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SwingLifeStyle Free Erotic Stories are written and submitted by our members Sit back and enjoy "A Night In Las Vegas We Will Never Forget (part 2) The Complete Sexual Awakening Of My Beautiful Wife".



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“Ok”, Danny said, we picked you two out of everyone at the bar, we watched as you were so polite and spoke to everyone, we knew you would be easy marks for us” “What the Hell does that mean” I asked, now getting a little upset about being PICKED OUT!! Danny said, “getting upset will only make things worse and we don’t want anyone to get physically hurt.” Betty looked at me and I could see that she was getting uncomfortable with the situation. Norn reached on top of the TV and picked up a small cell phone charger looking thing. He said, “this thing has recorded every word and every move she made tonight, your beautiful White Wife can become a real Porn Star overnight if we want her to” Now Betty was really looking afraid “What does all this mean, I thought we were just having a good time and some great sex and that was it, after you left it was over!!” Danny replied “well, not quiet! Sophisticated White Ladies are in very high demand in Las Vegas, We have a top-of-the-line Escort Service, we hand pick our Ladies of the Night, and tonight we picked you!”

“So just what does this mean? You picked us; we aren’t looking for any Ladies of the Night” Betty asked. Chuck says, “What you don’t seem to understand is the only women we have to pick from here in Las Vegas are mostly on drugs, or so ugly no one will pay them for Sex, we hand pick our Ladies from tourist just like yourselves that are looking for a good time, something they can’t do back at home, Beautiful Blond White Ladies can bring $1,000.00 an hour and there are a lot of hours in a day” I responded “Like Betty said, what does this have to do with us?” “Dang Man, do you not understand at all? Betty is now one of our Special Ladies” Chuck replied. Now it was hitting me like a brick, “OH HELL NO, Betty isn’t anything to you or your Special Ladies, Get the Fuck out now, get out now or I call security” Danny grins, “Ok but you can think about it tonight, we will come back to this room tomorrow at 10:00 AM sharp, and please don’t try anything stupid, Betty can be Premiered on every Porn site in less than two hours, I don’t think the fine people at home will approve.” Everyone got up and High Fived again and laughed as the went out the door.

Betty was almost in tears, “What have I done? This is all my fault, what do they want from us?” she cried. It’s probably about money, I will give them what they want, it isn’t your fault, and I could have stopped it, but I didn’t” I was trying to console Betty as my mind was going crazy! “I know we aren’t going to sleep; Get dressed and let’s get a drink or something to eat and rationalize this out before they get back” I said. What was a night of unbelievable HOT SEX had turned into a nightmare in a few quick minutes? All I know is we can’t let this get out or back to our hometown – no matter what the price!

At 10:00 AM sharp, there was a knock on the hotel door, I knew it wasn’t room service and cringed when I opened it and there stood Danny, Chuck, Grant & Norm, all smiling and in very good moods. Betty was sitting on the bed as they came in, Danny looked at Betty and the bed, “Damn, we had some really good White Pussy, and I came in your ASS right there just a few hours ago!” He knew we couldn’t say much at this stage, and we just wanted it to be over. Grant started out “Ok, here’s the deal, we have about 20 very Sophisticated White Ladies in our stable, just like you. We will make you the very same offer we make each one but THINK about the offer and don’t get stupid on us!” I answered with, “Get it all out now, exactly what is the deal and HOW MUCH for you to go away?” Norn stepped in, “Mr. you just don’t understand how this works! We don’t want your Fucking money! We want your wife’s WHITE PUSSY!! What you need to do is get it in your mind that we all shared your HOT WIFE last night, that’s all we are asking, just to share her a little more!”

Betty asked, “Just what do you mean by sharing a little more? If I have to do all of you again, I will right now, it was really good and I can do it again if you promise to leave us alone!” Chuck smiled really big, “Now we are getting somewhere, but that’s not quite what we have in mind. You will be shared, but not with us – except whenever we want to Fuck your Pretty Pink Pussy, you will FUCK any or all of us at our command!” I said, “No Fucking way, she will not be your Prostitute or Whore, that will never happen!” Danny looked straight at me, “Actually, it’s already happened, last night and again today if we want it” he stated. I knew there had to be a price to make this go away, “How much? $100,000 ? I can have it here in 24 hours if that is what you want!” Norm laughed, “$100,000, Damn man, you really are stupid! Your wife will bring us $10,000 every time we put her to work, and we are going to be working her real regular!” Betty says, “I can see this isn’t going away, what do I have to do to make you all happy and leave us alone?”

“Now that’s a smart White Lady” Grant said, “You will come to Las Vegas 4 times a year for a two to four night stay each time. Just like you do now, except the Sin City Fantasies that you have always had will be Real” Before I could reply Betty stepped in “What do I have to do and how long before you get out of our lives forever?” Danny starts out “well that’s up to you, tonight we will have a Practice Run to see if you can produce or if we sell our “Betty Does Las Vegas” video to the Amateur Porn Channels?” Betty looks at me “We don’t have a choice, let me try and see if I can fix this mess.” Now we are making some sense was Norm’s statement. Danny said “OK, we will pick you two up at 5PM and give you a chance” Betty said, “Leave my husband out of this, I am the one you want, why make him tag along?” “OH Baby, that’s part of the plan” Grant said, “we want him to watch his Lovely White Wife get Pimped by a Black Man and the hotel room you will be using is totally wall to wall cameras & microphones – he will hear and see every single thing you do & say!”

Danny said, “But before we leave, I just want a few minutes of your sweet mouth around my Black Cock, come on over here and drop to your knees,” Betty did as ordered by Danny. She got in front of him, and she knew what he wanted, she was to open his fly and take his Large Black Cock out of his pants and give him a Blow Job in front of everyone. As she pulled his Black Cock out, it was the first time she had really noticed it, “OH MY GOD !!” She exclaimed – it’s Huge, the head looked like a large lemon on top of a Beer Can, she opened her mouth and took it as far as she could and started sucking and stroking as she moved around on the enormous Cock Head. She was trying to eliminate knowing everyone including her husband was watching her suck this enormous Black Cock, Danny grabbed her head and forced his cock even deeper than she thought she could take, “Yeah, that’s it Suck my Black Cock, you are going to really like being My Woman” as he said those words, she realized that she undoubtedly was his woman, after all, there she was on her knees sucking his cock in front of everyone, including her husband and somehow she was enjoying the entire situation. “OH FUCK, DON’T STOP, with that he pushed his Black Cock deep into her throat and exploded into her belly the biggest load of Black SEED Cum that she had taken yet. Don’t spill a drop, swallow it all, yes, that’s my New Woman – swallow my Black Seed! When she finished, she put his rapidly getting limp cock back in his pants and closed the zipper. “See how fast she’s learning” he told the rest of the guys, “she will be our newest Cash Cow! I can’t wait to see her in action tonight”

“Don’t try to leave or do anything stupid or this could get real bad real fast!” Grant said as they closed the door. Betty was determined to try to make this right and asked me to just give her a chance, 5PM got here way too fast! The dreaded knock on the door came at exactly 5PM, I let them in, and they were carrying garment bags and shoe boxes. What’s with all the boxes? I said as they came in. Danny just shook his head, “she can’t be working for us in those Damn Tourist clothes.” Norm came over where Betty and I were sitting, “Stand up when your Pimp is in your presence” he ordered. Obediently, Betty stood up – Chuck said “Damn woman, how you gonna get them rich men to look at you?, you got to stand out from everybody else on the street” Betty asked “What do I need to do & wear to stand out?” Danny replied, “That’s why we brought your new working clothes!”

Chuck told Betty to stand up, she did, and Chuck walked around her two or three times just looking and shaking his head. “Is that the best thing you can wear for attention, Damn, them look like granny shorts and that top jumps out and says Wal-Mart” Chuck stopped in front of Betty and caught each side of her blouse, he started up with it and Betty raised her arms to allow him to remove her top. Next, he caught the waist of her shorts and started down with them, but he intentionally caught her panties with his thumbs and took everything to the floor. Betty tried to cover herself with her hands, Norm slapped them away, “Girl, you got to let that modesty shit go, Rich Men are paying good money to see you naked and do anything they want to your creamy white body.” She moved her hands and stood there with only her lace bra covering her perfect breasts. Grant reached over and caught the front of her bra, “You got to lose this, them titties are too perfect to keep caged up, people want to see those babies and you are going to be happy to show them!”

As she removed the bra, Danny caught one of her tits and pinched the nipple hard, she pulled back and Norm got the other one, both men were rolling her nipples and Betty was showing a little discomfort, I said “Come on guys you are hurting her, don’t be so rough, you got her attention.” Danny looked straight at me and said, “this ain’t nothing compared to what them Johns will do, and she will let them, and she will damn sure like it every single time!” Betty seemed to be ok and was relaxing with all the Black Hands taking her clothes off, I guess she knew they had already done just about everything to her they could, and she would get through this too. Danny stood in front of her naked body, “Spread them legs, spread them wide” she did as ordered and Danny reached down and caught her White Pussy Lips and started squeezing them really hard, she squirmed a little, “Don’t move” he ordered, he kept squeezing her pussy until I thought she would cry out, but she didn’t, she spread her legs farther to allow him to inflict all the pain he wanted. “Good Girl, you are going to make us proud tonight” with that he removed his hand and she put her legs back together.

Norm handed Betty a beautiful evening gown, I couldn’t even guess what it might have cost, “Put it on” he said, Betty looked sort of puzzled, “What about my underwear?” she asked. All four busted out laughing, Danny said, “Lady, you don’t have time for underwear, these men will rip them off if you have any on, people want to see them pretty nipples sticking out saying Suck Me!! You are going to get used to totally going without them ever again, My Woman don’t even own any panties, I don’t want that money making Pussy covered up.” Betty slid the gown over her beautiful naked body as everyone watched, Grant handed her some six-inch spike heels, “Put them on and walk around” Betty stood up and walked across the room, “DAMN BOYS, we did good on this one, I think we can get more than a $1,000 an hour for her” I can’t believe the transformation before my eyes. Yesterday, Betty was a simple business lady & housewife from Texas, today she was the prettiest woman I had ever seen, and she was fixing to be put on the streets to be Fucked for Money.

Betty looked at me, “What do you think?” She asks as she turns around for everyone to see. I can’t take my eyes off her, she has never looked so ravishing. But I can see a change happening in her actions, she is becoming exactly what they want her to be. “Honey, are you ok with this, we can deal with everything when we get home if you want to stop and let them sell the video” I ask. She smiles and says “I can do this, HELL, I did all of these guys last night and did them all twice, I got this covered, if I have to Fuck strangers when we come here four times a year, I can do it” “HELL YEAH,” Danny said, that’s My New Woman. Betty looked at Danny “When do I start and what do I need to do?” “You will start at 8:00 tonight & you do any damn thing the customer wants, no exceptions” “I Got it, so let’s go” she said, Betty was ready!

Danny told the guys to go to his office and wait while he took Betty to her first John, we pulled up to a really nice condo and Danny got out and came around to let Betty out. There were two men in expensive business suits standing at the automatic gate, Danny punched in the code and the gate opened, Betty looked at me and puckered her lips and winked as the two men got on each side and walked away. When Danny got back in the car, I asked “what about her safety, who is going to make sure she is ok and not hurt?” “I personally check every single John that I put with my Special Ladies, these men are safe, they can’t afford any problems” Don’t worry, I will not let anything happen to my Newest Woman” I was trying to see where they went as we drove away, what had I done? Our Lives were ruined, and I could have stopped it, but wanted to see Betty get her fantasy fulfilled. Now she will be fulfilling other men’s fantasies, and I can’t do anything about it, I have allowed my beautiful wife to become a High Dollar Call Girl.

Danny drove about two blocks from the condo and parked at an office in a strip mall, Danny’s Training Center, was what the sign above the door read, we went inside and Danny opened a small door that looked like a linen closet. He pushed a switch and a door on the back side opened into an office that had enough monitors and big screens to rival a Covert FBI Office, “Have a seat” he said “the Premier of Betty’s First John, will start soon.” There were at least 10 to 15 different rooms being monitored and almost every room had people in various stages of sitting, talking, foreplay and actual sex, none of these people knew they were being videoed. I looked at Danny “What are you doing, you can’t do this without them knowing” I said. Danny and the others busted out laughing, “DAMN Man,” Norm said, “How do you think we keep all these Johns in line and paying the Big Bucks for our women” “But this is Blackmail” I almost yelled, “Grant turned around, “No Man, WE are BLACK MALES!! And nobody crosses us” Chuck turned around and replied “We run the very Finest Ladies, the Highest Paying Johns & most profitable Stable in Las Vegas, We spend more in HUSH MONEY and PAYOFFS than any legal organization in the country, that’s why we ask you not to do anything Stupid”

Danny yells, “Get over here, Betty is starting her New Life tonight and we want you to get a front row seat” everybody laughed and High Fived again. There was another lady sitting on the couch when Betty & the two men came through the door, she got up and met them and took betty to another room, in about 10 minutes they returned and seemed like everything was ok. One of the men sat next to Betty as the other started kissing the first lady, the guy with Betty started feeling her up and she tried to back away, he caught her arm and started kissing her again and she just seemed to relax and let him have his way. Betty’s John told her to strip (I couldn’t believe how clear the voices were) she stood up and started taking her Evening Gown off, he demanded she get it off faster, “I’m paying $5,000 to be your First John, I want to see you NAKED” he ordered. Betty complied with his wishes, there was my beautiful wife standing Totally Naked in front of a complete stranger. “Come closer” he barked, again she did as he wished, she was only a couple of feet from him when he stood up and walked around her, “DAMN, I ain’t never seen a PUSSY this fine in Las Vegas, where you from honey?” he asked in a much kinder voice.

Betty was getting a little more relaxed, “Texas” she said, “HOT DAMN, everything is Bigger in Texas, them Texas BOYS got a COCK like THIS?” He unzipped his pants and reached in to pull his cock out for Betty to see, I watched her eyes grow big as he turned just enough for the camera to pick up his White Cock. I have never in my life, even on the Pornos I have watched saw a White Cock like that!! It made Danny’s Mushroom Headed Cock look a grade school kids pecker. “Take ahold of it baby, it’s real & you are going to get it at least three times tonight, yes ma’am, that’s one time for each hole” Betty reached out and put one hand on his Giant Cock, her fingers did not meet it was so large in circumference “Go ahead, put them sweet lips around it, Danny always lets me have his New Woman first, by the time I get through with your little old Married Pussy, you will be able to “FUCK A DONKEY” and it won’t hurt a bit” he said as Betty put her lips around the Massive Head of his COCK.

Betty was sucking and using both hands trying to get him off, just as she knew she was close, he pulled her away, “Not yet Baby, we have a lot of things to do before I get my money’s worth” he was telling her She was HIS to BREAK IN in tonight and he was going to make it last until he was ready. He pulled her up and started kissing her and Betty loves a passionate kiss, she started responding to his attention as he placed his hand over her Wet Pussy, she moaned and squirmed. “OH HELL YEAH, you are really going to like this MAGNUM BOY when it gets in that wet pussy” he was letting her know that he would use her body for his pleasure, BUT Betty was getting so Hot & Bothered, she didn’t care. Betty knew what she had to do and she was starting to want it more by the second, she laid back on the bed and spread her beautifully tanned legs out wide, as he stroked his cock, Betty said loudly “FUCK ME!! FUCK ME WITH THAT MONSTER COCK!! FUCK ME NOW!!” I watched as my wife was going to please a complete stranger with her body & I knew this was only the beginning of Betty’s NEW LIFE!!

I watched in silence as he got between her legs and placed the Monster Cock on her Pretty White Pussy, he reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart and put the head in between them, Betty hunched up to meet his cock, the head was not even completely in, and she was stretched wide. He just rocked back and forth a few times as she got used to the size if his Cock Head, she was slowly grinding up to meet him and she was getting wetter by the minute. The stranger leaned over and caught both of Betty’s rock hard nipples, she moaned as he pinched and rolled them between his fingers, she looked up at his face and he said “You ready Baby, I am going to FUCK YOU like a Tied Up Dog, maybe even a little Dog Fashion Fucking for your Married Pussy” Betty just groaned and softly said ‘Please don’t hurt me, I am yours, just make me feel good” He was really rolling her nipples and said, “Look at me, look at me while I put the largest cock you will ever have inside your tight Pussy”

As Betty looked up, he started a relentless forward push with his hips, his Monster Cock was sliding inside Betty’s Tight Wet Pussy as she Screamed out “OH MY GOD!! OH FUCK!! Please, PLEASE QUIT, please Quit I can’t take it all” The stranger stopped, Thank God she thought, he is not going to hurt me anymore! Then he started slow deep strokes, he had drove his monster all the way, I watched as the Skin around Betty’s Pussy was clinging to his cock as he pulled out on every stroke the tight pink skin around his cock came out at least two or three inches, her pussy clung to his cock as he picked up the pace, she was getting a rhythm with him. He was pounding her pussy and she was fucking him back harder each time. Betty was Cuming hard and her pussy was getting wetter, there was no pain only pure ecstasy and she had transformed into the woman he wanted. Betty knew if she could keep this pace that he would Cum and maybe he would be through, but this was something he was a regular at, TRAINING NEW PROSTITUTES!!

The stranger knew he had her completely now, he slowed the pounding and finally pulled completely out, “Wait, Wait, Don’t Quit Betty begged, PLEASE FINISH!!” Betty had not even noticed the other couple sitting and watching every detail. Betty sat up, the other woman came over and reached out to Betty, as she stood up, the woman grabbed her and kissed her while she placed almost her complete hand in Betty’s very stretched Pussy. Betty pulled back, “I don’t play with other women “she said! The two men laughed “You do tonight and make it good” Betty had always stayed away from any other female contact and now she was being ordered to have sex with another woman as the men watched.

The woman pushed Betty down on the bed, took her knees and spread them wide as she went to licking and sucking on Betty’s engorged Clit and Wet Loose Pussy, Betty was already IN HEAT and wasn’t going to refuse anything tonight! As the other woman devoured Betty’s Pussy juices, the other male positioned himself in front of Betty’s lips – without any hesitation, Betty opened her mouth to receive his hard cock. She knew what she had to do and started sucking feverishly on the new invasion of her body, she was deepthroating and sucking his cock as he caught her head & pulled her close and tight, she felt the HOT CUM exploding down her throat straight into her belly that was still filled with BLACK COCK SEEDED CUM from the night before. She swallowed every drop as he pulled away, she could feel her own orgasm building from the female tongue swirling around her Clit and darting in her ass, this was different from anything she had ever felt. Her body was betraying her, she was CUMING in waves and started bucking against the woman’s face as female ejaculation juices flowed from her Stretched and Throbbing PUSSY!

As the waves of ecstasy subsided, the woman raised up to meet Betty’s face, Betty’s juices were covering her lips as she pulled Betty close and kissed her as she ran her tongue inside Betty’s mouth. OH MY GOD!! Betty thought? is this what I taste like, she started sucking on the woman’s invading tongue and swallowed all the juice she could get. I watched in silence as my wife was changing before my eyes, Betty had been transformed from a well-respected Lady from a Small Town in Texas to a Cock Hungry Call Girl in less than 24 hours. Betty fell back on the bed - the look on her face was self-explanatory - she was LOVING her New Life and I was powerless to stop her. The man with the Monster Cock was stroking his manhood as the woman moved away, I watched as he moved to the edge of the bed, caught Betty by the legs and pulled her towards him. He placed her golden tan legs over his shoulders and told her “Do NOT move away from me” as he placed the enormous head in her already soaking PUSSY. Betty gasped as the head parted her Pussy Lips and started as steady slow invasion of her hot wet womb, this time there was no pain only the constant stretching of her vagina as he never slowed the pace until he was completely buried inside my wife.

Danny, Grant, Chuck and Norm all let out a HELL YEAH!!, Look at that Pussy STRETCH, OH FUCK!! That woman’s PUSSY will NEVER be the same” all of them were watching the Woman I love be stretched by a Monster COCK that was completely buried to the Balls. I watched as Betty’s face contorted with expressions of pain, ecstasy and the never before felt stretching of her formerly very TIGHT PUSSY, I thought she would just lay there and let him have his way with her body. Betty reached around and grabbed the stranger’s hips as she squirmed up to meet his groin, I heard a soft “OH MY GOD!!, IT’S HUGE!!, I need you to FUCK ME!!” These words were coming from a Lady that 24 hours ago, only wanted to have a One-Time thing with some well-dressed Black Men that she was drawn to. NOW, she had become their woman and had been transformed into exactly what they wanted, A small town Lady with no experience outside of our 22 year marriage, turned into a Cock Loving Call Girl!! Danny looked at me “Your Lady is earning my $5,000 tonight from this John, and I have three more that want to Fuck Her before morning!!”

Norn was watching their every move, “Danny, I got to have some more of that Pussy before her next John” he said, Danny replied “She’s making us money right now, if she can still walk tomorrow morning, you can get a Quick Fuck before her husband takes her to his room, if she can’t walk – you can get a Blow Job” they all laughed and looked at me “Wait a minute, I asked “ You said she had to do this and that was it for tonight?” Grant smiles “Don’t ever believe a PIMP, all we care about is a Hard COCK Fucking your wife’s PUSSY, that’s what we want to see!” Chuck chimed in “By this time tomorrow night, she will be right back on the streets or on her back Taking Cock & Making us Money” I had taken my eyes off the giant screen they had Betty being shown on for a minute, when I looked back, the other guy was stuffing his cock down Betty’s throat as the Monster Cock was really Fucking her hard now.

The second John pulled out and told the first, “Roll her over, put her on top” he grabbed Betty’s ass and rolled over and never missed a beat, his COCK never came out as Betty was now on top and his Monster Cock still buried to the balls. Betty started a rhythm of her own as she moved her hips back & forth on his Balls, she was holding his Cock deep in her completely relaxed Pussy and she was loving being in control of his movement. I watched as the second John placed himself behind Betty, he reached around and grabbed her perfect titties and squeezed them hard, Betty Grimaced with pain, but she had learned not to make a sound, or they would squeeze even harder. He pushed Betty forward – OH FUCK!! She thought, he is going to take me in the Ass while I have this Monster Cock stretching my vagina walls to the limit.

I was helpless as I watched my wife, she was being held down tight by the Monster Cock John as the other woman was lubing Betty’s ass, she started fingering her slowly, then two fingers, OH FUCK!! Betty was relaxing as the third finger started moving side to side and in & out, Betty was feeling her pelvic move to every touch as she allowed the invasion of her, until last night, Virgin Ass – now she was being taken again BUT now, she wanted it, and this time she had a lustful desire to be FUCKED in both places and WANTED to feel BOTH Cocks CUM deep inside her, until she overflowed and couldn’t hold it inside anymore. Within minutes Betty got her wish, the second John was positioned behind her and as the woman removed her fingers, he placed his cock at the opening of Betty’s ass, she felt him and with a instant thrust backwards of her hips, she buried his cock in her ass. As he bottomed out, Betty let out a scream, but not a painful scream, a scream that was PURE Ecstasy and Wanton abandonment, Betty was doing her job, she was servicing her First Two Johns with an excitement and vigor that probably no other woman had ever performed as she was at the present time.

The second John wrapped his arms around Betty’s waist and thrust his exploding cock as deep as possible into the bowels of her body, she could feel wave after wave of Hot CUM hitting deep inside her body. I guess the feeling of the other man ejaculating in Betty’s ass was more that the first John could handle, Betty was now in an upright position working her well used pussy fast and hard to get every drop of WHITE COCK SEED as deep as possible, when she felt the Monster Cock start to thrust hard and almost with a vengeance against Betty’s thoroughly stretched womb. She had never had an orgasm as intense as she was having in this moment, her body was shaking and convulsing as the monster cock gushed stream after stream of HOT MONSTER COCK CUM deep in her body, she was bucking wildly and Fucking them both with such force that she was shaking the King Size Bed, as the First John filled her womb and the Second John filled her ass, she seemed to be in an Out of Body Experience. I watched and thought, how is this happening? Where did she learn to do these things? and could I ever satisfy her again??

I watched as Betty fell limp over on the bed, as both Johns removed their limp cocks from her body, she looked at them both, “MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK did we just do? I have NEVER had these feelings in my life!” she said softly. Both men caressed her face and as they kissed her, both of them said, “You passed the TEST, you are now one of the Highest Paid Call Girls in Las Vegas” Betty looked surprised, “I don’t want to be a Call Girl, I just love this sex and being Fucked like a Tramp” she said. Danny was telling the other guys, “We have got a real one here, we have to keep her working for us, we won’t overuse her but we can’t let her go!!” I had to speak up “What do you mean you can’t let her go? You said one night, and we were through!”

Danny said, “That’s not exactly what we said, we said her new life starts tonight, she has just made me $5,000 for roughly 90 minutes of SEX! I will work with you, but I will not give her up.” I was getting upset now, “You told us if she did this tonight you would give us the tape of the four of you with Betty and we were even” Chuck laughed, “We will give you that tape, but the last 90 minutes of your wife Fucking two Johns like a Prostitute is a much better & higher quality tape, we have much more sophisticated equipment than that Spy Camera, that shit we took last night with that little camera wouldn’t bring $10 at the local flea market, This film is HD and the sound track will rival any motion picture on the market.” “I will give you a copy if you want to let Betty watch herself in action, Norm added. I couldn’t even speak; they had just Pimped my wife out and I watched everything she did but watching her Completely LOVE what she was doing was eating me up.

The Johns left and the other woman sat down and explained to Betty, there were 3 more meets already set up for tonight and she could cleanup some while she changes the linens and straightened up the room. Danny and the others were enjoying themselves, while I had to watch my wife be treated like a Cheap Hooker, she was to be used for their monetary profit, three more times before sunrise. About 30 to 45 minutes after the first Johns left – the doorbell rang, the other lady opened the door. As the New Johns walked into view, I could see at least 4 or 5 oriental gentlemen. As before everyone greeted and sat down, these guys wasted no time, they were taking their clothes off and telling the women to strip. As ordered, Betty complied with the new Johns, Betty had not even got her dress off when one grabbed her and threw her on the bed, two more got her legs and just like Danny’s crew, they held her high & wide. The only real concern I had was the fact there were 5 of them.

The first guy had almost no cock at all, but he Fucked Betty at a world record pace – in less than 5 minutes he came and moved for the next man. This went on until all 5 had Fucked Betty & all had CUM in her PUSSY. They stayed for about an hour and wanted blow jobs but couldn’t get it up enough for another round of SEX. Same scenario as before, I wondered why the other lady was letting Betty rest and she did the chores of housekeeping - Just as before, the doorbell rang and two couples came in. As the small talk evolved, it was clear that the men wanted their women to have a lesbian encounter, Betty explained that she had only one previous thing and probably wasn’t very good. That was even better because the ladies knew nothing about what to do, so basically anything she did would be ok. Wasn’t much to that one and the couples left. I was thinking, “Damn, we almost have this first night thing over with and I can take Betty to the room and try to make a plan to get out of this mess.

The bell rang, “One last John and we can go to the room” I thought, MY GOD!! This John looked like something out of a Superhero movie. He was followed by four “Men in Black” looking bodyguards and Betty’s eyes told the story! She was thinking “Is this Monster of a man going to Fuck me while his entourage watch or am I going to service everyone?” He came over to Betty and took her hand and kissed the back of it as he whispered in her ear, she stood up and immediately let her dress fall to the floor. All of the men just looked and commented to each other, as she knelt down to open his fly. Betty pulled his semi-hard Black Cock out, as he stroked it, pre-CUM was seeping from the enormous Cock-Head and running down the shaft onto his hand, Betty looked up “I can’t take this thing; it will never fit inside me” she said. As she looked at the Monster like nothing she had seen before, he pulled her head close. Clean it up, don’t let my juices go to waste, clean it up before my boys take your Pussy, she did as commanded. He pulled her up and laid her back on the bed, he turned to his group of men and pointed as they started taking their suits off, he pushed her legs open wide.

“Lady, my boys will make sure that you can take my COCK and anything else that should ever CUM your way, OK Boys, get this Gorgeous Lady for the FUCKING of her Life” he ordered. Betty was so focused on his Monster that she had not noticed the Four men with him were totally naked and all in various stages of erections. The first came to the bed and caught Betty’s feet, “Somebody get over here and hold her legs apart and one of you get a cock in her mouth” he ordered. Within a few seconds Betty was spread wide as he placed his Short, but very wide Cock against Betty’s already sore Pussy, he leaned forward, and she felt the width of his cock spread her out while another held her head as he placed his cock head on her lips. She was learning to like the feel of a hard cock in her mouth and the taste of Cum was beginning to excite her even more, she opened her lips and he shouted out “OH HELL YEAH, this one’s already trained, she wants to Suck Cock”

Both men had only got Betty’s attention as she felt them both start Fucking her mouth & pussy hard, they both came before she was ready, she looked at the other two, “I need a little more attention than I just got, can either of you please me?” she smiled as she spoke. Both men took their places and wasted no time taking their counterparts positions, Betty had realized she could be a willing partner or pay the price for going against Danny & his group. She managed to get all four men off as the Leader took off his clothes, she was thinking “One last John and this ordeal was over, and they could return to their former lives. As he stroked his giant cock, Betty’s mind was racing with thoughts about how many women would give anything to have the last 24 hours of SEX that she was receiving? By the time he put his monster into her formerly Tight Pussy, there was little resistance as he pushed his cock all the way in, Betty couldn’t resist “Is that all you have?” she asked as she smiled at the leader. He was not amused as he reached up and latched onto both nipples “OW! OW! Please, PLEASE QUIT, you are hurting me” She screamed. I jumped up “FUCK THIS” I yelled “Get her out of there NOW!” Grant turned, “Sit the FUCK Down! She asked for it”

The leader released Betty’s nipples and told her “Never Make FUN of a JOHN, We will hurt you and never regret it a second” Betty was shaken now and I saw the Fear in her eyes! “Please don’t hurt me anymore, I am yours, I will do anything you say, just please don’t hurt me again” He leaned down, whispered something in her ear, she started a steady hunching up to meet him rhythm, “Faster, Faster, Fuck me like I am your man, FUCK ME LIKE YOU LOVE ME” those words cut her deep! The man she loved was probably in the room waiting on her to come back and hoping that she was ok! “Yes, Yes, I do LOVE you, I love the way you Make Love to me, Please MAKE LOVE to ME” she was speaking words to please the John, she just wanted this to be over and go home.

The Monster Cock was working deeper, she thought as she Fucked up to meet his thrust and to please him. He pulled out and grabbed her head, “Open Up, I have a REAL LOAD for your pretty face!” Betty opened her mouth just as the first wave hit her tongue, she had never seen this much CUM from anyone in the last 24 hours, she thought she would choke! “Don’t lose a drop, swallow every last drop, if you do, I will let you go for the night. When she heard those words, she swallowed over and over, she took every ounce and added it to the almost dozen loads that she had already swallowed. As he finished he released her head as she fell onto the bed, she was exhausted and finally she was free to go, as the leader got dressed, he asked Betty, “What do you think of your New Life and the things you have done in the last few hours, be honest – don’t lie, just tell me what you feel and if you enjoyed it?” Betty had been extremely modest 48hours ago, now she was sitting on the bed naked, in front of the fourth group of John’s tonight, and every one of them, at some time, had CUM in her body.

She felt relaxed and he was treating her like a person and not a “FUCK TOY”, Betty thought as she spoke, “Less than two days ago, all I wanted was to experience something different in life, we met a group of well-dressed Black Men at the bar. I wanted to feel another man’s hands on my body, feel another man’s Cock inside me & experience all the Sexual desires & things that a Lady from West Texas can never feel in her hometown. We have been Faithful to each other for almost 25 years, that’s a long time to not experience the other side of Life.” As the conversation continued, she said, “My life has changed in the last two days, and I don’t think I will EVER be able to go back to just one man in my life.”

I was hearing the Lady that I would die, for pour out her inner most feelings to a complete stranger and all that was going through my mind was the fact that I had lost Betty forever!! She continued to speak, “I was never really satisfied with our Sex Life, but as a good wife, I settled for what I had and never rocked the boat. Now I have experienced what there is to offer, I will Never Settle again.” I could feel the uneasy sickening feelings in the pit of my stomach, I was hearing my wife explain she had changed, and I was losing her forever! The John asked her “If you could keep your old life and a few times a year, come to Las Vegas and enjoy this side of life, would you, do it?” “OH GOD !!! Betty exclaimed, in a heartbeat, I love my old life, but I am torn between it and the new adventures that lie ahead for me” He told her “That can be arranged, but you must convince your husband that this is what YOU want to do or you must LEAVE him and be part of our Stable and we use you at your free will, you will have no choice except to Obey and Please our customers”

“If I can lead two lives, one with my husband, being the perfect hometown wife and the other in this Sex Oriented life, being able to experience everything that life has to offer” I will be his when I am with him & Danny’s when I am in Las Vegas” she could see her future playing out in front of her eyes. I listened to every word Betty was speaking, she still wanted – to be my Wife, but wanted her New Life even more, as the words burned in my mind, I was thinking “A few hours ago, I had the power to stop the whole thing – but I wanted Betty to get the excitement she always craved” Now it is her decision whether to stay in my life or become one of Danny’s Call Girls.

Danny turned to me “What do you think of your “TIGHT WHITE PUSSY” now, do you still want her, or will you let us have her until she’s used up and sucking cock for her next fix?” I said, “I need to talk to her and try to work this out, please give us some time together before you make her decide, she’s still my wife.” Danny smiled and leaned over to the desk that held all of the recording equipment “Betty, your husband has watched you from the start, do you want to talk to him in private or just as we are now?” he spoke into a microphone as Betty’s eyes widened and she buried her head in her hands. Danny ordered her, “Look up at the bookshelf and talk to you husband, tell him what you want!” Betty obediently looked up, her eyes filled with tears, “I am so sorry you had to watch me tonight, I don’t think we will ever be the same again, do you still want me for your wife after watching how I enjoyed the Sex tonight?” As she spoke I interrupted, “You are my Wife nothing can change that, I still love you and we will work it out, I don’t care what you have done, let’s go home and work this out.”

Danny and the others immediately went into a victorious high -five and fist bumping as they said, “Hell Yeah, we got us another one, she’s our newest HOOKER!!, she will perform perfectly for our clients” with that he spoke into the mic again, “Betty, get dressed, we are coming to get you and set up your schedule!” I didn’t care what they said, she was my beautiful wife, and I was taking her HOME! We picked her up and she sobbed uncontrollably as we held each other. As we got to the MGM, Danny told us “You two decide what you want to do, we will be here at 12 noon to get Betty setup for her scheduled times in Las Vegas, but before we let you leave, we want to know if there is anyone we need to send some top quality DVD’s of Betty’s CUMING OUT PARTY from last night, and Oh Yeah, we will all want another round of those succulent Lips around our Cocks before you take her away!”

When we got to the room, we knew we would do whatever they wanted, as long as we could be together, we could live a double life and I could Share Betty with whomever they chose. As we sat and talked things out, Betty explained that she had these feelings for many years, she was happy with our Sex Life, but something was always missing. When the opportunity came up with Danny & his friends, it was her chance to get a taste and see if it was what she really wanted, she went on to explain – the first few minutes of a total stranger feeling her body & the instant a strange Cock entered her Pussy, she knew that she had to have more & couldn’t suppress the want and desire anymore. She told me we were a great couple, but she needed the stray Sex to keep her happy, we decided to go with Danny’s schedule and try to make the allotted times & our marriage work.

When Danny, Norm, Chuck & Grant arrived, Betty was so very happy to tell them we were on board with their plans for her future. Danny proceeded to tell us, “You will be here within 48 hours’ notice and a minimum of 4 times per year for 2 to 4 days each time, we furnish all your clothes, we schedule your Johns, you receive NO MONEY, you are our property, you will give yourself to us at any time anywhere we decide, can you do this?” Betty exclaimed, “Absolutely, I will be your woman and I will please each of you & your clients any time anyplace” Danny smiled and ordered Betty to come to him, she did as she was told. Danny smiled at me, “You ever think your beautiful wife would be Fucking Johns for Free?” I don’t care what she does, I get to take her home and she’s still my wife when you are through with her, she will be here, and we will never complain” I said as he started undressing Betty.

Betty literally melted into Danny’s grasp as he dropped her dress to the floor, “OK BOYS, one last SUCK & FUCK before we send her home” by now the others were naked and groping and squeezing Betty. My wife fell to her knees as she took Danny’s Cock in her mouth and went to work to please her PIMP, Grant pulled her away and laid her on her back on the bed with her body on the bed and her head hanging off the foot. Grant looked at me “Watch this,” he said as Danny went to the edge of the bed, as he placed his LARGE BLACK COCK on Betty’s lips, when she opened her mouth, he drove it completely out of sight. “This is how we SKULL FUCK your woman” he said. I watched as all four had another turn at my beautiful wife’s body, but this time Norm wanted something more. Grant was burying his Black Cock hard & deep in Betty’s already stretched White Pussy while she let Danny SKULL FUCK her mouth, as she laid her head off the sheets, her mouth and throat were in perfect position for a Black Cock to slide in the entire length. When Danny blew his load of Black Seed down her throat, Grant pulled her over on top of him, Chuck took his place at her mouth and she knew what he wanted, her warm lips locked tight as her started slow deep motions into her very open throat. Betty was sucking Chuck’s cock as Grant had her on top and was pounding her hard from underneath.

Norm was watching and waiting, all he could think of was Cuming in Betty’s Pretty ASS, Norm motioned for Grant to stop for just a few seconds as he lubed his Large Black Cock and positioned himself behind Betty, Grant knew exactly what to do – Grant wrapped his arms around Betty and pulled her tightly on top of him, she had no idea that Norm was fixing to completely Fill her Ass with his Monster Manhood. As Grant held tight, Norm placed the well lubed head of his cock at the opening of Betty’s Ass, she felt his Cockhead barely touch her and she wiggled her ass just enough to get his attention. “OH HELL YEAH!! WHITE LADY wants BLACK COCK in her ASS” he said, she couldn’t answer because of Grant’s Cock in her mouth, Betty wiggled again, and Norm forced his Black Cock head inside her already used Ass. She thought he would let it sit and she would get loosened up to take the rest slowly, as she relaxed, Norm grabbed her hips and drove his Black Cock to his Balls. Betty let out a deep groan as he started hammering her tight Ass. Grant got in motion with Norm and each time they moved her body, Chuck was getting the benefit on his cock as she moaned and squirmed on both cocks.

If you have never even had a thought about your Wife or Girlfriend getting drilled in all three holes by Well Endowed Black Studs….. you have no idea how completely EROTIC it is. Betty was ecstatic and bucking in every direction as her body was taking three cocks and she loved every single movement. Danny stood next to me, “Well, what do you think now, he said, “Your Wife’s TIGHT WHITE PUSSY does Love some BLACK COCK” all I could do was nod and I said, “Two days ago our life was somewhat boring, but the four of you have opened our eyes to a whole new world of excitement and I am loving getting to watch your Black Cocks break her in for her New Life!!” Betty was becoming very good at what they wanted, Danny had just exploded in her throat, as she swallowed another load of Black Seeded CUM, Grant filled her White Pussy again with his Black Seed. Norm had Cum in her ass and Chuck was getting ready to send another load down her throat, when everyone finished, Danny told me, “I always like to find My Woman just as I left her……. FRESH FUCKED, all the guys laughed, and Danny told Betty, you will come at my notice, Don’t Fail!!

We agreed to his terms, and they left Betty, Cum filled and wanting more, “Please come to me” she said as I sat on the couch, I had watched Betty perform on so many Johns over the last 2 days, I couldn’t understand why she wanted me to come to the bed, where they had just left her completely Cum Soaked, inside and out. “Please make Love to me she begged, that was just SEX, you Make LOVE to me, and I need to feel that - I need YOUR cock inside me, not some Strangers!” As I started taking my clothes off, Betty went down on me, this has happened maybe three times in our married life, and each of those times she was drinking and only stayed a few minutes! I could not believe what she was doing, MY GOD, it was Awesome, and I couldn’t hold it back, as I started Cuming, she grabbed my hips and buried my cock in her face. I could feel the Cum gushing out of my Cock into her already filled throat & belly. She never stopped until I was dry, was THIS PERSON MY WIFE?? How could she have kept these desires secret from me all these years?

She came up to meet my lips as we fell back on the bed, I was still hard, I had watched her Fuck & Suck for two days and nights, My Cock wanted more. “I am so very sorry that I held back for so long, I have wanted to be treated like this for years. When I was younger and we were just starting our lives together, I had fantasies about being Fucked any time, any place, by anyone, it didn’t matter who or where. But I was afraid of what you would think of me, I dreamed about the life that I have had the last two days, when we came back to the table after the show, I knew that I would let the four Black Men have my body and I would do anything they wanted, but little did I know they were my ticket to Paradise! When I was in college, I was really promiscuous and never let the chance to Suck or Fuck pass me by. I have longed for those days, but we had an image to protect, and I knew if I ever got a taste again, the Monster between my legs would rear its head and I wouldn’t be able to control it again!

Betty spread her legs WIDE, “Come FUCK me!! Please Fuck Me!! I need your Cum in my PUSSY!” she moaned, as I got between her legs, I could see the Black Seeded CUM running out and down her Ass. All I knew was I needed to FUCK this Woman like the CUM SLUT she is, I slammed my cock into her dripping pussy, I never stopped, I rammed her with a fever & force that I never knew I had in me, Betty started bucking and squirming side to side as I continued pounding her Cum filled Pussy HARD. I had a mission in my head, I wanted to Fuck my wife’s Shared Pussy hard and without mercy until she can’t take anymore. Betty tensed up, “OH GOD!! OH FUCK!! Please FUCK ME!! She screamed as she started Cuming in waves, I have never experienced anything like this, my cock was so hard and I was trying to make her mine again, as she started Cuming again, I felt my balls release MY SEED into her already filled TIGHT WHITE Pussy. As I came, she wrapped her arms and legs around me, “OH GOD!! I needed that, YOU are the Best, no one can please me like you do!”

Fast forward 2 years, when we got back to Texas we carried on with our lives as usual, except Betty had an enormous Glow about her, she was a different Lady, everyone wanted to know what she had done and how she became so friendly and bubbly about everything happening. Betty just told everyone that she had decided to life to the fullest and enjoy each day as it comes. She has not worn any underwear since that day Danny took hers away in our hotel room, I know the men in town have noticed the change in Betty, she is still the Professional Business Lady – but her attire after work has changed drastically. The shorts and tops she now wears out in public are the real attention getters, Betty has learned that she gets a lot of excitement and some erotic sexual satisfaction from letting other men ger a glimpse of That “Monster” between her legs and her perky nipples are at a constant “Suck Me” place in her life.

When we go out of town for the night, wherever we go, she takes her shortest shorts & skimpiest tops, I get excited beyond words when I see the men whisper about her, knowing that I am her husband and we have the Secret Life. We are closer and happier than ever; I can’t express the excitement in our Sex Lives and what an unbelievable woman she has become in the bedroom. We have a very naughty secret that no one knows, and she loves her Other Life. Until you have personally watched your loving wife become a High Priced (IN DEMAND) Call Girl, you can’t understand the feeling when she comes back to the hotel after being used by multiple men and women, Danny has designated Betty as his QUEEN OF SPADES – she services almost EVERY BLACK COCK that he can find, as she comes to the room, her body full of other men’s Cum, and she tells you about the things she does, and things done to her, I get the most Raging Hard On I have ever experienced. When she walks through the door, I know that she is dripping with Black Cock Seeded CUM & she has learned that with a DP she can get more CUM than her body will hold.

We had never even thought about a DP until that first night, when Danny made her HIS WOMAN, when we meet another couple, the subject seems to always come up and Betty always volunteers to be the “PIECE Of MEAT” for the group, there is no satisfying this Lady of mine! We have joined two different Swingers Clubs; she likes to stay in practice when we are not in Las Vegas and she said it’s not right that she gets SEX much more that I do, but guess whose wife is the most popular Lady in the Club. Betty has reached the Head Madam Status for Danny, in some ways she has become one of the Bait Ladies, she is always looking for a Lady or Couple to become friends with while having an innocent drink and before the night is over, she will have delivered a New Woman for Danny’s Stable. Danny has allowed me access to his video recording equipment, every man needs to watch his wife giving and receiving Sexual Pleasure to Multiple Men and sometimes she does three at the same time! Betty can’t wait for Danny’s message to CUM to Las Vegas…… actually I get excited also because I know what my Beautiful Wife will be doing in a few days!!

Oh Yeah, a few months after getting home, we watched the DVD of Betty’s Cuming Out Party, OH MY GOD!! I have watched many Porno movies, NEVER have I seen anything that can compare to MY LADY!! She is the Complete Woman & Wife, she can be a Straight Businesswoman, or she can be the High-Priced Call Girl that everyone has always desired to have for just one night or she can be the completely desired HOT WIFE and give her body away to anyone she desires. I get the best of everything she learns, and our world gets better all the time, Betty has become the Hottest Piece of Ass in Las Vegas, if you have been to Las Vegas in the last two years, you may have seen her picture, probably more than once, but I know it’s Betty and with different makeup, hair, and Working Attire – no one would ever recognize her as the Straight Lacy Lady from Texas!! Danny’s Woman/My Wife – What could be better???


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