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A Fun-tastic-Fantasy

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Fun-tastic Fantasy

Two weeks ago, Saturday night and we were the hosts for our weekly poker game that 3 buddies & I have kept up for a couple of years, rotating as hosts weekly. Usually it?s just the "guys night out" but that night, my wife decides to stay home & watch us play. I tell her she either joins the game or be our cocktail waitress. She says she is only a novice card player, so she'll serve drinks and watch. "Great, now hurry and get into your "uniform". ?I don't have one?, you say. ?I'll pick something and I?ll be back before the 1st hand is dealt.?

The doorbell rang about then and I let my friend Brett inside he told me the other 2 guys in our group were called out of town earlier that night. ?Still want to play?? he asked. Play? I thought. Cards 1st; then, maybe, just maybe, we can ?Poker? later!? I told him. I had an idea and laid out my "plans" for the night. ?When my wife comes down, she plans on serving drinks to us;? I told him. ?Well, we?ve discussed a wild fantasy of having her serve us, and then the two of us service her?. ?What do you think? I asked, nervously. ?Are you serious?? Brett asked. ?Cause if you are; I am totally up for it!? ?Well let?s see how things progress & follow my lead and see how she responds. ?Remember one thing? ?If we don?t pressure her, I bet she pleasures us both!? We shook hands & I opened the tequila and cut limes as he shuffled the cards. He called out, loudly "the game is about to begin". We just sat down and my sexy wife made her entrance. ?Cocktails, Cigars, Cigarettes!? She called out as she rounded the corner and came into view. ?Damn! She looked so hot, she was smoking!? White silk blouse unbuttoned almost completely; a push-up bra displayed her flawless 36c tits at eye level. A black mini skirt, lace-up nylons and garter belt were finished off with 7" spiked heels. "Holy Shit! You look Sexy as Hell!? He stammered. ?Thanks Mr.? ?Where?s the rest of group?? You asked. ?Are you disappointed?? we asked. "I was counting on making some big tips tonight you really like it?? She teased. She spun slowly in front of us. We could only applaud, because both our tongues were hard and stiff from staring at her. The cards were dealt as she served us two shots each to "get things rolling" She joined us, downed back to back shots of the Patron' Silver Tequila. That surprised me, as that amount usually gets her pretty buzzed. As she moved between us, getting the empty shot glasses for another round, she bent over facing us, giving us clear view down her open blouse featuring her amazing breasts. My friend was awe struck when she turned and faced him. She is the world's biggest tease when she wants to be, and tonight she was on fire. She returned in a few with yet another chilled shot & a lime for the three of us. She sat in both our laps as she dished out the shots. My friend looked at me for directions as she squirmed in his lap. You acted so innocent, all the while, knowing full well, the friction of your tight little ass grinding against his cock was causing it to transform into a rock hard pocket-rocket. When you looked away, I winked to him and gave him the thumbs up. He said, "Your wife is the hottest lady I?ve ever seen?! "I totally agree!" I added. ?Why Thanks! but you're just being polite" ?Or trying to pump up my ego" she giggled. ?I?d pay anything to pump you up"! He joked. "And I?d pay anything to watch that" I added. You gave me a look that seemed to ask, "Are you serious"? I mouthed the words, "What happens in Vegas; stays in Vegas!? You smiled and winked at me and mouthed "I love you". "Who?s up for another round?? We laughed as she stumbled to get more shots....So far, so good. Time for stage two of the plan, I thought to myself. Increase the alcohol and remove the inhibitions.

You returned with shots and plopped yourself in my lap. ?Since it?s only the three of us tonight; we are dealing you into the game to make it more interesting with three players; so no arguments, ok?? I told her. ?But I only have a couple of dollars for chips?. You said. ?No problem!? We said together. ?Let?s play.?

Within six hands your chips were history, and you said ?Well I?m out!?

?Not so fast Sexy Lady? we told you. ?You still have plenty to bet with? He added. ?If you aren?t a scare Dee-cat?. We can understand if you Chicken out.? I baited her & She bit. ?I?m not scared of either of you!? ?This is my lucky night, I feel it? ?No more B.S.? Who?s the dealer? You asked. ?Your up? I said. As you shuffled the cards, you lost your grip and half the cards flew everywhere. ?Sorry? you said. ?Excuse me?? We both yelled out. ?Here are the rules for mixed company.? ?You get one free mistake & you just made yours.? ?Next rule broken or mistake costs you a piece of your clothing, your choice.? ?Shoes and socks are in pairs only & jewelry doesn?t count.? ?Are you still unafraid?? He asked. ?Hell yes? ?let?s go!? You said, as you shuffled up the cards.

The next few hands were split between you and us guys, so my buddy and I decided to up our odds. ?We need a couple of shots to change our luck? I said. ?No kidding? you added. ?Make mine a double!? my friend said, as we all laughed out loud. Well, we downed one and as he refilled her shot glass, he signaled to me. With a sly grin, he filled our glasses with WATER! Not Tequila. ?Let?s see what develops, when all inhibitions are removed? I chuckled.

Needless to say, you soon were feeling no pain. The deal had made its way back to you, & both of us were watching your every move; and then it happened. You dealt the cards without cutting them. Before we could say anything, you realized what happened and stood up and proclaimed, ?I fucked up and I?m paying up!? ?I was checking if you two were paying attention!? you laughed and removed you bra from under your silky blouse. ?That was sneaky? I said. ?Damn it!? he added.

?We?ve been waiting for you to lose and I was hoping to get a look at those beauties, up close.? My buddy muttered. ?I paid up, didn?t I? You asked innocently. ?Yeah, you?re even up? ?For now!? he grumbled and then we all laughed together.

?I don?t want to see you pout, so how?s this?? You unbuttoned your blouse and tied the front together in a little knot at the bottom. It was wide open basically, and from the sides where we sat, we had a clear view of at least one at a time. Your nipples were harder and sticking out farther than I could remember recently. My buddy asked if they always were so hard or was it the silky fabric rubbing against them. You said ?Perhaps it was the thought of being the center of attention.? ?I bet my nipples aren?t the only things that are hard around here!? ?Amen, Sister!? We agreed and took turns standing up for a second to prove it!

?Bravo! Excellent examples of bulging, trouser monsters!? You giggled. ?At least they seem to be!? ?Do you doubt what you see?? He quipped. ?The problem is not knowing what is actually under there causing the bulges.?

?True enough? I piped in. ?Let?s bet the Winner of the next hand gets 5 minutes to check the contents of our pants or your blouse, should either of us win.? ?Let?s shake on it.? You said as you rose up and shook your boobs wildly in both our faces. We were laughing so hard my sides hurt. I dealt the hand & you got a full house.

?Well since you know from experience what is causing my bulge, I am off to the bathroom for at least 5minutes or so.? ?If you are ok with that, Honey.? ?I?ll be right here whenever you get back.? ?So will I.? We all laughed and I made my way to the John. I had such a hard-on thinking about what could be going on in the kitchen, I could hardly piss. Then I had a great idea. I quietly opened the window and slipped outside and made my way to the kitchen window for a peek.

I had a perfect view through the gap in the blinds and the scene caused my hard-on to nearly rip through the front of my Levi?s. My wife was sitting in her chair with my Buddy standing in front of her with his pants around his ankles and his hard dick standing straight up as you stroked it up & down while cupping his balls with your other hand. His eyes were closed tightly, but yours were riveted to the throbbing unit in your grasp. You seemed hypnotized or in a sexual trance at first. Then I saw you glance at the clock and quickly stood up and pulled his head to your naked breasts. His lips and tongue were hungrily devouring your flesh before he sucked 1st one then the other eraser like nipple into his hot mouth causing you to visibly shudder. It was incredible to watch; much more than incredible. It was, without a doubt, the most sexual, erotically Charged event I?ve ever witnessed. I quickly climbed back into the bathroom and closed the window quietly. I looked at my watch and noticed it had been 7-8min. so I flushed the toilet and made some loud noises, to give them time to regroup.

?Well, who is ready for another shot?? I asked, entering the kitchen. ?Everything Ok in here?? ?All?s Swell!? you answered. And we all erupted in laughter and gulped down our shots together. ?Dealer names the bet from now on, ok??

?Good!? ?My deal.? my buddy said. ?Winner of this hand gets 10 minutes to enjoy having two slaves that will obey every command given them by the winner.? ?Any problems?? ?I think we?re in it to win it!? ?Deal the cards.?

Sure as shit, you won again. ?Well I have ten minutes to explore every woman?s fantasy? ?I want you both give me the massage of my dreams, at the same time?.

?Your wish is our command!? we both agreed. ?Good answer! Now follow me.?

You said, over you shoulder, as you staggered into the family room. ?I want those two hassocks, (large padded footstools); made into my massage table, use your imaginations with the room décor.? ?I will be ready in 10 minutes and remember the music!? You spoke like you meant business. ?We hear and obey!?

We bowed down as you exited toward our bedroom. ?Let?s get this room ready for her Majesty?s return.? I said. ?I?ll make the table up, you gather all the candles you can find and grab some incense too.?

The room was quickly transformed from Family room to a candle lit, incense filled, Erotic Massage Chamber, complete with sensuous music playing in the background and the raised massage table that resembled an Altar complete with A thin sheet to cover you and warm oils within our reach. It was perfect, and we Gave each other a high five for our efforts. ?What?s the plan?? Brett asked me.

?Let?s go slow and see how she responds, and go from there. Ok?? ?Talk only if she asks you too, and watch for my hand signals.? ?You got it Bud? Brett whispered, adding, ?Oh, and thank you both for including me tonight!? ?It?s our secret, forever; I SWEAR!? and we shook hands on that. Then our bedroom door opened at the end of the hallway and your silhouette was projected perfectly by the warm, red lights behind you, giving the illusion of transparency to your long, thin robe. It was obvious to us that you were naked underneath it, except for your 7? heels. ?Is everything prepared, as I requested?? you asked, loudly. ?Yes! Your Highness!? we both answered. ?Come see if you approve of our efforts? I added.

?Or if any changes need to be made!? Brett added, quickly. ?Only one small thing do I request.? ?Go change into the outfits laid out in the bedroom for you two.? ?And make it snappy!? You barked at us. And we jumped.

On the bed were 2 large white towels and 2 white scarves and a note that read;

Rinse off in the shower, use the towels around your waists and tie the scarves as head bands. You have 5 minutes to finish and return; signed your Queen. We did just as we were told, but in only 3 minutes! (Talk about two very eager to please Servants!)

Upon our return we saw your robe on the couch and you laid out on your stomach, covered with the thin sheet. We took our places on each side of you.

?I am glad to see you are prompt? ?I like that and I love how the room turned out?. ?It is very soothing yet very stimulating to my senses?. ?Are you ready to work your magic on me?? you asked in your most sexiest of voices. ?We are very, very ready for your instructions.? We both spoke as one. ?My instructions are simple.? You said. ?I want a complete massage.? ?And only two instructions.?

?Neither of you may speak, starting now, and you both are to cover your eyes with the scarves, and keep them covered, on your honor, until I untie them.?

?Shake your heads if you agree and lower your blindfolds!? We accepted in a flash. ?You may remove the sheet and begin?. You spoke now in a very sexy voice, as you felt four hands softly stroking and caressing your body for the very first time.

At first, Brett and I lightly stroked the full length of your body, from your shoulders down to your toes, using only our fingertips lightly brushing your bare flesh, arousing all of your senses. You giggled a little and said we were tickling you too much. ?Could you use a little more pressure for more pleasing and less teasing?? ?This feels very, very good.? ?Oh yes, that?s it.? You coaxed us on and On. We began at opposite ends, applying the warming massage oils as we worked your muscles into mush as we worked our way toward our meeting in your middle. Brett had started on your hand and now finished your arm and was doing a number on your shoulders and upper back. I had done the same from your toes up to your upper thighs. Your breathing was very deep and you were softly moaning with every stroke of our hands. I felt pressure from Brett?s hands as he Reached the top of your ass, just as I touched your upper-most thigh and your beautiful ass cheeks. Your moans were getting noticeably louder and more erotic with each caress.

I reached out and guided Brett?s hands to your left cheek, as I squirted the warming oil over his hands and across your firm ass cheeks, causing you to moan pretty loud as we both massaged your beautiful butt together. We were blindfolded as we had agreed but I could feel your legs spreading slowly, allowing us access to your fully aroused inner ?Pleasure Palace?. Brett & I worked in unison stroking and squeezing down across your ass and then down between your open legs, carefully following the outlines of your swollen outer lips, again and again, as you raised up off the table with each stroke and thrust your hips against our finger tips, silently begging for even the slightest penetration.

We kept this up for several minutes; always remaining just barely on the outer edges of your innermost depths. I know that my cock had never been harder or more excited than at that point in time. I was pretty sure Brett was in the same condition as I was; what normal man wouldn?t be? It was very apparent how excited you had become from your Role as the center of attention. The three of us were totally consumed with lust and desire far greater than any of us could ever remember experiencing before tonight. It was absolutely unbelievable!

?I want to roll over!? you moaned out loud. In an instant, you were on your back with your knees bent, your legs were opened and your feet were planted on the table; as if you needed traction. (Or leverage to thrust with). Brett and I immediately leaned over and devoured your breasts, sucking and licking the most beautiful nipples ever created. Instinctively, I found your exposed neck and gently nibbled and kissed and sucked your most sensitive, sexual ?flashpoint?. You began to whisper in my ear; ?Oh my God! That feels so good!? ?Please don?t stop!? ?I want you so bad!? You told me; again and again.

I kissed you deeply and our tongues swirled in their passionate dance. I was squeezing your right breast at the same time. Brett was sucking on your left nipple as he squeezed your breast in perfect harmony. My hand slowly trailed across your stomach as we kissed Suddenly your moaned very loud and began to shake violently. I soon discovered why; I Reached your beautiful honey-pot and felt the back of Brett?s hand as his talented fingers triggered your first, (of countless) powerful orgasms, you would experience that wildly, incredibly intense night would produce. I felt you grab my throbbing member and stroke it up and down as we continued our hot kiss. ?I love you so much!? ?Are you mad at me?? you began to ask me. ?Mad? I said ?Honey, I?m mad about you! not At You!? ?Do you understand?? I asked you. ?Now I do!? you whispered. ?That was so incredibly intense, I almost passed out!? you said out loud. Both Brett and I remembered our no talk rule and began to applaud you and blindly give you the thumbs up sign. ?I want to do that again!? ?and again!? you squealed. I nibbled and sucked your neck and then whispered this in your ear. ?I only have two rules for you, now.? ?Are you willing to follow them??

?I will obey!? was your instant reply. ?Rule #1. What happens in Vegas; stays in Vegas.? ?Agreed? you said. ?What?s the 2nd rule?? you asked as we began to kiss deeply again. ?Only this.? I said, as I slid my blindfold off my head & onto your head and covered your eyes quickly and completely. ?On your honor; remember?? You simply shook your head in agreement, realizing I had out foxed you, at least for a while. That had me giggling secretly inside at the scene before me. My very horny, very naked, very beautiful wife; blindfolded. And did I forget to let Brett in on the ?new rule change? that you and I had quietly agreed on? I must have! That explains the fact that Brett was still blindfolded as well! How hard my cock had suddenly become; as my wicked lust filled mind raced as dozens of ideas flooded my every thought.

First, let?s get things mixed up a bit. I took your hands off my dick, and then; surprise! I found the other on Brett?s super-hard dick. Hmm! My sexy little wife is VERY horny!

I placed her hands in her lap and she went to work on herself. She is usually shy about touching herself in front of me; but not this night! She licked her fingers & tickled her swollen clit like there was no tomorrow! I reached over to Brett and guided him to switch sides with me quietly and then back to our original spots and it worked perfectly. You were listening intently and were positive that you had caught us trading places. (But not The second time). I placed Brett?s hands on your tits and he went to work with his talented tongue on your nipples as I moved to the end of the table between your knees and slowly kissed from your knees down until I reached your very excited little Kitty.

I made every move I made as awkwardly different than my usual style. You were moaning quite loud as my tongue circled around and around your smoldering wetness.

My pattern of circles grew smaller and smaller until my tongue traced the very hood of your trembling clit. I pushed my thumb slowly into your opening as I sucked your clit into my mouth. You were overwhelmed by the thought of Brett?s tongue on you; you began wildly moaning ?Oh my God! I?m coming!? As the crashing waves washed over you again and again; you uncontrollably reached out and guided what you presumed was my hard cock down between your legs and I swiftly moved aside as you groaned out; ?I have to feel your cock in me right now, Honey!? And in one powerful thrust, Brett was completely buried into your to the hilt. ?Oh Baby! Fuck Me!? you were screaming. I was captivated by the scene before me. My Red-Hot Wife, (blindfolded), was matching my best-friends thrusts; stroke for stroke as he slammed home his throbbing cock again and again, with each stroke your screaming became wilder and more frantic as your orgasms reached their peaks simultaneously. I was unknowingly stroking my pulsating cock in rhythm with you two and as Brett drove that final thrust home; we all exploded in a incredible triple crescendo. I watched you spasm as violent waves of pleasure crashed over your rigid body, as he felt himself explode; Brett pulled out of you and shot streams of come across your stomach and onto your glistening breasts. I exploded onto your breasts and down to your pulsing opening, for what seemed like an eternity. It was amazing and more intense than I had imagined. Brett was spent and as he crumpled onto the floor, I quickly took his place and as I pushed my still rigid member into you and held it there, I released your blindfold and you were convinced it was me from the very start?

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