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Festival of the Ancients Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Patty figured it must have been around 10 o?clock in the morning when Ken woke them up.

?Get up slaves, and assume the position,? he shouted. Patty could not wait for the garden hose, and used every second of the cool spray to wash her body, which was a worse mess that either Rosie or Doris.

When Ken got to Julie, he noticed some of the welts were bleeding, and put the hose down and walked Julie out of the slave quarters. Patty watched her go. Her naked body was criss-crossed with angry red welts and blue bruises. They had worked her over last night.

Ken?s wife came down after a few minutes, and snapped leashes on the collars of the slaves, leashing them together. She led them up into the court yard, where all of the people had gathered, waiting at the gate. They all left the compound together, the Master walking in the lead, the other couples following, talking, laughing.

When they neared the Great Hall, the trail parted, a sign pointing toward the Coliseum. The group followed the path to the Coliseum, Ken turned to Rose and pointed to the Great Hall, and handed her the leash.

Patty remembered the short, stocky guy that met them on the steps of the Great Hall. He was the Auction Master, the one that had sold them the first day they were here. She also remembered him as the one that untied her wrists last night, right before he took her.

?Come in my slaves,? he said cheerfully. ?Have something to eat. The golf cart will be here in a minute to take you down to the main gate. But I will keep you nude and collared until you officially leave. I guess I am just mean that way,? he laughed.

The slaves ate like wolves. Patty realized she had not actually sat down to a meal in almost four days. And now she began to look forward to a shower as well. And not a slave shower.

A golf cart type multi-person vehicle pulled up on the pathway outside of the Great Hall.

?Come on slaves,? the Auction Master called. There were several branded slaves from other owners there as well. As they walked by the Auction Master single file, he unsnapped the leashes from their collars.

The ride down the path toward the main gate was farther than Patty remembered. They passed the slave post where she saw the torment of the woman with the snake tattoo. And then there were the slave pens, where she spent her first night here, and experienced her first slave shower.

The cart pulled up to the door of the office, and as they got out, the Auction Master and several other people moved to unlock and remove the slave collars from the necks of those riding in the cart.

The Auction Master moved to unlock Patty?s collar, but as his hands moved to her neck, they stopped at her tits. He gave them a squeeze, playing with them for a second. ?After I unlock you collar, I won?t be able to do this,? he said. He coped his feel, and then removed Patty?s collar.

A person guided the group into a locker room with showers, towels, actual toilets, the whole works. As they filed in another handed them a sack with their names on the outside. Inside the sack were their street clothes.

Patty showered for a long time, enjoying the spray of the hot water. When she started to dress, she realized she had been nude for almost four days straight. A nude slave girl.

Taped to the inside of the exit door was a large poster advertising the dates of next year?s Festival of the Ancients. Patty wondered to herself where she would be.

And she walked out into the desert heat, she knew where she would be.


It was well into mid morning when Fred?s group finally gathered at the gate of the compound. The watched as Jane led the group of three nude slaves up from the slave quarters. They all knew that Julie, the fourth slave, had already been taken over to see Doc Johnston. She had some whip cuts that had to be taken care of.

The walked and talked, some laughed, and at the junction of the paths, Fred and his Gladiator and the rest of the people took the path to the Coliseum, while the leash of the exhausted slaves was handed to the auction master. They were on their way home, their festivals over for this year.

The Coliseum was what the management of the Festival had named the arena they had built to hold the games. And of course, the contestants would be called Gladiators. The building resembled a grain silo to some, but with a balcony supported by columns around the entire outside of each floor. Others said it looked like pictures of some leaning tower they had seen somewhere, only not leaning. The floor of the arena was round as well, and only about ten feet in diameter. The building was painted white, inside and out, but had colorful banners hanging from every floor, and each compound had a banner displaying their symbol.

When the group arrived at the Coliseum, the rest went up the stairs to the compound?s sky box, while Fred and Sue walked into the contestants entrance. Fred would handle his Gladiator himself.

The ground floor of the Coliseum was a beehive of activity, as handlers prepared Gladiators to do battle. Fred walked up to the event brackets on the wall, and found the symbol of his compound. Sue would be the in third bout of the day. Fred realized they would have to hurry.

Fred checked with the event officials, and was issued all the equipment his Gladiator would need.

He guided Sue over to a empty locker space and ordered her to strip. He looked at her, and realized she was in kind of a daze.

?Are you alright?? Fred asked.

?Yea, I am alright, just a little nervous is all,? she said.

?Ok, then strip,? Fred commanded.

It didn?t take but the flick of one strap, and Sue?s tunic was around her ankles. Fred reached down and got her out of her sandals.

?Turn around,? Fred commanded again.

He began buckling the cuffs around her wrists, pulling them tight, and then another set just above her elbows, also pulling them tight.

One of the event judges showed about then, and handed Fred a set of three Gladiator competition rings. One for each nipple, and one for either labia of her pussy, but just one side, not both. The rings were thick on the outside, and tapered to an almost knife blade on the inside, the side which would be against the flesh, when pulled. Fred removed the nipple rings Sue was already wearing, and replaced them with the competition rings. He then had her sit on a bench, and spread her legs.

?Which side?? he asked.

?On the left,? said Sue.

The judge watched as the rings were in place, and then left. Fred could hear the public address system announcing the beginning of the games, and the roar of the crowd as things got underway one floor above them.

?You alright?? he asked Sue, again. He noticed she was sweating now, nervous.

?Yea,? she replied again.

A man with a clipboard came by, calling out the names of the compounds. Fred?s was on deck.

?Alright then, here we go,? he told Sue.

They moved toward the staircase that led up to the floor of the Coliseum. As they neared the stairs, the winner of the first male contest made his way down the stairs, holding a piece of white gauss that was rapidly being soaked with blood over one of his nipples. Fred knew he was the winner, because he still had one nipple and his cock in one piece.

Up to the floor of the Coliseum they went, and in the anteroom to the arena they stopped. A judge came over and inspected the nipple rings on more time. And then handed Fred two short pieces of leather with a snap on each end.

?Ok,? he said, ?latch her up.?

Fred went around behind Sue, and fastened her wrists behind her back with the cuffs already buckled around her wrists. And then he pulled her elbows together, till they almost touched behind her back, and fastened them in the same manor.

The judge handed Fred three pieces of light chain, all about two feet long with a snap on one end. Fred snapped a piece of chain onto each competition ring.

Fred watched Sue, she was sweating freely now. She was ready to go into battle.

?Stand back,? said one of the judges, as they brought the looser of the latest battle out through the door where Sue and Fred stood. The Gladiator was trussed in the same manor as Sue, but she no longer had any rings in her nipples or pussy. Blood was dripping freely from each nipple, and running down the inside of her thighs. She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath, while her handler was trying to release the snaps on her cuffs.

?Ok, here you go,? one of the judges said to Sue. And out into the bright lights of the arena she went.

Fred watched through the tiny window in the door as the official snapped the ends of the chains attached to Sue to the ends of the chains attached to her opponent. The two women were attached to each other by their nipples and pussy lips.

Fred heard the referee?s whistle signaling the beginning of the match, and the chains jumped taunt.

Fred could tell that Sue knew what she was doing. While her opponent was a lot larger, Sue?s movements were quicker. The two circled each other, looking for an advantage. They would work some slack in the chain, and then jerking it tight. It did not take but just a few seconds and the yelp from Sue?s opponent signaled that one of the rings had been ripped from her nipple.

The ref?s whistle blew, and action stopped. Sue looked alright to Fred, but he could tell by the blood running down the other woman?s chest that Sue had pulled one of her rings through. The ref collected the end of the chain that had been pulled through, and snapped the end of this one onto the chain from the woman?s other good nipple. This meant that now her one good nipple would have to pull against Sue?s two.

The ref?s whistle blew again, and the battle started again. Fred watched as the two circled each other, the chains getting tight, then slack.

Fred could not tell what happened, it happened so fast, but the refs whistle stopped the action again. The other Gladiator was bent over at the waist, blood running from both nipples onto the white arena floor. The crowd was roaring.

Again, the ref attached the chains from Sue onto the only chain the other Gladiator had left, her pussy chain. And he blew the whistle.

Fred knew Sue was in good shape to win this one, but she had to be careful. He had watched a match last year where a Gladiator had battled back and won.

But Sue did not let that happen, and in short order she was no longer connected to the other Gladiator. She walked around the arena once with three chains hanging from her body. The other woman stood in the center, arms pinned behind her back, bent over at the waist in pain, bleeding from three places on her body.

The judges stopped Sue and removed the chains from her rings, and then she could step out of the arena.

Fred released the snaps that held Sue?s wrists and elbows together, and then led her down the stairs. He carefully examined each nipple, and then her pussy lip. She was not even bleeding, even a little. Fred was excited, and told her so.

The waiting was the worst part, passing time between matches was hard on the winners. Fred wandered around the first floor of the Coliseum talking to other handlers, watched as old Doc Johnston cosmetically sowed up the mangled nipples, pussy lips and cocks of the losers.

Sue?s third match had been the toughest so far. Sue had her pussy lip ring pulled through early on, and it did not look good. But she battled back, and the ref declared a stalemate after a while. This meant that Sue?s two good points, her nipples, wold be pitted against her opponents three.

Ropes were brought out from the side of the arena, and attached to the cuffs around each of the Gladiators elbows. Then the ropes were very slowly pulled, pulling the two apart.

Fred watched Sue roll her shoulders somehow, after the chains between the two opponents had been pulled very tight. And Sue?s opponents nipples turned lose, pulling both through at the same time. Then the advantage was Sue?s, as her two nipples were attached to the others pussy, and the ropes were pulled all over again. Fred thought the woman?s pussy lip was pulled at least six inches before the ring was finally jerked through.

Sue was breathing heavily and sweating as she lay on Doc Johnston?s table, while he sowed up her split pussy lip. Fred poured water on her body, trying to cool her off.

Her latest victim sat on a chain in the corner of the office, holding a towel over each tit, and sitting on one, trying to soak up the blood.

From now on, Sue would have only two good points to offer her competitors.

Fred was elated. He had never dreamed they would make it as far as the championship match. But here they were, about two minutes from the start. Sue had breezed through the semi-finals, and now faced the last opponent between her and a championship. Fred pulled her elbows back, and snapped them together. Two chains were attached to each nipple, the door to the arena opened, and into the bright light she went.

The Gladiator

Sue swung her legs over the side of the huge bed, and stared down at her nude body. Today was the day. She ran her hands over her stiff, hard nipples, catching the rings and gently tugging. Her stomach was in a knot, and she knew she had to pee. Now.

Breakfast was light, Fred did not want her to eat too much. He had some power bars and oranges for later in the day.

Sue watched Mary and Rita fix breakfast for the rest. Both were nude, so the show was interesting.

The day was getting hotter, when Fred finally announced it was time. Those that needed to put on clothes, and they all met at the entrance to the compound. Jane led the sex slaves up from their quarters. Sue admired the nude bodies of these women, and wished she had more time to get to know them better.

And they started toward the Coliseum.

Sue was surprised when they arrived and the slaves were not with them. She had not been paying much attention to anything on the walk over. She was deep in thought, in her own zone.

The Coliseum was an imposing structure: tall, pure white, with very colorful banners on every floor. Sue tried to count the number of floors, but lost count at six.

Sue followed Fred into the gym like atmosphere of the ground floor, where athletes were getting ready for competition. Some were having their ankles and knees taped, others doing deep stretching.

Sue was surprised that the rest of the group had not followed them. It was just her and Fred, who had walked off from her, looking at some tournament brackets on the wall.

When he came back, he seemed in a hurry. ?Strip,? he told her. ?We are third up, and need to hurry.?

They moved over to a corner around the lockers, and she dropped her tunic. Fred was busy getting the cuffs and buckles straightened out. Her heart was starting to pound. Again, she felt she had to pee, real bad.

Fred replace her nipple rings with the competition rings. She cold not keep her fingers off the sharp inside edges of the metal. Damn, these things are going to cut.

Fred told her to sit down and spread her legs. ?Which side?? he asked.

?Left;? was all that Sue could mutter. She realized her throat was very dry.

Fred changed out the ring on her left labia for on of the sharp competition rings. Sue remembered the pain when she accidentally pulled through on the right side during a sparring match several months back. And the blood.

Fred helped Sue sit up, and then began buckling on the cuffs, around her wrists and just above the elbows. She was glad they were not going to use the belly bands as a pull point to break the stalemates because they interfered with her breathing.

It was hot. Sue had sweat running down the side of her body, and had to wipe it from her eyes. She was trying to remember her techniques, which way to step, when not to jerk her chest.

Fred led her up the stairs to a little room just of the event floor. Her heart was pounding now, she could not stand still.

Sue felt Fred snap her wrists behind her back, and then snap the cuffs just above her elbows as well. This pinned her arms behind her, and thrust out her chest and nipples. She knew what to expect. She had practiced in this position many times. Just never in front of this many people. She could hear the crowd roar at the two opponents in the arena now.

Fred bent down and snapped a short chain on to the ring in her pussy. He then snapped the two on her nipples.

The door to the arena opened and an older, heavy-busted woman was led through. Sweat was running off her body in rivulets, and blood was beginning to leave two trails down the front of her white body. Both of her nipples had been ripped and cut from the hole of the piercing all the way to the end of the nipple, the competition ring slicing it almost in half. Blood was also dripping from her pussy, where the ring in her labia had been pulled through the pussy lip. Her handler was trying to get her arms freed, and she kept bending over in pain, the whole time sling blood around the room from her tits.

Fred half nudged, half pushed Sue through the door, into the arena.

Sue heart was really pounding now. This was the real deal. This was what she had trained for all these weeks.

The arena floor took her by surprise. It was like she was in the bottom of a well, only about ten feet across, and circular. Looking up, she could see the heads of the crowed, all looking down on the floor of the arena.

The referee, checked her rings one more time, then led her over to her opponent. Sue was not sure she wanted to be chained to this person. She was much bigger than Sue, with huge tits. Sue figured she wold try to flop her big tits, and use their weight to get a pull-through on her.

The chains were connected, and the ref blew his whistle. The level of crowd noise caught both Gladiators by surprise.

Sue realized the footing was not good, the white floor already covered with sweat and blood. She felt the big woman snap the chains taunt, as she pulled backwards, pulling the lighter Sue along with her. But Sue was quicker, and kept close to her. The Gladiator tried the same tactics several times, and realized this was not going to work on the quicker Sue.

Both contestants circled, looking for an opening. And just like Sue had anticipated, her opponent lunged, flopping her huge tits in the other direction. Sue followed, and twisted her upper torso as fast as she could in the other direction. She felt the tug on the rings in her nipples, but no pain. Yet.

Sue was surprised by the yelp of pain from her opponent, as she watched her bend over in pain. The ref blew his whistle, and moved in to make sure no more movement would happen for the time being. The crowed roared.

Sue watched as the ref removed the piece of chain that had just been ripped from her opponent?s nipple from the length of chain still attached to hers. He then attached the chain from both of her nipples to the chain on the one good nipple of her opponent.

Sue watched as her opponent, now mad with pain, and bleeding freely, circled her, trying to get a pull through on Sue. But she tried the same tactic as before, and Sue made sure the results were the same. The ref blew his whistle, and the crowd roared.

The woman was bent over in pain, having both nipples ripped open. She was cursing, and sweating freely, as well as all the blood.

When the ref attached both of Sue?s nipple chains to the last chain on her opponent?s pussy, Sue felt scared. This woman was pissed.

Sue worked on keeping the pressure the same on all three of her good rings, and pulling hard on her opponent?s pussy ring. And it did not take long for the sharp ring to cut through the pussy lip, and then they were not chained together at all.

Sue heard the refs whistle, and the crowd.

The ref removed the chains from her rings, and Sue stepped through the open door and into the dimly lit room. She was breathing hard, and sweating in the heat. Fred was there, pounding her on the back and congratulating her, and then tried to lead her down stairs.

?Undo my arms,? Sue gasped, still trying to get her breath.

Fred quickly unsnapped her wrists and elbows.

Sue felt her nipples and they walked down the stairs. The left one was a little sore, but other than that, she felt fine.

Fred examined her more closely when they got into the locker area.

?You look good to me, Sue,? he said. ?No blood at all. She was a tuff opponent.?

Sue nodded her head, still tying to catch her breath.

Sue stood as Fred took a squirt bottle of water and a towel and rinsed the splattered blood from her body. The water felt good.

?When is my next match?? she asked. Fred left in a hurry to find out.

Sue sat down on one of the benches in front of the lockers. She was calming down now. She had been there, and new what to expect. She was gaining a little confidence. That 100k may be closer than she thought.

Fred finally made it back, saying that they would be up again in just a few minutes. Sue felt the water he poured over her again, and again he toweled her off.

The man with the clip board came by again, and called out their names as being on deck.

Sue did not want to climb back up into that stuffy little room, but Fred had her arm, and up the stairs they went.

She felt the floor with her bare feet. It was kind of sticky now. With blood from the losing Gladiators, she knew. And shit, it was hot, she was sweat like crazy already. Fred pinned her arms behind her again, and rubbed her shoulders.

The door opened, and the ref and a handler helped a male Gladiator through the door. He had lost, and the blood was running from the end of his cock and his nipples, where the rings had pulled through.

Sue was not sure she wanted to go out there again, but Fred gave her more than a gently shove, and she stepped through the door, out into the arena.

The ref snapped the chains on her rings, and then motioned for her to step forward.

Sue sized up this opponent. Not nearly as big as the last, and had an X of white tape over one tit. She had pulled through one nipple during her first bout, and now had to face Sue with only two good pulling points, to Sue?s three.

The ref attached both of Sue?s nipple chains to her opponents one, snapped their pussy?s together, and stepped back.

The whistle blew, and both women jerked back, the chains snapped tight. And right away, the ref stopped the match. Sue had pulled her opponent?s last nipple ring through in the first few seconds of the match.

Sue looked into he woman?s face. She was sweating, just like Sue, but had tears of pain running down both checks. Sue wanted to get this over with.

The ref reattached Sue to the woman?s last pulling point. The whistle blew.

Sue used her practiced technique to pull as hard as she dared, but trying to pull with equal pressure on all her pulling points. But every time she felt good pressure, the woman would step into her, trying to avoid the pain Sue?s pulling was causing her. Sue watched her opponent. Her pussy lip was pulled way out now, blood was starting to show, running down the inside of her thigh. The next time she stepped into Sue, Sue sidestepped her, and the match was over. Sue was no longer chained to her opponent, the sharp ring slicing through the woman?s pussy lip. The crowd roared.

The woman had dropped to her knees in pain, slumped over.

The ref again removed the chains from Sue?s rings, and she was led to the door.

Sue sat on one of the benches, spread legged, so Fred could examine her pussy lip. She had not escaped unhurt this time, and it was one of the toughest injuries. The rules said that a doctor could only help if the ring had pulled completely through. Her pussy ring had only pulled a little bit, cutting into Sue. She was bleeding a little, and it hurt like hell.

Fred wrapped some ice in a towel, and pushed it between her legs.

Sue examined her nipples, and all was well, except they were staring to get a little sore.

No sooner than they had gotten settled than the man with the clip board called her up again.

As the ref chained them together, Sue notice that this time her opponent had not been injured. She had all three points.

The whistle blew, and the chains jerked tight.

Sue realized the Gladiator was going after her pussy, and glancing down, Sue could see why. She had a trickle of blood running down the inside of her thigh.

After several moves, Sue realized this opponent was good. Very good.

The explosion of red white pain ripped through Sue. At first, she was not sure what had happened. The ref was helping her get back to her feet, and she realized she had just had her pussy pulled through. Shaking the tears from her eyes, she watched as the ref attached the pussy chain of her opponent to her left tit. The blood was running down the inside of her thigh now in a rivulet, onto the not so white arena floor of the Coliseum.

The two Gladiators circled and pulled on each other for a long time, the crowd roaring. Finally, the ref called a stalemate.

Ropes were thrown into the arena from opposite sides of the circle, and attached to the elbow cuff of each contestant. The ropes would be gradually pulled on, until the combatants were no longer chained together.

Sue felt the pressure mounting on her nipples. She felt the sharp edges of the rings starting to bit into her. It was now or never. She lunged slightly forward, causing just a little slack in the chains, and then snapped back.

She felt the resistance and then nothing as both her opponents nipples where sliced almost in two by the sharp competition rings. She screamed in pain, the crowd roared.

Now it was her left nipple attached to the other?s pussy. The ref stopped the match, and reattached Sue?s other nipple chain to her opponent?s pussy chain, as well.

And the whistle blew, and the ropes pulled them tight, again.

The ropes were going to pull them apart, so Sue tried to keep her balance, and just stared at the stretched pussy lip on her opponent. She watched as the ring started to cut through the flesh, a little at a time, as the rope were pulled back.

Sue felt sorry for her opponent. She was a bleeding mess from her pulled through nipples, and now having to have her pussy pulled through slowly like this was pure torment. Finally, it was over, and the crowd roared. The losing Gladiator fell backwards and hit hard, not being able to break her fall with the arms.

Again, the ref unsnapped the chains from Sue, but this time only two.

Sue enjoyed the coolness of the operating room, which she had not noticed just off from the locker room. She lay spread legged, so the plastic surgeon they called Doc Johnston could sew back together her split pussy lip. If did not take but a few seconds, and he was helping her up.

?That spray will keep you deadened for a while, but you will have some discomfort when the feeling returns,? he said.

As she was leaving the room, she noticed her latest victim was sitting in a chair in the corner, holding a towel over each breast.

Fred was elated, pouring cool water over Sue, and slapping her on the back. She was in the championship match, just as soon as the doc could patch her back together.

More cool water, and Fred wiped the splattered blood off of her again, and up the stairs they went.

She felt Fred fasten her elbows together again, the door opened, and she stepped into the arena again. She felt she had just been gone a few minutes.

The crowd was roaring, as her opponent stepped in was well.

The ref chained them together, and Sue was relived to see that her opponent only had two pull points as well. It would be nipples against nipples.

The two nude Gladiators circle each other, elbows secured behind their backs, chests thrust out. The chains holding them together would have slack, and then be jerked tight, stretching the nipples and breasts of the contestants, the sharp inside edges of the rings cutting into flesh. Each Gladiator was trying to get an advantage over the other, ducking, maneuvering. Everything Sue tried did not work, and finally, the ref blew his whistle, declaring a stalemate.

Sue was disappointed. She didn?t want it to be left up to those pulling on the ropes. But the crowd went wild, they loved the stalemates.

The ropes were fastened to their elbows, and at the whistle Sue jumped and jerked to the right, not giving those on the ropes a change to start pulling. She remembered hearing her opponent scream as she dropped to her knees. Sue?s move had ripped one of her rings through.

The ref stopped the action, and helped the Gladiator to her feet. Blood was running down her chest and stomach, dripping on the floor. The ref attached Sue?s chain to her opponents one last pulling point, her left nipple. Then ropes were tightened, and he blew the whistle again.

Sue felt the pressure on her tits, the metal rings biting into the flesh of her nipples, their chained together bodies being pulled apart by the ropes. She was sweating, and starting to feel the pain now. She concentrated on keeping her balance, staring down the length of chain at her opponent. Finally, a drop of blood, and then release, she staggered backward. It was over. The roar of the crowd drowned the scream of her opponent out. All Sue could do was stand there and look up, 100 thousand dollars richer.


That night at the feast, Fred would toast with anybody he could find, first out of one silver cup, and then out of the other. His compound had won both the pony girl and Gladiator events this year, and he was elated.

And when things calmed a bit, he found himself wondering about next year.

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