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Al and Mary

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Al and Mary I'm a freelance consultant in the area of computer software development. Call me Al. I normally work for large corporations on a contract basis for a few months per stint. I recently moved to New York from the San Francisco area, and since I was starting in a new city where I had no business contacts, I was forced make use of contract placement companies, also known as "headhunter agencies". These are middlemen who try to get contracts for people like me in return for a cut of the money. They way this works is that after the agency gets me a interview that results in a job, I sign up as an employee of the agency, who then bills me out at a higher rate to the company where I actually work. It's a sleazy business, but without more contacts here I have to work this way.

I got my current contract through a smallish agency. While working on this contract, another agency called me about another position that was somewhat more lucrative. After interviewing at the new company, I was offered a contract.

Now, my existing contract was a typical one in that it was open-ended and could be terminated by either party with two-week notice, so, barring any major pay raise from my current job, I planned to quit my old job and accept the new one. In keeping with my usual policy in these cases, I told the new company I'd sleep on the decision and get back to them the next day.

I then left and called the headhunter agency that currently represented me to inform them that I probably was going to take the other job. The headhunter there tried to persuade me to stay at my current position. My early termination would mean a loss of revenue for the agency, so her reaction was predictable.

However, I told her that barring an increase in my billing rate, I was going to take the new job. With that she put me on hold, and when she came back, she explained that the agency couldn't get any more money from the company I was working at, but that Rachael, the owner of the agency, would be willing to take less of a markup and give me a raise rather than lose the contract altogether. When I asked how much of a markup, the headhunter said that Rachael wanted to discuss that with me personally. When I explained that I was going to make my decision by early the next day, the headhunter put me on hold again and when she got back on she said that Rachael would be glad to talk to me later that day, if I could make it after work.

I was willing to do that, and so we set up the meeting between Rachael and me 6:00 PM that evening. Although I'd never actually met Rachael, I had spoken to her on the phone a few times and remembered her as being businesslike, professional, and most important, reasonable. I was hoping I could get enough money out of her to make it worth my while to stay at this job, since the new position, though more lucrative, was less interesting. I would never admit that to Rachael, of course.

It was Friday evening, and by the time I was able to show up at the agency the door was locked and everyone who worked there was gone except Mary the receptionist who let me in when I knocked and, presumably, Rachael.

Now, I was familiar with Mary from all the times I had come by to pick up my paycheck. She was in her early twenties and quite attractive, with shoulder-length, stylish blonde hair and a very sexy, slim body. She was about 5 foot 2 or 3 and had firm, perfectly sized breasts -- not too large and not too small. She was outgoing and flirtatious, and every time I saw her she was wearing very stylish and somewhat revealing clothes.

That day she was wearing a silky, button-down blouse with the neckline open low enough to show off a hint of her gorgeous cleavage. Her bra was either quite sheer or non-existent, as I could make out the contours of her breasts and nipples through her blouse. She had on a calf-length skirt with a slit halfway up her thigh. It was really tight around her hips and ass and was thin enough for me to faintly glimpse her skimpy, dark bikini panties underneath. She had on a pair of high heels and, as always, wore little or no makeup. She looked even sexier than usual, which is saying a lot. As I often did, I wondered how she got away dressing that way in an office environment.

Mary buzzed Rachael to tell her I had arrived, and when she got off the phone she said that Rachael was on an important phone call hoped it would be OK for me to wait 20 or 30 minutes. I said it was, and Mary said that Rachael wanted me to know that she really appreciated me coming by and told Mary to do whatever she could to make me comfortable.

She asked if I wanted coffee or soda or anything, but I thanked her and said I really didn't need anything. She smiled and raised an eyebrow when I said that. I ignored that and told her that since it was late she didn't have to stay on my account. She thanked me quite nicely but said that she had to stay late anyway and work. I made a sympathetic comment about Mary's bad luck at having to work late on a Friday, and this led to us making small talk for a few minutes.

On previous visits I often found myself staring at her sexy body. I'd always try to be discreet, but sometimes she would still catch me staring, to which she'd react with a coquettish smile. As we sat there chatting she once again caught me staring at her, but this time she raised her eyebrows, licked her lips, and languidly turned towards me, slowly pushing her chest out as she did. Although her movements were subtle and ambiguous enough for her to deny if confronted, this was still flirtier than she ever was with me in the past, and I choked on my words for a moment in surprise and arousal. She just laughed sexily and then resumed talking to me as if nothing had happened.

Now, this both turned me on and made me nervous, and I tried to hide my confusion and arousal as we spoke. I doubt I did a very good job of it, but if she noticed, she didn't let on.

After a few minutes of our idle chatter I had more or less calmed down again. Mary finally gave me a fake-sad look and said in a deliberately childish, pouty tone of voice that she had to get back to work. As she walked back to her desk, I could see her perfect ass straining sexily against the material of her tight skirt as she unabashedly swayed her hips. I'd never seen her do that in my presence before, either, but then again, I couldn't remember if I had ever seen her doing anything other than sitting at her desk.

Dismissing her sexy antics as insincere, immature flirtation, I plopped down on the couch in the reception area to find something to read. This didn't prevent me from continuing to stare at her ass until she sat down, however. The exaggerated way she moved her hips was turning me on, and I decided to enjoy it while I could -- i.e., while her back was turned.

Despite my intention to not take Mary too seriously, I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps she was trying to get my sexual attention. For a moment, my mind drifted off into a fantasy of her slowly stripping for me as I watched from my vantage point on the couch.

But then I sobered up and reminded myself that she probably had dozens of boyfriends and there was no way she'd ever consider a 37-year-old, slightly flabby, balding guy like me. I thought back to what life was like when I was her age, and I had to admit to myself that I'm too shy and nervous around women to ever have stood a chance with someone like her even back then.

A woman as attractive as her could easily afford to be as picky as she wanted, and I'm sure she'd have no time for my insecurities and shyness. I sighed and forced myself to stop thinking those grim thoughts and to just enjoy her flirting and her sexy body while I had the chance.

And I was getting ample opportunity for that right then. I guess she didn't have to man the phones after hours, and instead of sitting at the receptionist?s desk she was working at one of the headhunters' desks typing on the word processor.

From my seat in the reception area I had a really nice view of her profile as she sat there and worked. I took advantage of the view whenever I thought she wasn't looking.

Although she was quite a sight, I didn't want to appear too lecherous by just staring, so I looked around among the magazines nearby and tried to find something worth reading.

The pickings were rather disappointing, and I was trying to figure out which of "Business Week" and "Forbes" would be less boring, when suddenly Mary piped in with, If you want something more interesting you can read my Cosmopolitan.

I laughed and said, "I'm not sure if that would be an improvement over this shit." She gave me another of her flirty looks and replied, "Oh, c'mon now, Al. Do you mean to say that you'd rather read about the stock market than to look at the sexy women in Cosmo?" Her comment caught me off guard -- she sure was being flirty.

Covering up my surprise and embarrassment I answered, "Oh -- you mean in the ads? I must admit that I have a hard time thinking of a woman as sexy when she's blatantly advertising clothes or perfume -- or any product for that matter. It sort of detracts from the whole thing, you know?" I was proud of myself for hiding my surprise so well with my somewhat glib and actually quite honest reply, but my pride was short lived, as Mary quickly flabbergasted me with her reply: "Oh. I guess I know what you mean. So how about if I go downstairs to the newsstand and get you a 'Penthouse'? Those women aren't advertising anything ..." her smile became devilish, "... and besides, they're naked. I think you'd like that a lot better." I felt a wave of arousal and surprise. Although she's a flirt and a tease, this was a bit much even for least compared to anything I'd seen her do in the past. The only thing I managed to stammer was "Well ..." before she turned towards me. She lifted her hands to her blouse as if she was about to unbutton it, and she said, "Or do you prefer the real thing? I'm not wearing a bra." She paused, raising her eyebrows, and looked at me with an intensely serious and provocative expression and with her hands poised ready to open her blouse for me. She kept that pose and just stared at me as wave of anxiety and arousal swept through me.

I was speechless and must have looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. After a few seconds that seemed an eternity, she slowly lowered her hands, and still staring at me intently, she said, "I'll get you a 'Penthouse'," and got up.

I shook my head disbelievingly and stammered to her to sit back down, but before I could stop her she had sashayed out the door, her hips swinging even more blatantly and seductively than before.

I was dumbfounded. What was going on? Why was she acting this way? Mary was getting me sexually excited, but I was also getting nervous and scared. I'm quite insecure about sex and I always feared beautiful women -- they always seemed to be so confident and so sure of their abilities to get men to do what they want. And I have always been especially vulnerable to that sort of manipulation due to my sexual insecurities and low self-esteem. What did she want, anyway? I couldn't imagine she would want to be this sexual with me just for her own pleasure, and I tried to figure out what might be her ulterior motive.

Could it be that she was working in cahoots with Rachael and was somehow trying to seduce me to stay with the agency? That seemed likely, but I couldn't imagine what Mary would get out of it. With Rachael, it was obvious: as the owner of the company she would profit from my staying on and continuing to generate her percentage of my take. But what about Mary and her paltry receptionist's salary? Did Rachael offer Mary a commission to persuade me to stay? If so, did she tell her to use sex? Or did she just ask Mary to be charming and is this all Mary's idea? I figured it was likely that Mary was doing this for the agency for some sort of compensation -- probably monetary. I got more than a little bit angry at Mary's manipulation, and I decided to give her a piece of my mind when she came back, and I started rehearsing what I was going to say to her. But as I did, I began to have second thoughts. Mary had turned me on a lot and part of me ? a big part of me, I grudgingly admitted to myself -- wanted more. I became quite scared as I realized how much I wanted her to continue with her manipulative seduction despite the fact that it may not necessarily be in my best interests.

I kept trying to convince myself that I wasn't going to let her get away with this, but my heart wasn't in it and I finally gave up fighting myself. I decided to just let whatever happens, happen. After all, even if I decided to stay on at this agency for my current salary, I still was doing just fine financially. And besides, I knew I wouldn't give up the new job just for some cheap flirting -- Mary was going to have work for her money. I at least had enough self-control to hold out for that...or at least I hoped so.

So I began to get excited about playing hard to get and seeing how far Mary would go, and I tried to imagine what might transpire once she returned. But then I had another thought: what if she was just going to give me the magazine and then go back to work? What if I was assuming too much about her? Maybe she really was trying to be friendly and that was it.

After all, Rachael did tell her to make me comfortable, and perhaps the flirting and the 'Penthouse' were simply a product of Mary's overzealous desire to be helpful.

Or worse yet for me, what if Mary was indeed trying to seduce me, but suppose she just gave me the magazine and then waited for me to make the next move. Most men would catch the hint and be all over her, but I'm so damn shy and insecure that I'd never have enough guts to try anything with her -- even with a lot of encouragement. Making a pass at a woman is the most terrifying thing I can imagine. A psychologist would probably say it?s a phobia with me, as is anything involving my being sexually aggressive and taking those kinds of risks. And so I feared that if she wasn't extremely aggressive, and I thought it quite unlikely that she would be. I would sit there like an idiot like I usually do in these situations and blow the whole thing.

So instead of being happy with anticipation and looking forward to playing hard to get, my mood deteriorated to one of despair and helplessness. This always seemed to happen with me when I had a chance to make it with a woman, and I cursed myself for being so neurotic.

I no longer wanted to be seduced. I felt so confused and out of control that I didn't think I could resist her charms and act in my own best interests any more. I feared succumbing to whatever it was that she might offer me, and then agree with Rachael to terms decidedly to my disadvantage. I felt naked and scared. In the back of my mind I realized this was illogical, but my fear was so strong and I felt so vulnerable that I couldn't make logic prevail. In a state of near panic I vowed to resist everything Mary might do.

Just then the door opened and Mary flounced back in. She made a point of locking the door behind her and winking at me, and then she plopped down on the couch next to me. She gave me a lewd smile and started slowly reaching into a bag she had with her. But before she got very far, I blurted out in panic, "Wait, Mary, wait." She stopped reaching for the bag and slowly lowered her hands to her lap and gave me a questioning look. She stared at me patiently while I struggled with myself. She didn't seem the slightest bit upset or even surprised at my obvious anxiety.

Finally, under the pressure of her stare I started talking, trying to get her to stop flirting with me: "OK, Mary, uh, look ..." "Yeah?" she queried with a friendly smile.

I was getting more and more confused and panicked. All I had to do was to become cool, thank her for the magazine, and then ignore her. But that sort of thing takes composure and at least some strength and confidence. I had none of that right then, and so I just helplessly pleaded, "Like, uh, why, Mary? Uh, why are you doing this?" She looked innocently surprised and asked, "'Why'? I'm not sure I know what you're asking. Why did I get you the magazine?" "Well, uh...yeah...I want to know that, but also ..." it was hard to get to the point -- I didn't know how to say I suspected her of trying to seduce me. What if I was wrong -- what a fool I'd feel like then. So I lamely continued my question: "... I mean, why are you...are you, you know... being this way with me?" "Well first," she replied cheerfully and without hesitation, "I got you the magazine because I thought you'd like it ..." ('Like hell!' I thought suspiciously. 'You got it to seduce me. And cut out the fake innocence.' But I didn't have enough guts to actually say anything like that to her) "... but I'm still not sure about your other question," she was saying.

"Are you asking why I'm being nice to you?" She seemed a little hurt, but I didn't believe it. I wanted to say, "No. I'm asking why you're being such a slut with me.

Did Rachael put you up to it? How much is she giving you for this?" But instead, all I could get up enough courage to say was, "Well...yeah ..." I was whining "... I mean, you've never been this...this nice to me before and...And, well, I'm a little surprised and...And, well, I guess I'm just wondering why." Never missing a beat she replied, "I want you to enjoy yourself, Al." She lowered her voice and gave me a provocative look and continued, "I'm just trying to help." I suddenly noticed that despite my panic and anger, she was starting to turn me on. She looked so sexy there right in front of me, and her flirty moves were having their effect.

But I forced myself to ignore that and snapped back sarcastically, "Right. And this is just all out of your altruistic love for your fellow man." She was totally unfazed by my anger and her demeanor became more serious, although no less provocative. She calmly answered, "Not really. I'm not a self-sacrificing person and I don't do things that aren't in my own best interest." I had thought so! Her true nature just came through: tough and self-serving. I no longer doubted she was in cahoots with Rachael. "So what is your interest here?" I snapped back.

"Surely it's not because you want ..." I started choking on my words, because I couldn't bring myself to say "want my body", even in the negative context I was trying to use it. That's how deep my phobia about making sexual advances is.

She kept her serious, provocative gaze on me and interrupted, "It doesn't matter what I want -- what's important right now is what you want." Damn it, she was a pro! I was ambivalent, caught between wanting to get out of there and wanting to stay and get swept up in Mary's apparent seduction. If we started focusing on what I want, she'd use my ambivalence to twist me around her little finger.

I felt desperate to get off of the subject of what I want and said, "But Mary, it does matter what you want, because ..." She interrupted again. "No, it doesn't matter. I'm very capable of taking care of myself and of getting what I want.

You needn't be concerned about that. All you should think about is what you want ..." I felt weak and powerless, and I didn't know what to do next.

I was actually trembling with fear and I'm sure she saw it. My panic increased.

Mary had only paused a second and then went on, "... and I know what you want, Al." She stared into my eyes for a moment and she no doubt saw me weaken. I felt a wave of despair as she said, "You want to see some pictures of naked women," and a wave of sexual arousal went through me. Her expression told me that she knew then that I would stay for anything she had to dish out. So much for my vow to resist her.

She shifted her position on the couch next to me -- she got up on her knees and then sat on her calves facing me. Her skirt was bunched up a little bit and it rode up an inch or two above her knees. She reached into the bag, bringing out a 'Club' magazine and said, "I thought you'd like this better than 'Penthouse'." She tossed it on my lap, saying, "It's much sexier." I had to admit to myself that she knew what she was talking about. I'd spent many an hour masturbating to the pictures and pornographic stories in 'Club'. This masturbation of mine was quite private and quite intense: I would get lost in hot fantasies, sometimes for hours while teasing and stroking my cock, balls, and body. I felt quite vulnerable and was terrified at the prospect of her finding out how much I loved to play with myself that way. I was glad Mary had tossed the magazine on my lap, since I wanted to make sure she couldn't see the hard-on that was beginning to rise in my pants.

On the cover of the magazine was a very sexy, shapely blonde woman wearing only a G-string. Her palms covered the fronts of her bare breasts, but only enough to hide her nipples and not much more. The crotch of the G-string was a small, frilly, black triangle that barely covered her pussy. This photo turned me on quite a bit, and I made a mental note to get a copy of this issue to take back home with me that night.

Speaking slowly, softly, and deliberately, Mary said, "She turns you on, doesn't she?" She startled me and I jumped in my seat. Reflexively I said no, but Mary just looked at me like she knew I was lying. Her gaze was strong and unwavering and I broke down and stammered, "Well, yeah, I like her." "So let?s have a sexual fantasy with her, Al." I was flabbergasted and I looked up at her with pleading confusion in my eyes.

"Come on, Al," she shrugged with mock non-chalance, "it'll be fun." I was terrified. "Well...I, uh...I don't know...maybe I shouldn't ..." She ignored my protests. "I love sexual fantasy," she said cheerfully and with more wholesome-sounding naiveté than I could believe. "Come on, Al, let's have one now. Rachael won't be done for at least 15 minutes." "I don't you can be sure that she ..." "I know, Al," she interrupted. "Rachael won't be free until at least 6:30." I noticed it was then 6:15. Mary's certainty about this reinforced my suspicion that Rachael and she were in this together. No doubt they arranged for me to be alone with Mary until 6:30.

Despite these thoughts, I still found myself wanting to be seduced. This scared me, as a part of me feared what I was letting myself in for. The conflict was beginning to drive me crazy. "I don't know, Mary," I sighed. "I's nice of you to offer... very nice of you, as a matter of fact ... it's just that...well... right's so ... so public, and...uh ..." I looked down and let my words trail off. I was paralyzed with indecision and fear.

After letting me sit there like that for a moment, Mary suddenly said, "Al ..." the fake wholesome sweetness was completely gone from her voice and she spoke with strength and more than a little sexual power.

I looked up and when our eyes met she continued "... I can tell you like to have sexual fantasies when looking at magazines like this ..." I sighed defeated. I didn't want her to know that.

"... and I think you'd even like it better with me helping you." She waited for my reply, but all I did was sigh and gesture helplessly. Finally, she went on, her voice low, sultry, and almost threatening: "You want to...much, much more than you're letting on, Al. We both know you'd love it." "Well...I guess so," I murmured.

"I know so, Al." She paused, boring into me with her gaze.

I squirmed uncomfortably, but finally decided to acquiesce to her. What harm would there be in looking at the magazine, I thought to myself as I hesitantly nodded my acceptance.

"So look at her, Al," Mary said, the matter now settled. She pointed to the sexy woman on the cover of the magazine, still on my lap. "I can tell you like her." Her manner was slow and deliberate, and she never lowered her eyes from mine. "But don't you want to see her naked?" I smiled sheepishly and nodded. She saw my reaction but she pretended not to have noticed it, and she continued, a bit more insistently, "Wouldn't you like to see her naked breasts, Al? Don't you want to see her nipples?" She emphasized the word "nipples" and pushed her chest out slightly. The motion was subtle, but she did it slowly without lowering her gaze from mine, which made it impossible to ignore. I couldn't help but lower my eyes to Mary's chest, and I then noticed that her nipples were erect. I caught myself and quickly looked back into her eyes, hoping in vain that she didn't see me gaze at her breasts. But she was just staring at me with a knowing, confident look that made me gasp.

I suddenly panicked and looked away, down at the magazine, back at her, off into space, and back at her again. As soon as our eyes finally met again, she said, always slowly and deliberately, "And don't you want to see her pussy, Al?" She paused, staring, and then continued, "Wouldn't you like to look up between her legs and see her crotch -- her naked cunt?" With those words Mary again made a slow, subtle motion, this time shifting her weight slightly so that her legs spread apart a little bit. I found myself looking towards her well-covered crotch as her hemline rode up maybe a half inch higher on her thighs. But I couldn't see up her skirt, much as I wanted to.

Again I went into a panic as I realized that she knew I was staring. I was getting quite scared, but also rather aroused.

After our eyes met again, she said, always slowly and deliberately, "I know you want to see her, Al. Here ..." she picked up the magazine, revealing the bulge in my pants. She made a point of looking down at it and then slowly raised her intent gaze back to my eyes. She said nothing about my erection, but her gestures were enough to let me know she was aware of it. She continued, "... let me show you where she's posing nude." She thumbed through the magazine until she found what she was looking for, and then she laid it back down on my lap. The model was in a bedroom setting, totally naked, bending over the top of the dresser with her ass pointed out at the camera.

There was a mirror behind the dresser which showed the model's naked breasts. She was looking in the mirror right into the camera with a nasty, lewd expression on her face. One of her hands was on her ass cheek, pulling it open.

Never ceasing to speak slowly and deliberately, Mary said, "Look at her nipples." She paused a moment and continued, "And what an ass she has! Do you like her ass, Al?" Mary looked at me, waiting for a reply. I was practically paralyzed with terror, but I swallowed thickly and managed to force myself to say, "Yes, I" I couldn't bring myself to say the words "her ass".

"What a hot fantasy woman for you, Al! Imagine being there with her... staring at her naked body. She doesn't mind...

She wants you to stare. She's posing for you...right there in front of you...naked, spreading her ass for you. See how she's looking at you? She knows how much she's turning you on.

She's telling you something, Al. Do you know what she's saying?" ", um...I...I, uh ..." I stammered, nearly unable to speak but realizing that I was starting to enjoy what Mary was doing to me -- in spite of my nervousness.

"She's telling you she wants you to take out that big, long cock of yours and jack off for her." I sighed nervously.

"She wants you to, Al. She knows how much you love to jack off and she wants to help you. She does, Al. She wants you to play with her fuck her asshole with her finger... and to look you deeply in the eyes and talk really dirty to you...

To tell you what she's doing to her tell you to keep stroking that hot penis of yours." Mary paused. I looked up at her, the beads of sweat starting to drip down my forehead. She stared right through me. I couldn't hold her gaze and I looked down at the picture and then nervously around the room.

"Look at her, Al," Mary whispered throatily.

I looked back down at the picture, and she said, "I bet you love jacking off to photos like this." I gasped and went into a panic, stammering idiotic-sounding denials: "No, uh...not really... I mean...well, it's not ... I ..." She softly but firmly interrupted me, just saying "Al" and staring at me. I stopped my yammering and she continued, a bit more deliberately and intensely, "You love how it feels to squeeze and stroke your cock while looking at her, don't you, Al?" I started my protests again, but before I could say much she cut me off: "Don't deny it, Al. I know you do." She stared at me, waiting for a reply.

I sighed and tried to deny what she was saying, "'s not what you think...really it isn't...I mean, I guess I - sometimes...well... Mary, damnit, this is so difficult...

Don?t you understand that ..." She cut me off in mid sentence, ignoring everything I was trying to say. "Your long penis feels so good when it hardens in your hand, doesn't it, Al?" Damn her! But I was paralyzed with fear. I hadn't wanted her to know about my masturbation, and I felt totally demoralized to see how much she was able to infer. All I could do was stare at her with my mouth open, my semi-hard cock twitching under the magazine on my lap. Despite my fear I was intensely aroused and mesmerized by her.

She continued, slowly and deliberately, never lowering her gaze from my eyes, "Yeah, you love feeling it get hard as you stroke it. You tickle your balls with the fingers of your other hand.

You spread your legs wide and you thrust your hips in rhythm ... in rhythm to the way you squeeze your prick with your fist.

It's all covered with oil and you slide your hand up and down your burning, hard shaft as you pump your wet, spurting cum all over her ass." I was trembling and nervously fidgeting under her gaze. After a pause of a couple seconds she continued, "You love to do that, Al, don't you?" I looked down sheepishly. She quietly said, "Look at me, Al." I looked back up into her eyes and she continued insistently, but still slowly: "You love making sperm come out of your penis, don't you?" I murmured, barely audibly, "Well, I ..." She interrupted, even more insistently, "Yes you do, Al. You love shooting it out all over the place. And you like to watch your penis as your semen spurts out. You stare at that creamy, white, thick sperm all over your penis, slowly, thickly oozing down all over it. Your sweet penis gets so wet and slippery, and you love playing with your sperm on you... rubbing your fingertips in it, smearing it into your soft, slippery penis." Another slight pause. "You do that, don't you, Al?" I was almost beyond resisting. She had me mesmerized and quite aroused. I managed to feebly protest, " I guess...well, some of what you said, anyway, but ..." "All of it," she corrected. "Every thing I described. Don't deny it," she said over more of my protests. "You can hardly wait to get home, open up the magazine to this picture, and take out your cock and jack off -- just like I just described.

Don't deny it, Al. I know you can hardly stop thinking about what your sperm is going to look and feel like all over your dick when you make yourself cum." "Mary, please ..." I protested feebly, the words choking in my throat.

"It's OK, Al. I understand." She spoke more softly and kindly. "Really, Al. Now listen to me." She paused and I looked at her to hear what she had to say.

"You're embarrassed and scared of what I know about you," she continued. "Most men don't like women to know that they like to masturbate. They think it makes them less virile and macho.

Well, Al, I don't care about any of that. Whatever you like to do to yourself is just fine with me, believe me." I nodded, although I was quite skeptical. She went on, "So Al, I understand how nervous you are that I know about your masturbation, but I assure you I won't tell anyone. Not a single person, Al. I promise." She seemed sincere, but I didn't trust her. I'm sure my skepticism showed on my face, because she continued, "No, Al.

Really, I really mean it. I give you my most solemn assurance that I'll keep my word and never betray you." Her voice became an intimate whisper: "It'll be our secret, Al -- our intimate, totally private little secret." She leaned forward and touched my arm. "I'm glad I know some of your private pleasures, Al," she whispered. "It's so special, so exciting to have someone with whom you can share your forbidden secrets." She moved really close and whispered very, very softly while staring into my eyes. "Such sweet secrets, Al: all alone at home, nude on your bed, your eyes closed, and your penis all covered with oil. It feels so good to slide your fist up and down your slippery, hard shaft... ohhhhh, so good...

Imagining that woman in the magazine...that nude woman...

Standing over you...making you jack off for her...making you pump out all your sperm...such intimate, hot, nasty secrets, Al." All the while I was staring, dumbfounded. She put her arms around my neck and said, "You love your sperm, Al," as she slowly brought her lips to mine and kissed me long and deeply.

After she was finished she breathed, "Yeah, you do love your sperm, Al...And your penis. It's OK. Don't worry, baby, it's our secret. Your sperm ..." she kissed me "... and your sweet penis ..." she kissed me again "... are our private ..." another kiss "... intimate ..." and another "...

Hot ..." and still another "... nasty little secret." With that she pushed me back down on the couch with her on top of me, this time hotly embracing me and squirming on me as she pushed her tongue down my throat and passionately kissed me for at least a minute or two straight. At first I resisted, however feebly, but soon I was tightly embracing her, fondling her ass, and grinding my cock against her willing groin.

After I was drunk and dizzy with desire she stopped and got up off of me. As I panted and slowly dragged myself up off my back, I noticed that Mary seemed totally unfazed. She was quite calm and collected as she said, "Take off your clothes and masturbate for me, Al." Still recovering my wits, all I could do was feebly grunt an incoherent protest, which Mary brushed aside with, "I like having a man jack off in front of me." She gave me a slight leer and paused to let her words sink in.

I would willingly masturbate for her, but not here...not with Rachael around. I was almost started crying. "But Mary ..." I stammered, choking on the words, "... please not here...I'm so...I'm so...well, I'm kinda scared and ..." "You're more than 'kinda' scared, Al: you're terrified." I swallowed and nodded. It was all I could do. She continued, "I want you that way." I looked up at her, surprised and pained. "It turns you on when you're scared, Al," she went on, ignoring my pleading gaze. "Being scared makes you more turned on. Right?" I looked down and mumbled that she was probably right. "Don't deny it, Al. You want this ..." she paused until I looked up into her hard gaze and then she continued, "... you want this very, very badly, Al." As she said that she put her hands on her breasts and slowly lowered them down the sides of her body, her eyes boring through me. "Feel the fear, Al," she said after her hands reached her thighs. She got up on her knees and leaned a little closer to me, saying, "Sex scares you, Al." She grasped each of my shoulders and moved her face closer to mine. She licked her lips lewdly and demonically, and then said, breathing huskily, "I want you terrified, Al." She cupped my cheeks in her hands and moved still closer, licking her lips, breathing heavy, moaning, and making facial expressions as if she was fucking me or masturbating. I'd never seen anyone act so lewd and intensely arousing. My cock was hard in my pants. She then said, "So scared...and so hot Al! Feel the fear.

Feel how hot you are." She continued for a few more moments with this and then said, "I've barely gotten started, Al. This is just the beginning." She sat back and looked down at my lap. My erect cock bulged up in my pants. "And look how hard I've got you already." She looked back into my eyes and said, "Take off your pants and jack off for me." I really didn't want to do it right there in the office with Rachael in the next room. "But Mary," I pleaded. "Not here ... not with Rachael ..." She interrupted, "Rachael won't come in. She'll buzz me on the phone first. Don't worry. I meant it when I said I wouldn't betray your secret. She'll call and I'll just tell her you're in the bathroom ..." she paused for emphasis "... pissing." She hissed out the word and then licked her lips.

She paused for a moment, staring, and then continued, "It wouldn't be far from the truth, you know." Another pause. "I mean...if you were in the bathroom, you'd be holding your cock and watching your hot piss stream out -- and that's what you're going to be doing here, Al -- except it won't be pissing, of course." She got up and went to the chair across from me and sat in it, facing me. She said, just as slowly and deliberately as ever, "Now masturbate for me." I still did nothing, and she continued calmly, "I know you want to." A short pause.

"You've been staring at my breasts all night." Another pause.

"I'm going to play with them while you jack off." Always staring into my eyes, she slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it hang open. She raised her hands to her breasts and slowly began to caress and tease them.

"Touch your dick, Al," she said, but I still tried to protest.

"Tease it... tickle it...come on...I know you love how it feels in your hand. Don't you want to hold your penis, Al? Look at my nipples -- all erect and hard like that hard meat of yours. I know how sensitive your penis gets when its hard like this. Come on, Al," she begged mockingly, still squeezing and caressing her breasts as she stared into my eyes. "I know how badly you want to slide your hand up and down that rigid prick of yours...milking pleasure into it... milking cum out ... squeeeeezing it so good like you love to do." I still was struggling between wanting to run away and hide and taking out my cock and furiously stroking it for her, and I did nothing. She stopped rubbing her breasts and said, "Maybe I should show you how to do it, Al." She reached into her purse and brought out a rubber, two-headed dildo. Its color, texture, and look were quite lifelike, although it was at least a foot long. She put it down next to her on the chair and then unzipped her skirt about halfway up and opened it wide.

Never lowering her gaze from my eyes, she slowly spread her legs, exposing her naked crotch, and she said, "I took my panties off when I went out to get you your jack-off book, Al.

Look at my hairy cunt." I noticed that she wasn't a real blonde, but it didn't matter. The sight of the dark pubic hair covering her moist pussy really turned me on.

She picked up the dildo and held it out for me to see. "This is my penis," she said in her slow, deliberate manner.

"Watch me play with it." With that she grasped it around the shaft with her two hands so that both of its head were visible. She slowly lowered it down her body, rubbing one of the heads against her breasts and nipples, and then her stomach, groin, and to her pussy. All this time she kept intensely, seductively gazing into my eyes. I was mesmerized by her.

She then positioned one of its heads between her legs, and holding it completely still with the other head pointed out at me, she pushed it inside of her by slowly grinding and gyrating her hips. Keeping a firm grasp on it with both hands, she began to fuck herself with it solely by moving her body -- not the dildo. Never lowering her gaze from my eyes, she slowly and deliberately bumped and grinded, the now moist end of the dildo pushing rhythmically, hotly, and hypnotically in and out of her grasping pussy. After a short while, she increased the pace of her gyrations, but not too fast and still very deliberately so as to maximize the effect she was having on me as I watched her.

All the while she kept her eyes glued to mine, and I found it more and more difficult to resist stroking my cock as I watched her sexily writhe before me, the dildo sliding in and out of her thrusting crotch. Soon she said, "Look at my cock, Al.

See it sliding in and out of my cunt." With that she lifted herself up slightly so that only the head of was in her, and she rotated her hips, making the dildo bend and squirm. She said, "Oooooooh, fuck me!" and sat back down so that the dildo slid way up in her. She repeated that sequence a few times, each time making me less and less able to resist touching and squeezing my own cock.

Then, she stopped and let go of the end. About half of the dildo was in her, leaving about 6 inches or so sticking out.

The lifelike dildo looked like a cock sticking out of her. She just sat there for a minute so I could stare at her.

Then, she squirmed out of her blouse and stood up, unzipping her skirt the rest of the way and tossing it on the chair behind her. She was totally naked now except for her high-heeled shoes and the end of the dildo sticking out of her.

"Look at my cock, Al," she said, reaching down with one hand and lightly tickling the shaft and head of the dildo with her fingers. "It's so sexy, isn't it?" It indeed was, but as soon as I realized that, a wave of fear shot through me: that penis-like thing turned me on, and I suddenly worried about being gay. This homophobic fear had a strange effect on me: it aroused me intensely -- much, much more than I could sublimate or deny. The more I realized how much I liked looking at that penis, the more aroused I became in my fear. My cock grew rigid and pushed the front of my pants out noticeably.

Mary seemed to be aware of the effect this was having on me.

"Look at my penis, Al," she said. She moved her hips from side to side, causing the cock to shake, too. Watching it wiggle, I felt a palpable surge pulsate through my penis and groin. I'd never before experienced such a pronounced reaction in my penis without touching it. It felt as if I could almost cum just from watching Mary sexily making her penis-like thing move for me. This homosexual response scared the hell out of me, and my arousal grew with my anxiety.

"Let's touch our cocks together, Al," Mary was saying. "Come on," she said with a seductive, mock-pleading tone, "Don't you want to get nude with me and rub our penises together?" I was beyond speech by this point. Besides, I'm sure Mary intended it to be a rhetorical question.

"I want to touch the head of your dick with mine," she continued. "Ohhhh, yeah -- so good, so hot -- right on the tip where your sperm comes out... yeah! Just sorta...push 'em together ..." She moved her hips to illustrate how she was going to push. Another spasm went through my penis and groin, this time causing me to close my eyes and moan sharply with pleasure.

"Oh yeah Al," she panted seductively. "Feels so damn good inside your dick, eh? Well this ain't nothin', Al. We've barely gotten started." I smiled weakly.

"Now get up and get nude," she demanded suddenly. "Now Al!" she ordered, when she saw that I was still hesitating. I was no longer able to do anything but obey her. As I nervously fumbled with my shoes, socks, pants, shirt and finally my underwear, Mary was saying, "I want to rub the head of my cock down your your balls...oh yeah, it feels so good to rub our penises together...I'll push my head right there on the base of your cock...right there where the bottom of your penis meets your balls...I'll rub it right there, right where you first feel your cum flowing up the inside of your dick...push a little there... then slide it back up the underside of your penis to right under the rim ...

on the bottom there right where it meets your shaft... and push on it there a little, too ..." She removed the dildo, turned it around, and put it back inside of her with the heads reversed. The one that was previously in her was now pointing at me -- I could see it shine with her juices.

"It's all wet now, Al. My hot penis is all wet and slippery for you... so slippery against your dick, Al. Come on, damn it!" she said insistently, "Hurry up and take off those underpants and come over here," her voice was filled with seductive, mock urgency. "I can't stand it any more -- hurry up and let me rub my hot, wet dick against yours...yeah... so slippery and throbbing...oh hurry...rub your cock on mine ... PLEASE!" I was finally out of my clothes and I stumbled to her...I was dizzy with lust and couldn't stand well. "You're too tall for me," she hissed, as she stood up on her toes and pretended to be surprised that our penises still could barely touch. "My dick won't reach yours, damnit! Lie down on the floor...on your back...I want to kneel over you and rub dicks", lewdly emphasizing the word "dicks" by leeringly licking her lips as she hissed out the word.

I was on my back in a flash and she was soon straddling me on all fours, her dildo poised right above my rigid, throbbing penis. Lowering it down against mine, she did pretty much what she said she would: first she pushed its head against mine and bounced very, very slightly. The sensations made me gasp so loudly it was almost a yell.

She then just started moving her hips from side to side, causing the dildo to rub and glide against my penis. Our shafts would meet and the slippery sensations drove me wild.

While she did this, she was rhythmically speaking in a low, chanting, seductive whisper: "... ohhhhh...rub it... yeah ... so hot...the shaft...oh, oh!...yeah...slippery hot penis against mine...your big penis...look at our penises, Al...yeah... so hot...makes you spasm...yeah... penis spasm...yeah...such a long hard dick, Al...rub our dicks together...please!...oh, love dicks so much, Al...oh dick makes you so long and hard...throbbing ..." She then leaned down and rested her chest on mine, holding my arms down with hers. But she was still kneeling, her ass up in the air and her dildo still rubbing against my increasingly aroused cock. Rubbing her breasts against my chest as well, and looking me deep in the eye from just a few inches away, she said with a mock pout, "Oh baby, my dick is getting dry." It indeed was. "Make it wet for me, honey. Please! Please cum on my dick." She moved so that the head of her dildo was at the base of my cock and its shaft was against my balls. Slowly sliding the head of her penis-thing up the length of my shaft, she moaned, "I want your sperm all over my big, long, huge, throbbing DICK!" Just as she said "DICK", the head of her dildo reached that spot she described on the underside of my penis, right where the shaft meets the rim. With that, I felt the first hot, burning load of semen flowing up my penis and exploding out of the head. As spasm after spasm of cum gushed out of me, Mary kept lightly pushing and sliding her dildo all over my penis.

"Oh yeah!" she was panting in time with my spasms and moans.

"Gimme your sperm, Al. All over my hot dick. Yeah! Cum all over my penis, Al. Ohhhh, so wet and hot. Yeah! More! Such a hot penis...such a turnon for you to see and feel my penis all over yours...oh love my penis... you love looking at love feeling it...and you really love cumming all over it...oh, what a sweet penis boy you are!" As I came, I closed my eyes, arched my back, and tried to push my cock up against Mary's dildo. But she kept wiggling and sliding it all over my penis, which teasingly kept me yearning for more. Even after I was spent, I felt like I hadn't really finished. I yearned to squeeze my cock in my fist and tightly pump it to satisfaction as I was accustomed to doing when masturbating, but Mary was leaning on my arms and I couldn't move them.

After a while, I had drifted into a pleasant, post-orgasmic daze. In the back of my mind I felt Mary get up off of me, but I was half asleep and just lay there. As I sleepily reflected on Mary's expert attentions, I noticed that every time I pictured her with the penis-like dildo sticking out of her, I'd become aware of a faraway feeling of arousal. I'd experience the same feeling when visualizing my own cock. Somehow, Mary had gotten me to be much more interested in and focused on penises than I had ever been before.

I still had a homophobic reaction to all this, but I managed to rationalize it away by telling myself that being turned on by my own penis isn't homosexual, nor is being turned on by a woman with a fake penis.

"Don't fall asleep, Al." Mary's voice startled me from my reverie. I shook myself awake and looked up. She was holding her blouse in her hand and had already put her skirt back on, and she stood over me, her naked breasts hanging over my head.

She jiggled them and laughed slightly, as if thinking of a private joke, and then asked, "How does your penis feel?" I reflexively looked at it, noticing the semen all over it and my groin. The sight of it sent another vague sensation of arousal through me, and for a second I just stared at it. I really liked looking at it. Suddenly, I remembered that Mary had asked me a question. I quickly looked back up at her and said, "Oh...uh, wow! It feels really good!" Although I had only paused a second, Mary must have noticed my reaction to seeing my cock, because she ignored my reply and said, "See how much it turns you on now, Al? I doubt that the sight of your penis ever got you this hot before." She paused and wiggled her breasts again. "And don't worry, Al," she continued. "This'll be our secret. Our hot, nasty little secret." As she spoke, Mary began to lightly rub and twist her nipples with her fingers. I stared raptly at her as she did this.

"They'd feel really good on your balls ..." she continued, "...

And in your asshole. I'd like to fuck you in the ass with my nipple, Al." As I kept staring, she silently continued to play with her nipples above me until after a minute or so she suddenly stopped and said, "Now you'd better get dressed. Rachael should be off her phone call any minute now. Here," she said, reaching into her purse and tossing me her panties, "wipe your cum off of yourself with these." I again snapped out of my reverie, dragged myself upright, and wiped off my semen as best I could. She took the panties back when I was done, saying with a wink, "I'll keep these for you, Al. Later on we'll have some more fun with them." "Uh, oh, OK," I mumbled absently and started dressing. I felt exhausted and quite fuzzy-headed, and I became quite nervous about my meeting with Rachael. I couldn't think clearly enough to negotiate well, and I was extremely worried about the likely possibility that Rachael put Mary up to her seduction of me. I felt out of control and vulnerable.

Suddenly, Mary's statements sunk in a little: she seemed to be saying that she had more in store for me. As I buttoned my shirt and tied my tie, I asked, "Uh, Mary, uh -- you kind of implied that... that, well...that there's more stuff we could do...I mean, I think that's what it sounded like ..." She was buttoning her blouse. "You want more?" she asked, sounding cold and detached, but with a hint of invitation in her voice -- a bit like a whore fishing for more business.

"Well...yeah...I, uh...I mean, I'd like maybe do some more with you...I mean...I mean if you want to ...

Uh, you seemed to imply that ..." "Well, Al," she interrupted, somewhat more warmly but still with unmistakable whorishness. "I'm sure we can work something out... under the right circumstances I'm willing to do a whole lot more with you." She smiled and her voice became friendlier. "But for now, hurry up and get dressed," she continued. "We can discuss it later -- I'm not going anywhere.

You should go into the bathroom and clean up a little. I'll tell Rachael you'll be right back if she calls. Now hurry...

And unlock the door so you can get back in." I was still too dazed to think very clearly, so I just followed Mary's orders and went into the bathroom to wash up. Once there, I noticed that I didn't look as disheveled as I had feared. My clothes had stayed pretty much unwrinkled because I'd taken them off before getting down on the floor, and all I had to do was wash my face and comb down my hair before I looked more or less normal.

The cold water on my face helped to get me back to an acceptable level of lucidity, and I was then able to reflect on everything that had happened since I arrived. I began to fear my meeting with Rachael -- if she and Mary were working together on this, I reflected, who knows what she'd lay on me in this meeting.

Actually, I had a way out -- I could just go home right then, skipping out on the meeting. The thought was tempting, but not as tempting as Mary, who had seemed to promise further sex with me. Her whorish attitude led me to wonder if perhaps she was some sort of hooker. I actually hoped she was, because I had more confidence that I could get what I want from a woman if it?s for money than for any other reason. The prospect of somehow arranging more hot sex with Mary after my meeting with Rachael was the only thing that kept me from running away.

Besides, I was feeling well enough to go through with the negotiations -- or so I told myself as I walked back to the office to face Rachael.

Back in the agency, Mary told me that Rachael was done and would meet me in the conference room. She led through the main office into a corridor, her hips swaying seductively as usual.

As I followed her, I pictured the conference room as one of those that are typically found in small offices such as this one: a room slightly larger than a large office with a table and a few chairs, and perhaps an overhead projector or something similar.

So I was quite surprised when Mary unlocked a door at the end of the corridor and motioned me to follow her inside. The conference room indeed had a table and chairs, and even an overhead projector in a corner, but it was much bigger -- and much plusher -- than I expected. It was more elegantly decorated than any conference room I had ever seen, even in the biggest of corporations. If it wasn't for the long table taking up maybe half of the room, it would have looked more like a plush living room in an expensive home than a conference room.

I gaped at the thick carpeting, the overstuffed chairs, the lamps, the two large couches, and the wide-screen TV, and especially the bar against one wall.

"What's the matter?" Mary asked, a playful expression on her face. "You don't approve?" "No, not at all. Of course I approve," I replied. "I'm actually quite impressed. I've never seen a conference room -- or anything in a corporate office -- quite like this. It's ...

It?s ..." "Elegant?" she offered.

"Quite so," I replied.

"Well, Rachael believes in treating her client?s right." Mary turned and winked at me, reinforcing my fears that she and Rachael were in this thing together. "Now Rachael will be here in a minute, so just sit down and make yourself comfortable." She turned and started walking out.

"Uh, Mary," I called out. She turned seductively to face me as she reached the door.

"Yeah?" she purred.

"Well, uh, I'd like talk to you about...well, about ..." My voice trailed off as my shyness returned. I wanted to discuss the possibility of further sexual adventures with her.

As usual, I found it nearly impossible to bring the subject up.

"Don't worry, Al," she interrupted, reassuringly. "I'm not going anywhere, and we'll have plenty of time to talk. Now just make yourself comfortable and Rachael will be right in." With that she turned her back to me, pulled her skirt up, wiggled her naked ass at me while winking over her shoulder, and flounced out the door as her skirt fell back down.

Although I was sexually spent, at least for the moment, this still was able to cause a faraway sexual reaction in me. I sat down and took a few deep breaths. I didn't want to be distracted during my negotiations with Rachael, and I wanted to get them over with quickly and get back to Mary.

A minute later the door opened and in walked Rachael. Now, even though I had spoken to her previously on the phone, I wasn't prepared for how young she looked. From her demeanor and the fact that she was the owner of this agency, I expected someone maybe in her mid to late 40's, or possibly even older.

But Rachael looked around 35 or so -- and a very attractive 35 at that. She had medium-length, expensively styled red hair, a sensuous and attractive face, was maybe 5'6" or 5'7", and had a really nice figure. Her hips and bust were full, but neither was too large, and I noticed she had really nice legs. She wore an obviously expensive business suit, but one that showed off her body to good advantage.

I stood up and we shook hands, and she said, "Well, Al. I'm glad you could make it on such short notice. I really wanted to have a chance to try to persuade you to stay with us." I liked her forthrightness. "Well, I'm glad, too. Although the new offer is a really good one, I like my current job ..." thoughts of Mary went through my mind and I added, "... and I especially like this agency. I'd like to try to work something out so I could stay with you." "Well, it looks like we have the same goals tonight," she said as she motioned me to be seated. I sat back where I was before: on the couch to the far right against the arm rest.

She chose the - seat next to the couch that was facing at 90 degrees to it. This put her left leg about three inches from my right one.

"But before we start, Al," she continued, "Let me tell you a little bit about me and about my agency." "OK," I replied cheerfully.

She told me how she built this agency up all by herself into what it now is -- a $10 million a year agency that supplies temporary office help and high-level consulting services to major corporations. She's the sole owner of the company and that there is no debt, and there was well-deserved pride in her voice when she told me that.

I told her how impressed I was at how well she had done, and she received the compliment graciously and seemingly gratefully as well. With that, she sat back comfortably and gazed pleasantly at me. I was a bit at a loss for words, so I just looked around the room, trying not to let my nervousness show.

"So, do you like our conference room?" she asked after I had begun to get quite uncomfortable with the silence.

"Yes, I do," I replied, grateful for her conversational opening. "I've been in lots of companies, but I don't think I've ever seen a conference room as elegant as this one." "Well, I want my clients to be comfortable," she replied. "I think that the proper atmosphere can really be conducive to good business relations. Don't you think so?" "Well, I guess so," I answered. "I just think this is really nice -- and I wish more businesses would take the time to do things like this." "Well, they used to do that a lot more, say 20 or 30 years ago," she replied. "But nowadays everyone's in it for the fast buck and they don't like to spend money on such niceties. That's why this country is going down the shit hole so fast these days, I think." I was a bit taken aback at her use of the word "shit hole," not because such language shocks me or because I think it's unladylike or anything, but because it seemed a bit out of character with the elegant, refined image she had been conveying up until then.

But more than that, I was impressed with her views about American business and about the decline of the U.S.A. I share her views and I have a hard time finding people who agree with me or are even willing to discuss them. I guess most Americans can't cope with the reality that the good ol' American dream is pretty much dead -- or at least in a rather advanced, comatose state.

So, her comment sparked me to start talking about my opinions, and pretty soon we were in a rather animated conversation about this topic. As we talked I became more and more comfortable with her and started to like her quite a bit. She was smart, perceptive, witty, and quite sexy. I often found myself staring at her legs which were crossed right in front of me, and I couldn't help but notice her body, which seemed relaxed and loose under her clothes. Most women in business seemed so stiff and uptight, and Rachael's apparent comfortableness with her body was a striking change from that.

As we continued to chat, I began to notice that Rachael was acting quite businesslike and I saw no evidence that she had any knowledge of Mary's antics. This made me wonder if perhaps I was wrong about Rachael having something to do with Mary's behavior. Maybe Mary's actions had nothing to do with Rachael wanting me to stay with the agency. At any rate, I began to feel better about dealing with Rachael as we continued to talk.

After a few minutes of this, I had all but forgotten about Mary. Those few times she intruded into my consciousness, I just dismissed the thought about her with a reminder to myself that she would still be there when I was done here. I found myself drawn to Rachael, but in a different way than I was drawn to Mary. She was sexually attractive to me, but in a less blatant and more refined manner than Mary was. She wasn't doing anything that could be labeled as flirtatious, and didn't seem to be intentionally trying to arouse me -- at least not in the way that Mary had done. Rachael was just behaving like a confident, refined woman who knows she's beautiful and who always does her best to show off her charms.

We were long done with the subject of the decline of American values, and our conversation had meandered into many related areas: art, politics, current events, literature, etc. Finally, it was Rachael who got us back on course.

"You really are a stimulating conversationalist, Al," she said, sending a shiver of arousal through me as I savored the compliment. "But as much as I'd love to continue this with you, we have some business to attend to, I'm afraid." "Yeah, I know," I sighed. "I guess we need to see if we can reach an agreement about my rates that would allow me to stay with your agency." I vowed that I wasn't going to let her charm me into settling for less than what I wanted, although I had to admit myself that her ample charms would be hard to resist.

"Uh-huh," she said cheerfully. "So, Al, what would make you want to stay with us?" "More money," I smiled.

She smiled back. "How much more money, Al?" With that, we leapt into the negotiations. The new contract paid me $200 a day more than my current one. Although the headhunter had told me that Rachael wouldn't give me that much of a raise, I asked her for it anyway. Sure enough, she replied that she couldn't afford that much and offered me much less. I rejected that offer and we fell into some old-fashioned horse trading.

After a while, Rachael gave me what she said was her final offer: we'd split the difference, and I'd get a $100/day raise.

Now, this was enough for me, and I was more or less willing to accept. However, I didn't want to seem too eager, and I really wanted to get away from her and think about it alone before I made my final decision. So, I told her I was leaning towards accepting, but I wasn't sure.

With that, she said, "I understand, Al. You need time. But I want to help you make up your mind." This sounded like perhaps she was going to kick in some more money, so I smiled and gave her an inquisitive but encouraging glance.

"I know you're having a hard time with this, Al," she said, speaking slowly and carefully and watching me very closely. "I realize that money isn't the only thing that's motivating you here." I'd heard this kind of thing before: my negotiating partner would try to use the "money isn't everything" argument to make me feel guilty about being greedy and thereby to beat me down on price. I knew how to handle it.

"You're right, it's not, Rachael," I countered. "I have to weigh the money with all the other intangibles. It's a decision only I can make -- alone. That's why I need to sleep on it." "Of course," she replied, unfazed. "You said you're leaning towards accepting my offer of $100 less a day to stay with us.

You obviously have priorities other than pure greed. That's admirable." Always beware of compliments during negotiations, I reminded myself. "Thanks," I said politely but looking back at her with resolve. "I'm glad you understand." "Oh, I do, Al," she replied calmly. "But there's one thing I still don't quite understand." "OK," I replied, wondering what she was up to. "What's that?" "What is it about us that would make you want to give up $100 a day?" she asked, with mock innocence.

I realized that she had me. I had to admit to myself that the only reason I was even considering her offer was because I liked how she and Mary were making me feel. How could I admit that to her? I tried to come up with a plausible-sounding explanation at the spur of the moment. "Well," I said nervously, "I...uh, I'm just, well...well, comfortable with this agency and...and you've always treated me well and ... and, well, I guess it's not always easy to make a change.

The fact that this is a known situation is worth something to me, I guess." I realized that if I wasn't careful, she'd have me agreeing to her terms right there on the spot, so I quickly added, "But you know, it's a hard choice. That's why I need the time tonight to sleep on it and think it over." "Of course," she replied. "I understand perfectly why you'd need time. I already told you that I understand that. But I'm still a bit confused, Al. I hope you don't mind me asking you about this. I don't mean to pry or anything." She paused a moment as if wanting a response, so I nervously replied, "Oh,'s OK." It wasn't OK, but the reply just came out of me before I could think.

She nodded and continued. "I'm still confused. Would you really give up $100 a day just for some familiarity and comfort? I mean, that's more than $25,000 a year." "Well, yeah ..." I stammered, feeling trapped.

She kept on. "And so there must be something else, Al. That's a lot of money." She was taking a big risk with this line of questioning. I could easily say that she was right, that come to think of it, $100 a day really isn't enough. I could then thank her for opening my eyes and reject her offer. But somehow I knew that she was aware of that risk and was confident that I wouldn't do that.

"Yes, it is a lot money," I replied, helplessly trying to think of a way out and stalling with that non-committal reply.

"So what is it, Al? What do we have to offer here for you that is worth the money you're considering giving up?" She was outwardly kind but coldly unwavering.

"Well, Rachael, it's hard to say," I prevaricated. "It's sort of... of a feeling I have, I guess. It''s hard to put my finger on...just a feeling -- you know?" "What kind of feeling?" She kept on pushing.

"Oh...I don't know...just...just a...just an intangible kind of... it's hard to say, Rachael." I was desperate.

"That's why I...I need time to...need time alone to think about know, to try to understand it better before I finally decide. Sometimes I...I need to...well, how can I say this?...uh, sometimes I get feelings that I should do something and then later on regret it. It's a problem with me.

That's why I need to... to think it over some more. You understand, don't you?" I pleaded.

"Yes, Al, I do understand," she replied kindly. "I don't mean to put you on the spot. I'll back off." "Oh, that's OK," I replied, the words practically gushing out of me. I was off the hook and I felt relieved. "I'm just sorry I can't give you a more timely answer," I continued magnanimously.

"No, Al, I really do understand, and I couldn't expect a better answer from you." She was all sweetness and friendliness. "In fact, I should apologize to you, as well. I put you on the spot even though I understood perfectly what was motivating you. I sometimes get pushy in spite of what's best for me and for the situation. It's a fault I still need to work on." "Oh, that's OK, Rachael. You don't need to apologize for that." I was filled with sweetness myself, partly from relief at being let off the hook, partly because Rachael was being so nice, and partly because I sensed our discussion was coming to an end and I was looking forward to more fun with Mary. "But if you insist on apologizing," I continued, "I certainly accept it." "Well, thank you, Al," she replied graciously and seemingly with sincere feeling. "You're most gracious, but that doesn't change the fact that my pushing you was still uncalled for. I knew from the beginning that the main reason you were seriously considering my offer was because of how sexually turned on I'm getting you." Shit! This whole line of discussion was a skillfully laid trap for me that Rachael had set, and I had fallen right into it. I was visibly shaken when she sprung it on me, and I swore to myself and started to make a feeble protest.

"Oh, there's no use denying it," she continued, cutting me off.

"I know I'm a very attractive woman, and I can clearly see the reactions I'm having on you." "Rachael," I protested, visibly in pain. "It's really...I mean... it's not what you think, and ..." "No, Al. It's exactly what I think." She was kind but firm.

"But don't worry. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I don't think anything's wrong with that. It's a normal reaction on your part ..." she said, giving me a sly look. Then she continued, "... especially considering that it's exactly the reaction I wanted you to have." "Oh," I said, sullenly and with a bit of venom. "Wonderful.

I'm so glad to know that," I spat. So perhaps my original suspicions were correct after all about her and Mary.

"Don't take it so hard, Al. It's nothing personal," she said coolly but still with kindness in her voice. "This is business. I make a lot of money off of you here, and I want you to stay." "Well," I said, feeling a strange calmness come over me, presumably because things were now more out in the open. "I guess I can understand it from your point of view -- sort of.

But, well, I mean, I'm not used to... to, well ..." I was resentful and feeling bold "... to someone prostituting themselves in this kind of business deal." I wanted the words to sting, but to my dismay, Rachael was totally unfazed. "That's no big deal to me, Al. You see, I am a prostitute." I assumed that she meant that she acknowledged that she used sex to win business deals. "Well, in that sense, many women are, I guess. But what I was trying to say was ..." I was looking to make the insult more pointed, but she cut me off. "No, Al. I don't think you do understand. I really am a prostitute. You know, a hooker: I make money by performing sexual acts." I was shocked. This was totally unexpected. "But, ...?" My sentence trailed off into nothingness.

"I told you how I built this business up. Well, what I didn't tell you was that I've been a hooker since I was 17. I always hated pimps and I managed to always work on my own. It was hard, but I don't give up easily, and by the time I was 21 I was pulling in over $5000 a week. That was quite a bit back then. I'm really good." All I could say was, "Uh, you must be." "Very, very good, Al. So after a while I had worked myself up to being a very expensive, very high-class call girl.

Although I was able to stay clear of any pimps, I still had to work through escort agencies. I made a good living, but I didn't like the agency getting its big cut. So three of the girls and I started our own agency. We did quite well, but after a few years I wanted more. Plus, the escort business is really a hassle. It's too visible. So, I hit upon the idea of starting this legitimate business as a front. I had a lot of money in the bank, so I started up this agency as a temporary secretarial service. I sent girls out on straight assignments, and I also used it as a front for the other kinds of services we provided." So that explained Mary, I thought to myself.

Rachael was going on with her story. "Pretty soon I was making as much on the straight business as I was with the other stuff, so I expanded and went big-time, placing consultants like you as well as the run-of-the-mill office help. I now pull in over $10 million a year, and most of the people who work through me have no idea about the other side of the business. My contacts as a call-girl get me right to the top of most of the major corporations, and the men are happy to hire my people -- both for office services and for the other services I perform. I've had this business now for over 8 years, and although I keep busy running it, I still sometimes will go out on a sexual assignment myself. Needless to say, I'm quite expensive." "Of course," I replied with bitterness.

"So yes, Al," she continued, ignoring my remark, "I am a prostitute. And this gets me back to our little business deal here." "OK," I murmured, still depressed, but wondering what she was leading up to. If it was a sex-for-money deal, I might go for it.

"Well, Al, do you know what my markup is on you?" she asked.

"I don't know," I replied glumly. "What? Maybe $200 or $300 a day?" "How about $600?" she replied calmly.

"That's a 100 percent markup!" I exclaimed. "How do you get them to pay for it?" She smiled slyly and said, "I don't give away trade secrets." I could imagine what kinds of persuasion she used on her clients.

"Actually, I only make $200 on paper if you accept the raise I'm offering you," she went on. "That's $100 a day for me after tax and expenses. The other $400 is tax-free and under the table -- that comes to $500 of profit a day, or more than $10000 a month free and clear. You can see why I want you to stay with us." "Yeah, I certainly can," I answered, suddenly aware of a new angle. "So you can afford to give me a lot more than $100 a day, can't you?" She smiled again. "Not on paper I can't. I have to show a profit." "But it kind of gets under my skin to know that you make so much off of me," I shot back. "If the clients pay, I must be worth it to them and I think I should get more of that money than you have offered so far.

"Well, I don't mean to underestimate your considerable abilities or the high respect the clients have for you," she countered, "but in this case I must point out that the extra $400 a day is because of my efforts, and I assure you that our clients are very clear on this point." "OK," I replied, "I grant you that. But you mustn't forget that no matter whose services the $400 is meant to pay for, it still will stop if I take the other contract. Maybe something less than the $400 would be better than nothing. The way I see it, you get the money under the table, and so you can give some of it back to me under the table, as well." I was proud of myself and my negotiating skills.

"Now we're finally getting down to business, Al," she said.

"Yes, I could do that -- but I'd rather give it back to you in other ways." She shifted her position on the chair so that her leg was pressing against mine.

"You see, Al," she continued, "I'm willing to give half of the $400 a day back to you, but in, well, 'personal services' instead of cash. That comes to $4000 a month in these services from me, Mary, or one of my other girls. Mary normally charges $1200 to $1500 a night. I usually charge at least $2500. For $4000 a month, you can get quit a bit of sex from us Al -- and it'll be the best sex you ever had." I felt a twinge in my cock, and I found myself having a harder and harder time thinking. Rachael went on, "You see, Al, Mary and I really understand what you need. With us you don't have to bullshit around with trying to satisfy your partner, or with 'making love', or with trying to stay hard, or with anything like that. I've been in the business for over 18 years, and know what men really need. I know what you really need, Al -- probably even better than you do. Mary, I, and some of my other girls are experts, Al. We'll get you hotter than you've ever been, and we'll keep you that way for hours." She sat back again in her chair. My cock was almost totally erect, and it twitched and throbbed as it pushed up the front of my pants.

"So what do you say, Al?" Rachael asked. "Do we have a deal?" I didn't answer immediately. I needed to think.

If I accepted her offer I'd be making $100 a day less than if I took the new offer (although it's $100 a day more than my current rate, I reminded myself). On the other hand I'd be getting two or more nights a month with Rachel or Mary or some other experienced woman. I wanted to say yes, but I started to fear that I was going to be ripped off. If I agreed to this and then Rachel welched on me, I didn't have any legal recourse -- I could hardly take her to court for withholding sexual services.

If she did rip me off I could just quit, but the good offer I would be turning down today in order to take Rachael's offer would be long gone, and I couldn't be sure there would be another.

But as a freelance consultant, I was accustomed to that kind of uncertainty, I reminded myself, and I realized that I was afraid of a lot more than being ripped off financially. I was afraid of the power Mary and Rachael would have over me if I gave in.

While all this was going through my mind, Rachael patiently sat there and waited for me to answer. Finally, I said, "Well, Rachael, I'm inclined to accept, but...but, well, I'm worried." "About what?" she asked calmly. "You can always quit if I don't keep my side of the bargain." "I know," I said, no longer able to refrain from laying my cards on the table. "But that's not really it. It's that well, that I'm afraid of being... being...well, being out of control and...and, well, under your...I mean, I'm afraid of the emotional aspects of this kind of arrangement," I hedged.

She smiled to herself and nodded. "You almost said your afraid of being under my power, didn't you, Al?" she purred, her voice taking on a deep, husky, inviting aspect. "You're afraid of the sexual power I can have over you, right?" "Well ..." I sighed and then hesitated. Rachael was absolutely correct and I didn't know how to worm out of admitting that to her. "Yes," I finally conceded, "I'm afraid of...of what you said." "Hmmmm ..." she said, nodding slowly as she stared deeply into my eyes. "You know what I think, Al?" she suddenly asked.

"Uh, what's that?" "I think that you want me to have sexual power over you. I think it really turns you on, Al." She was right, but I could hardly admit it to myself, let alone her. "No! No, Rachael...I admit I'm...I'm, uh...uh nervous and, well...but not...uh ..." "No, Al," Rachael interrupted. "There's no use denying it.

Look. You're really scared and yet you're still sitting here.

You could've left -- made some excuse, told me to get fucked -- anything. There are a hundred ways you could have gotten out of here. But you didn't. You're still sitting here arguing." I felt a horrible sinking feeling inside of me as the realization hit me that she had me pegged to the letter.

"No, Al, I'm right," Rachael continued. The idea of me or one of my girls having sexual power over you excites you -- deep, deep inside of you, Al. It's something you've desired -- no, something you've craved for a long, long time. I know I'm right, Al." I just looked down nervously and then back up at her.

"I've been in the business for 18 years," she continued, "and I couldn't be successful at it without understanding men, Al.

And I'm very successful, and I'm very good at understanding men. I'm not wrong about a man very often, and I know I'm not wrong about you." I started protesting again, although quite feebly.

Once again she cut me off. "Don't fight it, Al. I know what you need. You need me to take control of you sexually -- to understand your needs so well that I don't have to ask you what you want -- that distracts you -- I know, Al -- see, I do understand -- and to take you totally under my control -- under my sexual power -- to slowly, expertly build up your arousal -- more and more hotly, deeply, dizzyingly overwhelming you with sexual pleasure. You love sitting here hearing me tell you this, and you'll love it even more when we get down and start actually doing it. And I can do it, Al. Have no doubt about that.

I'm an expert at it, Al." I swallowed thickly.

"See, I know what you want, Al. Just hearing me talk about it makes your mouth water. I know you want to surrender to me.

To yield totally to my sexual expertise. I'll keep you hot, hard, throbbing for a long, long time, Al, with no pain, no S&M, no 'Mistress' type stuff that I know you don't want. I'll delay your orgasm so that your ecstasy builds and builds beyond anything you've even dreamed of -- I can do that, Al -- I assure you. And when I do give you your release, the pleasure will be indescribable -- you'll be overwhelmed with the intensity of your sensations. It'll be like no orgasm you've ever experienced -- so long and deep and overpowering. And you know what, Al?" All I could do was shaking my head feebly.

"I know how to give you an orgasm like that and still keep a lot of your cum in you. That means I'll be able to give you two -- three -- maybe even four more orgasms before you're finally spent. Isn't this and everything else I've just finished describing to you what you really want, Al?" She was absolutely right about all of that, but all I could do was sigh and gaze helplessly at her.

"So Al," she continued, her voice deep, husky, and dripping with sexual invitation, "do we have a deal? Just say the word and the deal is done. Surrender to me, Al." She knew I'd agree. "Yes," I murmured, the words catching in my throat. "I want...I want it. It's a deal." "Good," she said as she smiled faintly and got up from her chair. "Just stay there. I'm going to call Mary in." With that she went to the phone and made a quick call, presumably to Mary in the outer office, although I couldn't hear anything.

After she hung up she returned to her chair. "Now, Al," she said after she was seated, "get totally nude and stand in front of me," Rachael said softly. "I want you totally undressed by the time Mary gets here." I hesitated and then did what Rachael asked. When I was completely naked I nervously stood up facing Rachael. She just sat there looking at me and my now soft cock until Mary entered a short while later. She came over to me and purred, "You're going to love this, Al." I just nodded.

"Now, Al," Rachael said, "As I'm sure you know, Mary is really good with penises." She paused but I just stood there.

"So I want you to see how good she really is, Al. Now we're going to do a little experiment of sorts. You stand here just like this, and put your hands on your hips. That's it. Good.

Now, you are not to speak and you must not remove your hands from your hips under any circumstances. Do you understand?" "Uh, well ..." I was afraid to make such a promise. What if one of them started whipping me or something? Rachael seemed to sense my fear and said, "No one will hurt you, not even a little bit. Now, no speaking and keep your hands on your hips." "OK" I acceded.

"Now, the experiment is this: we're going to see how hard Mary can get that cock of yours without even touching it. Remember, hands on your hips and no speaking. Now Mary, let's begin." With that, Mary came over behind me and kneeled down. I felt her hands tickling up from my ankles slowly up the insides of my legs. Rachael sat back in her chair and began to talk to Mary. "So do you think you can do it, Mary?" "Oh, sure. No problem. I'll have that penis of his really hard." Mary's fingers slowly snaked their way up the insides my legs and then back down again.

"Well, if anyone can do it, it's you," Rachael replied. "But I don't know -- it still looks pretty soft to me." "Well, I'm barely getting started," Mary replied, her fingers tickling up a little higher and then down again. "He loves his penis," Mary purred, continuing her teasing up and down my inner legs. "He likes to play with it more than anything else." "Yeah, I figured he did," Rachael replied laconically.

"Oh, he just loves teasing and stroking his penis." Mary continued. She slid one finger up the inside of my thigh and barely touched the bottom of one of my balls. An electric spasm shot through me and my cock twitched. As she slid her finger back down she said, "But, I think you're going to have a hard time getting him to keep his hands on his hips. Pretty soon I'll have him so hot that all he'll be able to think about is how much he wants to grab that long, hard, hot thing and start stroking it." "Oh, don't worry about that, Mary," Rachael countered. "I'll make sure he keeps his promise." "You know, Rachael," Mary said, changing the subject, "penises really turn him on." She ran her hands up the fronts of my thighs all the way up to my groin. She caressed me next to my cock without touching it and then rubbed my stomach. "I think he'd like to see me playing with some nice, big, hard cocks, don't you?" "I think you're right, Mary," Rachael agreed. "Let's show him how good you are at milking cum out of penises." Rachael then turned to me and said, "OK, Al, move over closer to the VCR. We're going to show you a really hot video." Mary stopped her caresses and I walked over to where Rachael had indicated. She sat in another chair, facing me, and she said to Mary, "Why don't you get nude after you load up the tape." "OK," Mary replied. She went to the bookshelf and located a tape, which she then put into the VCR after turning it on and dimming the lights. She then quickly stepped out or her clothes and went back behind me.

As the video started up, Rachael paused it with a remote control as Mary resumed caressing my legs, thighs, ass, groin, and stomach from behind.

"This is a video of Mary," Rachael suddenly piped in. "I think you'll really like it." With that she pushed the button and the video began.

On the screen there a shot of a man lying on his back on the ground suddenly appeared. It was shot at floor level, so that all that could be seen of him were his feet, his partially spread legs, his balls, and his cock standing straight up. He appeared to have some sort of cuffs around his ankles, which led me to believe he was restrained. Mary then walked in, totally nude, and faced the camera. She straddled his body with one leg on either side of his hips, and she began to speak. The sound quality wasn't great, but I could clearly understand her.

Looking right into the camera, she was saying, "I want your big, hard prick in my cunt." She paused, licking her lips.

"Look at my nipples," she then said as she began to pinch them with her fingers. "They're so hard -- just like your big, long dick." With that, I felt Mary's breasts rubbing against my ass as she tickled the area right next to my balls with her fingertips.

The Mary on the video moaned and started slowly sliding her hands down her chest to her stomach and then to her groin. She squatted slightly and began to rub her pussy with one hand.

"Oooooh, my pussy is so hot," she whispered as she fingered herself for the camera. "So wet." Looking down at the erect penis below her, she said, "Your prick is so long -- so hard -- so hot! I'm gonna sit on it -- I'm gonna sit right down on that big, hard thing of yours so it slides way up deep into my wet, hot cunt. Oh yeah!" she moaned as she squatted down so her pussy was right behind the head of the penis on the screen.

She put one hand on the floor next to the man's hips to support her weight, and with the other one took his organ in her hand.

Gazing back into the camera she began to rub the head of his penis forward and back along the length of her slit. "What a hot prick." she moaned. "I love getting your head all wet with my pussy juice -- it slides so well along my cunt." I heard a male moan coming from the video. "Oh, yeah," she purred. "You love the way I make your head feel. I can feel all of your long, hard prick throbbing in my hand." I felt the real Mary's fingers snaking up my belly to my chest as she rubbed her breasts against my ass.

I heard another male moan from the video accompanied by an upward thrust of the man's hips. "Ohhhh, you're so impatient," Mary taunted, turning her head slightly to the side as if talking to the man, but keeping her eyes on the camera except for an occasional darting glance back to him.

"Oh, how hot you are," said Mary as the man swore and jerked his hips again. He indeed must have been restrained, because he seemed not to be able to move too much. She kept sliding the head of his cock up and back along her pussy and continued, "He didn't believe me when I said I'd have him begging me to let him slide that hard dick of his up into my sweet, warm, wet cunt." She looked at him over her shoulder and said, "Right, honey? You didn't even think I could get you to stay hard while lying on your back here in front of the camera on the cold floor -- at least not without me stroking it for you. But see: you were lying there for at least 2 or 3 minutes while we set up -- and your big dick was hard and throbbing the whole time." Mary stopped rubbing his cock along her pussy and positioned herself so that it was right at her opening, ready for her to slide it into her. Still looking over her shoulder at him, she moaned, "So you want me to sit on it now, baby?" The man moaned and jerked his hips up, but she just stood up a little so it didn't go in.

"I can't hear you," Mary teased. "Tell me what you want me to do." The man swore again and thrust his hips once more, this time quite violently. But it was to no avail, as she moved away once more.

"Now, now, sweetie," she taunted. "You have to tell me what you want, or I won't do anything but tease your head some more." With that she resumed sliding his cock head along her pussy.

The man grunted and moaned deeply, and I saw his hips and cock twitching. Finally, after he apparently couldn't stand it any longer, I heard him say, amid moans and grunts, "OK...OK ...

I want to put it in you... I...I...please let me...let me slide my dick up into you...please!" "That's much better, darling," Mary replied as she stopped teasing his head and positioned it once again so it was aimed at her opening. "You shouldn't doubt my abilities, sweetheart. I told you I'm an expert making that prick of yours do whatever I want it to do. Now don't move and I'll slowly take it into my hot, wet cunt?" With that, Mary pushed the head into her pussy and leaned forward a little, supporting her weight by resting her hands on his thighs with her arms straight. She looked into the camera and slowly lowered herself down on his cock until it had disappeared inside her all the way down to the root.

While all this was happening on the video, the real Mary had reached my nipples with her hands and began tweaking and pinching them. She continued rubbing my ass with her breasts and her now erect nipples as I watched the screen, and she'd sometimes take one or the other of her hands and tease my groin, legs, or crotch area without touching my cock. This plus the video action was getting me really turned on. But my cock was only half hard, since I'm used to lots of stimulation and I don't usually get an erection without touching myself.

The scene on the video was similar to scenes in other videos that I'd jacked off to at home and in porno theaters and I felt an increasingly strong desire to grab my cock and stroke it -- especially when Mary was taunting the man. But I did what Rachael told me to do and forced myself to keep my hands on my hips.

Mary had slowly sat down on the man's cock, and then she began to raise and lower herself on it. She never took her eyes off the camera as she continuously and hypnotically chanted in a low, throaty, moaning voice: "Oooooh, wet...fuck my cunt...oh yeah...fuck my hot, sweet, wet and and out...fuck it ... fuck it! ..." She spoke in exact rhythm with her motions, which slowly became more and more elaborate as she'd rotate her hips, move them back and forth and from side to side, squeeze her legs together tightly, and do other hot variations. Sometimes she'd lightly graze her fingers along his inner thighs, on his balls, or part way up his shaft if she was on an upstroke.

Mary's monologue continued as I stared raptly at her image on the screen. I loved the sight of her nude body sexily writhing up and down on the man's cock -- especially as she seemingly stared and spoke right at me. Her motions emphasized the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her, and this really turned me on.

"... In and out ..." she was moaning, "... that big...long ... hard... prick! So hot!

ooooh yeah!... what a hot dick! and out...milking it with my cunt! ..." This went on until the real Mary suddenly stopped her stroking and caressing. I started to turn around but Rachael stopped me with a sharp whisper: "Keep watching the video. She'll be back." I obeyed, and sure enough, a few seconds later I felt her breasts against my ass again. But then, I felt what seemed to be her slippery finger sliding up and down the crack of my ass.

Apparently she had put some lubricant on her finger. This caused me to gasp loudly and involuntarily push my ass back against her finger. She chuckled and said, "Now we're really going to get going!" Rachael paused the video and said, "I don't know, Mary. He's only partially erect." "Hey, no problem," Mary replied as she slid her finger up and down my crack again. "He can hardly control himself as it is.

He wants to massage and squeeze his penis really bad. Right, Al?" I grunted an affirmative sound.

"He loves this, Rachael," Mary purred as she continued sliding her slick finger up and down my crack. "Start the video. His penis is going to get really hard now." With that, Rachael nodded at me with a taunting smile of her own and started the video going again. Once again, Mary was moving up and down and all around on the man's hard cock. "... big prick...long prick... _hard_ prick ..." she was moaning.

The real Mary began pushing her slippery finger against my anal opening. She was careful to keep time with the video.

Whenever Mary would sit down on the man's cock, the real Mary's finger would push against my anus. When Mary would slide up off his shaft, the real Mary's finger would pull back from my anus and slide up and down my crack. The real Mary even moved her finger against my anus in such a way as to mirror Mary's side-to-side, back-and-forth, and circular motions on the man's cock.

"... oooooh, so wet ..." Mary was moaning.

Never lowering her eyes from the camera, she was clenching her teeth and hissing out the words in an increasingly intense rhythm, as if a man was watching her and she was mirroring his growing arousal. "... fuck hot cunt... your long, hard prick...ooooooh, yeah! ..." Mary kept it up without pause.

As this was going on in the video, the real Mary's fingers were snaking deeper and deeper into my ass hole. At first, I kept it clenched tightly closed, but soon Mary's expert touch had me relaxing and allowing her slippery finger deeper and deeper in me. The sensations were much more pleasurable than I ever thought they could be -- the hookers who did this to me in the past apparently weren't very good at it.

Soon, Mary was thrusting deeply in me and pressing against my inner anus in such a way as to send shivers of pleasure through me. I think I probably was thrusting my hips back and forth to meet her hot, penetrating strokes, although I was so overcome with intense sexual pleasure and arousal that I couldn't think clearly -- the whole memory is a bit of a blur.

All I remember being aware of was the intense pleasure of Mary finger-fucking my ass hole and the very hot sight of Mary moving up and down on the man's hard penis on the screen -- in perfect synchronization.

"... what a hot prick ..." Mary was hissing as her gyrations became more and more feverish and her expression became more and more intense. "... yeah...yeah! ... hard...hard as steel and really throbbing ...

Deep inside me... ooooh, so deep and hot...yeah! fuck me...yeah! I said FUCK me with your hard and and out ..." By now, the real Mary's stiff finger was thrusting deep in me and then pulling all the way out. In and and out ... fucking me hard just like the man's cock on the video.

All of the sudden, Mary slowed down her motions and began once again to speak teasingly: "So baby...are you ready? ...

Huh?...are you ready to give me every last drop of your hot, sweet cum? ..." Although she was obviously speaking to the man in the video, she kept her eyes fixed on the camera, as if she was really talking to me.

I heard a faint grunt in the background of the video that was unmistakably an affirmative reply. Real Mary kept fucking me in the ass with her finger in exact rhythm with video-Mary's slower and less intense motions.

"Oooooh," she taunted, never taking her gaze from the camera.

"I bet you have such a big, hot load of creamy cum in those balls of yours, huh?" I felt as if she as talking to me, and I suddenly realized that I did want to cum.

Another incoherent male grunt came from the video.

Completely stopping her up and down motions, Mary sat down all the way on the man's cock. Real Mary followed suit and just kept her finger buried deep in my ass. "You've never even been half this hot before," Mary purred. "You're gonna cum so much! ..." she hissed as she gave her hips two rotations as his cock remained buried deep inside her.

The real Mary rotated her finger in me in exact time with video-Mary's motions. This caused me to gasp loudly with intense pleasure. I wanted to cum really badly. It was all I could do to keep from grabbing my cock in my fist and furiously pumping myself to orgasm. But I obeyed Rachael's instructions, although I had to clench my fists tightly against my hips to keep from giving in to my urges.

"... your juice is gonna spurt out ..." Mary was saying.

"... gobs of hot cream are gonna shoot out of that long, hot dick ..." she gave her hips another rotation, with real Mary following suit with her finger. "... flowing up your shaft...your creamy wet semen...ohhhh, you've got so much of it ..." Mary rotated her hips once more, and real Mary did the same with her finger.

Then, Mary suddenly got up off the man's cock, which glistened with her juices as it stood up, hard as steel and throbbing. A disappointed male moan came from the video, followed by my own, similar moan as real Mary pulled her finger all the way out of me.

Mary sat on the floor next to the man, facing the camera.

She lightly took the base of his cock in one h

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