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Free Erotic Stories

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One Hot Tamale

Pages: 1

A story of how dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant turned into a real spicy evening.

There must have been a dozen of them, at least, all sitting around the long row of tables that had been pushed together to accommodate such a large party. All between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five, I’d guess by the way they were all dressed in their slutty best; all laughing and carrying on. I could read the look on my husband’s face and knew exactly what he was thinking. ‘Oh Great!… A bachelorette party… Just what we needed right next to our table.’ This was supposed to be our special night out. The kids were at their grandparent’s for the night and we had planned on a nice relaxing evening at our favorite Mexican restaurant. We both love Salena’s in the Village Gate. Great food and the Best margaritas north of the border.

The girls were all laughing and yacking away while the waiters and bus boys were literally falling over each other trying to be the one to fill their water glasses or clear away the empty plates. They kept getting up from their chairs to pose for group pictures with each other’s cell phone cameras. Jesus!... Just take one good one and sit the fuck down! I could tell my husband was getting pretty perturbed. I just smiled at him and told him to order us a few more drinks. They make THE BEST Margaritas at Salena’s. I can’t stop at just one… or two, for that matter. We had already finished most of our dinner and I was beginning to feel the effects of all that Tequila.

I started watching the girls as they cavorted and carried on. The guest of honor was a tall skinny girl with long, straight blonde hair and a pretty face. A little flat chested for my taste, but still, not bad. My gaze moved around the table, quickly surveying the virtual buffet of young, hot, female flesh that was vividly on display. John knows how much I like the young ones; especially with a few nice tattoos, and there were several in the group that had them. A tight ass, tramp stamp and a tongue stud… Oh Baby!... Most were wearing short, tight little dresses with their tits all pushed together and bursting up from within. Teased up hair and stiletto heels with the thin ankle straps. All in all, not a bad looking bunch of hot little bitches, if I do say so myself.

Now…, as a woman in her mid-forties, I can still turn a few heads, but even my daily trips to the gym can’t bring back those good old days of MY twenty something youth. I was a pretty hot mama in those days and it wasn’t hard to catch John’s eye as I walked past the construction site every day on my lunch hour where he had been working that summer. God, he looked good in those dirty, ripped jeans. Six foot two, tanned, muscular arms in a sleeveless shirt, his hard hat, and that sexy fuckin’ tool belt strapped to his waist. I still get wet just thinking about it. And with his sweet boyish smile, big blue eyes, a heart of solid gold and an eight inch hunk of rock hard meat in his pants, it wasn’t hard for him to sweep me off me feet either. But I do still love the soft and tender touch of a hot , horny college co-ed like the ones I use to fuck around with back in school. Those chicks were so fucking horny and always ready. Ha! Just like me. And just like the ones that were all sitting around the big table, slowly getting hammered, not ten feet away from us.

Another margarita down and I was really starting to feel loose. I started leaning over the table, holding his hands and giving my man sexy little kisses while whispering in his ear. “Look at all those hot little sluts over there. I wonder if any of them are still virgins.”

He just smirked at me with that adorable boyish grin of his. “I highly doubt it Juls.”

I glanced back over my shoulder at them, and then back at him. “I’ll bet they’ve never had a cock as big as yours though. Bet they’d piss their pretty little panties if they ever had one shoved down their hot little throats.

John looked at me again, with that knowing smile. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?” He sat back in his chair and sighed. “C’mon Baby, let’s get you home.”

I pulled my hands back from the table letting them fall to my lap. “I am NOT Durrrunck…” I insisted, slurring my words a little as I sat up straight in my chair, unable to from wobbling a little, as I did.

Oh Shit… Who was I kidding? I was fucking hammered. And it was at that moment I realized just how badly I had to pee. Taking a deep breath, I got to my feet and announced to my husband - along with half the tables around us - that I was GOING to the LADIES Room. I swung around on my heels, flipped the hair from the side of my face, and staggered off in that general direction.

On my way down the ramp,… Yes, they have a ramp. A long one too, that leads down from the raised seating area along the windowed side of the room. Oh Great… I thought to myself. I’m drunk… wearing heals… and headed down a ramp. What could Possibly go wrong? I wobble a bit but was able to make my way down to the main floor without incident; right past the large party of girls seated around their table. A few of them eyed me curiously. Those little bitches, all showing off their young, perky tits were soooo hot… Shit! Too bad our table wasn't closer to theirs so I could’ve rubbed myself up against one of them. I could feel my nipples getting hard just thinking about it.

I rounded the corner by the front end of the bar. Oh great, a line for the bathroom... and there’s NOWHERE to really stand with the hostess station right there by the door... Geez this place is really hopping. It's awfully warm too... Feels good on my neck when the front door opens and I get the cool breeze from the unheated foyer on my hot skin.

Well… look who it is coming out of the ladies room... It's one of those beautiful tattooed bitches from the noisy table. Fiery red hair and long sexy legs in a super tight, short black dress. I smile at her, hopefully not in that creepy sort of way. And then… Oh Shit... Did she just smile back? No, wait… One of her friends is right behind me in line. ‘You Dumb-Ass!’; scolding myself. I look back at her. She’s gorgeous too, and soooo close to me. Our eyes meet and we exchange the briefest of smiles. I feel my face start to flush over and I just have to turn back around. Christ! Where the hell is John? I bet he’d just love to see me squirming like this… He'd laugh his ass off.

Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me. "Do you think we can use the men’s room?” Her question catches me off guard. Was she talking to me? Her voice sounds so sweet and innocent. “There's no one waiting in line and, hey, what the fuck... Who cares, right?”

My head was lost in the sound of her voice and what she was saying to me almost didn’t register in my head.

“If the door locks, it's cool with me… I'm not afraid.” My heart skipped a beat. She’s definitely talking to me. “C'mon, let's just do it."

And before I could even think of what to say, she grabs my upper arm with her left hand and moves to the men’s room door. Swinging the door open with her free hand, she shoves me in and quickly locks the door behind us.

Is she serious? Does she KNOW who she's dealing with here? And I’m drunk on Tequila and already so wet and turned on I can barely stand it... Trying not to stumble, I grab hold of the sink. The alcohol is definitely not making it easy but I manage to steady myself and turn to face her. God!... she looks even more gorgeous then before. In one swift motion, she pulls her jeans down and squats over that nasty men’s room toilet. I didn't know if I was supposed to look or not but I was pretty loaded… so I looked. She just laughed and flashed a knowing smile as she stared to relieve her obviously bladder.

"Oh yeah,” she grinned. “I caught you two looking over at our table; whispering shit to each other... That dude your old man??? ", she asked, looking up at me with an amused grin. I felt my face flush again as I started sweating. Christ, it must be a hundred degrees in here. Or is it the alcohol? I just smiled back at her, trying not to show how buzzed I was. Tearing off a wad of paper from the roll, she wiped, stood tall, and slowly pulled her pants up. Hmm, No underwear… Shocking… Then, suddenly, I realized that she had been watching me the entire time I had been staring at her crotch. “Huh?... Umm… Oh…” I stammered. “Yeah, he’s mine… Married twenty-three years now. House, kids, dog, yadda yadda yadda." I looked at her for a moment; my eyes struggling to stay focused in the dimly lit bathroom; or maybe it was the Tequila.

"Don't you have to pee?" She asked as she tried to wash her hands in the pathetic little sink. Not taking my eyes off of her, I stepped toward the toilet, turned and pulled my skirt up around my waist; revealing my own lack of panties. Then I lost my balance and almost fell over. Jesus… Nice goin’, Grace!

"Oh shit, you're really toasted.” she laughed. “Here, let me help you out." She grabbed my elbow and held it tightly as I successfully squatted and finally managed to relieved myself; one hand on the wall and one hand holding tight to her forearm. She grabbed some toilet paper with her left hand, reached down, and gently wiped my pussy. Our eyes met again and I just froze. She smiled sweetly as she slowly withdrew her hand.

Uh Oh. It's gonna be one of those nights. The next thing I knew, I was on my feet, pushing her against the door; my skirt still up around my hips and grinding my bare snatch into her thigh. I had my mouth against her neck. Mmm, just a hint of patchouli oil and...spearmint? She was moaning as I grabbed her little ass and pulled it toward me. My head was spinning and my knees shaking. A sudden knock at the door snapped me back to reality. Shit… Who’s this asshole?

She whispered forcefully to me.... "Fuck Him!... He can wait his turn.”

The knock had startled me and I had let go of her ass. So she grabbed mine and started kneading it with surprisingly strong hands; pressing her thigh harder against my bare pussy.

All I wanted was to kiss her... To get lost in it... To part her pouty lips with my tongue and explore her mouth. My freakin’ brain was on FIRE with it. The asshole knocks AGAIN.

"Jul… You in there???"

Oh shit... That's no asshole, that's my husband. Figures he'd ruin my first kiss with this bitch. I stepped back and disengaged myself.

"That your old man?"


"Is he cool?"

"If you mean, ‘Is he a horny motherfucker?’ than YES."

I pushed her to the right, just behind the door, turned the lock, and cracked the door open a little.

"What the hell are you UP to in there Juls??"

"Is there anyone right behind you???" I answered back in a hushed tone.

"No, not now... There was a line but…"

I opened the door a little more and he saw her step from behind me. She had been pulling down and straightening my skirt. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in. He almost started to protest but quickly thought better of it, and gave up.

"Just get IN here!" I groaned, showing my impatience with his sudden attempt at modesty. Shoving him back against the wall, I quickly shut the door and locked it behind my back. Sooo… there the three of us were, staring at each other like a couple of kids who had just cut class and were hiding from the teacher. I turned and fixed my gaze on her pretty little face. "You suck cock Baby??"

"Uh huh" She said quietly, giving me a timid little nod.

"Then get to it, Bitch." I slapped her ass playfully.

John unzipped his pants faster than I had ever seen, and out came that beautiful long, semi-hard dick. Geez that was fast. And God, I love that dick.

Not wanting to kneel on that nasty wet floor, she simply bent over at the waist, grabbed him at the base of his shaft and began rubbing her big, pouty, red lips all over the head of his rapidly expanding cock. I could see her little pink tongue darting in and out, flicking at the very tip. As his dick grew and stiffened, John moaned loudly. I told him to shut up and flushed the toilet to give us some cover in case anyone was still out there.

As she began to work her wet, luscious, lips over the length of his shaft, I stepped behind her, pulled up my skirt again and grabbing her hips. I began to slowly grind myself against her ass. I leaned over her back and grabbed her hair, whispering to her as I did.

"Let him fuck your mouth, you little slut. Take it all, Bitch." I pushed her head forward and John’s cock slid nearly all the way to the back of her throat. He began to pump harder and faster, causing her to gag a little. She pushed her ass back into me as John grabbed the back of her head and held her tight. With one hand on her hip, I placed my other hand between her legs. The crotch of her pants was sopping wet as I rubbed and squeezed her poor aching pussy through her jeans. She moaned and gagged on John’s cock as he began to breathe heavily; both of his hands still on the back of her head. I knew that look on his face. The first time always comes the quickest.

"That's it baby, pump that fucking cock down her throat and make her TASTE it"

One more groan from John and then, that big grasping PUSH. I knew he was pumping a huge load down her hot little throat. Without losing pace, she swallowed it all, as I continued rubbing her pussy through the soaking wet crotch of her pants as she gulped down the last drops, moaning the entire time. When she stood, I quickly spun her around, placing my hands around her waist, and brought my lips to hers; parting her hot mouth with my tongue; searching for what remained of my husband’s salty seed. I swirled around and around with my tongue, gently sucking and pulling on her lower lip as I withdrew. She tasted wonderful. Mmmm. A mixture of salty sweet, with a hint of peppermint. She was still breathing hard, and making soft little animal noises as our lips and tongues flittered and mingled together. "Holy Shit, Babe,… What the FUCK was THAT?" John gasped, zipping up his pants. I let go of my new obsession and looked up at my tall, sexy, husband.

"Did you pay the bill?"

"Huh? Uh… yes, but..."

"Then pull the damn car around!… We're taking her home."

I pressed my hand between her legs again and whispered with a wicked smile, "You got any problems with that baby?"

She didn't.

After grabbing her coat and saying a quick goodbye to her friends, she joined me at the door and we walked out into the outer foyer, in front of Selena's. It was freezing, but in better light she looked amazing. Her mouth was reddened and her lips still looking slightly swollen from sucking my husband’s cock only a few minutes earlier. There were a few other people in the outer area. I didn't care. Even the cold air wasn't gonna ruin THIS buzz.

She had black hair. Very black. Cut kind of short and crazy with bangs that curved down and partly covered the sides of her eyes. Good sized tits. Not as big as mine but a good solid C anyway. She was a bit shorter than me, but wearing good size heels.

Mmmmm, nice tits, pouty lips and sexy heels. SCORE!

The cold December air had her nipples hard against her shirt and beneath her slightly open jacket I could see them straining for release. I reached over and moved my hand inside her coat to her right breast and squeezed the taut bud through her thin shirt and bra. I didn’t care who might be watching. I kinda like showing off in public anyway. Damn; no one out there even looked twice. Ha. I played with it a little and asked, "You cold Baby?"

"Yeah, it's freezing you crazy bitch" she said, clenching her teeth, but then she smiled. “Where are we going?"

John pulled up with the car, and putting my arm around her waist, I led her out of the door of the waiting car. I opened the back passenger door and she got in. I was right behind her. The car was already warm and as I glance into the rear view mirror and met with my husband’s knowing gaze. God, I Love that guy.

"Home James!" I said, reached over to play with her nipples again. She leaned her head back against the seat and moaned.

"Christ!... What am I DOING?" she groaned, mournfully.

I could tell she still had a pretty good buzz going and I was going to put it to good use.

Fixing my gaze on her, I scooched in closer to her, turning my upper body in her direction. Grabbing her thigh, I pulled her right leg up and crossed it over mine. Her ass slid down in the seat and her legs fell open. With my right hand on her thigh, my left moved to her nipple and rolled it gently between my fingertips.

I breathed into her ear… “Nothing you don't WANT to do, Sweetie...” A soft moan escaped her lips and I felt her body shudder as I pinched a little harder.

“So, what do you WANT to do?" I squeezed her nipple more forcefully and placed my right hand between her legs, pressing my palm into the warmth I found there.

"Hmmmmm??? What is it you want, Honey?" I asked again, in a softer, almost baby vioce.

Her eyes were closed and she said softly, "I don't know. I just… I… just want... More."

I covered her sweet little mouth with mine and gently swept my tongue inside hers. I imagined her pussy being as soft and hot as her mouth. She was moaning and making those little noises again. ‘SHIT, this bitch is really turning me on.’ I though to myself. ‘Christ! This is gonna be fun.’

I kept kissing her gently, not moving in, but rather maintaining just the minimum pressure needed; Just teasing her. She started kissing back more passionately; rising up to take more of my tongue into her mouth, reaching for me with her hands. My face was hovering just out of reach and she wanted more... If there’s one thing I knew, it’s how to make a hot little slut like her, BEG for more.

I had one hand rubbing her crotch, and the other, still pinching and pulling at her nipple. I was close but I wouldn't lean into her. It was driving her crazy. With her one leg still thrown over mine and her knees wide apart, she couldn’t grab or pull me closer. Poor little hot bitch, she was all mine and I was gonna play her right.

I heard John clear his throat. He didn't have the radio on; he always has the radio on, but tonight all he wanted to hear was the sweet music coming from the back seat. I’ll bet he was already hard again just from the noises she was making. "We're almost home Babe." he said evenly. I bet he's a little worried too. The last bitch I brought home tried to steal money out of his wallet. Ha! That little cunt will sure think twice about ever doing THAT again. I stopped kissing her, pulling away abruptly, and said, "Hurry up and climb on top of me." She looked confused. It was soooo sexy. I took her leg off of mine and sat facing forward. I motioned for her to straddle me, one leg on each side of my hips. It took her a few moments to maneuver around, but she finally climbed up and sat on my thighs facing the rear window. I put my hands up, elbows bent; palms open to her, back against the seat. She took the hint and wrapped her hands around each of my wrists, pressing them into the back of the seat.

Now I was the one who moaned.

She bent her head down and forced me to kiss her. Opening my mouth wide with her tongue and pressing those big beautiful lips against mine HARD. I imagined her pussy, all wet and swollen, and how I would push my whole face inside of it. When she stopped and moved her waist back for a moment, I let out a whimper. I wanted more of that tongue in my mouth. She let go of my wrists, pulled her shirt up and yanked her bra down, exposing her firm breasts and thick hard nipples to me.

"Suck my tits, Baby... I want to feel your mouth on them." She was kneading her breasts and leaned one of them toward my mouth. I took it eagerly, sucking and licking the hard nipple. I ran my hands up her back and pulled her closer to me. We were both moaning and writhing on the seat. With her hands behind my head, I moved my hands down under her ass and gave it a firm squeeze. I hope she likes it in the ass. My John will fuck the HELL outta that beautiful little ass, given half a chance.

Me??? I just want her pussy. I want to taste it and rub her swollen lips all over my face. I want to suck her hard little clit while lying underneath her as John rams his hard cock into her ass. I felt almost delirious; completely lost in the moment. She was moving rhythmically; rocking back and forth as she pressed her other nipple into my warm mouth. "We're home." His voice echoed in the back of my brain. I almost didn’t want it to be so. I was enjoying our little back seat party. Quickly exiting the car, we led our new toy in through the side door of the house.

"Take her downstairs. I'll be down in a minute." She looked slightly alarmed. "Don’t worry. It's just the basement.” I said with a wicked little grin. “We're gonna do some… ‘Laundry’."

She smiled and turned toward the stairs. John followed, pausing to look back at me questioningly. I kissed him deeply and gave his stiff rod a gentle squeeze through his pants.

"Go ahead Baby, have at her. I’ll be down in a minute." I knew he wouldn't go too far without me. I call the shots when it comes to sharing a new toy. He likes it that way… Most of the time.

"Oh, and give me your wallet." I said with a smirk. He laughed, pulled it out of his back pocket and handed it to me before taking the stairs down. I went up to the kitchen, then upstairs to the bathroom to clean up a bit. When I got back to the basement, I had three bottles of water and a small tube of lube, and was wearing just my bra and skirt. What a sight I was greeted with.

There was John with his pants off, getting his cock sucked again by this horny little slut, who was sitting in his computer chair. There was a nice porn video playing on the computer screen and you could hear the action on the screen accompanied by John’s heavy breathing and her own soft moans. I knelt down next to the chair as she took her hot little mouth off his cock. Holding it tightly she started tapping it against my pursed lips. I always love it when John does that to me too.

Soon both our faces were pressed together, both flicking our tongues up and down his shaft. She came off the chair and knelt beside me. He grabbed the hair on the back of both our heads and pushed them to opposite sides of his cock. We sucked along each side as he pushed his hips in and out, as if he were fucking a big pair of tits. He had two sets of slippery wet lips sliding up and down his shaft as it pulsing and twitched. He would slide it all the way back so our lips were pressed together at the very tip; forcing us to kiss while alternately flicking our tongues across the shiny head of his throbbing member. I loved licking his cock, and the feeling of her little tongue touching mine and sweeping across my lips at the same time was electrifying. I just wanted her; every inch of her.

John let go of our hair and I took my mouth off his cock and turned to her. I pulled her shirt up over her head and she took her bra off. Reaching for her breasts, I placed a thumb on each nipple and began rubbing across them over and over...faster and faster. She reached for me and brought those pouty swollen lips to my mouth. She kissed me as if dying of thirst... so hungry to taste my mouth… to suck on my tongue... so strong.

I kept working my thumbs over her nipples as she kissed me more feverishly. She was making those little animal sounds in my mouth again. My pussy was throbbing; aching to be touched. I know she was feeling just the same. I let go of her tits and, grabbing the hair on the back of her head forcefully, I pushed her head towards Johns cock again.

"Suck his cock, baby. All the way down."

John stepped in closer and she opened that pretty little mouth wide as she started to take him all down, with one stroke. He's pretty big, so I know that’s no easy feat. I moved her head slowly, giving her time to ease it all the way in. The animal noises were replaced with deep moans and gagging sounds. I leaned in close to her ear.

"I bet you'd like me to play with your little pussy while you suck his cock, huh? Make you feel good, Baby… Make you Cum?" She let out a deep groan.

"I am gonna slide my tongue up and down those sweet pussy lips of yours and make you beg for it. Make you fuck my mouth like a good little slut. You wanna cum in my mouth, Baby?"

She made that unmistakable ‘Mmmmmm’ sound between her wet sucking and gagging, and I let go of her head and grabbed the small tube. I looked up…

Have I mentioned how much I love that guy?

He was standing right underneath the grab handles I had asked him to install on the basement ceiling. The ceiling is low down here, so I had asked for the handles in order to steady myself while he went to work on me. Now, of course, it was his turn to make use of them while we go to work on Him. I can juuuuuust reach them but John is taller and can easily reach.

"Spread your legs Honey." I said while tapping the outside of his thigh. She was still expertly working her mouth on his cock, sucking and swirling that pink little tongue all around it, both of her hands on the base of it; pulling it into her hungry throat.

I went behind him and ducked my head under to gently lick and suck his balls. They filled my mouth as I rolled them in and out, sucking very lightly so as not to hurt him. I began to lick that area just underneath his balls before his asshole, teasing him. I cupped his balls and licked dangerously close to his puckered little hole. I could hear him moaning. Ducking my head back out I said to him, "Grab those handles and spread wide for me, Baby."

He reached up and grabbed the smooth, cold handles; parting his legs as I instructed, in wild anticipation. As she looked up, she seemed to get the idea and knowing he was a little helpless at the moment, she sat back on her heels and started teasing his cock; just sucking the tip and running her open mouth along the underside of his shaft, slowly and gently. She took her hands away and just used her mouth and tongue to torture him.

I squeezed the tube of lubricant onto my hand and rubbed it in slow circles all along his balls and the area underneath; moving closer and closer to his tender asshole. Needless to say, I keep my fingernails very short for just such an occasion. He was moving around more now, but still somewhat constricted from having to hang onto the handles for support. I slid the tip of one finger across his asshole just as she, once more, swallowed his cock down her greedy throat. She wrapped one hand at the base of his shaft, and was using the other to gently pump up and down his length, pulling it into her mouth.

I watched her carefully and she was eyeing me back. I nodded slightly to her as I began to slide my finger into John’s tight little hole. She clamped her lips down hard, at the tip of his cock and, as I slowly pushed my finger deeper into him, she inched her hungry mouth down the length of his cock. He rolled his head back and pulled harder on those handles. When I encountered resistance, I just wiggled my finger a little and kept gently pressing on; pushing insistently into his tight, quivering rectum. A deep guttural moan came up from the bottom of his lungs.

Moving directly behind him, I couldn't see her anymore. I needed John to push back into my hand so I spread his ass cheeks with my other hand. "Fuck me Baby. Push your ass back into me."

Poor John wanted more of my finger in his ass too but in order to push back he had to pull his cock further away from her mouth.

"C'mon Baby; fuck it. Fuck my finger with your sweet ass."

She must have got the message too because every time he would push his hips back into my hand, she would let his cock slip from between her lips. He would then thrust forward again ramming his swollen tool back into her softly sucking lips. It must have been pure torture for him and I could hear his pathetic whimpers as he moved back and forth, begging for more with every second that passed.

I began to feel less and less resistance as I snaked my finger deeper into his hole and he moved his hips faster and faster. Soon, I could hear the sloppy wet sucking noises she was making as she kept up the pressure; pumping and swallowing his cock. I started to fuck his ass faster; turning my finger just the right way to rub against his prostate as I spread and massaged his ass cheeks with my other hand.

"Alright Baby, are you gonna cum for us now? Do you like being fucked and sucked like this? Do you want more Baby?" Poor John, standing there on his tip toes, writhing and moaning, unsure of which direction to move his hips.

"Please… Please… Oh God it feels so good. Please don't stop… fuck me... don't stop..."

We both picked up the pace a little and his body started trembling. His arms and shoulders were beginning to tire from holding himself up by those handles as his legs became more and more unstable. He started jerking and crying out, in ecstasy as much as tortured agony…

I slid another finger in his ass and fucked them in and out with long, deep strokes. She was doing the same thing with her mouth in front of him; sucking his cock hard and fast down her throat; using both her hands to pump up and down the length as she sucked. He jerked back into my hand HARD and I knew he was about to cum.

"He's Cumming!” I said. But she was already well aware of this.

“C'mon Baby; fuck that cock into her mouth. Give it to her... She wants to taste it again... Give her your sweet cum one more time.”

I could hear her gagging a little when I felt his ass suddenly clench around my fingers. His balls tightened as he pumped another huge wad of semen down her throat. I kept my fingers moving deeply and steadily into his ass the entire time as he loaded her mouth with cum. He was helpless to it; clutching those handles for dear life as he moved spastically, forward and back, bucking his hips wildly. It seemed like he was cumming for five whole minutes. Not bad for the second time tonight.

Did I mention how I love that guy?

When she finally sat back, I removed my fingers quickly and he stumbled over to the chair, nearly falling over as he slumped down into it. She had a dazed look on her face as well, but when she looked over at me, her expression slowly changed. An evil little grin began to spread across her face. I threw her a bottle of water, and then watched as she drank; those pouty swollen little lips sucking so sweetly on the mouth of that bottle. Watching her throat muscles contract and then relax, as she guzzled it down, made my pussy ache.

"Put some music on, Babe." He knows what I like.

"Hey, what's your name, Sweetie?" I called over to her.

She put the water down, crawled over to me on all fours and pushed me down onto my back. She laid her whole body on top of me and placed her entire mouth over mine. She pressed those puffy, swollen lips against mine again and I opened wide to let her inside. I could barely taste the salty cum on her tongue as she swept it eagerly inside my mouth. OK, I thought… Who the fuck CARES what her name is?

Bringing this sexy bitch home was definitely the BEST idea I have ever had while drunk on tequila; even better than the purchase of that double headed dildo while we were on vacation in Myrtle Beach. She rolled off of me, and I whined a little at the loss of that sexy little mouth... but then she began kneading my breasts. They are big and soft and swell nicely out of my bra. She pulled the left one up and over the top. She brought those sweet, sweet lips to my nipple and began sucking it ever so gently. A soft moan escaped my lips and, with it, she began to suck hard and steady; squeezing its softness with a delicate hand. I could see her face, eyes closed; she was making a humming noise, moving her head from side to side as she suckled. I arched my mid-back, placing my left hand behind her head, gently pressing her to me.

She slid her left hand down my thigh and tugged my skirt up to expose my now dripping snatch. I immediately spread my legs and she began to rub my pussy so lightly. Good thing I had just shaved this morning. "Ooooh, So soft and silky smooth." she whispered to me, running her gentle fingertips lightly across my pussy lips; slowly stroking me. "Mmmm, and so wet too? Is your pussy nice and wet for ME, Baby?" Her voice was SO soft and sexy as she spoke.

I just groaned and she abruptly plunged two of her slender fingers deep into me. "Ohhhh Yeaaaahhh! That's it Baby, please… PLEASE!" I begged.

She placed her right arm underneath my neck and upper shoulders and drew me close enough to taste her lips again. I turned towards her with my upper body and attached my mouth to her pink little nipple; swirling my tongue all around it. The tight little nub became harder as I began to suck. Those little animal noises started again and I could feel my hips take on a mind of their own as they began to lift up to match the thrusting of her fingers inside my saturated hole.

I took more of her small soft breast into my mouth; grasping and burying my face into her chest. She turned so that I could have the other breast; licking and teasing the nipple with my lips and tongue. She slid a third, and then all four, fingers deep into my wetness; plunging them in and out, then rubbing the slickness up and down the length of my pussy lips; zeroing in on my enormous swollen clit. I moaned even louder.

"God, fuck me, please! Yes, make me cum..." I was moving my hips faster and faster, thrusting them up with more force. She turned her palm up and began curling her fingers; pressing on the inner wall of my cunt while mashing and rubbing my clit with her thumb. Oh God, I was in heaven.

Out of the blue, I heard John’s voice; standing over us. "Time for you to lick some pussy, Bitch!" It's so cute when he tries to sound scary.

He grabbed her by the hair and began to lead her head down my body. I released her breast and she withdrew her hand from my pussy, there were sloppy, sucking noises all at once. She didn't need to be forced. She knelt before me and, with John’s hand still on the back of her head, began to lick my swollen slit; the entire length of it, just like she had done with her hands before. Like a hot, hungry child, she licked me up and down; just barely parting my pussy lips with her tongue. After having her fingers inside me, I wanted more. I drove my hips upward into her face, begging her, my pussy pleading to be fucked by her tongue.

John knelt down next to me, his hardness bobbing up and down right next to my head. He placed a hand beneath my head and gently fed that beautiful monster of a cock to me. He knows how I like to cum with my mouth stuffed with cock and moved closer so I couldn't back away from it.

Did I mention how much I Love that guy?

He slowly pressed it deeper as I sucked it and tongued it eagerly; looking up at him helplessly. I was at the mercy of her soft tongue, fucking me, insisting I cum; and his long, throbbing, member filling my mouth and forcing it to open wider and wider.

I spread my legs wider; my wanting was evident as I thrust my hips toward her face; her lips suckling my clit now; her hands spreading me open. She placed her fingers back inside me as she continued to suck. She didn't let up on the pressure, driving her hand with longer, harder thrusts, in and out of my wet, sloppy cunt. My hips were moving spastically. I couldn't control it. John matched the thrusts of her hand with his hips and forced me to keep up; his hand, gently but firmly, on the back of my head. I was helpless to them. I felt the wave begin to rise inside me. I started to moan, gagging on the dick being forced down my throat.

As I reached the top, my hips rose up, my throat relaxed and she drove her hand deep inside me as John’s cock slid completely down into my throat. I couldn't make a sound. I couldn't even breathe as I came. I jerked and gagged, feeling completely full; no longer in control of my body. She stayed right with me; her face and hands riding me; never slipping away in the slightest. I convulsed over and over; jerking and twitching until John pulled back, allowing my lungs to take in a much needed breath.

Still cumming, I gasped for air; my body moving by itself. As my breathing slowed, I felt spent, but still wired, as if any touch would feel like an electric shock, sending me into another spasm. She sensed this and pulled completely away. Kneeling on the floor with her pretty little face all wet with my juices, she reached for her water bottle. John threw her his shirt to wipe her face. He hadn’t cum this time. Probably couldn't, which was a little disappointing. I love feeling his hot cream filling my throat. But he knows we’ll have plenty more opportunities tonight, exploring our new found friend together.

She’s One Hot Tamale…

Pages: 1

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