your hot ass and left it there for a few seconds. You closed your eyes and then opened them again as I reached around and felt for your tits, holding each in my hands.

“You ready?” You nodded your head up and down and then said “un huh…” and I started to move my dick back and forth inside your ass…slowly at first, and then picking up speed as I fucked your ass. You were yelling “Oh yes! Oh yes! Fuck that ass, honey…fuck me good!! I’ve been waiting for such a long time for this… ever since I read that story about you wanting to fuck my ass....oh god…this is so fucking good…Mike…I’m gonna come again… Oh Mike….

You came, wetting the bed and your thighs as I continued to fuck you deep in your ass.

“Sounds like fucking’s going on in here…” It was Molly’s voice. She came in to go to the bathroom and saw my ass fucking yours.

“Ummm….smells like pussy juice....damn girl, you squirt a LOT don’t you!!” I continued to fuck you while Molly is licking my ass…she then runs her tongue down into my crack and finds my asshole.

“You have a nice ass, Mr. Candy…mind if I suck on it a bit?” and before I could answer, Molly extended her tongue to touch my asshole and I came into the condom. It was the biggest cum I’d ever had…I was bucking back and forth as you came again from feeling the fact that I exploded into your ass.

“Oh my god!!” Molly said, stopping her rimming to see that you had deposited another puddle of come onto the bed, wetting me and her too.

“Move, Mike….I’ve got to get me some of this!!” Molly almost yanks me away and sends her face directly into your ass and pussy. Her tongue starts snaking around, first around your ass and then found your pussy….and started to lick and suck the juices which collected around your twat.

I stood there, my condom full of cum. I then go to the bathroom to clean up and to bring a washcloth and soap back to Molly. “You think this’ll help?”

Molly stopped sucking and licking long enough to accept the washcloth. “Turn over, baby, “ she commanded. You rolled over and for the first time looked at Molly’s face. It was glistening with your cum.

“When I get done with you, missy, you’d wished that I’d never come in here….and you, young man…find another condom because you’re going to fuck MY ass…it’s obvious you know what you’re doing….you had her all wet!!”

“Actually, I haven’t been doing the ass fucking long…I haven’t had a woman who enjoyed it like Char…like Carmen does…” I had to make a mental note: Carmen! Carmen!

Molly took the cloth and cleaned your asshole and then stuck a finger up your ass while she sucked your clit. You jumped at first, but then you emitted a “awwwwwwwwwww” to which Molly stopped and said “They ALL say that when I start in on ‘em…”

She then looked at me and said “You can either watch and enjoy the show or you can fuck my ass...or both!!”

I said “I need to relax for a bit…that was a large load…and thank you for rimming me… I haven’t had that done to me in a long, long time!”

“I only do it to people I know are clean… so you must be special people!!” Molly went back to eating your pussy.

I touched your back and shoulder while this woman was feasting on your lips, your nub, and making you squirt two or three more times… and then laying there and drinking as much cum as she could, her mouth wide open.

Antquone came in to see the action and looked at you.

“Is she pissing?”

“No,” I said, standing back so he can see. “That’s cum. She squirts,”

“Awa man…I’ve read about this in Penthouse…but I never seen it until now…you sure that’s not’s pee?”

“Taste it. It tastes like pussy juice…”

Molly stopped him “Oh no you don’t! That’s MY pussy juice!”

Antquone said, “well then, how about if you let me tap that pussy of yours!”

“I don’t fuck with my pussy. Sorry. My husband has to give me permission and that's not happening tonight. But you’re more than welcome to fuck my ass…you’ve got to use a condom, though…I don’t like messes –unless they are pussy messes!”

The skinny black man found a condom and turned Molly around so that her ass was out on the edge of the bed. He slapped her ass and Molly stopped again and said, “OOooh that was nice…do that five more times…and then stick your dick in there!!”

He did as she instructed and she came almost right away, leaving a small river of come down her legs as the black man fucked her ass from behind while she was licking and sucking you.

“I guess they will be at it for a while,” I said to myself. I watched for a minute or two and then walked back into the living room.

Carla and her husband were sitting there, not really watching the TV but not really watching the proceedings either.

“So what do you think?” I asked them as I finished putting on my underwear.

“It’s a little overwhelming.” Carla said. “I thought it would be like, you know, like in the movies – with guys coming up to the women and slowly taking off their clothes…this is like really raw…I don’t know…”

“Give me a minute…” I said, raising my hands up. I went to find Don.

“Hey Don. There’s a new couple that wants to take things slow. Do I have permission to fuck her in the living room seeing how both beds are being occupied?”

Don nodded. “Try not to be too vocal…the bedrooms are shielded a little but noise goes right out under the door way to the hallway…”

“Okay…thank you…” I stopped in the kitchen to get some coffee and returned to the couch with Carla and Dick.

“So, tell me what else…I had to get some coffee…I am a little wore out…” I placed my left hand on Carla’s knee.

Pages: 1

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