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How The Wife Became A True Slut Wife; Part 2 The Second Go Around 8-10 Years Latter

Pages: 1

If you happened to read part 1 of my story you might remember the wife became pregnant after a night of fun and frolics. After the baby was born we were pretty much tied down most of the time and didn?t have a lot of money to do things. Once in a great while we would go out and walk into a bar separate in hopes of another man buying the wife her drinks. This worked out rather well. A few years later the wife developed some minor female problems and decided to have the baby maker removed but left the play pen intact.

A couple months after her surgery she became very horny once again which was great and about wore me out some days.

I had worked with a fellow from Germany on some different projects in the past, one day he called to let me know he was in the area and wanted to meet for a couple drinks and dinner. I took the wife along that night and as soon as she met him I could tell she was excited to meet him. After a nice dinner we moved up to the bar for a couple more drinks. Wasn?t long after we moved to the bar I noticed her hand on his leg rubbing it up and down. I left to go to the restroom, as I walked around back I noticed she was kissing him. A couple more drinks and we called it a night and said our goodbyes.

The German fellow traveled the states and was only in the area a few times a year. I didn?t think too much about what happened that night until a couple months later when he called and was working about 3 hours away from us and wanted to know if the wife and I wanted to meet him for drinks on Saturday night. I asked the wife Traci if she wanted to go and she was game to go. We booked a hotel room at the same place he was staying so we didn?t have to drive that night. We met for drinks and right away I could see the gleam in the wife?s eyes. She sat next to him and pointed for me to sit next to her. As the night progressed and a few drinks latter it was obvious Traci was getting excited by him. She sort of leaned towards the bar to try and block my view of her having her hand on his leg and rubbing it. I headed for the restroom and did a double take this time peeking back at the bar and sure enough she was kissing him again. Wasn?t long after I got back she went to the restroom and when she hopped back up on the bar stool I noticed she had opened the top button on her blouse. Now I knew for sure she was trying to get him aroused and excited. As the night drew to an end she asked me if I would walk down to the corner mini mart to get her a cup of coffee and something to snack on. I knew what she was up to she wanted some alone with him. So took my time coming back to the room. After about 40 minutes had pasted I knocked on the door and it took a few minutes for her to come open it. Shortly after I got back Klaus left to go to his room.

The next morning on the way home I asked Traci what did the two of you do in the room last night, she said oh we just talked. I asked are you sure you can tell me I won?t get upset; she said oh we just talked and played with each other a little bit that?s all. Then she reached down unzipped my pants and started giving me a blow job as we were driving home. At that point I knew she was still turned on from the night before.

Months went by and every now and then he would call and ask us to come meet him for drinks. It wasn?t me he wanted so much it was the wife. Sometimes we drove up to four hours to meet him. Pretty much the same thing happened every time, she would send me on a wild goose chase after the bar closed so she could have alone time with him. I remember one time his cousin Dieter from Germany was visiting him where he was working at the time. After a night at the bar Traci asked Dieter if he would get her some of that rum filled candy from his room he mentioned earlier and told me to go to our room and get some beer to bring back to his room. As Dieter and I were walking together towards our rooms he told me I wouldn?t trust Klaus with your wife, I asked why is that. Oh he told me everything. I replied I?m not worried she?s a big girl, she can control herself. As we entered my room to grab the beer I said we might as well have one before we go back and they end up drinking part of it. I stalled for two beers then I asked Dieter why did you say not to trust him with my wife, oh he has told me plenty???I asked like what? I kept asking while we continued to have two more beers, he finally spilled the beans after a shot of Jagger and another beer. Klaus made her give him a blow job every time you guys come to see him when you leave them alone for a while after bar closing time. I told him that?s fine I?m not going to get mad and cause a problem. I?ll be more careful from now on. I didn?t say it but that?s exactly what I was hoping to hear. We finally went back to Klaus?s room, knocked on the door and took a few minutes for him to come open it. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was Traci?s blouse was buttoned up one button off. She must have noticed it shortly after we walked in, she headed to the bathroom and when she came back out it was buttoned even.

About 6 months pasted and he called again, this time he was about a good 5 hour drive away, Klaus said it was his last project in the area and would be going back to Germany for 18 months per his union contract. I told him sure we will come see you this weekend before you have to leave. When I got home I told Traci, I could see the sparkle in her eyes along with the hurt that he would be leaving for 18 months.

I checked on the hotel he was at and the rate per night was a little out of our comfort zone; I found a hotel right next to his that fit our budget so I booked a room there. As we were getting ready to leave Traci said I need to stop at the mall quick and get a blouse, I don?t have any good ones. She went in the mall while I waited for her. About 40 minutes pasted and she finally came out. We drove 5 hours straight and arrived at our hotel, as I carried our suitcase in she said hurry up I have to go to the bathroom bad. She threw her bag from the mall on the bed and went in the bathroom. I decided to take a peek what she bought, I saw a nice white V-neck button up blouse and under that I found a bra and thong set. It was a white demi sheer bra with a lace border and matching thong. I quickly closed up the bag before she came out. We were running slightly late so the wife said call Klaus and let him know we will be there shortly, don?t tell him we are at the hotel. I need time to get dressed.

She got all spruced up, nice makeup, somewhat of tight skirt and her new attire. When we were driving around the building to his hotel she said don?t tell him we checked into the hotel, tell him we just got here. We picked up Klaus in our little Nissan pickup and headed to an Outback steak house about 15 minutes away. Had a nice dinner with 2 bottle of wine; I only had 2 glasses of wine due to I was driving; I let the two of them have the rest. Klaus insisted on us having one shot of Patron before cashing out. I went to pay for the dinner and he said no I have it, I said okay then I have our drinks covered for the rest of the night at the hotel bar. All 3 of us hopped in the front seat of the pickup and headed back to his hotel, as we were driving back I noticed Traci had her hand on his leg stroking it and rubbing it.

Once we arrived at the hotel I needed to make a pit stop at the restroom bad while the two of them headed up to the bar. It was a very small bar at the hotel but yet busy when we arrived, when I returned from the restroom Traci and Klaus had a stool at the bar sitting by each other, I asked the two gents sitting next to the wife if they minded moving down one. The one fellow said sure no problem, I?m getting ready to leave after this one anyway. I bought them each a drink for moving over one as a token. Traci seemed to be a little buzzed after the wine and the shot we had earlier and now she was working on having beer with us. Wasn?t long at all and I noticed her hand on his upper leg again, she was turned towards him slightly and leaned forward up to the bar to try and hide what she was doing. Like I really cared. Then I heard the fellow next to me say very softly to himself, hmmmm nice.

I leaned forward to look and her new blouse was puffed out a little at the base of the V giving a nice cleavage and partial bra shot along with a nice gap between the top two buttons. Now for some reason the guy next to us seemed to be in no hurry to leave as he ordered another drink. As the night went on we had more drinks, every time I went to the restroom she would start making out with Klaus at the bar and would stop when she saw me coming back. About 8pm it was pretty dead, only a total of 5 of us in the bar. Klaus finally got up to go to the restroom, when he left I leaned over and planted a big ole kiss on the wife and whispered in her ear why don?t get a little sexy and get him excited, she said he is excited. I mean really excited, she asked like what. Maybe unbutton the top button on your blouse; she said I will see, like she was upset that I asked her. I ordered another round of Patron including one for the fellow next to me hoping to add that extra little buzz to the wife.

Shortly Traci got up to go to the restroom, when she came back and went to hop up on the bar stool I noticed she had unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. As she sat down and situated herself her blouse puffed out and I could see her full 34DD breast supported by her sheer see thru bra in plain view, now her blouse was open to just below her bra. The fellow next to me noticed it right away; he let out a couple long soft moans. Shortly she turned towards Klaus again, I noticed Klaus looking down her somewhat open blouse. The bar was still pretty dead, even the bartender noticed and was sneaking peeks at every chance he could, shortly the bartender said man it?s kind of dark in here, okay if I turn the bar lights up a little?. He then turned up the lights to brighten up the bar area. With no one sitting on the other side of Klaus I noticed the wife was letting her skirt creep up higher and higher as she moved around on the stool. Klaus couldn?t keep his eyes away from looking down at her skirt and down her blouse. By now even I was getting horny as hell. I leaned over, pulled the wife towards me and planted a big long kiss on her. Upon doing that her blouse opened up wide and gave the guy next to me a full open view of her breast, you could see her hard dark nipple color poking thru her bra as plain as could be. As she leaned back towards Klaus I kept my hand on her shoulder and carefully pushed her blouse forward to keep the view alive.

By now the wife had a good buzz going on with all the drinks we had, it didn?t seem to bother her that her blouse was puffed out or that her skirt was hiked up. She had one thing in mind for the night and that was Klaus. The guy sitting next to me whose name was Pete said let?s take her to my room. About that time a group on construction guys came in and filled the bar area. First thing I thought was Traci is going to get a little reserved now seeing the bar filled up. But to my surprise she didn?t, her skirt still hiked up and blouse still puffed out showing off her chest. She was on her way of being well lit up; horny along with enjoying the attention and stare downs she was getting from the guys. I thought I was going to cum in my pants watching the 10 or 11 guys gazing at the wife from top to bottom and whispering back and forth.

Shortly the wife leaned over gave me a kiss and said go to the bathroom so I can kiss him again, so I got up headed to the restroom to please her. When I came back one of the construction guys was sitting on the edge of my chair and two more standing there. As I approached; the wife said this is my husband, look honey they bought us a couple drinks as she turned her stool towards me.

Her skirt was up high enough to see her white lace panties. Next she reached inside her blouse and acted like she was pulling up her bra strap leaving her blouse bulging out. Now the 3 fellows had a full view inside her blouse. It was very obvious that she was getting extremely turned on and horny by showing off just like she used to do. Next she spun her stool around towards the guys and placed her hand on Klaus?s crotch and started to rub it while talked to the guys. After a few minutes Klaus grabbed her stool and spun her around to him. Once again the guy next to me Pete, said ?Let?s Take Her To My Room Now? not now I replied just hold on. The construction crew of guys kept coming around, chatting and continued to buy us drinks.

Even I was getting wasted by now so I knew Klaus and Traci were toasted as well. As the evening drew closer to closing time the crew of guys thinned out, by midnight it was just Traci, Klaus, the guy next to me Pete and myself left sitting at the bar.

About 12:30 the bartended called last call; I had enough to drink and was ready to call it a night. Next thing I knew Pete ordered 2 rounds of drinks for all of us. By now the wife was kissing Klaus without asking me to leave and go to the bathroom. I was almost done with my last drink and thought I better run to the bathroom before closing. On my way I happened to turn around and look back before I rounded the corner, Pete had slid over to my stool and of course the wife was entertaining Klaus pretty heavy.

I was totally surprised what I was about to see, Pete slid his hand inside her blouse and grabbed her breast, rubbing it and pulling on it. What surprised me more it didn?t seem to bother Traci at all, she was too busy seducing Klaus. After maybe 20 seconds or so she reached in grabbed his hand, pulled it out placed it on the bar, patted it, said something to him and give him a quick kiss. Upon my return from the bathroom I noticed all the bar lights were turned off except the ones above the bar where we were sitting and they were sort of dim now. As I approached the first thing I noticed was that Pete had his hand inside Traci?s blouse again. When he noticed me he quickly pulled it out. As I sat down there were two full beers sitting in front of me, I said where did these come from? The wife expressed Jeff the bartender bought them for us while he is closing out. One again Pete let out a moan Mmmmmmmm nice, looked back at me and said let?s take her to my room right now. I told him lets finish our drinks and we will see if she is interested when it comes time to leave. Pete said okay but I really want her tonight, I know you do Pete but that is not my decision that is hers. Pete wouldn?t budge from the stool next to Traci, as I was enjoying watching the wife turning on both Klaus and Pete with her revealing blouse, bra and skirt hiked way up.

Pete was 62 and the wife was 34 at the time and Klaus was 40. As I continued to watch I noticed Pete?s hand slowly moving towards the wife?s leg as he sat up to the bar trying to block my view. Pete started to rub her leg as she was still giving her full attention to Klaus. His hand slowly worked towards her inner thigh as he began working his hand higher and higher up her thigh as he rubbed it. As I continued to watch, Pete had worked his way up to her playground rubbing her inner thigh and stroking her with his fingertips as he reached the top on each stroke. A few more strokes and his hand stayed at her playground. Traci didn?t try to stop him what so ever. Every once in a while I noticed she would squeeze her legs tightly together while he was stroking her and would then relax them again. Traci turned towards Pete and gave him a big smile; he leaned towards Traci whispering in her ear and then planted a deep hard lip lock on her. Once again she just smiled back.

I was about to my limit of drinks and getting bloated from all the beer. Jeff the bartender was finishing up for the night when I noticed him dumping a variety of fresh fruit and fruit juices into a large pitcher. Next he began adding a variety of different liquors to it. He sat a glass in front of each of us and poured us a drink out of the pitcher. I thought oh fucking great, I?m full to the limit and ready to get Traci and Klaus in the same room for the night so I can watch and join in on the action. Jeff comments this mixture is my version of what I call Nitro Fuel; it will help settle your stomach. I have to admit it actually tasted rather good. Jeff sat down next to me with a tall glass on Vodka with a few ice cubes along with a glass of his Nitro Fuel. As his eyes were glued to the action between Traci, Klaus and Pete, Jeff said I never close the bar, lock the doors, turn down the lights and leave people sitting at the bar drinking but you guys have tipped me very well tonight and I have been waiting to mix up a batch of Nitro for a long time.

Once again Pete tells me let?s take her to my room, she is horny and wet. I replied we really don?t know you except for meeting you the first time tonight, Pete looks at Jeff and says Jeff how long have you known me? Well I have been working here for close to 2 years and you have been staying here for 3-4 nights a week for as long as I can remember. So Pete gives me this look like see I?m an okay guy. I told Pete okay that?s not up to me that is Traci?s call, figuring she would say no as I knew she wanted Klaus for the night. Pete was still rubbing Traci?s inner thigh stroking her pussy on every upward movement of his hand. Then he began to rub and grind his hand pretty hard on her pussy, Traci shouted out damn I have goose bumps all over. She took his hand and moved it away. Next Pete was leaning over whispering in Traci?s ear while his hand went back to stroking her pussy. Her legs clammed tight together as he continued rubbing and kept whispering in her ear. I could hear her reply I don?t know about that, Pete keep whispering in her ear and didn?t seem to be getting away where with it. Traci let out a moan again and said damn I have the goose bumps again. She then reached down to pull Pete?s hand away and he grabbed her hand and placed her hand between his legs on his slacks. I noticed Traci latched onto his hard cock which?d looked to be a very healthy size in his slacks.

Once again Pete whispered in her ear, while he held her hand on his cock and moved it up and down. I heard Traci say we will see, I want to spend the night with Klaus, Pete kept talking to her. Then I heard Traci reply what if I just jack you off would that be okay? Traci leaned across the bar right in front of Pete almost in his lap and asked me is it okay if I go to Pete room and jack him off quick, it will only be 15-20 minutes or so then we can go to Klaus?s room together. While she is asking me this leaning across Pete her blouse is pulled wide open giving Jeff a picture prefect view of her chest from top to bottom. I told Traci if that?s what you want I?m fine with that. I could tell Klaus was pissed off about the whole ordeal, she looked at Klaus and said this won?t take long I want to spend the night with you. As Traci was about to leave with Pete I said hold on let me walk with you so I know what room you are in. About the same time Jeff says I better shut this down before I get in trouble serving drinks after hours. I?ll get you some plastic cups so you can take the rest of the Nitro to your room or sit outside on the bench and drink it. Klaus a little upset says we will drink it outside.

Klaus and I sat outside for close to 45 minutes and no Traci yet so I walked to Pete?s room, when I was about ready to knock on his door I could hear Traci moaning and groining. She was doing more than just jacking him off. I walked back outside and Klaus says well? She should be coming shortly I stated.

About another 20 minutes went by and I was starting to get concerned about Traci. I got up to go get her from Pete?s room, when I rounded the corner I found Pete and Jeff both coming out if his room with Traci. I walked back to Klaus and said she is on her way now. When the 3 of them rounded the corner Jeff was holding on to them guiding both Pete and Traci as they were both staggering slightly. I looked at Traci and part of her face was beet red, I put my arms around her, told her I loved her and gave her a kiss. She had a very strong aroma of cum in her mouth.

Klaus put his arm around her and said lets go to my room now! The 3 of us headed to his room; when we arrived at his room she grabbed her purse from me and went in the bathroom. Traci always carries a small can of mouth spray in her purse; I could hear her trying to rinse out her mouth. By now Klaus had turned out the lights and laid on the bed waiting. Traci stripped down to her thong and jumped in next to Klaus. They made out while Traci was stroking his cock, next thing I knew he put his hand behind her head, pushed her down on him and said suck me like before. She began to suck his cock harder than I had ever heard her suck before. I was stunned and yet excited to hear the loud sucking sound of her lips wrapped around his hard shaft. Klaus now had his hand on the top of her head forcing her to take more, he said come on take it all; Traci mumbled I?m trying I?m trying. Every time he pushed her head down hard she would start to gag. He said come up do it take it all. Traci kept gagging; all at once she let out a hard moan which at that point she had taken his entire cock in her mouth. She went to town bobbing up and down on his cock so hard that when she went to take a breath it sounded like a loud slap when she broke vacuum every time.

I was so fucking horny at this point I was about ready to cum in my shorts. I grabbed Traci rolled her up on her knees and began to fuck her from behind. It was kind of awkward the way she was positioned so I took her and rolled her over the side of the bed on her knees while she continued to deep throat his cock. I stood behind her while she was on her knees on the bed and started to pound her hard. I was so horny I shot my load in her in about 3 minutes.

Traci continued to work on his cock while I went back to the other side and lay down. About 5 minutes pasted and Klaus said okay its time. Traci got up, sat on the edge of the bed and Klaus was now standing in front of her. He wrapped his hands around her head and slowly started to ram his cock in her mouth. After a few slow strokes he began ramming his entire cock in her mouth, Traci gagged slightly to begin with as he forced it down her throat. Wasn?t long and she was enjoying it by letting out some sweet soft moans. A few minutes went by as he continued, next I heard Klaus say okay suck the head of it. She began to suck the head of his cock like a baby sucking on a bottle. During this time he was stroking his cock, all at once he said okay and started ramming it hard and fast in her mouth. Traci was moaning so hard now it sounded like she was starting to cry due to being horny and wanting his cock badly. All at once he buried her head against him and shot his load down her throat. Traci moaned with pleasure.

They both laid back down on the bed and I heard Traci say to Klaus, I want to feel your cock inside of me. He said get me hard again then.

Traci stroked his cock for a while then went down on him and started sucking on his balls. I could tell she was nibbling on them as Klaus would let out a soft yelp from time to time. A few more minutes passed and Traci climbed on top of him slowly inserting his cock in her pussy and teasing it. She kept working it until she had it completely buried in her pussy. Klaus was starting to get aroused again. He rolled her over climbed on top and started pounding her. Traci has this thing when she wants cock bad she will reach down grab your balls so you can?t pull out. Traci had both hands down there holding his balls while he was fucking her. She will squeeze them until you?re in pain and knows how and where to massage you below your balls to get you to cum. Klaus was pounding her harder and harder letting out of cry of pain from time to time. Traci was at the point of crying begging to feel his warm cum inside her. What a sight to witness and hear, Klaus in pain due to Traci tugging on his balls and Traci crying wanting him to come inside her. It took a while before Klaus came and filled her pussy. Once he did Traci broke down in tears with joy. I was starting to get a headache and I finally went to sleep.

It was around 4:30 in the morning when I went to sleep; I woke up at 10:00 and had one of the worse headaches and hangover of my life. Traci and Klaus were still out. I got up went to the breakfast area and got a large cup of coffee. I drove over to the hotel on the back side of his where we had a room we never used, pickup up our stuff took a hand full of aspirin?s and checked out. Went back to his hotel and grabbed another cup of coffee. I noticed Pete standing outside so I went out to see what he was up to. I said good morning Pete; he said it sure is its one of the best mornings I have ever had thanks for letting me spend time with your wife. I asked Pete how are you feeling, he said one of the worst hangovers I think I have ever had. We talked a few minutes and I headed back to Klaus?s room.

When I got to the room they were both still sleeping so I laid back down and went to sleep. I woke up at 1:00 and they were still sleeping. I woke up Traci and said better get up we have a long drive home. She wasn?t feeling well either. She finally got up and dressed, said our goodbyes to Klaus and started our 5 hour drive home. When she got dressed she just thru her cloths back on and still had the top button open on her blouse open.

Traci was beat and tired, she sat in the middle next to me on the way home laid her head on my shoulder and kept saying thank you for last night as she was stroking me. Before long she said I need some air and moved over in the passenger seat, rolled down the window slightly, grabbed her little travel pillow laid her head against the window and went to sleep. About a half hour later she was squirming around trying to get comfortable but never really woke up. She turned towards the window a little more, repositioned her little pillow and was out like a light. A few miles down the road I went to pass a big rig and about the time I was passing his cab he sped up for some reason and stayed pretty even with me until I sped up and got pass him. I thought what the hell he is trying to prove? A few more miles down the road and the same thing happened again with another big rig.

After I got by that truck I leaned forward to look at Traci, man I surprised. When she squirming around and turned towards the window her shoulder belt caught her blouse as it slipped off her shoulder and pulled her blouse open exposing her breast as her head laid against the window. I start to get excited looking over at her pulled open blouse and breast covered by her sheer bra. As I continued to drive home every time I would come across an eighteen wheeler I would slow down and stay next to the cab for a minute giving the driver a view of her breast. As I continued to drive home the truckers must have been broadcasting it on their CB radios. Every time I would get close to a big rig the drivers were closely watching in there side mirrors as I approached. After about 3 hours of this I was horny as hell. Knowing all those truckers were getting a thrill out of seeing Traci with her blouse pulled open.

Traci slept all the way home like that, once we got home she laid down on the bed to rest some more, I dropped my pants hopped on top of her and screwed the hell out of her. The next morning I asked her what happened when you went to Pete?s room last night. She said I just jacked him off, and what he told me was true, and what was that I asked? At the bar he said his old girlfriend use to call him horse, horse I asked what you mean. Traci said he was huge and hung like a horse I?ve never seen anything that big except in pictures but now I know there are guys out there like that. Traci wouldn?t admit to any more that morning but about 2 months later after we had a small party one night and she had a few to many drinks and horny once again she told me the whole story about what happened in Pete? room that night and how Jeff the bartender showed up and that she gave then both a blow job and they both fucked her that night.

This was one of her last big flings and it all started out by her wanting to go take Klaus to bed and ended up to be more. I never did tell her about all the truckers that got a good tit shot of her on the way home that day.

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