Ready For Swinger’s Summer Camp?...Let’s Get Wet With The KOS!
This event is one of the year’s favorites, FUN ON THE GUADALUPE WITH THE KREWE OF SWINGTOWN!
Join the 1000+ in attendance for a party that never stops all weekend!
We're at the same great campground, Mountain Breeze! And, this year we have the ENTIRE campground again this year!!!
This year’s dates: June 21st-23rd (But you can attend as early as Wed /June 19th)
Tubing, Adult Playground, Wet T-shirt contest, Annual Swinger's Olympics, Lady’s Night Activities, KOS’s life sized Naughty Jenga, Adult Playground, and much more...WOW! This is going to be a huge PARTY!!!
Don't miss the only official river trip this year!
This year in addition to tent camping there is options for self-contained, electric/water, & full hook up RV sites, and cabins! Also, a Day Passes option for those staying offsite!
Again, this year we will have a rent a tent option! Everything is set up before you arrive and they take it down after you leave!!! Details to come on the river trip's website.
The trip is for couples and single females, single males are only allowed with a couple or female date!
To get more info, sign up for the contests, get t-shirts, book a RV site or cabin, and RSVP on our site go to:
***If staying offsite you will still need a Day Pass to attend!***
3 members are attending this event.
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