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Meeting my first Date - part 2

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Things got serious really quick when Mistress turned and pushed the doorbell. I was so hoping He wasn’t home but I knew that wouldn’t be the case. I remember telling myself really quick to just pretend like this is just another session with Mistress…. it’s not really a date but a session with my Mistress. I could see shadows coming from behind the little side windows next to the door and thought here we go. The door opened and I saw the Man that I thought at the time was going to be my first and ‘only ever’ date I would ever have. This was 2002 and I will explain more on that later I hope…but even at that specific time my thinking was ‘getting this over with’. He had a really nice big smile and said a nice big ‘Hi’ to Mistress and gave Her a hug. It was obvious that they had known each other for some time…how long I would have no idea really. He quickly looked at us both and said ‘Come on in and we’ll get all introduced to our lady here’. He stepped aside a bit to hold this massive wooden front door and Mistress walked in first and I followed Her in and when I walked past Him he closed the door and this I will never forget… he motioned for us to go into His front room or great room or whatever and He placed His hand on my back right above my butt to lead me in. It wasn’t aggressive or threatening…I just mention it because I remember it and I couldn’t fucking believe it actually. I think the reason it sticks in my memory is because the blue dress I wore that night was a backless mini so when He put His hand on the small of my back, I could just feel it more…I don’t know. We walked into this really large room and Mistress spoke up and said ‘Mister White let me introduce You to Your date, this is Dani Bianco’. Let me just say… when Mistress spoke those words and used both my first and last name and referred to me as a ‘date’ to a Man who was standing directly in front of me….it just blew my mind. I have always been known as ‘Dani’. I don’t even remember many times myself using my last name when I would go out for fun. When Mistress used my full name and said ‘Your date’, it just caught me by surprise. Mister White extended His Hand to me and another thing I noticed right off being my first time, He extended His hand to me with His palm up…. not like I would normally shake a Man’s hand in a meeting or something. Another thing I was worried about at that moment was my voice. I never really talked about that with Mistress. I don’t practice a fake female voice…I have tried but always felt like I would sound like Mrs. Doubtfire…lol… I am lucky that I really far from having a deep voice anyway so I just speak a bit softer. I reached out and as gently as possible placed my hand on Mr. Whites and He closed His hand pretty much around my hand but not hard at all. I looked at Him and said ‘It’s very nice to meet You Mr. White, Thank You for inviting us to Your home’. He pulled my hand close Him and actually kissed the top of my hand and said ‘Let me just say your photos don’t do you justice’. He looked at Mistress and said ‘She is truly a California blonde beauty You brought me’. Mistress said to Him ‘She has the potential and desire to be one’. Then Mr. White looked at me and told me ‘Let’s be clear here my dear... your Mistress is here but I invited you. I realize you are new so Mistress is here but She is to be invisible to you tonight…understood?’ Mistress spoke up and added ‘Dani thanking Mr. White for inviting ‘us’ was highly inappropriate since He was kind enough to ask you on a date’. I looked at Mistress and said ‘I am sorry Mistress’. Mr. White still had my hand in His but he took His other hand and took my face and made me look at Him and in a sterner look said’ Who are you talking too? What did I just tell you? Who is your date tonight?’ I was so shocked. I just said ‘I am sorry Mr. White. You are my date. He said ‘And how many people are on this date honey?’ I told Him ‘It’s just You and I Mr. White.’ That little mistake of mine certainly let me know He was Dominant. It definitely got my attention and after my little mistake was over it was like He went back to being His nice self. He said ‘Well let’s sit down and get to know a little about each other. This is where I thought it got a bit odd because He would continue to talk to Mistress after He just finished admonishing me about addressing Her. He offered Mistress a chair that wasn’t exactly completely across the room but it wasn’t like it was right next to me either. He didn’t look at me but He just pointed to a leather loveseat and said ‘Dani, you’re here, but don’t sit yet’. Then He said ‘I have found the best champagne, Dani you’ll have a glass, Mistress would you enjoy a glass as well? Mistress told Him of course She would love one. Mister White went over to this console type thing where He had this huge bucket and I just glanced at Mistress and She just gave me a tiny little wink which I had no idea what the hell She meant. Mr. White was getting our champagne, Mistress was sitting what seemed like miles away now, and I was still standing in the middle of the room. Mr. White came back with 2 glasses and handed Mistress her glass and then walked to me and said ‘Give me your purse and I’ll set it over here for now’. I gave Him my clutch and he handed me my glass and for some reason I don’t know I just said ‘Thank You Sir’. I’ve used that term in meetings before or around vanilla friends even. I don’t think I used it with Mr. White as a DOM/sub thing…it just came out. Mr. White got a little grin on His face and said ‘Sir? Ooh I like that …Sir, yes, you’ll call me that tonight instead of Mr. White besides its easier anyway and I am sure you will see that it’s fitting…understood dear? Obvious reply here ‘Yes Sir and thank You for my champagne’. He went over to the loveseat and sat down and then realized He forgot something. He told me ‘Dani over at the console bring us some coasters for our drinks and bring one for Mistress as well’. After I walked over to get the coasters I placed a coaster under Mistress’s glass and went to Mr. White and placed one under His glass and laid a coaster down for mine but He wouldn’t let me put my glass down yet and told me to go stand back again. He told me ‘I want to get a good look at you. I don’t expect you to model but I want you to turn around and show me Mistress’s work. I made you walk to get the coasters for a reason. You really walk in heels incredibly well. How high are your heels baby?’ I told Him ‘This pair has 5” heels Sir. Mistress is excellent at teaching me’. Then he told me to sit my glass on the carpet but away from me so I wouldn’t kick it or something so I did. He told me…’ Come a little closer to me. What style panties do you prefer to wear?’ This was so odd and embarrassing being asked these questions and having to answer them by a Man. I just wanted to sit down. I just told Him ‘I wear different styles Sir, I guess I like bikini panties Sir.’ And He asked why and I made the big mistake with my answer… ‘I like bikini panties because they are usually smaller and I like to be able to wear them lower on my hips Sir’. He then asked me ‘Don’t you have problems or worries with things falling out as they say if you wear smaller panties? I didn’t know for sure but I really felt as though Mistress had set this up on purpose because of Her pounding into my head about not pleasing Women. My only answer back to Mr. White was ‘No Sir, I don’t worry about that.’ I thanked god He didn’t continue and ask me why I didn’t worry. He told me move a little closer and then He said ‘Lift your dress and show me the panties You wore for me tonight’. I knew I was still wearing the tiniest little black panties that Mistress gave me so I figured well, if He doesn’t like them it isn’t my fault…lol. The blue dress I was wearing besides being a halter backless style is a mini dress. It is not so mini that it barely covers my butt or a spandex type that it is so tight that it looks trashy at least I think. The top is like a lurex glittery top that clips behind my neck and the bottom skirt part does have some spandex in it. It is form fitting for sure but not skin tight. Since I was wearing thigh highs my dress moved pretty easy. Since I answered His questions about my panties, I figured I might as well get this part over with. I put my hands on my thighs and my dress easily slid up over my panties letting Mr. White see my really tiny black panties with scalloped edges around the waistband and leg openings. Mr. White just stared for what seemed like hours although obviously it wasn’t. I started to lower my dress and He said loudly ‘Stop. Get that dress back up’. I said Sorry and raised it back where it was. He said ‘Good god you are a sexy bitch aren’t you’. Your Mistress has taught you how to tuck your clitty away very nicely’. When He said that Mistress literally let out a chuckle. ‘She’s not tucked Mr. White, there’s nothing to tuck, that’s all there is’. Mr. White looked at Mistress and said ‘Oh good Lord You weren’t kidding. I thought You might be at least exaggerating a little bit. Everything You’ve told me is making sense now. I mean what Woman would ever….’ and then He just stopped. Then He said to me ‘Turn around and let me see your ass. I turned around while still holding my dress up and He said ‘My my …I see you like wearing thongs too’. I said ‘This is not a thong Sir I’m sorry but these are half back panties. They just rode up my butt in the car on the way to house’. I have no clue why I thought it was important to share that other than I just wanted to do anything to be able to sit down. He said ‘Ah OK I see …so you like these sexy fabrics then that ride up your butt and rub against your pussy?’. (so you know…. I had seen Mistress for 7 maybe 8 months before this evening and She had NEVER referred to my ass as a pussy…ever. It’s not like She never said She was going to fuck my ass with her strap on but I don’t remember a single time She said my pussy). Mr. White said ‘I asked you a question’. I said ‘I’m sorry Sir, Yes I do love the feeling of sexy fabrics, they make me feel sexy. He asked ‘Does Mistress fuck your pussy? I said ‘Yes Sir, Mistress fucks me whenever She feels like it’. He finally said’ You can lower your dress doll and come here and sit next to me. Pick up your glass’. I lowered my dress and picked my glass and walked over to the loveseat where Mr. White was sitting but before I sat down, He told me that I should ask if anyone needed more champagne before I sat down. Of course, they both did. I didn’t even get a sip out of my first glass yet. I sat down finally next to Mr. White on the leather loveseat. He sort of shifted Himself so He was facing me a little more and He took His hand and cupped my chin with His hand and said to me ‘That was lovely sweetheart, really sexy’. He then leaned over and kissed me on the lips! No tongue or anything but still. Mr. White was a very confident Man. I have no idea what He did for a living. I did hear Him tell Mistress that He was glad we could make it at 10pm because He had a procedure that went longer than He thought it would. What that ultimately meant I have no idea even today. He was a great dresser. He looked very meticulous with dress pants, really expensive shoes and shirt. I could just tell. I know this sounds really really stupid but He reminds me of the new Most Interesting Man in the World guy in that commercial only maybe a couple years younger. The sad part so far…. everything I just explained from meeting Mr. White, from standing in front of Him, showing Him my panties, answering His questions…. that took all of about 50 minutes. I felt as though the date should be over…lol. After Mr. White kissed me, He told me ’I said earlier that Mistress is invisible to you tonight but She is not invisible to me. I am going to have a little conversation with Her so I am not being rude to Her…understood? You are not to be heard from. Let’s move to the sofa where I can be closer to Her. I just said ‘Yes Sir’ We stood up out of the loveseat and Mr. White sat down on the middle cushion on the sofa and He told me…While I am speaking with Mistress, I want you across my lap face down. I glanced over at Mistress and oh my god He didn’t care for that AT ALL. He yelled at me ‘You’ve got 5 seconds to get across my lap.’ I laid across His lap and He told me to just relax while He caught up a bit with Mistress…as if I could relax. My lower stomach or abdomen I guess was on His lap somewhat and He kind of pushed me to where He wanted me to be. I felt like my butt was sticking up straight in the air for god’s sake. Mr. White and Mistress just started talking as though I wasn’t even there. How ya’ been, how’s business, how’s your house coming along…. all the while He is running His hands up and down the back of my legs. Then he asked Mistress ‘What’s Brian up too tonight?’ Mistress laughed and said ‘Well…You know Ben is getting married….so tonight is the bachelor party. I think the guys He plays basketball with are getting together doing their crazy things…. Men...who the fuck knows’. Mr. White told Her…’Oh yeah that’s right Brian did e-mail about that but I told Him about my date with Dani was tonight’. Mistress told Mr. White (like I wasn’t even in the room) ‘Yeah…Brian was the first real Cock Dani has had’. As I am hearing this Mr. White starts moving His hands to my butt and playing with my panties…pulling them out of my butt cheeks and then pulling them tightly back in and then out again. Mr. White told Mistress ‘Yes I know… Brian told me in the e-mail…. You know guys do talk…I hope You don’t mind?’ Mistress replied ‘Oh heavens no. I think Dani needs to know that Men talk. It will help her to know that She can pleasure Men because she still struggles thinking she could please a Woman. Mr. White laughed at that and said ‘She’d have to buy them a dildo to please them I guess.’ At this point Mr. White put His left hand on the back of my neck and told me ‘I am going to play with your pussy Dani, don’t you move.’ I was so nervous. I was so happy Mistress was there but She was so quiet about everything He was saying. I trusted Her but I didn’t know how much I should. I could feel Mr. White pull my panties out of my butt cheeks again and to the side. He reached down between my legs to my knee and pushed my leg away from my other one a bit and I moved it back. He smacked my butt and said ‘Do NOT do that again’. And He went back to talking with Mistress. ‘ I certainly know from Brian’s e-mail how He felt about Dani sucking His cock….How did Dani like it?’ and Mistress told Him what I felt compelled to tell Her when we spoke on the phone ‘ Oh Dani told me She loved it….absolutely loved it and loved Brian’s cock. That’s why She agreed to come back so her training with me could be intensified. That’s why she is so excited to be here on a date with You tonight’. As Mistress told Him that Mr. White ran His finger over my ‘pussy’ (ok I said it) and I flinched bigtime. He slapped my ass hard…. really hard and said ‘I told you to not fucking move….do you understand what not fucking move means?’ I said back in a shaky voice ‘Yes I do’ and he said ‘Yes what?’ I said ‘Yes Sir’. Mistress said ‘Here Mr. White, She loves this’. I didn’t see or know what that meant right away but within a few seconds a felt a few drops of what I eventually realized was oil on my pussy. As Mr. White started running His finger around my pussy, he asked me if Mistress was accurate ‘Dani, is your Mistress right? Did You love sucking Brian’s Cock? I told Him ‘Yes Sir I did’….’Did you love the way Brian’s Cock felt going in and out of your mouth?’… I told Him ‘Yes Sir’…. ‘You had to be surprised at how big Brian’s Cock was weren’t you?... I replied to Him ‘Yes Sir I have to admit to You that I was’. Then Mr. White asked me a question that I never thought I would have to answer to any Man… ‘ You do realize sweetheart that no real Man would EVER consider sucking another Man’s Cock…when I am with Brian and our other male friends….honey it just doesn’t come up in the conversation…it’s not even thought of…we are looking at women knowing they of course would love a chance at our cocks… we all know we could cause them to have multiple orgasms because we have. Not only have you admitted to your Mistress that you just loved sucking Cock, you just admitted to me, a real Man, that you loved sucking one of my best friends Cock. My question is this…. How did it make you feel and why did you love it so much and desire to suck more Men’s Cocks for your Mistress?’ Hearing Mr. Whites question and His explanation along with His playing with my legs, butt and now my pussy…. catching glimpses of Mistress sitting back in Her chair just taking all of this in brought out my deepest submissive self I think. It was like I didn’t have time to think about anything else. To make matters worse or better depending on how one looks at it, as I turned my head to look at Mistress the last time it was the first time I noticed a huge mirror that was on the floor that leaned against the wall instead of a mirror that hangs on a wall. I could see just enough of myself where I was laying across Mr. Whites lap and after everything He said to me, I thought I looked kind of sexy with His hand on my butt. Isn’t that fucked up? I told Mr. White ‘Sir I loved sucking Brian’s Cock because it made me feel sexy. Part of it was because I knew Mistress wanted me to do it for a long time but I now know I could have stopped but I didn’t because it made me feel sexy and I wanted Brian to think I was sexy. When I was sucking Brian’s Cock, I admit I heard little moans that I thought maybe He liked what I was doing and I have to admit that I wanted to make Him moan even louder.’ As I was explaining to Mr. White, He slipped His finger inside my pussy. He must have felt me flinch a little but He just told me ‘Keep going girl just get it all out’. I told Mr. White ‘I knew I never made a Woman moan sexually but I always told myself that sex was never that important to Women…I don’t know…I guess I am wrong now’. Mr. White kept going deeper with His finger…it didn’t hurt at all after being fucked by Mistress’s strap on for the better part of seven months and the oddity of a Man finger fucking me was wearing off to tell you the truth. Mr. White asked me ‘Does this feel good in Your pussy baby girl? Maybe it was the champagne…who knows…maybe it was just the tension of the entire day. But at this point …it didn’t feel bad. I told Mr. White ‘Yes Sir, I must say it does feel really nice.’ I could easily feel His Cock getting hard against my stomach. Mr. White asked Mistress what I thought an odd question, He asked Mistress ‘Is Your rule for tonight still in effect? And She responded ‘Yes I’m afraid it is but ultimately it’s her decision this evening’. Mr. White told me that He had a couple of gifts for me… One gift He demanded that I wear for Him tonight. The second gift he said I would have to earn. He then looked at me and said ‘After all of our nice conversation, I do think it’s well overdue for You to get busy, don’t you? I replied back to Him ‘Yes I guess so Sir’ He went from slapping my ass like He did earlier to just flat out more of a hard spanking. He went into pure Dominant mode. He shoved two fingers in my pussy and said ‘If there is one thing I just can’t tolerate in a woman is a woman who doesn’t show enthusiasm or who is inconsiderate. I have 3 fucking gifts for you…one I am going to put one inside your pussy as you suck my cock….the other is one you will earn and the last one is one you will get after you’ve earned the second one...say Yes Sir I understand’. I told Him ‘Yes Sir I am sorry and I do understand’. Mistress looked at Him and said’ She has good moments and she has her downside unfortunately. She tends to lose concentration’. I was still on His lap and he told me ‘Mistress had a rule this evening that because you are new, I could not fuck you. I love to break rules but I wouldn’t do that to Mistress…but let me tell you girl…. you need a hard fucking just to be taught a lesson. Just so I am not tempted You are going to wear this. You can keep this and you are to wear this home’. He showed me a butt plug that had a purple jewel on the end. He took His left hand and pushed my neck down again and I heard Him spit on my pussy and then I felt Him put more oils on my pussy as well. I have no idea where He was keeping the plug but it was sort of cold. I was really worried that He might hurt me when He would put it in or try to put it in. After a few minutes though it finally slipped in and I have to admit my submissive feelings hit the roof again. Without even Him saying anything I said right away… ‘Thank You so much Sir…I love it.’ He then explained to me… ‘you must have been able to tell by now that I am a very particular Man…especially when it comes to my clothes. I want you to get up fix your panties, adjust your dress, and then you are to walk to that closet and bring back with you 2 hangers. I am going to have you undress me but don’t think you are going to just fold my pants and shirt. You are to remove my shirt, hang it on a hanger, walk over to the closet hang it up , come back to me remove my shoes and socks and set them aside neatly, when you remove my pants you are to be on your knees, unbuckle my belt and present it to me on your open palms. Hang my pants on a hanger correctly, walk to the closet and hang them up, come back to me and kneel in front of me…. Please tell me I don’t have to repeat myself. I told Him ‘No Sir, I completely understand’. He slapped my face, but not very hard and said ‘Then why am I still wearing my shirt?’ I did everything He told me to do to the letter. I even took His shoes and set them side by side perfectly even, beside the sofa out of the way and folded His socks, not inside out at the end fearing He might think it might stretch them out because they were the kind of socks I have never seen or owned and laid them gently over His shoes. When I removed His belt, I rolled it slightly and placed it in both palms and raised it up to Him. His pants had an inside button which thankfully I didn’t struggle with. He made me nervous because he watched everything so closely. Even His briefs looked expensive for god’s sake. When I finally went back to Him the last time and knelt before Him, He told me follow Him and He walked me around the back of the sofa. He pushed me over the back of the sofa and told me to lean into the cushions and then ordered me to spread me legs further and further until He was satisfied. He then said ‘Mistress can I ask You to come over here please? Mistress walked over and He explained to Her ‘She belongs to You and it is not my place to administer discipline. She is going to service me to my liking but before she does, I think out of respect to You I need You to know that there were two indiscretions from Her that I just can’t let go. You may have seen or heard more but that is for You to decide at a later date for later training but I don’t feel as though she can think she can just suck my cock and think she’s done good. She has to learn but as always it is Your decision. Mistress responded to Him by saying ‘You know that I always take into consideration my client’s personal feelings and recommendations. You feel insulted and if that’s the case I simply cannot have that. If you can tell me her indiscretions and your recommended discipline, I think we can agree. I couldn’t believe it. Again, they are talking about me like I am a piece of furniture. It’s just so different than when I am just serving Mistress alone. Mr. White told Mistress ‘I know this was discussed earlier, but when she said ‘thank you for inviting us over’… I really held my tongue. That was really uncalled for and I feel she said it on purpose due to the fact she didn’t want to admit she was on a date. She made me feel as though You both were coming to a fucking Christmas party…it was a huge insult to me’. Mistress replied that She agreed completely and that She was actually truly embarrassed right when I said it…. ‘What is your second indiscretion? Mr. White responded… ‘This is just as big of an insult to me as the first one. I had already told her that Mistress was invisible to her tonight yet when I told her to bring coasters over for the champagne glasses, she brought a coaster to Your glass first before she brought a coaster to mine. I am her date, especially tonight of all nights she knows she is here because she wants my Cock. Once again, she obviously feels she can get away with things as long as she gets to suck Cock. Mistress if you think I am out of line a bit or over reacting I will leave it to Your best judgement. Mistress replied with no big surprise ‘oh no Mr. White I caught that one too…immediately as a matter of fact. It just wasn’t my place at the time to say anything. Had You not said anything to me tonight You can trust that She would be disciplined at our next training. You are right on both marks. What disciplines do You recommend? Mr. White responded ‘I would recommend a dozen strikes with my belt. That is 6 strikes per infraction. I don’t want You to think though that she didn’t do good things too. I loved how she took my fingers in her pussy and admitted she loved it… I loved how she admitted to me how much she loved sucking Brian’s Cock and how much she craves sucking even more for You. You have done just an amazing job with her. You and I know she won’t ever get a woman….and more importantly she knows it. She’s just still unaware of just how big real Men’s Cocks are…. trust me tonight she will get another taste…literally. Now because of her admissions I think that one strike should be taken off for each infraction making it an even 10 strikes. Mr. White handed Mistress His belt and Mistress offered Him the opportunity to administer the 10 strikes but He declined. To describe the mind of lifestyle Dominants, Mistress asked Mr. White if He wanted the strikes done with the buckle end of the belt or the leather end. Mr. White said and I quote ‘Oh no no no …. Not the buckle end’ (which I thought was nice of Him) which He followed with… ‘That buckle is 24k gold it’s pretty soft I’d hate to see it get bent or ruined.’ I did get the 10 whippings….in the past 7 months I’ve endured worse with floggers and canes so I’m not going to go into details. When Mistress was finished Mr. White was back around the front of the sofa and He asked Mistress to go back to her chair unless there was something else She wanted or needed to do. Mistress had raised my dress above my ass for my discipline and Mr. White told me to leave it there and crawl around the sofa to Him. I crawled as instructed and knelt before Him and He told me to look up at Him. Once again, He said ‘Did you love Brian’s Cock because it was big?’ I said ‘Yes Sir I did.’ He just got this smirk on His face a bit and said’ Then you’re going to love Me…You’ve had a busy night I know but trust Me when I say that now is not the time to lose enthusiasm…I won’t have it. If I feel enthusiasm leaving you, I swear I am going to slap it right back into you…you do understand me on that don’t you girl?’ ‘Yes Sir I do understand You.’ I said. He insisted on me telling Him what I wanted. To be honest I still in some cases struggle with today in some cases when I have to look at a Man and have to ask Him if I can suck His cock. I guess it depends on the Man or how Dominant He is…. I know it’s easier the more Dominant He is. I told Mr. White ‘I would love to suck Your Cock for Your Sir’. He asked me ‘Are you are good little cocksucker?’ ….’ I have been told I am Sir.’ He told me to slowly remove His briefs. I felt like my hands were shaking. I don’t know if they actually were but it sure felt like it. I remembered Mistress telling me in the car to be sexy and to be flirty. It’s not like I knew what Men liked back then. I had no idea how to flirt with a Man. At any rate I placed each hand on his upper legs and ran my hands up to the waist band of His briefs. My fingers I remember looked so female I guess with my darker polish on my nails. I curled them under the waistband and slowly pulled His briefs down and saw His cock for the first time and He said to me ‘You are not to take it until I tell you to take it…my Cock is to be earned’. He reached down and stroked His Cock not more than an inch from my face. Back then I don’t think I even would have given it a thought but now thinking back I remember how nicely groomed He was. He was so meticulous about everything anyway. He stroked His cock and squeezed some pre-cum out of His cock. He put His hand on the top of my head pushing back just a bit and with His finger scooped the liquid from His Cock onto the tip of His finger and ran it across my lips and told me ‘Leave it’. I knew He was in total control because when he did that Mistress spoke up and said ‘Oh Dani you are so lucky’ and Mr. White looked Her way, raised His hand and said ‘Please’ almost to ask Her to stay quiet….and trust me when I say…NOBODY asks Mistress to stay quiet. Mr. White took His Cock and lifted it showing me His trimmed balls. He told me ‘I know You know what to do baby…. every Man loves His balls worshipped but I demand it’. I didn’t do anything. I just didn’t do a thing. It was like I panicked or whatever. Mr. White leaned over and slapped my face so hard I had to catch myself with my hand on the floor. I felt as though I wanted to cry…. I literally felt that way. He leaned over again and told me….’’ This is going to be a very long evening for you if you don’t focus. Stop pretending you don’t want this you stupid bitch. It will go so much easier for you now get your mouth on these balls’. I decided I didn’t want to get slapped anymore. I knew I didn’t want to disappoint Mistress and still oddly enough I did love the submissive feelings I was feeling. This was just all so different and extreme. I leaned forward and put my tongue on Mr. Whites balls and He immediately said ‘mmmm that’s my girl…. c’mon baby let me feel that tongue. Again, I seemed to feel as though the thought of having a Man’s balls in mouth is much worse than actually having a Man’s balls in my mouth. Once I got past the mental part of it, I was fine. Hearing His words, I wanted to hear more. I wanted to get His balls as wet with my saliva as I could. He kept telling me to suck one of His balls into my mouth and then the other…. he would say ‘holy shit you are going to earn my Cock for sure bitch.’ He said…’fuck Brian was right’. He said all the things that made me want to do more. He pushed me back away from Him a little and His Cock was really hard. He looked at me and said ‘This is what your after isn’t honey…. this is what your pussy is aching for even with your jewelry inside you isn’t it baby. Someday soon Dani…not tonight but someday soon’. He put His Cock so the tip just touched my lips and said ‘Are you ready doll?’ and I said ‘Oh yes Sir…and He said…’ Take it’. It was at that very moment I think that I fell in love with sucking Cock…It was then I knew it didn’t gross me out it didn’t bother me mentally that I loved it. I loved the excitement from knowing I could sexually arouse another human being and get feedback for the first time in my life. I took Mr. White’s Cock in my mouth when he told me and I could taste His pre-cum and I felt like I could actually taste His excitement. He told me what he liked and I did it… I did it all…or at least all that I could. Mr. White liked it rather rough and at times I couldn’t take it but He told me I did good. His attitude kind of changed…He didn’t slap me anymore…it was like He was giving me encouragement. He told me at one point ‘God Damn I bet you’d be a great fuck’. I don’t care what your gender is…anyone would love to hear that…. I didn’t give a damn that it was a Dominant Man who told me that. Mr. White then said…Are you ready for your 2nd gift so you can get your 3rd gift baby? I said ‘Sir I am ready but I am not sure what You mean really…. I don’t expect You to give me gifts. He laughed and said ‘Oh I have no doubt You don’t expect this gift but I am going to demand You take it’. He reached around behind me and pushed on my pussy jewelry and it sent shivers through me. ‘Come on honey it’s time for your next step…get my Cock back in your mouth’. I put His Cock in my mouth and he said ‘ now start jerking my Cock back and forth baby as you are sucking, I am going to give you your second gift and you will not take my Cock out of mouth until I take it out myself’. I am telling you all…at this point I did not care. I truly wanted to experience it. I didn’t even care if I ended up regretting it but having His cock in my mouth knowing He was going to cum excited me. I put His Cock in my mouth and He put both hands on my head and He told me to jerk His cock as he was pumping my mouth. He was breathing so hard and sweat was running down His stomach and He kept saying ‘ Oh fuck baby that’s it’…and then finally He said Oh yeah Here it comes baby….and He grabbed my head really hard and I felt my mouth completely fill with His cum but He wouldn’t stop fucking my mouth. He told me not to swallow yet but to just suck the head of His Cock. He pulled His Cock out of my mouth and wanted to see His cum in my mouth so I opened my mouth to show Him. He told me….’ Baby nothing gives me a bigger feeling of power than seeing cum in a woman’ s mouth. You can swallow now and consider yourself very very fortunate. He had me in a spell and I swallowed His cum without even thinking about it. I never felt so submissive and I never felt so much like a woman. He asked me where His briefs were and I had them next to His shoes so I held them open for Him so He could step into them. I pulled them up for Him and to show Him how much He turned me on… before I pulled them all the way up, I took His Cock in my hand and kissed it and pulled His briefs the rest of the way up for Him. Mr. White looked down at me and had such a warm and accepting smile on His face. He told me ' You look so satisfied honey. You look just so relieved mentally that you are accepting what you are. You will accept yourself even more now after tonight. You are so fortunate that you have a Mistress that can take you to Men who will show their pleasure that you give them. Can you even picture in your mind any one time when you provided any women this type of pleasure Dani? I mean have you no doubt that if a woman ever did orgasm with you when you pretended to be a man that the woman faked it? When I came in your mouth honey, I obviously wasn't faking it. I think that goes without saying. Mr. White wasn't really waiting for any kind of answer from me. I think He knew that I was emotionally spent. He then spoke up and said ' Dani I need to have a little private conversation with Mistress, you can take the champagne glasses to the kitchen down the hallway. Just rinse them out and sit them on a towel on the counter. I will go and get your 3rd gift babydoll.... you’ve earned it tonight for sure. After I went to the kitchen (which was fucking amazing by the way) I did everything Mr. White told me to do and then walked back to the great room and Mistress was standing there with Her purse over Her shoulder and I felt as though we would be leaving soon. As I walked into the room Mr.White was walking in at the same time and I saw in His hand a shiny and glittery piece of a gold chain. He said ' I bought a necklace to give you for tonight if you lived up to my expectations and you certainly did. He got close to me and said ' Well turn around so I can put it on honey'. He said ' You can look at it when you get home. I want you to look at it when you get home and realize how important tonight was for you and how much I enjoyed it too. I am going to see you again...Mistress will let you know when that is. Now turn around and let’s see how you look'. Mistress drove us back to Her house and I don't think there was more than 3 words spoken...or at least I don't remember the conversation. I wore my pussy jewelry all the way back to Her place. This was Saturday evening. I typically never stayed over on Saturday evening because of Brian and I usually had things I needed to do Sunday. I drove back to Irvine Saturday night and never took my pussy jewelry out. I just loved it. I actually forgot to look at my necklace when I got back to Mistress's house but I kept touching it all the way back to Irvine. When I got home, I remember thinking wow after seeing Mr. Whites home I really live in a I had a great place in Irvine! I looked in the mirror in my hallway and my necklace was a gold chain with sequins that spelled out ' I LOVE COCK'. The first thing I thought cheap I don't know I should have expected more I suppose. I still have it today. That was how my first date started and ended. The only thing I will add here is that I went on many dates for Mistress. I highly doubt I will write about other dates. Mr. White was unique because He was my first date and responsible for my love of Cock. Sorry but I don’t know of another way to put it. I also want to apologize if this part of my experiences is sort of long. There is already 5 parts and I didn’t want to break this part into multiple parts.

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