FORUMS › General Discussions › Men Talk › Are single women wasting OUR time?
TOPIC: Are single women wasting OUR time?
Created by: MickLuvinSGirls
Original Starting post for this thread:
I've noticed that a pretty good percentage of single women's profiles are a good half page or more of rules, disclaimers, deal breakers, not this, don't do that, you must be this, I can be whatever, don't complain, I'll delete, I'll block, my precious time, my security, open all pics or else, wear this or else, one minute either way or else, I'm fat get over it, you must perform on command or else, I have mine and forget you, and ( the best of them all), read the whole message and decipher the letters on every third word second letter into an anagram of something I need you to bring if you might have the chance to meet me.

What is all this? THEY waste MY precious time reading these Lectures and Laws only to disqualify me at the end because i like my eggs scrambled vs. fried. MEN who over message women should be reported and dealt with and these women should as well. Put your eliminations in the beginning.

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TOPIC: Are single women wasting OUR time?
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