Hosting a party in hotel near the Oakmont/ New Kensington area to be shared with selected single men with positive Certs (other couples with positive certs welcome too). My ratio of men to women is 1 1/2 men to 1 woman as many of the women are insatiable. Right now I'm at 1 to 1 ratio from my friend group (about 26 people total) and that's not pleasing to the women. Sign up and if you have positive certs, I will add you to the guest list and will provide you hotel name and address. There will be some socialization but little to no food, just water and mixers (BYOB). This is a play-emphasis party. Play is not required but you probably won't have much fun if you don't play (unless you enjoy watching). I will quit checking messages at 3PM 2/7/25. If you don't confirm by then, forget about it. There is never a fee to attend my parties.
9 members are attending this event.
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