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Families of Sex I - Couples

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s that had, but I alway dislike the idea.

Actually it sounded to much like lesbianism and that repulsed me entirely, what I wanted was like what every woman wants, a husband that can fill her up and satisfy her.

After I straightened myself and the car up, I started the engine and went to leave the building. At the edge of the door I saw Bob and Martha, walking out of the office enterance, smiling and laughing arms wrapped around each other. `That's what I want,' I thought.

Chapter L Dinner Plans I met Jake at lunch at his locker. We were going to go for a walk during the lunch hour and discuss our parents. Jake took my hand and we started out of the school. When were a good half block away from the school, our conversation began.

`I've talked to my parents,'

`And what did they say,'

`Well, my Dad called you a tramp first,'

`There's a compliment you couldn't beat,'

`Yeah, well after he'd finished my mother called us both sluts.'

`I was wrong,'

`You're right, and that was just the start,'

`How long'd it last,' I asked feeling sorry for him.

`Oh, 'bout two hours,'

`That long,'

`Yeah, the first hour was the worst, the whole time they yelled. The second hour they were both growing horse, so I got to talk the most.'

`How did it end,'

`Well, I told them that I really didn't care what they thought,'

`What did they say?'

`I have to be out before the end of the week!'

`Oh, Jake, did it really have to go that far,'

`My love, I didn't know what else to do, they didn't think I was old enough to marry you,'

`Marry me,'

`You are my friend, my lover, my mate. And the mother of my child and I know he will not grow up to be a bastard, that I would never ever permit, so will you marry me, I know the ring won't be a rock, I don't know even if I can afford one, but, together we are meant for each other, you and I both know that, will you marry me?'

`Jake, the ring can be the size of a speck of dust, the answer would still be, YES, but we need my mothers permission.'

`We'll tell her together, about both, tonight,'

`We can't not tonight, she's throwing a dinner party with Bob,'

`What should I do about my stuff,'

`I'll tell you what, tonight when my mother's gone we'll go back to your house, we'll take Carrie and Sandi with us, and we'll get as much stuff as we can and you can move in with me, my mother shouldn't mind to much, I don't think my mother will explode like your parents did, at least I hope.'


I had decided to take the afternoon off to plan for the dinner party, but I was having a real problem with the idea of only three people. It didn't seem even enough.

For my second visit to Bob's office it was easier. The secretary knew exactly who I was this time and she didn't squable over me going straight into Bob's office. The only thing that seemed odd was the way she blushed when I first came in. I didn't know what it meant, but after a second I forgot about it.

"Hello Bob," I said getting his attention away from the drafting board.

"Martha, well are you ready for tonight."

"As ready as I'll ever be, what do you think I should make,"

"Other than yourself,"

"Silly," I said smacking his arm giggling a little. Then seriously I said, "I'm for desert, not dinner,"

"Beg your pardon, madam,"

"Well what should I make, Chicken, Turkey, Roast Beef, or is your boss a vegetarian, god I don't know what I'll do if he is,"

"Calm down, you've got nothing to worry about, just be yourself and you can make Roast Beef, I think he'll enjoy that,"

"Bob, I don't know if I like the numbers they just don't seem to add up right in my head, we should invite somebody else make it an even four, I don't like the sound of three, at least not for dinner."

"Well, who can we invite at such short notice, well you find someone and invite them, ok, honey. But right now I'm kind of busy so..."

"Alright I'll go, but I'll see you later, Ok," I said kissing his lips.

"Count on it," he said smiling at me.

I left his office and closed the door behind me.

"Ms. Benchino, I'm really sorry about yesterday,"

"It's all right Irina, it's not your fault, you never saw me before yesterday,"

"I know, but the amount that Bob...I mean Mr. Davis has carried on about you I feel that I should have known it was you,"

"Irina...say what are you doing tonight,"

"Nothing much, probably just watch some TV and fall asleep," I turned around and walked back into Bob's office.

"Bob, can you afford to give Irina the rest of the afternoon off,"

"What?" Bob said turning around in his stool to face me again. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to steal your secretary and get her to help me cook dinner, that is if its all right,"

"Well, I guess I can,"

"Great!" I said turning around and closing his office door behind me again.

"Irina get your purse,"

"Why what's going on?" she asked me.

"Your going to be going to a dinner party tonight, and we've got to get ready for it,"

"Me, where?"

"At Bob's house, it's going to be you, me, Bob, and James, I think his last name is Oyster,"

"Our boss, why is he going to be there,"

"Well that day I kept Bob home, we had to invite him to dinner to keep him from firing Bob, at first I don't think he believed we were getting married."

"But I should stay here, I've got to work,"

"I talked to Bob already, you've got the afternoon off, come on we've got to buy you a dress, a roast and then we got to start cooking, you can cook right?"

"Well, a little,"

"Good, because the only really cooking lessons that I've had was reading the directions on the side of a box, that is for the last ten years or so,"

"Are you sure this is all right with Mr. Davis,"

"Yes, honey, I'm sure, now lets go,"


"You look absolutely stunning," Martha told me as I stood infront of a full length mirror, admiring the sleek sexy dress I had bought today. "Now all we have to do is add the odd little touch. Here just sit down," she told me pulling a chair away from a makeup table.

"I think you'll look good with your hair up," she said looking at my hair fiddeling with it, until finally she went to work.

"I'm really surprised you invited me," I told her as she started brushing my hair.


"I don't know, not to many people ask me out to social occasions,"

"Well, thats a surprise, such a beautiful young woman like yourself, I'm surprised you didn't have men beating down your door!"

"Well, I'm not that popular,"

"Your probably just shy, I never had that problem, actually a couple times I actually wish I had, if I hadn't of jumped into some relationships, I would have been a lot better off,"

"Like what?"

"Well, one guy I met after my marriage fell apart, infected me with some sort of disease, I don't recall what it was, it was such a long time ago, the doctors cured me of course but they also said that I could no longer have kids they said that what ever it was made me sterile.

At the time I nearly jumped at the guy, I was drunk, it was late and I was away from my girls, and well it just happened, and I can't help thinking that if I had of been a little more shy I never would have met that guy, but then again, if I had been shy with Bob, I never would have met him,"

"How did you two meet anyway," I asked her a look of uncomfort spread across her face.


"If you don't want to talk about it, it's all right, I can understand,"

"Thanks. There how does that look." Martha said finishing coning my hair, leaving one strand to hand down over my forehead.

"That looks great,"

"Now all you have to do is add some makeup, can you do that while I change,"

"Yeah," then without really trying to cover herself she undressed behind me. I know it was her bedroom and all but. She dropped and kicked her panties away towards the closet and moved towards a plastic wrapped package hanging in the closet.

"I bought this, for last weekend," she explained unwrapping the dress.

"For when Bob, took me to the theater, but I never got the chance to wear it, what do you think," she said holding it up against her.

"It looks beautiful," I told her, she lowered the dress and exposed her bare breasts, which she wasn't embarrassed about me seeing. Then she lowered the dress even further and exposed me to the fact that all her pubic hair was shaved off.

"I'm sorry, is my nudity bothering you," she said seeing my look of discomfort. "I really don't bother to think some times, its just that I'm comfortable with my appearance and I don't mind people seeing it. I'm sorry!" she said slipping in to the dress. It was low cut at the top and high cut at the bottom. "Will you zip me up please." she said turning around. The zipper in the dress nearly went all the way down to her bottom.

Hesitantly I moved toward her and touched the zipper and slid it up touching her warm flesh at the top. "My daughter helped me pick this dress out, when she was home sick from school last Tuesday, she thought I looked sexy in it, what do you think?"

"I think she was probably right," I said sitting down again. Martha moved so that she was standing beside me and started applying make up.

"Don't you think you should wear some underwear tonight,"

"Why?" she said seriously to me.

"Well, won't it be uncomfortable sitting there with two men, and sort exposed.

"That makes it all the better, then anyone who wants to can reach out and just touch me, besides a woman's pussy is like a flower that secrets honey and smells just as sweet.

And men are just like bees, they flock to a flower for the sweet taste of nectar. Besides its also in a way exhilirating, being exposed like that to anyone who dares to look.

Although nobody really seems to bother, men look basically at tits and ass, thats the way they are. Women look at the face and occassionally the body.

Nobody really goes out of the way to look up a womans dress, and if somebody happens to look between your legs at your pussy when your out, it just makes you feel all that more attractive, and it also makes you horny as hell," she said finishing with laughter.

"Have you done it often," I said somewhat squemishly.

"Every once and awhile, not to often of late though. Listen, why don't you try it tonight, if you don't like it you can alway excuse yourself to go to the ladies room and put your panties back on."

"I don't know, thats really not my style,"

"Oh, come on, just try it, it really isn't that bad."

"I just don't know about that, it doesn't seem right,"

"Look, why don't you take them off now, and just see how it feels with only me here, if you don't like it you can put them on,"


"Come on," she pleaded.

"Allright, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it right now, with only you here," She smiled at me.

"That'a girl," she said watching me expectantly.

"Would you turn around please,"

"All right," she said turning around. Quietly I slipped my panties off, out from underneath my dress, I was glad I had finished my period the week before. I could feel my pubic hair rustling against the inside of my dress.

It did feel sort of exciting.

"Done," I said and she turned around.

"How does that feel,"

"Kind of drafty," I replied.

"You'll get used to that, lets go check on dinner. It should be nearly done."

We went down to the kitchen and started checking the contents in the pots.

The potatoes and the peas were done, all that was left was the carrots and the beef. Then we both heard the key turning in the lock at the front door.

"There here," Martha said looking at me. "How do I look,"

"Great, what about me?"


We moved in to the hallway and waited for the door to open, when it did Martha moved towards the two men. Bob was as handsome as ever, and the large form of James Oyster appeared behind him. Martha kissed Bob passionately, while James looked uncomfortable being squeezed against the door. Then she did something I hadn't expected she kissed Oyster, right on the lips, not as passionately as she had kissed Bob, but more than a friendly peck. He looked surprised to at his surprisingly warm welcome.

Martha then kissed Bob one more time and then whispered something in his ear. He looked at her and then turned and looked at me and smiled.

"Come on in and sit down, dinner's just about ready, Mr. Oyster you know Irina, don't you, Bob's secretary." she said introducing me to him properly.

He was quite pudgy, more so at night it seemed.

We all moved toward the dinning room and sat down at the small round table, it was just big enough to seat all four of us. I felt awkward, as Martha excused herself so she could go back into the kitchen. I excused myself and followed her in. Both men returned to talking softly amongst themselves.

"Martha, I don't like this, I feel like I don't belong here."

"Sure you do, look do you want to know a secret, this is how I get passed those awkward dinner moments, especially when I'm not wearing...what I do is I simply touch myself under the table. Any problems will just seem to disappear, but becareful not to touch yourself to much." she said lifting the carrots. "One time, when I went for dinner with my ex-husbands parents, I felt so uncomfortable, I actually brought myself to orgasm. I kept quiet, but everybody saw my change in attitude and I think they knew what I did."

"But what about the juices,"

"What about them,"

"Where do I wipe them,"

"What are you talking about, you don't wipe them off, if you wipe them anywhere it should be on your food. Don't you think the queen bee drinks from the flower too,"

I looked at her shocked. "But it's disgusting,"

"No it's not, trust me, now go out there and talk to them," she said and then kissed my lips, "there's two bees out there." I staggered out into the dinning room now really confused.

"Is something wrong," Bob asked me.

"No nothing," then I noticed that the men had changed their seats so that us women had to sit between both of them. I sat on the seat farthest from the kitchen thinking that it would be easier for Martha to sit down and get up, so Bob was on my right.

"So how do you find working for Bobby here," James asked me.

"I like it very much Mr. Oyster, he's a good person to work for,"

"Hell, call me Jim would you there's no need to be formal."

"Alright, Jim," I said trying out the name.

"And you know you can call me Bob outside of the office,"

Martha then brought out the first few bowls of food, quickly returning for the another set, then finally bringing out the roast and setting it infront of Bob to cut. Then finally she sat down across from me and tried to reassure me by smiling.

Chapter LI After Dinner "Why were you kicked out," Carrie asked Jake, sitting on her bed.

"You haven't told her yet," he asked me and I shook my head.

"Well, to bluntly put it, Christa's pregnant, and were going to get married, and my parents don't like it,"

"What?" Carrie shouted jumping up off of her bed. "You porked my sister and got her pregnant."

"Carrie, that's not important," I said trying to intercede.

"What the hell do you mean it's not important, its an unwanted pregnancy,"

"Carrie, it is wanted,"

"You lousy self-centered piece of shit," Carrie said proding Jake in the chest. "How the hell could you,"

"Carrie, calm down," I tried to tell her but she was to flared up, she probably wasn't even hearing me.

"How the hell could you, first you sleep with me, then you sleep with my sister, and on top of that you get her pregnant, what's next my mother,"

"Already done," I told her not thinking.

"What? You slept with my mother too, you lousy shit,"

"Carrie, you didn't mind it too much when you were on the recieving end,"

"What the hells that got to do with it,"

"Look, Carrie arguing about it won't change the facts, we love each other, I'm pregnant, a pregnancy that is wanted, and we are getting married."

"At your age, what about your goals, what about working, remember you wanted to have a job out in the work force so bad. For gods sakes Christa your only just seventeen."

"Carrie listen to me would you, you gave him to me, remember, I could do anything I wanted with him, right, well so we're going to have a baby together Carrie. There's nothing greater than that. Carrie, I'm going to be a mother, you should at least be happy for me."

"I suppose I am, but damn it Christa, your only seventeen."

"If you were pregnant instead of me, would I come down on you like you are on me. Carrie don't you understand this is what I want, this means more to me than anything. Carrie, I want your help. The least you can do is help gather some stuff and bring it here. After that you don't have to do anything. I won't even ask you to babysit, ever."

"Christa, its just that you have your whole life a head of you and you want to get married and have a kid."

"Don't call it that please, I hate the word kid, I alway have."

"Fine, you want to get married and have a baby, what's that going to do to your life."

"Carrie it doesn't matter, I'll take it one day at a time, as life should be taken, but will you help us tonight. Please, do it for me."

"Christa, you know I've always been behind whatever you've wanted. If you want this, I'll help. I'll even babysit my neice or nephew."

"Thank you Carrie," I said hugging her tightly. "Thank you,"

"It's all right, lets get going, Jake you go get Sandi, I she should be in the kitchen making me a snack."

"Are you sure about this," Carrie asked wrapping an arm around me when Jake left.

"Positive," I replied and then kissed her.


"...and don't you ever come back," Jake's father shouted at all of us, but mostly toward Jake as we stowed the last bit of luggage into the car.

"Don't worry Dad I won't, you bastard," Jake shouted in reply as he got behind the steering wheel. With a screech of tires Jake backed out of the driveway and his old home was gone out of sight.

"Jake," I said trying to comfort him, he was mad I could tell and upset, it hurt my heart to see him like that but all I could say was "I love you!"

For the rest of the ride no one spoke a word. The silence was almost unbearable, each minute that passed tore at my heart more and more.


"Just a small piece for me, please," Irina said as Bob was passing out the roast beef.

"Oh go on, have a good piece," Jim prompted her.

"I'm trying to watch my figure," Irina said "just a small piece please,"

and Bob obliged her.

"Honey from where I'm sitting you don't have to worry about your figure, your figure looks great," Jim said rudely. Irina looked shocked from his attitude and I think half way surprised at the compliment, but I did notice her hand disappear from the table for a second.

"Are you satisfied that we're getting married yet," I asked Bob when he was nearing finishing his dinner. His hand disappeared from the table and I could feel his pudgy fingers on the inside of my legs, then he slowly slid them up, eventually running a finger over my bare pussy lips. I didn't squirm or fight him, actually what I did was open my legs a little.

"Not quite yet," Jim replied smiling at me as he withdrew his fingers from my pussy, although not taking them off my thigh. I continued eating, letting him decide wether or not to remove his hand. After a second or two he pulled his hand away, and started eating again.

When everyone was finished, I started to gather up the dishes to take them to the kitchen. Irina picked up some more and followed me in.

"Did he do what I think he did,"

"Touch me," I asked and she nodded, "yeah, I think Bob bragged that I wasn't wearing panties."

"You told him,"

"Yeah, I also told him you weren't, I'm surprised he didn't feel you up."

"Well, he tried to, but I stopped him,"

"Why? I told Bob to."

"You what?"

"I knew that you were feeling a little out of place and I thought that if Bob touched you a little it would help you feel a little better."

"Well, next time why don't you ask first,"

"All right, I will," I said taking out one of the ice cream pies we had bought for desert setting it out on the counter. "Damn this things got to sit for a little while,"

"What do we do,"

"How do you feel about black lace,"

"Ok, why?"

"Well what if we serve them desert in bra's and panties, it means we'll have time to change, check our make up, and when we're finished the pies will be ready," I said taking out the second pie and putting it on the counter. "They probably both know we're not wearing panties, and bra and panties aren't that much different from a swimsuit, just a little sexier."

"I hadn't planned on making an exhibitionist of myself tonight."

"Come on, we do that and Jim will end up leaving with a hard-on, it'll be fun, its better than having him paw at our bare pussies, and when he's gone if you want you can stay here overnight with me and Bob. I know you like him, and it was probably you yesterday at the office that watched us."

Irina's face twisted into a look of shock.

"You knew,"

"Well, I kind of guessed, all I heard was the door close,"

"Look, I didn't mind you watching, but I think you probably would prefer to join in, Bob's a really good lover, and if you want you can stay, but if you don't well we'll just go back in there and let them play with us, either way you want it, its up to you,"

"Or I could just leave," she said.

"Come on, your going to leave me alone with two men to amuse...I suppose I could do a strip tease, but then I'd probably have to take them both to bed...and then I'd be really sore, come on all you've got to do is wear a black bra, a pair of panties, and maybe even a pair of stockings. It won't be that bad, and then you can spend the night with us."

"Ok, fine, I'll do it, but lets hurry up and change before I change my mind." Irina said.

"You head up, I'll tell the boys were going up to fix our makeup."

"No, I'll do it, last time you told them, I got something I wasn't expecting, this way I'll know what's told to them.

I waited for her in the kitchen and two seconds after she had disappeared into the dinning room she reemerged. "Let's go," she told me.

We went upstairs and I dumped out the bag I had brought with me from home on the bed. "Pick anything but the teddie," I told her locking the door behind us, "it covers too much skin."

Irina started rummaging through the underwear, looking for something to wear. "I love black," I explained to her. "Especially lingere."

"What do you think of these," Irina asked holding up a big pair of panties, with lighter pieces of lace covering small stips infront where the pubic patch was supposed to be.

"They'll look good on you," I told her and she slipped them up under her dress. "What do you think of this?" I asked her holding up a skimpy G-string.

"Not enough cloth,"

"Your probably right," I said and found something that would cover the front and slip up into my ass cheeks at back. I slipped out of my dress and into the panties and then went searching for a bra to wear with it. This time, Irina seemed less interested in my bare breasts as she pulled up a pair of stockings attatching them to the panties she had already had on under her dress.

"Take the dress off," I told her picking up a bra that was just silky enough yet clearly showed the outlines of my nipples when it was on.

Cautiously Irina slipped the dress of and set it hanging over the back of the makeup chair. I could see that she had brown nipples when she finally got up enough courage to turn around and face me, her breasts were nicely round and enough to cup one in each hand. She was an extrodinary creature, but I didn't bother to comment on the line that I might scare her away. She quickly found a bra that covered her breasts so that there was no sign of her nipples.

"How do I look," she asked quietly.

"Great, but there's just one more thing you need," I said picking up my black high heels, "try these on." She slipped into them and I whispered, "they fit perfectly. Now all you need is a trenchcoat and you'll look like your going to meet your lover, although that's not far from the truth. How do I look?" I asked spinning around.

"Well, it certainly is revealing,"

"All right when we get downstairs lets tell them to meet us in the living room and to leave the lights off. We won't have any desert we'll just feed it to them, you can take one, and feed Bob. I'll feed Jim. Just sit in his lap and feed it to him, ok" I told her, and she nodded.

"Ready," I asked.

"Yeah," came a week reply.

"Let's go, I'll tell them to meet us in the living room you get the pies and two forks."


We went down the stairs and I shouted into the dinning room the mens orders and made sure they didn't see me. When I turned aroun Irina was standing infront of me with a pie in each hand, and a fork in each pie. I took one from her and gave her a kiss, explaining "for good luck," I went out first after shuting the kitchen light out, there was still enough light to see around and see us, it was more like the light at early dusk.

Bob smiled when he first saw me come out, and looked sort of sad when I veered towards the couch where Jim was sitting, whistling at us. But when Bob saw Irina he stopped his sulking and smiled again. I sat down on what there was of Jims lap so that I was facing Bob and Irina and Irina sat down so that she was facing me. I wiggled my ass on Jim's crotch like a daughter does to her father to get his attention. Then I kissed Jim gently, then I started shoveling.

With each forkful he took I kissed him and wiggled a little. I could feel his stiff cock underneath me straining to get out of its barrier and into me. It was nice he didn't do anything he just sat there and let me work over him, at least until he unclasped my bra and threw it across the floor.

"Hey, you," I said when he did it, more for emphasize than for anything else, I really didn't mind the extra freedom. Then he tried to get me to spread my legs a little so he could get his fingers down to touch me. I obliged a little and he started petting me through my panties as I continued feeding him. I looked over towards Bob and Irina, she was still feeding him and all her clothes were intact.

"What about your wife?" I whispered to Jim.

"What about her," was his only reply.

Then on purpose, I accidently let the pie slip and fall onto my breasts.

"Oops," I said when I did it, "there goes your desert, well, its still intact why don't you eat it off of me." Jim looked at me anxiously and then at my breasts.

"Can I?"

"Go ahead," I told him and he lowered me down on to the couch so that I was lying on my back. He slipped out from underneath me and moved so that he was ontop of me lying between my legs, his tongue first started at my belly button, slowly moving it further up my chest cleaning off the pie.

One of his hands fell on my inner thigh, quietly slipping into my panties and slipping into my already drenching hole. After he had done that and I hadn't resisted his tongue moved quicker over my flesh, trying to get to my nipples.

I looked at Bob and Irina at that point and Bob had taken her bra off and was gently playing with her nipples, the pie had been totally set aside and they were kissing each other. I smiled when Irina got up and started undoing Bob's pants, thinking `Good for her,' then I realized that Jim had already surpassed my breasts and was looking into my face.

When I turned back to him, he lowered his head and kissed me and I whisper, "Make love to me," hotly. He slid back off of me, pulling my panties off with him, smiling when he saw my bare target.

"Come on big boy," I said scurring back on the couch so I could set my head on the armrest. "Come and fuck me," I said as he unbottoned his shirt. By that time Irina was already sitting on Bob's lap and riding his shaft, occasionally turning toward each other and kissing.

When Jim started climbing overtop of me, I kind of lost sight of them, especially when he inserted his thick rod inside of me. He was surprisingly agile for a man of his size.

His first thrust, was hard and rocked me a little in my spot rocking back only to be greeted by another thrust of the same magnitude, it felt like waves breaking on rocks, as Jim continued to fuck me.

As Jim rocked me for about the seventh time, I could hear Irina squeeling in pleasure. When I heard her scream all I wanted to do was see how Bob was doing her. So I got Jim to switch places with me so that I was ontop facing away from him.

Bob had Irina's hands on the back of the chair and pushing into her from behind. With soft luscious strokes. I rode Jim, faster and faster until I had him moaning, and the more Bob fucked Irina, the faster I moved on Jim, and the louder he seemed to scream, and the faster Bob fucked.

With a resounding groan Jim started spurting his load inside of me. I held him inside of me milking him with my vaginal muscles, squeezing every drop out of him. As Irina squeeled in pleasure again, I took one quick glance at them and spun around so I could look down into Jim's face.

He wasn't too bad looking, but he was on the fat side. I leaned over him and kissed his lips while pushing my hair back out of my way. He pulled me down tight to his chest, and held me. It was amazingly sensitive, the feeling of his embrace I mean, not too many men, held women after sex. But this time I didn't want to be held, I wanted to be fucked, he may have gotten his rocks off, but I still hadn't been satisfied, and it didn't look like fat boy had the energy to do the job.

"Your wife will be worried about you," I told him trying to break his hug.

He groaned in response. "Why don't you go home and show her what you showed me, that you still have life in you," His arms loosened around me but didn't let go. "Come on, you look like your ready for your own bed as it is, why don't you take her and show her some pleasure tonight? I'll bet she really likes it when you do!" His arms slipped off of me enough so that I could see the grin that was spreading across his face.

"Go see her, she's ready for you, all hot and lust bothered, are you going to let her get off by just using a battery operated gadget, or are you going to give her the real thing,"

He kissed me and pushed me off of him, going for his clothes. When he was finished dressing he kissed me again, where I was sitting. Then he moved over toward where Bob and Irina were still going at it, and petted her bush and whispered "beautiful," She only gave him a quick glance from where she was spraled out on the chair wildly sucking on Bob's penis and fingering his balls.

A moment later I heard the front door slam shut. When he was gone I got up from where I was sitting and moved towards Bob and Irina. Bob's fingers were gently tracing out her swollen vulva as she sucked on his cock. I knelt between her legs and moved Bob's fingers aside and kissed her neither lips.

She stopped for a second, withdrawing Bob's saliva covered cock from her mouth, then after just a moment, she decided it was all right and returned back to her duties, as I began slipping my tongue into her already wet furrow.

It didn't take long for her to start squirming away from my touch, but I kept up my persistence, as she brought Bob closer and closer to cumming down her throat. Bob started running his fingers through our hair simutaneously, trying to do something for us while Irina pleasured him, until he groaned and his expression changed to one which I knew well, he was climaxing, seeing this made me work quicker on Irina.

After Bob moved away to sit down on the couch and watch us, Irina started running her own fingers through my hair as she continued screaming. Then with one last luscious lick, she began to convulse in intense orgasm. When she had settled down enough, I seperated my lips from her pussy and moved to her face to kiss her and share her own juices with her.

When she saw me overtop of her, she smiled and her tongue darted out lapping away at my lips. When we kissed our tongues broke out into war, trying to get the better of the other. I started rubbing my pussy against her thigh, trying to hump myself to orgasm. The whole time we continued kissing.

Then against our wishes, Bob sepreated us saying "Let's go to bed," before kissing me. He took one of each of our hands and led us up to his bedroom.

I got onto the bed first and spread my legs, the first one to reach me was Irina, she had her lips pressed against me almost before I had even opened my legs. Bob layed down beside us and watched Irina work overtop of me, prompting her on with phrases like `Lick that clit,', `Suck my wife hard,'

and `Kiss her,' each time he prompted her she followed through with his commands, but eventually going back to her own unique rythm, of sucking, kissing and licking.

She was good, especially for her first time, which I suspected it was. Bob leaned over and kissed me while rubbing one of my nipples telling me, "I love you,"

But before I could answer with any sort of response, Irina pushed me passed my limit. I shuddered, trying to hold her tight against my pussy with my thighs. When I finally did ease off she got up on all fours and looked at me, her lips were dripping in my juices, and she was wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen. She moved up me and then kissed my lips. Smearing my own juices all over my face and lips.

Bob kissed her trying to taste my juices from her lips. He got some and smiled down at me. That night we fell asleep in a spoon position with me in the middle.

Chapter LII Surprises "We've got to tell her today," Jake told me Friday afterschool, just before my mother was due home.

"Jake, I don't know,"

"Christa, I've told my parents, and you told me your mother wouldn't act as harsh. We've got to tell her, before she notices that your starting to swell into a beautiful luscious mother,"


"Christa, either you tell her or I will, but remember I'll be here with you,"

"Ja..." I started to say but was interupted.

"Hello, is anyone home," Martha shouting into the house closing the garage door.

"In here," Jake cried out. "Tell her," Jake whispered.

"All right, all right, just not right now,"

"Yes, no..."

"Hello Jake, Christa, what are you two whispering about.

"We've got something to tell you, Martha," Jake told her.

"Sounds serious, what is it?"

"You better sit down," I told her. She sat down in one of the kitchen chairs beside where we were standing setting down her briefcase besides her.

Jake sat down in a chair beside her, and motioned me to sit. I hesitated.

`Sit down,' he told me firmly, and quietly I slunked into one of the chairs.

"What is it?" Martha said definitely worried.

"Mom, I...we...I'm..."

"Well, what is it?"

"Mom, I'm....I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant,"

"You," she said looking at Jake and he responded with a nod.

"What did I tell you about practicing safe sex,"

"Mom I know,"

"Do you?"

"Yes, and we did, but it didn't do any good, it was just meant to be,"

"Are you sure your even pregnant, did you go see a doctor,"


"Take one of those home-pregnancy tests,"


"Then how do you know,"

"We just know," I replied at the same moment that Jake said it.

"All right, then I'll take you to the doctor, and if it is true, what do you want to do?"

"Jake's already told his parents,"

"You mean I'm the last to know,"


"What happened with you parents," Martha asked Jake.

"They kicked me out, they didn't agree with me marrying Christa,"


"Yes," I told her, "but we will need your permission,"

"But you've only known each other for a little while don't you think this might be a little too fast,"

"No, we know more about each other than you might think," I told her softly.

"Well, if that's what you two want to do, I'll agree to it, but first lets check and see if you are pregnant, ok,"

"Ok," I said and she got up and leaned over and kissed me, on her way up to her room, I called after her.



"I kinda told Jake that he could move in,"

"So that's why his stuff is here, all right, but move him down to the spare bedroom, at least for now."


"Yes Christa?" she said a little anoyed.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, honey," then she turned and left for her room closing the door behind her.

"Well that wasn't too bad was it," Jake said.


When I awoke the next morning, I felt sick to my stomache. I quickly ran to the bathroom my stomache errupted spewing its undigested remnants into the toilet.

After cleaning myself up with a shower, I got dressed in a pair of shorts and went down to the kitchen where Carrie and Martha were talking and enjoying a cup of coffee together, talking about someone named Susan.

When they heard me they looked like I had interupted some private moment that I shouldn't have. Carrie tried to reinitiate the conversation but, Martha didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Is Jake still sleeping?" I asked both of them.

"I don't know," Carrie said spitefully.

"He left this morning around nine, said he would be back around two."

"Did he say where he was going?"

"Just said he was going to the mall to pick something up. What do you two have planed for this weekend?" Martha asked both of us.

"Nothing particular," I said.

"I'm going over to Stacey's,"

"Don't wind up like your sister, you understand, I don't want you getting pregnant too,"

"I know, don't worry I won't," Carrie said looking sternly at me, still showing her disaproval.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked Martha trying to get them off of crusifying me and Jake and our child.

"Bob, and I are going out,"

"Is Sandi going to be coming over,"

"I don't know, I think so why?"

"Just curious,"


"Christa," I cried when I got through the front door. She came down the stairs taking them two at a time until she was wrapped in my arms holding me close to her, as she kissed me.

"I love you too," I replied. "Where is everybody?"

"They've all gone out, Martha's gone with Bob, and Carrie's gone over to Stacey's, and Sandi will be around somewhere around nine when she gets off work. Now, where have you been,"

"Out," I told her not wanting to give away her surprise.

"Out where?" she asked me pouting.

"Come here, you," I told her, she moved closer to me and I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. She wrapped her own arms around my neck to help keep herself up.

"What do I owe this pleasure to," she asked as I carried her into the kitchen. Then I set her down gently in a chair, kneeling on one knee infront of her.

"Christa, we both know what the doctors going to say, and well, with what money I could get together...I want to do this properly," I said fishing out the box and getting the ring out, "Christa, will you marry me?" I asked putting the ring on her ring finger.

"Oh, Jake, you already know my answer, YES, YES, I'll marry you, but you really didn't have to buy me this,"

"Yes, I did, I can't have you going around with out my ring, guys will think you're still available,"

"Ah, Jake, you know the only other guys I'll sleep with will be with you there, you don't have to worry about losing me, I'll be by your side for eternity and beyond, or on top of you or underneath you, where ever you want me, I'll be right there loving every moment we spend together,"

"Christa, I love you so much," I said getting up and hugging her.

"Jake, make love to me," she said after we kissed. I picked her up like I had before and carried her down to my new room intent on obeying her every wish for the rest of our lives.

Chapter LIII Breaking the News "My little girls' pregnant," Martha said over our freshly served dinner.

"Carrie," I asked not sure if she meant either of her two or mine.

"No, Christa, her and Jake..."

"What do they want to do?"

"Get married," she said and I started chocking on my first bite of food in surprise. I got the meatball from my throat and spit it out into a napkin.

"Married, are you serious,"

"Well, they definitely are? What am I going to do?"

"What have you told them so far?"

"I told them I'd agree if she really was pregnant?"

"You mean she's not sure,"


"Then maybe she won't be,"

"No, she is, I heard her upstairs this morning, she had morning sickness, god I can't believe it, I would never have suspected that she would have done something this foolish."

"The question is does she think its foolish," I asked taking a sip of wine.

"No, I don't think she does,"

"Well then you can't really say that can you, she knew what she was getting into when she first went to bed with a guy,"

"Did she?"

"Martha, come on honey, you know she did, with all those sex ed. classes that they teach in the schools now adays. It would be hard for her not to know the consequences."

"Bob, I've got something of my own that I've got to tell you before we do get married, its about kids,"

"Martha, I..." I started to try to tell her of my vasectomy but she didn't give me a chance.

"No, Bob hear me out please, if you want more children, you're going to have to find someone else, I'm sorry but I can't have anymore. I'm sterile.

Bob, if you want to call off the wedding that's fine, I'll understand. No never mind, I'm calling it off, right now." she said standing up and throwing her napkin down on the table "Martha, hold on," I broke in, but she turned around and started walking away from the table crying. I ran after her and grabbed her hand.

"Martha, come on, lets have dinner, and we can talk, or at least let me talk to you for a couple of minutes," I pleaded with her trying to pull her back to the table.

"Bob, please let me go,"

"No, lets go back to the table, please I don't want to call off the wedding."

"Really?" she said almost astonished.

"Martha, please, lets just go back to the table," I said tugging on her hand, this time she followed me back with little more resistance.

"Martha, don't worry about it, I don't mind, I love you, besides, your not the only one that's sterile. Martha, I had a vasectomy a couple years ago, not to long after Sandi and I started going to bed together, I didn't want to risk getting her pregnant. She fought me tooth and nail over it but in the end, I had it, do you understand what've said,"

"You had a vasectomy," Martha said starting to smile again, while wiping her tears away with a napkin.

"Martha, I don't want anymore kids, three girls will be more than enough for me, considering I'm marrying one of their sisters."

"Oh, Bob,"

"I love you Martha, nothing will change that," I told her and then leaned over the table and kissed her lips. "Now what do you really think about Christa being pregnant?" I asked her sitting down. "With out thinking that its outrageous, and remebering that it's what she wants,"

"I guess, I'm happy for her, but I don't know how the two of them will last, and with a child too, it will become a hard life for them, especially now adays,"

"Well, we'll do what we can for them and they'll have to learn to cope and leave down their decisions."

"Your right, I guess, I already told them that Jake could move in, after they asked."

"Well, thats a first step,"

"But, I told them they had to stay apart,"

"Why'd you do that?"

"I don't know, but now it seems meaningless especially since she is pregnant."

"Where'd you put him,"

"Down stairs in the spare bedroom,"

"Why don't you let Christa move down with him, then they can have a little privacy together,"

"All right, I will, as soon as I get home."

"Well don't be in too big of a rush to leave me,"

"I'm not," Martha said smiling at me, her eyes twinkling again. The waiter came by again, and we ordered desert and another bottle of wine.

"If they're going to move down stairs. What if Sandi and I sell our house and move in until we buy the new one. Sandi can take Christa's old room and well, I'll sleep with you every night."

"I don't know, it depends,"

"On what?"

"Whether you make love to me every night or not?" I leaned over the table and kissed her again.

"Well, with those options, I think I'll take the every night,"

"Then we'll talk to Christa and see if that's all right!"

"Let's get out of here," I told Martha.

"Why, what do you have in mind,"

"Oh, a lifetime of bedroom music,"

"Oh, Bob!"

Chapter LIV The Doctor Two weeks after my first visit to the obstetrician, and confrimation of my pregnancy for my mother, we were once again waiting in the waiting room.

Martha was flipping through a back-issue of life magazine and I was impatient to leave, I hate doctors office's almost as much as I hate hospitals, being proked and proded like a piece of meat is not my favourite activity, especially if the doctors working around my private areas, but I suppose the fact that my mother took me to a female doctor helped a little, but not much.

When the doctor was finally ready she ushered us into the examining room, setting her clipboard down on the table inside the door.

Angela Evans was a fairly attractive woman, sort of dark red hair, tiny lips, sharp nose, firm breasts and a fairly decent figure. Occasionally, I thought that she was touching me in a more sexual manner, but my mother never said anything so I just chalked it up as my imagination.

"The child looks healthy so far, you won't have to come in till about a month from now, you should be about eight weeks by then." Angela said patting the inside of my thigh.

"Can I change now,"

"Yes, there's a little cubicle in the corner over there, take as long as you need," I went in the direction she pointed, I wouldn't have actually called the damn thing a cubicle more like a broom closet. I pulled the curtain tight and got dressed. I guess I opened the curtain a little too quietly, because when I spread it wide, I saw my Martha kissing Angela.

Martha said "Thanks,"

"No, problem," Angela replied leaving her hand on one of my mothers breasts. They kissed again, and then quickly seperated preparing for my enterance, which I had already taken unbeknownst to them.

"Ready?" Martha asked thinking that I hadn't seen there embraces.

"Yep," I replied trying to keep my cool.


"Have you slept with her too," I asked when we were safely in the car.


"Have you been to bed with my doctor,"

"Only once or twice, but that was months ago,"

"Jesus, is there anyone you haven't slept with,"

"Christa, I went in for an appointment with her in December. Her touches sort of excited me and well it went on from there, we had fun that was all,"

"That's why you took me to her, to have fun while I was changing,"

"Christa, come on,"

"Mom, it was wrong, you shouldn't have done it, she's probably been feeling me up, and all you could do was watch how much her breasts jiggled."

"Christa, she did not feel you up, and I was not watching how much her breasts jiggled. Look if you want to go to a different doctor, fine we'll make an appointment somewhere else,"

"What so you can pass me around to another one of your ex-lovers,"

"Fine you make the appointment then,"

"Fine, I will,"

"Fine!" Martha said, and that was the last we spoke the entire journey home. I tried to say I was sorry by running my hand up her skirt but she stopped me before I could even get passed the first inch of cloth.

Chapter LV Guests That Saturday evening I found me back at Stacey's and Hawk's, something that was becoming a weekly occurence. I was armed with my usual, weaponry, a freshly showered and (fully) shaved body, perfume dabbed in certain strategic areas, and a full box of unopened condoms. I didn't enjoy having to restrain Hawk's semen from entering me, but I didn't want to end up like Christa, just starting out in to the real world and cut up by being pregnant, and Hawk and Stacey understood my reasoning, thankfully.

"Hello Carrie," Stacey greeted me at the door, wearing a pair of tight blue-jeans and a work shirt and had a slight bit of perspiration running down between the bow-tie she had tied her shirt in around her breasts.

"These are for you," I said pleasantly handing over the box of condoms, we both knew she'd never use them only me, but it made me feel a little less ungiving.

"Thanks," she said smiling at me, "Hawk's out back barbequeing some steak, why don't you go out and say hi to him,"

"Are you sure I can't help you with anything,"

"No, its all right, I've got everything under control in here, you just go out and enjoy yourself."

I went out towards the patio, and wrapped my arms around Hawk from behind, he was just outside the door, when he turned around he was sort of surprised to see me.

"Carrie! Hi!," then before he said anything more he stepped to the side exposing the fact that there was a couple sitting out in lawn chairs behind the barbeque.

"Carrie, this is Sam Johnson, and his wife Marge, they've come up to surprise us for Stacey and my wedding anniversary." Hawk tried to explain.

I accpeted giving him a kiss on the cheek instead of my usual warm reception, after whispering into his ear, "Stacey never told me you had company, maybe I should go,"

"No, stay," he said loud enough for the couple to hear. "Besides," he whispered, "they'll be gone in a couple of hours,"

Those couple of hours turned into six, and the three of us had injested enough wine, to entirely thow our sex drives off, so instead of making love we went straight to sleep from our groggy state.


`It was nice of your mother to give us this room to ourselves,' I said leaning over Christa minutes after making love just before kissing her.

`No, there was no nicety to it, she just wanted to get Bob into her bed permanently.'

`Is she stil mad at you for talking about her and that doctor.' I asked detecting the bitterness in her mind.

`A little,' she said depressingly.

`You two, have got to get this sorted out, I don't like you two fighting, it impedes on us,"

"You mean our love making," Christa said giggling.

`That too,' I told her careful, not to further upset her. She smiled and laughed.

`You always make me laugh,' she said solemnly almost on the verge of tears.

"Oh, come on, don't cry,"

`I can't help it,' she replied as the first tear slid down across her cheek. With a finger I wiped it away.

"We'll solve it tomorrow alright," I said trying to reassure her, then after softly kissing her.

`All right,' she said as another tear drop slipped down over her cheek. I kissed the droplet licking it off Christa's flesh. `I love you,' she said as I rubbed a hand over her womb, trying to feel the life our love had created with little result.

`I love you too,' I told her `both of you,' pressing myself tight against her. She smiled and curled up against me on her side. I wrapped my arm over her waist and tried to pull her a little closer to me.

`Will you still love me, when I'm big and fat?' Christa asked holding my hand, and pulling it down closer to the bed.

`I'll love you even more,' I told her.


"Don't you have a date tonight," I asked Sandi who was flipping through the channels on the Television.


"So, everyone else has deserted you have they,"

"Yeah, looks that way,"

"Why don't you call that boy that was here a couple of weeks ago, what was his name..."


"Yeah, that's the one, he's a sweet boy,"

"He's going camping with his parents, what have you two got planned for tonight," she asked me before I got the chance to ask another question.

"Well, we thought we'd just spend it here, you can..." I started and she looked up at me with a comical expression on her face. "...Would you like to spend some time with your father and me," I asked her.

"YES," she said excitedly moving closer to me. "I would love to spend some time with my parents,"

"Why don't you go up, your dad's already in bed, I'll be up in a minute," I told her. She kissed me and then darted up the stairs. I was going to wait a little while and let them spend some time alone together, Sandi deserved some time alone with her father, she was putting up with so much change.

A few minutes after she had gone up, I could hear the grunting and groaning of their reunion. When Sandi started screaming that was when I went up the stairs. When I could see into the room I found that Sandi was lying flat on her stomache and Bob was spanking her bare ass with hard resounding slaps.

I almost broke up their rough housing until I heard Sandi scream harder.

But instead Bob pulled her thighs slightly apart, and slipped into her from behind. She squealed and Bob started humping her. I stood there and watched the two of them going at it for a good ten minutes, then I couldn't hold back a second longer, I moved towards them and climbed onto the bed.

I started rubbing Sandi's back where she was sitting on Bob, and raising and lowering herself onto Bob's thrusting motions. She turned to look at me and then kissed me. I moved around to the other side and stradled Bob's face, in a way that I was facing Sandi. I started rubbing Sandi's breasts and in return she started rubbing mine.

She really loved her father, it was evident in the style she made love to him, the style of experience, and I had gathered from him that he was the only one that she'd spent time with till lately.

I kissed her and tried to pull her close to my breasts to hold her close to me. She never stopped riding her father while we played on top of him that night. She was really a wonderful young woman, beautiful, giving sensitive, and usually very horny Bob had said one night when we were in bed together alone.

Chapter LVI Requests Three weeks after Stacey and my aniversary and the proper celebration we had with Carrie on that warm blissful Sunday morning, we had decided to ask her, we had come to the conclusion together, almost after the first time the three of us had spent together, but we had waited because of what she told Stacey was happening in her life. But today was the day that I was to ask her.

The previous night we had fallen purposely asleep on either side of her so when she woke up we would have her surrounded. Stacey moved close to her first cuddling up to her then I followed suit and curled up against her lithe young form. Silently she stirred and opened her eyes slowly stretching her arms above her head, stretching her breasts till they were fully firm and her ribs showed a little. When she saw us both she smiled and first kissed Stacey then me saying "Goodmorning," seductively.

"Carrie, we have something to ask you," Stacey started. Carrie smiled in response and looked between the both of us.

"You two make me feel so needed,"

"That's right," Stacey said picking up quickly in response, "we need you,"

"Carrie, what Stacey's trying to say," I said softly into her ear, "is that, well, we need you, we realize that, and we were wondering if you'd like to...move in with us, we can set up your own room, when you want to be alone, and you can spend as many of your nights in here with us," she looked surprised.

"Carrie, we've been thinking about this for awhile," Stacey said while I sensed her hand moving towards Carrie's crotch.

"...and we really want you here," I continued, "you can go to school, do whatever you want, but we want you with us, Carrie, we both like you very much, actually I could hazard to say that we both have fallen in love with you, and we would miss you, we miss you when your gone for the week,"

"You want me to stay with you's?"

"Yes," Stacey said anxiously.

"Yes," I replied when Carrie looked at me.

"Your sure,"

"Carrie we've never been so sure of something before," Stacey said before kissing her.

"I don't know what to say,"

"How about yes," Stacey said.

"I don't know," Carrie said her smile fading a little, "I'm going to have to think about it for awhile." I felt let down a little but ubviously as much as Stacey was, I think she was really in love with her. Myself, I wasn't in love with her so to say, but I did enjoy her company, and she obviously enjoyed ours.

"When do you think you'll know," Stacey asked her tossing her beautiful golden hair back over her bare shoulder.

"I know now, but,"

"Well then whats the answer,"

"I'll be happy to move in with you two, I don't even need my own room, but I've got to find a way to tell my mother. Her weddings coming up soon, and..."

"I understand," Stacey said softly before kissing her again, this time running a hand visibly over one of Carrie's naked breasts. Carrie turned and kissed my lips trying not to leave me out. I reached for another one of the foil packets on the nighttable and tore it open. Carrie smiled at me and spread her legs apart a little as Stacey kissed her lips, while throwing back the covers to expose my already rubber covered penis, and Stacey's probing fingers in Carrie's pussy.

I got up and maneuvered around so that I was on my knees infront of Carrie, her hands ran across my chest as I slowly lowered myself onto her lust filled body. With a gentle moan from Carrie, I slid into her warm pussy, slowly pushing my way deeper inside her. She cooed as I slowly started humping her, running her hands over my back and my ass.

She whimpered, as I thrust into her full force, driving myself against her, forcing her to rock on the bed. Her whimpering soon became screams, as my violent thrusts quickly brought her excitement level up.

Stacey kissed her, and I pumped again, harder than ever, driving my cock into her pussy, probably with enough force to bruise her inner thighs.

The two of them kissed again. Stacey was trying to keep Carrie's screams down, by forcing her to think of her. I grunted delving into her again, moving myself closer and closer to orgasm.

I liked Carrie, I liked her alot, her golden hair, her cheek bones, the way she applied her makeup, the way she walked. The way she made love to both me and Stacey. As she screamed again, I knew we couldn't let her get away, she had become to much a part of our lives.

True, she was nearly young enough to be my daughter, but, love knows no bounds. Carrie's small little lips seperated and a scream ripped through the air, before she started convulsing in orgasm beneath me, raising her hips at the same time.

I increased my tempo, inside her beautiful pussy, until I pushed myself beyond the limits of my sex, inside the condom I could feel my penis shooting out rivuelts of cum, cum that should have been Carrie's, would be wasted by throwing into the garbage.

Stacey kissed Carrie again, helping her down from orgasm, occasionally giving me a kiss as I helped lower Carrie back down to the bed.

When Carrie finally sunk into the bed I kissed her lips, and whispered to her that she was beautiful, before I carefully removed my penis from inside of her.

Chapter LVII Appreciation "Bob, and I have discussed it, if you two want to get married with us, and have a double ceremony, we'll agree," I told Christa across the table, when just the four of us where home, "and will pay the entire bill, but the two of you have to help with the arrangements and everything else, what do you's think?" I asked Jake and Christa, as I squeezed Bob's hand around the kitchen table.

The two of them looked at each other, and appeared to be talking to one another with out saying a word, and then they kissed.

"All right," Jake said.

"Thank you, mom" "Don't thank me, it was Bob's idea,"

"Thanks Dad," Christa said getting up and sitting down ontop of his lap to kiss his cheek and hug him. She had really adapted to his presence quickly, more quickly than Sandi, or Carrie, had accepted the two of us. Christa rubbed her ass across his crotch, I didn't mind too much, but it was enough for me to give her a good cold stare.

She never even noticed it, even after she had gotten off him and climbed into Jake's lap while his arms welcomed her. Then they kissed again. It was warm and passionate, it was so intense that I started feeling lonely from just where I was sitting so I moved to Bob's lap to kiss him too.

When they broke their embrace, Christa looked at Jake strangely, then stood up nodding.

"Jake and I want to show our appriciation,"

"That's not necessary," Bob told her holding me tight to his chest.

"We want to, we want to entertain you," Christa said reaching up her skirt to pull down her panties. I figured they were going to try to initiate a foursome, but when I noticed that Jake had rolled his chair out into view I was getting a distinctly different impression.

Christa leaned over him and unzipped his pants, and he slunk down into the chair. Then she gently tugged his pants off. Bob, and I were taking back a little by their forwardness, but we didn't interupt.

Then Christa quietly lifted her skirt, exposing a freshly shaved bush.

Then with a soft moan she slipped down onto Jake's all-ready errect shaft.

The whole time she kept her skirt lifted up so that we could see what was happening between them. She smiled at us, more towards me I think though, then she rolled her eyes, as she moved up and down on Jake's shaft.

I could feel Bob, shifting underneath me uneasily, as his penis stiffened under my ass. I knew exactly how he felt my insides were feeling the same thing.

We watched them for a couple minutes before Jake let out a grunt, and Christa moaned softly leaning back against Jake. After a few seconds Christa got up and turned herself so she was sitting in Jake's lap, and they kissed, and then they laughed and looked at us.

We smiled back at them, and then I stood up, and unclasped my jeans and let them fall to the floor. I wanted Bob inside of me, and I wanted him as fast as I could get him. I stepped out of my panties. Christa, and Jake smiled at me and then turned and kissed each other again, as he wrapped his arms around her.

When I turned around I found out Bob had known exactly what I wanted and had undid his pants and slid them down. I leaned over and kissed Bob before I sat down on his lap and started repeating what Christa had done moments before.

They smiled and watched us as we made love, but they held and kissed each other more than they payed attention to us, even as Bob and I came they only took slight interests in our pleasure.

I didn't want it to end, all four of us sitting their making love infront of each other. It was stimulating, brought back some very old memories.

Memories that had me in bed with Susan and our two boyfriends.

As Bob and I began embracing in our newly created warmth. Jake picked Christa up, he had already put his pants back on, on the other hand Christa had lost the rest of her clothes.

"We're going down stairs," Christa said giggling, then she kissed Jake again.

"Are you..." I started to ask if they were sure they wouldn't want to go upstairs with us, but before I could finish my sentence Bob stopped me by putting his hand on my chin and turning my head to kiss my lips. I wiggled my hips in response stimulating him a little more. I didn't want to go to bed yet.

"Good night," Bob told them smiling, and without another word Jake carried Christa off to their bedroom, and with another kiss they were gone.

"Now, what would you like to do?" Bob asked me.

"I don't know," I said squirming on purpose, "its a little to early for bed, don't you think?" I replied as we started hearing gentle moans come up through the floor boards. We looked at each other and laughed, then Bob got me to stand up, so he could get up himself.

Then he picked me up, exactly how Jake had picked up Christa only, his destination was our room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Then with gentle persistence Bob carried me up the stairs, and threw me onto the bed.

For the first time in a long time, I knew what it was like to be happy again, truly blissfully happy, as Bob lowered himself onto the bed and started kissing me, sliding his hand into my blouse to cup one of my breasts. I grabbed at his shirt and tore the bottons off with one swift motion exposing his warm hairy chest. I ran my fingers through its silky hair.

Wrapping my arms around him I pulled him close to me and he slowly started undoing my buttons. He knew exactly how I felt and was purposely putting me through agony as he carefully undid the bottons to my blouse.

When he finally did part the cloth to my shirt, I knew I was going to regret wearing a bra that day, because he carefully, through the cloth started kissing my nipples. Slowly and methodically, he removed the rest of my already negligable amount of clothes. I was so hot for him, I could harldy contain myself from pulling him down ontop of me.

But he didn't want to do that, he started by rubbing me, first my breasts, then down to my stomache and finally he started rubbing my vulva, occassionally slipping a finger into my already sopping cunt.

When he removed his finger from me he brought it up to his lips and just touched it with his tongue, and mumbled to himself, "I wonder...."

"Wonder what?" I asked as he moved his finger to my lips. Then hungrily I started sucking on it imagining that it was his cock.

"Oh, nothing," he said and kissed my forehead, and then with a simple elegance, he quietly pulled his finger away from me and eased my legs apart, which I was only to gladly to oblige.

"You're going to lead me on like that and not tell me what you were thinking," I said as he got between my legs.


"Why you," I said laughing and grabbing out at him to wrap my arm around his neck and pull him down so I could kiss him. When I let him go he got up onto his hands and slowly eased himself into me. His wonderful fullness filled me up, expanding to reach every part of my vagina.

His slow gentle strokes built up into solid strong thrusts, accompanied by the odd grunt, as he tried to reach deeper into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me, forcing him deeper into me. I pulled him down onto me by wrapping my arms around his neck. At the same time my own moans were building up into screams. The louder my screams got the more I wanted of him, and I started to buck against him, driving him even further into me, until after what seemed like an eternity, I began to writhe in orgasm at the same time Bob continued pumping into me groaning, until he gave one final large thrust and grunt and sprayed his cum all over my inside walls, going limp on top of me. I started kissing his forehead as my own climax began to subsided, then he kissed my lips and told me he loved me.

Chapter LVIII

The following three days found most of us writing up invitations, deciding who to invite, and who would take part, as bridesmaids, best men.

As each day passed I fell deeper and deeper in love with Jake, and it looked like the same thing was happening to mom and Bob. Sandi was finding other interests since she lost making love to her father. Nestor seemed to be the one she was dating but it seemed more like that she was only dating him so she could go to bed with him. Her lust for sex had only increased since she became one of us, and she only chose to make love with us every once in awhile, and when she did she only wanted to when we were all changed.

The baby seemed to grow by leaps and jumps every day to, I was even starting to feel it kicking, and the extra weight that I was carrying around was even starting to show, which Doctor Evans found strange, considering that I wasn't due for another seven months. But I was glad to find out that she was no longer trying to feel me up.

Carrie was spending as much of her free time as she could with Hawk and Stacey. The three of them where going through at least two boxes of condoms a week. I even caught Carrie and Hawk going at it in her bedroom, I hadn't told anyone other than Jake about it. I only looked in on them, they hadn't even noticed that I had seen them. I joked about it with Carrie afterwards but she snapped at me demanding what I was doing looking in on her. It took Sandi half an hour to calm her down afterwards.

That evening we (Martha, Bob, Sandi, Nestor, Jake, and me) went out to see a movie. Nestor sat between me and Sandi, and Jake sat on my otherside and beside him Martha, and Bob. Half way through the movie I started massaging Jake's bulge, and I'm pretty sure that Nestor was feeling Sandi up beside me, because when she left for the bathroom he followed her, and then when they came back, she kissed my lips and I could just faintly make out the taste of Nestor's cum. When Sandi pulled away from me she smiled knowingly, and then sat back down on the other side of Nestor.

I leaned closer to Jake and rested my head on his shoulder. He adjusted his position to make me a little more comfortable and I mentally thanked him. I wasn't feeling to full of energy lately, I think because of the pregnancy, all I could really do was get to school, make it through the first class, sleep through the second, eat lunch, talk with Jake, maybe give him a blowjob in one of the bathrooms, then two more classes after lunch, home, a nap, then dinner, some TV and an occasional evening in bed with Jake.

The weekends were a little different we mostly just ate and fucked, but even doing just that was draining for me, and I wasn't sure if I could keep up with that pace till the baby was born. But the only good thing was that the changes seemed to be easier to go through, less and less noticeable.

I guess I should tell you about the experiment that Jake and I did, about a week before I found out I was pregnant, Jake and I both changed, but instead of going to bed we tried to find out how much we could lift on his weights.

We put everything on, it totaled somewhere around two hundred pounds, and we could each do it with just our pinky fingers, it was quite exhilarting and the fucking we did afterwards was mindblowing.


"Hawk, will you bring out the pepper with you," Stacey called into the house, before she turned back to the barbeque to flip the smoking steaks.

"So, when are you's planning on heading out," I asked Cynthia and Mario trying not to seem to anxious to get them out of the way. They had come a few days earlier, to spend some time with Stacey and Hawk, when they first saw me, they accepted the explanation that I was a friend of Stacey's.

"Well, we're not quite sure yet, we had planned on leaving in about a week,"

`Oh, great,' I thought figuring that they'd interfere with our love making, which they had already done, for the previous two days, and it had been even longer since the three of us had been in bed together, there was always something drawing one of us away.

"But, I think we'll be heading out tommorow, we've kind of changed our travel plans, we're going to go down and spend a few days in Calgary before we dip down to California."

"So soon," Hawk said pushing back the patio door, handing the pepper to Stacey.

"Yeah, time flies so fast, heh" Mario said clasping Cynthia's hand tighter.

"Well, we'll have to go out tonight and have a few drinks," Stacey said as she shook pepper out on the steak; her favourite way of preparing it.

"Well not too many, we've got to be up early and we can't really afford a hangover on the road." Cynthia said looking over at Mario, I have sworn that they were newly weds by the way they acted but when I asked they had laughed and said no and that they had been married for a little over five years.

Hawk sat down beside me, taking a sip of his beer, inconspicously I hoped, I gently placed my hand on his crotch, he looked at me for less than a second, smiled, and then went back to talking with the couple.

About a minute later Stacey said "Carrie could you give me a hand in side for a second," I looked over at Stacey and was found that she had taken off the apron and threw it over a chair. On our way in Stacey told Hawk, "Watch the steak, Hawk!"

When we were inside we went up to the kitchen and started gathering up the salad and the dishes. "Carrie!" Stacey said a little on the downside setting the Salad that she had carried from the counter onto the table.

"Yes?" I asked her setting down the plates beside the salad when I saw that she wanted to talk about something important.

"Carrie, I..."

"You don't want me to go tonight do you,"

"No, where did you get an idea like that,"

"I don't know, its just that nobody seems to want me around right now."

"Oh, Carrie that's not true, we do want you here, Hawk and me are both in love with you, we want you here as long as you want to be here,"

"Then what did you want to talk to me about,"

"Well, it is about tonight," Stacey said trying to approach the subject cautiously.

"What about it,"

"Well, are you sure your mother won't mind you going to a bar,"

"STACEY, how old do you think I am, I don't need her permission to go where I want, nor do I need her permission to sleep with whoever I want," I pressing myself upgainst her.

"Your right, I'm sorry," Stacey said wrapping her arms around my waist in response to me doing it. "What can I do to make it up to you,"

"We'll think of something," I said and kissed her.

Just at that moment, somebody cleared their throat from just at the foot of the three kitchen steps. Almost instantly we parted and turned to see that it was Cynthia. She looked at us and then smiled and asked "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, we pretty well got it," Stacey replied picking up the salad again, and headed towards the patio door, leaving me behind in the kitchen. Then Stacey got someone to open the door and turned back, "but we could have a few more beers, would you mind, there in the fridge?"

"No, we'll be there in a second," Cynthia said opening the fridge as Stacey closed the screen door behind her. "So how good of friends are you and Stacey?" Cynthia asked me as I got the glasses out of the cupboard.

"Pretty good," I said setting them down on the table starting to feel a little uncomfortable, as I went back to the drawer underneath the cupboard to get the silverware.

"Your sleeping with both of them aren't you!" she said matter-of-factly before taking a sip of the fresh beer that she had just opened.

"I don't see what buisness..."

"Oh, come on honey, you can be honest with me, I've slept with both of them, their both quite good heh, and Stacey tastes, absolutely out of this world. So you see you can be honest with me,"

"Fine, yes, alright, I have slept with both of them, are you happy,"

"Not yet, but I'll tell you when I am," Cynthia said pressing up against me, running a hand over one of my breasts.

"Would you leave me alone," I told her.

"Could I just have a little peek, please, your so shapely, there aren't too many like you around, pleaseee!!!"

"Would you just leave me alone," I said trying to push her away from me.

"Oh, come on, I'll show you mine if you show me yours," I was kind of curious at what she looked like underneath the shapely clothes but I tried to gather up the stuff to take outside. "Look if you want I'll even go first." Cynthia said lowering her top, exposing a neat pair of pink nipples.

"No, I told you already, just leave me alone,"

"Come on just a peek," she said moving towards me again, just at that moment Hawk came in and asked "is everything alright in here,"

"Yeah," Cynthia said, turning towards Hawk after quickly doing up her top.

I turned and looked at him too, but more in a pleading way.

I asked him to help me carry out a few dishes, and he came up towards the kitchen at the same time as Cynthia went down. Then suddenly she turned around and looked at me and said "you'll enjoy tonight I think," then just as quickly turned back to heading outside smiled at Hawk and was gone, with the beers.

When she was gone and Hawk was standing beside me I asked him "What's she talking about, what about tonight,"

"Carrie, see that's what Stacey was trying to talk to you about."

"About going to the bar I thought we cleared that up already."

"Carrie, listen, this isn't about going to the bar, since Cynthia and Mario have been paying their visits anually, since about their second visit we've always had this tradition when they leave,"

"What tradition, you mean going to the bar and celebrating?"

"Partly," Hawk said feeling uncomfortable.

"What do you mean partly?"

"Well, this is the part that Stacey and I want to make sure your comfortable with and you might want to go home when you hear it,"

"What is it,"

"Look why don't we sit down for a minute," Hawk told me holding out a chair for me to sit in which I did before he continued he sat down in another chair and brought it so we were sitting face to face to each other. "Well, Carrie, about three years ago the four of us had gone out for drinks the night before they left, we had a little too much to drink, and we drove around for about thirty minutes taking turns mooning people, then when we got back here, we all felt wired so I pulled out another bottle of wine from down stairs, and we started drinking it infront of the fire.

"About ten minutes later Cynthia and Stacey started feeling hot, because it was thirty degrees plus outside and we were sitting inside with a hot blazing fire so they stripped down to their bra and panties, which were drenched in sweat so as a result were plastered tightly to their skins.

Stacey started coming onto me, and by that time Mario and I had also stripped down to our shorts.

"Cynthia said aloud that she wanted me to `fuck her' and Stacey of course wanted just to be fucked, it didn't matter to her who did it at the time, so we swapped. We ended up making love to both of our wives, and they even managed to make love to each other a few times before they fell asleep.

"So in a nutshell, the tradition is going out to the bar, have a few drinks then come back here hornier than hell and just have a fucking session.

That's what Stacey and I aren't sure about you doing, we don't want you to feel comprimised and we won't feel any differently towards you you want to go home before then, or even now if you want."

"So what were you planning on doing just letting the night happen until it came time, and I was just to accept it."

"Carrie, that's why we've been trying to tell you, so that you would know, and that you went into it on your own doing."

"Hawk, why do you have to sleep with them at all, there not very good people..."

"Hey, watch it, there still mine and Stacey's friends."

"...granted, but why do you have to sleep with them, Cynthia isn't that great looking and her breasts certainly aren't that big,"

"She showed you them, hey" "Yeah, just before you came in,"

"She did the same to me the other night, trying to get me in to bed behind everyone's back."

"Did she succeed."

"No, we did it standing up, come on Carrie, you know I wouldn't cheat on my wife, at least not behind her back, besides your right she's not that great of a lay, just once a year is enough for me."

"Do I have to screw Mario," I asked Hawk softly, disgusted of even the thought of having Mario inside of me.

"Carrie, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, you know that..."

he told me moving closer to me and running his fingers through my hair.

"...and if you don't want to fuck him then that's his loss, you don't even have to amuse Cynthia, god knows she can do it herself well enough. As long as your there right, that's what counts, and maybe next year you just might want to join in,"

"Next year?"

"Carrie, we're serious, we want you to move in here with us, we've been thinking about it for awhile, you know that, and last time we asked you said you needed time, and we'll..."

"Hawk...not yet, I'm just not ready for that...not yet, I've got something to do for my mother first, and then I've got to tell her, and then it'll be the three of us in bed for as long as you want me, every night!" I said smiling.

"Oh, Carrie that's great," Hawk said a little too loudly and quickly kissed me before picking me up and twirling the both of us around.

"What's great," Stacey asked poking her head inside past the screen door.

"Carrie's decided to move in," Hawk said excitedly, Stacey smiled and looked at me.

"I knew she would,"

"Not yet, in a little while," I said trying to solemn the mood a little.

"Well thats great," Stacey said brimming, her features lit up in the biggest smile I had ever seen on her. After what seemed like a couple of minutes Stacey said "Dinner's ready!"

Chapter LIX

At about eleven o'clock the next morning I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth, and the biggest hangover I had ever had in my life. I felt dirty and like I hadn't had a shower in a month and worst of all I was sprawled out in the middle of the living room floor, naked.

I went upstairs and took a nice cold shower scrubing every inch of my body.

When I got out I made a quick check to make sure the diaphram that Stacey and I had gone to get was still in place, it was so I just went out into the bedroom to get into my clothes that were mixed in with Stacey's closet.

I knew what I was going to do that day, or at least what I was planning on doing, I was going to do it for my mother. I thought for my wedding present to her I'd find Susan Schroter, and all I had to start on was a maiden name.

Hoping for the best, I looked in the white pages, there was about fourteen listings for a S. Schroter, so I just started dialing. The first few calls were the most difficult, but after that I got the hang of it, after about the sixth call, Stacey and Hawk came through the front door, arms linked and laughing.

"Where have you two been?" I asked them.

"We went out to breakfast with Mario and Cynthia, and we thought that you'd given them a fair enough send off last night. What are you doing?"

I told her my plan to invite Susan to my mothers wedding and she thought it was a great idea, then they said that they'd be out back and left me with a kiss from each of them.

I phoned another four and just when I thought I'd never find her, I dialed the eleventh number and a woman answered, excitement built up when I asked her if she knew a Martha Benchino and she replied, yes, years ago.

I asked her if they were friends and she replied yes, at that point I was almost excstatic, my chances in find her were slim at best but I had done it. I then told her who I was and wanted to talk to her.

She said sure, and we set five o'clock on Monday to meet, at her house.


Monday at five o'clock I found myself standing out infront of Susan's house, it wasn't overly shabby, but it was far from a mansion. I hadn't had too hard of a time getting away from the house, but mom wanted to know where I was going, and I sure in the hell wasn't going to tell her.

When I knocked on the door, a boy around my age, her son I figured, opened the door wearing a bath robe. He greeted me warmly and said I was expected and led me into the living room where he then sat down across from me saying "Susan will be down in a minute," and then he went on to mentally undress me, I could tell he was doing it, it was obvious just by the way he was looking at me.

I tried my best to cover up my areas, but it was already probably too late, he was probably already fucking me in some other world in his mind.

Susan came down in a pair of very tight shorts, and what looked like a bikini top covered her still small breasts. "I'm sorry I'm late, its just that Kevin and I had the weekend all alone, my daughter Sydney is spending some time with her grandparents and is supposed to be home around six, so Kevin and I were just trying to spend as much quality time together that we could." Susan said sitting down next to Kevin, allowing him to put his arm around her.

"My mothers getting married in a couple of weeks and I was hoping that you could come!" I said as I watched Kevin begin to fondel one of Susans breasts.

"When is it?" she asked ignoring Kevin.

"October 12th," I replied softly as Kevin's hand slipped under the small piece of fabric.

"That soon, thats only in a couple of weeks,"

"I know," I said "but I think mom would really enjoy it if you were there, she's talked fondly of you." I finished as Kevin flipped the bikini top right off of Susan's breast exposing a trying to ignore Kevin's hand slipping into her top, pushing it down right off of her breasts exposing a neat little brown nipple.

"Kevin, knock it off why don't you go get us some tea or something heh,"

Susan said not overly annoyed at his actions, covering her breast back up, "come on we have a guest, where are your manners."

"All right," Kevin said and got up and left towards what looked like the kitchen.

When he was gone I turned back to Susan and quietly said "he's a little young for you isn't he?"

"I was only twenty when I gave birth to him!"

"You mean he is your son?"

"Of course, when he was young I saw him playing with himself, and well I couldn't help myself I started sucking on him, and I did so until he was five, George never knew, thats my ex-husband. When he was thirteen I was his first, and we've been lovers ever since, he likes fucking me and I enjoy him so much I just didn't want to give him up, he gives the best sex I've ever had. See I trained him, right from the start, and he's everything that I've ever wanted in a lover and more."

"What happened to your husband,"

"Well, it seemed that he didn't like Kevin and me sleeping together, and one time when Kevin and I got careless, George found Kevin's semen in me, and he just exploded, he ran out of the house, I figured he was running out to drink himself into a hole, so I took Kevin to bed, but George had only gone out for a walk and when he came back in, I think he was ready to forgive me, but I was on the floor nude between Kevin's legs in the middle of sucking him off.

I tried to get George to join us, I was only too willing to take them both into bed, but he wouldn't hear of it. He tried to get ahold of Kevin and throttle him but either Kevin was too fast for him or I was running offense or something, anyway George ended up packing, two months later we were devorced, and Kevin would have moved straight into my bed, if Sydney wasn't around. But you probably don't want to hear this, I'm sorry!"

"No that's all right," I told her. "So was it worth it?"

"Oh definitely, Kevin is..."

"Here's the tea!" Kevin said pushing the swinging door open.

"Will it be all right if Kevin and Sydney come to the wedding too,"

"Sure, that'll be fine," I replied after taking a second to figure out what she was talking about.

"Then we'll be there," Susan said as I was trying to imagine what Kevin would be like in bed fucking her. Kevin handed me a cup of tea leaning over to expose his half harry chest. He turned and handed a second cup to Susan, and I guess I must have taken a quick glance at his ass and I think Susan saw me do it.

"Kevin, would you do something for me?" Susan asked Kevin as he sat down beside her again.

"What now?"

"Oh, don't sound so disappointed I want you to do something you like,"

"What?" he asked softer.

"Just stand up and undress for our guest, she likes your body, why don't you show it to her."

He smiled at me, and I blushed, actually I was blushing right after she had said it. He stood up, still smiling at me looked at Susan, and with a nod from her his robe dropped, before I could even say anything. He was enormous, his cock was limp but it was giganticly thick, and extended a good five or six inches.

"See what I mean," she said reaching out and stroking his member which rapidly grew flacid. "Sydney's going to be home soon, but if you'd like to go upstairs with him by yourself, you're welcome to, I know he wouldn't mind fucking some one else, especially someone as good looking as you, or you could come back another time and spend some quality time with both of us upstairs." Kevin moved closer to me nearly sticking his cock right in my face.

"Well," I said taking his cock in my hands and fingering it, "he is really nice, I'm flattered really that you'd offer, but I'm afraid I like girls more, no offense."

"None taken," Kevin said "but I could probably change your mind,"

"He could," Susan said nodding and grinning. "You could even have him take you quickly right here if you want, I'll even help, I've got some condoms out in the kitchen, I'll go get them."

"Ms. Schroter, please don't bother, maybe another time, ok, I really should be going."

"Well if you really have to go I suppose I could entertain him some more tonight, I know he likes that," Susan said pulling Kevin down into her lap.

"If your sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, but maybe another time," I said looking straight at her she was beautiful for her age, there wasn't any signs of gray in her hair, her breasts and hips were firm, and it appeared that Kevin gave her lots of excercise.

"Alright, give us a call when with the information about the wedding, or if you just want to talk or something, but don't be a stranger all right!"

"Thanks," I said getting up onto my feet.

"Get up Kevin, and go get dressed," Susan told Kevin after giving his cock a good pump and kissing him. Kevin left the room and went up the stairs.

"Are you sure you can't stay and talk just for a little while, maybe until Sydney comes home?"

"Well, I should be going?"

"Oh come on just give me a few minutes, I haven't talked to anyone that could resist my son since before he started fucking me."

"Well, I guess I can stay a few more minutes," I replied sitting back down on the chair.

"So you like girls eh,"

"Yeah, I think they know my body more than any man could,"

"Do you like my body?"

"You've got a beautiful body,"

"That's not what I asked, do you like my body,"

"Well, yes, I suppose,"

"Did your mother teach you,"

"No, but if your asking me if I've slept with my mother your answer is yes,"

"Does she still taste just as sweet,"

"Well, she is sweet,"

"Has she passed that taste on,"

"I'm not sure," I said feeling a twinge of interest in my pussy.

"Well, I'd like to find out some time!"

"You would?" I asked winded a little.

"Yes, I would" Susan said sliding closer to me. "Are you involved with anyone right now?"

"Well, I am involved with a couple," I said not hesitating.

"A couple, boy you are really active for your age aren't you,"

"I don't mean two women, I mean a woman and her husband, they've asked me to move in with them,"

"Have you accepted,"

"Yeah, I like them and they love me too,"

"I thought you said you didn't like men,"

"Well I kinda accept Hawk more because he's married to Stacey."

"What are they like?"

"There really nice, and when we're together we basically spend most of the time in bed,"

"Well its not to good to spend too much time in bed without knowing the people inside the bodies."

"I know them, they are nice people, not only just in bed,"

"But how much time do you actually spend with them out of bed,"

"Well, I suppose not that much, but I like sleeping with them,"

"How long do you think that will last, someone at your age should be free to sleep with who ever she wants."

"My sister, she's getting married with mom, and she's a year younger than me."


"Christa's getting married at the wedding too,"

"And your mother's agreed to this,"

"She couldn't stop her even if she wanted too, besides she's pregnant too,"

"and she's only...seventeen is that right,"

"Yes, so why shouldn't I be able to settle in with Stacey and Hawk,"

"Well, I can't answer that, but you shouldn't think with your hormones,"

"Then what about you and Kevin isn't that the same thing,"

"No, its not,"

"How isn't it, he's your son, you said yourself you couldn't resist sucking on his five year old cock, and now you can't resist his eighteen year old cock filling you up."

"Don't talk about him anymore your getting me hot,"

"See case and point, aren't you thinking with your hormones right now when I say Kevin pushes his rock hard thick cock into your warm cunt spraying your insides with his searing white cum,"

"Stop it," Susan begged hotly running her hand down to her crotch and rubbing the crotch of the jeans.

"Well isn't that thinking with your hormones, thinking of fucking your son wanting to fuck both your son and your husband at once, to have one of their big cocks filling you up from behind while the other one is stuffing your mouth full of his manhood."

"Please, stop," Susan said nearily inaudiubly as she rubbed her crotch, and starting to play with one of her nipples through the fabric.

"Well isn't it, you want everyman in your life by the same thinking, Kevin, George, your father,"

"You know about my father," Susan moaned.

"My mother told me how you liked to fuck him with her, having his thick little cock fucking your little pussies, filling your cunts with his warm loving jism while your mother was out, and then you liked him fucking you all alone on vacation, just you and him steaming up the windows in every room you's went in, as you two fucked in every room, and every room he fucks you until you both cum, and you accept his warm loving cum every chance you could get, and you loved every minute of his naked hot body pressing against your young firm body, as he licked and kissed your nipples, as he drove deep into your pussy and you screamed and screamed with the joy of having your father love you so much, proving it to you when ever he had the chance, warming your pussy up."

"Ahhhhh..." Susan moaned as her body convulsed in orgasm. I was amazed I'd brought her to an orgasm just by talking her in to it. Her and her father must have really fucked alot, and she must have really loved the time they had spent together.

I moved closer to her to try and coax her down from her orgasm, but when I got within range of her as her body still shook her hand reached straight out and stroked my crotch excting me as she petted me through the fabric of my jeans. My legs buckled a little the second she touched me.

"And what about you fucking that couple, your mother and probably even seducing your sister," Susan said still petting me with her small delicate hand. Just at that moment the doorbell rang. "That'll be Sydney," Susan said standing up, then giving me a small little kiss, she left me dazed and went to the front door. A second later I followed the path that Susan had just taken, just before I reached the corner to the hallway the front door shut.

At the door was a young short haired blonde girl maybe around seven or eight, she was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a T-shirt that showed the fact that she was still not "fully" developed in the breast area, but otherwise she was quite cute. Sydney kissed Susan's cheek, and Susan kissed her back then she noticed me standing in the hallway.

"Carrie, this is Sydney, Sydney this is Carrie," Susan said turning Sydney to face me. "She came over to invite us to her mothers wedding, isn't that nice?"

"Yes," Sydney mumbled softly which made her appear shy and anxious to get out of the conversation.

"You go up and put your bag away," Susan told Sydney giving her a little pat on the shoulders. Sydney, relieved disembarked as fast as she could.

"Well, I better get going," I said heading towards the door.

"Are you sure that you don't want to have him fuck you, I can take Sydney out if you'd like to be alone with him," Susan asked me as I got closer to her.

"I'm sure, but maybe another time all right,"

"Ok," Susan said opening the door for me, "I'll see you later then,"


"Bye!" Susan said softly as she watched me walk out.

Chapter LX

"Jake you really don't have to go I can go myself,"

"Your mine, when you need me I'll be there and I want to be with you."

"Well, Jake I don't know if I really want you there,"


"I just feel like it wouldn't be right, at least not right now,"


"Look, you can wait out in the waiting room alright,"



"Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Evans," I told the receptionist that was sitting at the large desk at the front of the office.

"Do you have an appointment,"

"Yes, for four-thirty,"

"Is your name Christa Benchino," she asked and I replied with a nod.

"Fine, please sit down the doctor will be with you in a few minutes."

The few minutes turned into half an hour, at five-oh-one I got through into her inner office, with little more than a sqeeze of my hand from Jake.

I stripped down and put on my simpy paper thing, and spread out on the table, you feel so weak and vulnerable on the thing, its kind of scary. She started poking and proding me with her cold hands and stethescope, is it a law or something that doctors are supposed to have cold hands.

Then she did the ultra sound, thats when she asked "Have you been taking any kind of drugs or anything of the such,"

"No, I don't do anything like that,"

"Are you sure?"

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, not exactly, your sure you haven't been taking anything to promote growth,"

"Yes, I'm sure, now would you tell me why your asking?"

"Well, your son..."

"My son?" I asked surprised she hadn't told me before what sex my baby was.

"Yes, he appears to be about four months but you've only been p

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