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The Adventures of Lynn

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The Speeding Ticket

It had been a long time since Lynn and I were able to spend some quality time alone. Don’t get me wrong we love are life together and being parents to are three kids is the greatest and most rewarding experience in life. But as any good parent will tell you it is also the most challenging and exhausting in life.

Between work, school, tennis, football, wrestling, jujitsu, ECT. We don’t ever get to see each other until after 9:00pm.

A couple of more hours of household chores, dishes, laundry, checking home work, ECT. Were both so tired all we want to do is crawl into bed for a couple of hours sleep before the whole cycle starts all over again.

The weekends offer no relief. In fact that’s when the family taxi cab service jumps into high gear.

That is why this trip to the mountains alone, the first trip alone in years was so important to both of us.

Even though it was only going to be for a long weekend we were as excited as if we were about to take a month long cruise.

All the arrangements had been made.

The girls were going to stay with there grandparents and our son was looking forward to staying with his favorite cousin and doing a little fishing.

The cabin was booked and it sounded like a dream. Secluded and beautiful with a view for miles. It had a wrap around porch and a hot tub. Perfect for those cold mountain nights.

Inside the cabin had all the comforts of home and then some. Including a state of the art entertainment system with a 52 inch HD TV with surround sound.

To be honest at first I was not all that jazzed about the entertainment system. I thought who the hell wants to escape to this paradise and watch TV.

Then the thought occurred to me. It has been a long time since Lynn and I have been able a hot porno together.

Lynn loves porno but she would never pick one to watch if she was alone. She never hesitated a second to watch one with me though.

In fact I think being able to watch porn with me helped her considerable with what I like to call her sexual awakening. Now don’t get me wrong Lynn was never a prude by any stretch of the imagination.

But when we were first married 17 years ago a sexy love scene on HBO might make her blush.

Now thru years of love, support, and open communication Lynn is very confident in her sexuality and in the few rare opportunities that we do get to sneak in a little porn together it is not uncommon at all for Lynn to request that we watch something with a little girl girl or threesome with FMF or MFM even gang bangs. In fact it seemed that her latest fantasy of choice was to have a DP.

Wanting this to be a getaway both of us wouldn’t soon forget I decided to sneak down to the local adult store and pick out a couple of movies that looked promising along with a few toys that I could hardly wait to surprise Lynn with.

Friday came in a hurry and we were just about packed up and ready to hit the road when I told Lynn I wanted to swing by my office and make sure my foreman Rick had everything under control for the weekend and I would be right back to pick her up.

She told me that I worried too much and that Rick would look after my business as if it were his own. I knew she was right. Besides being one of my best friends Rick was also my right hand man at my company and could handle ant situation that may arise.

I also had an ulterior motive for wanting to swing by the office and told her to finish getting packed up and I would be back in an hour or so to get her and we would hit the road.

The second I walked into the office Rick looked up at me and said. Dude! You have got to be fucking kidding me. I have got this get the fuck out of here. Easy Rick calm down. I’m not here checking up on you.

Well then what the hell do you want he said in a half jokingly manner.

I was hoping you could do me a favor.

Name it brother.

I was kind of hoping you may have an extra fatty or two you could spare.

He thought I was joking and started to laugh. I assured him I was serious and you could have knocked him over with a feather.

Rick knows how I feel about weed. He knows Lynn and I used to smoke more than our share years ago and then one day just gave it up.

It came to a point that for us getting high was actually bringing us down and sapping us of valuable energy we needed just to make it thru our day.

He also knew that I was well aware of the fact that about 80% of my employees enjoyed the occasional smoke and that I was cool with it as long as they didn’t bring it around work and it didn’t effect there job performance and my insurance company didn’t force me into mandatory drug screening.

Sure brother I got some but I will have to go home and twist it up. How much do you need?

Just a couple will probably be more that enough. Lynn and I haven’t smoked in so long I am sure it wouldn’t take more that a coupe of tokes and we will be toasted.

Half an hour later Rick returned with three joints about the size of my finger. He handed them to me and I quickly stuffed them into the front pocket of my shirt.

Wow! This is really cool of you Rick. What do I owe you for this?

For a moment Rick looked genuinely insulted. Not a damn thing. Now get the hell out of here and go get that beautiful wife of yours before she decides to leave your sorry ass and go to the mountains all by herself.

Pulling into the drive I honked the horn to let Lynn know I was ready. A few minutes later she came out the front door carrying the rest of our luggage and some pillows.

The second I saw her I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. She looked beautiful wearing a fall dress that complemented her petite figure and fit her perfectly. The neck line showed off just a hint of cleavage while the hem was the perfect length to showcase her sexy athletic legs.

Now that’s what I am talking about. I said to her as she set the cosmetic bag and pillows in the back seat. Finally I get to spend a little time with the hot girl.

You see lastly I have been teasing Lynn about the Hot girl and Frump girl.

Lynn dresses nice everyday to go to work. If I had to describe it I would call it elegant or classy with just the right amount of sexy thrown in. Her waist length jet black hair is mesmerizing and her makeup is perfect. The Hot girl.

I see her in the morning and it is all I can do to keep my hands off her. Unfortunately there is never any time for me to enjoy the Hot girl. I know its silly but sometimes I actually get a little jealous of her coworkers getting to spend all day with the Hot girl

It’s hard not to when I know that by the time I get home and we can be alone together the Hot girl will be long gone and Frump girl will have taken her place.

Frump girl’s hair will be flat and pulled back. The luster and brilliance it had that morning will almost all be gone. Her makeup will have been long remover and her elegant and sexy dress will have been replaced with one of my tee shirts that are long enough to be a dress on her and a pair of my boxers or even worse the dreaded “comfy” sweats that do absolutely nothing to compliment her figure.

Laughing at me as she opens the passenger door and is about to get in she says” Boy you aint Wright” and what the hell took you so long.

I told her I was working on a few surprises for her. She looked at me suspiciously for a few seconds then said “oh yeah, well I have been working on a few surprises for you too”.

Like what I asked. My tone mocking her just a little.

Like this, taking a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure known of the neighbors were watching she reached down with one hand and pulled up the front of her dress all the way up to her waist. Exposing to me her beautiful legs covered with the sexiest pair of stockings and matching garter.

She knows how sexy I think stockings are and that I prefer them over pantyhose.

Very nice I tell her.

Oh that’s just the beginning she says. Then she takes her other hand hooks a finger into the few threads of material that make up her g string. Pulling it to the side and exposing her beautiful freshly shaven pussy.

Instantly my mouth starts to water and I can feel my dick getting hard. Damn baby, you know we are officially on vacation and we don’t have any time frame we have to keep so what do you say we sneak back inside and you let me have my way with you.

Not a chance mister she says as she slides into the passenger seat.

Wait a minute baby not so fast. You’re the one who is always telling me that I need to eat better and get more fruit it my diet.

I have been running so hard this morning I haven’t had a proper breakfast. So what do say we go back inside and you let me eat that juicy peach?

Nice try, but you promised to take me away for the weekend and I have waited long enough.

Ok. Your right a promise is a promise. Just do me one favor I ask as I put the car in drive and head out of the neighborhood.

Anything for you lover she purrs.

At lest take off your panties.


So that when we drive by the truckers and you flash them they will have an unobstructed view of your pussy.

With a big smile on her face she asks. I bet you would really like that wouldn’t you?

I smile and nod my head and tell her. Yes I would.

You know, you truly are a nasty boy.

Yes I am and I don’t have any plans of ever changing.

The drive to the mountains was pleasant. The conversation was light and we were just enjoying each others company. What little traffic there was seemed to disappear altogether off of the highway onto the two lane mountain road that would take us the rest of the way to our cabin.

A few miles down the road I saw a sign for a country café a mile or so up on the right. I asked Lynn if she was hungry.

Just a little.

I don’t think we have more than an hour to go before we reach our cabin. Maybe we should pull over and get something light to eat as this will likely be are last chance.

Pulling into the parking lot the place looked almost deserted. Lynn joked saying that at lest we wouldn’t have to wait to be seated.

Just being able to get out of the car for a minute and stretch my legs felt wonderful. Heading into the café the first thing we noticed was that it was very clean and had a very cozy atmosphere about it.

We didn’t get more than a few steps inside when a beautiful young woman approached us and introduced herself as Jill and she would be our server this evening. She told us to sit anywhere we would like then asked us if she could get us something to drink. I told her I would love a cold beer and asked her if they carried Newcastle. To my surprise she said they did and then turned to Lynn and asked if she would like one to?

Lynn told her maybe later with her meal but for now she really would love a glass of water with lemon.

She served us our drinks then asked if we needed more time to look over the menu. I told Lynn I was ready and we both made our selections. Then I watched as Jill walked back into the kitchen.

Just as she passed out of site Lynn playfully kicked me under the table.

I saw you looking at her.

Well of course I was looking at her. I am a man remember. That’s what we do. Besides you have to admit, she has a great ass.

She is very pretty and yes she does have a great body but you are a married man and you can’t have any.

Oh honey, don’t be like that. I promise you I am not greedy, Ill share her with you. I will take the top and you can take the bottom or if you would like I will take the bottom and you can have the top. Either one is good for me.

You never give up do you?

Nope and I never will.

Jill comes back with our meal in no time at all and notices that I am empty. Can I get you another Newcastle she asks? Yes I would love another. Give me just a minute and I will be back with a cold one and I will refill your water mam. Actually Lynn says I think I am ready for a beer now too.

As usual I am done eating and waiting for Lynn before she is even half way through. Jill walks up and asks how everything was and if she can get some of these dirty dishes out of the way. I tell her that the meal was wonderful but since I was going to be here for a little while longer “nodding over in Lynn direction” I was probably going to need another beer.

Smiling Jill teased oh I see, you “need one more beer.

Actually Lynn said I think he just likes to watch you walk away.

This took her by complete surprise. Blushing you could tell she was a little embarrassed but she recovered quickly.

Well, I certainly can’t disappoint my only customers of the evening can I? Then she turned and very slowly walked back into the kitchen.

Jill returned with my beer and we all made small talk while Lynn finished her dinner. She asked where we were from and if we were just passing thru. We told her we were heading up to a cabin and would only be around for a couple of days. I asked her if they were always this busy and she laughed and said this was defiantly there slow night but that business would pick up on the weekends and she stays pretty busy.

She warned us that we needed to be extra careful. Because this is the only place that serves alcohol for miles around. The cops set up speed traps down the road in the hopes of catching some drunk drivers.

We thanked her. Paid for meal and tipped her generously.

As we were walking out the door Jill said I hope you enjoyed it and I hope y’all get the chance you will come back and eat with us again. Lynn shocked me when she looked and Jill and said. Don’t get me wrong honey, the meal was great but if we come back it will be for you not the food.

Jill looked at Lynn for a moment. You could tell she was trying to decide exactly what Lynn meant by that. Then she smiled and said in that case I hope to see y’all again real soon.

As we loaded into the car Lynn just couldn’t resist an opportunity to rib me a little and asked. Are you sure you are alright to drive big boy? I told her it would take a lot more that three beers to impede my ability to drive.

Even at 37 years old most men’s first thought when they first see me is did you play ball? At 6”00ft tall and a very solid 225 I’m built like a brick shit house. My friends always tease me and say I am one of those guys who seem to make every man bigger. Every time I walk into a room guys suck in their guts stick out their chests and their voices seem to get mysteriously deeper.

Besides I tell her I have to drive so you can sit in the back seat and make out with Jill while I watch thru the rear view mirror.

Sounds like a good plan Lynn said as she fastened her seat belt.

We probably weren’t in the car for more than twenty minutes when I noticed the blue lights behind us. Shit! You got to be fucking kidding me I said as I stared at the car in my rear view mirror. Lynn looked at me confused and asked where the hell did come from and how fast were you going? I told her I had no idea I never even saw him. I couldn’t have been going more than a couple of miles over the limit. Maybe 40 in a 35. These two lane winding mountain roads wouldn’t let you get away with more than that.

I started looking for a place to pull over and there was nothing even remotely safe enough. I had maybe 2 feet on the right hand shoulder and then a massive rock wall where the road had been literally carved out of the side of the mountain.

I looked up into the rear view and it was as if the officer was reading my mind. He nodded his head and mointioned for me to keep driving. About three miles down the road I saw what looked like the perfect spot coming up on the right. As if on cue the officer hit his siren twice “whoop whoop” shook his head and pointed to the spot.

I pulled the car over put it in park. Rolled down the windows and turned the engine off. I put my hands back up on the steering wheel so he could easily see them when he approached.

As I waited for the officer to come up to the car I started looking around and I couldn’t help but admire the place he had chosen to pull us over. He had obviously used this site many times before. From where we were he could easily see cars approaching from both directions miles before they came to us. Winding in and out of view on the curvy mountain road. Not that I think it would matter tonight as his was the only car we had seen in hours.

License registration and proof of insurance he said standing cautiously sideways to my driver’s side window with his right hand resting on the butt of his service revolver.

I handed him my information and he glanced over them quickly. Wait here a minute Mr. Lewis while I go and check this out. Then he headed back to his cruiser.

This is a bunch of fucking bull shit I said to Lynn as soon as he was out of ear shot.

I know but stay calm and don’t let it ruin our weekend. Yes sir. No sir. Get your ticket and we will head up to the cabin and forget all about it.

I’m all for getting to the cabin and enjoying ourselves but I don’t know how the hell I am supposed to forget about it.

Oh, I have ways to make you forget Lynn said as lifted her dress up over the top of her thighs stopping only inches from her pussy.

We almost didn’t even hear him come back until he was only a couple of feet away from my window.

Lynn quickly tried to pull her dress back over her legs and straighten it up. I don’t think he heard anything but I am pretty sure he got a good look at her sexy legs and stockings before she could pull her dress back down.

Mr. Lewis the reason I pulled you over was because you were speeding.

I couldn’t have been going more than 5 miles above the limit.

I know it might seem a little petty to you Mr. Lewis but 5 miles over on these mountains roads can mean the difference between life and death.

Your right officer. You’re absolutely right. How bad is the ticket?

Before we talk about the ticket let me ask you Mr. Lewis have you been drinking tonight? I looked him square in the eyes and said yes I have had a few beers with my dinner but I am not even remotely close to being drunk.

Backing slightly away from the car the officer said I am sorry Mr. Lewis but I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle.

Man you have got to be kidding me I say as I undue my seat belt and open my door.

As I start to stand up outside the car the officer takes one more step back. I can tell he is sizing me up. I know this look because I have seen it hundreds of times in men. Unlike most men there is no fear in his eyes but there is defiantly respect. I could tell he was mentally preparing himself for the worst case scenario. I tried to relay as best I could thru my body posture that everything was cool. He was in charge of the situation and I wasn’t going to give him any trouble.

Mr. Lewis, I smelled alcohol on you when I first walked up to your car. What I would like to do is administer a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer. If everything checks out fine then I will let you go with only a warning for the speeding. How does that sound to you?

Great, no problem I have nothing to hide.

We start with the usual questions followed by the old touch your nose drill and then the follow the pen light trick. Finally he has me blow into a breathalyzer until he tells me to stop. All of this I pass with flying colors.

Well Mr. Lewis I appreciate your cooperation and I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I assure him that there is no need to be and those twenty minutes out of my life or anybody else’s for that matter is a minor inconvenience at best. Especially if it help get a drunk off the road and possible saves somebody’s life.

I love your attitude. I wish all people saw it the way you do. It would sure make my job a lot easier.

It was in that moment that he handed me back my personal information that my whole world would change forever.

Looking back I don’t know whose fault it was. Maybe he made a bad hand of or maybe I had a case of fumble fingers. All I know for sure is when I bent over to pick up my driver’s license and insurance card from the ground the three joints that I had completely forgotten about spilled out of my pocket and nearly landed on his officer’s foot.

I don’t know who was more shocked me or the officer.

I stood straight up and looked at him. I’m sure the look on my face must have been pleading with him. Please let me explain.

Quickly stepping two steps back with his hand on his gun he said sir I am going to need you to turn around and place your hands on my car.

It was almost like a dream, a bad dream, and a nightmare as I turned around placing my hands on the car. The whole time pleading with him. Please let me explain.

I will give you chance to explain but first I am going to need to put the cuffs on you. I did everything he asked the whole time assuring him that I was going to cooperate and wouldn’t resist.

Once I was secured he bent down and picked up the joints. Bringing them to his face he examined them closely and then inhaled their undeniable aroma.

Mr. Lewis you are in posse ion of a controlled substance. Now is your chance to explain.

I don’t even smoke pot I stammered nervously. I mean I have before but that was many years ago.

Ok Mr. Lewis I hear you, but let me ask you this, what are you doing with the pot? I knew that the only thing at this point that could possible help me was to just be completely honest.

I was planning on surprising my wife and maybe smoking a little while we were alone this weekend.

I see, Mr. Lewis do you have anymore drugs on your possession or in your vehicle?

No, absolutely not.

Well sir I am going to have to search your vehicle. How about you wife does she have any drugs on her?

Absolutely not. She doesn’t even know about this shit. I swear we haven’t even touched this stuff in over ten years. She doesn’t even know about this it was going to be a surprises.

Ok Mr. Lewis I am going to have to put you in my cruiser while I talk to your wife and search your car.

The whole time this was going on Lynn sat patiently in the car straining her neck and her ears trying to pick up bits and pieces of what was going on.

As soon as the officer started to put me into his cruiser Lynn burst from the car demanding to know what was going on.

Mam, I’m going to need you to get back into the car and wait for me.

I’m not getting back into the damn car and I want to know the hell is going on right now.

Mam, I am not going to ask you again he said sternly get back into your right now and I will come and talk to you in a minute.

Knowing that Lynn was not about to give in I yelled to her. Honey its ok just do as he says. Everything is going to be fine.

He sat me down in the back seat and then went to our car so he could talk with Lynn about the situation.

From where I sat I had an unobstructed view of everything. The two front windows of the cruiser were down and I strained my ears trying to hear what they were saying.

I couldn’t make out what they were saying but I could tell Lynn was in complete disbelief and arguing passionately with the officer that he must have made a mistake. Finally he reached into his pocket and pulled out the joints and showed them to Lynn.

The look on her face was one of complete shock. She must of sat there incomplete silence for a couple minutes before she asked if she could talk to me.

The officer told her he would take her back to me but first he needed to check her purse and her person for any weapons or drugs.

Lynn handed him her purse and he quickly riffled thru it. Next he had her stand up and places her hands on the car so he can pat her down.

Maybe I was still in shock over the whole situation and didn’t notice anything unusual but looking back on it I can say that this was no normal pat down.

His hands didn’t simply run down the length of her body looking for drugs or weapons. His movements were slow and deliberate. As he passed over her breast he would stop. Only for a split second but long enough so he could gently caress them. Next he ran both of his hands up her legs one at me. Using his finger tips on her stocking clad legs he would start at her ankle and run up her underneath her dress stopping only an inch from her pussy.

Lynn told me later that when he did this it nearly made her legs buckle.

After coping a feel and satisfied that she didn’t have anything on her he lead her back to me. Opened the back door and told her she could stand there and talk to me while he searched the car.

What the hell is going on she asked. Her voice filled with shock and anger.

I wanted to surprise you so I got a couple of joints from work and if the situation seemed right I was going to break them out and see if you wanted to smoke them.

We quite that shit years ago. How could you be so fucking stupid?

Her words cut me like a knife and I knew she was right. All I could do was hang my head in shame as she vented on me.

You have fucked everything up and now you are going to prison.

They don’t send you to prison for a couple of joints I mumbled. Not even able to look her in the eyes. Maybe not she said but you are still going to be arrested and you are still going to go to a county jail and you have still fucked up our only chance we have had to be alone together in years.

I felt shamed and beaten. A pitiful I’m sorry was all I could offer.

The officer had already gone thru the car and was now working on the trunk.

Lynn had a few minutes to calm down and take the whole situation in. Looking down at me hand cuffed, shame and guilt all over my face. Lynn placed her hand on my head. I’m sorry baby I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.

No I am the one who is sorry and I deserve it.

We will get thru this she comforted me. We will get thru this together and everything will be alright.

The officer was about finished with the trunk when he came across my suitcase. I knew he was in my suite case not because I could see what he was looking at but because of the smile on his face. He was leaning over the back passenger side corner panel riffling thru my stuff when all of the sudden a huge smile swept across his face. I knew he had found the toys.

I knew it was the toys by the way they were arranged in the case. He would have to come across them first.

Great I thought now you can add embarrassment to go with my shame.

Lynn noticed the officer’s face and the fact that he was now actually studying something instead of searching for something. What is he doing she asked?

Well right about now he has discovered another little surprise I had for you.

What she asked quickly not even trying to hide the concern in her voice.

Don’t worry I told her. There is no more weed. I’m pretty sure he just found a bunch of our toys I brought along to surprise you with.

An embarrassed OHH escaped from her lips as her hand went up to cover her mouth. What did you bring? She almost whispered.

Most of your favorites, the Jack Rabbit, the Butterfly, the Trigasmo, anal beads and some new ones you haven’t seen yet.

What new ones?

Just a couple of things I was going to surprise you with. A sexy blind fold. A double headed dildo that will fuck your pussy and ass at the same time. Some new flavored lubes that heat up and ironically enough a pair of padded hand cuffs.

What happened next shocked me even more. Instead of passing over the video’s quickly in the trunk. Checking them for contraband the officer pulled them out into plain view and was actually reading them.

Ooh, you brought videos too. Her voice full of regret. Not regret that he had found them but regret that we were not going together to watch them together.

One by one he checked out all the videos that specialized in various themes from swinging couples to girl on girl and our favorite armature gang bangs and amateur double penetration.

Satisfied that I had told him the truth and there were no more drugs in the car. The officer closed the trunk and did something that made Lynn gasp.

Did you see that Lynn whispered?

Clearly I had seen it. Obviously aroused after looking thru all of our porn and toys the officer had to reach down and adjust his cock before turning and walking towards us. It was very subtle but we both saw it plain as day.

Ok Mr. Lewis you are telling the truth, there are no more drugs in the car. Unfortunately though I did find drugs on you and as you know the law has a zero tolerance policy so I am going to have to arrest you and take you into the station.

No! Please don’t do that Lynn pleaded. I promise he will never do anything like this again. Please don’t arrest him Imp begging you.

Easy Mrs. Lewis. I have no choice I have to do my job.

Listen I don’t think it will be that bad. I ran a check on your husband and his record is spotless and it is a very small amount of Marijuana. I am sure your husband will only end up having to pay a fine and maybe doing a couple hours of community service.

Lynn clearly was not in her right frame of mind. Nervous and scared that I was going to be arrested she blurted out “can’t we just pay the fine now, to you”.

Big mistake.

Mam, the deputy said sternly. I know you just didn’t try and bribe me. I know you didn’t because that would be a very stupid thing to do and you don’t seem like a stupid person to me.

The officer took off his sunglasses so he could look Lynn squarely in the eyes. His face was hard and his glare was burning a hole right thru her.

I know she didn’t mean to offer him a bribe. She was nervous and scared. She was desperate and not thinking clearly. She was reaching for anything that she thought could help us out of the situation I had put us in.

Trying desperately to back peddle she began to stammer. I uh, umm, didn’t meant to umm. I wasn’t talking about money.

Really he said as a huge smile came across his face. Just what exactly were you talking about?

You could tell at that moment she just wanted to fall to the ground and cry or run off thru the woods fast as she could screaming at the top of her lungs.

But she didn’t. She took several deep breaths and calmed her nerves a little and said. I simply meant that I would do anything necessary to prevent my husband from being arrested.

Again I don’t think she realized how that sounded until after she had said it. Until after the officers eyes lit up and he said.

Easy now little lady, that is much to open ended a statement for a beautiful woman like yourself to be making. I know I am an officer of the law but I am still just a man after all.

She turned three different shades of red. Embarrassed and not wanting to look him in the face she lowered her head.

Lynn I started to say in an effort to comfort her but she quickly stuck her hand out and shushed me.

I’ll do it.

What? Me and the officer said almost in perfect unison.

Ill do it. If you promise to let my husband go I will do it.

No you won’t! Don’t be crazy. Just let him arrest me and you are not going to do a damn thing.

Lynn knelled down and looked me in the eyes, baby if he will let you go it’s no gig deal I will do it.

It is a big deal. I love you and I can’t let you do it.

Oh baby cant you see I love you to. That is why I can and am going to do it. It is just sex that’s all, and if it will keep you out of jail I will do anything.

Besides it is not like we haven’t fantasized about other men and woman joining us a thousand times.

I know honey but those are just fantasies. Fantasies that every couple talks about at one time or another.

This is reality, this is the real thing.

I know she said and it will be over in fifteen minutes and we will be on our way and we never have to talk about it again.

A very low almost undetectable fine escaped from my lips. I couldn’t believe I was agreeing to this.

So whets the verdict folks? What’s it going to be?

I’ll do it Lynn said standing up and looking at the officer.

What about you big man he asked as he leaned down into the car to talk with me? Are you alright with this?

It’s her decision I said. As long as she is 100 % sure she wants to do this I’m alright.

Ok big man I hear you but I need to know that when it’s over you are going to be cool.

I will be cool just don’t hurt her in way.

I would never think of it. Besides don’t forget this was her idea not mine.

He stood up and looked at Lynn. I could tell she was nervous she was breathing very fast and ringing her hands. How do you want to do this she asked?

Well first I am going to close the back door of the cruiser just in case but don’t worry I am going to leave the windows open and we will never leave your sight.

I told him thank you and immediately felt strange about it. Hear I was thanking this man moments before he fucked my wife.

He led Lynn to the front of the cruiser. She just stood there looking at him as he placed his hands on her shoulders and gently started to push down.

She got the picture and knelt down in front of him her face only inches away from his cock.

He reached down and undid his pants and pulled them to his knees. Then he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down to. Exposing his already rock hard cock.

His cock didn’t look much different that mine. Maybe a little longer but I think mine is a little thicker.

Funny, but that actually made me feel a little better. I mean at least he wasn’t three legged gut about to fuck the brains out of my wife.

Lynn just knelt there for a minute starring at this strange cock. Finally the officer placed a hand a hand on the back of her head and gently urged her forward.

This time she opened her mouth and he slid about 1/3 of his length into her warm wet mouth. When she closed her mouth and started to suck back up the length of his cock towards his head he let out a loud moan.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It felt so strange I didn’t want to see this but I couldn’t close my eyes if I tried.

Every man fantasizes with there wife. Maybe during some pillow talk or during some really hot fucking you tell her that you would love to see her sucking on a big cock while you fuck her. Or you tell her how much you would love to see her in a 69 with the club tennis pro, licking and sucking each others pussies while you sit in the corner and watch.

But this was not a fantasy, this was real. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt like somebody had punched me in the gut. I was powerless and I didn’t want to watch but at the same time I couldn’t turn away.

He wanted more, he wanted to stick his cock all the way to the back of her throat and feel her hot tongue and lips sucking him.

He tried to force her to take more of him but thrusting his hips forward but her grip on his cock was too tight and she wouldn’t allow anymore than a third to pass thru her lips.

I know my wife and I know she was not enjoying this. Or at lest not at first. She was simply going thru the motions. Sucking his cock, hoping that he would cum quickly and this would all be over.

Somewhere along the way things stared to change. Her body began to betray her and she started to get turned on.

Now he placed both of his hands on her head firmly pulling her forward and not letting go. Half of her relenting to his will the other half wanting to suck more of his cock she released her grip and allowed most of his cock to pass thru her mouth. On the next stroke she took him all the way in. His cock was buried in her mouth and she was sucking it for all she was worth.

With both hands still on the back of her head he guided her back and forth over dick as he slowly fucked her mouth.

It was around this point that I realized that I wasn’t feeling sick to my stomach anymore. In fact I was completely turned on. My own erection strained against my zipper. With every stroke of his cock as he fucked her mouth I got harder and harder.

His pace quickened and his breathing got faster and faster. I knew he couldn’t last much longer.

Then he just stopped and completely pulled his dick out of her mouth. Instinctively she tried to put it back into her mouth and continue sucking but he stopped her and told her to hold on a minute.

Confused, she asked, what’s the matter? Didn’t you like it? Did I do something wrong?

No, are you kidding me that was great. In Fact that was close to becoming the best blow job I have ever had in my life.

Then why did you stop me?

Because I have plans for you that involve more than a blow job.

It was apparent at this point that she wasn’t going to get off so easily. The plans for a quick blow job, he cum’s and we go wasn’t going to happen.

Part of me was glad. Part of me wanted to watch him fuck her and that part was growing stronger every second.

The way I see it he said to her as he helped her up off her knees, big man in there had three joints. That wonderful blow job you just gave me helped to erase one of them.

This will help you erase one more he said as he turned her around and bent her over the hood of the car.

At first she just laid there with her head on the car facing away from me but he had other plans.

Oh no pretty lady I am afraid I am going to need you to turn your head around and look at you husband while I lick your pussy.

Her whole body shivered at the sound of that and at the anticipation of what was going to come.

He pulled her dress up over her legs and laid it across her back exposing her stocking clad legs and luscious ass.

Very nice he said as he ran his hands over her legs once again. Telling her she had a beautiful body as he slid her thong down to her feet.

Spread your legs a little more he told her as he reached up between them and started to rub her silky smooth and apparently very wet pussy.

Somebody is very wet he teased while he rubbed her pussy. You like this don’t you? You like to be fucked like a little slut don’t you? You liked sucking my big dick. You want me to lick your pussy don’t you?

The whole time she wouldn’t answer him. She just laid there looking at me with this glazed look in her eyes.

That’s ok he laughed I know the truth. Besides I have ways to make you talk.

With that he got down on his knees, stuck his head between her legs and started licking her pussy. The second his tongue hit her pussy she let out a loud moan.

The site was almost too much for me to bear. My wife bent over the hood of a car, dress pulled up around her waist, panties pulled down around her ankles and this stranger’s face buried in her ass licking and sucking her pussy.

I thought my cock was going to explode. My hands strained against the hand cuffs to be free so I could release my dick from its prison.

A few minutes of this was all she could take. I knew she was close to orgasm. She had started to buck her hips up and down trying to grind her pussy against his face.

Her eyes found mine and they were pleading with me. She needed me to release her. To release her and not be angry with her so she could completely surrender her body guilt free. She needed me to let her know that it was ok to enjoy what was happening.

Not only did I release her but I encouraged her.

As she looked into my eyes she could tell how turned on I was as I mouthed these words to her.

That’s it baby, fuck him. Fuck his face. Cum on his face baby. Cum on his face while he licks your pussy.

And then he stopped.

A long groan of noooo escaped from Lynn’s lips as she desperately struggled arching her back and pushing her ass backwards. Anything to get his mouth back on her pussy.

Oh, now I see you can talk cant you he teased her.

Please she pleaded.

Please what?

Again she pleaded please as she rotated gyrated and ground her hips up and down.

He was enjoying this and he let her know. If you want me to do something than you will have to tell me.

Please lick my pussy she begged. Please make me cum. I am so close. Please.

That’s a good girl he said and once again his tongue found her pussy.

Within moments he had found her clit, sucking it into his mouth and stroking it back and forth with his tongue was all she could take.

Her orgasm hit her like a freight train. It was the most erotic thing I have ever seen. She lost complete control as her body trashed back and forth on the hood of the car.

Yes, she cried over and over again as she ground her pussy against his mouth.

Her orgasm was so intense that when it was finally over her continued to spasm as she laid on the hood of the car.

When he stood back up I couldn’t believe how wet her pussy must have been. His face was completely soaked.

Reaching between her legs he got some of her juice on his hand and began to stroke his semi hard cock back to full mass. The whole time talking dirty to her.

Stroking his cock he lined up behind Lynn saying.

You want me to fuck your pussy don’t you?

You want me to stick my dick in your pussy and fuck you hard?

You want me to fuck you while your husband watches?

You want me to fuck your pussy hard and make it cum again all over my dick?

Oh god yes fuck me, Lynn said as he pushed his cock into her pussy. She was so wet and wanting that he was balls deep inside her pussy with just one stroke.

Grabbing a hold of her ass with both hands he started to hammer away at her pussy with all his might.

Anything he wanted her to do or say she would.

What do you want, he would ask Fuucckk mmeee, she would try say

You like to be fucked like a little slut, don’t ya?

Yeesss she moaned.

You like to suck cock and be fucked in front of your husband don’t ya?


He wasn’t letting up at all. He was fucking her so hard I could hear his body slap against her ass.

I know what you want. I saw those videos in your trunk. You want to be gangbanged just like those little sluts in those movies don’t ya?

Oh god yess.

You want a dick in your mouth to suck on. A dick in your pussy and a dick in your ass fucking you hard at the same time don’t ya?

Ohh god yes please she begged.

The next time I see you I am going to bring a couple of my friends and we are all going to fuck you at the same time. You would like that wouldn’t you?

Oh yes please. I want it so bad. Please gangbang me. I will do anything.

Maybe next time I will bring my girlfriend to so you can like her pussy and ass while me and my friends take turns fucking you in the ass. You would like that wouldn’t you?

Oh yess fuck me. Yes I would love that. Please fuck me.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Of course we had fantasized about DP’S and Gangbangs before but hear was my beautiful wife begging a complete stranger to not only fuck her every way possible but to bring his friends so that they could gang bang her and to also bring his girl friend so she could eat her pussy and like her ass while they did it.

I also couldn’t believe that he was still fucking her and hadn’t cum yet.

My own erection had turned from extremely hard to extremely hard and painful. With my hands behind my back I was unable to adjust it and get ant relief at all.

I found myself keeping time with him. Each time he would thrust his cock into her I would thrust my hips forward forcing my cock against the increasing pressure of my pants but unable to stop.

Oh yess, don’t stop Lynn cried. Don’t stop fucking me I’m going to cum.

He did exactly what she begged him not to do. He stopped.

Nooo she cried.

No don’t stop.

Please I am so close.

Please don’t stop fucking me.

Realizing that he was going to tease her again and being so close to Cumming Lynn stuck her hand between her legs and started to rub her pussy.

No no no, the deputy said as he grabbed her had and placed back up on the hood of the car stopping her just moments before her second orgasm.

That erased another joint. Now let’s work on that last one.

With that he dropped to his knees, grabbed the cheeks of her ass and spread them apart exposing her pretty little pink ass hole.

Without a moments hesitation he stuck his tongue out and started to like her ass.

I will never forget the look on her face or the sound she made as he started to lick and work his tong against her tight little asshole.

I f I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed it. In 17 years I can count on one hand the number of times Lynn has orgasamed without direct contact to her clit.

I am sure it was the combination of everything going on. Being fucked by a complete stranger, being fucked by a complete stranger in front of me. The fact that this guy now had his tongue in her most sacred and taboo place. A place that in all her life had only shared with me.

As she looked up at me with complete shock in her eyes she was hit with another massive orgasm.

The sound that escaped her lips was one of complete ecstasy and surrender. Once again her body shook so hard that I am sure if she was not leaning over the hood of the car her legs would have buckled and she would have feel.

Standing behind her now and caressing her ass he told her. That’s a good girl. Taking his hand he rubbed her soaking wet pussy with his fingers until they were all good and coated.

Slowly he started to push one finger into her ass while he leaned forward and spoke into her ear.

You liked my tongue in your ass didn’t you?


You like it when I finger your ass too don’t you?


Now he had two fingers in her ass and was working them in and out with a steady rhythm.

Tell me what you want he asked.

Fuck me she said.

Tell me what you want he asked again.

Please fuck me.

Oh I am going to fuck you. But not until you tell me what you want.

Fuck my ass.

Please fuck my ass

That’s right, now that’s a good little slut.

Placing his hands on her hips he pulled her back a little so that she could arch her back a little and stick her ass out. Now with only her head lying on the hood of the car he told her to reach back and spread her cheeks.

Once again he guided his dick into her pussy and fucked her just long enough to get his cock good and wet.

When he pulled out you could actually see her juices dripping off his cock.

With her bent over spreading her cheeks apart for him he guided the head of his cock into her tight waiting asshole.

He was taking his time with her allowing her ass to adjust to his cock. I was relieved to see this. At first I was worried based on the way that he pounded her pussy I was concerned he might try the .same with her ass.

He was true to his word. He said he wouldn’t dream of hurting her and he was slowly and gently working his cock into her ass.

It didn’t take long for her to relax and in no time he was fucking her ass in slow long and deep strokes.

He knew that all the dirty talking to her while he was fucking her only made her hotter. He knew that in a way it kind of helped her escape who she really was and become the dirty little slut he was fucking and he didn’t let up now.

Your ass is so tight I can’t believe it.

You love this big dick in you ass don’t you?

Yess she moaned.

Next time I fuck you in the ass you’re going to have a big dick to suck on also.

Next time I fuck your ass I am going to have you licking my girlfriend’s pussy and ass.

Oh god yess Ill do it.

While I am fucking you ass the further I stick my cock up your ass is the further you will stick you tongue in hers.

Oh god yess. Please

You dream of that night don’t you? When you close your eyes at night you dream of having a big cock in your pussy and one in your ass at the same while some little slut makes you eat her pussy?

Yess, she cried out. Yess I want all of it.

I want to be fucked every way possible.

I want to be gangbanged by your friends.

I want to eat pussy.

I will do anything you want.

Fuck me.

Fuck me.

Fuck me.

Are you close to Cumming?


Good I want you to cum with me. Reach between your legs and rub your pussy while I fuck you.

She was rubbing her pussy like mad and he was slamming into her ass at an alarming rate.

I knew both of them wouldn’t last much longer.

Her orgasm hit first and it was another powerful one. She had always told me that orgasms’ during anal play or sex were the most intense and this one was no exception.

He was trying to hold out as long as he could savoring every stroke. But it was just too much for him slamming his cock into her ass for one final stroke. Her knees almost buckled as he tried with all his might to shove 8 inches of a 7 inch cock into her ass...

He must have cum a gallon in her as he held her tightly against him his dick buried in her ass moaning loudly as his own orgasm drained from his body.

When it was all over he helped her up and very tenderly straightened up her dress and her stockings. His hand held her lightly as he walked her back to the car and opened the door for her and helped her sit down.

Then he turned and walked to me. Cautiously he opened the door. Are we alright big man? I could tell there was genuine concern for my feelings in his voice.

I was still in this dream like state as I answered, that was the hottest most incredible thing I have ever seen.

It wouldn’t have taken a brain surgeon to see how turned on I was. My own erection was straining against my pants so hard that you could see it throbbing keeping time with my pulse.

Slowly he helped me out of the car but before he took the hand cuffs off he reach into his pocket, took out a card and a pen. Wrote down a number and stuck it into my breast pocket.

As he led me to my car he said, that was one of the most incredible experiences of my life and unless I am hugely mistaken y’all seemed to enjoy that very much also. I put my personal number on the back of my card. If y’all are ever around this area again and would like to get together I would truly love it.

With that he turned and walked to his car started it up and drove away.

Lynn and I must have sat there in the car in complete silence for at lest ten minutes. Both of us staring out the window at nothing at all. Both of us trying to wrap are minds around what had just happened.

Lynn broke the silence and spoke first. We need to talk about what just happened. The fear and confusion in her voice was so thick it was undeniable.

Afraid that I was going to hate her. Afraid that I thought that she was no more that a cheap slut.

We will talk about this I told her in a voice and with a look that was meant to reassure her. To try and let her know that I was not angry and that I loved her as much now if not more than I every had.

But first you have got to help me with this and motioned to my still ragging and very painful hard on.

Anything you say baby. I will always do anything you say. I love you so much she told me as she unbuckled and unzipped my pants. Freeing my cock for the first time since this whole ordeal began.

Lynn started to lick up and down the sides of my shaft and give little kisses to the head of my cock.

Not this time I told her I don’t have time for teasing as I grab the base of my cock in one hand a fistful of her long hair in the other. I push her head down guiding my cock into her mouth until I am completely inside her.

I have never felt anything so hot, so wet, and so wonderful in my entire life. I know that after all that build up I am not going t last long as I hold her head with my hands and fuck her mouth. Within seconds I am Cumming a release and relief like I have never felt before.

She tried to swallow every bit of it but my orgasm was just too strong. Cum was running out of the corners of her mouth as I continued to hold her head and trust my cock in and out of her mouth. Trying to enjoy every moment of it.

Finally releasing her she sat up straight.

Wow, that was powerful.

That is only the beginning I told her as I started up the car and headed out towards our destination and our next adventure.

The Speeding Ticket

It had been a long time since Lynn and I were able to spend some quality time alone. Don’t get me wrong we love are life together and being parents to are three kids is the greatest and most rewarding experience in life. But as any good parent will tell you it is also the most challenging and exhausting in life.

Between work, school, tennis, football, wrestling, jujitsu, ECT. We don’t ever get to see each other until after 9:00pm.

A couple of more hours of household chores, dishes, laundry, checking home work, ECT. Were both so tired all we want to do is crawl into bed for a couple of hours sleep before the whole cycle starts all over again.

The weekends offer no relief. In fact that’s when the family taxi cab service jumps into high gear.

That is why this trip to the mountains alone, the first trip alone in years was so important to both of us.

Even though it was only going to be for a long weekend we were as excited as if we were about to take a month long cruise.

All the arrangements had been made.

The girls were going to stay with there grandparents and our son was looking forward to staying with his favorite cousin and doing a little fishing.

The cabin was booked and it sounded like a dream. Secluded and beautiful with a view for miles. It had a wrap around porch and a hot tub. Perfect for those cold mountain nights.

Inside the cabin had all the comforts of home and then some. Including a state of the art entertainment system with a 52 inch HD TV with surround sound.

To be honest at first I was not all that jazzed about the entertainment system. I thought who the hell wants to escape to this paradise and watch TV.

Then the thought occurred to me. It has been a long time since Lynn and I have been able a hot porno together.

Lynn loves porno but she would never pick one to watch if she was alone. She never hesitated a second to watch one with me though.

In fact I think being able to watch porn with me helped her considerable with what I like to call her sexual awakening. Now don’t get me wrong Lynn was never a prude by any stretch of the imagination.

But when we were first married 17 years ago a sexy love scene on HBO might make her blush.

Now thru years of love, support, and open communication Lynn is very confident in her sexuality and in the few rare opportunities that we do get to sneak in a little porn together it is not uncommon at all for Lynn to request that we watch something with a little girl girl or threesome with FMF or MFM even gang bangs. In fact it seemed that her latest fantasy of choice was to have a DP.

Wanting this to be a getaway both of us wouldn’t soon forget I decided to sneak down to the local adult store and pick out a couple of movies that looked promising along with a few toys that I could hardly wait to surprise Lynn with.

Friday came in a hurry and we were just about packed up and ready to hit the road when I told Lynn I wanted to swing by my office and make sure my foreman Rick had everything under control for the weekend and I would be right back to pick her up.

She told me that I worried too much and that Rick would look after my business as if it were his own. I knew she was right. Besides being one of my best friends Rick was also my right hand man at my company and could handle ant situation that may arise.

I also had an ulterior motive for wanting to swing by the office and told her to finish getting packed up and I would be back in an hour or so to get her and we would hit the road.

The second I walked into the office Rick looked up at me and said. Dude! You have got to be fucking kidding me. I have got this get the fuck out of here. Easy Rick calm down. I’m not here checking up on you.

Well then what the hell do you want he said in a half jokingly manner.

I was hoping you could do me a favor.

Name it brother.

I was kind of hoping you may have an extra fatty or two you could spare.

He thought I was joking and started to laugh. I assured him I was serious and you could have knocked him over with a feather.

Rick knows how I feel about weed. He knows Lynn and I used to smoke more than our share years ago and then one day just gave it up.

It came to a point that for us getting high was actually bringing us down and sapping us of valuable energy we needed just to make it thru our day.

He also knew that I was well aware of the fact that about 80% of my employees enjoyed the occasional smoke and that I was cool with it as long as they didn’t bring it around work and it didn’t effect there job performance and my insurance company didn’t force me into mandatory drug screening.

Sure brother I got some but I will have to go home and twist it up. How much do you need?

Just a couple will probably be more that enough. Lynn and I haven’t smoked in so long I am sure it wouldn’t take more that a coupe of tokes and we will be toasted.

Half an hour later Rick returned with three joints about the size of my finger. He handed them to me and I quickly stuffed them into the front pocket of my shirt.

Wow! This is really cool of you Rick. What do I owe you for this?

For a moment Rick looked genuinely insulted. Not a damn thing. Now get the hell out of here and go get that beautiful wife of yours before she decides to leave your sorry ass and go to the mountains all by herself.

Pulling into the drive I honked the horn to let Lynn know I was ready. A few minutes later she came out the front door carrying the rest of our luggage and some pillows.

The second I saw her I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. She looked beautiful wearing a fall dress that complemented her petite figure and fit her perfectly. The neck line showed off just a hint of cleavage while the hem was the perfect length to showcase her sexy athletic legs.

Now that’s what I am talking about. I said to her as she set the cosmetic bag and pillows in the back seat. Finally I get to spend a little time with the hot girl.

You see lastly I have been teasing Lynn about the Hot girl and Frump girl.

Lynn dresses nice everyday to go to work. If I had to describe it I would call it elegant or classy with just the right amount of sexy thrown in. Her waist length jet black hair is mesmerizing and her makeup is perfect. The Hot girl.

I see her in the morning and it is all I can do to keep my hands off her. Unfortunately there is never any time for me to enjoy the Hot girl. I know its silly but sometimes I actually get a little jealous of her coworkers getting to spend all day with the Hot girl

It’s hard not to when I know that by the time I get home and we can be alone together the Hot girl will be long gone and Frump girl will have taken her place.

Frump girl’s hair will be flat and pulled back. The luster and brilliance it had that morning will almost all be gone. Her makeup will have been long remover and her elegant and sexy dress will have been replaced with one of my tee shirts that are long enough to be a dress on her and a pair of my boxers or even worse the dreaded “comfy” sweats that do absolutely nothing to compliment her figure.

Laughing at me as she opens the passenger door and is about to get in she says” Boy you aint Wright” and what the hell took you so long.

I told her I was working on a few surprises for her. She looked at me suspiciously for a few seconds then said “oh yeah, well I have been working on a few surprises for you too”.

Like what I asked. My tone mocking her just a little.

Like this, taking a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure known of the neighbors were watching she reached down with one hand and pulled up the front of her dress all the way up to her waist. Exposing to me her beautiful legs covered with the sexiest pair of stockings and matching garter.

She knows how sexy I think stockings are and that I prefer them over pantyhose.

Very nice I tell her.

Oh that’s just the beginning she says. Then she takes her other hand hooks a finger into the few threads of material that make up her g string. Pulling it to the side and exposing her beautiful freshly shaven pussy.

Instantly my mouth starts to water and I can feel my dick getting hard. Damn baby, you know we are officially on vacation and we don’t have any time frame we have to keep so what do you say we sneak back inside and you let me have my way with you.

Not a chance mister she says as she slides into the passenger seat.

Wait a minute baby not so fast. You’re the one who is always telling me that I need to eat better and get more fruit it my diet.

I have been running so hard this morning I haven’t had a proper breakfast. So what do say we go back inside and you let me eat that juicy peach?

Nice try, but you promised to take me away for the weekend and I have waited long enough.

Ok. Your right a promise is a promise. Just do me one favor I ask as I put the car in drive and head out of the neighborhood.

Anything for you lover she purrs.

At lest take off your panties.


So that when we drive by the truckers and you flash them they will have an unobstructed view of your pussy.

With a big smile on her face she asks. I bet you would really like that wouldn’t you?

I smile and nod my head and tell her. Yes I would.

You know, you truly are a nasty boy.

Yes I am and I don’t have any plans of ever changing.

The drive to the mountains was pleasant. The conversation was light and we were just enjoying each others company. What little traffic there was seemed to disappear altogether off of the highway onto the two lane mountain road that would take us the rest of the way to our cabin.

A few miles down the road I saw a sign for a country café a mile or so up on the right. I asked Lynn if she was hungry.

Just a little.

I don’t think we have more than an hour to go before we reach our cabin. Maybe we should pull over and get something light to eat as this will likely be are last chance.

Pulling into the parking lot the place looked almost deserted. Lynn joked saying that at lest we wouldn’t have to wait to be seated.

Just being able to get out of the car for a minute and stretch my legs felt wonderful. Heading into the café the first thing we noticed was that it was very clean and had a very cozy atmosphere about it.

We didn’t get more than a few steps inside when a beautiful young woman approached us and introduced herself as Jill and she would be our server this evening. She told us to sit anywhere we would like then asked us if she could get us something to drink. I told her I would love a cold beer and asked her if they carried Newcastle. To my surprise she said they did and then turned to Lynn and asked if she would like one to?

Lynn told her maybe later with her meal but for now she really would love a glass of water with lemon.

She served us our drinks then asked if we needed more time to look over the menu. I told Lynn I was ready and we both made our selections. Then I watched as Jill walked back into the kitchen.

Just as she passed out of site Lynn playfully kicked me under the table.

I saw you looking at her.

Well of course I was looking at her. I am a man remember. That’s what we do. Besides you have to admit, she has a great ass.

She is very pretty and yes she does have a great body but you are a married man and you can’t have any.

Oh honey, don’t be like that. I promise you I am not greedy, Ill share her with you. I will take the top and you can take the bottom or if you would like I will take the bottom and you can have the top. Either one is good for me.

You never give up do you?

Nope and I never will.

Jill comes back with our meal in no time at all and notices that I am empty. Can I get you another Newcastle she asks? Yes I would love another. Give me just a minute and I will be back with a cold one and I will refill your water mam. Actually Lynn says I think I am ready for a beer now too.

As usual I am done eating and waiting for Lynn before she is even half way through. Jill walks up and asks how everything was and if she can get some of these dirty dishes out of the way. I tell her that the meal was wonderful but since I was going to be here for a little while longer “nodding over in Lynn direction” I was probably going to need another beer.

Smiling Jill teased oh I see, you “need one more beer.

Actually Lynn said I think he just likes to watch you walk away.

This took her by complete surprise. Blushing you could tell she was a little embarrassed but she recovered quickly.

Well, I certainly can’t disappoint my only customers of the evening can I? Then she turned and very slowly walked back into the kitchen.

Jill returned with my beer and we all made small talk while Lynn finished her dinner. She asked where we were from and if we were just passing thru. We told her we were heading up to a cabin and would only be around for a couple of days. I asked her if they were always this busy and she laughed and said this was defiantly there slow night but that business would pick up on the weekends and she stays pretty busy.

She warned us that we needed to be extra careful. Because this is the only place that serves alcohol for miles around. The cops set up speed traps down the road in the hopes of catching some drunk drivers.

We thanked her. Paid for meal and tipped her generously.

As we were walking out the door Jill said I hope you enjoyed it and I hope y’all get the chance you will come back and eat with us again. Lynn shocked me when she looked and Jill and said. Don’t get me wrong honey, the meal was great but if we come back it will be for you not the food.

Jill looked at Lynn for a moment. You could tell she was trying to decide exactly what Lynn meant by that. Then she smiled and said in that case I hope to see y’all again real soon.

As we loaded into the car Lynn just couldn’t resist an opportunity to rib me a little and asked. Are you sure you are alright to drive big boy? I told her it would take a lot more that three beers to impede my ability to drive.

Even at 37 years old most men’s first thought when they first see me is did you play ball? At 6”00ft tall and a very solid 225 I’m built like a brick shit house. My friends always tease me and say I am one of those guys who seem to make every man bigger. Every time I walk into a room guys suck in their guts stick out their chests and their voices seem to get mysteriously deeper.

Besides I tell her I have to drive so you can sit in the back seat and make out with Jill while I watch thru the rear view mirror.

Sounds like a good plan Lynn said as she fastened her seat belt.

We probably weren’t in the car for more than twenty minutes when I noticed the blue lights behind us. Shit! You got to be fucking kidding me I said as I stared at the car in my rear view mirror. Lynn looked at me confused and asked where the hell did come from and how fast were you going? I told her I had no idea I never even saw him. I couldn’t have been going more than a couple of miles over the limit. Maybe 40 in a 35. These two lane winding mountain roads wouldn’t let you get away with more than that.

I started looking for a place to pull over and there was nothing even remotely safe enough. I had maybe 2 feet on the right hand shoulder and then a massive rock wall where the road had been literally carved out of the side of the mountain.

I looked up into the rear view and it was as if the officer was reading my mind. He nodded his head and mointioned for me to keep driving. About three miles down the road I saw what looked like the perfect spot coming up on the right. As if on cue the officer hit his siren twice “whoop whoop” shook his head and pointed to the spot.

I pulled the car over put it in park. Rolled down the windows and turned the engine off. I put my hands back up on the steering wheel so he could easily see them when he approached.

As I waited for the officer to come up to the car I started looking around and I couldn’t help but admire the place he had chosen to pull us over. He had obviously used this site many times before. From where we were he could easily see cars approaching from both directions miles before they came to us. Winding in and out of view on the curvy mountain road. Not that I think it would matter tonight as his was the only car we had seen in hours.

License registration and proof of insurance he said standing cautiously sideways to my driver’s side window with his right hand resting on the butt of his service revolver.

I handed him my information and he glanced over them quickly. Wait here a minute Mr. Lewis while I go and check this out. Then he headed back to his cruiser.

This is a bunch of fucking bull shit I said to Lynn as soon as he was out of ear shot.

I know but stay calm and don’t let it ruin our weekend. Yes sir. No sir. Get your ticket and we will head up to the cabin and forget all about it.

I’m all for getting to the cabin and enjoying ourselves but I don’t know how the hell I am supposed to forget about it.

Oh, I have ways to make you forget Lynn said as lifted her dress up over the top of her thighs stopping only inches from her pussy.

We almost didn’t even hear him come back until he was only a couple of feet away from my window.

Lynn quickly tried to pull her dress back over her legs and straighten it up. I don’t think he heard anything but I am pretty sure he got a good look at her sexy legs and stockings before she could pull her dress back down.

Mr. Lewis the reason I pulled you over was because you were speeding.

I couldn’t have been going more than 5 miles above the limit.

I know it might seem a little petty to you Mr. Lewis but 5 miles over on these mountains roads can mean the difference between life and death.

Your right officer. You’re absolutely right. How bad is the ticket?

Before we talk about the ticket let me ask you Mr. Lewis have you been drinking tonight? I looked him square in the eyes and said yes I have had a few beers with my dinner but I am not even remotely close to being drunk.

Backing slightly away from the car the officer said I am sorry Mr. Lewis but I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle.

Man you have got to be kidding me I say as I undue my seat belt and open my door.

As I start to stand up outside the car the officer takes one more step back. I can tell he is sizing me up. I know this look because I have seen it hundreds of times in men. Unlike most men there is no fear in his eyes but there is defiantly respect. I could tell he was mentally preparing himself for the worst case scenario. I tried to relay as best I could thru my body posture that everything was cool. He was in charge of the situation and I wasn’t going to give him any trouble.

Mr. Lewis, I smelled alcohol on you when I first walked up to your car. What I would like to do is administer a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer. If everything checks out fine then I will let you go with only a warning for the speeding. How does that sound to you?

Great, no problem I have nothing to hide.

We start with the usual questions followed by the old touch your nose drill and then the follow the pen light trick. Finally he has me blow into a breathalyzer until he tells me to stop. All of this I pass with flying colors.

Well Mr. Lewis I appreciate your cooperation and I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I assure him that there is no need to be and those twenty minutes out of my life or anybody else’s for that matter is a minor inconvenience at best. Especially if it help get a drunk off the road and possible saves somebody’s life.

I love your attitude. I wish all people saw it the way you do. It would sure make my job a lot easier.

It was in that moment that he handed me back my personal information that my whole world would change forever.

Looking back I don’t know whose fault it was. Maybe he made a bad hand of or maybe I had a case of fumble fingers. All I know for sure is when I bent over to pick up my driver’s license and insurance card from the ground the three joints that I had completely forgotten about spilled out of my pocket and nearly landed on his officer’s foot.

I don’t know who was more shocked me or the officer.

I stood straight up and looked at him. I’m sure the look on my face must have been pleading with him. Please let me explain.

Quickly stepping two steps back with his hand on his gun he said sir I am going to need you to turn around and place your hands on my car.

It was almost like a dream, a bad dream, and a nightmare as I turned around placing my hands on the car. The whole time pleading with him. Please let me explain.

I will give you chance to explain but first I am going to need to put the cuffs on you. I did everything he asked the whole time assuring him that I was going to cooperate and wouldn’t resist.

Once I was secured he bent down and picked up the joints. Bringing them to his face he examined them closely and then inhaled their undeniable aroma.

Mr. Lewis you are in posse ion of a controlled substance. Now is your chance to explain.

I don’t even smoke pot I stammered nervously. I mean I have before but that was many years ago.

Ok Mr. Lewis I hear you, but let me ask you this, what are you doing with the pot? I knew that the only thing at this point that could possible help me was to just be completely honest.

I was planning on surprising my wife and maybe smoking a little while we were alone this weekend.

I see, Mr. Lewis do you have anymore drugs on your possession or in your vehicle?

No, absolutely not.

Well sir I am going to have to search your vehicle. How about you wife does she have any drugs on her?

Absolutely not. She doesn’t even know about this shit. I swear we haven’t even touched this stuff in over ten years. She doesn’t even know about this it was going to be a surprises.

Ok Mr. Lewis I am going to have to put you in my cruiser while I talk to your wife and search your car.

The whole time this was going on Lynn sat patiently in the car straining her neck and her ears trying to pick up bits and pieces of what was going on.

As soon as the officer started to put me into his cruiser Lynn burst from the car demanding to know what was going on.

Mam, I’m going to need you to get back into the car and wait for me.

I’m not getting back into the damn car and I want to know the hell is going on right now.

Mam, I am not going to ask you again he said sternly get back into your right now and I will come and talk to you in a minute.

Knowing that Lynn was not about to give in I yelled to her. Honey its ok just do as he says. Everything is going to be fine.

He sat me down in the back seat and then went to our car so he could talk with Lynn about the situation.

From where I sat I had an unobstructed view of everything. The two front windows of the cruiser were down and I strained my ears trying to hear what they were saying.

I couldn’t make out what they were saying but I could tell Lynn was in complete disbelief and arguing passionately with the officer that he must have made a mistake. Finally he reached into his pocket and pulled out the joints and showed them to Lynn.

The look on her face was one of complete shock. She must of sat there incomplete silence for a couple minutes before she asked if she could talk to me.

The officer told her he would take her back to me but first he needed to check her purse and her person for any weapons or drugs.

Lynn handed him her purse and he quickly riffled thru it. Next he had her stand up and places her hands on the car so he can pat her down.

Maybe I was still in shock over the whole situation and didn’t notice anything unusual but looking back on it I can say that this was no normal pat down.

His hands didn’t simply run down the length of her body looking for drugs or weapons. His movements were slow and deliberate. As he passed over her breast he would stop. Only for a split second but long enough so he could gently caress them. Next he ran both of his hands up her legs one at me. Using his finger tips on her stocking clad legs he would start at her ankle and run up her underneath her dress stopping only an inch from her pussy.

Lynn told me later that when he did this it nearly made her legs buckle.

After coping a feel and satisfied that she didn’t have anything on her he lead her back to me. Opened the back door and told her she could stand there and talk to me while he searched the car.

What the hell is going on she asked. Her voice filled with shock and anger.

I wanted to surprise you so I got a couple of joints from work and if the situation seemed right I was going to break them out and see if you wanted to smoke them.

We quite that shit years ago. How could you be so fucking stupid?

Her words cut me like a knife and I knew she was right. All I could do was hang my head in shame as she vented on me.

You have fucked everything up and now you are going to prison.

They don’t send you to prison for a couple of joints I mumbled. Not even able to look her in the eyes. Maybe not she said but you are still going to be arrested and you are still going to go to a county jail and you have still fucked up our only chance we have had to be alone together in years.

I felt shamed and beaten. A pitiful I’m sorry was all I could offer.

The officer had already gone thru the car and was now working on the trunk.

Lynn had a few minutes to calm down and take the whole situation in. Looking down at me hand cuffed, shame and guilt all over my face. Lynn placed her hand on my head. I’m sorry baby I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.

No I am the one who is sorry and I deserve it.

We will get thru this she comforted me. We will get thru this together and everything will be alright.

The officer was about finished with the trunk when he came across my suitcase. I knew he was in my suite case not because I could see what he was looking at but because of the smile on his face. He was leaning over the back passenger side corner panel riffling thru my stuff when all of the sudden a huge smile swept across his face. I knew he had found the toys.

I knew it was the toys by the way they were arranged in the case. He would have to come across them first.

Great I thought now you can add embarrassment to go with my shame.

Lynn noticed the officer’s face and the fact that he was now actually studying something instead of searching for something. What is he doing she asked?

Well right about now he has discovered another little surprise I had for you.

What she asked quickly not even trying to hide the concern in her voice.

Don’t worry I told her. There is no more weed. I’m pretty sure he just found a bunch of our toys I brought along to surprise you with.

An embarrassed OHH escaped from her lips as her hand went up to cover her mouth. What did you bring? She almost whispered.

Most of your favorites, the Jack Rabbit, the Butterfly, the Trigasmo, anal beads and some new ones you haven’t seen yet.

What new ones?

Just a couple of things I was going to surprise you with. A sexy blind fold. A double headed dildo that will fuck your pussy and ass at the same time. Some new flavored lubes that heat up and ironically enough a pair of padded hand cuffs.

What happened next shocked me even more. Instead of passing over the video’s quickly in the trunk. Checking them for contraband the officer pulled them out into plain view and was actually reading them.

Ooh, you brought videos too. Her voice full of regret. Not regret that he had found them but regret that we were not going together to watch them together.

One by one he checked out all the videos that specialized in various themes from swinging couples to girl on girl and our favorite armature gang bangs and amateur double penetration.

Satisfied that I had told him the truth and there were no more drugs in the car. The officer closed the trunk and did something that made Lynn gasp.

Did you see that Lynn whispered?

Clearly I had seen it. Obviously aroused after looking thru all of our porn and toys the officer had to reach down and adjust his cock before turning and walking towards us. It was very subtle but we both saw it plain as day.

Ok Mr. Lewis you are telling the truth, there are no more drugs in the car. Unfortunately though I did find drugs on you and as you know the law has a zero tolerance policy so I am going to have to arrest you and take you into the station.

No! Please don’t do that Lynn pleaded. I promise he will never do anything like this again. Please don’t arrest him Imp begging you.

Easy Mrs. Lewis. I have no choice I have to do my job.

Listen I don’t think it will be that bad. I ran a check on your husband and his record is spotless and it is a very small amount of Marijuana. I am sure your husband will only end up having to pay a fine and maybe doing a couple hours of community service.

Lynn clearly was not in her right frame of mind. Nervous and scared that I was going to be arrested she blurted out “can’t we just pay the fine now, to you”.

Big mistake.

Mam, the deputy said sternly. I know you just didn’t try and bribe me. I know you didn’t because that would be a very stupid thing to do and you don’t seem like a stupid person to me.

The officer took off his sunglasses so he could look Lynn squarely in the eyes. His face was hard and his glare was burning a hole right thru her.

I know she didn’t mean to offer him a bribe. She was nervous and scared. She was desperate and not thinking clearly. She was reaching for anything that she thought could help us out of the situation I had put us in.

Trying desperately to back peddle she began to stammer. I uh, umm, didn’t meant to umm. I wasn’t talking about money.

Really he said as a huge smile came across his face. Just what exactly were you talking about?

You could tell at that moment she just wanted to fall to the ground and cry or run off thru the woods fast as she could screaming at the top of her lungs.

But she didn’t. She took several deep breaths and calmed her nerves a little and said. I simply meant that I would do anything necessary to prevent my husband from being arrested.

Again I don’t think she realized how that sounded until after she had said it. Until after the officers eyes lit up and he said.

Easy now little lady, that is much to open ended a statement for a beautiful woman like yourself to be making. I know I am an officer of the law but I am still just a man after all.

She turned three different shades of red. Embarrassed and not wanting to look him in the face she lowered her head.

Lynn I started to say in an effort to comfort her but she quickly stuck her hand out and shushed me.

I’ll do it.

What? Me and the officer said almost in perfect unison.

Ill do it. If you promise to let my husband go I will do it.

No you won’t! Don’t be crazy. Just let him arrest me and you are not going to do a damn thing.

Lynn knelled down and looked me in the eyes, baby if he will let you go it’s no gig deal I will do it.

It is a big deal. I love you and I can’t let you do it.

Oh baby cant you see I love you to. That is why I can and am going to do it. It is just sex that’s all, and if it will keep you out of jail I will do anything.

Besides it is not like we haven’t fantasized about other men and woman joining us a thousand times.

I know honey but those are just fantasies. Fantasies that every couple talks about at one time or another.

This is reality, this is the real thing.

I know she said and it will be over in fifteen minutes and we will be on our way and we never have to talk about it again.

A very low almost undetectable fine escaped from my lips. I couldn’t believe I was agreeing to this.

So whets the verdict folks? What’s it going to be?

I’ll do it Lynn said standing up and looking at the officer.

What about you big man he asked as he leaned down into the car to talk with me? Are you alright with this?

It’s her decision I said. As long as she is 100 % sure she wants to do this I’m alright.

Ok big man I hear you but I need to know that when it’s over you are going to be cool.

I will be cool just don’t hurt her in way.

I would never think of it. Besides don’t forget this was her idea not mine.

He stood up and looked at Lynn. I could tell she was nervous she was breathing very fast and ringing her hands. How do you want to do this she asked?

Well first I am going to close the back door of the cruiser just in case but don’t worry I am going to leave the windows open and we will never leave your sight.

I told him thank you and immediately felt strange about it. Hear I was thanking this man moments before he fucked my wife.

He led Lynn to the front of the cruiser. She just stood there looking at him as he placed his hands on her shoulders and gently started to push down.

She got the picture and knelt down in front of him her face only inches away from his cock.

He reached down and undid his pants and pulled them to his knees. Then he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down to. Exposing his already rock hard cock.

His cock didn’t look much different that mine. Maybe a little longer but I think mine is a little thicker.

Funny, but that actually made me feel a little better. I mean at least he wasn’t three legged gut about to fuck the brains out of my wife.

Lynn just knelt there for a minute starring at this strange cock. Finally the officer placed a hand a hand on the back of her head and gently urged her forward.

This time she opened her mouth and he slid about 1/3 of his length into her warm wet mouth. When she closed her mouth and started to suck back up the length of his cock towards his head he let out a loud moan.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It felt so strange I didn’t want to see this but I couldn’t close my eyes if I tried.

Every man fantasizes with there wife. Maybe during some pillow talk or during some really hot fucking you tell her that you would love to see her sucking on a big cock while you fuck her. Or you tell her how much you would love to see her in a 69 with the club tennis pro, licking and sucking each others pussies while you sit in the corner and watch.

But this was not a fantasy, this was real. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt like somebody had punched me in the gut. I was powerless and I didn’t want to watch but at the same time I couldn’t turn away.

He wanted more, he wanted to stick his cock all the way to the back of her throat and feel her hot tongue and lips sucking him.

He tried to force her to take more of him but thrusting his hips forward but her grip on his cock was too tight and she wouldn’t allow anymore than a third to pass thru her lips.

I know my wife and I know she was not enjoying this. Or at lest not at first. She was simply going thru the motions. Sucking his cock, hoping that he would cum quickly and this would all be over.

Somewhere along the way things stared to change. Her body began to betray her and she started to get turned on.

Now he placed both of his hands on her head firmly pulling her forward and not letting go. Half of her relenting to his will the other half wanting to suck more of his cock she released her grip and allowed most of his cock to pass thru her mouth. On the next stroke she took him all the way in. His cock was buried in her mouth and she was sucking it for all she was worth.

With both hands still on the back of her head he guided her back and forth over dick as he slowly fucked her mouth.

It was around this point that I realized that I wasn’t feeling sick to my stomach anymore. In fact I was completely turned on. My own erection strained against my zipper. With every stroke of his cock as he fucked her mouth I got harder and harder.

His pace quickened and his breathing got faster and faster. I knew he couldn’t last much longer.

Then he just stopped and completely pulled his dick out of her mouth. Instinctively she tried to put it back into her mouth and continue sucking but he stopped her and told her to hold on a minute.

Confused, she asked, what’s the matter? Didn’t you like it? Did I do something wrong?

No, are you kidding me that was great. In Fact that was close to becoming the best blow job I have ever had in my life.

Then why did you stop me?

Because I have plans for you that involve more than a blow job.

It was apparent at this point that she wasn’t going to get off so easily. The plans for a quick blow job, he cum’s and we go wasn’t going to happen.

Part of me was glad. Part of me wanted to watch him fuck her and that part was growing stronger every second.

The way I see it he said to her as he helped her up off her knees, big man in there had three joints. That wonderful blow job you just gave me helped to erase one of them.

This will help you erase one more he said as he turned her around and bent her over the hood of the car.

At first she just laid there with her head on the car facing away from me but he had other plans.

Oh no pretty lady I am afraid I am going to need you to turn your head around and look at you husband while I lick your pussy.

Her whole body shivered at the sound of that and at the anticipation of what was going to come.

He pulled her dress up over her legs and laid it across her back exposing her stocking clad legs and luscious ass.

Very nice he said as he ran his hands over her legs once again. Telling her she had a beautiful body as he slid her thong down to her feet.

Spread your legs a little more he told her as he reached up between them and started to rub her silky smooth and apparently very wet pussy.

Somebody is very wet he teased while he rubbed her pussy. You like this don’t you? You like to be fucked like a little slut don’t you? You liked sucking my big dick. You want me to lick your pussy don’t you?

The whole time she wouldn’t answer him. She just laid there looking at me with this glazed look in her eyes.

That’s ok he laughed I know the truth. Besides I have ways to make you talk.

With that he got down on his knees, stuck his head between her legs and started licking her pussy. The second his tongue hit her pussy she let out a loud moan.

The site was almost too much for me to bear. My wife bent over the hood of a car, dress pulled up around her waist, panties pulled down around her ankles and this stranger’s face buried in her ass licking and sucking her pussy.

I thought my cock was going to explode. My hands strained against the hand cuffs to be free so I could release my dick from its prison.

A few minutes of this was all she could take. I knew she was close to orgasm. She had started to buck her hips up and down trying to grind her pussy against his face.

Her eyes found mine and they were pleading with me. She needed me to release her. To release her and not be angry with her so she could completely surrender her body guilt free. She needed me to let her know that it was ok to enjoy what was happening.

Not only did I release her but I encouraged her.

As she looked into my eyes she could tell how turned on I was as I mouthed these words to her.

That’s it baby, fuck him. Fuck his face. Cum on his face baby. Cum on his face while he licks your pussy.

And then he stopped.

A long groan of noooo escaped from Lynn’s lips as she desperately struggled arching her back and pushing her ass backwards. Anything to get his mouth back on her pussy.

Oh, now I see you can talk cant you he teased her.

Please she pleaded.

Please what?

Again she pleaded please as she rotated gyrated and ground her hips up and down.

He was enjoying this and he let her know. If you want me to do something than you will have to tell me.

Please lick my pussy she begged. Please make me cum. I am so close. Please.

That’s a good girl he said and once again his tongue found her pussy.

Within moments he had found her clit, sucking it into his mouth and stroking it back and forth with his tongue was all she could take.

Her orgasm hit her like a freight train. It was the most erotic thing I have ever seen. She lost complete control as her body trashed back and forth on the hood of the car.

Yes, she cried over and over again as she ground her pussy against his mouth.

Her orgasm was so intense that when it was finally over her continued to spasm as she laid on the hood of the car.

When he stood back up I couldn’t believe how wet her pussy must have been. His face was completely soaked.

Reaching between her legs he got some of her juice on his hand and began to stroke his semi hard cock back to full mass. The whole time talking dirty to her.

Stroking his cock he lined up behind Lynn saying.

You want me to fuck your pussy don’t you?

You want me to stick my dick in your pussy and fuck you hard?

You want me to fuck you while your husband watches?

You want me to fuck your pussy hard and make it cum again all over my dick?

Oh god yes fuck me, Lynn said as he pushed his cock into her pussy. She was so wet and wanting that he was balls deep inside her pussy with just one stroke.

Grabbing a hold of her ass with both hands he started to hammer away at her pussy with all his might.

Anything he wanted her to do or say she would.

What do you want, he would ask Fuucckk mmeee, she would try say

You like to be fucked like a little slut, don’t ya?

Yeesss she moaned.

You like to suck cock and be fucked in front of your husband don’t ya?


He wasn’t letting up at all. He was fucking her so hard I could hear his body slap against her ass.

I know what you want. I saw those videos in your trunk. You want to be gangbanged just like those little sluts in those movies don’t ya?

Oh god yess.

You want a dick in your mouth to suck on. A dick in your pussy and a dick in your ass fucking you hard at the same time don’t ya?

Ohh god yes please she begged.

The next time I see you I am going to bring a couple of my friends and we are all going to fuck you at the same time. You would like that wouldn’t you?

Oh yes please. I want it so bad. Please gangbang me. I will do anything.

Maybe next time I will bring my girlfriend to so you can like her pussy and ass while me and my friends take turns fucking you in the ass. You would like that wouldn’t you?

Oh yess fuck me. Yes I would love that. Please fuck me.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Of course we had fantasized about DP’S and Gangbangs before but hear was my beautiful wife begging a complete stranger to not only fuck her every way possible but to bring his friends so that they could gang bang her and to also bring his girl friend so she could eat her pussy and like her ass while they did it.

I also couldn’t believe that he was still fucking her and hadn’t cum yet.

My own erection

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