Beads Beads and more Beads. Everyone wants beads. When you come in you will get your very own beads. For you to do what you want to with them, give them away take them home... At 1:00 the couple with the most beads wins. You can do alot of things to get beads. Ask for beads, flash some leg or ...? You can also go for the extreme and do someone a hot favor. That is all up to you to decide.
You can where a Mardi Gras mask or maybe just something sexy to help you get your beads.
PS. I do want to thank all of you for your support. I love to have a safe place for people to enjoy life as they want.
PS. Don't forget we have the cozy camper or the Pink room. Email for details. [email protected]
We furnish soft drinks, as well as food and snacks. In our on-premise rooms you will find an assortment of personal items including condoms, lube, and wipes that make the lifestyle exploration clean and safe. We are BYOB as well.
Party is from 7pm till 2am.
1 members are attending this event.
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