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The Brothers Winston Continued. 2 girls and ALOT more guys..

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The Brothers Winston continued. 2 girls and ALOT more guys By Lynn

I didn't see any of the guys for a few days.. By the 3rd day my pussy was no longer swollen or sore... Taking long baths a couple times a day helped a lot... It was Wednesday and Aunt Mary asked me to come shopping with her... We went to the mall.. JCPenny was having a sale on under garments.. Aunt Mary wanted me to get a new bra because she said mine doesn't cover me enough.. She picked out an old lady bra, which there was no way in hell I would wear and I told her so.. She did however make me try on several dresses so I could go to church with her.. Out of the 6 dresses I tried on, I was willing to where only 2 of them.. On the rack they looked very conservative but on me they looked good...

"Hi Mary, what are you doing today?" Some woman said... Aunt Mary turned around and smiled when she saw this woman.. " O Carol, How are you? We're just shopping.. this is my niece Lily from NY, my sister Ann's daughter.." " Mary she looks just like you" Carol said.. I've always been told I was the spitting image of my Aunt Mary according to my Mom... Which is ok with me.. At 74 Aunt Mary still looked really good.. She was only slightly gray.. She still has most of her auburn hair and she was still quite fit.. She only wears a size 12.. Right now I wear a size 8.." Is Allison with you Carol" " yes she is over in the Jrs dept looking at some shirts... "We looked there earlier for Lily but her chest is too big to fit into anything." Aunt Mary said as she smiled at me.. We all walked over to the Jrs dept and Carol called Allison over.. " Ally this is Lily, Marys niece from NY.. Lily this is my daughter Ally.." We both said hi.. Aunt Mary and Carol continued to talk... Ally and I began to talk.. I found out she is 16 and in a grade higher than me.... " Come along girls we're going to have lunch in the food court.."

Aunt Mary and I both got a salad with chicken in it and Ranch dressing.. Ally and Carol ate pizza.. Of course Ally could eat pizza.. She's small.. I'd say about 110lbs.. She looks to be about 5'5.. She's pretty... Blonde hair, blue eyes.. Tan... about a B cup... 1 thing about her stands out... She has really pouty lips.. Makes me wonder what it would be like to kiss them... Ally asked her Mom if we could go to some store that she wanted to show me a shirt... We were told to be back in 20 minutes... I followed ally downstairs , across the mall where she found a bench hiding in the corner.. She sat down, took a pack of Marlboros out of her pocketbook and lit one up.. "Want one" she offered me.. "No thank you.." " I had to get away from my Mother, she is such a pain in the ass, ya know??" "Yeah I know, My Mom is the same way.." "So you are staying with your Aunt for the week?" " No staying with her the whole summer.. My parents are touring Europe, having a blast and I got sent to Maryland." " That sucks for you.. Why couldn't you stay with friends or someone else where you live?" "Cause my Mother doesn't like most of my friends, I could have stayed with 1 of my Mothers brothers but that would be like Jail.. At least with Aunt Mary I'd see daylight" "Your Uncles wouldn't let you go out.. why?" "Because they feel girls shouldn't date or wear make up or go out till they are 18.. And that's exactly why Mom and Aunt Mary aren't really strict.. " " So how long have you been here?" " 3 weeks" . "Have you met anyone here to hang with?". " Aunt Mary introduced me to the guys next door.. The Winstons.. They took me camping last weekend.. First time in my entire life.." (which was very true.. Never did anything like last weekend before) " I know them.. Jimmy, Danny and Dave.. Yeah they are cute.. I'd Love to camp with anyone of them if you know what I mean." winking as she said it.. I just laughed.. " I know.." (BOY did I know) We started walking back.. I like her... She seems cool.. We walked past a group of guys who started whistling.. Ally stopped, turned around and said " In your Dreams" and started walking again... She is definitely a cool chick... " hey you want to come back to the house.. We could go lay out by the pool?" "Sounds great, but I have to ask the Monster first.." When we got back to the table I asked " Aunt Mary, can Ally come back to the house with me?" "Sure" Now we all look to Carol " Mom Can I?" " Ok.. I bring you over there.. You need to stop home and get a bathing suit." "Maybe she can sleep over too? Its just been so nice to talk and hang out with a girl.." I knew that would get them.. " Sure, that's fine with me" Carol said...

Carol and Ally got to the house about an hour later.. Carol told Ally to carry her bag to the 2nd bedroom.. "No Ally I'm downstairs." I then look at Carol and say. " Aunt Mary snores really really loud.. Had to move downstairs.." She laughed.. Carol sat down and had a cup of coffee with Aunt Mary while we went downstairs... " O wow, its like a little apartment down here.. This is cool.. Too bad Mary is upstairs. this would be a great place for a party..." " I found out a couple of days ago I can have the music loud down here and she wont hear it upstairs if I close the basement door.. But I wouldn't have a party.. Maybe a few people over.." I bring her bag into my bedroom putting it on the other side of the bed... She saw my bong sitting on the dresser with my big bag of weed next to it.. " Holy shit you should put this away.. " "I dont have too, Aunt Mary doesn't come down here so she'll never know..." " Yeah well with my Mom here, put it away.. She likes to sneak up on people.." So I took it and put it in the closet on the floor behind my suitcase... "After your Mom leaves we can hit that if you like?" " Hell yes I want a hit.." we both laughed... " Lets go out to the pool and lay out.." I start undressing.. After being bound and naked in front of 6 guys, being naked in front of a girl is really nothing.. I remember the first time I was with a girl.. it was 2 years ago.. Boy were we awkward.. Anyway I put my rainbow top on with my black bottoms... " I wish my boobs filled out a top like yours" she said. Ally was wearing a blue bikini.. Same color as her eyes... DAMN she looked HOT.. " I think your boobs are nice.. Just the perfect size." I say... "But yours are big and juicy.. Guys like that more." Ally whined... "Yeah but you can get really pretty bra's.. They dont make them in my size.. I'm lucky if I can find a nice plain white or black one.." I whined.. We both just laughed at each other...

We layed by the pool and just talked.. About all kinds of things... Her and I have a lot in common.. We like a lot of the same things... We got on the subject of sex.. She told me she wasn't a virgin, lost it 2 years ago in the woods behind her house.. She's been with several guys since then.. " After a few months of fucking them I get bored and move on to the next one" she said... She then told me she kissed a girl but never licked one...I opened up about me.. Told her my story... Lost my virginity at 13 to a really hot Italian boy in my Mothers living room 1 night... " I was 13 the first time I was with a girl.. Her name was Wendy, we've been friends a couple of years by then.. Her parents went out drinking every Friday night and usually didn't crawl in till the wee hours of the morning.. It was around midnight when we left the park to head home.. We were really stoned... We even smoked another joint on the walk home... It was hot out... so by the time we got to her house we were sweaty.. We took off all our clothes and jumped in the pool... We were standing next to each other in the water and the next thing I knew we were kissing... Really kissing... We stood there for a while like that... Finally we were getting cold and had to get out... We went straight to her room and locked the door behind us... We got under the covers.. still wet, still naked... We started kissing again...I remember my hands cupping her small boobs.. She was barely an A.. I am the same size now as then.. I started growing early.. we kept kissing but both of us were touching each other boobs.. She has really big nipples.. They get really big... I touched her pussy first... She didn't have much hair at all.. Where as I had a lot.. I knew exactly where to touch her.. I've been masturbating for years.. As soon as I touched her clit she just about came.. Wendy and I did everything that night.. We didn't go to sleep till after the sun came up..." Ally just looked at me.. " Holy shit, that is so cool" she said...

We talked alittle more about our experiences... " Ok Lily, Out of the 3 brothers Winston, who would you fuck?" Ally said as she sat up... I smiled... a Nice big wide grin... " All 3"... She laughed and said " ME too".. "Ok Ally, you have to swear on your life, your mothers life, your fathers life and anyone you love life's." " Ok I swear".. I take a deep breath and say " I've already fucked all 3".. " O MY GOD you did Not" she said... " O Yeah... I definitely did" " Tell ALL Lily".. For the next hour and half Ally sat there and listened to every detail.. Including the weekend at the cabin.. When I was done, I just sat back.. Ally just sat there , mouth wide open.. Been wide open for a while now... she finally says " I need a fucking cigarette.. Is my Mother gone so I can have one.." I had to laugh.. She looks at me and says "Let me have a cigarette and then we can talk ok?" " Ok " She got up and walked all the way back to the house and around the side... She came right back but headed into the house... A few minutes later she came back out... She also brought us some cokes.. Which I was very thankful for... " I hope you dont mind Lily I rolled a joint.." "dont mind at all"... and I didn't... She begins with.. " First let me say, O MY GOD and HOLY FUCKING SHIT.. Are you Serious? Cause if you are, O My God.. " She lights the joint and takes a deep hit, holds it, holds it and blows it out... Doing it twice more before passing to me... She asked questions, I answered as best I could... "What did it feel like to be tied up like that?" "Nothing hurt they didn't make it really tight, so just being confined was the turn on.. I dont know its hard to explain.. I guess you have to experience it to understand.. " She seemed intrigued. Then she tells me she always wondered what it would be like with 2 guys.. then she says " But after hearing that story from you, now I wonder what that is like.." So I ask " wonder? as in want to try for yourself?" " Yeah , I think so.. Just hearing you tell it has me really going ya know.. I dont know.. yeah I guess I want to know.."

The sun was starting to go down.. Ally and I had sat here for several hours.. I left Ally sitting by the pool when I went in to check on dinner.. I found Aunt Mary laying on the couch... " O good Lily, Help me up.." "Aunt Mary are you ok? did you fall?" " No No, I have a migraine.. I get them often in the summer months... Heat brings them on.. Just help me to my bedroom then get me a glass of water." I walk her to her bedroom and pull down the blanket... I sit her down and go back to the kitchen to get her water.. I helped her get the nightgown on.. " Lily open my sleeping pills.." I looked at all the bottles and found them.. I handed her 1.. " Give me another".. She swallowed both of them together... I looked at the bottle.. "Aunt Mary the bottle says for you to take 1 before bed..." " I know what it says, its ok.. I'll get a really sound nights sleep now and wake up migraine free.." I closed her bedroom door on my way out... It was much darker out now... There was someone else there with Ally... I walked through the pool gate and saw Danny and Dave was sitting down on my lounger... Ally looked at me and said " So what's for dinner?" "Whatever we cook.. Aunt Mary has a migraine and she took 2 sleeping pills just now.." I sat down next to Dave.. I could see Ally was kinda nervous... Especially when Danny sat down next to her... "So what are you girls doing tonight?" Danny said.. " Nuttin.. girl talk, pillow fights... you know girly things" I say... Dave says " I dont know, Pillow fights can get pretty rough".. " That's cause you're a guy and want to knock someone's block off, girls dont play to hurt.." Ally said loudly... "If I promise not to hurt, can I play too" Danny said... Ally smiled at him... They said they had to go home Mom would yell if they were late for dinner.. Ally and I cooked 2 hamburgers on the gas grill for dinner... I told her I'd clean up and check on Aunt Mary, that she could get the first shower... I cleaned our plates, dried and put away.. Then I checked in on Aunt Mary.. She was snoring away... I made sure all the lights were out on this floor before I headed downstairs for the night... While Ally was in the shower, I got my bong and weed putting them on the table in the living room.. I opened the glass slider but left the screen closed... dont need any bugs or frogs coming in for a visit... "Showers all yours" Ally said on her way into the bedroom... I pull my hair back into a bun so it wont get wet... its too long and too thick.. takes forever to dry it... Ally's hair only comes to her shoulders, dries quickly I'm sure... My shower was quick... I walked into the bedroom naked.. Ally had on a cute little tank nightgown... " Lily you shave your pussy?" "Yeah" I said kinda puzzled.. " I dont.. Why did you start shaving it?" she asked... " I told you I was 13 when I was with my first girl and that she had very little hair.. When I saw her's and she saw mine, I didn't like the way mine looked with the hair... Hers looked pretty.. so on her bed she cut my pubes with scissors.. She got as close as she could without cutting... That was all we could do since I didn't have a razor.. But the next day I bought a razor and shaved the rest of it off except for the little bit in the front.. I saw that in a magazine and liked it.. I've had a hairless pussy since.. and Guys really like it.." Ally then walked up really close and bent down, looking really close at my pussy.. I quickly sat down, layed back and opened my legs wide for her to see everything... " O WoW you really do have a hairless pussy.. You're right, its much prettier without the hair... Will you do mine?" I sat right up and said " Sure I'd Love too, I'll go get the scissors and razor... " I was back in record time... I didn't find scissors but I found a buzzer... Which is just as good... I got my razor just put a new blade on it...I had her lay on the bathroom floor... We put a couple of towels under her... I buzzed her whole pussy to a medium.. Then I put it on the lowest setting and did it again.. Now I go in with the razor... I get a washcloth with some soap and lather up her pussy... Cant use regular shaving cream.. Definitely not good for a pussy... Soap works better...I begin... I shave her smooth... I left a small triangle in the front.. Made it a little different from my straight line... I rinse out the cloth and rinse her off... " Now Ally remember, when you are done shaving always used a few drops of baby oil all over your pussy.. It prevents razor burn.." She reached down and felt her pussy... "Mmmm that feels so nice... And so clean.. WoW.. I really like it..." "There's a mirror leaning against the wall in the bedroom, go look at it yourself".. Ally got up and was gone... I put the buzzers away, picked up the towel.. straightened up... She was sitting on the floor in front of the mirror.. " The light sucks in this room Lily".. " So then we'll take in the other room... I picked up and carried it... " Sit on the couch Ally... scoot your butt to the edge..." I then positioned the mirror right in front of her leaning slightly on the coffee table...

" My pussy is Pretty too.. WoW .. I Love it.. and it feels so, so what's the word I'm looking for... Exposed... that's it... Its Exposed but I like that... Isn't that weird..." I shake my head no.. I sit and watch her look at her pretty pussy... She is spreading the lips apart, putting a finger in her hole, run her finger around her hole.. Driving me absolutely INSANE.. I want so badly to just dive in face first... I start thinking, " I told myself I was going to take whatever comes my way this summer.. Be the slut I want to be.. so this pussy has come my way, I think I should lick it.. And I did.. I bent over and just started licking her clit... She was moaning instantly.. and She didn't try to stop me either.. I got down on the floor, got between her legs and feasted on her pussy... I was getting no objections in anyway... All tho she was saying " O My God, O My God." but I'll take that as something really good... I stuck 2 fingers into her pussy and she bucked... " GOD YES" was all she said as she fell back against the couch... " Dont Stop, God PLEASE dont stop" she begged.. I pushed in another finger and that sent her over the edge.. She started bucking my fingers and face... with my free hand I had to grab hold of her... She soaked me... I made small circles around her clit while she came down from her orgasm.. Once she was breathing a soft moan, I let my tongue flick across her clit.. That moan got louder.. I take her whole clit into my mouth and begin to suck on it lightly... I know she instantly likes this, as with the squeal of delight... I suck a little harder... I get a nice deep moan with this... I do it again and again... each time I hear a really deep moan... And that brought her over the edge the 2nd time .. I released her clit and pulled my fingers out... She kinda clasped into the couch... I take a long drink of my coke... Ally was still laying there... I think she needed to rest a bit... I packed my bowl and went and stood just outside the door... I dont want to smoke in the house... Out here is ok cause I'm under neath the deck from the kitchen... a few minutes later Ally came out and took a big hit herself.. "I've never cum like that before.. I got dizzy.. " she said... We stood out there smoking and didn't have 1 piece of clothing on.. Ally is a little taller than me so I was quite shocked when she pushed me against the wall and started kissing me... In my head I'm screaming " O My God" Her lips are just so soft.. I've never felt anything like it... "O My God" her tongue.. Its fat and plump just like her lips and O so soft.. I'm in heaven.. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.. Her whole mouth is so soft.. I finally pull free and lead her back to the couch... we sit down facing each other... I run my finger over your puffy lips.. They are so red now.. I look down at her nipples, they are huge.. I Love it... She leans over and begins kissing me again... I can kiss her all night.. I love the way she feels... Ally kept leaning on to me until I was finally laying on the couch with her on top of me.. Our tits were touching and our pussy's were grinding.. We kept kissing... I was so wet, I could feel it running down my ass... She started licking down my neck to my nipple.. She takes each nipple into her mouth sucking and nibbling on them.. Kisses her way down my tummy.. Ally pushes opens my legs and went for it... She licked me from my ass to my clit and back.. She wanted to do it All... Then she zeroed in on my clit. she knew exactly what to do... Her tongue... O My God her tongue.. she flattens it out right on my clit and vibrates it somehow.. Fucking INCREDIBLE... Then she starts kissing my pussy, especially my hole.. Almost like she is making out with it.. and with her lips... So soft and then she pushes tongue in... That was it.. I went over the edge... She licked and tongued me through 2 more orgasms before she finally gave me a break.. She layed on top of me and we started kissing again.. I could taste myself on her lips... We kissed for several minutes before she pulled away and said " I want more".. She then went right back to licking my pussy... Ally is very good.. Its hard to believe I'm the first girl she's been with... She knows exactly what to do...

" You Ladies look like you are enjoying yourselves.." Ally and I both look up to see Danny and Dave standing there... "Please dont stop because of Us " Dave says.. "Make believe we aren't here." Says Danny... Ally started licking my clit again, so she made up her mind and I'm just going along... I'm laying on the couch with 1 legs hanging off... Ally is on her knees on the floor , her ass in the air and her face in my pussy... Dave and Danny sat down on the other couch.. They have a perfect view of Ally's ass and her face in my pussy... They just sat back and watched for several minutes... Danny leaned forward and I watched 1 finger go up and down Ally's pussy... She shuddered and moaned really loud... Danny then got on the floor putting his face in Ally's freshly shaven pussy... Ally started coming instantly... She got really loud.. which really turned me on and I started coming... I slid up from Ally while Danny went to town on her pussy... Dave went and sat down on the couch where I was... Ally's eyes opened WIDE when she saw Dave's nice thick cock... he was a good 5 or so inches around... Ally wrapped her hands around the base of his cock and put the head in her mouth... Ally was definitely going to have to work on it to swallow his cock.. And if she is anything like me and I think she is.. She'll do it.. I stand up and look down at all of them.. Danny is licking Ally, Ally is sucking on Dave.. I move the coffee table out of the way, I pick up Dave's hand and pull him gently towards the floor where I have him lay on his back... Ally never missed a beat... Her Mouth never lost his cock... I go over to Danny and gently pull on his leg to where I want him to go... Once I get him where I want him, I lean in and whisper to him" Baby, get on your back so I can suck on you".. He flipped onto his back and pulled Ally's pussy down onto it... Dave knew what I was doing and positioned himself.. I went over and kissed him on the lips before I lowered my pussy onto his face... Dave really likes to eat pussy... Any guy who can do it as good as he can has to like it... I leaned over and lovingly took Danny's cock into my mouth.. Danny is longer then the others, just not as thick... He really goes deep... He hits this one spot in the back of my throat that I swear it has a direct connection to my pussy... Bells and Whistles start going off.. It was the circle of pleasure.. I could hear Ally moaning really loud.. Dave was pinching both my nipples.. I too was moaning loud... I hear Ally say " Somebody needs to Fuck me Now".. I release Danny's cock and he went right to it... She slammed his cock right into her pussy and let her have it hard... I pulled away from Dave and got underneath Ally... While Danny was Fucking her I licked her clit.. She had a cock on in her pussy, a tongue on her pussy and a cock in her mouth... I know she was loving it... Ally's body was shaking... I could feel her against my own... I could feel her orgasm hit... She pinned me down... Then all her body weight was on me... I managed to get my head out to get air... Danny backed out and Dave slowly pulled away... Dave held her while I rolled out from under her... She kinda layed there all crumpled on the floor with this big clown like grin... "She looks very happy if you ask me" I say... They both laugh and agree... Dave pulls me to him and says " Are you Happy Lily" just before he kisses me deeply... When he finally pulls away I say " yes, I'm very happy"... "And why are you so Happy?" Dave says.. "Because I know you are going to Fuck me and that makes me Happy"... "O yeah I am going to Fuck you, but which hole should I Fuck?" I lean in and kiss him deeply... Darting my tongue in and out of his mouth... I kiss my way up his cheek to his ear... I whisper softly " I want you in my pussy.." then I sucked on his lobe... I could hear Ally moaning again... I look over and Danny is licking her pussy again... He is showing her no mercy... Dave stands up and pulls me with him and says.. " We're gonna go to the bedroom" and pulls my hand to follow him.. Dave lays me down right next to him... he pulls me closer wrapping his big arms around me.. We just start kissing... Daves hand was rubbing me up and down my side, lightly touching my tits...

Dave rolled on top of me and was between my legs... He pushed his cock in slowly, taking his merry ole time... "Damn Lily how did you get your pussy so tight again". I explained that Wendy's older sister Chrissy taught Wendy and I to do our kegel exercises.. He looked at me quite puzzled.. I then explained and with his cock inside me I showed him how I tighten the muscles... He moaned... " I do that several times a day..Especially after sex, I can tighten right back up.." He seemed impressed.. Dave started kissing me as he slowly glided in and out of my pussy... I dont know how long we were like that when Dave yelled " Hey".. He looked over his shoulder and I looked over his other shoulder to see Ally with her hand between his legs.." Calm down, its just me playing with your balls" Ally said.. I watched as she lowered her head and out of my view but I knew instantly what she was doing... With Daves cock still inside me, she took his balls into her mouth... He was moaning like crazy... Danny came up to me and shoved his cock into my mouth... I love how forceful Danny is.. He just fucks the hell out of my mouth.. He kept hitting the right spot and BAM, my orgasm hit like a ton of brick.. It was so hard I couldn't breath.. I had to push Danny off... I was gasping for air... " You Ok?" Danny said... I shook my head yes.. Danny got up, got behind Ally and plunged his cock deep into her... Her moans were muffled with Dave's balls in her mouth.. Which of course vibrated Dave's balls.. He was moaning like crazy... Danny started to really plow into Ally, so hard that she had to let go of Dave's balls... Dave whispers in my ear " Ride me baby"... Dave rolled off me , but took me with him... His cock never left my pussy.. I got up on my knees and straddled him... His cock is even deeper inside me... Dave pinches my nipples as I rotate my hips... MMMMMMMMMM is all that escapes from his mouth... I grind my pussy down onto his Cock... Dave grabs my hips and pushes up into me... " O GOD YES" is all I can say as my orgasm hits again... I look over to see Ally with her ankles behind her head and Danny fucking her so hard... She's encouraging him to fuck her Harder.. " Harder, Harder... Yeah ...." Her orgasm hits her and she is practically screaming.. Dave holds my hips and begins to fuck me from underneath... Hard like Danny is fucking Ally... All of a sudden you hear Danny say " can I cum in you?" " yesssss.. i'm on the pill".. with that Danny pushed deeper into her and exploded... I looked back at Dave he was so close... I leaned over and pinched each of his nipples and Off he went... He plunged his cock deeper into me.. I felt his hot liquid hitting my inner walls... Pushing me into another orgasm... when it subsided I fell on top of Dave... He wrapped his arms around me and held me close... It was really quite nice... We all layed there for a little while.. I finally got up and said I would be right back, I was going to take a quick shower to rinse off...

I turned the hot water on and adjusted the cold water... I took out my re useable douche bottle... I just fill it up with warm water and flush myself clean.. I do it at least twice... Ally came in saying she wanted to rinse off too.. " what are you doing Lily?" I explained and if she wanted she could also.. She did... I washed the nozzle good and handed it to her... told her to do it twice... I got under the hot shower water without wetting my hair... Took some soap and cleaned my pussy... Ally came in and did the same thing... Once the water was off I applied a small amount of babyoil to my pussy.. Ally did the same..

The guys were sitting in the livingroom naked.. Of course Ally and I were still naked... what was the point to putting clothes on now... " Lily we were wondering if we could hit your bong?"Dave said... " Of course" was my reply... All 4 of us went outside buck ass naked... Danny then says " lets get the blanket and go lay out in the grass behind the pool... " Danny got the blanket, Dave got some cokes, Ally and I got the bong... Still naked... With no light on back here and there were no street lights, no one could see us walking naked in the backyard... Danny spreads the blanket out, Ally and I kinda sit in the middle... She packs the bowl and takes the first hit and passes it to Danny.. He passes it to me,and onto Dave... We filled the bowl 6 more times.. I was feeling very nice... Had no worries... Ally was definitely having no worries or inhibitions.. " So who were the other 3 guys who fucked Lily?" She said... Danny and Dave both looked at me... Then smiled.. " Billy, John and Joey" Dave said... Ally didn't say anything at first... but then she says " I would definitely fuck John and Joey, but not Billy.. I dont like him.." I could understand.. I didn't even tell her about what he did to me when we were alone... "but I could definitely fuck any of the seniors on the football team.." Ally said.. I nearly choked... " How many guys is that" I said... Danny thought about it. "I think its 14." "Ally why do you ask" Dave says... Even I was wanting to hear her answer... And very quietly she says "because I want what you did to Lily.."

We spent the next 45 minutes talking about it... It was decided that it would be both Ally and I.. The same rules still applied.. No means no.. "And I dont want Billy there" I say... " Ally think you could convince your mom to let you go camping with us?" Danny says.. "I dont know about that one "She says.. " I dont think my Mom would trust me." We'll figure something out I tell her... Danny and Dave help us carry the blanket back to the house... They gave each of us a very nice kiss goodnight after they got their clothes...


Its Friday morning... Ally's parents asked Aunt Mary to keep Ally while they took a weekend together... They were going to the shore... It was around 11 when Dave came in... He comes ups behind me and pulls my back to his chest...Whispers in my ear " Want to go Camping tonight?" My pussy instantly gets wet... "Pack some clothes for the sake of Mary, but just know you wont be needing them.." He sucked on my ear lobe.. "Be ready by 5.. that's when we leave.." He let go of me and walked out... I was standing there breathless.. I then went and told Ally... I then head upstairs to see what kind of mood Aunt Mary is in... She is sitting in her chair reading the newspaper.. Leo, he orange long hair cat was laying next to her... I went into the kitchen and saw the breakfast dishes were still in the sink... A lightbulb went off in my head.. I started doing the dishes.. I then cleaned the stove top, wiped down all the counters , dried and put away the dishes... In the Cabinet I found 3 cans of tuna.. I took out Mayo, onion, celery and lettuce.. As soon as I opened the tuna Leo came running.. Meow... Meow.. As he rubs up against my legs... " Lily what are you doing in there?" " I'm making us lunch and Leo seems to want some.." " You dont have to do that, what are you making?" "Tuna Salad." With that Aunt Mary came into the kitchen with Ally right behind her... " Thank you for making lunch.. That is so nice.." Aunt Mary said as she gave me a kiss on my forehead.. " Would you like it on a bed of lettuce or on a sandwich with lettuce?" I say to both of them... "Sandwich" they say in unison... We all laugh... "then sit down and I'll get everything ready." I say... I put it all together.. and got everyone a drink... Once I served them, I sat myself down.. Of course we held hands and said grace before we ate.. (Rolling my eyes behind closed lids) After lunch we sat and talked... I told Aunt Mary how nice it was to have Ally around to talk too... "Ally is actually helping me with Math.. I barely past this year and I have to take 1 more term of algebra.." " O Lily I've been meaning to show you something... Aunt Mary got up and went into the living room... She came back to the table and handed me several pictures... "The one on top is me at 10.. the next 1 is me at 16. " Aunt Mary said... I remember what I looked like at 10.. Now I see why everyone says I look like her.. Her at 16 is me now at 15.. I'd swear that was my identical twin.. Ally took the picture and held it up next to me... "WOW" was all she could say.. " That next picture is of me at 25 when I married Uncle Bob." I'm just amazed... I look up and say to Aunt Mary. " At least I know what I'll look like for the rest of my life.. I think you look great for 74 and I hope I do too. So tell me your beauty secrets.." Aunt Mary cracks up laughing... She just couldn't stop... I knew I had her then... " O Aunt Mary I almost forgot... Danny, Dave and Jimmy are going camping again this weekend.. I was hoping you would permit me to go again.." " What about Ally? does she want to go?" Ally shrugs her shoulders and says " I dont care, but only if I get to share a tent with Lily." Aunt Mary laughs.. " Of course you would share Lily's tent... Dont be silly.. so then yes you can go... Do you want to bring any food with you this time?" I immediately said "Yes.. I dont like eating really ugly fish.. I'd rather starve.." Aunt Mary laughed hard at me again...

By 5 we had a cooler packed along with our bags and were waiting at the front door... All 3 guys came in and said hello to Aunt Mary.. They promised to take good care of us and they meant it.. In the car I sat in the front with Jimmy driving .. Ally was between Dave and Danny in the back... all our gear and coolers were in the trunk...About 10 minutes out I say to Jimmy " Got the keys?" I laugh as I say it... " Change of plans we are going somewhere different... " I look at Jimmy and he has a big smile... "Who will be there?" Ally says... "Its a Surprise" says Dave.. I'm excited and scared at the same time... Not scared but anticipation maybe... I hear Ally saying " I'm just like Lily I dont like cum in my mouth or on my face.. anywhere else is fine.." I tried cum several times... always tasted like a big wad of salt.. I wanted to vomit.. so I dont do it anymore.. We smoked several joints while we drove.. On the highway we crossed over into Pennsylvania... It was close to 8pm and the sun was starting to set.. Danny tells Jimmy " Pull off the next exit and make a right..." The sign said Hope something but we went by it too fast... Off the highway there were no gas stations or street lights... Jimmy had to use his headlights... Danny told him which way to go... we drove for another 30 minutes when Danny said... " Ok you are looking for Rider Ridge Road on your right.. I dont know when it comes up.." Driving another 5 more minutes I saw a wooden sign that had a 1 giant R.. Rider Ridge Road.. "see the sign Jimmy" I say... He makes the right just in time... We drive about a mile down this dirt road when we come to a gate that was closed... There are chains with locks holding the gate to the fence and a Sign.. "Trespassers will be Shot on Sight".

This makes me nervous " Jimmy where are we?" I say.. "Its a friends family hunting property.. Its 300 acres fenced in.. Dont worry, you are always safe." He put his hand on mine and I knew nothing would happen to me or Ally that we didn't want too... Dave got the chains off and we drove through... Dave then put the chains and locks back on... When Dave got back into the car, Danny then said.. "We are going to blindfold the both of you for now, but they will come off later.." I felt the blindfold before I saw it, " Wait" I said... " Please let me put my hair up first before you put it on." I looked through my pocketbook till I found a pony... Using my fingers I pulled it back out of my face.. When I was done, I said ok... the blindfold went over my eyes and was tied firmly behind my head... under my ponytail.. We started to drive again but I couldn't judge how far we went or how fast we were going... When we came to a stop Jimmy said to wait... I didn't move until I felt my door was opened... I felt a hand touch mine, "come with me".. I recognized this voice... It was John... He helped me out of the car and then gave me a very nice kiss... His tongue darting in and out of my mouth... He then walked me very slowly he finally said " O the hell with this" and picked me up... He carried me up 8 steps... I counted... I knew we walked through a door cause my foot hit the door jam... I could hear whispering but nothing clear... John finally set me down on my feet... Then I felt Ally standing right next to me... She instantly grabbed my hand and held it... Then Jimmy who was standing behind us said " Everybody, This is Lily and Ally.. Y'all know the rules.. If they say no, it means No.." As he is saying this someone is pulling my shirt off over my head... leaving me in my black bathing suit top and my cut off shorts.. I could feel the strings being untied and being pulled away from my chest.. Someone in front of me unbuttoned my shorts , pulling the zipper down... I have on my rainbow bikini bottoms... I feel my shorts being pushed down my legs to my ankles.. I stepped out of them... A hand pushed my legs apart while another set of hands untied my bottoms letting them fall to the floor... I could hear Ally moaning but that's it... I was then picked up and carried only to be put on a table I guess... I felt a head between my legs and I willingly opened wide... As soon as I felt a tongue on my clit I instantly orgasmed... And the night began... My pussy and mouth always had a cock in it... I dont know how long I was on that table being pounded.. Cum was all over me and in my pussy... I lost count of dicks... I know for sure there is at least 10 different dicks that I had... I could feel the guys pulling away... Till the last guy who was in my pussy blew his load deep inside me... Which sent me off into another orgasm of my own... As I was laying there catching my breath.. Jimmy whispered in my ear." I'm going to take you to clean up and then lay down for a while.. You're night is not over yet..." My whole body trembled... Jimmy picked me up and carried me up the stairs... Again my foot hit the door jam.. Once I heard the door close behind us Jimmy set my feet down but held onto me to support... He removed my blindfold and the light was blinding... It took several minutes for my eyes to adjust to the light... We were in a large bathroom... "Where's Ally?" I say... " Danny will be bringing her up when she's done.. for now, lets get you in a shower to wash off... " He left me leaning against the bathroom vanity.. He adjusts the water temp even.. He comes and gets me, helping walk.. My legs are still a little wobbly.. He held my hand as I stepped in.. " Come in with me Please" I say... Both of us stood under the water, he helped me wash away all the cum on me... He held me by my waist while I washed and conditioned my hair.. When I was done he held me close and just kept staring at me... He came in closer and began kissing me softly... Nothing rushed, warm sensuous kisses... He finally pulls away and says " Promise me something".. "Anything".. "1 night next week I want to spend some time alone with you.. " I wrap my arms tighter around his neck as I look up into his eyes " I would love to alone with you"... We kissed again and then Danny carried Ally in... Jimmy and I got out of the shower but left the water running for Ally... The tub was filled with hot water that Jimmy had done earlier... I lowered myself into the water... It always makes me pussy feel so much better... Danny and Ally were quick in the shower... Ally got in the other end of the tub and layed her legs over mine... I told the guys they could go back downstairs that we were going to stay in the water for a while...

Neither Ally or I said anything.. We both kinda layed there... I finally open my eyes and look over at Ally... Her head is leaning back but she is glowing... I finally break the silence and say " How do you feel?" She doesn't say anything at first.. she just looks at me making faces... "I have so many feelings going on right now.. excited, tired, sexy, hot, sore.. It was so fucking awesome.. " I just had to laugh... I knew what she meant... When we started to prune we both got out of the water... I kept doing my kegel excersizes while I was in the water... Ally now knows how to do this also... Out of the bathroom was a very large bedroom, I looked around hoping to find my bag but it wasn't here... Neither was Ally's bag... "I guess no clothes for us" .. I layed in the bed and Ally was right next to me... We pulled the blankets up and cuddled together for warmth... That was the last thing I remembered till I felt a hand between my legs rubbing my clit... I open my eyes to see Jimmy right above me and Danny was over Ally... " Time to get up girls, it's Playtime..." Danny said... the way he said playtime was sinister..He continued on saying " You both will be blindfolded again but they wont stay on for too much longer.." Jimmy looked at me "Do you want to put it up again before I put this on?" and I did... I found my ponytail on the vanity.. I didn't brush and dry my hair when I got out of the shower so now it dried naturally and is curly... I pulled it back as best I could... I have a giant poof of curls at the back of my head... Oh Well... Jimmy then replaces my blindfold... Again I was carried down stairs.. I whisper to Jimmy" I can walk".. At the base of the steps he sets me down... He guided me to a chair where I sat down... "Lily would you like something to drink?" " Yes , Please." A few minutes later I felt a straw at my lips and I happily took a long sip... When the straw was pulled away I just sat there with my hands on my lap... I felt a body lean up against my right leg.. Then on my left leg... I had a hand on each knee ... 1 hand was kinda soft but the other 1 was rough, working hands.. the pulled my legs towards their body, spreading me wide open... I felt 2 hands then 2 fingers on my clit.. I instantly suck my breath in and moan... "Hey give her a break, you can wait" I hear Jimmy say from somewhere over my shoulder... the fingers stopped and they pushed my legs back together... The guy with the rough hand quietly said "damn it".. It made me giggle.. Jimmy then took my hand and said " Com on babe, we're going for a walk.we need to put your sneakers on.." He guided me through what I would think to be a living room.. This time I felt the door jam with my hand.. "Ok Lily you have 8 steps starting now".. Jimmy said holding my hand.. It was a warm summer night... I could hear animal sounds all around... We walked slow.. I dont know where Ally is, I just know I'm with Jimmy outside walking.. We walked for maybe 5 minutes, but I couldn't judge distance blindfolded... "Step up your left foot Lily" Jimmy said.. And I did.. I dont know what it was but it was bigger than my foot and hard... I put all my weight on my left foot.. Jimmy holds me and guides my right foot over , spreading my legs apart..."does that feel ok?" He asks... I just shake my head yes... I felt hands take each arm pulling them in opposite directions..

I felt the straps go around my wrists and then my ankles... My pussy was leaking down my inner thigh... Again I am standing spread eagle completely exposed... Someone is standing directly behind me... I can feel his cock against my ass... He rubs his cock along my slit.." Damn you are soaking wet girl"this guy says in a sweet southern drawl... I feel his hand reach around my waist and he fingers my clit... I'm moaning loudly now... I hear a loud slap and I turn my head in the direction it came from.. It sounded like it was right in front of me but a few feet away... Then I hear Ally moaning... " O you like that huh" and I hear another hard Slap... Again Ally yelps and moans loudly... "Do you want more?" ... "say it.. no one can hear your head shake" this voice says... " Yes" I hear Ally say... SLAP, SLAP, SLAP in a row... Ally screams but moans all at the same time... then again SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP.... Ally is screaming but not a bad scream... I hear this voice say " Give her a whack".. I hear a slap.. " No, not like that... like this" SLAP, SLAP... Ally screams in pleasure again... Then I hear "Lets see if this other one likes that." I quickly say " NO" .. Hearing it turned me on, but having it done to me is something else and I dont want to try it... I then heard Jimmy say from somewhere behind me "Back off Chris, she said No"... I felt someone standing in front of me.. Hands were on my tits, pinching both nipples... Now I could hear hands slapping Ally's ass... At least I think that's where they would slap her... Then I heard someone say " Here use this"... I wanted to know what... I moved my head so I could try and hear better... It got really really quiet... The guy who was just pinching my nipples had stopped... I heard a swish sound and then contact with skin... It made a noise I cant describe and so did Ally... It was this really throat moaning scream.. Someone was standing directly behind me... "Want to see whats going on" Dave whispers into my ear... I shake my head yes very fast... Dave removes my blindfold and again it takes me a few minutes for my eyes to adjust... I look around and I'm in a barn... I tied up to a wooden frame with leather straps... There are ALOT of guys here.. Holy Shit.. there is hay everywhere and blankets thrown over them.. Some guys were sitting down and jerking off.. Dave tells some of the guys to move... When they did I could see Ally was about 10 feet in front of me.. She too is tied spread eagle to another wooden frame... I cant see what they are spanking her ass with but they take several whacks at her then pass it off... I turn my head slightly towards Dave.. " What are they hitting her with?" "Its a Riding crop used on horses.." Dave reached around and pinched my nipples... He moved his cock and pushed it deep into my pussy while I watched Ally get spanked.. Then I heard his voice.. It was the guy who started spanking Ally... He moved out to where I can see him... He's big... at least 6 ft tall... He got right behind her and told her he was going to pound her pussy... He grabbed hold of her hips and really plowed into her... 2 guys where in front of her sucking her tits... I looked over my shoulder " Dave.. please let me down.." Dave pulls right out of me and starts untying me.. It took me a couple of minutes to be able to move normally... I walk over to Ally... All the guys got quiet.. I put my hands on her face... I begin to kiss her... She knows its me and kisses me back passionately.. I untie her blindfold and step back to let her eyes adjust... I'm the first thing she is able to focus on and she smiles big for me... And then she looks around... The guy who was fucking her finally stopped and pulled out... I then removed the straps from her wrists and ankles... All the guys were just standing there watching.. I help Ally over to one of the hay stacks that has a blanket on it... She sits down but jumps back up... Her ass is Flaming red... Instead she layed on her tummy 1 stack higher... I felt bad for Ally... I started to kiss and lick her ass cheeks... "oooooo, mmmmm that feels good." she moans... my kisses trail down to between her legs... I lick all around her hole, darting my tongue in and out... She pushes back on my tongue for it to go deeper... I begin to lap at her pussy like a dog laps water... I went to move and hay jabbed me through the blanket.. This was not working out well.. I reached for Ally's hand and said "Come with me".. I stood up and looked at all the guys watching up.. "Ally and I are going to the house, You can come with us. BUT just so you know there will be no more spanking of Ally and no more blindfolds.. I like to see who is Fucking me." I dont know where I got the nerve to just say it but I did... Ally and I walked out of the barn and could see the house was about 200 yards away... Its a big house.. Like an old Country home with wide porch...

Once inside Ally and I went straight upstairs... I wanted to put some cream on her butt.. The skin was cut in 2 places... Before we headed back down Ally said " How many guys are here?" "I dont know" was all I said... We head back down and we get a good view of just how many guys there were... There were 12 guys on the left side of the stairs in the living room and 11 on the right in the dining room/kitchen ... Then the guy with the mean voice came through the front door... That made 24 guys... When we reached the bottom of the stair Ally squeezed my hand then let go.. She headed to the kitchen area.. I saw that John was sitting in a chair alone.. I went and sat on his lap, facing him... His cock was hard in seconds... His hands were rubbing up and down my back... I raised my hips enough for his cock to go right into my pussy... Instantly cocks surrounded me.. A cock in my mouth, A cock in each hand, A cock in my pussy and now I could feel a cock being pushed into my ass... For the next several hours, every hole was filled with cocks... Just the positions changed... Every so often I would catch a glimpse of Ally... All her holes were filled also... They had her on the table.. I know every guy Fucked at least 1 of my holes that night.. The last guy to pull out of me was Dave.. He exploded deep in my ass which sent me off into I think my 100th orgasm... Dave helped me stand up... Cum was running out of my ass and pussy down my legs...Before going up the stairs I looked around at the room.. It was a disaster.. 2 guys were still fucking Ally in her mouth and pussy... Dave helped support me as we went up... He started the shower water for me.. I then asked him before I got in under the water if he could start a bath for me and also get our bags... He started the tub and left... A few minutes later Ally came in with the guy Chris who spanked her earlier... He helped her into the shower with me and closed the door... Ally was in worst shape than me... This was her first time with more than 1 guy... I helped her get washed up and then we both got into the bathtub again.. The water feeling good on both our pussys and asses... I finally say " I wonder whose house this is?" Ally quietly said " Chris, the guy who helped me in here.. He comes from a lot of money and this is his fathers hunting house.." This was some house just to be used only when hunting I thought... " Do you mind if I use this shower, the line for the other one is long" Jimmy said... I tried to get out of the tub but I just didn't have the energy or strength to do it... When Jimmy was done with his shower I asked him to help me... Ally snuggled closed to me in the bed.. The sun was just coming up outside so I knew it was around 5 in the morning... It didn't take long before we were both fast asleep...

When I opened my eyes the sun was shining brightly in the room.. Damn that hurt... I got up and went straight to the bathroom... I took 1 look in the mirror and scared myself... I was a mess... Again I didn't brush my hair after the shower last night... I found my bag on the floor and took out my brush.. I attempted to get the brush through it but it wasn't going to happen... I had to rewet my hair and then slowly run my brush through it... I didn't even blow dry it once I was done.. I just let it hang wet... I found a pair of cut off shorts and a blue tank top.. I brushed my teeth, applied a little eyeliner and lip gloss.. This was the best I was gonna look... I'm not sore like I was the last time even tho I fucked a lot more guys this time... Ally was still sleeping soundly when I left the bedroom... I found no one downstairs.. I was starving.. I found some sweet tea in the fridge and a big red apple... This will work I think... I sit down at the table and can see someone definitely cleaned.. I was full halfway through the apple... I managed to take a couple more bites before I threw it out... I went outside but still found no one else.. I took a walk down to the barn and found no one there either... I didn't even see any cars... I went back to the house and found a clock... It was just after 2pm... With Ally still sleeping and the guys gone I really had nothing to do but wait... There were several chairs on the porch and a porch swing... I choose the swing... Across the yard I saw 2 Deer's come out of the woods.. 1 big 1 small.. Probably Mom and baby... I must have drifted off to sleep when I was startled by voices.. I sat up to see Jimmy, Joey, Danny, Dave, Chris and John come walking up the front steps... "Hey sweetie, how you feeling?" Jimmy said as he sat down next to me... "I feel great" I said... "Ally awake?" Danny asked... " She wasn't when I left the room but maybe she is now." Danny headed inside I guess to find out... Chris followed him... I look at Jimmy and say" I have to know, who were all those guys last night?" Jimmy smiled at me "The football team.. Mostly seniors, a couple of Juniors and 4 who graduated this year..." "And where are they now?" " They were only here for last night Lily.. Tonight will just be us 6 guys and the 2 of you..." I look at Jimmy looking all innocent like and say " And do I get to pick who sleeps next me like last time?" Jimmy smiles " Yes you do." I smiled big and say " Good, then I pick You " pointing to Jimmy..I give all 4 guys a quick kiss before I head in to check on Ally... I walk into the bedroom to find Ally laying on her side with Danny plowing her ass and Chris Fucking her pussy and kissing her... I turned to leave only to face Joey.. " Why you leaving Lily, lets join the fun." he said as he pushed me back in the room and bent me over the footboard.. He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled straight down exposing my pussy and ass to him... He spread my legs open and put his hand on my pussy... " Damn you are already soaking wet for me" He stood up behind me and slid his cock right into my awaiting pussy... I closed my eyes and felt him slam harder and harder into me.. He held my hips tight and still... My first orgasm was like an explosion deep inside of me... He didn't stop.. He kept hitting the right spot and I was having mind blowing orgasms after another... I knew he was ready to cum, I tightened my pussy muscles around his cock and didn't release... He blew his load almost instantly.... When I finally opened my eyes everyone , including all the guys were sitting on the bed watching us... Jimmy got up on the bed directly in front of me and put his cock into my mouth.. Dave got in behind me Every time Dave pushed into me, he pushed my mouth deeper onto Jimmy's cock... I could see Danny and Chris were still fucking Ally.. "Jim, lets take her to the floor" said Dave.. Dave pulls me down on top of him.. My legs straddling him... Jimmy gets on his knees at Daves head.. I leaned over and took his cock right back into my mouth... Dave has a great view of Jimmy's cock sliding down my throat.. I felt someone playing with my asshole but didn't turn to see who it was.. It was probably John.. He has a nice cock... Fits really well in my ass... Again all 3 holes were stuffed with Cock... All 8 of us Fucked for a couple of hours... Ally never even got to get out of bed... When we were done, the guys headed downstairs while Ally and I took showers and baths.. They told us they would call us when dinner was ready... Ally and I took our time.. After I got out of the bath I blow dried my hair... It takes about 30 minutes to dry on high heat.. "Lily what are you going to put on?" I was applying my eyeliner when she asked.. I turned and said " Nothing.. Dave said we wouldn't need clothing.. I'm just putting a pair of booties on to keep my feet from getting cold.." I finished my eyeliner, added a light shade of brown eyeshadow.. It always makes my green eyes seem greener.. I pinched my cheeks to give them a little color and finally I used red lipstick.. I dabbed some vanilla oil behind my ears, on my neck, around my boobs and on my inner thighs... Ally used some also... While Ally was putting on mascara and lip gloss I put on my booties... We both seemed to be done so we went downstairs... All the guys were outside on the porch.. I could see pots on the stove but didn't know if there was anything in them... I walked out onto the porch to find them grilling steaks.. "Hey sweetie" Jimmy said as he kissed my cheek. " I like you naked".. "Ally how do you like your steak?"Chris said.. "Well done" "And you Lily?" "Rare"... Ally and I looked at each other and laughed... Talk about opposites... Chris took my steak off and put it to the side so everyone elses could continue to cook... Back inside John and Jimmy set the table for 8.. Putting me and Ally on the ends... Ally and I were served first... It was a nice cut of steak and a baked potato w/cheese and sour cream... It was odd sitting at a table completely naked eating.. I made sure to lean over the plate so not to spill anything on my naked body... We had a normal conversation.. It was no big deal 2 naked girls sitting and eating.. Of course football was a popular topic.. I knew nothing of the game.. Could care less.. Ally seemed to understand it but I was clueless and didn't care... The steak was awesome.. I didn't realize how hungry I was till I started eating... I ate all the meat but had only a couple of bites of the potato.. When we were all done I stood up and began to clear the table.. "Lily stop and just sit" said Chris... I put the plate down and sat back down.. The guys cleared away the everything and started cleaning... I went upstairs, got my bong and bag.. I told Ally to come out on the porch with me.. I didn't know if we could smoke in the house so I just went out...

Ally and I both sit on the swing.. I fill the bowl and take a nice long hit before I pass it off to her with the lighter... While Ally is taking her hit I look around... It really is quite beautiful here... The sun is setting.. the sky has that orange and purples colors... On this side of the porch is this swing that seats 3, 2 deck chairs and on the other side are just 3 deck chairs.. Ally passes back the bong only when it needed to be refilled.. This time I smoked the whole bowl before passing it back to her... The guys finally came out to sit with us... all the guys grabbed a chair and pulled them closer to the swing... When Jimmy came out with 2 glasses of sweet tea in his hand he had no where to sit.. He handed Ally and I a glass each... I moved my legs and told him to sit between us... All the guys had shorts and shirts on... Only Ally and I were naked... Chris pulls out this bag of weed and says " I picked this up in DC last weekend when I was with my Dad.. This is primo weed". The bowl was filled many more times... I need to get comfortable... I know I must have marks going across my ass... I stand up and stretch.. I felt a hand slide between my legs and push a finger to my pussy... " She is always soaking wet " Joey says... I look down at him, put my hands on my hips and say " And what is wrong with being wet all the time?" "Not a damn thing " was his reply... I turn around and look down at Ally... She is sitting there subconsciously petting her hairless pussy... I get down on my knees in front of her and say " Please let me do that for you." I push open her legs, I slowly pet her pussy letting my middle finger go between the folds of her lips grazing her clit before passing over her hole... I take her 1 leg and throw it over Jimmy's leg and then I dive into her pussy.. I zero in on her clit.. Making her scream... I Lick every inch of her pussy, sucking her big puffy lips before I teasingly flick my tongue across her clit.. She is moaning like crazy.. Her pussy is so so sweet and velvety soft.. I love how her soft pussy surrounds my face when I eat her... Using my fingers I spread her pussy wide open.. Jimmy has a perfect view of my tongue on her clit.. From behind me I hear Chris say " Ladies lets take this inside and get a little more comfortable... I gave Ally's clit one last lick before I stood up... Chris took Ally's hand and headed inside.. Jimmy pulled me to him and kissed me hard... Tasting Ally on my mouth... He put his arm around me and we walked inside... Someone had moved all the furniture in the living room back out of the way.. On the floor was the biggest air mattress I'd ever seen.. Ally was already spread out in the middle of it.. Guys were already removing their clothing.. I crawled up between Ally's legs parting her juicy lips and zeroing in on her clit.. I lapped at her clit fast and furiously.. Bringing her first orgasm on fast.. I push my tongue up her pussy hole , cleaning the cum out of her... I slowly work my way up to her clit again, I lick all around her clit but never quite touching it... I feel movement on the mattress, I open my eyes to see Chris putting his cock in Ally's mouth. He straddles her head and then lays down along her stomach.. His face too is now at her pussy... I move my head slightly to the side and we are both licking her clit at the same time... Chris and I started kissing with Ally's clit in our mouths... I could hear her scream even with Chris's cock shoved down her throat... She was going to cum again and I knew it... I quickly shoved 3 fingers into her dripping wet pussy and she exploded like Mount St Helens.. Danny starts yelling " Get of her she cant breathe"as he pushes Chris.. I quickly release Ally.. Danny is holding her head.. She is gasping for air, breathing extremely hard... It took several minutes for her breathing to become normal again... Danny still holding Ally says " You ok babe?" she shakes her head yes.. "water" she said in a faint voice.. Someone quickly got her a glass.. She drank it in small sips.. Finally she says while all of us are staring at her.. " I'm fine.. that was the most intense orgasm of my life.. Scary but really intense.. I was suffocating almost and then it hit me like a train going 100 mph.. Really Really Intense.." Danny then says " Ally lets put you on the sofa so you can rest for a little bit".. He helped her stand and walked her over to the sofa where she layed down. He then picked up her legs and sat down, put hers on top of his..

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Jimmy.. " I think your pussy deserves a little attention now, dont you?" I smiled big at him and say " I couldn't agree more... With his hand still on my shoulder he pushed me down onto the mattress, using his other hand he spread my legs open... He lowered himself down on top of me... Kissing my lips, then my neck, slowly moving down my body leaving a trail of wet kisses till he gets right to the tip of my pussy... With his nose he pushes my lips apart and his tongue hit my clit quick.. He licked, nibbled and sucked on my pussy like it was his last meal.. I watched Chris and Joey kneel on either side of me and started licking and biting my nipples... I found a cock for each hand and started stroking them... Chris instantly started moaning.. Electricity shot through my body when I orgasmed. Chris and Jimmy trade places. Chris has a much different way of eating pussy... He laps it like a dog... Real slow.. And he happens to have a Gene Simmons tongue which is FUCKING INCREDIBLE.. He snakes it far up into my pussy.. No ones tongue has ever been this far in... I start fucking it like a cock... With his tongue lapping at my inner pussy walls I lost it.. I came all over his tongue and I know it... He pulls his tongue out and starts licking from my asshole to the tip of my pussy only to do it over and over and over again.. Now Joey and Chris trade places.. " O My God someone needs to Fuck me" I say.. I'm going nuts.. I need a cock in me... Joey looks up at me and says " Dont worry Lily, you'll get plenty of cock tonight.." and down he went... His tongue was fast and pointy, but then he took my clit in his mouth and began to suck on it as if it were a nipple... It was awesome.. Like heavens gates opening up and the Angels singing great.. I think I even left my own body for a few seconds.. He released my clit and got on his knees... He wasted no time pushing his nice cock into me.. Jimmy brought his cock up next to my head, then he got in the pushup position and started doing pushups with his cock in my mouth... It so hot to watch his body come down on top of me as his cock slides deeper into my throat... With 1 hand on Chris's cock while he pinches and bites my nipple, I start playing with Jimmy's balls... Tugging a little... He moaned really loud when I did it... So I started to pull a little harder each time... He really liked this... I cant see but I feel Joey and Chris trade places again... Chris is a big guy 6ft at least.. Really wide shoulders.. Nice looking.. He has a nice cock. He's a good 9 long and I can touch fingers going around it.. She shoved all 9 inches right into me.. He wasn't fucking me fast or slow, just a nice rhythm .. I finally had to push Jimmy off my face, his cock is just so thick its hard to keep doing in this postion... Joey then took Jimmy's place.. Joey is no where near as thick as Jimmy... I turned my head to the side and Joey slid right in... Jimmy had already plowed the way for him... Chris pushes and rolls his hips at the same time, which feels great to me.. He really knows how to use his cock to pleasure a girl.. I feel Chris lean over me, I open my eyes when he says " I'm gonna fuck your ass".. Just as he lifts my hips up Ally says " Hey you're hogging the mattress".. I release Joey's cock to look over and see Ally, Danny, Dave and John still on the sofa... " Ok Ok, we can trade places" I say... The 4 of us stand up while the 4 of them move to the floor..

I told Jimmy to sit down.. I leaned over him with my big tits in his face and quietly said " I want you in my pussy" I stood up looked at John "and I want you in my mouth" I turned to Chris "and you in my ass"... I straddled Jimmy's huge fat Cock and slowly pushed his head in... Jimmy has one of those big mushroomy puffy heads..I love how it feels just inside my pussy hole... I hold it there for a minute or two before pushing down further.. Stopping ever couple of inches so my pussy can adjust, till finally his cock fills my entire pussy.. He kisses me softly, his tongue searching till he finds mine... We kiss as if we are all alone.. Our kiss only broken because I feel Chris at my ass.. I open my eyes and Joey is standing on the sofa right next to me... His cock inches from my mouth... I look up at him and open my mouth.. I watch him as he watches his cock slide into my mouth and down my throat.. Chris pushes the head of his cock into my ass..His cock still wet from my pussy... He slowly pushes the whole length of his cock in.. Joey holds on to my head to keep his balance, while Jimmy holds my waist and Chris pinches my nipples... All 3 cocks go in, All 3 cocks go out.. In . Out. In. Out.. I scream with orgasm after orgasm wracks my body.. A few hours later both Ally and I are laying on the mattress filled with cum and covered in cum.. All 6 guys fucked all my 3 holes.. Same for Ally with the exception she wouldn't let Jimmy fuck her ass.. She said he was just way too thick... Since I had already chosen Jimmy to be my bed partner for the night, it was Ally's choice now... She had a big smile when she picked Danny...

After our showers and baths Danny took Ally into another bedroom leaving just Jimmy and I... While I was in the bath he had changed the sheets and remade the bed... Neither one of us put clothes on... Jimmy layed on his back and put my head on his chest.. With his big arms wrapped around me we just layed there... " You know Lily, I think you are amazing.. You are so open to try anything.. I never knew there were girls like you.." I picked up my head and looked at him.. I'm thinking to myself is this a good or bad thing... I guess he could read my mind cause he then said " I mean that in the best way.. You're smart and funny and sweet... I wish you lived here so I could have dated you." " Awww Jimmy that's so sweet to say." I kiss him lightly on the lips..."but Jimmy if I lived here and we were dating, I would have never fucked your brothers or anything I did.." " That's just it Lily, I get so turned on watching you fuck someone else.. I know it sounds crazy.. I hope 1 day when I get married to find someone like you".. I didn't know what to say... We just layed there facing each other... "You've made this the best summer Lily.. 1 I will never forget.." "I definitely wont forget it.. I've done things I never even thought of." He then says " Hopefully this will be the start of a great freshman year.." " O yeah that's right you're leaving for college soon.. what college are you going too?" "I got a football scholarship to Rutgers. I'm going to be a Scarlet Knight." he said proudly.. I smile at him " Jimmy Rutgers is only about a 30 minute drive from my house in NY." Now he smiles... He leans over and again kisses me softly.. Our tongues reaching out to find the other only to wrap around when they do.. We kiss like this for a long time... Jimmy finally pulls away and just looks at me... There is hardly any moon tonight but we are so close I can see into his eyes and down into his soul... His kisses down my cheek, nibbling on my ear lobe... He whispers in my ear " I could so easily fall in love with you." My eyes flew open and his lips were back on mine... He moves his body on top of mine, his weight on me but not crushing me.. " I'm going to make love to Lily" he said as he pushed himself inside me... I wrapped my legs around his and my arms around his body.. Every inch of our bodies were touching... Our bodies moved in unison.. We made love for a long time.. Jimmy brought me to orgasm several more times before he finally erupted deep inside of me... Jimmy layed next to me, pulling me real close.. We drifted off to sleep wrapped in each others arms...

The next day we all had a big breakfast.. We all pitched in and cleaned everything including doing the laundry of sheets.. Chris didn't want his father to know he has a key to the gates and house.. After lunch we get ourselves ready to leave.. Ally looked at me and said " We look too clean to be coming back from a camping trip... Ally bent down and picked up some dry dirt and rubbed it on my shirt... " Ally are you crazy" I say..." I'm not... take off your clothes and give them too me.." I hand her my shirt and then my short.. I leave my bra and panties on... Ally throws them on the ground and starts stepping on them, then she does the same to her clothe.. She picked up some dry dirt and rubbed it on her arms and legs.. Not making herself filthy dirty but dusty.. I understood what she was doing now and I did the same... We told Danny, Dave and Jimmy they should do the same thing since we are all going home together...

The drive home was nice even tho I did have dirt all over me.. " Lily why dont you come to church with us tonight?" Jimmy said.. I looked at him " why are you going to church tonight?" Danny in the back chimmed in " because we promised Mom that since we would miss morning church, we'd make it home for the evening. And Ally you know your Mother would want you to go too.." I turned around and looked at Ally. "He's right" she said " She would want me to go and once she finds out I went and she wasn't here, I'll score brownie points." We all laughed.. " Ok I'll go too then" I reluctantly said.. Once at home Ally and I both showered and got prettied up for church.. I put on 1 of the sundresses Aunt Mary bought me.. "Lily you might want to put your hair up, it gets very hot in the church." So I pulled it back into a loose bun.. Aunt Mary loved that I was going to church with everyone else.. She wasn't going cause she went that morning.. Again the 5 of us got in the car and left.. " Jimmy where is your Mom and Dad?" " They aren't going, just us." " Well good then, we can just go home in an hour or so and tell them we went.." They all laughed at me.. " Lily Mom will call the Rev tomorrow and ask him if we behaved. So we have to go.." "O OK.." It was the longest hour of my life..

Except for the last hour, this summer has turned out to be the best.. I've had some incredible sex, made a really good friend , met a lot of guys, and then there is Jimmy.. I like him a lot.. I guess we'll have to see how the rest of the summer goes..

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