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Free Erotic Stories

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When I was a boy I had a fetish. I didn?t know it was a fetish, I just knew I liked to do it. I loved to walk around the neighborhood and find windows to look into. Not in a sexual way really. I would just look into people?s front windows from the street, side and back windows from the alleys. I had a boring life, and I guess I was living my life by watching other people live. My Mom and dad barely talked to each other and since I was an only child, they didn?t have much discipline to act out on me. By the time I was ten, mom and dad had divorced. A new couple moved into the house that backed up to ours when I was eleven years old. The man was a non-descript kind of guy. He had a little bit of a beer belly and was balding. He had a job where he traveled a lot, so I got to know his wife pretty well. Janelle Spain or Nell had been married to Fred Spain for six years. The Spains did not have any children so there was not a reason I would go to their house, but after I saw her, I walked around the block a lot. I built a tree house in the elm tree in the back yard to watch the house. There was a good reason for that.

Nell Spain was a stunning woman. She had bleached blonde hair and wore thick rimmed sun glasses in public most of the time. Behind those glasses she had green eyes. She was taller than me, but at eleven years old, most people are. She had a small waist and big titties. She also had a rear end that swayed when she walked. Around the house she would usually wear some short pants and a blouse and flat heeled shoes. I offered to help her around the house when Mr. Spain was gone and even though she didn?t need it, she would always let me do something like sweep the garage, or dust the baseboards, or clean the pool, yes, the Spain?s had a pool. The main reason I built the tree house in my twelfth year was to watch Nell sunbath by the pool. She always wore a bikini which was exciting because my mother, aunt and two sisters would not be caught dead outside a one piece. She also would undo the strap of her top when she would sun her back. I had always wanted to go swimming when she was out there, but I had never gotten the nerve. I watched her walk around her house from the tree house. Once she walked from the bedroom to the kitchen in a nightgown that I swear she had nothing on under.

One day right after I had turned thirteen I was out in my backyard trimming the hedges and Nell came to the back fence. ?Davie, would you like to come over and do some work for me?? ?Sure thing!? I said and started to go in when Nell said ?Wear your bathing suit so you can get in the pool when you finish.? As fast as a thirteen year old can, I got into my suit and high tailed it around the corner and rang the bell. Nell met me at the front door in a bikini. Now bikini suits in the 70?s would be conservative compared to today?s string thong bikinis, but it blew me away. It was a yellow number that accentuated the tan that Nell had during the summers. ?Fred is out of town again and I need to have some things done around the house.? I followed her into a back room and moved a dresser. I fixed a toilet that was leaking and I changed two lights in the den. Nell held my thighs as a changed the lights. I looked down and saw two things that shocked me. First I saw right down her suit top and could barely make out the brown of her nipple showing. Second, I saw that I was sporting a huge erection. Nell had to have seen it too. I got down and she got me a coke and herself a drink in a glass. ?Let?s go for a swim shall we?? she said and I followed her to the back yard.

In the back yard Nell said go ahead take a dip. ?You?re not coming?? I said sheepishly. Oh, alright, but I can?t get my hair wet, OK?? she said as she walked into the pool from the shallow end. I watched her walk in and it was as if a goddess had entered the pool. She walked around for a little and we talked about it being cold or not and that the weather looked like it might rain soon, or not, and so on. I swam right up to her and said I could swim between her legs. It was a thing a lot of kids did. Heck we used to get in lines and see how many people?s legs we could swim through at a time. Nell looked at me funny. ?Just spread your legs with your feet on the bottom of the pool and I will swim between them.? I said. She smiled and moved her feet apart a bit. I went down and got stuck because her legs were only apart about a foot and a half. I pulled back out and told her to spread them wider. I swam through and blew bubbles under her. She said she liked the bubbles and I said I could do it again, so I did. I got my swim mask and put it on. I said I could do it on my back. She again spread her legs and I began to go between her legs. With a mask on, I could see everything. As I began to go between her legs, I noticed that the side of the suit bottom had pulled to the side a little and I could see a good sized patch of dark hair sticking out. I blew out all the bubbles I could and went on through. I was instantly erect! Nell said she really thought that was fun and we should play again sometime, but she wanted to get some sun. She lay on her belly and asked me to put lotion on her back. I crawled out of the pool and moved toward her. I put lotion on her back and then she wanted some on her legs. I was having trouble breathing as I touched the back of this beautiful woman?s legs. As I did, she spread her legs apart a little and the patch of brown fur was visible again. I wanted so much to put my fingers there and touch it, but I feared having my mother told that I was being dirty. Nell thanked me and I went back to the pool to sooth my aching boner.

After about an hour in or around the pool, Nell told me that she needed to go to the store and that I should come back over more. I did and we became good friends. Over the next few years, I got to the point that I could tell Nell anything that was going on. Friend problems, family issues, girl stuff. There was a lot of that. A sixteen year old boy always has girl issues to deal with. It was about this time that Mr. Spain started spending more and more time away from home on ?business? then didn?t come home at all. Nell was sad during this time and she would cry on my shoulder many times about how he had left her for a woman that could give him kids. She had found out she couldn?t. It was the summer of 1976 and I wanted to go to the July fourth fireworks display downtown and it seemed like no one could go. Jokingly, I asked Nell and she said ?Sure, if you don?t mind going with an old woman.? ?You?re not an old woman! You?re the most beautiful woman I?ve ever seen.? I said and then blushed as she smiled. I had just gotten a truck as a vehicle and we took it. With ?three on the tree? transmission, I had to shift all the time. I wanted it so I could have a girl sit right next to me as I drove and still have a standard (I?ve always loved them). We went down town early and got a place of the lawn of the courthouse and soon were surrounded by couples and families. Nell had packed a pick-nick dinner and we ate fried chicken and some new potatoes. Nell said ?Don?t tell anyone, but this is wine, not 7-up? she said as she held up a big green bottle of 7-up. ?I won?t tell anyone if you don?t? she said with a devilish grin. We had a glass and relaxed. Several men were giving Nell the eye. I was being the ?big bad dominant male? and I?d stare them down if they were watching her too much. We weren?t on a date, but I acted like it. As the sun was down, the fireworks began accompanied by patriotic music on radios all over. I leaned back on my elbows with my ankles crossed. Nell was doing the same, and then she slowly moved over and rested her head on my shoulder and put her arm under my back. One big bang hit and she buried her head in my neck and gave me a kiss right there on the neck. I was sweating bullets and I was dizzy and thought it must be the wine. I didn?t know what to do, so I put my arm out and around her back to. When we got in the truck to go home, Nell scooted over right next to me as I drove us home. I was again dizzy, but it wasn?t the wine, it was nerves. She put her head on my shoulder and her hand on my knee. When we got home, she kissed me on the lips and said ?Thank you for the date. I had a lot of fun. We need to do it again sometime.? I silently turned and drove my truck around the block to my house and went into the back yard to watch her from my tree house. She was laying on her bed with only a nightgown on reading a magazine. She turned out her light and went to sleep. I was in heaven.

The next week, I asked if Nell would like to go to the point at the local lake. Nell looked shocked. ?It?s a swimming place where they have diving boards and swings, and slides and a snack bar and everything.? I said. ?Oh, OK. I thought you wanted to take me to a place to go neck or something.? She said and play punched me in the arm ?sure I?d love to go??.to either.? She said with a wink and a smile. ?Was she flirting with me?? I thought as we set a date for the next day to go and have a day of it. In the morning, I loaded a cooler of sodas and some sandwich makings and drove around to Nell?s house. She hoped in wearing cut off shorts, flip flops and halter top. After we were out of the neighborhood, she again scooted over and sat by me. At the point, I paid admission and we parked the truck. There was already a big crowd and we found a place to lay out the towel and cooler. Nell went to the bathhouse to change and came out wearing a bikini that put all the teen aged girls to shame. It was beautiful and while it covered everything very well, it let my (and every boy on the beach) mind run wild. We swam and played and dove and swung and played a game of volleyball on the beach. Nell was the star as far as all the other boys figured, me too. I loved how everyone watched her, and she was here with me. We went over and ate. We sat cross-legged and from my vantage point, I could see down her top and see hair coming from the sides of her suit bottom in the crotch. I was on fire. We sunned for a couple of hours and I got to put oil on her twice as the other guys just had to watch. At 6:00 or so, we packed up and left. Nell asked what was down that road and soon we were out in the country in areas that I only had a vague idea of where we were. On one road we pulled over a ridge and saw the lake spread out before us. Nell said ?Take this little road over here?? and we went through a cattle guard and across a field to a cliff that overlooked the lake. We got out and looked around and even crawled over the edge of the cliff and saw the lake below.

As the sun went down over the lake, we sat on the cliff and watched it. The sky turned to a beautiful purple and Nell put her head on my shoulder again and said. ?You know? You are the most fun friend I ever had.? She turned and took my chin and turned me to her and kissed me. I kissed her back and slid my hand around her back. We began to kiss passionately. My mind and body were on fire. Nell stopped and said ?I?m gonna get eaten up by mosquitos.? So we went to the truck. She had pulled back on her jean cut off shorts, but kept on the bikini top. This was a point I was keenly aware of. When we got in the truck we wrapped arms around each other and continued the kissing. She stopped and pushed me away with her hand on my chest and whispered. ?I can?t believe I?m doing this.? As she reached around her neck and untied the string that held on her top. She watched my eyes as she slowly let it fall to her lap. There before me were the first real breasts I ever saw. She took my hand and guided it to the left one. I slowly touched it all over and traced the outline of the nipple. Nell leaned back and threw her head back. She took my other hand and placed it on the other breast. She then took my face and pulled it to her chest. I wrapped my arm around her torso and kissed and sucked on each of the nipples making sure I did not neglect either. Being bold I let my arm slide down to the top of her jeans right above her butt crack. With the other hand, I began to caress her thigh and moved up toward the crotch of the cut offs. Just as I touched the frayed hem, her hand stopped me and I heard a soft ?Um,Um? emanate from her lips. She pushed me back in the seat and kissed my neck and lips while I was cupping her beautiful breasts. She placed her hand on my knee and moved it toward my crotch and stopped only inches from my dick. ?We better get back before something happens.? She said as she began to pull away from me. We drove back to the main road with her as close as humanly possible to my side. Just as we entered our neighborhood she slid back to the other side of the truck. She kissed me goodnight and said ?Come over and see me tomorrow afternoon.? with a smile. I drove home virginity in tack and a good case of blue balls. I could not sleep dreaming about the creamy white breasts that I had been allowed to feast on that night. I wanted my next meal.

The next day, I was at Nell?s door in the afternoon. She asked me to come in and sit down. ?I need to talk to you Davie. What we did last night was beautiful but very dangerous. I could get in trouble doing that kind of thing with a minor. We can?t do it anymore. OK?? she said. I didn?t want to, but I began to cry. She took me in her arms and said ?It?s OK Davie. There are plenty of other girls that would love to do that sort of thing with you.? ?I don?t want other girls. I want you. I have loved you all my life and I don?t want to see or be with another girl except you!? I said through sobs. She sat me down and soothed my crying. I felt like a fool doing it. We talked about the future and what my life would hold and stuff like that. I kept coming back to the point that I wanted to be around her. She made me feel special and that I wanted to be hers only. She was in tears some of the time too. ?I can keep a secret; no one else ever has to know.? I said. ?I know you can Davie, but it is dangerous.? She said as we hugged. At the end of a two hour cry fest, we agreed to keep our friendship alive and see where it goes but we couldn?t go out of ?dates? like the two we just had in the summer. If one person saw that, her reputation would be finished and I would be in trouble. ?Davie, I love you, as a friend and a lover. I just don?t want you to get so interested in me that you let your whole life pass you by.? She said and kissed me. ?It won?t.? I said and turned to go back home. When I went home I went to the backyard and watched out the tree house window. Nell was just getting out of the shower as I got settled with my binoculars. I could see her head, but not her body. She walked into the den nude and I could see my lover in all her glory for the first time. In the 70?s women didn?t shave their pussies like they do today. I could see a patch of dark brown hair starting just below panty line and making a perfect triangle down to between her legs. What blew me away is what I saw next. She sat on the couch looking in my direction. She spread her legs and began to touch herself down there. How I wished I could be that hand. One hand was on her crotch and the other on her left tit. She would tweak it and pull the nipple as her finger played with an area at the top of her pussy. With her legs spread, I could see a well-defined slit with no hair on it and when she pulled her legs up a little, I could make out the darker brown hole of her butt. I came in my shorts right there watching such an erotic display. Again I was dizzy and it wasn?t wine. I wanted her more than ever.

Over the next year, we made out some and I got to massage her breasts some too. She would never let me touch her private areas though. She brushed against my cock many times as we would have an especially heavy make out session. As I approached graduation and my eighteenth birthday, the make out sessions became more intense. I turned 18 three weeks before my graduation from high school in 1978. My Mom had a party for the neighborhood friends and I asked her to invite Ms. Spain. Nell came and I when I was opening graduation presents, Nell?s was a Pen, a Key on a chain, and a ten dollar bill. There was a note ?Davie: These three things are important. The pen is to write all your deeds over a long and successful life. The ten dollars is to go out and have a good time and remind you to always do so. The key is to remind you that there is a key to your future and always search for it.? I read it and everyone at the party thought it was a great gift. Nell was pleased with herself and her gift from the smile she had. While everyone was milling around she came over and said softly ?The key to your future also unlocks my patio door. Why don?t you use it tonight after the party?? Again with the dizziness! I could not believe it. The woman I had been in love with for seven years was asking me to come visit her tonight and gave me a key to do it. The rest of the guests left and Mom and I sat for a little and talked about the party. ?Ms. Spain?s gift was so nice and thoughtful.? She said. ?Sure was.? I said with a smile. ?She?s a very nice lady. Shame there?s not a man in her life.? Mom said. We then got up and cleaned the tables and got the dishes in the washer and them mom went off to bed.

I left the house (now I pretty much did as I pleased around the house) at about 9:00. I told mom I was going over to a buddy?s house and I might spend the night. She said OK and I left. A minute later I was parked down the street and opening up Nelly patio door. I was nervous and sweating. She met me inside with the same dress on as she had on at the party. ?Oh I hoped you would come.? She said as she hugged me. She had two glasses of wine in her hands and handed me one. ?My! You?re sweating. We ought to go cool off in the pool.? She said. ?Don?t have a suit.? I said and smiled. She said ?we won?t need suits. I?ll leave off the pool light and we can skinny dip.? And turned around to go into her bedroom. I was bug eyed! ?Did she just say swim nude?? I thought. She came back out with a big terry robe on and threw me a towel. ?Go to the bathhouse and get ready and come to the pool silly!? she said and went out the patio door. I followed her and went to the small pool cabana and took off my clothes and wrapped the towel around me. I came back out with a glass of wine, a towel and an erection that looked like the towel was on a towel rack. She giggled. She bent down and put her glass on the side of the pool and waited until I had done the same. When she knew I was looking at her with the moon and distant streetlights as her only illumination, she shrugged the robe off her shoulders and allowed it to fall to the ground. There she stood, my Venus, my goddess. I could smell her perfume and the flowers of the night. Her breasts heaved as he breathed deep from excitement. Her leg was placed in front of the other in a model pose. She slowly turned and walked into the pool smiling at me all the time. I too dropped my towel and walked into the pool. ?We should be quiet out here. Don?t want to wake the neighbors.? She said as she put her arms around my neck and I was in heaven.

I reached around her with one hand and held her black and allowed the other to touch her breasts. She pulled in tighter and began to hump my leg as we kissed. She parted her legs and wrapped them around my hips. I moved my hand down and held her ass cheek for the first time. With the other hand I reached down and began to tentatively touch the lips that I had dreamed about for years. She moaned and said ?I?ve wanted you for so long Davie.? ?I have too.? I answered as I moved up and began to rub the little nob of a clit that I had seen her rub before. She moaned again and reached down to take my cock in her hand. ?Come over here.? She said as she moved to the steps. She had me sit on the steps and she came between my legs and began to lick the shaft of my cock. She was massaging my nut sack with her other hand as she began to suck on the end of the member. Within a few movements, she was eagerly sucking the entirety of my cock and massaging my ever tightening balls. I started to come and said ?I?m gonna,?. Oh, Nell!... Oh Stop or I?m!? then it erupted. She moaned as the first jets of cum hit the back of her mouth. To my surprise she wasn?t revolted by it, she seemed to crave it. As I began to deflate, she climbed up on the step and said ?Now it?s your turn.? As she pushed me down off the steps. She spread her legs and lay back. I had never done this, and had only seen pictures, but I got the general idea. I moved closer and could only smell the chlorine of the pool. I touched the lips with my fingers and parted them slightly. I reached in and kissed the top of the slit where I had been rubbing the clit. Her legs spread wider telling me I was at the right spot. I began to lick up and down in long flowing motions and she began to writhe and buck at me. When I had hit an especially tender spot, she reached down and grabbed the back of my head and drew me to her. She let go a barrage of muffled screams and moans and then let me go and I continued to lick and kiss her pussy. She pushed me away and we began to swim and kiss each other again. I kept my hands on her as she did on me. I tried to get her to spread her legs and let me try to have sex with her there in the pool, but she kept twisting away from it. ?Let?s go inside.? She said.

We walked totally nude into her living room and back into her bedroom. ?I don?t like making love in the pool.? She said ?the water washes all the natural juices away and you can?t get any traction.? I didn?t care. I was now looking at the woman I adored in the light for the first time. As she lay on the bed, I again marveled at the curves of her body, the softness of her breasts and pussy hair, and the tenderness of her touch. She told me to lay back and again she sucked my cock but only for a couple of strokes until it was rock hard. She moved off it and crawled up positioning her hair covered glory hole over the member. She slowly guided it into her as she sat down and began to rock on me forward and back. I lost my virginity to a woman I had dreamed about for seven years and it was divine. She began to ride faster and faster and she came to a strong orgasm for the second time of the night. She reached up and began to tweak and pull at her nipples as she had on the couch when I watched her. As she began to climax, I came into her and when she collapsed with her ear right by my mouth I whispered ?Nell, I love you.? She hugged me tight and I thought I felt her sob. ?I love you too Davie.? She whispered back.

We made love again and fell asleep in each other?s arms. I went to a local college where she moved to be closer to me. We did not live together for four more years until after my mother died. We moved in together and have loved and been loved since that time. Yes, there are 15 years separating our ages., but to me, Nell is my equal, my partner, my second half. I am to her. We will celebrate our thirtieth year anniversary this fall. I am fifty two and she is sixty six. Many people think I am the older in our relationship. We still have an active sex life and she still tweaks her nipples when she is having an orgasm. Sometimes you have to wait for true love.

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