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Vacation Fun

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It’s finally the night before vacation! The kids are driving us crazy. They are ready to get to the beach. We are leaving early tomorrow morning. I’ve just got a few last minute things to do. With everyone in bed I can get things done a lot faster. Everything is now by the back door to throw in the car in the morning. Told the kids they could sleep in their clothes and all they had to do was brush their teeth in the morning. I finally collapse around midnight and the alarm goes off at 4 am. Why did I even bother? I get up a few minutes after 4 and see a light on. Ohmygosh. The kids are up and dressed and sitting on their suitcases by the back door. Gonna be a long day! We hit the road almost 10 minutes early! Yeah us! First stop donuts! I know I know feeding them sugar and getting into a car for a long drive but it worked to get them up and going. So donuts here we come! Donuts bought and back in the car. They were told if they argued over the donuts they would go hungry! Not a word was said but donuts were inhaled. They finished the donuts and got there headsets out. So things were quiet for awhile. Hubby and I ate our donuts and were talking about what we wanted to do while on vacation. I was looking at a couple of brochures and started lining stuff out. There was a nice aquarium, that would be a cool (as in air condition cool) and a few other things. At night there was a minor league baseball team those are always fun. And I found a couple of other things to do. We had the trip mapped out. Kids were reading and were quiet. It’s about time for a rest stop! We make a quick stop and have the kids run around the car a couple of times! They are laughing the whole time. It was pretty cute watching them! Next stop will be lunch and then next stop will be our home for a few days. We finally get to the exit for the house. We go another mile and we can finally see the ocean. The kids are jumping up and down and squealing. I kind of was too. I’m in my happy place. We find our home for the week and the kids are really jumping up and down now in their seats. It’s beautiful here. I roll my window down and smell the ocean. I’m starting to jump up and down. Kids are ready to jump out of the car but I stop them and tell them they each have to take there suitcase inside before anything is going to happen. We all grab suitcases and head to the front door. We open the door and look around. The house is gorgeous. Perfect style and colors for a beach. Honestly I’m as excited as the kids. We throw the luggage in our rooms and get swim suits out and change in a matter of seconds and out the door we go to the beach. We all run into the ocean and splash! It’s great to see everyone so happy! We tell the kids where they can go and not go and hubby and I head back to where we dropped our chairs and towels. We are spreading things out and a couple walks up with there two kids. We introduce ourselves and the kids are already playing and chasing each other in the water. We put our chairs out and we all sit together and talk. They are a very attractive couple. Kids are the same age. And there house is next door to ours. Hope the kids get along well. Would be nice for them to have someone to play with while we are here! All the kids come running toward us talking at once. All of them are saying can we spend the night together. The other mom and I look at each other and I finally say. Let’s do this. Tonight you stay in your own rooms and tomorrow night we will make plans. The kids start to fuss about it and I said very calmly fussing now will get you an extra night in your own house. Funny how fast they can calm down! And they agree. We stay out a little while longer and say goodnight to our new friends and see ya tomorrow! Of course the kids were up before the sun came up but I made them stay in their rooms until dad and I were ready to get up. They were ready for breakfast immediately. Cereal for them, teeth brushed and out the door they went. Me yelling right behind them. They hadn’t put on sun screen yet! About 30 minutes later the adults went out. Funny all of us got out at the same time. It was a beautiful day. Not too hot just right for a beach day. We got a game of volleyball going. Girls against the boys. After we tied 1-1 we all took a break and ran into the ocean to cool off. Linda and I got drinks for everyone and fruit snacks. Like minds evidently. When it was lunch time we decided to go to our own houses have lunch and naps and come back late afternoon. Man the nap felt great! We headed back outside just as our new friends were coming out. My husband leaned over and said our new friends are hot. He can’t keep his eyes off of you. I gave him that your in trouble look!! And he laughed. But I had noticed it too! The guys and the kids went running to the water. Linda and I put towels on the mats and sat watching the kids and dads playing all kinds of games. The dads came in and grabbed beers out of the coolers. They sat beside us enjoying a nice conversation when the kids ran up saying we are hungry. Of course they are. Told them to get the fruit out of the cooler and a water. They actually didn’t argue with me! Wow!! That’s a first. Linda and I talked about having hot dogs and chips for dinner. The girls were already begging to spend the night and even the boys wanted to be together so we discussed it. We would have dinner together and then the girls would stay at Linda’s and Jim’s and the boys would stay with David and I. All was in agreement. It was fun cooking on the grill and eating on the picnic tables in the front yard listening to the ocean. It was a beautiful night. I started clearing the table and gathering the trash when Jim came up to help me and said so glad the kids get along. I said totally agree. Linda and I will make sure the girls get to sleep on time. I kind of laughed and said I bet they crash early. All the swimming and running and sun they are going to crash earlier than they think. He laughed and said you are probably right. He and I chit chatted for awhile. He was very attentive and actually helpful cleaning up. We went out on our porch and sat in the big swing rocking and talking. It was a beautiful night and the moon was gorgeous over the ocean. Linda and David walked up and sat in the other swing. We told them we wanted to go do a couple of things the next day did they want to go. They said yes quickly. They had a van that would hold all of us so it was settled we would leave about 9;30. We said good night and all went in to go to bed! Everybody was ready the next morning and outside by the van around 9:15! No eager beavers here! Haha. Linda and I both packed a lunch in case we wanted to do other things and if we got hungry! We started off at the aquarium. The kids loved it. Actually it was pretty incredible. I think we all enjoyed it. That took up a couple of hours! Then we just kind of roamed around town looking at things! We found a beautiful park where the kids could play and we could have lunch. It was perfect. We decided it was rest time then beach time. So we headed back to our houses! The guys wanted to go to a grocery store before we got back but they told us all to stay in the car. They would go in and they knew what they wanted to get. Well ok! Linda and I laughed. Wasn't long before they were back in the car and on our way back home. We let the kids play in the ocean for a little while but we made them come in and shower and take a rest before dinner. We all actually took a nap. Until I heard a knock on the door. It was David and he said it’s play time let’s go. We all got ready and headed to the ocean! Water felt great. Sun wasn’t too hot! Perfect afternoon! We agreed we would start cooking around 6ish that way everyone would have time to shower and get cleaned up. No more playing for the day. Dinner was great! Everybody helped clean up! We turned the radio on and had good music going as the moon came up over the ocean. It was breath taking beautiful. As promised the kids were going to have a sleep over. They had been great all day. We told them if they were good tomorrow we would take them to a minor league baseball game that was in town and we would have hot dogs there and watch the game. They were all excited. So off to bed they went with no fussing or fighting! We got our 2 to bed and went out on the porch. And not long after David and Linda came out and joined us and said there 2 were already asleep! Jim said oh good adult time! We all laughed. The guys got up and went after drinks. We sat around talking and then we all said good night see ya in the morning! The kids were sound asleep David was in the shower and when he got out I got in. I had just got out of the shower and had my robe on when there was a knock on the door. David opened it and it was Jim. The girls are asleep he said just wanted to check on the boys. We told him to pull a chair up on the porch and you would go inside and see. You go inside and tell David that Jim’s on the porch and was wondering if the boys were asleep. David checks and says they are sound asleep. When you and David go outside, Linda has joined him on the patio. You and David sit down and the four of you are talking about the day and was wondering with all the kids around when would there be time for adult time. The ocean sounds wonderful but you girls are getting a little cold. You offer to go inside and get a couple of blankets. Linda jumps up to go inside with you. Inside, Linda tells you that Jim can’t keep his eyes off you and you laugh and say that David can’t keep his eyes off of her. You two find a couple of blankets and join the guys on the patio. As you enter the patio, you ladies look at each other and then without hesitation, you sit beside Jim and Linda cuddles up beside David as you girls cover up with the blankets. Jim moves closer and puts his arm around you and pulls you closer to him. Linda is already cuddled up against David with his arm around her. Jim leans over and kisses you long and slow and deep. You can’t help it a moan comes up out of nowhere! He continues kissing you slow and with feeling. He takes your hand and puts it on his already hard cock. But you continue to kiss him. Out of the corner of your eye you see David and Linda in a very deep passionate kiss! This is a first for both of you but it feels good and right and you do enjoy watching your man kiss another woman. It gets me really worked up. Linda finally says do we need to take this inside? David looks at me and is waiting for my response. I just nod my head and finally say as long as we can all be together. Everybody is in agreement. Jim said let me run check on the girls and I’ll be right back. He’s not gone but a very few minutes and says they are sound asleep. We quietly tip toe into the house and go to our room. David checks there is a lock on the bedroom door and he closes the door and locks it. David comes over and kisses me and whispers let’s have fun. But remember I love you. I just nod my head and say I love you! Jim gentle lays me on one side of the bed while David has Linda on the other side. We are all naked now. Jim spreads my legs and starts licking my pussy. Within seconds I am so wet. He’s moaning and telling me how much he likes my wetness David is between Linda’s legs and they are both moaning. I am extremely close to cumming and I push my pussy further into Jim’s face. He’s licking me like crazy and then he starts licking my clit and fingering my pussy and I lose it. I’m squirming all over. I’m trying to be really quiet but I do let out a moan and I hear David say enjoy it baby and I look up and he is watching us. So is Linda. David looks at me and says baby do what you have always wanted to do. I look at him and say really? And he shakes his head yes. I move over by him and kiss him. Linda is laying beside him on her back. I move over and spread her legs and start licking her pussy. The guys are just starring at us now. She is moaning and wiggling. I put my finger in her pussy and start licking her clit. She pulls David down so that he is kissing her. Jim gets behind me and starts playing with my pussy again. Linda and I start cummjng at the same time. Oh heck this is hot and good. I go back to Jim and lay him down and start sucking his very hard cock. Lind is doing the same with David. I can tell David is really close to cumming. I stop sucking long enough to tell him let her have all your hot cum baby and go right back to sucking Jim. Linda stops and says the same thing to Jim. Both guys cum almost at the same time. It was hot. We all collapse. We all look at each other and say thank goodness we still have three more nights here!

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