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My greatest fantacy

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Circle of Cuckolds Chapter 1

Bruce and his wife Linda were having drinks on the patio of their large suburban home. Bruce, a 42-year-old accountant, had done very well in his profession and was up for a vice presidency of firm. Their expensive home reflected Bruce's financial success.

Linda, a 36-year-old attractive brunette looked less than her age. Thanks to a disciplined regimen of exercise and diet, her figure was that of a woman ten years younger. Her most notable features were her large bust and long shapely legs. Linda was an elementary school teacher. The couple had no children, but were "trying." The problem, according to Bruce's physician was his unusually low sperm count. For them, timing would be everything if they were to succeed in getting pregnant.

Sex for Bruce and Linda was very satisfactory for him, but less so for Linda, although she never mentioned this to him out of concern for his fragile masculine ego. Things picked up somewhat for Linda when the couple ventured into the world of suburban swinging last year. Although the guys in their circle were nothing to write home about in Linda's opinion, at least they were better than Bruce in the sex department. The parties, however, had become less and less frequent, and this was the topic of conversation on this particular evening.

"I don't get it," said Bruce. "First Sarah and Bill dropped out. Then Marie and Jim. Now the get-togethers are less and less frequent."

"I know," responded Linda. "It is frustrating. But I think I know the reason."

"You do?" asked Bruce, surprised.

"I think so."

"What is it?"

"Well," began Linda with obvious hesitation, "I was talking to Marie over coffee the other day. Apparently the action hasn't stopped, but some of our friends have gone in a different direction."

"What does that mean a different direction?"

"Well," continued Linda, "I don't know quite how to put it. But basically some of the ladies started finding those evenings less than exciting."

"You're kidding!" said Bruce.

"Nope. Now I know you guys are really into it. And why not? Let's face it, you're getting to play with some very hot babes. Am I wrong?"

"No," said Bruce, "you're definitely right. So what's the problem?"

"Well, take Sarah, for instance. What guy wouldn't want to crawl between that girl's legs? I mean, she could have any guy she wanted, right?"

"Damn right!" Bruce replied with perhaps more enthusiasm than was advisable.

"That certainly goes for you, too, hon."

"Thanks. Anyway, it was Sarah who started this new thing."

"What new thing?"

"Well, Sarah went Black."

Bruce was stunned at this announcement. He had never heard the expression "to go Black," but he definitely understood the gist of it. In fact, the immediate image of hot little Sarah with a Black stud on top of her sent a shiver through Bruce that he didn't understand.

"Black?" was all that he could think of to say.

"Yes, Black. Apparently this was one of her long-time fantasies. So she talked Bill into answering an ad placed by some Black stud on a website devoted to interracial sex."

"I can't believe it," said Bruce.

"Believe it," replied Linda. "They met this guy and he fucked her right in their own bed right in front of Bill. After that, she couldn't get interested in our little group anymore. Even Bill was blown away by watching. He became a 'true believer' that night."

Bruce was embarrassed that this story had gotten him so excited that he had to shift in his seat, trying to conceal the fact of his hardening cock.

His reaction, however, did not go unnoticed by Linda. She crossed her legs, giving Bruce a view of thigh that never failed to get him hot. She sipped her drink and looked at him over the rim before continuing her story.

"Can you just imagine hot little Sarah squirming on the bed with this thick 9-inch black cock about to enter her? And Bill sitting across the room watching it all?"

Bruce could indeed imagine this scene. He had been with her many times over the past couple of years and could never believe his good fortune. His only problem with her had been her extreme energy and need for fast, hard stroking that usually caused him to finish before she barely got going. Bruce found himself totally absorbed in this vision and breathing deeply.

"So," continued Linda, "Sarah told Marie about the experience and believe it or not Marie was very excited and receptive. Apparently she had fantasized about having a Black man herself. And she got Jim to go along with it with the same guy!"

"Jeez!" said Bruce, now overcome with the image of this taboo picture. "No wonder we haven't seen them lately."

"Exactly. Anyway, now those two couples and a few others have been going to special parties held by another couple they met. Bruce, they've all gone Black!"

"Completely?" asked Bruce, stupefied.

"Totally. What's amazing is that the guys have acquiesced to this. Isn't that incredible, honey?"

"It definitely is."

"Bruce," purred Linda, "would you mind refreshing my drink?"

Uh-oh. Bruce didn't really want to stand up at this point for fear that his excitement would be only too obvious. But with Linda holding out her empty glass in front of him, he didn't have a chance. Perhaps, he thought, it's dark enough that she won't notice.

Linda noticed, but pretended not to. It was just as Sarah had predicted. Her own husband was turned on at the thought of Black men fucking these white wives that he had known and been with for years. She concealed a smile as Bruce took her glass and quickly turned toward the house to refill it.

When Bruce returned with two fresh drinks, she took a sip, crossed her legs, and sighed softly.

"What is it?" asked Bruce.

"Oh, nothing," she said. "Probably just too much to drink and too long since one of our parties. I was just trying to imagine myself in Sarah's place. Somehow I don't see myself lying on the bed with my legs wide open and some Black man's huge cock pushing at my pussy while you're sitting there watching. Do you?"

"Gee, I don't..."

"I mean, I probably couldn't take anything that big, even if I were excited and begging for it."

Bruce was by now in a state of frenzied excitement.

"And even if I could," she continued, "I'd be afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself and would go crazy. And with you sitting there...."

"Well, I...." Was all Bruce could manage at this point.

"Damn, I wonder how Bill and Jim feel when this is happening. How do they react?"

"Well, I guess you could ask them," ventured Bruce.

"I guess," she answered. "It might be interesting to invite Marie and Jim over for drinks just to hear the story first-hand. Get their perspective on this. I mean, we know them much better than we do Bill and Sarah, even from before our swinging days. What do you think?"

"Well, sure, why not?" replied Bruce, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Linda beamed with delight. It had been even easier than she had imagined.

"Great. It should be very interesting," she said. "Meanwhile, all this sex talk has gotten me very hot. Bruce, would you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Would you get me off with your talented tongue right here, right now?"

"Here?" said Bruce, astounded. "People might see us."

"Don't be silly. It's too dark. Besides, I'll unfold this blanket over my lap. You can crawl under it and nobody could see you even if they tried."

"Well, I don't know..." said Bruce.

But Linda was beyond the point of wanting to have a discussion on this subject or to engage in negotiations. The blanket was now on her lap and hanging all the way down to the patio. She reached down and lifted it up, revealing her now open legs.

"Now, Bruce! Please!!"

Bruce had never heard his wife speak so sharply to him. Plus, he was afraid that her raised voice would attract attention of the neighbors. So he quickly lowered himself to his knees in front of her.

"All right, sweetie. Calm down."


Bruce quickly ducked under the blanket, crawled between his wife's legs and moved his face to her pussy. Through the blanket he felt her hands on top of his head pulling him firmly against her. He began licking her already moist hole.

"Ohhhh, that's it, baby," she said softly, much to Bruce's relief. He plunged his tongue into her.

Linda was in heaven. Even if nothing else came of this, she had her husband on his knees, on the patio, about to make her cum.

"Oh, sweetie," she purred, "this talk about Sarah and her Black lover got me all hot. I don't know what came over me. Can you just imagine if it were me instead of Sarah?"

Linda noticed that her words caused Bruce to re-double his efforts between her legs. She had never felt so much in control.

"Mmmmnf..." was the only sound coming from under the blanket, where her husband's tongue was too occupied with her pleasure to produce anything resembling real words. That was fine with her. Any talk from him would only take away from the fantasy she hadn't been able to get out of her mind ever since Sarah first told her about her new lover. It may have been hubby Bruce's tongue giving her pleasure at the moment, but in her imagination it was something much larger and much blacker. And it was attached to a real man.

Little did she know that Bruce couldn't get the same image out of his own mind no matter how hard he tried. Her erupting orgasm was accompanied by powerful bucking against his now sopping wet face. When she finished it took him a moment to catch his breath.

"Thanks, honey," he heard her say. "You can come up now."

Bruce slowly backed out from between Linda's legs and crawled from under the blanket. He was struck by the sensation of cool night air against his warm, wet face. Getting back up into his chair, Bruce was somehow almost embarrassed to look his wife in the eye. It was as if he had done something shameful or humiliating.

Linda picked up on her husband's discomfort, but decided to look him directly in the face anyway. He seemed to shrink under her gaze. She suddenly realized why Bruce was so ill at ease before her. They had, in effect, experienced her first Black-inspired orgasm and both of them realized it. They had, she understood, taken a big first step. And she was savoring the possibilities.

* * * *

A few days later Linda and Bruce were entertaining their friends Marie and Jim on that very same patio. It was late on a Saturday night after a candlelit dinner where there had been no mention of swinging. Now, relaxing in the balmy summer night air and mellow with wine, thoughts turned to sex.

For his part, Bruce was once again admiring the lovely Marie, a blonde, 29-year-old legal assistant at a prestigious center city law firm. He had enjoyed her lovely body many times at their swing parties and hoped that something might even be possible tonight. It was Linda who turned the conversation to the "Circle" group.

"So tell us, Marie," she began, "what about the "Circle?"

"Oh, it's great! We love it, don't we, honey?" she said, addressing her husband, Jim.

"Yes, dear," he responded with somewhat less enthusiasm.

"Oh, I'm sure Jim'll be the first to admit that he had doubts and hesitations at first, but he came around and is now a true believer." Jim didn't say anything to this.

"A true believer in what?" ventured Bruce.

"In Black men as lovers, of course," responded Marie.

"Listen," interjected Linda, "let me steal Marie away for a few minutes for some girl talk. Jim, you can share your experiences with Bruce in private. Okay?"

"Sure," said Jim.

Bruce and Jim admired the ladies as they retreated inside the house. Marie's swaying hips and long shapely legs never failed to arouse Bruce.

"Well," he said, "it's been a while since we partied. Marie is looking HOT!"

"Well, my friend," responded Jim, "you can look all you want to. But as you know my wife has gone Black."

"What does that mean exactly," asked Bruce.

"Very simple. She only has sex with Black men."

"And you, of course," interjected Bruce.

"Well, sure, sort of...sometimes. It depends."

"So what was it like seeing her with a Black guy?"

"To tell you the truth," answered Jim, "it blew my mind. I had just never imagined anything like that. Mainly, I'd never seen Marie get that turned on. And vocal! It almost scared me, really."

"Was the guy as big as Sarah told Linda?"

"Oh, yeah. I mean BIG. Nine or ten inches easy. And THICK! It was scary. I couldn't believe Marie could take it. But she did. When I saw that monster forcing its way into her pussy, I couldn't believe my eyes. She went crazy! And he hadn't even started fucking her. She had an orgasm just feeling him that way."

"Wow. That must have been hard to take."

"It was and sometimes still is, although I've gotten more used to it. At this point I could never deprive her of it. I mean those guys can fuck and I mean hard for half an hour. They're in a different league. You can see why she isn't interested in coming to our old parties any more. A bunch of white guys with small equipment and hair triggers. We can't compete. You gotta hand it to them. I wish I could give her that much pleasure. But I can't. She's hooked for sure. So I'm a believer."

This was information overload for Bruce.

"Jeez..." he said.

"Are you thinking about coming to a Circle party?"

"Well, I don't know," said Bruce.

"You should. Besides, I'd like someone I know sitting in the circle with me from time to time."

"What do you mean?"

"You know the circle. Don't you know about it?"

"First I heard of it."

"Well," began Jim, "it's like this...." * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, in the house, Linda is getting the lowdown from Marie.

"So you enjoyed it?" asked Linda.

"I can't even begin to tell you how much," she said enthusiastically. "It's like I never had real sex before! Linda, you've got to do it!"

"I can't say I'm not tempted. I don't know if I can talk Bruce into it, though."

"Are you kidding? You know how our guys are. If it has to do with sex, they're for it! By the time they figure out that it isn't about them, well, it's too late. By then there's no turning back."

"Well," laughed Linda, "last night I surprised myself with Bruce. I had him going down on me on the patio."

Marie's eyes opened wide in amazement.

"On the patio? Really?"

"Yup. I had a blanket over him, of course. At first he hesitated, but I was so hot talking about you and Sarah going Black that I didn't have much patience."

"I can imagine."

"I actually snapped at him 'Do it!' I said. I was about to apologize for my tone when all of a sudden he was on his knees looking very sheepish. So I went ahead and had him do me."

"Awesome," responded Marie. "I wish I'd been there to see that."

"And you know what? I was really turned on by the whole scene. Not just him eating my pussy, but the fact I was sort of in charge. I loved it!"

"Let me tell you something," said Marie. "Our relationship changed incredibly after Jim saw me being fucked by a real man a Black man. You know how bossy he's always been, how he likes to be in charge, how only his opinion matters? Well, after I lost my virginity that's what I call it he was a new hubby."

"Really?" - marveled Linda. "Tell me."

"Well," continued Marie, "that first night after Rick fucked me and left, it was like Jim was embarrassed to look me in the eye. So of course I kept trying to start conversations with him, trying to get him to look at me. But it was like he was diminished. And you know what? He was!"

"It's funny you say that. Bruce was like that with me last night and we were just talking about it. I can imagine how he'd be if it actually happened."

"My other surprising reaction," said Marie, "was that I was actually resentful toward Jim because I had spent all these years thinking I was having pretty good sex. When I was having nothing even close. But now my eyes have been opened, among other things."

Marie and Linda start giggling.

"One of the main things you depend on your husband for is sex," said Marie. "But once you don't need him for that, he becomes very pliable and eager to please. And because I resent having been deprived all these years, I don't mind rubbing it in."

Linda contemplated this for a moment before responding.

"That idea shouldn't appeal to me so much, but it does."

"Good. Now you two have to come to the next Circle party and get Bruce out in the circle with Jim."

"What do you mean in the circle?"

"Oh," said Marie, surprised, "Sara didn't tell you about how it works?"

Linda shook her head.

"Okay. It's call the Circle group. But that's the short name. The full name is Circle of Cuckolds. The couple that holds the parties has a huge home out in the country. Outside on the patio there's a big circle about 5 yards in diameter drawn in yellow chalk. Are you with me?"


"Okay, then. When a couple arrives at the party, the wife is given two things one, a chain collar with a lock and, two, a plastic coil bracelet with the key to that lock."

"Okay...." responded Linda, confused.

"When the wife wants to spend some time with a Black man either having a drink and chatting or going up to one of the bedrooms she puts the collar around her hubby's neck and locks it with her key.

"This is his signal to go out onto the patio and sit in the circle the circle of cuckolds. He stays there until she retrieves him. If a man has the collar on, he MUST be out of the house and sitting in the circle.

"It's a very nice system. You have privacy with your man and you know where hubby is. And he knows where you are. And everybody can glance out at the patio and immediately know whose wife is having a good time with a real man."

Linda was beginning to feel warm at this description of how an evening at a Circle party worked.

"Wow," she said. "They really thought this thing out, haven't they? But you mean husbands don't get to watch?"

"No," Marie explained, "not at the parties. But if you have one of the Black men visit your home, then that's different. It's up to you and him."

"I'm not sure how Bruce would take that. I know I'm ready, but him? who knows?"

"Look, just get him to take you to one of the parties. Put him in the cuckolds' circle and get yourself laid for real for the first time by a Black stud. Your Bruce will be dying of curiosity and want to hear everything. He'll be so curious he'll soon be ready for entertaining a real man at your home. And he'll be so blown away by what he witnesses, that he'll be eating out of your hand. Among other places!"

The women howled with laughter.

"You know what I've really enjoyed?" asked Marie.


"Thinking about the guys in our old group who used to fuck me with their little things and now seeing them consigned to the cuckolds' circle for all to witness."

"Well, okay, I'll talk to Bruce this evening."

"Good. The next party is this Saturday. I hope that by Sunday morning your Bruce will have been Black-cuckolded for good!" * * * * * * *

Thirty minutes later, after Marie and Jim had left, Linda and Bruce returned to the patio for a nightcap. Just as Bruce was about to sit down, Linda had a request.

"Sweetie, would you get that blanket we had out here last night. It's a bit chilly."

She couldn't help but notice that mention of the blanket caused Bruce to blush. She wondered what he would be like after a night in the cuckolds' circle.

With the blanket on her lap, Linda ran her tongue around the rim of her glass and looked at her husband, who, unnerved at being looked at by his wife and not knowing what she was thinking, looked down. Much to Linda's satisfaction.

"So," she said finally, "did you have a nice chat with Jim?" "Oh yeah," he replied noncommittally.

"What about?"

"You know about the Circle parties."



"Bruce! Stop playing games with me! What do you think?"

Bruce was completely taken aback at the tone of his wife's voice.

"I'm sorry, honey," he said weakly. "It was...uh...interesting. He seems okay with it."

"And how about you?"

"What do you mean?"

Linda only had to cock an eyebrow at him to make him realize that she didn't appreciate his evasions.

"Oh...I don't know. It's really different..."

"Yes, of course. How does Jim feel about Black men fucking his wife?"

"Linda! Do you have to talk like that?"

"Just answer the question."

"Well, he seems almost ... proud of her," he said finally.

"Do you think those men would even be interested in me, anyway?" she asked.

"Honey, are you kidding?"

Linda crossed her legs for Bruce's benefit.

"I mean, Marie says the Black men at those parties are not only super well-endowed, but also good looking. They can have their pick of women!"

"Darling, you're?"

"Anyway," she interrupted, "I think it might be interesting to go to one of the parties just to see what the people are like. We don't have to do anything. We might just end up having drinks and deciding it's not for us. You know?"


"Did Jim tell you about the circle?"

"Yeah, he did."

"I think it's a cute idea!"

"Well, of course. You wouldn't be out there."

"No," she admitted, "I wouldn't. The parties are focused on white married woman and Black men. It is very sweet, though, that Jim and Bill are so supportive of Marie and Sarah that they willingly take them to Circle parties. I mean, that's real devotion. And self-confidence."

"I guess you're right..."

"So what do you say? Shall we drop in and see what the fuss is about. We can always take in a movie if we're bored."

"Yeah, why not? A movie would be fun anyway."

"Are you sure you're up for one of these parties, Bruce? Because if you're not, I'll understand."

"No, no, I am. If Jim and Bill say it's okay, then it must be."

"God, you get me so hot when you show me how much you love me that way. I'm so lucky!"

These words lifted Bruce's mood and made him glad that he had agreed to go along. Anything to lift her spirits, he thought.

"But," added Linda, "I do want you to think about it. About me...the meaning of the Circle...yourself sitting in the circle on the patio. Will you do that?"

"Sure I will."

"Great! I want you to think about what it means very seriously while you. . . " Linda opened the blanket on her lap and let it hang down over her legs to the tiles on the ground. " . . . do what you did for me last night."

Bruce was stunned that Linda would ask for that two nights in a row. It didn't seem right. He hesitated.


"I'm sorry. I was just thinking."

"I just told you what I wanted you to think about. Now please do it. Now!"

Linda smiled triumphantly as her husband, eyes cast downward, lowered himself to the ground and crawled in front of her . . . again.

Bruce had very mixed feelings as he lowered his head under the blanket and crawled forward. Linda had always enjoyed sex and went along with the swinging parties for the last couple of years. But she had never very outspoken about sex, and certainly never took the initiative. Now, for the second time in two days, she was almost insisting that he please her orally. This both excited him and made him nervous at the same time. At the moment, with his face between her widely spread legs, he was mainly excited. He leaned forward and made contact with her surprisingly wet pussy with his lips.

"Ooooh, that's nice," moaned Linda.

Although her voice sounded muffled to Bruce, he got the message and began gently lapping at his wife's slit with his tongue.

Linda looked down at the blanket covering her legs and the round bulge of her husbands head below her belly. The feeling of being in control was almost as erotic as the sensations produced by Bruce's worshipping tongue. She put her hands on the blanket where his head was and pulled him tighter against herself.

"Oh, sweetie, that's so good. Don't stop."

Bruce had no intention of stopping, although having his face pushed so firmly against his wife's pussy made is harder for him to apply what he considered his outstanding oral techniques. Her voice caught his attention.

"Are you thinking about the Circle, hon?"

"Mmmnph," he said, nodding. Coherent speech was not an option with his tongue probing her pussy and his nose squashed against her pubic bone.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now think about a Black cock right where your tongue is!"

The words brought Bruce quickly back to the conversation that had led to what was going on at the moment. Even if he had wanted to, he couldn't avoid imagining a big Black cock entering his wife. Surprisingly he felt a twinge in his own little cock. Still, he wasn't sure he liked the idea. In the past, with their friends, he definitely had the better end of the deal since he got to enjoy his friends' very sexy wives. But none of the husbands posed a challenge or threat to his role with his own wife.

"Oohhhh," moaned Linda. "That's it, sweetie. Don't stop."

Bruce, sensing Linda's impending orgasm, wasn't about to stop. With the likelihood that she would soon have her first experience with an endowed Black Man hanging over him, it was important that he prove himself eager and able to satisfy her.

As Linda's orgasm began to overtake her, it was not her hubby that was in her mind, but the anticipation of someone much more powerful and virile. That thought, contrasted with the sight of Bruce on his knees under a blanket pleasing her with his tongue, gave her a since of power. And that, she had discovered, made her even hotter. She bucked hard up against his face and grabbed his head to pull him more forcefully against her, ignoring his muffled protest.

Finally, when she relaxed and began to catch her breath, she realized that her husbands face was still trapped between her thighs.

"Oh thank you, honey," she said, releasing him.

Bruce backed out from under the blanket, raised himself stiffly to his feet, and sat down in his chair. Just like the previous night, he seemed to avoid looking directly at Linda. He reached for a napkin and was about to dry his soaking and shiny face.

"Sweetie," she stopped him, "don't do that. I love the way you look right now. Okay?"

Linda was amazed that he went along with her, considering that her juices were now running down his neck.

"So," he finally said, "you still want to go to that party on Friday night?"

"You know what?" she replied. "More than ever!" * * * * * * * *

Friday night found Bruce and Linda driving to their first party of the Circle group. Linda was excited; Bruce had grave doubts.

"I'm not sure about this, honey," he said.

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport. You and the guys have had some of the sexiest women in the city to play with for years. Don't you think it's our turn?"

"I guess, but...I don't know."

"Don't worry, sweetie. I'm sure it will be fine."

"Anyway," continued Bruce, "just remember that we don't have to do anything at all. It could just be a chance to check it out without, you know, participating."

Like that's going to happen thought Linda.

They arrived at the almost mansion-like house half an hour later. The landscaping was expensive, including large torches lighting the front yard.

"How do I look?" asked Linda.

"Terrific," said Bruce sincerely. In fact, he thought Linda had really gone out of her way in getting together that evening. Her sexiest low-cut dress and highest heels, a visit to the hair salon, and some new perfume. Bruce began to feel a tingle just looking at her and remembering their last evening on the patio.

His reverie was interrupted when the door opened. Before them stood a beautiful woman in her mid-40s, brunette, tall, and dressed to kill.

"Hi!" she said. "You must be Linda and Bruce. Please come in. I'm Rachel."

In the foyer the lighting was subdued, but enhanced by several candles. Soft music and conversation were audible from another room.

"Linda," said Rachel, "you are as lovely as Marie said. I think you will be a most welcome addition to our little group." Bruce noticed that his hostess was addressing his wife, but not him.

"And here," continued Rachel, "is your Circle necklace and a key to the lock."

Bruce shifted uncomfortably as Linda dropped the chain necklace into her purse and put the plastic coil bracelet holding the key around her wrist.

"Not that I think that necklace will spend much time in your purse, if you know what I mean," laughed Rachel. Rachel joined in the laughter. Bruce looked away, unsure how to react to this joking at his expense.

"Come with me. I'll show you the bar. Marie is already here and looking forward to seeing you."

"Great," said Linda as she and Bruce followed their hostess into a large, dark-paneled room. It was, in fact, a large library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and a fireplace. Set up at one end was a bar. Bruce noticed that the bartender, a man in his mid-40s, was wearing the same necklace as the one Linda had been given. Rachel noticed Bruce's curious look.

"He's wearing the necklace because he's one of the hubbies. Guys sent to the circle take turns tending bar and doing a couple of other things during the party."

"I see," said Bruce.

Standing before the bartender was a twenty-ish Black man with an attractive blonde woman in her 30s.

"Here is your champagne, ma'am," said the bartender, placing a flute of bubbly before him. "And here is your scotch, sir." It struck Bruce that the bartender was unusually polite.

Bruce and Linda ordered white wine, which was poured and served with admirable efficiency.

"Here you are, ma'am," said the barman as he placed Linda's drink before her on a napkin. "And here's your, buddy."

Buddy? thought Bruce, What's that about.

"He's very polite," said Bruce to Rachel as they walked toward an open door of the library/bar.

"Of course. Just part of the tradition of manners and courtesy we encourage at our get-togethers. Hubbies usually address Black guests as "Sir" and all ladies as "ma'am," especially when serving at the bar," explained Rachel. "The woman he just now served?"

"Yeah," said Bruce. "What about her?"

"That's his wife."

"Your kidding!" responded Bruce, unable to conceal his surprise.

"Definitely not. She was with one of our special guests. Think how he would have felt if the bartender had been familiar with his companion. Therefore both of them were due respect. See?"

"Hey," said Linda, "I like that!"

"Well then," said Rachel, taking her by the arm and leading her through the door, "you have come to the right place."

They walked through a sitting area that also featured subdued lighting. A couple sat whispering to each other on a sofa in the corner. From this area they entered a very large room that could be described as a party room or perhaps a huge family room. There were five discernible sitting areas, a small corner bar, a dance floor, multiple sofa, all interspersed with potted trees. Candles and soft music completed the effect.

One side of the room featured French doors leading outside to a patio and illuminated swimming pool. There were perhaps twenty people in the room, primarily gathered in small groups.

"Linda!" It was Marie.

"Marie, hi," said Linda as the two of them embraced.

"I'm so glad you made it. You, too, Bruce," she added with a smile.

"Where's Jim," asked Bruce, hoping to latch onto someone familiar.

"Well," responded Marie, "actually he's out on the patio in the Circle."

"You mean..." began Linda.

"Right! Hold on. I'll introduce you. Don't move."

As Marie moved away, Bruce put his arm possessively around Linda's shoulders. She shrugged him off as Marie returned with a handsome young Black man in his 20s.

"Wow," whispered Linda to Bruce.

"Linda," said Marie, "this is Mitchell. Mitchell this is my best friend, Linda."

"Well, well," said the man approvingly as he gave Linda a slow and open once-over. "Any friend of Marie's..."

"And this," she said, "is Bruce."

Bruce shook hands with the man, who squeezed his hand just enough to let him know who was stronger but without causing him to wince in pain.

"Linda," continued Marie in her usual breathless and enthusiastic manner, come with me. I want to introduce you to some one."

As Linda began following Marie and her friend, Bruce started to go after them. Marie paused just long enough to discourage him.

"Bruce, be a dear and wait here okay? I promise you'll see her again."

Linda looked a Marie but didn't protest Bruce's being given the "Stay!" command.

Marie led Linda over to a corner of the room where a small group of people were standing and chatting. Rather than joining to group, she tapped a tall Black man on the shoulder to get his attention. When he turned around, Linda saw a very handsome man in his mid-30s with an athlete's physique. He allowed his gaze to take in Linda in a very leisurely way that made her blush.

"James," said Marie, "this is my friend Linda that I was telling you about. Linda, James." James took Linda's hand in his an squeezed it warmly.

"Well, well, Marie," he said, "you didn't do the lady justice."

"Nice to meet you, James," said Linda, who was suddenly feeling very warm all over and hoped her face wasn't red.

"Would you take Linda in hand for a while? I need to go free my hubby from the Circle for a few minutes."

"Of course," said James, winking at Linda. "She will be in good hands." A Marie walked away, the Black Adonis led Linda over to a love seat on the other side of the room and sat down with her. Linda felt the warmth of his legs against her and took a sip of champagne.

"So where's your hubby, Linda?" he asked.

"That's him sitting over by the door looking at us," laughed Linda.

"Good. He knows the rules for these parties, right?"

"Oh, he knows them all right," answered Linda with chuckle.

"Well, I think you are going to fit in very well here, Linda. And I think you'll be very happy you came."

"You think so?" ?she said somewhat flirtatiously, getting into the mood of the conversation.

"Oh, yeah. Especially once we get your hubby on board. We may as well include him right now."

"What do you mean?"


James looked over at Bruce and used his index finger to summon him. Bruce looked around as if not sure he was the person being signaled. He pointed to himself with a questioning expression on his face.

James nodded. Bruce arose and started to approach, but James stopped him in his tracks by holding up his open palm. Bruce looked confused. James held up his champagne glass and made a circling motion with his hand to indicate that Bruce should refresh both their glasses.

Bruce frowned, but slowly turned and headed toward the bar.

"Amazing," said Linda.

"Why? If I'm going to take his wife to Heaven, the least he can do is get us a drink."

Linda laughed at the self-confidence with which this man already took for granted what she was just beginning to hope would be the case.

"Pretty sure of yourself, huh?" she said.

"I hope I'm not wrong. You're going to be one happy lady before this night is over. I want to make sure you come back again."

"We'll see."

At that moment Bruce approached the couple with two glasses of champagne, which he handed to them.

"Thanks, honey," said Linda. James remained silent.

"I'm Bruce," volunteered the hubby/waiter.

"You should return to your chair now," said James in a very neutral tone of voice that nonetheless did not invite a response other than compliance. Bruce returned to his chair.

"Cold," said Linda.

"Well, I like to help everyone get off on the right foot from the start. Especially hubbies. And especially your hubby for purely selfish reasons."

"You know how to flatter a girl," teased Linda as she sipped her champagne.

James put his right arm on the back of the loveseat behind Linda and rested his hand possessively on her shoulder. His touch made her jump slightly, but she did nothing to discourage her companion. Instead, she crossed her legs and turned toward him slightly.

"I think we're going to get along just fine," he said with a smile, caressing her shoulder gently. Linda sipped more champagne.

"I see Bruce can't take his eyes off us. Why don't we give him something to think about."

"What do you mean?" asked Linda.

"This," he said. He moved his face slowly toward Linda's and she know he was going to kiss her. It seemed like an eternity before he made contact and all kinds of things were going through her mind how would Bruce react, how would she react, was it going to happen, did she want it to? Yes to the last question, she decided.

Then his lips made contact with hers. Even though there were plenty of people in the room, somehow it didn't matter to her. His soft kiss only served to help her make her decision. When she felt his tongue probing her lips, she immediately opened for him and felt it enter her mouth and intertwine with her own tongue. She moaned quietly as she began to fully participate in the kiss, pressing her mouth closer against his, opening wider, and bathing his tongue with her own. There was no turning back. She began to feel her pussy moistening and knew she was going to give herself to this man.

Bruce, seeing this man kissing his wife so blatantly and in front of everyone was frozen in place. It was obvious that she was kissing him back. He didn't know whether to keep looking or go over there. One thing was certain he didn't want to catch the eye of any of the other guests present. That would be very embarrassing. He was also pretty sure that this club or whatever it was, was not for him. He didn't like the way this James person seemed to just take it for granted that he could take over his wife like that. He was annoyed at himself that he had run over to them and when the dark man signaled and, especially, that he fetched them drinks like some servant. But most of all, he couldn't believe that Linda was going along with this and seeming to enjoy it.

Meanwhile, when their kiss came to an end, Linda was almost breathless from the sensations going through her body. If he does everything as well as he kisses, she thought, then she was definitely in trouble.

"Very nice," said James, resting an arm over her shoulder with his hand just touching her cleavage.

"Jeez," she said, "you're dangerous."

"You haven't seen anything yet," he laughed, moving his fingers lightly over her breast. "But I hope you would like to."

"Would I ever!" she thought. Glancing over at Bruce, she saw that he was staring directly at her with a look of great displeasure on his face. She realized that not only did she not care, but she even took secret delight in his watching her with James. She wanted him now and hoped that he would make that happen and soon. She put a hand on his lap.

"I think it's time to introduce you to what this club is all about, don't you?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I think you should put that collar around your hubby's neck and send him out to sit in the circle.

"Oh, I don't know..."

"Maybe I can convince you," he said with a smile. As he leaned toward her, she turned her face to his, her lips slightly parted. When his lips touched hers, his tongue plunged deeply into her mouth, which caused to let out a quiet moan of pleasure. She reached up and put a hand behind his neck to pull him closer. Now she knew she was going to give herself to him completely. Her body was tingling with desire and she didn't care who knew it. Bruce couldn't take his eyes of this scene of seduction taking place across the room. It was humiliating to him, but at the same time he felt himself reacting. When they broke the kiss and Linda stood up, he was confused. When she started walking toward him, he stood up, hoping his semi-erection wasn't visible.

"Hi, sweetie," she said. "Having fun?"

"Fun? Well, you seem to be," he said with a tinge of bitterness in his voice.

"Don't be a like that. We agreed to give this a try. I hope you don't mind if I..."

She removed the collar from her pocket and reached up to put it around his neck.

"Honey, do we have to.."

"Shhhh. Now turn around so I can lock it in place." He did as she requested and heard the little lock close. "Not too tight, I hope. Now, sweetie, you know what you're supposed to do when I put this on you, don't you?"

"Go out to the terrace and sit in the circle?" he asked.

"Exactly. Hurry now. You can't be in the house when you're wearing that."

"But what are you..."

"I'm going to spend some time with James. Now go."

Bruce hung his head and headed to the patio without looking at anyone. It was the longest walk of his life. He was certain that everyone was looking at him and smiling. And he was right.

Outside there were three men already seated in chairs arranged facing inward in a circle with a diameter of about ten feet.. He took a seat with as many chairs separating him from the others as possible.

"Congratulation!" said a young man who looked to be in his very early 20s.

"Thanks. I guess," he responded.

"Your medallion is facing backward," the young man said.

"Huh?" said Bruce, looking down at his chest.

"The medallion. It has to face outward so the letter can be seen.:

"Oh," said Bruce. He flipped the round medallion around. The letters "BC" were engraved on it.

"What does that stand for," asked Bruce.

"Some people think it means "Being Cuckolded." But it really stands for "Black-Cuckolded."

Bruce was speechless.

"My name is Jimmy," he said.


"So who's your wife with?" asked Jimmy.

"His name is James."

"Wow! Lucky you!"

Why he was lucky, Bruce had no idea.

"Why lucky?" he asked.

"Well, James is only one of the top three men in the group, that's why. My wife, Julia, and I were here five times before she finally got to be with James. This is your first time, right?"

"Yeah," said Bruce.

"Well, you'll definitely be back. Your wife is going to one happy camper. I hope she likes'em big, because James is hung like you wouldn't believe."

Jimmy held his two hands apart about 10 inches.

"Your wife is going to think she died and went to heaven. And she will. She may not be able to walk for a week, but she'll definitely be bringing you back. That's for sure."

"May I ask how old you are?" said Bruce.

"I'm 22 and Julia is 21."

"And you're already getting into this kind of thing at such a young age?"

"Well, we were just lucky, I guess. My wife's aunt is a member, if you can believe that. She's about your age. Anyway, for some reason she got the idea of inviting us to come to the club. I thought it was going to be some swinging thing."

"And you're okay with it?"

"Well, to tell the truth, at first I wasn't. But Julia was so happy it was worth it. And when I got the chance to see her with one of the men, I could see why. It was James, as a matter of fact. When he fucked her in our bed at home, it was like nothing I'd ever seen. I mean, I was shocked. And Julia went crazy like something I'd never seen. So I figure we're lucky. She's getting the best sex imaginable from an early age. Most people don't get to have this until they're, well, your age. You really can't go back."

"Well," said Bruce. He wondered if Linda and James had already gone upstairs to one of the room.

"So these guys sometimes, uh, come to your house"

"Sure. But only after you're a member officially. And you've committed to the club. And acknowledged the men of the club. And told your wife that you support her and recognize that only these men can give her what she needs and deserves. You have to humble yourself a lot to get to that point, and when you see her with one of them, you know what humility really is."

Bruce noticed that the other two men were listening in on the conversation. Both were about his age.

"Hi," he said. "Bruce."


"Emmit. Glad to meat you. My wife is with Leroy."

"Ouch," said Ralph. "First time?"

"Yeah. Kind of weird, but Lori was so excited."

"So what's the deal with Leroy?" asked Bruce.

"Leroy," volunteered Ralph, "is only nineteen years old. Younger than our children. My wife hasn't been with him yet, but she's working on it. Boundless energy, gets it up all night, and has these huge balls. Plus, he's good looking and smart. We're trying like crazy to get him to come to our house."

At that moment, another husband stepped out onto the patio and approached the circle.

"Hi, guys! You're on, Ralph." Ralph stood up, said good-bye and headed into the house.

"Hi," said Bruce. "I'm Bruce."

"Owen," said the newcomer.

"So why did Ralph leave"



"Your first time here?" asked Owen.


"Who's your wife with?"

"James," responded Bruce.

"Hey, nice going!"

"Uh, thanks."

"I saw James and someone heading upstairs and wondered who she was. Very attractive!"

"They went upstairs?"

"Sure. Where else? That's where it happens."

Bruce was struggling to deal with everything going on around him. It was all so new and, at this point, confusing. He couldn't help but wonder what Linda and James were up to at that moment.

"You asked about sheets?"

"Oh, yeah. What's that about?"

"Well," said answered Owen, "all the bedrooms get used more than once in an evening. So someone has to change the sheets. That someone is one of us hubbies."

"You're kidding!" exclaimed Bruce. This was getting more and more unbelievable.

"Nope. Needless to say, there would be hell to pay if one of the men went into a room and the bed wasn't made up with clean sheets, towels, fresh bottles of water, clean glasses. We just call it sheets for short 'cause that's the main thing. We take turns. That and bartending are our main responsibility."

"That's pretty...I don't know," responded Bruce.

"Hey, it's not so bad. You're sitting in a dark corner on the second floor just resting most of the time. And those walls aren't totally soundproof, so you hear some heavy moaning and crying. Sometimes it works out that you're on sheets when your own wife is being fucked by one of the men.

"Anyway, when a couple comes out of one of the rooms, you wait until they've headed downstairs. You keep your eyes down. Don't look them in the face. That's a violation of their privacy. If they speak to you, just answer 'yes, sir" or 'yes, ma'am." Even if it's your wife, which was kind of embarrassing at first, when you're not used to it, not yet totally committed."

"Huh!" grunted Bruce.

"Anway," continued Owen, "as soon as they're out of sight, you go to the pantry, get out a set of clean sheets and towels. Go to the room, change the sheets, put out the clean towels, remove the used water bottles and glasses. Get new ones from the pantry. If the candles have burned down or almost burned down, replace them. Then get back to your chair and wait for the next room and do the same thing all over again."

Bruce leaned back and pondered all he had heard. He couldn't help thinking about Linda and wondering how James must have reacted when he saw the sexy under things his wife had bought for the occasion. It must be nice, he thought, to have guys delivering their wives to you for your pleasure. Not too long ago, after all, it had been Bruce and his friends who were enjoying each other's sexy wives. For the time being at least this wasn't in the cards.

Linda, meanwhile, was not thinking about her husband. At the moment she was standing in the center of the room while her soon-to-be lover, James, sat in an easy chair gazing at the sexy wife who was about to become his. His cock was uncomfortably hard and he couldn't wait to free it. Or rather, for her to free it. He always enjoyed it when he was a white wife's first black man. He wondered if she would freak out when she saw his huge manhood; would she be a screamer or a cryer? Either way, he was certain, she would become a convert in the next thirty minutes. He could hardly wait.

Linda, feeling somewhat light-headed from two glasses of champagne and more kissing in the privacy of the room was about to disrobe in front of this magnificent man. She reached behind herself and lowered the zipper of her dress.

She wanted desperately to make an impression. She was so excited she could barely conceal it. With a shrug of her shoulders, the top of the dress dropped own to waist level, revealing the lavender bra that barely contained her breasts. That her nipples were erect with excitement was very obvious.

"Oh, baby, you're making me very happy," said James. "I just know that you and I are going to get along just fine."

"Thanks. My husband helped me pick it out."

"Really," laughed James. "I like that. He shows promise. Sounds like he really wants this for you."

"Well," answered Linda, caressing her breasts with both hands, "I wouldn't go that far. I think he might come around in time."

"I'm sure you can make that happen. Let's see the rest of it!"

"You're so impatient, James. But I guess I am, too."

With that, she let her dress fall to her feet. She kicked it aside and stood there with her feet apart and hands on her hips. James took in the matching garter belt and small panties. His had moved to his lap and he shamelessly massaged his straining cock. Linda blinked in amazement as she made out the outline of his manhood. She felt herself getting moist again.

"Baby, that husband of yours has good taste. In women and in picking out just the right thing for you to wear for me. You tell him I said so, hear?"

"Okay. It'll probably embarrass him, but I'll pass on your message. Meanwhile I have something else to offer you."

Again Linda reached behind herself, this time to unhook her bra. She let it drop to the floor and held her breasts in her hand as if offering them her man for approval. The nipples were completely erect.

"Come on over here and give me a closer look."

Linda stepped over in front of James and stood between his outstretched legs. He leaned forward, put his hands on Linda's hip, and took a nipple in his lips.

"Oh my god!" she moaned. The sensation was almost more than she could bear. This was just the beginning. She put her hands on his head and pulled him closer. She was beginning to feel wobbly on her feet.

"What about you?"- she asked hoarsely.

"What about me?"

"Don't you have something for play-and-tell to show me?"

"Oh, you know I do, baby. Especially the play part! Why don't you get down on your knees so I can give you your present.

Linda didn't have to be asked twice. She gladly lowered herself before him, her eyes glued to his crotch. She was no long able to even pretend the casual manner she had assumed earlier in the evening.

"So tell me," asked James, "how did it feel to put that collar on your hubby for the first time?"

Even that stirred something deep inside her.

"It was sort of hard at first," she said. "I knew he was hoping that it wouldn't happen at our first party. He hoped it was just to take a look around and talk about it later."

"No way that was going to happen," interjected James.

"I realized that as soon as we sat down together. But still, I wasn't looking forward to doing that to him. I kind of felt sorry for him."

James smiled and lowered the zipper of his pants.

"I think you'll find it was worth it," he said with a suggestive smile.

Linda was getting tired of talking. She wanted NEEDED for this man to touch her, to take her, to make her his, to take her to a new level of pleasure.

"But you know," she said, "when I was locking it around his neck, it gave me a feeling of power that I really liked. We've never been into power games, but I really liked the control I had at that moment."

"That's only the beginning, baby. After tonight, he will be very much under your spell. You will be on the inside, and he will be on the outside looking in. He will depend on you as his link to this special world you're about to enter. This will be your power."

Linda was breathing deeply and almost licking her lips in anticipation. Would this guy never stop talking? Still, his words evoked images and situations that made her even hotter.

"Take it out," he said softly. "Take out my gift to you."

Linda reached slowing through the zipper opening. When her hand touched him, she let out a gasp.

"Oh god," she said. Knowing she would never get it out as hard and large as it was that way, Linda unhooked James' belt and opened the top of his pant. She hurriedly pulled down the top of his boxers. Before her eyes popped up the largest and hardest black cock she could have ever imagined.

Reverently she took him in both hands, neither of which could reach around his massive pole. The veins of his cock stood out in relief, signaling the degree of his arousal. She leaned closer and looked at the huge mushroom hear while stroking slowly. A drop of pre-cum appeared on the tip.

"Go ahead, baby. Don't make me wait!"

This was all the encouragement she needed. She leaned forward, licked at the bulbous and almost scary head and, finally, opened her mouth wide to take him between her lips. The contact made his steel-sprung cock jump so powerfully that Linda gave a muffled yelp. She began to wonder if she would even be able to take him in her mouth. After bobbing up and down a few times she pressed downward and forced the large head of his weapon into her mouth. Her lips were stretched tightly and her jaws open to the limit. She caressed the head with her tongue and felt giddy from his power.

"Lick it," he said.

Linda reluctantly removed her mouth from the black love muscle and lowered her head to its base. She nuzzled her nose briefly in his wiry pubic hair and inhaled his sexual aroma. Then, with the flat of her tongue, she licked the underside of his cock from bottom to top and down again. She repeated this several times until his cock was glistening from her saliva. She briefly paused to admire the object in her hands and to revel in its power. At that moment she realized her life would never be the same again. This was what she waited for all her life. She knew this with certainty. She tried briefly to imagine what this would mean for her and for her marriage, but the immediacy of the situation was too powerful for her to worry about those details.

"Don't stop now," said James.

She had no intention of stopping, but simply wanted to savor this life-changing moment, to draw it out as long as she could. With a sigh she moved her lips to the base of his cock and onward to his balls. She moaned as she licked each ball, giving herself totally over to the moment. There was no shyness, no embarrassment, no holding back. Taking one of James' huge balls in her mouth, she lathered it lovingly with her tongue, thinking that the cum it contained would soon be deep inside her.

Linda became almost frantic in her need to experience this man, to give herself to him, to please him. She took him in her mouth again, but this time she forced herself to take more of the rigid pole inside. Her tongue caressed the tip of his cock and she was literally intoxicated by the taste of his cum, now leaking generously and, she thought, addicting her.

Briefly Linda contemplated how it was going to be when James began to enter her pussy, which had never experienced anything even close to what it would tonight. The knowledge that it would certainly hurt at first didn't faze her. She found herself looking forward to the pain, because it would mean that she would become a complete woman and would have the ultimate experience for any woman. She pushed downward until the head of his cock pressed against her throat, causing her to gag. Even that she welcomed.

James gently touched her head, signaling that the time for foreplay was over. She looked up at him and began to touch herself through her panties.

"Please," she said.

James nodded. He was very familiar with the kind of need this attractive married woman was experiencing. He would savor her introduction to fucking by a real man for the first time in her life.

The two stood up and removed the remainder of each other's clothes. They kissed standing next the bed, Linda grasping James' hardness with one hand and pulling him close by the buttock with the other. Her mouth opened wide to welcome his probing tongue, telling him in no uncertain terms that he was open to him in every way.

They moved to the bed. James positioned himself between her legs and licked each nipple, which only drove Linda more crazy that she already was. He ran his tongue down over her belly and, after the slightest of pauses, lapped at Linda's sopping slit. Her hands were on his head. When he took her engorged clit between his lips and flicked it with the tip of his tongue, it was more than she could stand.

"Oh god! I'm cumming. I...don't...believe it... Oh god!" She bucked up against his face uncontrollably as her first orgasm overtook her. When it subsided she was breathless.

James moved up until the head of his cock was just touching Linda's now very wet slit. He pushed forward gently. Linda moaned and opened her legs wider. Her arms encircled his waist and she pulled toward her. She needed him NOW! James pressed firmly against her. The swollen head of his cock began to penetrate.

Linda was so overwhelmed by the new sensations assaulting her body that she was afraid she might pass out. He was stretching her so much and hadn't even gotten started.

" it....hurry! Just do it. Fuck me!" she cried.

James was well past the point of no return. Together they had reached the combustion point. He took a nipple between his lips and licked it. While she was distracted by this, James pushed forcefully forward and in one movement buried the first four or five inches of his cock inside the whimpering Linda's pussy.

"Oh go! It's so big!! I'm going to cum again...oh...oh...I'm cum-m-m-m-ing!" James remained still as Linda bucked and spasmed around his penetrating cock.

"More...don't stop, damn it! Fuck me!"

Needing no further encouragement, James withdrew several inches and pounded the full length of his rigid shaft into the tightly stretched pussy of the pretty white married woman squirming beneath him.

"So good...more....harder" she moaned, punctuating each word with an upward thrust of her hips. James obliged and began pumping his cock slowly and deeply inside the now delirious Linda. It didn't take long before James knew he would have to get relief. He always loved the moment when he emptied his voluminous load of inside a new partner. Deeper than anyone or anything had ever been. This was virgin territory. This was James' property.

Linda was now completely taken over by her desire and the feelings she was experiencing for the first time in her life. Even under these circumstances she was aware that she briefly felt a moment of deep resentment against her husband for what she had missed out on for so many years. This made her pull James more firmly against her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled against his buttocks as her orgasm approached.

"Now...fuck me! Hard! Cum in me...please! Do it!!"

James obliged. He penetrated Linda to the maximum depth and stopped moving just as his cock began to gushed inside her. Linda was overtaken with such a powerful orgasm that she briefly felt she lost consciousness. She continued to hold James in a vice-like grip with her arms and legs. Finally they both relaxed in each other's arms. He remained inside her. Linda had found relief and pleasure and sensations that she had never dreamed of. And she owed it to this man, James, who had brought her into a new world a world she knew she would never abandon.

* * * * * *

An hour later, when Linda and James came out of the bedroom, Linda noticed a man seated in a dimly lit niche. He looked familiar. As they walked by him Linda recognized him. It was Sarah's wife, Bill. He didn't look up, but kept his gaze downward, toward the floor.

"Bill?" said Linda, pausing.

"Yes, ma'am," he responded, not looking up. Linda couldn't understand his strange behavior. Addressing her that way and not even looking up at her. It was like he was some docile servant rather than an old friend.

"You okay?" she asked.

"You're okay, aren't you, Bill?" interrupted James.

"Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. I'm fine," he responded.

"Well, carry on," said James, urging Linda toward the staircase.

Once downstairs, Linda and James enjoyed a tall glass of mineral water together on the same sofa they had occupied earlier. They sat close, Linda's hand resting on her lover's leg and his are dr*ped possessively over her shoulder.

"I really hate for this night to end," she said.

"Don't worry. There'll be many others, I promise."

"I can't wait that long," she laughed. "Can't I take you home with me?"

"Maybe we'd better wait a bit for that, as much as I'd like to enjoy your body for a few more hours. Your hubby has been out there in the circle for two hours. I'm sure he's going crazy."

Her husband! Linda had almost forgotten. How, she wondered, was he going to take all this. Not just tonight, but other nights like this in the future.

"Yes, my hubby. Guess I'd better rescue him and take him home. I hope he's cool about this."

"Oh, I think he will be. Eventually he will even be enthusiastic."

"You think so?"

"I can almost guarantee it," said James. "If there's anything I understand, it's the Black-cuckolded hubby."

"Wow. What an expression. Black-cuckolded hubby. It doesn't sound like something he would be thrilled to hear."

"He will be very curious and excited to hear about tonight. You should tell him everything. It will be frustrating to him not to have been able to see it, but have to only hear about it."

"You think he will?"

"Oh yeah. Tell him all about it, slowly. Tease him. I'll eat my hat if he doesn't get turned on by it. Him imagination will fill in the blanks. But don't let him have sex with you. Not tonight, anyway."

"Don't worry about that," laughed Linda. "I think I'll be too sore for a while. But it's a wonderful soreness. I've never experienced it before. I've never had orgasms like that. I think I passed out once. And you know what?"


"I found myself resenting Bruce for depriving me all these years. Even though I know it's not really his fault. Now I'm spoiled. When's the next party?"

"Two weeks from now. You have that long to persuade Bruce to come back. I don't think it will be a problem."

"I hope you're right."

"I am. You know, there's another side benefit for you from Black-cuckolding your hubby."

"What's that?" asked Linda.

"The longer this goes on and the more he accepts it and his diminished role, the more, well, eager he will be to please you in other ways. The balance of power between you will shift in your favor."

"I kind of like the sound of that," said Linda with a conspiratorial smile. "It would make things much easier."

"You'd be amazed. You'll probably get an earful from Bruce about thing he heard in the circle tonight. The hubbies out there gossip like you wouldn't believe."


"They address us as 'sir' and 'ma'am' because they have to here at the club. But it doesn't take long before it becomes natural to them and they mean it sincerely."

"This is incredible," said Linda.

"You're already on the inside, and Bruce is on the outside looking in. He envies you. He will accept that he is no longer your match sexually. He will become very obliging in other ways. And you can take advantage of that to the degree you want to."

"Well," responded Linda, "it will be interesting to see if what you say is true in Bruce's case."

"You should talk to your friend Sarah. Her hubby Bill is already doing the dishes, laundry and housecleaning."

"You're kidding!"

"Nope. I could tell you more, but you will find out for yourself what possibilities exist in your marriage when Bruce comes to terms with being Black-cuckolded."

"Darling, I'd better rescue my hubby I'm getting to like that term. See you in two weeks?"

"You can bet on it." * * * * * * * *

On the drive home, Bruce, as predicted, peppered Linda with questions. She begged off, saying she was exhausted and needed to sleep on the way and they could talk once they got home.

Later, home and in their bedroom, Bruce lay in bed waiting for Linda to join him. His mind was in overdrive. What had happened at the party? How did Linda react? Was she okay? What would this mean for him? Was she upset? He even tried to imagine how she felt after supposedly being fucked by a super-hung Black stud. The image made him excited, and this he found annoying.

Finally Linda came out of the bathroom and crawled into bed. The turned toward Bruce and lay an arm on his chest. She looked at him with a dreamy smile on her face.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But tell me what happened while I was outside," answered Bruce.

"I don't know where to start."

"Well, you went upstairs with that guy, didn't you?"

"Yes. And his name is James. Be polite."

"Sorry, sweetie. So tell me."

"Well, first of all, he really loved the undies you helped me pick out. They definitely had the desired effect."

Bruce felt himself getting hard at the image of his wife posing in the lavender garter belt, bra and panties she had bought for the occasion. He hadn't even seen them on her himself, but was trying to imagine himself in James' place.

"Good. So did he...uh...undress you or..."

"No. I did a little striptease for him."

"Really?" Bruce was getting excited.

"Yeah. James had his shirt and shoes off and was sitting in an easy chair with his drink. We'd been doing a little hot foreplay you know, kissing, getting close. His tongue was almost down my throat and we were both getting very hot."

Bruce was now fully erect. He was glad he was under the covers and could conceal it from Linda.

"You sure you want to hear all this?" she asked.

"Sure. Go ahead," he said, his voice cracking noticeably. Linda smiled and continued.

"So anyway, I figured we better get down to business. I mean, I was curious about what the fuss was all about. The way Sarah talked about these guys, well, I wanted to experience it for myself so you and I could decide if we wanted to continue with this group."

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead."

"So I pushed him into the chair and stood in the center of the room and unzipped my dress. I danced around a little just to tease him, you know. Finally I just let the dress fall to the floor, kicked it away, and stood there with my hands on my hips giving him a good look."

"Jeez, that must have been something for him."

"Oh, it was. And I told him you picked everything out yourself."

"Why'd you say that?" protested Bruce, feeling embarrassed.

"Well, it's true, isn't it? Besides, he was very pleased, to say the least. I did a few turns and unhooked my bra, took it off and tossed it to him."


"Wow is right. I was sort of holding my breasts, teasing my nipples and showing him what he had in store."

Bruce began to squirm at this picture. He realized that he had never had an experience quite like that. He had done the wife-swapping thing with friends, of course, but James wasn't swapping anything. He was just getting what he wanted for the taking. "While I was posing for him, I guess it got to be too much, because he loosened his belt, opened his zipper and pulled out his cock and started stroking it. I couldn't believe my eyes."

"What do you mean. Was he really...big?" squeaked Bruce.

"It was kind of dark, but I could tell he was huge. I was about to find out how huge. But first I wanted to drive him a little more crazy. I slowly took off my panties and tossed them to him. I stood there with my leg apart and covered my pussy with one hand while I help my breast with the other."


"Then I walked over to him, stood between his outstretched legs and lowered my tits to his face. I swear, when he started on my nipples with his lips and tongue, I almost had an orgasm!"

Bruce was licking his lips as he listened, which didn't go unnoticed by Linda.

"I knew the 'big moment' was about to happen. I was way past the point of no return. I pulled away from him and lowered myself on my knees in front of him. Finally I saw his incredible cock up close right in front of my face. I took it in one hand. It was almost scary."

"What do you mean?" croaked Bruce, now almost in pain from his erection.

"I mean, it was so big and so hard and hot. Like a baseball bat. I couldn't get my hand around it it was so big. I used both hands and stroked it up and down. I began to worry about whether I could take it inside me."


"Are you sure you don't mind hearing all this. Maybe I should stop."

"No! Go ahead. Please."

"Well, you can guess what was next. I had to have it in my mouth. But first I just licked it. First the big head, all shiny and swollen. Then up and down the monster until it was shiny and moist. James was loving it, I can tell you. He pushed my head down so I figured he wanted me to lick his balls, which I did. I could barely get one in my mouth, but I did. I was very big."

Bruce desperately wanted to touch himself, but didn't dare. He was embarrassed to be so turned on by his wife's description of her experience with her first Black lover.

"God, just talking about it has me all wet again," she said. Then, with no warning, she moved her hand to Bruce's crotch and found his cock, rigid and straining against his pajamas.

"Oh my," she laughed, "it looks like I'm not the only one turned on by this story!"

Bruce felt himself blushing, caught as he was in full sexual arousal from Linda's story.

"I almost wish you could have seen me," she added. "Anyway, I had to taste that cock that was going to be in me as soon as I could make it happen. So I took him in my mouth. Bruce, you wouldn't believe it. I could hardly get the head of it in my mouth. My lips were stretched to the breaking point. I was running my tongue around that thing while I fingered myself."


"Man is right! I pushed down to get more of it, but it was pushing against my throat. It hurt a little, but I didn't care. It's weird. I almost wanted it to hurt some, so I pushed harder until I was gagged. Then I did it again. Both of us were ready, I can tell you!"

"I'll bet," said Bruce.

I finally just got up, go on the bed, opened my legs and asked him to PLEASE fuck me."

"You actually said 'please'?"

"I know it's hard to believe. I was beyond caring. I'd never been so hot in my life. I knew it would hurt, but I wanted him so bad I could cry."


"So James got rid of the rest of his clothes and crawled up on the bed between my legs. I felt him probing my pussy. We definitely didn't need any more foreplay. I just needed him in me and he needed to be inside of me at that moment.

"It was harder than I thought. Even though I was really moist, it took a while before the head of his cock finally penetrated me. And as soon as it did, I had an orgasm. I mean mind-blowing. He just stayed still while I exploded, impaled by the head of his cock."

"It was pretty big, huh? That must have been uncomfortable for you."

"Very. At first. But believe me, I didn't care. The pleasure was much more than the pain. And he hadn't even started fucking me for real. But he did. Slowly at first. It took a while, but after a while he had the whole thing inside me. I felt like I was about to split in half! I've never felt so full. Or fulfilled. And I loved it. We were both just enjoying the feeling of him inside me. I came again. Then he started fucking me for real. And I mean FUCKING me."

Bruce began slowly moving his hand toward his cock under the covers. Linda noticed and smiled to herself, but said nothing.

"Anyway, it's probably good that we were along. I don't know how I would have felt if you had been watching all this. I mean, I was really out of control! I was crying and begging him to fuck me harder. I mean I was begging for it.

"In the end, we came together. He was all the way inside me and stopped moving. I started spasming all over. It was like nothing I'd ever felt. I think I was crying. My arms and legs were wrapped around him and holding on for dear life when he finally let go himself. It was like a damn burst. He started spurting deep in my pussy and kept going until I couldn't believe there was anything left. I could feel myself being flooded. I came again. I think I even told him I loved him, but I'm not sure. It's kind of a blur."


"Oh, sweetie. Did I get you all hot?"

"You bet you did. How about we ..." began Bruce, putting an arm around Linda and pulling her close.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry I couldn't. I'm really exhausted, not to mention very sore there. I don't think my pussy could take it. However..."

"Yes?" asked Bruce hopefully.

"I'm also kind of hot from remembering this experience. I could really use some tender attention from your tongue. Do you mind?"


"Come on, honey. James was happy to please me. You're my husband. Do your duty! Maybe I'll even tell you some more while you're at it?"

That was all the encouragement Bruce needed. He crawled under the sheet and made his way between his wife's legs. Her aroma was potent, which only increased his desire. It was almost as if he was now being included, in a limited way, in the evening's fun. He began lapping her moist pussy with the flat of his tongue.

For her part, Linda was amazed that he had acquiesced so readily. It was kind of insulting, after all. Still, the idea of her husband servicing her orally after a night of fucking with her Black lover was a definite turn-on. She almost regretted having cleaned herself so thoroughly before getting dressed at the party. Maybe, she thought, James was right after all about cuckolded hubbies being more docile.

"After we rested a while," she said, "I really wanted more, which was hard to believe since I had already cum half a dozen times. And I mean mind-shattering climaxes like I've never felt before."

Bruce moaned softly, since he couldn't really participate in the conversation with his tongue busy lapping Linda's now wet pussy.

"I sort of hinted that I wanted him to take me again," she continued. "He said I was like a bitch in heat." Linda laughed at the memory. "You know what he said?"

"Mnnnff," responded Bruce, now more excited than ever despite himself.

"He told me if I was a bitch in heat, I should get on all fours and he would fuck me like one. I didn't even care. I just wanted it. Wanted him.

"So I got on my hands and knees with my back to him, spread my knees wide and offered myself to him."

Bruce couldn't believe his ears. He tried to imagine his wife in that position in front of an almost total stranger. He increased him licking as Linda began to undulate beneath his mouth.

"He teased me for a while and then finally penetrated me in one powerful stroke. Just like that and he was all the way in me. I had another orgasm before he even started fucking me. It felt so-o-o-o good! I was in heaven. Then he made me beg for more, and you should have heard me. Thank goodness you weren't there. Shall I go on?"


"You know, sweetie, you're a very good pussy-lapper. Just what I need to send me off to dreamland tonight. Anyway, he was playing with my nipples and fucking me deep and hard. Right where your tongue is now. Come on, fuck me with your tongue!"

Bruce moaned and pushed his tongue deep into his wife's pussy, fully aware that James' huge cock had been there less than an hour earlier. It made him feel somehow insignificant in the scheme of things, but he was determined to do some pleasing himself tonight.

"That's a good boy! Not quite like the real thing, but good enough for now. Come on, fuck me with that tongue. Deeper, damn it!"

Now she was bucking fiercely against Bruce's face so that it was difficult for him to maintain penetration with his tongue. His jaw was getting tired and his face was taking a pounding. He was now almost afraid of his own wife's pussy, almost dominated by it. For the first time in his married life, he felt her power and it scared him.

"Don't stop! I'm cumming! Ahhhh!"

Bruce felt her hands grabbing him by the hair and pulling his tender and sopping face against her. He felt almost like she was just using his face to masturbate with. It was all about her pleasure.

Finally she relaxed and released him.

"You can come out from under there now," she said.

Bruce crawled out from between the sheets and was able to breath freely again. The cool air was refreshing on his wet and punished face.

"Thanks for that," said Linda.

Bruce started to wipe his face with the sheet, but she stopped him.

"Don't you dare! Leave it."

"What about me?"

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm exhausted. But you know what I'd like more than anything?"

"What?" asked Bruce>

"I want to see you jerk off!"

"Here?" he asked, flabbergasted.

"Where else? Come on. I know you're hot. Don't you want to cum?"

"Well, I thought maybe you?"

"Uh-uh. I want to lie here and watch you make yourself cum. I'll even tell you what to think about while you're doing it."

"Okay, you win," said Bruce, sitting up on his haunches on the bed. He took his painfully hard but modestly sized cock between his thumb and two fingers and began stroking it.

"Close your eyes and try to imagine yourself upstairs in that bedroom watching me with my first Black lover, James. Can you see it?"

"Yeah. I see it," said Bruce, eyes shut as he pulled on his love stick.

"Your sitting there watching me stretch my lips around the biggest cock you've ever seen. You can here me slurping over it, licking and sucking. My head is bobbing up and down."

"Oh shit!" said Bruce.

"You're about to see yourself cuckolded. Can you see it? Isn't exciting?"

"Mmmmm," moaned Bruce.

"You've got my panties in your hand. You're holding them close to your face, inhaling the aroma of your wife. It's intoxicating!"

"Oh yeah," said Bruce, getting close.

"Here they are, Bruce. Open your eyes, but don't stop."

Bruce opened his eyes and saw Linda holding her panties in her hand out to him. He took them with his free hand. They were wet.

"Come on, Bruce. Close your eyes and hold my panties against your face. It will make it more real."

Bruce did as he was told. He pressed the wet material against his face and inhaled.

Linda was now even more amazed that she could talk her husband into performing this way. Never in her wildest imagination could she have believed that he could be talked into jerking off in front of her to images of her lover in his mind and pussy-soaked panties against his face.

"I'm going to cum!"

"Do it into my panties, darling. Cum in my panties. Now!"

Just in time he wrapped his cock in the panties and shot his load into the silky wet material. When he finally caught his breath and recovered, he looked up to see Linda smiling at him.

"Quite a show, lover!"

To say that Bruce was embarrassed and humiliated at this moment would have been an understatement. How had he been reduced to this? he asked himself, looking down to avoid his wife's amused gaze.

"Honey," she said. "Do me a favor. Go wash them out in the sink, will you?"

"Okay," responded Bruce, happy to have an excuse to disappear. He walked slowly to the bathroom and turned the water in the sink."

"Oh, and honey?" he heard her say to him from the bedroom.


"Also wash out my new stockings while you're at it. They're hanging on the shower door. Thanks. Good night."

Bruce took the delicate nylons from the door and added them to the sink. As he washed them he realized that he had never seen her wearing her new outfit. Only James had. He looked up at himself in the mirror. His face was still wet and his hair matted down from his exertions. He thought of James. And Linda.

Several days later Linda and Sarah were having drinks after work in a cocktail lounge. After rebuffing the advances of several young men, the two women were finally being left alone.

"Linda," said Sarah, "I'm so glad you came to the party last week. I take it you had a good time?"

"A good time? Only the best night of my life. At least of my married life, if you know what I mean. I can't thank you enough."

"And how is Bruce doing?"

"Well, he's sulking a little, so I'm paying some attention to him."

"Don't worry. He'll get over it."

"I think you're right. God, I wish I were seeing James tonight. I think I'm hooked!"

"You and me both," laughed Sarah. "Once you're officially a member, you won't have to wait so long to get laid. Leroy is coming over to my house tonight. Bill is cooking dinner for us."

"You're kidding!"

"Nope. That's why I'm here. Hubby is doing all the work."

"Is it true what Bruce told me that Bill is doing the housecleaning for you?"

"You bet. I added laundry to his list last week. Now he's cooking one dinner a week."

"Wow. I guess James was right about us getting more power over our husbands... uh... hubbies... once we have Black lovers."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it. Just wait. Brucie hasn't even seen you with one of the men yet. That's when you really get the upper hand."

"You know, it's weird, but it's kind of a turn-on for me to have Bruce in this position. After the party when we got home I made him jerk off after he went down on me. He was like putty in my hands."

"I love it!" laughed Sarah.

"You should have seen him. I had him holding my panties to his face while he was doing it. It was quite a site. But the big thing was when I asked him to hand-wash my panties and stockings before he went to sleep."

Both women shared a good laugh at this image.

"I recognize the pattern. It's the early signs of Black-cuckold-itis! The first big test will be when he has to personally ask James or one of the other men to sponsor you guys for membership."

"He has to do that?" asked Linda incredulously.

"Uh-huh. And he has to be sincere and convincing. I had Bill practice his little speech in front of me. I could hardly keep a straight face he was so serious!"

"That will be something, I have to admit."

"It's an important ritual they all have to go through. You can attend three parties without being a member. After that, if you want to continue having that delicious black cock in that hungry pussy of yours, hubby will have to testify and commit."

"Wow. That I'd like to see."

"This is a major turning point. It's where Bruce has to look James or whoever in the eye and say that his wife needs the men of the club because they can give her what he can't and would they please consider the two of you for membership. The men don't make it all that easy on the hubbies. They like to make them squirm and sweat a little. By that point Bruce will be so worried that he might fail you that he will do and say anything to win their approval. It's an amazing thing to behold."

"God I'm getting wet just thinking about it! By the way, I saw your hubby when James and I came out of the bedroom at the party. He didn't even look up at me. Just kept his eyes down."

"Of course, silly. It's a question of manners and respect. You were with James. He's in awe of James and the others and must treat them with respect. You were with James, so he knew he didn't dare act familiar with you."

"He even called me 'ma'am'!"

"Honey, he calls ME ma'am at that house. And I love it! He so much wants to please and is desperate for my approval now that he's yielded the pleasure of fucking me to Black men. So he tries in other ways to feel needed."

"Well, we'll see. Listen, I have to go. You have fun with your Leroy tonight. I'm so jealous!"

"Hey, you too can have home delivery. Just get hubby in gear. Later..."

Two weekends later Bruce and Linda found themselves driving, once again, to the Saturday night party of The Circle group. Bruce glanced furtively over at Linda's crossed legs. There was a lot to see since her dress was of the short variety all the better to show off her perfect legs. This time she was wearing black stockings and her most outrageous black fuck-me stiletto heels. He would have given anything to be the one who was going to enjoy the pleasures of his wife's body tonight. She had him totally aroused.

This time, however, he didn't know what she was wearing under that dress. Linda had gone out shopping that afternoon and come back with a filled Victoria's Secret shopping bag which she refused to let him peek at. The mystery and her teasing only made her more desirable. Sometime that evening, he knew, that dress would slip to the floor and someone else would see his wife's body revealed in the most inviting way possible.

"Are you staring at my legs?" she asked him, intruding on his erotic thoughts.

"Huh? look so beautiful tonight, darling," he responded.

"Thank you, dear, but I wish you would keep your eyes on the road. Will you do that for me?"

"Of course. Sorry. I just?"

"Besides, as you well know, these legs and everything that goes with them are not for you tonight. You understand, right?"

"Of course. I..."

"So why frustrate yourself that way. If you behave yourself this evening, I think I can promise you'll see the whole package up close and personal, if you get my drift."

That hint of promised pleasure made Bruce's cock get even harder. He shifted in his seat, but took care not to stare at Linda, as hard as that was.

"Are you as excited as I am tonight?" she asked.

"Well, probably not, and for good reason. Maybe you could not put the collar on me so quickly this evening so I could socialize a little."

"No promises," said Linda. "It depends on how things go. Who knows what will happen. Maybe no one will want to spend any time with me."

"Ha! Like that's gonna happen."

"Anyway, you get to hang out with the other hubbies on the patio. That must be interesting."

"I guess. They're all so enthusiastic about the club. You'd think they were the one's getting laid instead of their wives."

"You might take a lesson from them. Don't you think it's admirable for a hubby to be so concerned about his wife's happiness and pleasure?"

"Of course I do. You know that."

"Then act like it. Don't embarrass me."

"I won't," said Bruce, properly chagrined."

"We're not members yet, so be on your good behavior. One more party and we're out unless someone wants to sponsor us."

"I promise," said Bruce. "Do you think we'll get back to having some of the old parties with Sarah, Bill and the others?"

"Honey, they've gone Black! Don't you understand? Why would Sarah trade that for...well, you know."

Before Bruce could respond they were pulling into a parking place in front of the house where the party would take place. He hopped out of the car and opened the door for Linda. He couldn't resist catching a glimpse of exposed thigh as she got out of the car.

"Bruce, what did I tell you?!"

"I'm sorry, honey." Linda didn't respond but strode briskly toward the porch with Bruce following behind.

Inside the gathering was larger than before, the hub-bub of conversation and clinking glasses much more lively. Glancing out the patio door he observed that so far there was no one sitting in the circle. Before he could catch up to Linda he was grabbed by their host and told that he had bartender duty. Within a minute he was mixing and serving drinks to a never-ending line of couples and men. As it was just the beginning of the evening, the line was non-stop.

Then he saw Linda in line with a Black man he hadn't seen at the previous party tall, mid-30s, attractive and athletic looking. He had his arm around Linda's waist at they waited their turn. In a few moments that were standing in front of him.

"What may I serve you," he asked, looking at the man.

"I think I'll have a glass of champagne," said Linda.

"Yes, ma'am," he said with difficulty and without looking her in the face. He imagined that she was smiling at his words but didn't want to find out.

"I'll take a scotch on the rocks," said Linda's companion.

"Yes, sir, coming right up."

An hour later Bruce was relieved by his friend Bill and allowed, finally, to wander into the main room and have a drink. Standing in a corner he surveyed the gathering and recognized some of his friends from the old swinging group. Linda was in conversation with her new friend. Sarah was talking with a couple of the other wives. She looked drop-dead sexy, as usual, thought Bruce. It was almost painful to realize that he used to fuck her on a regular basis. And now he was almost afraid to talk to her. He was an outsider.

Before long he saw Linda approaching him. He stood up and forced a smile on his face even though he suspected the reason she was coming up.

"He, sweetie," he said. "Having fun?"

"I'm about to," she said teasingly. "I guess you know why I'm here."

"The collar?" he guessed with resignation.

"Don't look so sad. The collar on you means I'm having a good time. Don't you want that?"

"Of course I do."

"Then turn around," she said. Bruce did so and felt the collar being placed around his neck. The touch of her hands was very warm. He realized that she had become, for him, like some unattainable sex goddess.

"Let's see," she said once the collar was in place.

Bruce turned around. He looked at her somewhat sheepishly as he turned the "BC" medallion facing outward.

"What does BC stand for," she asked.

"Well, there are several versions."

"Just tell me what it means."

"It means 'Black-Cuckolded,' he responded.

"Well, that makes sense, doesn't it?"

"I guess."

"All right, you'd better get outside. Behave!"

"Yes, ma'am," he said. "I mean?"

"No, that's fine. It shows me you're getting in the spirit of the Club. Now go!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Linda watched her husband walk slowly toward the exit to the patio, where there were already two other men sitting in the circle. Things had changed so dramatically in a single week, she thought as she pondered how she could test Bruce's commitment in the coming days.

On the patio Bruce took his place in the circle facing two men he hadn't met. One was 50-ish and very overweight. The second was a bookish looking guy in his 30s. The three cuckolds introduced themselves to each other. It was going to be a long evening, but Bruce decided he would at least learn as much as he could about the club from the other he had come to hate that word! He hated it because it was exactly what he felt like these days not a husband, not a man. Just a hubby.

The older of the two men was an outgoing type and immediately engages Bruce in conversation.

"So who's doing your wife tonight?" he asked cheerfully.

"I don't know his name," responded Bruce. "Thirties, tall, tan jacket, navy blue slacks. Wandering hands."

"Ha! Sounds like half the men here. But in this case you're talking about Mike. He isn't as sociable as the others. Doesn't care to meet the hubby. He's good. Very, very good. Your wife will definitely not be disappointed. He's practically a one-man recruiter for the Circle."

"Has your wife been with him?" Bruce asked.

"Oh yeah. She loves him! He's charming with the ladies, that's for sure. And of course he can deliver, if you know what I mean. He just doesn't care about hubby's situation or attitude. Why should he, after all? They want what he's got and he's happy to give it to them. He's very much in demand. I've been trying to get him to come to the house, but he's hard to get over. I've sent him gift, letters, promised him the moon. The wife is on my case about this. She wants an overnight with him."

"Wow. You've offered him gifts?"

"Sure. And I'm not the only one. Mainly because she wants him. And when she doesn't get what she wants, she takes it out on me. You know how it is."

"Well," said Bruce. "I'm learning. This is only our second time at the club."

"Well, if Mike can't sell the little lady, no one can."

"Oh, I think she's sold. I'm the one who isn't sure yet."

This seemed to surprise Bruce's friend.

"What? You're kidding, right? I mean, this is the best thing that will happen to you. It's life with a happy wife. She won't go back, you know. But I guess you haven't seen her with a Black Man from the club yet."

"No," said Bruce.

"Get ready to become a believer when it happens. All the hubbies are converted. Of course they're very clever here. By the time your first three parties are over, your wife is hooked. Remember how you used to move heaven and earth to get a woman? You'll be doing that again but to get the right Man for the missus. You'll be catering to them on the one hand, and to your wife on the other. I'll be curious to hear what she thinks about Big Mike. I'd do anything for that guy!"

At that moment another collared hubby came out to the circle with a message for Bruce. His turn to be on "sheets" had come up.

"What do I don?" he asked nervously.

"Just go up to the second floor and find the hubby that's on duty now. He'll fill you in."

A few minutes later Bruce found himself ascending the stairs to the second floor, where it was quiet and very dimly lit. At the end of the hall, in the shadows, he saw a figure sitting on a small stool. As he got closer he could see the "Black-Cuckolded" pendant hanging around the man's neck.

"You my replacement?" he asked.

"I guess so. Can you fill me in?"

"Sure. No problem. Follow me."

The man led Bruce to a door in the center of the hallway.

"This is the supply closet," he said, opening it.

"Here are the sheets, towels, rags and so on. On the top shelf here are replacement candles, bars of soap and some pillow cases. Down here on the floor is a cooler with bottles of champagne, mineral water and some soft drinks. Glasses are here."

"Thanks. This is my first time. So, when someone leaves a room I..."

"You wait until they've left the hallway and headed downstairs. Then you grab some sheets and pillowcases and towels. Get in there and remove the sheets and put on the clean ones. Same with the towels. Don't dawdle. You don't want a couple coming up here and not having a room ready. Change glasses if necessary. Candles. Then put the laundry in the hamper down near your stool. There's a container for dirty glasses and empty bottles around the corner. Got it?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Sit on the stool facing the hallway. Keep your eyes down when they come up to the floor or out of a room. You shouldn't see their faces at all."


"No problem. You'll do okay. Right now there is one empty bedroom. The other four are occupied. Two couples came in about half an hour ago. The other two were occupied when I came on duty."

"Uh...I think my wife may be up here."

"Oh yeah? Who's she with."

"His name is Mike."

"Oh yeah, she's here. Last room on the left. She's having a good time. Already came at least twice. I could hear her crying out, "Oh, Mike. Fuck me! Fuck me! I'm cumming!"

"Jeez," muttered Mike.

"It's been quiet in there for about fifteen minutes. Mike's always good for a couple of rounds, so you'll be hearing them before long. You're a lucky guy. You know about how to talk to the Men and their Ladies, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Good. Don't embarrass your wife and don't piss of her Man. That's the key. So long and good luck."

Alone now, Bruce sat down on the small bench, which was only about six or eight inches high. He felt like an adult in children's furniture. No sooner had he gotten comfortable than he heard a door opening. Quickly he looked down, making sure he couldn't see whoever it was who was coming out. Best to be ignored.

No such luck.

"Bruce, is that you?"

Bruce immediately recognized the voice of his wife's best friend, Sarah. He was nervous around her anyway these day, but especially now.

"Yes, ma'am," he said as two pairs of feet stopped within his peripheral vision.

"So, are you having fun? Doing okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," he responded.

"Tell Linda hi in case I don't see her. And you'd better take care of that room. I think we left it in bad shape."

"Yes, ma'am, I will," he promised.

"Good boy," she said, walking away with her lover.

As soon as he was certain that the couple was out of sight, Bruce moved quickly to the cupboard and retrieved fresh bedclothes and towels. He entered the room, which had the unmistakable odor of sex in the air. He decided to leave the door open and turn on the ceiling fan to clear the place out.

The bed was in complete disarray. The top sheet was on the floor. The bottom one, a fitted sheet, was still in place, with numerous wet spots all over. After changing the sheets, replaced the towels.

At that moment, he heard it. His wife's voice carrying through the walls of the neighboring bedroom.

"Uh..uh..God!...Darling, don't stop. Ohmygod! I'm cumming. You've got to fuck me. Please!"

Bruce was shocke

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