FORUMS › Successful Swinging › Achieving Single Male Success › Consent Applies to Men Too
TOPIC: Consent Applies to Men Too
Created by: BiPhilly
Original Starting post for this thread:
Forgive me if I am out of line here…..

I’m a bi/bi-curious guy. It’s been a little while since I’ve been around the lifestyle. So, I placed an ad, uploaded photos (pending approval) and joined a few groups. And lo and behold, I got people reaching out to me! Hallelujah! How nice.

The problem is that many of the people want to a) hop into bed immediately (“Hi, I’m ___, so do you give or receive?”) or b) they want to have a discussion or text exchange about how much cock I’ve sucked.

When I push back ever so slightly (and I try to be diplomatic) I get told about being “honest and direct.” I bet if I messaged a woman on SLS and said similar things (“So, how much cock have you sucked?”) I would end up as the topic of one of these posts – with good reason!

I like to move a little slow. I realize this may mean I get laid less, and perhaps a few opportunities will pass me by. I’m okay with that. I don’t need to rush into anything, and I certainly don’t owe anyone an accounting of how much oral sex I have had with men.

I don’t consent to being asked a ton of personal questions over a text chain. No means no.

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TOPIC: Consent Applies to Men Too
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