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Free Erotic Stories

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Your Story

Pages: 1

Thump … thump … thump.

Is the rhythmic pounding the sound of your feet on the concrete path leading to the nondescript grey house? Or is it the beating of your heart? You aren’t sure. “Why did I agree to this?” you wonder as you climbed the three worn steps up to the porch. Your finger shakes ever so slightly as it reaches for the doorbell.

Before you can press the button, the weathered door swings open. You sigh with relief when you see my smiling face greeting you. I hold the door open and beckon you inside. “Are you ready for this?” I ask.

“I … I think so,” you respond, your voice barely a whisper.

“You don’t have to go through with it.”

“Yes, yes I do.”

And with that, it is settled. The night is about to begin.

“Step out of your clothes,” I say. My voice is steady, treading in the vast space between request and command. You hesitate for a moment and reach for the top button on your blouse. Your mind is elsewhere, imagining what lay ahead as you feel the silkiness of the fabric, the hard plastic of the button. One, two, three, four … you catch yourself counting the buttons as they become undone. You feel the cool air on your skin as you pull the blouse open and slowly off your shoulders. You smile nervously at me as you let it drop to the hardwood floor.

“Very nice,” I say in a reassuring tone. “Keep going.” You note that there is no “please” in my comments. “That’s odd,” you think. “He’s always so polite.” But you put that thought out of your mind as you reach behind you to unhook your bra. One deft flip of the wrist and the straps are off your shoulders, your breasts are free of the cups, and the white lace joins your blouse in a neat little pile on the floor.

I give you a quick nod of the head, and turn my gaze wordlessly to your waist. You reach for the zipper of your skirt, undo it and let it drop to the floor. As you step out of the skirt, you kick off your shoes and kick the skirt onto the growing pile of the floor. Is it a just a pile of your clothing, or is it your inhibitions as well? You aren’t sure you know the answer to that question. The goose bumps on your shoulders, across the tops of your breasts, and on your inner thighs provide few clues. The thong, that silky triangle of maroon fabric covering your silky triangle, the only thing standing between you and total nudity, give no clue either. And so, seconds later, it becomes the latest item to hit the floor.

Now you are naked: completely exposed to my wandering eyes. You feel a small shiver waltz up your spine. Funny, it didn’t seem that cold when you first entered the house.

“Are you sure you’re OK?” I ask. You nod your head yes, maybe a little more quickly than you’d intended. I gaze upon your nakedness as you bite your bottom lip nervously. With one sure step I am next to you, my arms enveloping you in a hug. You feel my lips on your lips, and yearn to return the kiss with an open mouth and a welcoming tongue. But I won’t let you. No, it is too soon for that … much too soon. Instead, my lips kiss you gently on the cheek, and slide down along your jaw line until they reach the soft skin of your neck. You feel my hot breath and warm, wet lips kissing gently along the nape of your neck. You feel your breasts rubbing against the fabric of my shirt. You feel my arms still cradling your naked body. You close your eyes and tilt your head upward, looking to expose even more of your neck to the soft caresses of my lips. A quiet whimper escapes your lips. Your knees shake ever so slightly.

I move my body until I am behind you. You back up against me, rubbing your ass against the suddenly obvious bulge in my slacks. You feel my hands caress your breasts, teasing your nipples. As those nipples grow harder, as they become clearer evidence of your growing desire, I rub them between my thumb and forefingers. I pull them and pinch them, gently at first but growing firmer as the circular motion of your hips against my body becomes more urgent.

And then, as if by magic, the hands disappear. The lips are gone from your neck. The smooth fabric of my slacks is no longer touching your ass.

“It’s time,” I say simply. “OK,” you reply. And with that, the blindfold is slipped over your eyes and secured behind your head. I adjust your hair so that it isn’t caught in the strap, and then turn you to face me and ensure that your vision is completely blocked. When confident that you can’t see anything, I slowly turn you back around and grab both wrists, pulling them behind your body.

“Let’s go,” I say. You start off cautiously, taking small, awkward steps to protect your toes from any unpleasant meetings with walls or furniture. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you get hurt,” I say as I use your wrists to guide you down the hallway. You wonder if I am talking about walking to the room or what awaits you there. Or both.

Thump … thump … thump. You are barefoot. There are thick oriental carpets on the floor. The sound you are hearing this time is definitely not coming from your feet. You feel as if your heart is about to explode from your chest. Moments later, a soft squeeze on your wrists signals you that we have reached our destination. You feel your breath catch in your throat as I again press my lips against yours and slide my hand lightly down your stomach and across the lips of your now-wet pussy.

You hear me open the door and I guided you into the room. Although you can’t see, you sense that there are a number of people inside. You hear quiet murmurs of approval as they gaze upon your naked body, but you can’t identify how many people are making the sounds you are hearing. You can’t even tell if the sounds are being made by men or women or a mix. The only thing you know – the thing that had brought you here, the thing that had made you so nervous walking up the steps – is that you are about to become the plaything of everyone in that room. And there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

You feel your breathing grow faster and shallower. You feel your heart beat faster. Your mind is racing. Who are these people? What are they going to do to me? Every instinct in your being tells you to turn around, rip off the blindfold, grab your clothes and run for the safety of your car. But somehow the muscles in your legs and arms aren’t receiving the signals your brain is sending them. So there you stand, as still as a statue, anticipating what will come next with equal parts dread and desire.

Suddenly you feel a pair of hands on your shoulders. You can’t be certain, but you are fairly sure that these are not my hands. They are different somehow, not really rougher and not really softer, but different. You fight the urge to pull away. This is, after all, what you had said you wanted. Just as you are adjusting to the new hands on your body, another pair takes your left arm. And then another pair grabs your right arm.

These unknown partners pull you further into the room. Their touch is fairly gentle, but still firm. You know that there is no way for you to resist their insistent pull. Not that you want to resist at this point. The moistness you feel migrating from your pussy to the tops of your inner thighs make that abundantly clear. The unknown hands pull you all the way to the back wall. The hands on your shoulders push your torso against the wall. It is cool against your shoulder blades and your ass. The hands at your wrists hold you firm. A new set of hands caress your face, running fingers across your lips. You try in vain to suck a finger into your mouth, but it darts away to caress your cheek instead. You tilt your head trying to capture more of its attention, but it moves quickly to grab a handful of your hair and pull your head to an upright position against the wall. Still more hands are at your ankles. You struggle to keep your balance as they pull your legs farther apart.

“They can see everything from down there,” you think. “They can see right into my body.” You try to swivel your hips, to maintain some sense of privacy, some sense of dignity. You try to shift your body to keep their prying eyes from invading the folds of your cunt. But even as you do, you know it was futile. There is simply no way to escape this position. And every twitch of your body is met with a tightening of their grip on your extremities. You are theirs for their pleasure, theirs for the taking. You don’t have much time to dwell on the thought of this visual invasion, though, as you feel one more pair of hands tracing their way up your thighs. The hands begin their journey slowly, just above your knees. Their touch is smooth, unhurried. They can afford to take their time – where the hell are you going to go?

As they move ever higher, they begin to vary their touch. Instead of moving in a straight line, they begin to trace small circles on your inner thigh. Instead of maintaining an even pressure, they alternate between lighter and firmer touch. But the one constant is that they continue to move closer and closer to your pussy. You close your eyes behind the blindfold. You feel the fist buried in your hair, holding your head firmly in place. You feel hands at both wrists and both ankles immobilizing you. But most of all, you feel those two hands tracing a delicate and delicious path toward your pussy. “Oooh.” The moan you hear is your own voice, but it seems somehow disconnected from your body. In fact, everything is disconnected from you except for those two hands and their moist, waiting target.

You feel the hands reach the point where your dripping pussy has wet your upper thighs. And now you try again to move. But your goal is not escape. Your goal is to be touched, to rub your hungry pussy against these unknown visitors to your body. You want it, long for it, need it. But just as the hands had previously prevented you from escaping, they now hold you away from the release you want so badly. Yes, you are going to be touched, but it would be when and how they – not you – see fit.


You aren’t sure whether the words came from your lips. But every nerve ending in your body is shouting, begging to be touched. And then it happens. At first, it is so soft as to be almost imperceptible. Was that…? Before you could even complete the question, there it is again, this time a little more distinct. Yes, it is the unmistakable sensation of a fingertip gently stroking the hood of your clit. At first, the motion is up and down; now it becomes circular. Oh God, it feels delicious. Now there are two fingers, one on either side of your clit, sliding up and down and burying themselves in the slick folds of your pussy. And just as you think that every nerve ending in your body is going to migrate to the very tip of your clit, you feel something else.

One finger, a wet and pleasant invader, is pushing itself slowly but steadily into your body. You feel it withdraw until only the tip is teasing the entrance to your cunt, exposing your hot flesh to the cool air in the room. Now the finger slides back in, even faster and farther this time. One finger inside, two fingers dancing over your clit – could it get any better? Yes, yes it can as suddenly you feel yourself more full than before: a second finger is inside. Your hips rock with their motion. Before you can fully adjust to having two fingers pumping away at your cunt, a third is buried inside you. “God, they must be getting soaked,” you think. Not that you care. The feeling is too divine: the coolness of the wall against your back, the firmness of the grips holding your limbs, the rubbing on your clit … but most of all that unrelenting motion of the fingers fucking away inside you.

Is that? Yes it is. Now there are four fingers buried inside your wet and wanting pussy. You feel them pull out until only the tips remain inside and then firmly push their way back in. Even though the hand seems somehow smaller than you were expecting, the bulk of their knuckles pleasantly stretch the entrance to your cunt.

“I don’t think I …” you start to say. But you never complete the sentence. The mental picture of someone sliding their entire hand into your body is too much for you. At that very moment, you lose control. Your entire body jerks in one spasm after another as the orgasm comes over you in waves. Your knees become week and your abdominal muscles contract so strongly that you nearly double over, despite the strong grips of those at your wrists and ankles. A torrent of liquid escapes from your cunt, soaking both the fingers that had been dancing on your clit and those that had been buried inside you. You feel it dripping down your legs.

“Oh G-G-G-God, I…I…I came” you stammer as you try in vain to catch your breath. It’s not the last time you will tonight.

You hear me say, “let’s let her lie down for a minute.” Yes, please, you think. But then you hear a couple of chuckles coming from across the room. Naughty chuckles. Maybe even evil chuckles. And you wonder what is in store for you next. You hesitate, but the arms, those ever-present arms are pulling you forward. You’re still a little weak from that first, energy-sapping orgasm, so you couldn’t fight them if you wanted to. So it’s best to just surrender, you decide.

“Step up,” I tell you and you do as you’re told. Your knees, first one and then the other, find themselves on what is clearly a bed. The mattress is soft, but firm; the linens are cool and feel as smooth as the thong you discarded so long ago. Hands are on your waist now, positioning your body. Your arms are pulled away from your torso, a position that provides both a sense of reassuring balance and a sense of discomforting vulnerability. You gasp as your left knee is lifted, your body pulled into position, and your pussy placed gently on a pair of eagerly waiting lips.

The two people holding your arms take a step forward, pulling you with them. You lean forward until you feel the head of a hard cock brushing against your lips. Your tongue darts forward to taste the moisture from the tip. Your lips open willingly as it slides into your greedy mouth. You wonder … no, the angles are wrong for it to be the same person. You realize that you are definitely sucking one man while being licked by someone else. You hear groans of lust from the owner of the dick in your mouth. You hear equally urgent groans from the head buried between your own legs. You hear murmurs of appreciation and encouragement from those gathered around you. You hear the unmistakable click of a camera shutter recording the details of your surrender…

…None of which matters. At this very moment, there is what can only be described as a generous portion of cock being served up for your enjoyment. Its owner is busy fucking your mouth. You gasp for air as the tip of his cock bangs against the back of your throat. You try to relax your jaw, open yourself for the onslaught. You fight the reflex to gag. Your tongue slides over the stiff shaft, tracing the veins toward its head. You smell his scent.

Two hands cradle your head. Are they his? Or do they belong to someone else? Does it matter? All you know is that they’re holding your head perfectly still, pulling your chin skyward to give him a better angle to use your mouth for his pleasure. And he does. He buries his dick as far into your mouth as he can. You can feel the wispy residue of the pubic hair he shaved weeks ago brushing against your upper lip. You can feel his balls, hanging heavy and resting on your chin, as he pushes his dick ever farther into your waiting mouth.

Your breasts hang pendulously in the cool air of the room. You feel them swaying as you grind your pussy onto the waiting mouth of the person lying underneath you. Your nipples are so hard they almost ache. But the tongue lapping at your cunt is soft. It is wet. It darts in and out of the folds of your cunt. It explores inside your body, and it is surprisingly hot when it pulls out and caresses your clit. You feel your entire clit being engulfed by a warm, hungry mouth. You feel it gently sucking you, the tongue flicking your engorged bud. And you are not surprised to feel another orgasm building. You feel the warmth building deep inside.

As you feel the intensity building within you, the cock thrusting its way into your mouth also grows more urgent. His pace builds. The thrusts grow longer and harder. You can hear his breathing grow more rapid. At this very moment, there is nothing you want more in the world than to share the warmth of your mouth with this unknown cock, to drink it in, to swallow it whole. Your captors hold you firm, but you feel the bed shaking violently as he slides his cock in and out of your mouth. Faster, faster, faster until finally you feel him thrust as far into you as he can and hold that position.

A fraction of second later, you feel that familiar twitch. The first stream of cum hits the roof of your mouth, followed closely by a second. And then a third. He has unleashed a torrent of hot cum into your mouth and you are determined that not a drop will be spilled on the sheets. You struggle to catch it all. The skin around his balls is growing tight as he continues to pump himself into you. He moans in pleasure or in pain as you greedily suck the last few drops from his dick. Your mouth is full of this stranger’s seed, warm and thick. You can’t help yourself; you swirl it around your mouth for a moment, and then you swallow.

And it is just then – as you are swallowing the semen from a stranger’s cock that you were forced to suck, held firmly in position, spread-eagled in a room full of strangers, and forced to ride the face of someone you’ve never seen – that you cum again.

This second orgasm, if possible, is even more intense than the first. Your screams of passion force the dick out of your mouth. You squeeze your thighs hard against the head that’s buried between your thighs. You buck against tongue, lips, chin, nose; you rub yourself against anything that will provide the necessary friction to scratch the insatiable itch you have in your cunt at this moment. What feels like a river of juice escapes from your pussy, hot and fragrant.

You still can’t see anyone. But your other senses are working overdrive. You hear the heavy breathing of your unknown partners. You smell the essence of your sex permeate the room. You savor the salty-sweet taste of the mouthful of cum you were just forced to swallow. But most of all, you still feel. Your nerve endings are almost supernaturally sensitive. You feel the slightest crease in the fabric of the sheets beneath you. You feel a small drop of sweat trickle its way down your spine. You feel your hair swaying gently and wonder whether the source of its movement is the breeze from the open window or the force of your own breathing.

The French call orgasms “the little death.” You never knew why until now. Struggling to regain some composure, you try in vain to catch your breath. As your captors release their grips on your wrists, you wonder what the assembled audience in the room must be thinking of you. Words like cunt and whore and slut dance through your brain. The camera, oh God, the camera has captured it for all to see. You slump onto your side, reaching for the blindfold.

Your hands never reach their destination. Instead, they are pulled firmly behind you. You feel a length of cord being wrapped around them, binding them together. The cord is soft and does not bite into the delicate skin of your wrists. But the bindings are tight enough that their message is uncompromisingly clear: “You aren’t the one in control, baby and you aren’t going anywhere until we say so.”

Still lying on your side, you feel hands tracing their way across your body. One pair is on your breasts, cupping them, stroking them, tracing the outline of your areolas, teasing the nipples. Another pair is massaging your shoulders, kneading the muscles of your neck, stroking your throat and caressing the soft skin above your collarbone. A third pair is on your thighs, rubbing them, feeling the strong muscles below the surface, feinting a trip toward your pussy only to pull back and continue their gentle massage. Other hands rub your temples and the soles of your feet. So many hands, all on you … so many hands that you nearly lose count.

You are about to melt into the mattress … until you feel a final pair of hands touch your back. Their fingernails rake their way down your spine. You moan and rotate your shoulders, nonverbally begging for more. The fingernails start at the top of your back again, and slowly but firmly work their way down your back. The contrast between these firm scratches and all the other hands’ gentle rubs is magical. You want it to go on forever. Another scratch comes, but this one goes lower. And when the hands reach your ass, they don’t stop. The scratching stops, and the hands begin to rub you. Your ass cheeks are pushed in one direction, and then the other.

“Hmmmm.” A low moan escapes your lips.

“Quiet!” comes the reply. The force of the response is unexpected and it snaps you back to attention. “I am here only for their pleasure,” you remind yourself.

The hands on your ass are now wandering to more intimate destinations. You feel one reach between your legs and touch pussy, still sensitive from your last orgasm. You try to wiggle away, but there are simply too many hands on you to permit your escape. Your wetness betrays your desire, defies your protestations. This is exactly what you want.

You feel a finger, made slick with your own juice, pressing against the tight hole of your ass. You do your best to relax as it invades this most sensitive area. You breathe in time to its movements in and out of your ass. For a moment, all the other hands – the ones on your breasts, your neck, your thighs, your head, your feet – all those other hands fade away into nothingness and all you feel is one hand spreading the cheeks of your ass and another giving you a steady finger fucking in your ass.

You hear movement behind you. There is a click. Ah, the camera. “More pictures documenting the group using me for their pleasure,” you think. Then you feel it. And you realize that the click you heard was not the shutter of the camera, but the plastic top on a bottle of lube. A healthy supply of the bottle’s contents is now being liberally applied to your asshole. One finger, two fingers, three fingers are working their way into your ass. You moan. Loudly. Fuck this “quiet” bullshit.

The fingers leave your ass, and as if on cue, all the other hands on your body begin to rotate your body until you are on your back. And then they lift you off the bed. You can feel a body sliding into position underneath you. And as they lower your body back toward the bed, you feel the head of a very hard cock pushing against your ass. You breathe in and try to relax as it invades your ass. You push yourself back against this cock, and embrace the sense of fullness it provides as it slides deeper into your ass. It’s all the way in. You are literally sitting, spread-eagled, on the thighs of the man beneath you. You sit as still as possible, waiting for your body to adjust to having this large cock buried deep in your ass.

It’s then that you feel the mouth on your pussy. You feel the hot breath against you. You feel lips on your lips. You feel the tongue teasing the opening of your cunt. You begin to squirm. And every time you squirm, you are reminded that there is a large, hard cock in your ass. And every time you are reminded of its presence, you want to squirm some more. The owner of the mouth is very talented. And very persistent. But there is something different about this one. The cheeks rubbing your thigh seem very smooth. Could it be a woman? With the blindfold securely in place, you have no way of knowing.

Soft kisses turn into gentle sucking. Gentle sucking becomes more urgent licking. And all the while, you can feel a mixture of saliva and your pussy juices running down the crack of your ass to coat the base of that dick buried in your ass. You slowly lift yourself: an inch, maybe two, and then left yourself fall back down onto it. Again and again. Slow and short strokes at first, but growing longer and more rapid. All the while, that ever-present mouth is teasing your clit. You begin banging your ass against his thighs and squeezing your own thighs around the head between your legs.

Orgasm number three hits you with little warning. You feel your clit swell. You feel your sphincter muscles grab the cock in your ass. You feel the rush of liquid from your pussy. And before it’s even over, you feel a second cock, this one entering your cunt. He announces his arrival by pushing in as far as possible in a single thrust that literally takes your breath away.

With one cock in your ass, and another in your pussy, you feel the warmth of three bodies converging between your legs. You are full, stretched to the limits. You grind slowly on the cock in your ass, while the one in your pussy is pumping steadily in and out. You feel him withdraw until only the tip of his dick is touching you. You feel him rub it over your clit, and then place it back against the entrance to your cunt. There he stays, so close but so far from where you want him. You raise you hips slightly in pursuit of the tempting, teasing cock and, in so doing, you slide your ass up the shaft of the cock behind you. And that’s when the teasing ceases, and the cock thrusts hard, forcing his way deep into your pussy and forcing your ass back down onto the other one. They begin to move in rhythm with one another, in and out of your pussy, in and out of your ass.

You adjust to the fullness and the movement. As you do, another cock is thrust into your mouth. All your holes are filled. You have never felt so full. Hands untie your binding, grab your hands and place them on two more rigid cocks. You moan with the realization that you are there are at least five men surrounding you, that you are servicing them, that they are using your body for their pleasure … that you have no choice in the matter.

The pace picks up. You feel a sense of urgency coming from underneath you. Your ass is fully open to him as he pumps in and out more quickly. The weight of the man fucking your pussy is pressing your breasts against your ribcage. You struggle to keep the third dick in your mouth as the motion of the two men fucking you rocks your body. Your hands stroke the other cocks. You fall into a rhythm, feeling each of the five cocks touching another part of your body. The smell of sex invades your nostrils. The sound of their desperate, guttural groaning drowns out the sound of your own moaning. In the background, you hear the camera’s shutter. Even through the blindfold, you can sense its flash. The thought of seeing yourself spread out and shared, not just double penetrated, but gang-banged by five men, sends a torrent of lust through your body.

You begin to grind even harder against the cock in your ass. You buck your hips faster against the cock in your pussy. You suck harder on the cock in your mouth. Your hands are a blur as they stroke the cocks they hold.

Your senses are so overloaded that you almost can’t tell which one is the first to come. But you feel that familiar twitch in your ass. You cry out and push against him, savoring the warmth that only a load of cum can provide you. As you do, you feel the same twitch coming from the cock in your mouth and another load is deposited onto your tongue. You wonder about whether you should swallow, but the question is settled when you realize that the cock is buried so far in your mouth that you have no choice. You hear a deep voice command, “Swallow it, slut.” And you obey.

The realization that you were getting filled with another man’s cum is enough to send the man in your right hand over the edge. As you stroke him hard, ribbons of cum shoot out across your wrist and forearm and land on your breasts. His partner in your left hand groans at the sight and grunts, “I’m coming, too!” and he too paints your torso with his semen. The pumping at your pussy is so fast and so hard that you can barely breath. You still have now-softening dicks in your hands and your ass. You feel the cock that once filled your mouth being rubbed against your cheek.

And then you feel a heat inside your cunt as you bring your fifth partner to orgasm. His spurts are so strong that you can almost feel each individual squirt finding its way into you. He continues to pump his cock deep into your pussy, riding out his orgasm and squeezing every drop of cum into you. In doing so, his pubic bone rubs tantalizingly against your clit. The thought of all these men filling you, spilling themselves into you and onto you, is too much for you to bear. The next thrust hits your clit just right and you again cum. As he pulls out of your pussy, a mixture of both your juices begins to drizzle out of you. You feel the soft dick slips slowly out of your ass.

You collapse, your body coated with sweat. That’s when you realize that they’re not finished with you yet. You hear a moan, followed by a stream of hot, wet semen landing on your right breast. As you turn your head toward the source of this latest offering, you hear another moan from the left and feel another stream hit your left breast. Then there is a third moan and a third splash of cum, this one starting at your navel and reaching down toward your pussy. “Eight?” you wonder. “Did I just have sex with eight guys?”

A pair of lips press themselves against your lips. You kiss, opening yourself to the probing tongue. The kiss is softer than you expected. You don’t feel any whiskers. The tongue is quick and darting, almost effeminate. You surrender yourself to the kiss. And then, as quickly as it started, it’s over.

You roll off the man who just finished fucking your ass. You curl up on your side, pull your knees up toward your chest. You feel a body spoon itself against you. You feel warm and wanted and protected by the arm dr*ped over your side. You are so tired that you nod off to sleep almost immediately.


You awake. The blindfold has been removed. You blink once, twice, trying to adjust to the morning light streaming in through the window. Had you slept for five minutes? Five hours? Five days? Your eyes finally stay open enough to focus.

You see me smiling at you. You smile back. You look around and see that we are now the only ones in the room. I bend forward to kiss you gently on the lips.

“Thank you.”

Pages: 1

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