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Lanies Amazing Massage

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Lanie?s Amazing Massage

I?m a Massage Therapist, a good one. I have a thriving business based out of an office I rent near a medical center. Most of my clients are actual patients. I do medical massage, as opposed to recreational massage, which is what all of the spas provide. I also provide trauma release for stress reduction. Most sessions are over in an hour, but often they run into extra time, and on occasion I have had sessions last as long as four hours. Because of this my scheduling is often difficult to deal with. Every now and then I have a conflict with maintenance and meet my clients at my home where I have converted my second bedroom into a massage room.

Being single, senior citizen of 54, I am often amazed at the number of younger women that have gone out with me because of my age. I would guess that at least partly due to me asking them. I have always thought, if you don?t ask, don?t blame it on the girl if you have to sleep alone. I live in a nice little two bedroom home, comfortably far from my neighbors to enjoy a good deal of privacy. This privacy is especially welcome since on warm summer evenings I love to languish, sans clothes, in the hot tub with a beautiful lady. This is usually followed by her receiving my best erotic massage on a table I set up on the deck surrounding the hot tub. Actually there are several versions of my massage, but occasionally I pull out all the stops and combine everything I know into one mind-blowing, multi-orgasmic massage for the lady. I have never had any complaints.

Several years ago I received a call from a lady I had known since she was in high school. Lanie was only 25 and younger than most of the women I dated, so we had never been out. I realized I hadn?t seen her in several years. As we caught up on the phone I learned she had been away to college most of the time, and was now free to pursue her interests in the world of entertainment. Lanie wanted to be an actress. She also wanted to book an appointment for Saturday. I explained that maintenance in my office building was using this weekend to hammer and bang things and repaint all the offices. ?I do have a home office if you would be comfortable coming there,? I offered.

?Sure, I?m okay with that. I have been a little depressed lately and I thought a nice relaxing massage would help me get over the blues. I?ll explain the details when I see you Saturday? I assured her I would do my best to ease her suffering. I also told her to be sure she wasn?t in a hurry when she came. Since she had never had a massage with me before I didn?t know precisely how long it would take. She said she did have a date later in the evening so her time would be somewhat limited. We agreed on 4:00 p.m.

On Saturday, after my one o?clock appointment left I checked my iPhone and there was a voice mail from Lanie. She was running a little late, but told me not to worry about needing to rush. She had canceled her date because the massage was more important to her and her entire evening was free.

So I wasn?t surprised when Lanie didn?t arrive until nearly five o?clock. When I opened the door I must have looked pretty ridiculous, because I did a double-take and just stared at her for several seconds longer than was decently expected. She began to fidget and asked, ?May I come in, or is the massage going to take place here on your front step??

I was able to recover quickly and said, ?Sure! Come in. It is really good to see you after so long.?

?I assume you really mean that,? she said with a twinkle in her eye. ?You sure took your time looking me over. Did you like what you saw??

?I sure did,? I responded. ?I was just surprised by how beautiful you have become. I was expecting the skinny little girl I remember from your high school years. If you still aren?t in a hurry we could talk a while and catch up.?

Lanie settled on one end of the couch and tucked her legs up under her. She was wearing loose, fire-engine red shorts and a very thin, loose, white tank top. Both were revealing enough that it wasnt?t long before I was pretty sure she wasn?t wearing any underwear. Her body appeared to be lean and well-toned. It was obvious she worked out regularly. Also, her tank top revealed that, although she only had medium sized breasts, probably a B cup, she had huge nipples and they appeared to be trying to poke through the material of her tank top, or maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part.

I confirmed iced tea was ok with her and I went to the kitchen to get us both a tall glass. When I returned Lanie had shed her sandals and was thumbing through a massage magazine that was laying on the coffee table. I set her iced tea on a coaster on the table at her end of the couch, and went to the other end facing her with my own drink in hand. We chatted for some time, about her and her parents, my old girl friends, and many other things. It was a surprisingly comfortable conversation for both of us.

Finally I got around to business. After all, she was a client here for a massage. ?So, have you ever had a full body massage from a professional massage therapist?? I asked.

She answered, ?No, but I have had some pretty extensive massages by boy friends and a few girl friends. Does that count?? She looked at me with hooded eyes that nearly caused me to lose faith in my ability to be a professional. But again I recovered. She had a way of catching me off guard that was a little embarrassing and totally cute. I loved it.

Then Lanie asked me a question that really surprised me. She said, ?I?ve been told that a really good erotic massage can help release emotional trauma. Is that true??

I explained, ?Deep, emotional trauma is an emotional energy pattern that sometimes gets ?stuck? in body tissues. When that happens erotic massage often helps, especially if the therapist knows what he is doing and what type of trauma he is dealing with. For instance,? I went on, ?Trauma based on anger is often held in tissues near the liver, while trauma based in love or hate may be near the heart. Everyone is different. And there are no guarantees. I have had clients that released big and some that never released at any level.? I stopped talking and waited to hear Lanie?s response.

It was slow in coming. She lowered her head and eyes and began to talk. ?About a year and a half back I had a boy friend. He got really drunk one night and beat me up. Then he ripped off my clothes and r*ped me. All he would have had to do was ask and I was his. I really liked him, but the alcohol changed him. I came out the other side of this event without a boy friend and I haven?t had an orgasm since; in fact, I even quit dating all together. And I haven?t had any desire to masturbate either. All of these are out of character for me. I somehow sense this isn?t healthy so I decided to do something about it. After seeing several quacks and spending a lot of money I still don?t feel any better. Is this something you can help me with?? she pleaded.

I had to be honest, ?I don?t know. I have had some good results in the past, but also I have had some failures. The only way to know is to try it and see.? I decided it was time to start the massage. I led Lanie back to the massage room. I explained she could undress to whatever level she was comfortable and get under the top sheet face down with her head in the cradle. Before I left her alone to carry out my instructions I lit several candles and put some Eucalyptus oil on the headrest cover to aid her breathing while she was prone. I flipped on the CD player that was preloaded with several massage music CDs. I pointed out the bathroom door and left to use the other bathroom and wash up before I started.

When returned I saw that Lanie had followed my directions perfectly. She was even centered on the table. I moved to the head of the table and placed my hands on her back with the palms resting over the hollow between her scapula (shoulder blade) and her spine, near her neck. I then allowed energy to flow from my hands to Lanie?s body. I held this position for nearly four minutes until she let out a huge sigh and seemed to sink into the table more comfortably. Then I moved to the side and placed my right hand just below her sacrum and my left at the nape of her neck. I again let the energy flow, this time until I could feel the pulsing flow between my two hands. Again, as the energy started to pulse, Lanie let out a sigh, this one much more subtle than the first. ?I?m going to pull the sheet down now.? I told her. She made a sound that sounded like umph huh which I took to mean ok. So I pulled the sheet down to her buttocks, just below the cutest dimples in her backside. I positioned her arms on either side with a slight bend in the elbows. I have an extra wide massage table that lets clients lie comfortably without worrying about their hands and arms falling off. My first look told me what a rare gem I had on my table. Lanie?s skin was a flawless field of tanned human flesh with no indication of tan lines.. It was smooth and well-toned. There were no blemishes or body markings of any kind. She was radiant and stunning. I can?t imagine how someone, not even a drunk, could attack such a beautiful creature as this woman on my table. I vowed to myself at that point to do absolutely everything I could to get her back to her usual, bubbly self.

I asked her if it was alright to remove the sheet completely, telling her that if she felt the need or if she got chilly that I would put it back instantly. She readily agreed so I pulled the sheet away and continued on the journey with this beautiful, naked goddess.

I selected a potent jasmine massage cream because it was so feminine. I instructed Lanie to simply receive everything that followed. She was not to help, not even to reposition her body, unless I asked her to. I began the massage at her shoulders, using a small amount of cream and spreading it over a large area. This particular cream had a better texture than most and it was easier to massage deeper without gliding over the surface. I wanted the effects of this massage to penetrate to the deepest muscles. Sometimes a much more slippery oil made that difficult to do.

I moved slowly, gradually increasing the length of my strokes until I was moving from the top of her shoulders to her beautiful butt. The slow movement allowed the energy in my hands to flow into Lanie?s skin and body. When energy flows into a muscle it tends to relax until you decide to use it. I wanted her muscles to be totally relaxed as soon as possible. After about ten minutes of long strokes from shoulder to buttocks I moved to one side and trailed a hand on the body over her left butt cheek and down to her left foot. I used both hands to lift her left leg and move it toward the side of the table so her legs were flat on the table with her foot over the edge, toes pointing to the floor. I then lifted her left foot and spent at least a minute and a half or more on each of the major acupressure points on the bottom of her foot. I massaged each point with strong fingertips, pressing harder after the first minute so the pressure was going in deep. I then returned her foot back to the table with the toes hanging over the edge. I pressed and held the Achilles tendon to each side until I felt the connected muscles release. I then moved to the outside of her leg and began slow cross-fiber strokes with my entire hand. I used light pressure the first pass. My movements took me from her ankle to the knee and back. The next pass I pressed a little harder but continued to move very slowly using the soft outer edge of my hand to press in deeply. I repeated this process several times until all the muscles under the skin felt smooth with no discernable knots. Then I moved to the inner lower leg and started all over again repeating what I had done on the outside. The last part of the lower leg massage was to use my thumbs and finger tips to completely relax the big muscles in Lanie?s calf. I must have worked there for at least five or six minutes until every muscles was soft and again there were no discernable knots. Then I to lightly began circling my right palm around the back of her knee. This is an erogenous zone and I continued this until Lanie reacted with another sigh, accompanied with a low moan.

Next I moved to the outside of her thigh. I took a long time to do cross-fiber followed by deeper, stronger strokes. This was capped with many long, slow strokes from the knee to the top of the pelvis on the outside of the thigh. I followed the same slow procedure on the back of the thigh. Lanie was obviously a runner. She had a lot of little knots in these muscles. It took a lot of patience to find and smooth them all. When I found a troublesome knot, that resisted smoothing, I pointed my thumbs at it to soften it with an infusion of energy. Then a few massage strokes would release it. The only part of the leg left was the inner thigh. I slowly worked cross-fiber from the knee upward, moving very slowly. I went all the way up until my fingers lightly brushed the outer labia. Lanie made a slight movement and moaned softly at the contact. I continued these strokes from the knee to her pussy lips at least a dozen times. Each time I brushed the outer lips she would make a sound deep in her body, just the softest of sounds, but enough to know I was getting to her. I then moved around the table to the other side and did nearly identical strokes on her right leg, including the dozen, or so, strokes at the end that included brushing against the entry to her most private parts.

I had purposely saved the buttocks until last. I started on the right cheek since that is the side of the table I was on. I massaged the entire cheek with slow, deep penetrating finger tips until I had covered the entire cheek. Then I switched to knuckles and continued to loosen the muscles. Lanie?s buttocks were firm, not fat. They had a lot of muscles and some of those had knots in them, probably from the running. I patiently worked on each and every knot until it was as smooth as the rest of her. Then I went around the table and performed the same service on her left cheek.

The last technique I used on Lanie?s back is for pulling everything together, to reconnect all of her body parts physically and energetically. I do this with several very slow strokes, the first starting at the sole of the foot and continuing up the leg, over the buttocks, and up the back to the shoulder. It is firmly and very slowly. The second stroke is nearly the same except its path is up the sides of the leg with a pause at the top of the inner thigh to deliberately brush over the outer labia, then over the buttocks and on up to the shoulder. I do these strokes about four or five times. I usually lose count because I am focused on her breathing. Each brush with the labia elicits a moan and more restlessness with her hips. Then I switch to the other leg and pull that side together with the same technique. By this time Lanie is definitely moaning and rolling her hips in reaction to the strokes at her pussy lips. I can tell she loves it.

?Now it?s time to roll over,? I tell her. ?Do you want to be covered with the sheet while you are face up??

She looked me in the eye and giggled. ?No. I love this, and looking at the front of your shorts, so do you.? She had me there. I was touting a nearly full erection and there was no way to hide it in my shorts and t-shirt. I just smiled and told her to get comfortable, the best was yet to come.

She slithered (?slithered? is the only word that can describe it) into position on the table I gave Lanie her next instructions. ?Laying face-up is a vulnerable position for many woman. If you have unresolved trust issues this is where they will surface most of the time. If at any time you get uncomfortable with a thought or emotion let me know right away. I will continue the movements that brought it up until they go away. This can be very effective if I get good, fast feedback. Otherwise if nothing comes up simply enjoy the massage. She smiled and said, ?I understand. I promise I?ll do as you ask. You don?t have to be gentle with me. I seriously want to get rid of this baggage and this technique seems to be as good as any. And what the hell,? she added, ?If it doesn?t work out at least I can say I?ve had a really good erotic massage from the best.? She smiled at me and closed her eyes, leaving me free to enjoy my first good look at her from the front. Her breasts were probably a B cup but her areolae were large dark circles accented by two beautiful, erect nipples that were easily the largest I had ever seen. I laid one hand on her abdomen and one on her right shoulder as I continued looking her over. Her tummy was flat and the mons leading to her nether regions was prominent and covered with neatly trimmed, soft, curly hair that color-matched perfectly with the long tresses on her head. Her pussy lips were swollen slightly, but still fairly closed. I place one hand over her entire pussy, the other on her chest just below the collar bones. ?Breathe in --- breathe out.? I directed her, ?Do it audibly like this,? and I showed her. We easily matched our breathing and we continue this for at least five minutes, our breath slowing noticeably every minute or so. ?Let the energy flow from your pussy up your back to the crown on each in-breath, then on the out-breath see it flowing down the front of your body from the crown to your pussy. Once you have the vision in your mind, you only have to think ?crown? on the in-breath and ?pussy? on the out-breath.? As I told her these instructions she began to get into it. I could feel the energy building in her body. This woman had no idea what was coming. She was really good at this. Later I would have to ask her where she learned how to move energy like that.

Finally I got what I was looking for. Lanie?s pussy was beginning to move of its own volition in tune with her breathing. It was time for me to move to her hands and arms, and draw them into the mix. The procedure I used on the upper limbs was simply a shorter version of what I did on the legs, except arms are much smaller than legs, and it goes a little more quickly. I continued to massage at a very slow pace. I then brushed the palm of my hand with a feather light touch from Lanie?s shoulder, across her breast, hip, and leg,to her foot, saving the chest and abdomen until later. I started on her right leg and essentially repeated what I had done on the back of her legs. I added some extra work around the knee joints and was sure to bring all of the long strokes to the very edge of her pussy lips. Now Lanie?s entire body was in tune. Every part of it was moving slightly when she reacted to me touching the sides of her labia. They were beginning to swell, filling with blood as she became more aroused. After I finished the second leg I moved up to her left chest. My hands began to massage all the areas of the left chest except the breast. I brushed against it from all sides at first, then I moved onto the breast itself, always avoiding the nipple. I was massaging methodically now, with my finger tips. I would drag them from the ribs up to within a breath of actually touching the nipple, then I would back off and do the same thing on a different part of the breast. She started trying to move so the nipple was in my path. I avoided her every time. At last I let my fingers brush the nipple and finally to gently take it and squeeze it as I pulled up and away from the areola. I squeezed and twisted, pulled and released and even genly blew cool air on it. Lanie began to moan. It was obvious her nipples were extremely connected to her genitals, because each time I squeezed her hips would leave the table. Finally I leaned over and took the fully engorged nipple into my mouth and suckled like a baby, using my tongue to lick and press on it. Lanie began to thrash about. Before she had a chance to have an orgasm I stopped and just let my hand rest, palm down over the nipple as I moved to the other side and began the same technique on the right breast. This time it took her considerably less time to reach a highly agitated state. Again I backed away. Then I moved to the head of the table and reached down to both breasts simultaneously. I began to rapidly squeeze and stroke her entire chest aiming most of my attention to those glorious nipples. In a very short time I was rewarded with Lanie?s first of many orgasms. She never exploded, but rather just seemed to slip into it gently as her entire body joined in the spasms. I held her breasts until she cooled some, then I moved to her abdomen.

After thoroughly working her upper and lower abdomen I moved near her mons with a hand restly over each ovary, letting the energy flow. Earlier, when I massaged Lanie?s legs I left them spread apart where I had placed them to make them easier to reach. I was rewarded when I saw she had not drawn them together. She remained open to what was coming after. I treated my hands and Lanie?s inner and outer labia with a generous amount of special oil I use for erotic massage. It is an edible oil that is slicker and has less texture than the jasmine I used on the rest of her. Again, I rested my right hand over her entire pussy and my left at her upper chest. We breathed together like this for a short time. I slowly let my middle finger sink into the groove between her pussy lips and slowly drew it upward just brushing across the top of the clitoris. I usually follow the same, or nearly the same patterns I was using on Lanie with everyone needing only minor variations due to feedback and sometimes body type. And there are literally dozens of different types of pussy shapes that require modification. I am happy to report that no modification was necessary for Lanie.

I started at her pussy hair and began to gently pull on it then release. I covered her entire patch several times. This was followed by squeezing her outer labia on both sides of clitoris so it was literally compressing the clit into a small area. I held this for maybe a full moment before I released it. I repeated this several times. Then I did compressions with my thumb down the outside of one outer lip, between the lip and the leg, right in the groove. When that was completed I repeated it on the other side. Then I placed the fingertips of both hands on the uppermost part of the right labia and began to massage and squeeze the lip all the way to the bottom of the lip almost to the perineum, the soft area between the genitals and the anus. Her body was really reacting by this time. Her moans were frequent and her hips in a continual state of movement, not large movements, but small movements that exactly matched the rhythm of my hands. When I finished the first lip I moved to the second. By this time Lanie?s pussy lips were fully engorged and super-sensitive. I grasped each lip in a thumb and two fingers and began running my hands up and down from top to bottom. Lanie?s hips were now coming off the table as she tried to rise up to meet my hands.

Then I placed the index finger of my right hand against the clit and started circling it in slow soft motions. ?Harder! Pinch it harder!? she urged through gritted teeth. I could tell she was nearing another orgasm, and I suspected it would be larger than the last. So I squeezed it, hard. ?Arrrrrgghh! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!? she shouted as her entire body tightened up and she flew over the top into a mind-blowing orgasm. Her pussy was flowing with juices and her body was vibrating all over. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she was constantly keening shrill sounds and saying things like, ?Oh fuck, oh yes, oh my god,? and other choice phrases. Her face had contorted so much she looked like someone else. And suddenly she let out a huge sigh and fell limp on the table. After a moment or two she looked at me with hooded eyes and smiled, ?Thank you, I really needed that,? she said.

I smiled back and said ?I hope you aren?t thinking the massage is over. There is plenty more cumming down the road. Just lay there and be a good girl so I can finish my work.? She chuckled at my word play, but lay back and closed her eyes. I now had her complete trust. She was still splayed wide on the table. Her legs were spread nearly wide enough to do the splits with the knees bent so the lower legs stayed on the table. One arm was over her head and one beside her with the hand resting on her abdomen. My hands were still on her pussy, moving very slowly now, letting her continue recovering from her orgasm. I avoided the clit and spent most of the time on the outer regions of her outer lips. Lanie was one of those women whose pussy had very prominent outer lips and almost no inner lips. When I could see she was back to earth I started in again. This time I used only my left hand to massage her clit and the lips around it. My right hand rested over the entrance to her vagina with my fingertips at the opening, just barely touching the entrance. I continued to wait. I knew that if I was patient her vagina would actually open to me and attempt to suck in my fingers. It took a while, but eventually I was rewarded. Her pussy seemed to be a vacuum and my fingers moved inwards, just the middle and ring finger. I slowly began to probe the fingers in and out, letting her get used to me being inside. I moved my left hand to her right breast and began squeezing and releasing the nipple. I could feel her body stiffen and she had another orgasm, this one small, almost an aftershock to what preceded it. Now Lanie began gently squeezing and releasing her inner muscles in concert with my efforts at her nipple. Then I curled my two fingers into a sort of hook shape and started doing come-hither motions at about one o?clock on the warm, moist inner wall of her vagina. She began to moan again, softly. After about a minute I moved to the two o?clock position and continued, then on to the three o?clock position. This continued until I reached the twelve o?clock position. Twelve o?clock was where I sought out the rough textured skin of the elusive g-spot. It was directly behind the clitoris. I gradually increased pressure as I did slow circles and come-hither motions on that part of her vagina. Her breath started coming in gasps and her body was moving violently on the table. I moved my right thumb to her clit and applied and released pressure in tune with my g-spot movements. I matched the rhythm of everything I was doing with my g-spot manipulations. I felt is coming just before it happened. Lanie literally exploded. Her whole body jerked and bucked on the table. She came and came, even squirting a little. I had never seen a woman squirt before. I was fascinated. Lanie?s orgasm went on for several minutes and finally she collapsed on the table. She had fainted. I wasn?t worried because I had seen others do this, but it was comforting to feel the heart beat and know she didn?t just up and die from the intensity.

As Lanie began to recover, I couldn?t help myself. I lifted her right leg high and slipped it over my shoulder. This left my mouth near her love nest. The aroma was overpowering. My senses breathed her in and I was instantly fully erect. I leaned my head in and began to lap at Lanie?s juices. They were sweet and pungent and had a great taste. I loved licking wet pussy and I found no reason to deprive myself. I pulled Lanie?s clit into my mouth, gently at first, but as she responded I began to suck it in earnest. It had grown and as I sucked it swelled with an additional blood infusion. She was going wild again, and again I was rewarded with a strong orgasm. I guess she had a lot to make up for.

As she came down from this orgasm I began running my tongue from bottom to top of her pussy gathering in all the juices I could with each pass. After a few of these I pulled from under Lanie?s leg and moved to the head of the table where I kissed her deeply and passionately, pushing my cum soaked tongue into her mouth in order to share her own taste with her. She really liked that. ?No one has ever done that for me before,? she said. ?I really like it. The only thing I can imagine would be better would be licking the juices off your cock after you came in me. Think you can arrange that?? I assured her I could as I lifted her in my arms and carried her to my bedroom. She was petite and well-toned but in my arms that day she was like a feather. I placed her on the bed and before I could pull away she grabbed my t-shirt and began pulling it over my head. As soon as the shirt was off I bent to drop my shorts and stepped out of them. ?Now let me look at you.? She said. That made me a little nervous as her gaze intensified, but I must have passed because she smiled and pulled me down on the bed.

We were both so ready that no preliminaries were necessary. I had an erection that was probably the biggest I had ever had, and Lanie was soaked from the massage. I crawled between her legs missionary style and placed the head of my cock at her outer pussy lips. I moved it into the groove between the lips and moved it up and down a few times to get it lubricated, but the pre-cum probably made that unnecessary. Lanie reached down and guided my cock to her entrance. She looked me in the eye as I slowly sank all the way into her warm, wet passage. She smiled and said, ?I hope you are ready because I am going to turn you every way but loose. I haven?t felt this good about fucking a guy for a year and a half. I have a lot of catching up to do.? With that said she began to slowly move her hips in small circles. I started gliding in and out to her rhythm. We continued this for a few moments, then the pace began to pick up until I was slamming into her like a jack hammer, every stroke going in to the hilt and coming out so only my cockhead was still in. After several minutes of this I reached under Lanie?s waist and without losing contact between us I rolled over and ended with her on top. She smiled as she grasped her new position of being in charge and brought her knees up high so we were connected deep at the groin. She sat there for several minutes, working her inner muscles. It was incredible. Her inner muscles were extremely strong. She would squeeze tightly, then release. The last hard squeeze she began to gyrate her hips in circles as she used her thighs to move her body up and down. I was going out of my mind. Then she reached down and grabbed both of my nipples and squeezed hard as she began moving up and down on my shaft while squeezing her inner muscles even tighter. That?s all it took. I couldn?t have stopped if I wanted to. I exploded deep in the recesses of her vagina. I spasmed three, four, five times more than normal. I wasn?t counting, just letting my body go. I felt release in every part of me. Lanie stopped while all of this happened. When I finally came down I was in ecstasy.

This is the point where my dick usually caves and begins to shrink and retreat, but Lanie had different ideas about that. She continued to knead its full length with the pulsing of her inner muscles. I was only allowed to get half soft before my erection began to return. This was a first for me. I never even knew it was possible. ?Now it?s time for me to get my wish,? she said. With that she pulled off of me and kneeled beside my body while she bent low over my cock. She began to lick off the juices slowly, starting at the head and working her way down the shaft. Shortly after she started she swung a leg over my head and settled with her pussy less than an inch from my mouth. I was able to look at it and see our combined juices slowly oozing out and down across her mons. I touched the juices with my tongue. They were pungent and sweet. I pulled her hips slightly upward and buried my tongue in her pussy. I wanted it all. As she treated my dick like a lollipop I became ravenous wanting to lick up every single drop. I licked the groove between her pussy lips from her clit upwards to where the lips came together beyond the vaginal opening. Then I would go back to the starting point and do it again. Each time I licked her I paused to flick her clit several times as I passed. When she was finely clean I went to her opening and inserted my tongue and found more of the marvelous nectar.

Meanwhile Lanie had changed tactics. She was now breathing heavier again. Her moans were non-stop. Suddenly she exploded with another orgasm. I was so close I could feel the juices as they began filling her pussy. My cock became even wetter if that is possible. I stopped moving and just rested with my tongue still embedded in Lanie?s hole. Finally her body began to relax. She rolled away. ?Enough!? she said. Then, with a twinkle in her eye she added, ?For now!?

We cleaned up in the bathroom, sharing a shower. We slipped on robes I had available for clients and went in search of food. We found Corn Flakes and milk in the refrigerator to start. Then we fixed a couple of hot dogs using the microwave. We both popped a beer and sat at the kitchen table to renew our bodies with the food.

?I feel wonderful. It is as if a huge black cloud has been removed from my stomach. I guess your technique is the best.?

I smiled and responded with, ?I?m glad you liked the service. By the way, the best part is it?s free. It?s against the law for me to charge you for sexual services, so you aren?t allowed to pay me. I never expected things to get out of hand like that. Hope you?re okay with it.? I was feeling a bit unprofessional at this point.

Lanie rose and came around the table to sit in my lap. By the time you reached a point where you would have been breaking the law I would have shot you for stopping. Relax! I loved it. It was just what I needed.?

Lanie spent the night. When she left the next morning we promised to keep in touch, and we have. Sometimes we just go out to dinner and sometimes we have mind-blowing sex at either her place or mine. We have become the best of friends, with benefits of course.

End of story

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