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- Voyeur Stories : My Wife Helps The Family Avoid Bankruptcy By Being...
My wife helps the family avoid bankruptcy by being in a porn movie
We had the perfect day at the beach, clothing optional beach. We Live in Florida near this beach, the perfect beach, except, it‘s clothing optional. After years of persuasion, I convinced her to go. It was a beautiful, sunny Thursday and we had miles of deserted beach to ourselves. We set up blankets, an umbrella, and a cooler full of drinks. With no one in sight, we stripped naked and laid out on the beach. I had hoped, secretly, that we wouldn’t be alone, but have some guys walk by and see my beautiful, sexy wife’s naked body. Don’t ask me why, but the thought of guys admiring her body was very exciting to me.
Maybe it is because Kelly is without a doubt the most beautiful girl. Not only is she model quality body but she has the face of an angel and long, brown, wavy hair. Think of the hot California girls in the beer commercials and that would be my wife, except she is 35 years old, instead of 18. Funny thing is, she doesn’t even know that she is sexy-hot beautiful.
Kelly laid on her stomach, after about 30 minutes she felt safe enough to roll over and expose her beauty to the world. Well, to me anyway. Being the only other person there.
It was about 30 minutes later, Kelly was half asleep when four guys, whom looked barely 20 walked toward us on the beach. Not far from us they set up camp. It couldn’t have been more perfect. With my sunglasses on in my peripheral vision, I could see them staring at Kelly.
Being a nude beach, they stripped naked in no time. After a few minutes, a couple of them got up and started toward us, I couldn’t help but notice the growing cocks hanging between their legs, they came over and asked if we had a bottle opener. Kelly, startled, opened her eyes to see the enlarging cocks. She then looked up further to see two young, hot guys admiring her. Just as I handed them a bottle opener, the other two showed up with their towels and bottles of beer.
What would you have done? I invited them to join us, which they eagerly accepted and moved all their stuff over, lying their beach towels next to Kelly’s. So there we were, Kelly and I, and next to Kelly four boys who are clearly interested in her. We started getting to know each other, usual chit chat…where are you from, do you come here often. . .? They were impressed this was our first time at a clothing optional beach. They complimented Kelly on her beauty, enjoying the fact that she was naked. “Most girls on their first time just take off their top and leave their bottom’s on. They are impressed she had the courage to go all the way on her first visit to the beach.” The way he said “all the way” let me know they were hoping we were into more than just nudity.
Kelly sat up holding her knees together and continued the conversation. I expected her to put her bikini back on or at least her bottoms but to my surprise, after a few minutes she let her knee drop, she sat Indian style giving the boys a great view of her pussy. We sat like this for a while talking with our new friends. Kelly noticed the boys were getting larger, and teased them by saying that she would be happy to cover up if it was making things HARD on them. In unison, they all said that it was OK, they would be happy to suffer and hoped that she would stay naked. One boy even asked her if it offended her that that they were erect. It was so cute the way she teased them. She told them as long as they were gentlemen and didn’t do anything inappropriate.
Don’t ask me why but having my wife show her naked body to these boys turned me on.
That was a year ago and probably the most erotic day of my life. Nothing else happened with those boys but it was sure fun living a little on the wild side. That was then, now I’ll tell you what happened to us this year. . .
It was a day like any other day. . . , except it would change our lives forever. Arriving at work like I always have, this time my partner was not at his desk, which had never happened. My partner was the most anal person and had no life other than work. Next thing I recall was a message to call our bank ASAP. Oh no, another bounced check, I thought as I picked up the phone and called Cliff, the bank manager, and good friend. First thing he asked me, did I know where Richard was. “No,” I answered “I haven’t seen him since before the weekend.” Cliff then hesitated, trying to choose his words carefully, “your account has been cleared and it seems to have been Mr. Garcia (Richard’s last name).” No there must be a mistake. I build houses, Richard manages my books, payroll, supplies, billing, well. . . he manages my business. Building houses has always been my dream, I’ve been very successful and enjoy what I do.
It seems, Richard Garcia cleaned me out of an excess of $200,000 and fled to Mexico, never to be seen again. As you can imagine, it not only bankrupted me, but left me in a huge whole. My house had 3 mortgages, cars were financed, savings. . . well everything I had was in the business, which was doing great until that day. So why am I telling you this? So you can understand how my wife and I got to where we are now.
Fast forward three months, we are doing everything, I mean everything we can to keep our home and one car, the other car got repossessed. I have a new office manager and new jobs lined up for two high end homes. All I need is a few months to finish the houses and close the deals.
As you can imagine, no bank will give me the time of day, but my partner believes in me and has refinanced his house and signed for a building loan. He pretty much bet his life on this.
Actually, let me tell you a little more about “us.” My wife Kelly, as I explained at the beach, is the most beautiful woman alive. I really mean that. She is one of those rare girls that teaches dance, Zumba, Fitness, spin, . . . well, she works hard at our local fitness center and keeps herself in perfect shape. She is 35 but looks 25, 5’ 5”, weighs in at 125 lbs with light brown long silky hair, the most beautiful face and a smile that just melts a man’s resolve. Plus she loves to have fun and adventure. We have been sky diving, we snow boarding, jet skiing, in short, we have SO much fun. I love our life. Our two kids are 7 and 10 and they are included in all our activities, well not the sky diving. I consider us the perfect family.
My name is Keith, I am 6’, weigh 200 lbs, work keeps me fit, as do all the activities we do as a family.
We have been paying all our bill with Kelly’s salary and the money that my partner fronted me to get our construction business back on track. Then we had an accident at one site, a worker got pinned under a backhoe. The next day we had vandalism at another site and a freak wind storm set us back. Literally, we went from one week away from making it, to months before we were able to turn a profit. I am not one that has to win, but I hate losing and we were going to loose it all again, plus put my new partner/friend in bankruptcy.
Here is where our story really begins; just as we are realizing the bank is going to foreclose on both our home and car, we get a call from an old worker of mine. Tom is a really nice guy that was there when Mr. Garcia ran off with my life. He invited us over to his home for dinner and said he might have a way for us to make our payments.
We get to his house and he is BBQ hamburgers and it was nice to eat without feeling guilty that I was spending too much money. As we are sitting in their back yard he asks us what we would be willing to do to make some clean cash? Immediately I got suspicious, so Kelly is the one to speak up, and say if it is legal, we will do just about anything.
That is when his wife, Becky, explains to us that they were in a similar situation as us and a local guy named LeRoy helped them out. “You know that Adult Book store just East of town?” she asked. “Well, LeRoy is the owner and has a studio where he is making movies. He wants to make it big in the video business.”
This is where I speak up and ask, “What kind of videos?” Before they would tell us, they asked us if either of us has any acting experience. Kelly let them know that she had been a lead in a high school drama/musical. By this time, I was thinking this was all too strange and I asked what kind of videos. Becky looked me right in the eye and said, “Erotic.” Then before I could think of a smart-aleck response, she tells us we could earn $5k in one day. Literally I was just about to storm out, when she said that, and for some reason I stayed silent. I listened while they explained that LeRoy was looking for a married couple with no acting experience, to make a movie and he needed them this Sunday.
“How does this involve us?” I said, because it was just too strange that they were telling us this. “We had a picture of all of us from a couple years ago. When LeRoy saw it he asked us to offer you the part.” Kelly asked them, “Why would he ask you?” They went on to explain that they almost went bankrupt but LeRoy offered them the same deal. He paid them $10k which saved their home and life until Tom found the job he is working at now. “What did you do for $10k?” Kelly quickly asked them.
They both hesitated, looked at each other, and then Becky told us the story of how they made some easy cash. It went like this:
Becky tells us, “We were about to loose everything, when we were at the bank asking, no begging the bank manager to give us an extension. LeRoy just happened to be there and overheard the manager telling us that we had one week to come up with $5,000 or we would loose our home. Boy that sounded familiar!
So LeRoy meets us in the bank parking lot and tells us that he has a way for us to make $5,000 this week, all legally and are we interested. (Tom is a little pudgy guy but Becky is a typical California blond bomb-shell. Very pretty and in good shape.) “What do we have to do?” Tom ask. Leroy gets real close and tells them he owns the Adult Book store just outside of town and that he has a movie studio. He is already to film his first movie but the actress just bailed on him. If we are interested in a one time part in a pornographic movie, he would pay them $5,000.
We were shocked, but Becky asked LeRoy “what would we have to do.” He told us, “Him, not much, you? Well, you would have sex with someone on camera.” LeRoy was very nice and told them he understood if they weren’t interested but gave us his card. He said to call him later today if we wanted to talk more. Tom gabbed the card intending to throw it away.
On our way home we started talking about our options. Loose our home, and our car. Move in with my parents, who were barely making ends meet on social security. Possibly become homeless. Or star in a movie. I wondered if it were possible to do it and keep my identity hidden. He was shocked that I would even consider it. That is when we really discussed it seriously. I told Tom, “Truthfully, I wouldn’t be cheating or having an affair, because you would be right there. It is just my body. Women have done a lot more with their bodies for a lot less and it would be a one time thing.”
Well, to make a long story short, we called LeRoy and we did it. He was able to keep my identity hidden and I went through with making a porn movie where I had sex with a guy while being filmed.
We were shocked. Our good friend’s wife had been in a porn movie. But hold it, I thought you said you made $10,000. Now they looked really guilty and explained the first movie did really well, and they needed more money. LeRoy was happy to let them do it one more time. “The second movie didn’t make LeRoy as much money as the first. Something about new blood. And that is why he wants you guys.” Tom said.
Just when I was about to tell them to fuck off, Kelly asks Becky what it was like to make a porn movie. Amazingly she came right out and told us every graphic detail. Tom sat quiet as Becky explained her transformation from house wife to porn star:
“We were just going to meet LeRoy at his office and discuss the possibility of me being in his movie. To be honest, I really couldn’t picture having sex on camera. My mind just didn’t except that before we walked into LeRoy’s Book Store. We arrived just after noon. The parking lot was empty. Walking in through the front door, we were greeted by Nancy, LeRoy’s secretary, who was about 40, very nice and clean. Nothing like the people I pictured working at a porn studio. She led us back to LeRoy’s office where he was waiting for us.
Jumping up from his chair, LeRoy greeted us with a smile and warm hand shake, thanking us for coming. He told us we wouldn’t regret this because he thought of a way for my identity to be kept secret. The movie script would have me, the housewife, having dirt all over my face from working in the garden when my husband comes home from a hard day at work wearing a bandana over his face.
The husband’s boss, George, who looks just like George Clooney, is with him and tells me to go take a shower because he is staying for dinner. A quick pretend shower and then they had my face covered so thick in makeup no one would recognize me. Plus my hair was done up in pony tails that made it so I didn’t even recognize myself.
George tells us that unless Tom can think of someway to impress the boss he is getting fired. Just as George says this, Tom looks over at me and George suddenly yells, ‘great idea, your wife does impress me.’ With that, George comes over to me and removes my blouse slowly unbuttoning one button at a time. He take me in his arms and kisses me right in front of my husband.
Then George looks at Tom. As he walks me down the hall to the bedroom, he tells Tom what a great way to keep his job, share his wife with the boss. Funny thing, everything stops and we all go to the bedroom while the cameramen take down the set. They move everything to the next room which is already set up like a bedroom and the cameras get set up again.
As the producer calls for action, George then takes over. He has all the lines and we just follow his lead. George asks Tom who is still wearing the bandana over his face if he wants to keep his job. Tom just nods his head yes and George starts to undress me.
First he removes my blouse and bra. He takes me in his arms and kisses me on the lips before moving down and kisses my breast. As he is sucking on my nipple, he is unbuttoning then unzipping my pants. He pulls off my pants and pushes me back on the bed. Maybe I was in shock because I did nothing but allowed George to do anything he wanted. I lie there watching him strip naked, all the while Tom is watching us. I can’t believe I am about to have sex in a porn movie with my husband watching. Oh shit! I am going to have sex on camera. Holy crap, I am going to be in a porn movie.
As soon as George is naked, he gets on the bed and resumes kissing me. He is actually a very good kisser. Just as I start to enjoy being kissed by this man who is practically a stranger, George starts kissing my breast, my stomach and finally he pulls off my panties. Then I find out how good it feels to have someone go down on me who really knows how to give face. Oh my, it feels so good as he licks my pussy. Just as I am about to have an orgasm, he stops and craws back up me.
The anticipation of what’s going to happen next is blowing my mind. How can I explain the mixed emotions. I am about to have sex with a porn actor. It will be filmed and shown to countless viewers.
Next thing I know, George’s naked body is lying on top of my naked body and while is starts to kiss me again the head of his cock is rubbing up and down my pussy. Then his large cock is sliding into my crack which is so wet with lubrication that it is slides up and down easily causing me to again get close to climax. He is stimulating my clitoris but just before I orgasm, he lines his cock with my love hole. I look over, my husband is watching as his cock slowly enters me. He slowly pumps his cock in and out of my wet hole, I watch Tom who never takes his eyes off his wife being fuck by a real porn star.
I continue to watch my husband watching me, and the cameras come in closer. George starts to fuck me harder and faster. Now it is obvious that this is the grand finale in the movie. George is out of control humping me just like a teenager in heat. The crazy thing was that it felt good. My orgasm starts to build as George is fucking me harder and the cameras are getting closer. As he starts to breath erratically, he then pushes hard into me. As he empties his balls inside of me, I start to have the best orgasm of my life, on camera.
All the while, Tom is watching George’s big cock filling me up with his sperm. I hold my breath as I climax. The camera got a close up of George’s shrinking cock slipping out of me and then a river of his cum oozing down my crack.”
“Holy shit!” was all I could think. I can’t believe Becky was in a porn movie and I can’t believe she told us about it so graphically. Well, I can’t wait to get out of there, to see what Kelly is thinking about all of this. It was like information overload. So we told them we would get back with them.
At first there was silence on the way home. I think we were both trying to come to grips with what we had just discovered. I kept picturing Becky having some porn star’s cock buried inside her pussy. Then I started think about my Kelly with a big porn star’s cock inside of her. Funny thing was, I wasn’t upset or disgusted. Just the opposite. It turned me on, kind of like when we laid out at the beach naked and those boys starred at my naked wife.
Trying to feel her out, I tell Kelly, “I can’t believe Becky was in a porn movie and gave us such graphic details. Can you believe it?” Kelly then shocked me by justifying what they did. “I understand being desperate for money. They were going to loose their home and go bankrupt and as long as they were both ok with it, I guess I can see it working for them.”
WOW! I couldn’t believe my ears. Not only was Kelly not disgusted, she seemed ok with the whole concept of making $5,000 to be in a porn movie. Before I could say any more, she continue, “Hypothetically, I guess if it kept them from loosing their home, going bankrupt and becoming homeless, and they were both ok with it, I guess I can see the benefit.” Not sure if she was saying this to me or justifying it to herself, but she was obviously ok with what Tom and Becky did.
As I sat there in shock, Kelly went on to say, “We are so close to making it. My income is not going to pay our mortgage and you are within weeks of a big sale on one of the houses, maybe both of them. If we can just get by this month, we should be OK. And if we are both ok with it and it is something we do together. . .” Suddenly she stopped like she just realized she was talking out loud. So she turned it on me and asked, “What do you think hon?”
Up until that moment it had never occurred to me to actually let Kelly have sex for money. The weight of our situation came crashing into my mind. We couldn’t make this month’s mortgage or car payment. Since we had already declared bankruptcy once already, we couldn’t do it again. We were going to loose everything, and she was right, I was so close to having one of the homes sale. We just needed to make our payments this one month.
“Well,” I started to say, “if we are doing it together and we are both TOTALLY ok with it and it is just a one time thing. . . “ Stopping in mid-sentence, I just realized want I had done. Which was saying ok to my hot, sexy, beautiful wife having sex with another man for money.
As I hesitated, Kelly jumped in saying, “Honey, I love you, but I have felt helpless through all of this. I can’t make the kind of money we need and I see you working 12 hours a day and even most weekends. I have considered going back to school but the kids. I have considered another part time job, but again, the kids. This would be a way for me to help and I would be doing it for the family. If nobody ever knew and it was a one time thing, how could it be so wrong, especially if we are in it together. It is not like I would be having an affair or cheating on you because you would be right there, right?” Without really meaning to I repeated, “Right.” Oh crap! I was going along with the idea of my wife being in a porn movie.
As we pulled into the driveway of our home, we put the car in park and turned and looked at each other for a while before Kelly broke the silence. “I would only do this if you want me to and only if it would not cause any problems between you and I or our family. We are in this together and it is only my body. My heart and soul still would belong to you.”
Well, we talked about it all that night but as you can guess, we decided to go and talk to LeRoy, just to get more information. We were not ready to commit to Kelly having sex with a strange man in a movie. Just the thought of that made me light headed. When we called and told Tom and Becky we wanted to talk to LeRoy, they were so excited. That is when they admitted that they get a finders fee of $500 if we actually make the movie, but then told us they didn’t want to pressure us or anything. They were ok with whatever we decided.
So this was Thursday, and we were scheduled to go see LeRoy on Sunday. Didn’t give us much time to think about it; however, Sunday did seem to come awfully fast.
The drive to LeRoy’s Book Store/Movie Studio was strange. Nether one of us said much but my mind was going a mile a minute. Am I really going to let my wife have sex with another man right in front of me? How will I feel? How will Kelly feel? Will she like it? Oh shit, will she have an orgasm? Will she like his cock better than mine? Oh shit, I am driving my wife to the place where she might have sex with another man. All this and more was going through my mind when we pulled into the empty parking lot.
Talk about butterflies! I think we were both in a state of shock that we were even considering this, much less here now about to be interviewed for a part in a porn movie.
Just like Becky had said, LeRoy’s secretary, Nancy, was right there to meet us. She was so nice and put us right at easy. She showed us the book store, and told us that part of the building was going to be renovated and turned into a club. Right now there is just an area where men can watch a girl strip. Then I thought, “Wondering if I can put a bid in for the remodel job.”
Nancy led us back to the office where LeRoy jumped up from his seat to greet us. He was very personable and seemed genuinely happy to see us.
First he told Kelly how beautiful she was. “You are even more stunning than your picture. And I was so taken by your picture. The moment I saw you, I just knew you were the one for my movie, both of you.” As he looked back at me. LeRoy was short and pudgy, kind of looked like Danny DeVito.
I kept thinking to myself, “I can’t believe we are here, actually considering being in a porn flick. Is this a dream? Am I going to wake up soon? I can’t really serious be thinking of letting my wife have sex with another man, AND be filmed doing it.”
After a few minutes of introduction and pleasantries, LeRoy sat us down and talked business:
He started out, “I don’t know how much Tom and Becky have told you but let me start at the beginning. I have owned this Book Store for 20 years. There is not big money in Adult Book Stores. That is why I built a studio in the back. It has state of the art equipment and the internet porn business is booming. There is a big demand right now for ‘wife sharing’ movies. People like to see a typical, amateur, house wife get fucked in front of her husband.
I already have the script, the perfect male actor, the set; in short, I have everything but the couple. I had a couple but they got arrested last week for drugs and DUI. So that is where you come in. I will pay you $5,000 cash to do the movie today, no questions asked.”
Both Kelly and I come to our senses and realize that this is way too much and a bad idea. Kelly is the first to tell LeRoy that this is just too much for us to think about right now and can we have a week to decide. LeRoy explains again that he is ready right now and tries to flatter Kelly by telling her how sexy hot she is. “Gorgeous, Beautiful, Amazing, Perfect, Hot, Sexy body,” etc. He really laid in on thick. Well, he is right, she is totally hot but he is asking her to have sex for money. What were we thinking? Then as we are starting to get up, he asks us to sit down for just a minute. He thinks for a second and then says he will pay us $5,000 today cash and $2,500 when the video comes out in 3 weeks. That is how sure he is that this will be a success.
I am just trying to make excuses, so I tell him we couldn’t have our family and kids find out that we were in a porn movie. LeRoy says he knew that and that Kelly will wear a mask the whole time. Both our faces will be unrecognizable. He promised.
Crap, $7,500 would definitely get our bills pay this month with a little left over. The kids need soccer equipment. . . Just as I am thinking this, Kelly tells LeRoy that she didn’t bring anything to wear.
He is like, no problem, I have it all, plus a makeup specialist. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Even in your contract, it states that your face will not be recognized. I give you my word. OH SHIT! My wife is really going though with being in a porn movie. Now we had talked about it, we had driven here to talk to LeRoy, but up until right this moment I believed we were going to back out. Right then it hits me, Kelly is going to have sex with another man and I am going to watch. Well, she is right, it diffidently is not cheating. It is something else that I don’t even know what.
It is apparent to everyone but me that Kelly is going through with this. LeRoy is all smiles and go go go. He has Nancy take Kelly back for a shower, make-up and wardrobe. “A shower?” I think to myself. I guess they want the star of a porno movie being clean and fresh. And I still don’t know who the guy is. . .
Just then LeRoy hands me the contract, tell me to look it over and sign it. The hour is spent reading and re-reading the contract. It is very clear that neither Kelly’s nor my face can be recognizable. It has $7,500 written in ink like he wrote it in just before handing it to me. I wonder if we could have gotten more.
The next three hours are a blur as I wait for Kelly to be prepared to get fucked by a guy neither of us have met. “What am I doing!?” Then I think of our kids not having soccer shoes or all the other little things that kids need to have a happy experience growing up. I start to relax. Plus, I have been sipping on the wine that LeRoy gave to Kelly. Now I am feeling better about what we are about to do, and just then Kelly walks in.
At first I don’t recognize the girl who just walked into the room but I still know it is my wife. She is dressed like an every day house wife in a loose fitted blouse and tight jeans. She has a vale over her nose and mouth but you can see her eyes. She has never had so much makeup on her eyes. She looks like a $1,000 hooker, well, actually a $5,000 hooker. When you have amazing eyes, well they are knock out beautiful, you definitely want to show them off. She is also wearing a baseball cap with the city’s major league baseball team logo.
She walks over to me and I tell her how great she looks, then correct myself and tell her how beautiful she looks. I ask her if she is ok and if she really wants to go through with this. She says it a little too late to say no now. While they were getting her ready she came to terms with it. She tells me, “I am going through with this because it is my turn to sacrifice for the family, for you and the kids. If by doing this one time, we keep our house and the business, then this will be a small price to pay, I mean a big price to pay but worth it.”
We are then led to the studio that is nothing like I imagined. Nancy and LeRoy are sitting in two chairs and a kid pulls up two more chairs. LeRoy motions for us to sit and join them. He then proceeds to explain the details of what the rest of the day. It is about 8 pm and we are in a little room off from the Studio. Three “Hands” as he called them were busy getting everything ready. LeRoy starts to explain:
This is my stripper room, converted to my studio. This will all start with me leading the two of you out. As we get to the couch, the two of you sit down and ask me how this works. This is not really going to be acting because I want it to be like reality TV for you. Just do and say what ever comes natural. I want you to just be you.
Keith, I will ask you if you are really ok with your wife getting fucked for money and you just answer however you want. Then I will ask you, Kelly, if you are ok with it and you answer however you want.
Just then the lights blinked and LeRoy say, ‘Show Time.’ I can’t even begin to tell you how tightly wound up we were. I have never had butterflies like this before.
Everything goes silent, I mean you could literally hear a pin drop. LeRoy gives me a bandana to wrap around my nose, month, and chin like in the old time western movies. After my face is covered except my eyes, he motions for us to enter the studio and I still can’t believe we are doing this. Every part of me want to turn around and run but my legs walk in with my beautiful wife. The lights are bright and there are six tinted window along one wall, big professional cameras mounted at he corners of that wall, and one guys walking around carrying a camera. There is a king size bed just off center and then it hits me again, my wife is going to have sex with another man on that bed. Holy shit! what am I doing?
LeRoy leads us over to four comfortable office chairs and has us sit down. He waste no time, and asks Kelly what she is here for? She stutters a little and then says she is going to be in a porn movie. LeRoy smiles and points out that she is a little nervous, at which we both chuckle and agree. “What are you going to be doing in the movie?” he asks. Kelly chuckles some more and blurt out, “I think I am going to have sex with someone.” LeRoy gives a laugh that seems real and from the gut. “Yes, that would be the purpose of a porn movie.” he says.
Then he looks at me and asks, “How do you feel about your wife having sex with a stranger, who happens to be a porn star?” I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind, “Not feeling too sure about it right now, I haven’t even met the guy.” With another big laugh, LeRoy Says, “Well, let’s fix that right now. Let Adonis in please.”
In walks a big, muscular black man that looks exactly like Morris Chestnut, the actor from the movie, “The Best Man.” I have to do a double take because he really looks like the actor, Morris Chestnut . Funny thing is, I know Kelly thinks Morris Chestnut is good looking and really sexy. I watch the show with her because I know he is her celebrity crush. Holy crap, she is going to have sex with Morris Chestnut!
Adonis greats me first with a hand shake and tells me I have a knock out gorgeous sexy wife. Then he turns towards Kelly and looks her up and down, and tell her that she is the best looking actress he has ever met. Then he smiles big, as he says that it is his “pleasure to meet you.”
Kelly is speechless but is looking at Adonis with lust in her eyes and a sheepishly shy smile that is so cute. I know she is trying not to show her excitement at the fact that Morris Chestnut from her fantasies is the one she is going to have sex with.
He continues right over to Kelly and takes her in his arms and gives her a firm bear hug. Funny thing is, Kelly hugs him right back. They seem to hold the hug for just a little longer than normal. When I saw the video afterwards, you could hear him whisper in her ear, “You are beautiful beyond my imagination. I wasn’t keen on working with an amateur, but now I am really looking forward to making this movie with you. I hope I can make you feel comfortable. Don’t worry about a thing, I will take care of you.”
Kelly looks so small in Adonis’s arms but she also seems to have relaxed as she holds onto him. Still holding Kelly, Adonis turns to me and asks, “So buddy, how do you feel about sharing your wife with me?” I am taken a little by surprise and I fumble through a response, “Um, well, Um, to tell you the truth, I really don’t know. We were desperate and they are paying us a lot to make this movie.”
There is silence for a few seconds and then I say something that I hadn’t expected, “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, because you look like the actor my wife has a crush on.” As soon as I said it, I thought Kelly was going to kill me, but she just got that sly look again.
LeRoy piped up and said “this is going to go much easier if wifey is attracted to the man who is going to fuck her in front of her husband.” Looking at me, he then said, “Hope it makes it better for you to watch your wife fuck a man she is attracted to.” He told me to enjoy watching my wife fuck another man like it was no big deal.
Adonis then asked me if he could kiss my wife. Again, I stuttered and would have loved to say no, but I told him to go ahead because that is why we are here. And that is how it started:
Adonis still had Kelly in his arms and then looks her is the eye. “I am really going to enjoy this, and I want you to enjoy it too,” he says just before kissing her. At first it was a no big deal kissing and quick progressed to serious make out. It seemed like they kissed forever, but it was probably about 5 minutes before he broke off asking me,
“Hey buddy, can I remove your wife’s blouse?” Actually, before I said “OK,” he was unbuttoning her blouse, removed it and then slowly removed her bra also. It was so erotic the way he treated her with total lust and desire but at the same time respecting us as he removed her clothes.
As soon as her breast were exposed, he had them in his big hands. After playing with my wife’s breast for a minute, he bent down and kissed the sides of her breast, moving in until he was kiss then sucking her nipples.
If you could read my mind you would hear, “Oh shit, oh shit, I can’t believe we are doing this. Oh shit, he is going to fuck my wife. Oh shit, I think this is the most erotic thing I have ever seen. Oh shit, I am getting a hard on.”
As I sat there watching, Adonis asks me if he can remove my wife’s pants. This time I figure there is nothing else I can say so I tell him loud and clear, “Yes, take off her pants and panties. Strip her naked.” I believe I hear him whisper in Kelly’s ear, “Your husband likes watching you with me. I think this is his fantasy too.” Then he turns her around so her back is to him and he puts his right hand down my wife’s pants and feels her pussy. The guy holding the camera comes in for a close up and I notice Kelly relax like she is totally giving herself the man of her dreams. She even spread her legs apart giving Adonis better access to her sex. I wanted so badly for him to remove her pants so I could see if he was fingering her or not.
I didn’t have to wait for long because he then unbuttons then unzips my wife’s pants. He backs her to the edge of the bed, turns her around, pushes her down on the bed so she is on her back, and then grabs the waist band of her panties and removes them. Kelly lift up her hips, making it easy for him to remove her last article of clothing leaving her completely naked. Oh shit! Kelly is a willing participant.
Then Adonis turns to me and asks if it is alright if my wife undresses him. I make a totally lame answer and say, “Only if SHE wants to.”
He looks at her and shrugs his shoulders like he is asking her what she wants. I don’t know why I didn’t think she would do it, but Kelly sits up and starts to unbuckle, unzip, then remove his pants. While she is doing this, he unbuttons and removes his shirt. She hesitates for just a minute with her hands on his briefs, like she is having second thoughts but then pulls his briefs down exposing the biggest, blackest cock I have ever seen. Shit! it was not only an inch or two longer than mine but almost twice as thick.
My Kelly then looks over at me with the biggest smile. The kind of smile you get when you are uncomfortable and excited at the same time. She is looking me right in the eye when she takes Adonis’s cock in her hand and starts to kiss it.
Kelly rarely gives blow jobs, but to my complete surprise, she takes his cock into her month and gives the head of his cock the best blow job of her life. Every few minutes, she looks over at me like a little kid does when she wants to make sure her parents are watching her do something amazing.
Adonis was probably close to cumming, because he pulls her up. He can kiss her for a minute and then pushes her back on the bed. This time he takes her foot. He massages first one food then the other working his way up her legs. Kelly lays back, relaxed and enjoys his touch.
After massaging her legs for a couple minutes, he starts to kiss the inside of her thighs. He works up and is soon kissing my wife’s pussy lips. Next, he lick her crack from clitoris to her love hole. He really goes down on my wife and it dawn’s on me that he is a professional pussy eater. How many other pussies has he gone down on, I wonder? It was pretty obvious he enjoyed eating Kelly’s pussy because he didn’t stop until she was moaning and trembling as she climaxed on his face.
After making my wife orgasm, Adonis moved up her body, kissing each part of her along the way, until he was kissing her mouth. As he kissed her, he held his body off her except for the head of his big black cock was touching her sex.
That is when she looks over at me with this longing, help me look. Instinctively I get out of my seat, walk over to my naked wife, who at that exact moment happens to have a very attractive naked black man lying on top of her. She reaches out, I take her hand in my hand. We lovingly hold hands while Adonis is sliding his cock up and down her crack. Now that I am standing next to them, I have a great view of his black cock sliding inside Kelly’s pink pussy lips.
He continues to kiss my wife. His cock is sliding up and down her crack until he lines the head up with her love hole. The camera man is on the other side of the bed bring the camera close, in anticipation of the inevitable penetration.
So now I am holding my wife’s hand watching Adonis’s cock slide up and down her crack until the head stops at her love hole. Then as he pushes, I see his cock open up Kelly’s vaginal hole. Oh Shit, he is disappearing inside of my wife, and she is squeezing my hand. The deeper he goes inside of her, the harder she squeezes my hand. Just when I think she is hurting my hand, I notice he is buried all the way inside of my wife and I believe I see the head of his cock pushing out her tummy just below her belly button. That is when it sinks in just how big this cock is that is now buried inside my wife.
Kelly let up on my hand as Adonis starts to pump in and out, fucking her with his big cock. Kelly seems to relax again, taking deep breaths every time he pushes into her, and smiles up at me. I don’t know why, but I ask her if she likes have Adonis inside of her. By now he is doing something to her that she likes, because even though she seems out of breath, she says “yes.” I ask her again if she likes having a big black cock inside of her, and she says “Yes.”
After watching Adonis pump is cock in and out of my willing wife for what I thought was the longest time, I ask her if she wants him to cum inside of her. With more determination she says “Yes!” At this time, I think I was so horny you could say I was love drunk, because, I told Adonis that my wife wanted him to cum inside of her. Oh shit! I told him to cum inside of my wife.
Kelly held my hand while Adonis pumped faster and then more forcefully into her pussy until he moaned “Yes, I’m going to cum inside your white pussy.” A couple more strong pushes into her. Then he held his cock just barely inside Kelly’s opening. You could see his cock twitching while he unloaded hundreds of millions of sperm inside my wife.
With heavy breathing, his shrinking cock slips out of my wife’s love hole and with it come a small river of milky cum, oozing down her crack. If there was any question before, there is none now. He emptied his balls inside my wife. The crazy thing was, I wanted nothing more than to get naked myself and fuck her well used cunt.
Adonis must have read my mind, because he rolls Kelly over, sits in front of her and asked her to clean him off. There was no way she was going to suck his cock after he was inside of her pussy and came. However, she got on her hands and knees with her ass sticking out towards me. She takes his limp cock into her mouth.
Something inside of me told me that if she is willing to clean him off that she wouldn’t mind if I did what every fiber in my body was longing to do. I pulled down my pants and push my hard cock into her very sloppy love hole. There was no friction as I slipped inside her so easily. Oh Shit! I was so horny. I was oblivious to everything around us. My concentration was completely on this beautiful pussy with my cock inside of it. That is when I lost control and I fucked my wife hard until having one of the most intense orgasms. I emptied my aching balls inside my wife’s already use hole, added my cum to Adonis’s cum that was already there.
After having such an intense orgasm, I was out of breath but also brought back to earth. Kelly was done sucking cock. As she rolled over on her back, I laid down next to her. We lovingly cuddled and I even kissed her. Oh shit! I kissed her after she just sucked cum off of Adonis’s cock. Oh hell, I don’t even care, and we kissed passionately for a few minutes.
Then it was over. LeRoy yelled “cut.” As Adonis was collection his clothes, he was telling someone this was the best sex scene he had ever done. Something about today not being work but was the fun that sex is supposed to be. Kelly and I were coming to grips with what we had just done. Neither of us spoke as I pulled my pants up then help collect Kelly’s clothes.
While she was getting dressed in the dressing room, LeRoy handed me an envelope with $5,000 cash in it and told me he would text me when we could pick up the rest. In addition the the $5,000, he handed me $200, it was the tips from the men watching from behind the windows. Oh shit, men were watching us live from behind the windows? I knew there was something going on with the windows. My mind was too tired from information overload from all that had just happened to think. All I wanted to do was get home. As soon as Kelly came out dressed, I took her hand and we left.
Not much was said on the way home. Once at home we collected the kids from the friend’s house and we went straight to bed.
Waking up the next morning, my head was fogged and I really believed it was all a dream. Had I really agreed to watching my wife get fucked by a porn star on camera?
Just as I convinced myself it was all a wet dream, an envelope with a lot of cash fell off the night stand, onto the bed. Oh shit! But then I remembered we were going to get foreclosed and I crawled out of bed, careful not to wake Kelly, got the envelope, headed straight to the bank, and made the payment on both our home and car. WE DID IT! We were NOT going to loose our home!
On my way home, I got very scared of what Kelly was going to think about all that happened yesterday. Would she think less of me for allowing her to get fucked by a porn star in a porn movie? Would she think I was a freak for fucking her after she had just been filled with another man’s sperm? There was a lot of insecurities going through me when I got home. But then Kelly met me at the door asked me where I had been. When I told her I made our mortgage and car payments, she got the biggest smile and said, “My hero,” and kissed me passionately.
So I guess all my insecure feeling were not only unfounded but totally unnecessary. My wife loves me, I love my wife and I love my life. Chalk yesterday up to experience.
This should have been the end of our story but life has a way of pushing you and seeing what you are really made of. Turns out one month was not enough time to get either of the houses sold. The damn county and their fees and inspections and certificates. The city and county literally almost made us go broke, well they put us right back to where we were a month ago. The $2,500 extra we got from LeRoy just barely covered the inspection fees. Without that money we would have went under. We are literally so close to two big sales and we have more jobs lined up. We just needed to make our mortgage once more.
When Kelly went to pick up the $2,500, LeRoy was thrilled with how well the movie was doing. It was a big hit on line and the DVD orders were almost more than he could handle. Kelly said that he practically begged her to make another movie right then, that day. She told him that only her husband could make that call, which made me feel better about our dealings with LeRoy.
That night, when I walked in late, exhausted, and discouraged, Kelly knew that we were broke again. She already knew about the inspections and how they took all our money.
“Honey, I have some good news.” She said kind of hesitantly. “If we want to get out of the construction business, the porn industry really wants us. Our movie is a hit and LeRoy wants us to shoot another.” She had a half smile on her face like she was trying to read my response. Seriously we would be homeless right now if it wasn’t for my porn star wife. But it was supposed to be a one time thing.
However, to be honest, I liked seeing my wife make the movie. My dreams since making the movie have been, well, let’s just say, “Wet!” Even my day dreams seem to be about Kelly making another movie. Even though I hate to say it, seeing my wife fuck another guy and get paid SO much for it is quite the ego boost.
When I hesitated she took that as a NO WAY; however, I was just thinking about what would happen if friends and family found out. Kelly apologized for even suggesting it.
Funny thing was, when I admitted that I was considering it, her face lit up like a little girl at Christmas time. She tried not to act excited but I knew my wife well enough to know when she is happy about something.
Not wanting to look like I was too overjoyed with the idea, I told Kelly that we should just talk to LeRoy about it. See if he really would pay us that much again and what exactly it would entail? Would we still be able to keep our identities hidden?
Even though she tried not to show it, it was obvious, my wife was all for the chance to star in another porn movie. Wonder if it was the sex with Adonis or just being in a movie that made her excited.
When I called LeRoy, not only was he excited to hear from me, but he said he had another script just for Kelly and me. Apparently, the last movie had done so well that he couldn’t wait to make another. Plus, Kelly was nominated for a AVN (American adult video industry trade magazine AVN, Adult Video News) award for the best new amateur actress.
LeRoy was so thrilled that she had been nominated because it really looked good for his studio to have someone nominated by the AVN. This had disaster written all over it. How could we keep our secret if Kelly is a famous Porn Star?
Well, we set up a meeting, and before I knew it, it was Sunday again and we were on our way to talk to LeRoy about us, well, mainly Kelly being in another Porn movie. I couldn’t believe I actually thinking about having my wife get filmed having sex again with another man, and not just any man, a porn star. As we were driving to LeRoy’s Adult Book Store, all I could think about was “What was I doing!? Driving my the love of my life to get fucked by another man!” Boy did I have butterflies in my gut. I couldn't believe I was actually driving the car with my wife in it to the place where she was going to have another man’s cock inside her again.
When we arrived at LeRoy’s Adult Book Store, there were about a dozen cars in the parking lot, which I thought was strange for a Sunday early afternoon. So as not to be recognized, I drove Kelly around to the back doors. She was able to enter without anyone seeing her. Then I parked and went in the side door. A lone guy entering an Adult Book Store does not attract as much attention as a hot sexy lady who is now a star of a porn movie.
Walking in, I noticed one guy looking at videos. “This is all,” I thought to myself, “why are there a dozen cars in the parking lot.” As I walked back to LeRoy’s office, I saw “the hands,” as LeRoy called them, setting up for another movie shoot. I actually thought about staying and watching them shoot a movie, just to be able to see what it was like when I was not in the movie. Could be helpful if we ever decide to make another movie.
When I get to LeRoy’s office, Nancy greets me enthusiastically and shows me into LeRoy’s office where he is already talking to Kelly. They both stop talking and look at me with an expression like the little boy who got caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Recovering quickly, LeRoy comes over, shakes my hand and offers me a seat. I wonder what they were talking about.
Kelly and I sit down across from him, and he precedes to tell us what a hit our first movie was, and that we just have to make a sequel. Perhaps his goal was to convince us to make another movie, but he also revealed how much he needed us. My take on what he said was that we were key to his quick success. He need us in order to make a fortune in the porn business. Then it became challenge to see how much we were worth but at the same time we were the desperate one about to loose everything. I had heard of actors getting a percentage of the movie revenue and I thought that would be much better for us in the long run.
As LeRoy was telling us about the AVN nomination and the success of the movie. Since we had no other options, we had to make the movie. But I was trying to figure out in my mind how much we could ask to be compensated for making another porn movie. LeRoy was a business man, and we were more than just a commodity to him. He liked us and he really really wanted to succeed in the porn video business.
So when I asked for $20,000 plus 10% of the video revenue, he didn’t bat an eye, but he did chuckle like someone was being absurd. After going back and forth we finally agreed on $10,000 up front, $2,500 when the video came out and 5% of the video proceeds minus the expenses of making the video. I didn’t realize it at the time but in a way this made us partners with LeRoy.
After negotiating our worth, I figured we would set a date to make the movie. Unbeknownst to us, while we were with LeRoy talking money, “the hands” were busy setting up the studio. LeRoy was committed to making the movie today. Bet I could have asked for better Deal if I had know. Just like last time, Kelly was taken away for a shower, makeup and wardrobe. There were a few more people there this time and just like last time LeRoy told us to just be ourselves. He had taken care of everything.
This time, as we are waiting for Kelly, LeRoy and I go into the studio and start talking. Unknown to me the cameras were rolling. I thought we were just talking but this was the start of the movie about a guy that is broke who is about to sale his wife for money.
He casually asked me why I was willing to let my wife have sex with another man. In my head, I was thinking that we already went over this with him last time. My business went under when my partner cleaned out our bank accounts and ran off to Mexico leaving us broke. We had to file for bankruptcy and now we are starting over. Even though we have a successful business again, we are just weeks away from making it if we don’t come up with money, we’ll loose our home.
LeRoy, was like, yeah, I know all that, but why would you be willing to see your wife fuck another man.
Again, I tried to explain that we are desperate, but he stopped me and asked how I felt about the whole thing. When I went into the being broke story, he again stopped me and told me that I was about to watch my wife have sex with another man. He wanted me to share how I am going to feel seeing another man’s cock inside my wife. This took me off guard, I reminded him that we had already done this once before. “So it should be easy for you to share your feelings with me,” he says.
Having never planned on talking about this, it took me off guard to try to explain how I felt about sharing my wife with another man. Then I remembered her smile and when she orgasmed, the look on her face.
I started off by saying, “My wife is the most beautiful girl I know and I love her with all my heart.” And then without thinking too much I continued, “Maybe I am like the nice boy in kindergarten with the best toy that feels happy to share it with the other kids. Not give it away, just share it. Plus it thrills me when I see my wife smile and enjoy sex. I can’t explain how it excites me when I get to watch her expression as she has an orgasm.”
Then he asked me how my wife feels about it. “Well,” I said, “she has felt helpless through our money crisis and now she is able to help get us back on our feet.” LeRoy stopped me again and reminded me that he doesn’t want to hear about the money reasons, everyone has financial issues, how does she feel about having sex with other men?
Oh, did I tell you I had been drinking really good wine since we arrived? Well, it must have loosen up my tongue because I had no filter. “I know she thinks Adonis is good looking and sexy. I think she has a fantasy about fucking an attractive black man and Adonis sure fits the bill. Last time she had two really strong orgasms so I know she enjoyed herself and that made it all the more fun for me. Most husbands will say they like to see their wives happy but only a few will admit they like to see their wives excited and thrilled too.”
Just then Kelly came into the room and our conversation was over. LeRoy told her how amazingly beautiful she looked, and hot and sexy. He explained that just like last time we are to just say and do what ever feels natural. The actors have the script and will lead and direct you as to what to do next. You just be yourselves. Smile a lot and have fun. Then they had Kelly leave the room.
Right on cue, Adonis comes in, we weren’t sure he was going to be the the one but I know Kelly was hoping, or she was assuming he would be. I looked at Kelly standing just outside of the studio. You should have seen the way my beautiful sexy wife lit up when she saw Adonis, her smile was priceless.
The script had Adonis being some loan shark that came to collect his money which of course I couldn’t pay. Then in walks Kelly, looking at her, Adonis smile real big and says he’ll get his pay one way or another.
Suddenly there are two more black guys in the studio and Adonis informs us that he owes them money, and if we can’t pay him, then he can’t pay them. However, they all would love to have my wife.
So in lieu of money, they will take their payment by enjoying my wife. When I complained, the two new guys grab me roughly and force me into a chair. Now I am actually worried, a gang bang was not in the contract or agreement. I was trying to explain that we were not going to do this when Adonis throws his head back and laughs, a really sinister laugh. I believe he is being truthful when he tells me that he didn’t want things to happen this way but that a contract is a contract. If I can’t pay my debts then he can’t fulfill his obligation. I am confused if he is going on script or if somehow we are really being used to pay off some true debt.
Turns out that having us in the dark so to speak, we had the perfect expressions and responses to the plot of the movie. We got rave reviews because we were genially surprised, dumbfounded and confused. LeRoy was brilliant in making a movie with amateurs that looked like we were seasoned actors.
Adonis then goes over to Kelly, who is as bewildered as I am. Telling her how beautiful she is, Adonis starts to touch her face, brush back her hair, and then kisses her. She accepts his kiss and just melts in his arms. We ignored the other two as Adonis makes out with her. I think I hear him whisper in her ear how excited he is for another chance to be with her. “Trust me,” he says. Then looks over at me and asks me if it is alright if he undresses my wife. The two guys holding me down make it obvious as they squeeze my arms, that I must answer “yes, it is ok for you to undress my wife.”
And then it starts, again, Adonis unbuttons then removes my wife’s blouse. He continues to kiss her as he removes her bra. Oh shit, here we go again. I am watching my wife making out with another man, and I know she is going to have sex with him.
As this realization is going through my mind, she looks over at me and smiles. Not any smile but her whole face lights up and I know she is excited. Hell! She is excited to have sex again with Adonis and possible two more guys. She is excited for a gang bang.
As I am coming to this realization, Adonis then removes Kelly’s pants and gently lays her down on the bed. They continue to make out as Adonis craws next to her and massages her boobs. As he moves his hand down her flat stomach and into her panties, it is obvious that she has completely given herself to him.
First she sucks her stomach in allowing him to put his hand underneath the waistband of her panties. Then she spreads her legs giving him easy excess to her sex. The camera man brings his camera in close, showing Adonis’s hand rubbing my wife’s pussy and possibly finger her. After a few minutes and what seems as though they are completely enjoying themselves, Adonis kisses down her boobs, to her stomach, and grabs the waistband of her panties with his hands and pulls them. Kelly brings her legs together, raises her hips and then her legs allow him to easily remove the last piece of clothing leaving her naked.
Then the guy (Jeramy) on my left, who looks just Idris Elba (The Black Panther), releases me, goes over to Kelly, and holds her shoulders down while Adonis gets up and undresses. He tells Kelly she is so beautiful, with the hottest, sexiest body he had ever seen.
Then tells her how much he is going to enjoy fucking her little white cunt. While Jeramy is describing how he is going to fuck her, Adonis climbs his naked body back on her naked body. They continue to kiss for several more minutes. Jeramy is now undressing.
Kelly seems to be completely ok with this new situation. She doesn’t care that besides Adonis there are two more black men getting ready to have sex with her. As they continue to kiss, Jeramy is now naked and the other back man is in the process of getting naked. His name is Michael and he looks just like Shemar Moore in the TV show Criminal Minds.
Jeramy walks over to the kissing couple and offers his cock to Kelly. No way is she going to go along with this. She is conservative and other than the one time on the nude beach, she is prude. Well, other than the last porn movie we made. But that was supposed to be a one time thing. Well, I guess I don’t know my wife as well as I thought. . .
Oh my, Jeramy’s cock is even bigger than Adonis. Adonis stops kissing her and my innocent wife who looks over at me and gives me another smile as she takes Jeramy’s big cock into her mouth.
While my wife is sucking Jeramy’s cock, Adonis’s cock is rubbing up and down her crack. I can see the wetness on his cock as his rod slips up and down Kelly’s pussy crack. I didn’t know why he didn't just push his cock inside her wet vagina but he was holding himself up so his body was off Kelly while she continued to suck Jeramy.
Then Michael asks me, “Hey man, can I kiss your wife’s boobs?” This takes me by surprise and I stutter a little, “Um, yeah, ok.” He gets on the other side of the bed and climbs over to her. He starts kissing her breast slowly making his way to her hardened nipples and then takes her nipple into his mouth.
I stand up and move in so I can get a better view of three guys enjoying my wife’s body, still in shock that she hasn’t stopped them or said no. She must have heard my movement, because Kelly lets go of Jeramy’s cock, looks at me and smiles. She motions for me to come over to her. I thought she wanted to tell me something, like STOP them, we didn’t sign up for three of them.
However, she reaches up, grabs my head, pulls me to her and we kiss. OH SHIT! I can taste another man on her lips. Not only was she kissing another man but she had another man’s cock in her mouth. Don't ask me why, but it didn’t seem to bother me and I kissed my wife. Then she whispered in my ear, “I’m going to let Adonis inside me now,” and she begin kissing me again. As we are kissing, I feel her being pushed up in the bed and I know that Adonis just entered her. She continues to kiss me as her body starts slowly rocking up and down. I know that Adonis is fucking my wife with his big cock.
After only a few minutes of kissing me, Jeramy gently nudges me out of the way and offers his cock to Kelly. She looks over, our eyes meet, and she has a big smile on her face as she takes Jeramy’s cock into her mouth. Not wanting to be left out, Michael starts to kiss her boobs.
What a sight this is! My sweet innocent wife is being fuck by Adonis, giving a blow job to Jeramy and letting Michael suck on her boobs. After what seems like eternity of watching my wife like this, Adonis starts to moan, looks at me and ask, “Where does she want it man?” I look at Kelly, who takes Jeramy’s cock out of her mouth just long enough to tell Adonis “Don’t stop, I want you to cum inside of me.” She strokes Jeramy’s cock as she looks up into Adonis’s face. He twitches and unloads his sperm inside her pussy. Michael moves away just as Adonis collapses on Kelly and even though he is out of breath kisses her. He tells her that she is worth every penny of the loan.
Then as Adonis rolls off of her. Jeramy pushes Kelly onto her hands and knees. Again, she motions me over to her. I kiss her as cock number two enters her. I can tell exactly when Jeramy entered her by her subtle forward movement and the sudden deep breath she took. As I kiss her, I can feel her rocking as Jeramy is fucking her. I picture his big black cock stretching my wife’s love hole.
Then Adonis says, “excuse me man,” and politely nudges me out of the way so he can sit in front of Kelly. As soon as sits down, my Kelly takes his limp cock in her mouth and cleans his and her juices off his cock. Holy crap! I can’t believe she just did that. This is so out of character for her.
After cleaning off Adonis, Michael moves him out of the way and sits in front of her. Now remember, Adonis was about an inch longer and maybe 50% thicker than me. Jeramy was a little bigger than Adonis; however, Michael is almost an inch longer and just as thick as Jeramy.
Kelly looks at it then looks at me with a “Holy Shit” smile, but despite it huge size, she puts her mouth around it, taking just the head inside. She sucks on it, coating it with her saliva, at the same time stroking it with one hand while she holds herself up with the other. No wonder she is such a hit, she is really good at being a porn star and it is obvious she enjoys her work. Maybe she is not taking one for the team, but maybe this is her opportunity to live out a fantasy. Possibly she is actually doing something she has always wanted to do.
I don’t know if it is a porn flick thing or just in the script for this film, but as he is fucking my wife, Jeramy also asks me where we want it. Just like before, Kelly stops suck on Michael, and tells Jeramy, “Inside me, I want all you got.” Then she resumes sucking the head of Michael’s cock. As I am watching his cock being pushed in and out of my wife’s love hole, Jeramy starts to grunt and holds his hips tight again Kelly’s butt as he obediently empties his balls inside of her pussy. This is so not like Kelly, to be so into sex much less asking for her pussy to be filled with cum from not one but two guys.
As I am thinking about how unbelievable this whole situation is, Michael moves Jeramy out of the way and starts rubbing his cock against Kelly’s pussy from behind. She is still on her hands and knees and as Michael appears to be fucking her, she looks at me and motions for me to come over. As I am moving closer to her, Michael asks me, “Hey, is it ok if I stick my cock inside your wife?” Now Kelly is pulling me closer to her with her hand on my neck. She whispers to me, “Honey, tell him yes.” What could I do? I tell Michael, “Yes, stick your cock inside my wife.” It is such a surreal feeling actually verbalizing “Stick you cock inside my wife.” It makes it so much more real and personal. ?Kelly still has a hold of my neck and pulls me to her so we kiss, and again I know right when Michael enters her because he pushes her forward into me. I have the vision of his huge black cock sliding inside my wife’s cum filled love hole.
We kiss for just a minute before Jeramy says, “excuse me, can she clean me off too?” I move out of the way as he sits in front of my wife. She takes his shrunken cock into her mouth and cleans off his and her juices.
It must have been part of the script, because after about 10 minutes, Michael then asked Kelly where she wanted him to unload his “love juice.” She stopped sucking on Jeramy just long enough to tell him, “Inside of me, of course.” Then resumed sucking on Jeramy’s cock. Now I have positioned myself so I have a great view of Michael behind my wife and his huge cock going in and out of her.
Just then, Adonis whispers to me that if I am going to be the grand finally I need to take off my clothes. There are not words to describe how horny I am right now. My clothes come off and I wait for Michael to finish, so I can take my turn at my own wife. Luckily, he only last a few more minutes. I hear him tell Kelly he is cumming, “I am cumin inside you, just like you wanted. You are getting every drop.” And with that he pulls her hips and thrusts himself as deep as possible inside of her while he empties his balls. He holds her like that for a minute and then his shrinking cock slips out.
As soon as Michael is out of the way, I turn my wife over and mount her missionary style so I can see her face as I enter her well fucked hole. She kisses me as I start to pump in and out. Then Michael taps me on the shoulder and says to Kelly, “You’ve forgotten to clean me off.” He brings his shiny cock, shiny because it is covered in his and her juices, to my wife’s face. She gladly takes it in her mouth and sucks it for a few minutes.
When I first entered her, I was so turned on I was going to cum in just a minute, but by Michael distracting me, I was able to pump in and out for over 10 minutes. When Michael finally stepped away I was fucking with abandonment. That is when my wife reached up and pull me closer to her and started kissing me again. This must have been part of the script. Her kissing me before and after each porn star had fucked her. And how did they know I would kiss her even though she had just had a dripping wet cock in her mouth. Somehow they knew I was going to be so horny all I wanted to do was make love to my now porn star wife.
After we had been kissing and fucking for over ten minutes, she grabs my butt and pulls me hard into her like she does when she has an orgasm. Knowing that she is cumming, put me over the edge and I had an incredible orgasm. Perhaps when you watch your wife fuck three other guys before you finally get your turn, you build up for an epic climax, which is what happen. My orgasm seemed to explode and I filled her with more sperm than I can ever remember.
As I was coming down from my orgasm high, we just laid in each other’s arms. All I could say was “WOW! That was amazing,” to which she agreed. She whispered in my ear loud enough for people to hear, “I think I had four orgasms, but the best was with you.” I looked at her and she gave me this sly smile. She is so beautiful when she smiles like that.
We are still laying in each other’s arms when Adonis comes up and congratulates us on a great performance. “Man, girl, you are so hot! That is going to make for one of the best pictures of the year.” Jeramy and Michael, also told her her that was one hell of a performance.
Well, Kelly didn’t even bother with a shower. She quickly got her clothes on and we left with an envelope in hand with lots of cash in it. The whole way home, I kept picturing my beautiful wife with big black cocks inside of her vagina and getting filled with another men’s sperm. It was so erotic. I never wanted to make her do it again, but deep down I think I hoped that we would need money soon so I could watch her being a porn star.
Just before we got home, I broke the silence and asked “How are you doing?” I didn’t want to say what was on my mind, that she was incredible, sexy, beautiful and the best porn star in the world.
She was deep in thought, perhaps going over the events of today in her mind like I was. Then she admitted that she was doing OK. I apologized for letting three men have there way with her, but she stopped me and said, “I knew what I was signing up for. None of this is your fault.” Then after a pause, “Did you like sticking your cock inside me knowing three guys had cum inside of me?” I didn't know what to say, so I admitted, “Hell, I was so horny watching you that I didn’t care. I just had to have you for myself.” With that, she smiled and said, “I am so glad you are ok with all of this. I was so worried you wouldn’t love me anymore.” “Oh no, I love you more than ever,” I quickly told her, “You are the love of my life and I can’t believe you were willing to do that for us. Have three guys fuck you so we won’t loose our house.”
We arrived home and as Kelly was getting out of the car, I noticed a big wet spot on her seat. I guess having four guys cum inside of you is more than one pussy can hold and it’s going to drip out for a while. Before we got in the house, our six year old reminded us that we needed to go to his soccer match. So we all jumped back in the car and drove to the school. Kelly never had a chance to change and it made me hard knowing that cum was still dripping out of her.