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The Contest

Pages: 1

From the highway it seems highly improbable that this exit is correct, but that is what the GPS is telling us. The only building I can see is partially hidden amongst the dusty dunes; it appears to be some sort of factory or barn, there’s a silo and a long steel slide leading from the top of it to the ground. I get lost for a moment wondering if all hills within the desert are actually dunes, or if there is some other distinction. The sun is still high and hot and bright. We are both uncharacteristically quiet. I wonder what you’re thinking, but I can’t see your eyes behind the dark lenses of your sunglasses. I hope that my own eyes are hidden behind lenses just as dark so that you can’t see any trace of lingering doubt. This is what I’d asked for, my birthday present after all. I shift and straighten in the seat as you steer the car down the ramp.

Half a mile later and I spot a small sign on the side of the road that says “Bunny Ranch” in pink script letters with an arrow. I picture rabbits and smile,“Not those kind of bunnies,” I think to myself. Around another bend in the road and over another dune and now I can see the “ranch”. It looks like a motor lodge from the 1950s, the parking area is clean but run down, across from the rooms there is another large concrete building that is clearly the main entrance. We drive through a large metal gate and park a few spaces down from the front door. A large sign instructs us that cell phones are not permitted inside. I take mine out and slip it into the glove compartment of our rental car, after a moment I take it out again and turn it off before putting it back inside.

“You ready?” you ask. I nod, the butterflies in my stomach scatter up into my chest before settling back again into a tight knot. I open the car door and the heat is oppressive. Another time, another place, in this heat I would dash for the front door and the promised air conditioning within, but instead I wait a beat for you to stride around the car and I take your hand. You smile at me, the knot loosens. You use your other hand to push open the heavy door and we plunge into cool twilight.

It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust enough to even see that we’re standing in a shabby bar, the sparkles in mid-air resolve to become Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling. It looks like any other dive bar with a few key exceptions. There are three large television screens mounted near the ceiling, two of them are showing baseball games, the other is showing softcore porn – an ensemble piece in flattering light – all are muted. There’s a small stage in one corner surrounded by comfy looking sofas and a bright shiny pole in the middle. The air conditioning here isn’t as harsh as it has been everywhere else we’ve been on this trip, but it is a welcome relief. It is quickly clear why it isn’t as cold as one might expect, there are women here and there, seven or eight, all scantily clad, most in lingerie.

There are only three other patrons, two of whom are chatting with a couple of girls around a table. One is seated by himself eyes fixed on a television screen, but I can’t tell which one. No one is on the stage. Other women are chatting in clusters of two or three, one is leaning up against the bar chatting to the bartender who is also a woman, she is fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. The contrast makes me feel self-conscious of the fact that of the women in the room I’m one of only two who is fully dressed. You squeeze my hand; I wonder how long we’ve been standing there just inside door when you pull me toward the bar. The bartender’s smile is dazzling even in the dim light when she says hello. You order me a bourbon on the rocks and a beer for yourself.

Your beer comes in a bottle, you clink it against my glass and raise it in a little toast, “Happy Birthday.”

I smile up at you, “Indeed,” and take a swallow, slightly bigger than I’d intended. It’s harsh and clean and burns just a little.

The bartender seems thrilled to overhear that it’s my birthday; she excitedly tells the girl who she had been chatting with before our interruption and she turns to congratulate me as well. I take a step closer to her so I can hear her over the music. Her hair is thick and dark but the exact shade is impossible to tell in the dim light, she has a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are ever so slightly wide-set, they sparkle with mischief. I take an instant liking to her.

“Is this your first time here?” she asks.

“It is; not my first time ever,” I add, “…but not here.” She smiles. I realize I’m staring at her chest which spills out above a purple, satiny bra. She has freckles on her chest too. I force myself to meet her eyes. “Do you think we could get a tour?” I ask a bit hoarsely and take another sip. I didn’t sound nearly as nonchalant as I would have liked to; I can feel the warmth of your body right behind me and knowing why we’re here and what we’re about to do, your proximity makes my skin prickle.

She smiles even brighter, “Yes, of course. Right this way.”

She leads us through the bar and out a small door in the back that I hadn’t noticed before. Her ass in matching purple satin panties is perfect, shaped like a peach. The panties tie in matching bows on either side of her hips. There’s a sheer panel stitched to the bottom of the bra that seems somehow to make her more naked underneath. Her waist is soft and sprinkled with freckles. I wonder what it would be like to kiss her. I wonder at how odd it is to know that I can find out for sure for the right price. We’re through the doorway and suddenly there is light again, not harsh lighting but now that I can see her more clearly the red strands in her hair are shining. I meet your eyes and I can tell you approve of my choice. She’s lovely.

She keeps up an amiable stream of conversation, although for my part I only answer direct questions. She asks us where we are from and how long we’ve been together.

When she asks what brought us to town, I say, “This.” She nods and smiles and I finally think to ask her name. Her name is Aubrey. I think that’s perfect too, even if it isn’t her real name.

There are many different rooms with different features like hot tubs and water beds. I think to myself that the building is even larger than it looked from the outside. You ask about her the motel rooms on the other side of the parking lot and she says those are suites for clients who want to spend the night with a girl. At the end of the tour she asks if we have any questions for her, I’m struggling to find the right words when you ask if there’s somewhere the three of us can talk in private.

She says, “Of course!” and takes us to a small room with a large couch. She gracefully sits on one end, crossing her legs and motioning for us to sit beside her. We sit, me in the middle, all of us turned at a slight angle so our knees are pointing toward the center. Aubrey puts her hand gently on my thigh, “What are you interested in?” Even though I’m not looking at you, I can feel you hesitate so that I have a chance to tell her myself what it is that I want.

“Well,” I begin, “what we’re really looking for is… it would be all three of us together and I’d like the two of us to both to go down on him.” She nods, but doesn’t say anything. “At the same time, and one after the other back and forth. Kind of like a contest.”

“A contest?” she asks. “Yes, I, well, I want him to be the judge.” I continue, “This is kind of embarrassing but I want to know if I’m as good as…” in my mind I thought “or better than” but I feared that might be taken the wrong way, “a professional.” She doesn’t look insulted.

“I see,” she says smiling a bit, clearly amused she turns to you and asks, “Well aren’t you just the lucky one?” You agree.

She continues, “We book by the hour and I don’t know how long you’re expecting this contest to take…”

“Oh, afterwards I’d like for the three of us to be able to do other things, just regular sex I guess.” She nods. A price is agreed upon, we’re taken to a small window where you pay in cash and Aubrey leads us to a room featuring a couple of chairs and a large bed. She hands us a fluffy pile of towels and robes and directs us to an adjacent bathroom where we can shower. When we return she has moved one of the chairs to the center of the room and placed two throw pillows in front of it. She removes her bra and we’re both staring openly at her full, round breasts.

“Wow,” I breathe. She smiles at us.

“Most people would rather sit, but you could stand if you prefer,” she says. You remove your robe and sit. Your cock is already half hard with anticipation.

I remove my own robe and turn to Aubrey, “Do you have a blindfold?” She nods and walks over to a small cabinet; when she opens the door I catch a glimpse of any number of brightly colored toys. I want to explore that cabinet and every single thing in it with you and Aubrey, but we only have an hour. I try to focus. She returns with a blind fold and hands it to me.

“He can’t know who is who,” I explain. Aubrey is clearly amused by the entire scenario; her eyes are sparkling. I want to kiss her, but it must wait, I need to focus. When I approach you with the blindfold you protest a little, “Pretty please, it’s my birthday… and you’ll be seeing everything later.” You relent. I tie the blind fold around your head and flash you a peace sign, “How many fingers am I holding up?” You shrug. Good enough. Aubrey and I kneel on the pillows. After a bit of silent negotiation, I go first moving slightly forward in between your legs. I can feel your cock stiffening with the first flick of my tongue, I wonder if you’ll recognize the way I lick you so slow from base to tip, swirling my tongue around the head of your cock. A small appreciative grunt from you and I slide my tongue back down to the base. One more slow lick to the top, but this time I let your cock slip between my lips and further into my mouth, my tongue continues to caress it until it slides in deep enough that the tip of my tongue is now moving back and forth around the base of cock, more than a mouthful to be sure. I move my head slowly up and down, your cock is fully hard now, throbbing between my lips and my tongue. I reach up to caress your balls gently. More grunts from above and I’m lost in my own little world, just you, my mouth and your cock, until I feel Aubrey’s hand gently on my shoulder.

She begins with such enthusiasm that I can’t help but wonder if she treats every man this way. I suspect the contest has inspired her or maybe it’s just the chance to be with such a good-looking client. She’s moving much faster than I would ever start off, her pretty face a blur around your cock, her breasts bouncing up and down with the exertion. You’re grunting faster now. I’m wet and my own nipples are hard with excitement.

I remember the first time I ever gave someone a blow job, he was a few years older than I was but inexperienced. He had climaxed once when we were kissing with our clothes on, me lying on top of him. “Dry humping” is an ugly term for the almost innocent thing we were doing then. I didn’t know at the time what was going on, only that he suddenly seemed embarrassed and wanted to stop. I realized some months later what had happened when he made the same noise while my lips were wrapped around him. My tongue pressed against the side of his cock I could feel a deep throbbing before his cum hit the back of my throat. I loved every second of it and swallowed every drop. I knew then I’d always love sucking cock.

And now I’m thinking about another man, this one twice my age, so very worldly to my eighteen-year-old way of thinking. He was into things I’d never even heard of before, wanting to play kinky games in which I forced him to do my bidding. This evening was different though, I found myself kneeling before him for a change and I began to suck on him. He needed to steady himself and then sit down on the couch.

He came hard in my mouth and as I pulled away he looked into my eyes and said, “Your mouth was made for sucking cock.” I took this as the compliment it was meant to be, for all his kinks and perversions it was a plain, vanilla blow job that had just rocked his world. There would be other men, other compliments and boasts of my skills being, “The best they’d ever had.” I grew proud of my abilities, but I had still wanted to know if I was better than the best, the women (and men) paid ever-so-handsomely for their expertise. Now here I was, up close and very personal with the best in the world and I was no longer sure I could compete.

A slight hesitation caught my attention and I put my hand on Aubrey’s shoulder, she pulled back but instead of pulling away we locked eyes and both of us began to lick and kiss your cock, and then each other, one on either side of your hard dick, taking turns letting it dip into our mouths and down toward the soft spot at the back of our throats. Your muscles tensed, I knew you were getting close. While Aubrey took you once again deep into her mouth, I reached up and took off your blindfold. I didn’t think it was fair that you were missing what promised to be an exceptional view as we pleasured you side by side.

Aubrey and I continued to dance our tongues and lips on and around you, sometimes pressing our lips against one another’s before returning to you, pretty mouths drawn to your penis again and again, hands taking turns caressing your balls and sliding up and down your thighs. Your hand slid into my hair and pulled me even tighter as I took you into my mouth and deep down toward my throat once again. I remained this time, pushing my tongue even tighter around the base of your cock, I felt a deeper throbbing within and I knew you would soon explode. I pulled back when I felt the first drops of your seed spilling into my mouth, then onto my lips, onto Aubrey’s lips and face as well and even a little more spilling onto our chests. You remain frozen for a moment, your cock not even an inch from our mouths. I lick my lips, I lick a few pearly white drops from your cock and then I look at Aubrey who laughs mischievously as I lower my head to lick some of your cum from the top of her tits, while I’m there I let my tongue wander to her stiff nipple. She must be enjoying this too. She returns the favor cleaning some off my cheek with her mouth and then onto my breasts. She sucks on my nipple, I gasp. Our hour has just begun.

We both look at you. You seem spent, dazed even, as you lean back in the chair, eyes closed. I rock back on to my heels and give Aubrey a shy smile.

“Who won?” she whispers.

“He did.” She giggles and with that all affectation falls away. I want to kiss her, but more so I want her to want me to kiss her. As if reading my mind, she moves forward and kisses me softly and slowly on the mouth, her perfect breasts press tight into mine. Her mouth tastes like strawberries, my tongue slips between her lips to find hers and the kiss blooms. She pulls away, takes my hand and stands. She moves like a dancer and like a curtain pulled back I can see the years of formal training in the way she holds herself and the way her muscles ripple just beneath her softer flesh. I would follow her anywhere.

She leads me to the edge of the bed. I reach up to stroke her hair and pull her face back toward mine for another kiss, harder and deeper this time. I hear a little groan in her throat when my hand slides down to her breasts and then further still to her narrow waist. It slips further, her skin is soft, covered in light downy hair. I let my hand drift to one side and down to her hip, a quick tug and the bow of her panties comes loose, and then again on the other side, she takes a dainty step out of her panties. I step back to behold the whole of her body, gorgeously curved and sprinkled with freckles. Her pubic hair is a tiny trim patch of fiery red just above her cunt. I motion for her to lie down on the bed. I crawl in after her and kneel between her legs, grabbing a conveniently thick decorative throw pillow to place under her ass, displaying her sex prominently before us both.

Her pussy is glistening. Her scent is faint, obscured by some sort of perfume or powder, but the smell of her beneath is intoxicating. I begin by tracing my fingertips along the curves and folds of her vulva. She moans softly, her pussy becomes a darker shade of pink, plumping from my attention. I can feel your eyes on me, on us, and it may have been for your benefit that I make a slight adjustment to my angle, lowering my head and lifting my ass higher into the air. It may have also been for her as I am now taking long, slow licks in between her pussy’s lips. She moans slightly louder now. The little wiggle of my butt though, that was definitely for you.

I’m completely absorbed in the sights and sounds of her and her delight in my clever tongue, so I’m taken by surprise when your hands begin to caress my ass. You’re rubbing one cheek in each hand, circling around and letting your hands slip lower down my upper thighs before returning and now the fingers of one hand are slipping into my crack, tickling at the flesh all around my tight, puckered hole. My own wetness has dripped and spread, leaving the entire area slick. Your spread my cheeks and I feel your tongue licking up my wetness, probing ever so slightly into my hole and now I’m beginning to moan as well.

Aubrey is pushing her mound against my mouth, your attention is making it difficult for me to focus; but I am desperate to make her cum and redouble my efforts, slipping first one finger, then two and then three into her pussy while I lavish her clit with my tongue and lips. She shudders and gasps. You stop to watch her climax, I’m both thrilled to be the source of her pleasure but also envious of your view. A soft grunt from you and I imagine you stroking yourself to the sight of us, and that thought arouses me even more. When she settles I straighten up my back, and turn to kiss you deeply; sharing the taste of her on my tongue and lips. When I pull away you lick your lips and then kiss me again.

“Now it’s your turn,” I say. Your cock is hard again and you kneel between her legs, pushing yourself inside of her with very little effort. She cries out again and in an another instant her hips are bucking up to meet yours greedily.

I move away on the bed a bit, prop up a few pillows and lean back to enjoy the sexiest scene I have ever witnessed. It isn’t long before you’ve pulled her over to the edge of the bed, her legs thrown up over your shoulders, and you are pounding her hard and fast. One of my hands nonchalantly strokes my breasts while the other is moving faster between my legs, my clit so hard and slick. Your eyes move from me to her and back again. I feel like I might explode at any moment but I don’t want to blink and miss anything. You roll her over onto her stomach and begin to take her from behind. The bed is the perfect height for this, a thoughtful detail for a brothel. I need you inside of me so badly that I can’t stand it any longer. I join you on the side of the bed, and take my position shoulder-to-shoulder with and mirroring Aubrey.

It takes no time at all for you to oblige and now you’re pounding in and out of me, and then back to her again. Our moans, gasps and squeals punctuate your shifting from one obliging pussy to another. My hand moves beneath her and it takes only a moment to find her clit, a moment later and her fingers are pressing on mine. We rub one another hard when you are pounding us, harder still when you’re not. It takes but a minute, I cum, she comes and before either of us can stop you’re coming as well. The ever-lucky birthday girl gets the honor this time, and I can feel a mixture of the two of us dripping between my legs. This is without a doubt the best birthday gift I have ever been given.

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