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How was I shown the joy of teamwork

Pages: 1

The characters, names, events and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. Any resemblance is pure coincidence. Except, of course, if you happen to be one of the lucky participants.

In 1984, I got my first real job as photographer. I want to think the National Cartographic Society offered me the job due to my singular talent. But maybe they really did it because I degraded myself worst than a Bronx crack whore for over three years of internship. It is not too difficult to assume that even an old son of a bitch, like the Society's president, didn't have the guts to let me go after I have repeatedly performed for them, absolutely free, chores that an illegal Chinese will refuse to do for a sweatshop.

In any case, finally I was a member of a team doing the damn cartographic survey of the Honduran Atlantic coast. The team was made up of three Americans; Peter, Laura, and me. Laura and Peter, were both older than I. Like at least ten years. They had been working together for three seasons. Somehow, they have ended up being engaged to be married that next summer.

During that whole season, I felt more out of place than a black man from Philadelphia in a Hollywood producer's meeting. But, trying to play the gentleman, I always make sure to give them as much space as the conditions granted. Unfortunately, the nature of our work, which required spending days camping in downtown jungle, not always allowed for complete privacy.

Many times we made our tub out of the next running stream, and our toilet of any available pasture. This kind of proximity generated an unusual sort of intimacy among the three. I knew how each one us smelled after skipping a day. What position they slept. Even if they farted in their dreams.

If you have ever spent any time away from civilization, you know, that after a few days of solitude a simple trailer park housewife starts looking like Cindy Crawford. You then can understand, why did I feel specially uneasy about my whole situation. Laura Flutter was more attractive than most regular centerfolds. The daughter of a pure breed Cherokee mother and a Scottish father, Laura was tall and swaying as a renaissance maiden.

Strong long legs buttressed a small bubbly butt. I licked my lips every time I thought of it. Her waist so airy, it seemed close to collapsing at any time. The stomach so flat and sinuous. Raven dark, glittering hair, with auburn shades that hung, thick, heavy and straight, down to the above captioned butt. The biggest, baby blue eyes that ever shined against an olive dark skin. A skin, which, however, could flush with pink tones when she was heated, or got excited. She was, in every respect, perfectly exquisite and seductive.

All three of us hit it off from the beginning. We worked hard for days,then we partied, as much as that is possible when you are away from New York City.

One day, long after work, Laura returned from taking a dip in the local water hole. Her long, dark hair hanging to the side of her pointed shoulders. The water dripping from her mane dampened her white shirt until it sheered the cloth. All of a sudden I found myself, glancing at the best looking pair of petite, light, perfectly rounded and highly erectile nipples, south of Beverly Hills, California.

My look was unequivocal, the response of my cock alarming. But, to my surprise, Laura did not react with shame, or with attempts to conceal her darlings. Instead; she joked with Peter about me needing a cool shower and continued to parade them proudly, not missing an occasion to raise her arms above her head, while mockingly smiling.

Peter, on his part, remained strangely unresponsive to this game. At first, I resented that he would allow her to torture me, with the firmness of her puffy tits. A chest pushing so belligerently against the cloth that, at times, they seemed to be threatening to pierce the flimsy cloth.

It became clear that the tropical climate could not merely explain for such prolonged nipple erection. Was Laura maybe excited? One thing was sure, by now, she was probably hurting from the drawn out erosion of her tender skin against the shirt. Evidently, she was enjoying her power to drive me wild.

That night, as we drove into the nearest town; Peter silently behind the wheel, Laura on the passenger side window, me between them, my placement an omen of things to come. I pretended to doze off and leaned my head onto her chest. Laura lifted her arm and circled my shoulders, her embrace allowing my face, to get ever so closely to her breasts with every shove of the bumpy road. Through the corner of my eye I saw her gesturing to Peter her derision for the obvious; that ever increasing bulge raising from my pants.

We rode into the seaside town of La Ceiba and looked for the nearest bar. I pretended to wake up and followed them into the tavern. Every man in the house clasping his eyes to Laura's exotic beauty.

She was in a teasing mood, jokingly daring me to ask one of the local girls for a dance.

"Come on," she joked, "no one is going to be able to work until you get your system current."

Finally, I got up and marched into the nearest table. A tiny girl, with bulbous butt, a pair of incredibly large brown eyes, ample lips (Just made to clasp themselves onto a cock, I thought) and a more than generous chest, had been giving me the come on for the last twenty minutes.

Consuelo was her name, she was wearing a loose embroidered blouse and a long cotton skirt that clung to her figure as a glove. Soon, we were rocking the floor at the sensuous rhythm of some Colombian dance. My partner, as it is customary, grasped the hem of her ample skirt and lifted it way above her knees, while swaying her hips to the music. Her exposed legs were tanned, thin, and shapely. Her shoulders, angled toward me, offered the bounce of her tender cleavage. Our eyes stayed fastened to each other, but I was aware of Laura following every development of our primitive dance.

Two songs after, we were embracing in a slow dance. The light was poor but I knew that Laura followed as the girl's hips grinded against my crotch, in the sort of lustful musical quasi-fucking that is so popular south of the border. The local girl's head came to rest in my neck. Both of my hands grasping her hips to assist her in rubbing against me.

When the music stopped, I escorted the girl back to her table. It is not wise to monopolize one of the locals. First, you must detect if one's choice is going to awaken the murderous intent of some indigenous jealous maniac.

Upon returning to our table I found Laura, somewhat aggravated, even jealous. "That was some display," she said; "where did you learn that coastal mating ritual?"

"Is been three years that I have been consorting with the enemy"; I replied making no effort to hide my sarcasm.

"Does their pussy stink?" she questioned, only partially joking.

"No less than yours after a day's work," I countered. Peter roared with laughter.

"You gonna have to teach me how to dance Cumbia." She offered. I assured her it will be my delight as long as Peter didn't mind. He only answered with a disdainful gesture. As soon as the music started, I offered both my hands to Laura. One minute later, she was in my arms in the middle of the floor. Her savage nipples eroding my chest. Her legs, straddling mine as the dance demanded. Her crotch a crushing presence against my lower hip.

While not totally floating on the floor as the local girls, Laura's dancing ability was far from poor. Her body swayed in a way, not less sensuous, yet more self-conscious. Laura's head did not found the crevice of my neck, but instead held my gaze with a mixture of doubt and defiance.

Peter, watched intently, but detachedly, as her wife to be rubbed her body against that of his younger colleague.

I was totally overcome by her proximity. The fresh musky odor of her breath awakened a craving that drew me to her lips. Her mouth, three inches from mine, was arousing as the sight of a sexual organ. Laura's skin, which I touched for the first time, was silky to the point of disbelief.

Her slivering body clung to mine as if it was made to order. As we danced, I could feel her back tensing with the excitement. Pearly bits of sweat formed between her breast. Her breathing quickening as we both enjoyed the first full touch of our body.

Around us, strangers watched our dance with surprise. "Gringos that could dance! What a notion." Besides, we made such a terrific couple. Maybe, even more than just for dancing.

We returned to the table. "Are you bored Pete?" Laura asked in her sweetest voice.

"No"; said Peter, "but what about if we go to the Hotel and get into the Jacuzzi for a while?" Then to me, "Wanna come?"

"I don't have my swimming trunks with me," I announced, giving him a way out, if that was the case. Being so young, I was still bewildered by this guys absolute lack of possessiveness toward his fiancee.

"You can use my workout shorts" Laura proposed and she stood up as if it had been decided.

Doggedly I followed. But for some unknown reason my heart started beating faster. So strongly, I was afraid they could hear my heart beat in the confined cabin of our truck.

In the hotel room, I went into the bathroom to try Laura's running shorts. The cut on the sides was very high, hardly covering my maleness. Sickly, I smelled the womanly effluence of their crotch. The pungent smell was, both, soothing and addictive. Reluctantly, I exited the bathroom afraid they will consider it only take ten seconds to try a pair of shorts.

Laura openly sized my body. Her eyes draw the contour of my shoulders, my chest, my legs, then they came to rest on my cock. She laughed! "They look pretty good on you" she exclaimed. "You are a size four!"

Peter laughed too. "From now on, you can always ask Laura if you ever need to wear something." He, in turn, was wearing some sort of Speedo type bikini trunk. Laura looked wickedly sexy in an orange spaghetti string Bikini. Her stomach was incredibly flat, the mound of her pussy so prominent, that it pushed up the fabric, a feature I had only admired in women in their early twenties. The semi naked Laura was even more alluring than the dressed one. A singular mixture of girlish and mature proportions.

Because of the constant exercise demanded by our job, her body was cut as that of an athlete. Her buttocks were powerfully muscular, yet with the roundness of a mature woman. The movement of her muscles was visible under the tight skin, but only slightly. One could tell she possessed the right proportion of delicacy and firmness.

We went down into the pool area. Even when it was close to midnight, there was still a folksy family playing noisily around the pool. The parents enjoying the Jacuzzi as alligators in the sun.

Peter, produced a bottle of tequila and offered me some. I sipped a little and passed it around to Laura. We didn't need to wait too long before the family decided to retire. The whole place was at our disposal.

We sat in the whirlpool. Pete waded across from us into the bubbling water. Laura sat by my side. The whole length of our semi naked bodies touching. Her running shorts swell in the bubbly water as a full bladder. She mocked me miserably about it. Then she jumped in the deep middle of the swirl, her hands resting in Peter's thighs. "I feel naughty," she announced with a devilish smile. Arching her back she pushed her buttocks against my knees, her hands moved forward between her man's legs. Was she rubbing her cock? Pete's face showed a mysterious smile.

I parted my knees, uncomfortable by the intimate contact with Peter a foot away. Turning around, and pouting her lips, she asked me to rub her shoulders. "I don't know if I should," I stammered.

"Oh, Peter won't mind, won't you Pete?" she purred.

"I'm too tired to do it myself," joked the old boy and, while wrinkling his nose he added, "knock yourself out." He seemed content as a cat.

I didn't need too much encouragement. Reaching forward, I found myself rubbing the shoulders of a woman, I was almost sure, was in turn rubbing the submerged cock of her soon to be husband. What a turn on.

Starting on her forehead, I ran my fingers through her hair with a faintbackward motion. Then, upward from the nape of her neck. With the tips of my thumb I rubbed the base of her skull. She closed her eyes and purred.

"Hmm Pete, you have just lost your position as masseuse." Pete's was to busy watching as to register any response, or notice the goose bumps that surged down from her neck to cover her whole skin. Using the balls of my hands, and being careful not to pinch, I pushed on the delicate muscles of her neck and shoulders pass her deltoids. Her skin was utopian to the touch. Kissable, lick-able, suck-able. She responded by placing my utterly erected cock safely in the crevice of her buttocks. I worked one hand back up her neck and the other down her spine, still pushing with the ball of my hand. She lifted on the tip of her toes to increase our cock to crevice contact. I started considering the idea of pulling out my dick through the side of my shorts and nailing her right then and there.

"Lets go to the room," said Pete. We all became motionless trying to control our respiration,perspiration and erections. Then we ran laughingly to the elevator.

Entering the room, Laura skipped to open a wine bottle they carried in their cooler. I sat on one of the double beds my back propped by a pillow.

"Hey! Jelled Laura, don't seat on the bed with wet shorts." She added,"take them off and wrap yourself in a towel." I must say, I liked her train of though.

Entering the bathroom I joined Pete, who was already wrapping himself in a towel. Coincidence?

In front of him I peeled my semi erect cock. This was his chance to stop me. He never flickered. But assessed my manhood with strange appreciation.

A towel loosely around my waist I resume my position in the bed. Laura plopped between my legs, a wine glass in her hands. Pete lay face down in the opposite bed.

I resumed my massage. This time with softer more ample movements tracing the contour of her back, down her sides and forward onto her flat stomach. As soon as my hands touched her stomach, she laid back resting on my chest. Running my hands upward I pried my fingers under the cup of her bikini top lifting it clear of her breasts. Her aureola was very small and wrinkled, grabbing her inch long nipples, I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger, pulling them slightly outward in one single movement. She groaned and her face collapsed exposing her neck. I ran my tongue up the length of it.My mouth searching the curve of her ear, she turned her face toward me.

We sucked each other lips in a lusting frenzy. Lifting her right ankle over my leg, she gave me access to the center of her want. Down ran my hand, looking to explore the folds of her cunt. I found it wetter and hotter than Amazonian asphalt.

Suddenly, Peter jumped from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I froze motionless. What was the meaning of this? Laura, continued to kiss me as if nothing had happened. But I wasn't sure that my purpose was to break this marriage and end up with Laura as a permanent attachment.

Softly, I pushed her away and walk to the bathroom door. Listening I could hear some sort of whimpering from inside. Was he crying?

"Peter?" I asked, "are you OK?" No answer.

Cautiously I pushed the door just slightly open. Through the reflection on the mirror I saw Peter spanking off an erection the size of a Polish sausage. "Peter!" I shoot reassuringly, "why here?" I thought I owed the guy something in return for the favor of letting me fuck his most regarded cunt. "Come be with us."

"I'm fine," he answered and turned his back away from the mirror. I could not understand.

Shrugging my shoulders, I went back to where Laura laid sprawled on the bed helping herself to her pussy. Coming to my knees between her legs, my lips touched the velvety skin of her inner thigh. Her hands under her bikini bottom never stopped rubbing her clit. She closed her knees with the help of my hand. Pulling off her bikini bottom, I exposed the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen. Her slit was straight and narrow like traced by the firm hand of a plastic surgeon. No weird crumpled folds of skin protruded between her cuntal lips. The whole beaver bulged out from her groin as a landing strip made for an atomic cock. Her pubic hair was sparse, straight and even darker than her strand. The inside was surprisingly pink for her cinnamon skin.

First, I just flickered my tongue up along the slit. The clean sweet aroma raised my cock hardness to the maximum point of the John Holmes scale. Laura mumbled some intelligible words and breath rapidly through her mouth. Very softly my tongue pushed apart the crease of her clit. Laura's knees reached outward for the ceiling. I put the whole vulva on my mouth, my lower lip rubbing between her clit and her fuck cavern. My flickering tongue ran from her clit to her relaxed beautiful asshole. I clean it up with full tongued canine slurps. One hand opening her butt crack, with the other letting my thumb rub her, slippery, engorged, clitoris.

Religiously, she called, "Oh God!" Sexually aroused women can be so praiseful.

My mouth went back to work her love button. I flickered my tongue at high speed, while pushing back the clit's fleshy cloak; two fingers in the chute, two fingers rubbing her right nipple, every set of fingers probing at a ifferent rhythm.

She squealed as a virgin. The intensity of her want, expressed, in the ever increasing suction of her cunt on my fingers. Her hands pushed back my head. Then my chest.

Peter came out of the bathroom just in time to see her go down on my cock. With Laura's legs straddling my head, I pulled out my tongue and attempted to continue eating her pussy as she sucked my cock. She grinded her pussy on my face while sliding her mouth down the side of my rod.

Jerking me off, she told her man, "This is a big cock Pete, a big thick dark cock"

He kneeled in front of the bed and they attempted a kiss. Laura's hand still holding my dick, her hips still grinding my tongue.

Lifting my head, I saw Peter caressing her back, holding her mass of hair, even as Laura's head bobbed up and down deep throating my cock. I thought, he wanted to touch it. I needed something else to think about anyway.

Laura lifted herself of me and came to lie on her side, facing Peter.

In a repetition of the whirlpool scenario, Peter lay next to her and she grabbed his cock. Laura's hand then reached back to grab mine. She stroked both dicks with her eyes closed.

Our hands ran all over her body as she jerked us off. I kissed her neck while Pete sucked on her tits. She moaned all the way. Soon, our hands made their way to her pussy where Pete put one finger up her pussy, and stroked her puckered asshole with another. I reserved my attention to her clit which I rubbed with increasing speed.

"I don't want to come," she said. "Oh God, stop." Her hips started a jerky sway that announced the swell of her orgasm. Nipples' darkening and becoming hard. Pete and I shared a smile of complicity. We increased our pace.

"Oh, ugh, anha, anha," Laura cued. Then she came hard with incredible trashing of her hips. We kissed her long, touched her, stroked her. Warming the glow of post orgasmic bliss.

Without stopping, Pete use his hand to guide my cock inside her pussy from behind. I was so excited his touched send a current through my spine. She just bemoaned and arched her back to take my cock whole inside her hot, tight slippery pussy.

"Damn, he is so thick Pete." She groaned. "I like his brown cock in my beaver."

"Are you happy, baby?" asked Pete.

"Aha," she replied.

"Do you want him to fuck you hard?" he added.

"Oh God: Yes!" Was her response.

"Ask him." Suggested Pete.

I feel her cunt tensing with excitement. She pulled Pete's dick onto her mouth to avoid the issue.

I slide my cock half way out, then slowly push it back in until my balls rested on her ass.

"Ugh, ugh," she cried.

"Ask him Laura," demanded Pete.

She pulled Pete's dick from her mouth and looking back at me over her shoulder, she pleaded.

"Please" she said.

"Please what?" I asked, once more an accomplice in Peter's game.

"Please fuck me."

In and out went my cock, very slowly.

"Like this?" I asked.

"Harder," Laura commanded.

"Say it" I requested, and gave her a couple of strokes as an advance. "Say it," I repeated, this time to my slowed stroke.

"Fuck me hard! Oh, oh, ugh, fuck me! Fuck me! Oh yes, like that baby, yes! Oh God!"

I let it have. Long hard upward strokes at an increasing pace. I could feel the tip of my dick hitting the hard neck of her uterus.

Turning her around. I then climbed over her butt and fucked her fiercely pushing downward.

"Oh hold me Pete," she asked. Between her legs, Peter held her with one arm while jerking his crystal hard cock with the other. Then I felt his hand touching his asshole and caressing my balls. He inserted two fingers up her ass and massaged my cock inside of her through the flimsy canal that separated my cock from his fingers. It was good.

"It is so deep, ugh, ugh. Oh shit! Aha, aha, aha. I'm coming, don't stop. Oh Pete baby, he is making me come! Fuck! Oh! Oh! Oooooh!

Her orgasm was like a Tsunami. It just took her high overcoming it all. Her cunt milked my cock much better than his hand. I could feel her asshole contracting and relaxing with each wave of her orgasm. Pete helped her by pulling hard on her hurting nipples.

After she finished, I pull my cock out and make myself come between her ass checks, dreaming of fucking her in the ass. Pete and she shared their tongues while I had my fun.

Laura straddled my groin. Even when she was standing at full height on her knees, there wasn't enough room for my long shaft to fit between her moist groin and my own. Even while wasted, I had not lost my erection.

Laura had to lean slightly forward and back onto my erection. Pete again helped by grasping my steely rod and aiming it at Annie's steamy love tunnel. He watched,fascinated, as inch after inch my dick disappeared into Laura. In a few seconds, Laura was sitting on top me, our groins mashed together. Pete watched very intently and very close to the base of my tool sticking out of Annie's snatch.

O turned her around as, once more, I wanted to feel her hard ass bouncing of my hips. Pete slowly stroked his own cock about six inches of the action. Laura lowered her shoulders until they rested on the bed. Her magnificent ass riding high for my cock. I climbed on my feet and fuceked her with long strokes, withdrawing each time until just the mushroom head of my meat was inside of her. Leaning down between both of our organs, Pete licked at Annie's clit, then slid down to lap up some of her pussy juice from my pecker's shaft. I could only imagine what she felt as she was been both fucked and eaten at the same time.

I do not like men and would never seek their touch by itself, surely I will never return Pete the favor he was giving me, but I must confess that passively allowing him to do with me as he pleased gave me pleasure.

I couldn't believe how this was developing. While I had first thought that we would probably engage in some double teaming, with one guy fucking Annie while the other received a blowjob or some other similar combination,I had never imagined that I might engage in some sex play with the other guy. Not only that, but, even more weird, thoroughly enjoying it, at far as it would remain up to this relatively passive level of contact. Romans believe it is OK for a man to be loved by another as long as the man retains his manly role. Maybe they are right. I prayed he didn't try to kiss me, or invite me to suck him off, because I knew myself unable of kissing back another man.

But Pete continued to lick both my shaft, my ass, and her clit. Laura kept lifting herself to give him access. Leaning forward she grabbed my hand and directed it to Pete's nut sack. He raise his leg to give me access. I touched his dick without arousal, but with a sense of communion and curiosity. I felt his erection finding I didn't dislike running my hand along the soft skin, even knowing that I was giving pleasure to a man. One never knows its own limits.

We made love the night through. Different combinations and positions. One time, with Peter and Laura sucking my cock, balls and ass as I eated her 69 style. Hey, I am as straight as the next, but I though, I owed the guy.

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