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Teasing Tammy part 9

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Teasing Tammy part 9

Tammy was tired when Will left them Monday night. She had enjoyed hot sex for three days in a row. She took a hot bath and put a lot of skin cream over her breasts and inner thighs where Will had left his trade marks. He told her they were his signature. Her V-spot was very tender and cleaning it felt good. Just to be on the safe side she put on a pair of Depends in case she started dreaming of Will during the night.

Before going into the bathroom Will sent Sethy a text. “Oh. I forgot. One more rule. After I leave Sethy boy has to go change the sheets and get my girlfriend’s bed ready so she can sleep soundly. Go put clean sheets on OUR bed and wash the dirty ones. Don’t forget to dry and fold them nicely. You will need them soon.”

Sethy was a bit put off by this rule. It meant an interruption in his chat with the cuckold husbands. So he typed to the chatroom what Will had just sent him and said he would be right back. Before he could get out of his chair the husbands were typing back, “You are on your way. No turning back now. Lol.”

They loved following what Will was putting him through. His life was feeling like an Ex-rated movie. Guys were taking pleasure at his expense.

Sethy figured Will had sent the same text to Tammy’s phone. So he got up right away and stripped the cum filled sheets from the bed. The mattress was also wet so he took out a hospital mat used for these situations and placed it over the dampness before he put the fresh sheets on the bed. He picked up Will’s empty beer cans and straightened out the furniture that had been moved. He imagined when they have sex its more like a wrestling match.

He called through the bathroom door telling Tammy that the bed was clean and ready for her. She thanked him and reminded him not to stay up late. “You have to work in the morning.”

“I know. I won’t.” and he ran back to his friends in the chatroom.

Several had typed messages back to him describing some of the rules they have to follow and that too was making Sethy want to orgasm again. It was crazy. He wondered, “How can chatting with men make him so stimulated? But it was and he had to grab his dick several times as they sent messages to him and to each other. Spending time in that chatroom felt just like being at the club and socializing with them.

Sethy brought up the subject of angst one more time. He was trying to find words to describe the feeling. The cucks all understood but had little advice. They couldn’t explain it either but they assured Sethy they all had it.

He typed, “It feels like a gut wrenching anxiety was crushing his stomach and forcing the thought of what Will’s cock must look like as he inserts into Tammy’s V-spot. When it hits me I am helpless to think of anything else.”

“And you start cumming off? Right?”

“Yes. Every Time.”

“Did they let you watch yet?” one wanted to know.

“OH HEAVENS. No. They lock the door.”

“Don’t worry. Soon they will let you see things. This takes time to build.”

“You can trust Will. My wife knows him well.”

“Does Will have her wedding ring on his neck?”

“Her’s and mine.”

“Does he give them back?”

“Only if you want them back. If You want them back you’ll never see him again.”

“Does he think he is married to Tammy?”

“Tammy and you.”

“What do you mean?”

“My wife and I don’t want our rings back. It’s Will’s way of telling us he took over our marriage.”

Sethy could not believe what he was reading. But damn, it felt good to talk to guys who are in the same boat.

At ten-thirty Tammy reminded him that was time for bed. Sethy said good night to the husbands and showered for bed. He put on another pair of his little boy underpants and laid next to Tammy.

She was laying naked on her back. Sethy saw the bed blood blisters all over her breasts, stomach and inner thighs. He reached over to caress her breasts and she flinched. “Oh. Not now Seth. They are tender and need to rest.”

She rolled to her left side and Sethy saw Will’s fingerprints on her ass cheeks. He knew Will had fucked her hard but not that hard. He slammed her body into his, driving his cock all the way into her V-spot. His fingertips left black and blue marks on her. Sethy could see all ten bruises.

“Did you see your butt cheeks?” he asked.

“Yeah. I can even feel them.” she replied.

Seth curled up next to her and she knew he really loved her.

He got up early and set up breakfast for her. He hadn’t done that in a long time and he knew she loved it when he did special things for her. Next to her juice glass he left a note saying he loves her.

She woke up at nine o’clock and went right to the chatroom and typed, “Hi Ladies.”

She had her juice and read Seth’s note to her. She loved him as much as he loved her. After she ate she took her coffee to the computer and greeted the wives who were chatting. For hours she read the things the wives were talking about and she got to ask several questions. The discussions she liked best were the ones where a wife was talking about her Bull. The wives talked about these Bulls like it was common knowledge. The way they embraced this cuckold lifestyle was bringing them true freedom. She didn’t fully understand it but she was sure she felt it and began to dwell on ways she could embrace it also.

She recalled the things Will had told her about Seth. Will was certain that Seth was going to love her having hot sex more than he likes having intercourse with her. He told her that Seth gets highly stimulated when they are having sex. “Seth is craving this kind of sex.”

Tammy didn’t know how he could possibly know so much about Seth who he only recently met. She wanted to ask Will that question next time she is with him.

Just like every other woman she knew these wives got on with their regular day’s activities. This lifestyle was not an ongoing orgy. They were not nymphomaniacs. They were not cheap sluts who run wild with any guy who wants to fuck.

They were selective. They were free to make their own decisions. Will had told her the same thing. When the women said it, the reaction and desire for that freedom felt different. She was raised to put a man’s belief above her’s. When Will told her about sexual freedom she felt he wanted her to get free with him. When the wives said it, it felt more real. It was a new opportunity to experience what she had often missed. Tammy was so happy he had told her about the chatroom.

She signed off at lunchtime and called Seth to say hello. “How’s your day going?”

Seth was thrilled to hear from her. She often called him during his lunch hour and she always asked what he felt like for dinner. Before saying goodbye Tammy asked, “How are you feeling?”

Seth suspected she was referring to the experience of the past weekend. He wasn’t sure how to answer. Maybe Tammy was asking the question in the generic form people often use. He paused so she asked a second and placed an accent on the word “feeling”.

“People usually ask, How are you doing? Are you asking about my feelings?”

“Seth, you know what I mean. I’m wondering about your feelings.”

“It’s been an emotional weekend. That’s for sure. I never expected all that to happen. I thought Will was taking us to a restaurant for dinner. Not to have you for his dinner.”

Tammy laughed a bit before agreeing. She went on to say, “I never thought I would feel things so strong. I hope you don’t mind that he sleeps over sometimes. I need to feel those feelings sometimes. I feel so happy today I can’t even describe it. I’m so content right now. Satisfied. You know? I don’t want a thing right now, except you.”

Seth loved hearing her talk like that. He had feared his marriage was about to end. Tammy was smitten by Will. He never even asked. Will just swept her off her feet and he had wild sex with her.

“I want to be with you too. I love you.” Seth said.

“See you soon.” Tammy said before hanging up the phone.

Seth got home at his usual five-thirty and Tammy had dinner ready. They had a nice meal together and talked about normal family matters. The news was something Seth always liked to watch and Tammy usually called her friends to talk on the phone. Half way through the news Seth couldn’t wait. He logged into the chatroom and typed “Hello.”

The husbands welcomed him and he got involved in the conversations. Everyone seemed happy and normal. The husbands were catching up with each other and talking about their day. It was a heartwarming place to be. If these men lived in the same town they would most likely gather at a local pub or one of their homes. But they all lived a good distance from each other. Interaction with them was limited. It would most likely happen only at the cuckold club.

Tammy grew a bit bored with her regular girlfriends and cut the conversations short. She was laying bed and she scrolled down her contact list till she found Will’s contact. There she saw the pic of her lips kissing Will’s cock and his name, Will Bull #1.

She couldn’t resist. She hit the call tab. Will answered on the second ring. “Hey baby.”

“Hi Will. I just wanted to say thanks for a great weekend.”

“Did you have a good time?”

“Oh Will. That was the best time. I loved it. The wives talked to me a lot.”

“I know. I was watching.”

They talked a bit and then Will asked, “How is Sethy?”

“He’s alright. I think his emotions are as raw as my pussy. I know you like it when I call my V-spot YOUR PUSSY.”

Will laughed. “I do.”

“Is Seth going to be alright?” Tammy asked.

“Oh yeah. He’s going to be just fine. In fact he is going to be better than before we met.”

“How do you know? How do you know that Will? How do you know he is going to love me fucking you more than him fucking me.”

“No. That’s not what I told you. What I told you was Seth is going to love ME fucking YOU more than him fucking you. He is going to get a better sexual orgasm when my cock is pleasuring you. That’s what I said.”

What’s the difference?” she asked.

“Did you ever wonder what a husband feels when his wife has to go on a business trip with her boss or a few men from the office? Husbands are in agony wondering if their wife is cheating on him. The second she gets home he has to practically r*pe her. He does that to win her back in case she did fuck another man.”

Will went on to say, “It hurts less when the husband knows she is fucking other men and she loves doing that because it makes her happy. Husbands want to make their wives happy. The dynamic changes dramatically when the husband is aware that his wife is making hot mad sex with a man she craves. It changes even more when the husband is in the house as the man fucks her harder than he can. It changes even more when the wife makes her husband kneel in submission to her and watch how a man can fuck her silly. Sethy is going to have the time of his life. Ask any one of the cuckold husbands. They’ll tell you the same thing.”

“Oh God I hope so. I want him to be happy.” Tammy said.

“Did you ask him anything?”

“Like what?”

“Like what he is feeling?”

“Yeah. He didn’t have much to offer.”

“Ask him about his little boy underpants?”

“I will. Nice talking to you Will.”

“Same here. See you when I get back. If you need anything just ask me.” and Will hung up.

Tammy wondered about that ridiculous question. Of all questions to ask Seth, his underpants! What could those underpants possibly have anything to do with Seth not objecting to her being fucked by a Bull?

One minute after hanging up Will called her back. Tammy answered, “Hi.”

“Has he called you MOMMY?”

“No. He hasn’t. Why?”

“Do yourself a favor, baby. When he comes to bed tonight, tell him you want him to say, GOODNIGHT MOMMY. Then make him repeat it over and over until you feel it in your heart.”

Tammy paused a few seconds as his words settled into her mind. “Okay Will. I’ll do that.”

“Let me know what happens.”

“Okay.” she said.

“Are you my sult?”

“Yeah. I want to be.”

“Good. That's My girl. Talk tomorrow.”

At nine-thirty Tammy called Seth to the bedroom. “It’s getting late. No more computer taking. Take your shower and it’s time for bed.”

She said it differently than she had talked to him in years. She had never “told him” what to do. And now it sounded like she was his parent.

Seth said goodnight to the cucks in the chatroom and showered. He came to bed and before laying down Tammy said, “Take off your pajamas.”

Thinking she wanted him to make love to her he quickly took off the pajama bottoms and top. As he started laying down she said, “Take off your T-shirt. Seth did so and layed down in bed. He rolled to her side and she asked, “How do you like your new underpants?”

Seth was stunned. That was not what he expected. But he answered, “They are kind of silly.”

“What do you mean?”

I don’t know what thrill Will gets out of making a rule that I have to follow like I am a little boy.”

“It’s not Will.” she answered.


“I am the one who wants you to wear them for me.” Tammy’s answer was based on the things the wives had told her about taking control of the sexual life in marriage. Flat and marrital sex was just not good enough.

“I get turned on by you wearing the little boy underpants.”

“Well, to tell you the truth, They are very comfortable. But more than that, they are comforting to me. I feel like I am a part of what is going on between you and Will.”

“Oh Sethy. That is so good.”

“Goodnight.” she said.

Seth said, “Good night.” and kissed her cheek.

“No. I want you to say GOODNIGHT MOMMY.”

“You want me to call you MOMMY?”

“Yeah. I like that a lot.”

“I thought I was only supposed to do that when Will wanted me to.”

“No. No. This is not about Will. It’s about me. I am the one who wants you to call me MOMMY when we are here and alone. It’s just us. We are alone. No one else is here. So say, GOODNIGHT MOMMY.”

Seth paused.

“Say it. Tell me. You know you want to. I know you want to say it. So, say it.”

Finally Seth whispered half heartedly, “Goodnight mommy.”

“Again.” she insisted lovingly.

“Goodnight mommy.” Seth said again.

“Nice. One more time. Say it for me?”

Seth slid close to her and said, “Goodnight mommy.”

“Yes.” Tammy moaned.


“Goodnight mommy.”


Seth bent his head into her breast and armpit and almost crying he said, “Goodnight mommy.” and he kissed her cheek.

Tammy felt the jolt in the bottom of her being. It was a feeling of intense freedom. She rolled to his cheek and kissed him and said, “Goodnight Sethy.”

Seth felt his dick as hard as a rock. He rolled over and he had to grab himself. He was cumming off. He didn’t want Tammy to know and fought hard to not let it show. Tammy could feel him cumming off in secret but she said nothing about it. She was just happy he was having orgasms once again.

Everything she was learning about cuckolding was absolutely true. She couldn’t believe how luck she was to have married Seth and met Will.

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