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- Threesome Ffm Stories : Wifes Personal Trainer Seduces Her
Wifes Personal Trainer Seduces Her
Lisa and I have been married for 18 years and we have 3 children. We are both in our early 40?s and we have an average sex life. I would say that we both probably think about sex a lot more than we have it. With 2 jobs, kids, bills, etc, we just never seem to have the time or energy to really enjoy ourselves.
I have always been vocal with Lisa about my fantasy of having a threesome with another woman. And she has always been equally as vocal with me letting me know that it would never, ever happen. Lisa has a lot of hang-ups about sex that are probably due to her Southern Baptist upbringing and her Mother?s influence. I?m not really sure what?s involved but I do know that she has always been reluctant to try new things. We were married 15 years before she finally decided to try swallowing when she gives me a blowjob. Once she did it, though, she was hooked and now she seems to really love it.
Last year she went to a sex toy party that some of her friends hosted. Just the thought of her agreeing to go was a big shock to me because it was so out of character for her. When she came home and told me she has actually purchased a couple of items I was even more shocked. She had bought a little vibrating ?dolphin? that was designed with a hole in the center so it can slide over a man?s cock and be pushed down to the base. It has two vibrating egg inserts, one positioned at the top so that the dolphin?s nose vibrates and touches her clit and the other at the bottom where it can stimulate his balls. She loves playing with the dolphin and we have had a lot of great fun with it.
This prompted me to order a sex kit from the internet and it came in a few days later. It had a couple of vibrators, one HUGE dildo, some anal beads, lotions, sex games, etc. I thought that this might be opening some doors for us to really start exploring our sexual fantasies and desires but unfortunately most of the time these toys just stay hidden in our closet. Occasionally we will get out the dolphin or a vibrator and have some fun but most of the stuff remains unused. Personally I would love to get out all the toys and just have a toy orgy and try everything but she seems to be either too inhibited or too embarrassed to do that. I guess I should count my blessings that since she turned 40 a couple of years she seems to be opening up a little more sexually.
Lisa is a very attractive woman. She is about 5? 7? with reddish blonde shoulder length hair and beautiful blue eyes. After having 3 children she has had to battle a slight weight problem and she has been up and down with her weight over the past many years. There is a gym where she works and she has been pretty good about going there and she also runs in our neighborhood to keep the weight off. But since turning 40 this didn?t seem to be enough to get her where she wanted to be. So, about six months ago she decided to get a personal trainer at the gym to help her. She had wrestled with the idea for a long time because she was concerned about the money it would cost to have a personal trainer and I finally told her that she worked hard and deserved it so she should just do it. She signed up and decided to go forward with it.
After her first workout she came home in obvious pain. Her personal trainer was a woman named Julie who was really sadistic, according to Lisa. She said that Julie was about 35 and very fit and attractive but also very demanding. I laughed and told her that it would be better over time and to stick with it. The plan was for her to meet with Julie after work twice a week but after the first week she was wondering if she would survive the second week.
She kept working with Julie and the grueling workouts were making an immediate impact. Lisa quickly started shedding the extra pounds and was able to get back into her smaller, tighter jeans. She was also starting to get more of a sex drive and we were having sex more often. Most of the time it was stolen quickies in the shower or when we had a rare moment alone without kids around. I wasn?t complaining but there was still a lack of serious intense passion in our lovemaking.
Lisa talked a lot about Julie. She was always telling me about how Julie pushed her beyond the limits that Lisa thought she had. She said that Julie seemed to have the power to make her do things that she didn?t think she could do. She seemed to have an admiration for Julie. She told me that Julie was single after getting divorced a year earlier and that she had no children. She said that Julie was a very outgoing person and seemed to be totally in control of her life and her surroundings. She talked about how all the guys at the gym seemed to gawk at her and how Julie seemed to know it and would use her sexuality in her favor getting guys to do anything she wanted them to do. I asked her if she thought Julie was sleeping with any of those guys and she said, ?No, way! She doesn?t give them the time of day. But if she wanted to I?m sure she could have any guy there that she wants.? She said that Julie seemed to exude sex. Not in a slutty way but in a way that made her appear desirable. Of course this got my imagination aroused and I asked, half jokingly, half hopefully, ?Do you desire her?? ?NO!? Lisa shouted back loudly. But I noticed that her face had turned red when I asked. She did go on to tell me that Julie had told her recently that she was bisexual and that had been the reason she got divorced. Apparently her husband, for some unknown reason, couldn?t handle being with a woman that liked other women. Go figure.
Of course hearing this put my imagination into hyper drive. But all I managed to do was to piss Lisa off leaving her saying, ?I KNEW I should have never said anything about that to you.? And the conversation and my fantasy quickly came to a screeching halt.
For the next several months she continued to work out with Julie twice a week and they started hanging out together frequently after their workout. Usually they?d go get a drink somewhere or go out to dinner. Our sex life peaked for a few weeks then slowly dwindled back into the old familiar routine of just occasional sex. The sad thing is that Lisa was looking better than ever with all of her workouts. But with our work schedules and her always being ?tired? when she got home from work we were never able to do much about it.
A few weeks ago she told me that there was going to be a ?Spring Fling? party at work and asked if I wanted to go. We had been to several of her work parties and they were always the same. Good food, lots of booze and a bunch of stuffed shirt corporate types that I had nothing in common with. But since I had nothing better to do and knowing that I?d probably get lucky after Lisa had a few drinks I agreed to go. My plan, as usual, was to show up, eat some food, get a few drinks in Lisa and leave early to go home and get laid.
The party was last Saturday night. Lisa asked me during the afternoon if I would mind if we gave Julie a ride to the party. She said that her house was on our way and that Julie had told her that she planned to have a few drinks and didn?t want to drive home. I quickly said, ?Sure!? because I was dying to meet this woman. Lisa, of course, read my mind and immediately said, ?Don?t even say it. The only three way action you?re going to get tonight is if you order a combo dinner. Keep your mind and your comments out of the gutter.?
We arrived at Julie?s condo a little after 6:30 PM. Lisa had called on her cell phone and told Julie when we were pulling into the complex so, when I pulled in the driveway Julie was walking out the door to meet us. Immediately I knew what all the fuss was about. Julie was stunning. She was about 5?8? with long dark hair. She had a dark tan and dark eyes. A true exotic beauty. She was wearing a red sleeveless sundress that was low cut in the front revealing very nice cleavage. She walked past the front of the car to come around to get in behind Lisa and I caught a glimpse of nipples poking out through the material of her dress. The sight of her caused a slight stir in my pants to say the least. And the knowledge that she was bisexual made that stir turn into a bulge.
She opened the door and jumped in behind Lisa and said, ?Hi, guys! Thanks for picking me up.? Lisa made introductions but I was not paying much attention because my senses had become overwhelmed with the scent of Julie. I do not know what perfume or lotion she was wearing but it certainly had an effect on me right away. I managed to say, ?Hi? and ?Nice to meet you? as I backed out of her driveway. Julie was saying something about hearing a lot about me as she leaned up over the seat and planted a little kiss on Lisa?s cheek and said, ?Wow, you look hot tonight.? She was right. Lisa did look hot tonight. She was wearing a pair of really tight, low cut jeans that made her ass look really good. She had on a blue, low cut, button up, short sleeved top that allowed a little peek of the pale blue lacey bra she wore underneath. I also knew that under those tight jeans was a matching pale blue lacy thong. Thongs were something new that Lisa had started wearing since she had lost some weight. She was also wearing high heels that made her ass look even better in her tight jeans when she walked.
The kiss on the cheek only stirred even more the thoughts in my head. But I know Lisa all too well and I was sure that she was wishing Julie hadn?t done that. She shot me a quick glance as if to say, ?Cool it, Buddy!?
It took us about 20 minutes to get to the place where the party was being held. It was at a ballroom in a downtown expensive hotel. Lisa and Julie chatted the whole way there mostly gossiping about people at the office or at the gym. I valet parked the car and we went in together. Once inside the door Julie was quickly off to mingle and I felt that awkwardness that I always feel at these parties. I only knew a few people there and they were nothing more than acquaintances. I grabbed Lisa?s hand and said, ?You know the drill. Don?t leave me alone with these people.? She laughed and told me I?d be fine.
We worked our way through the obligatory small talk to get to the bar. Lisa ordered a Margarita and I smiled to myself knowing that tequila makes her horny. I had a Coke and stood beside Lisa while she chatted with one coworker after another. I shook hands with all the new people I was being introduced to and all the old ones that I had met before but couldn?t recall their names.
I kept looking at my watch wondering when we?d be able to eat and wondering how long it would take for Lisa to get horny enough to tell me she wanted to leave. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and told Lisa to stay where she was so I could find her when I got back. She told me she would and I walked away to search for the bathroom. When I got back Lisa was nowhere in sight, of course. So, I set out on my rounds to try to find her. After a few minutes I found her in a corner talking to Julie and a couple of guys. As I approached the group I couldn?t help but notice how touchy feely Lisa and Julie were with each other. Not in a sexual groping way but just laughing and touching each other?s arms, etc. They were standing next to each other and seemed to be faking interest in whatever the men were talking about. When I got to Lisa I said, ?I thought you were going to wait for me.? She surprised me by planting a kiss right on my lips in front of the group and said, ?I am waiting patiently for you, baby.? Then even more to my surprise Julie leaned over and kissed my cheek and said, ?Yeah, baby, we?ve been waiting for you.? I didn?t know what to think and I could feel my face getting red but they all laughed and so all I could do was laugh along.
It was time to sit down and eat and we moved towards the tables to grab a seat. When we got to our table I noticed that the two other men that we had been talking to weren?t with us anymore so the three of us sat down. We were joined by some of the stuffed shirts from Lisa?s company. She knew a couple of them but the other three were from a different department. Dinner was good. Salad, prime rib, veggies, etc. The conversation was all about work and I did little other than eat and pretend to listen and I made sure to laugh on cue when everyone else laughed.
Finally, after desert the people at the table started breaking up and going their separate ways to mingle. A DJ started playing loud music and people started moving to the dance floor. Lisa decided she wanted another Margarita and Julie decided she wanted to go dance. I went to the bar with Lisa while she got her drink and then we went back to the table. Lisa and I don?t dance so we were content to watch the others while she finished her drink. I excused myself to go to the bathroom again and when I came back Julie was at our table sitting next to Lisa. She had gone to the bar and gotten 3 tequila shooters and was encouraging Lisa and I to join her in a shot. I was the designated driver for the evening and politely refused my shot but Lisa and Julie tossed theirs back in one gulp. Then they decided to split mine and Julie poured half of it into Lisa?s empty shot glass and they both tossed those back, too,
Julie had been dancing and had worked up a little sweat. The hair around her face was wet and a couple of strands stuck to her cheeks. Her nipples had apparently enjoyed bouncing around in her dress because they were straining against the material and poking out very nicely. I found myself doing sexual calculations in my head. How many tequila shots would it take in order for Lisa to let Julie do body shots off her body? I knew that that all that was going to happen was that I was going to get some good sex later and I figured the closet I would get to a threesome was going to be the images in my head of Julie while Lisa and I had sex.
Julie stood up and said, ?You guys about ready to get out of here?? Lisa said, ?Sure, let?s go.? I was not about to argue because my mind was in overdrive and I just wanted to get home before the tequila wore off so that I could get lucky. The girls said they were both going to the bathroom and suggested I go get the car out of valet parking. I went outside and gave the guy my valet ticket and soon the girls joined me. As I was driving out of the parking lot Julie said, ?If you guys aren?t ready to go home yet I know a good place we can go for drinks.? Before I could say anything Lisa said, ?OK!? And so we were off to another location.
I asked Julie where we were going but she wouldn?t tell me the name of the place. She just gave me directions. ?Turn right here.? ?Turn left there.? I didn?t argue. I just did as I was told. Funny how this woman had to power to take over the situation just like Lisa had told me before. Finally we turned on a street I know and when we did my heart was racing. I was hoping that Julie was going to tell me to turn left in the parking lot that we were rapidly approaching. To my amazement she did tell me to turn left. I was turning into the parking lot of the Cheetah. A downtown, high class strip club. A club well known for its beautiful, totally nude women. Of course I knew that the moment we turned in that Lisa was going to protest. I had tried to get her to go there with me before only to be flatly denied. But Lisa said nothing at all. I looked over at her as I waited for the comment that would make me turn around and head back out but she was looking out the window and singing along quietly to the radio. I pulled up to the valet parking attendant and we all got out. The valet looked at me and the two hot women I was with and said, ?Dude, looks like you?ve got your hands full tonight. Need any help?? I just laughed and handed him a couple of bucks. Julie, on the other hand, walked past me and patted me on the ass and told the valet guy, ?No, he?s quite capable of handling us all by himself.? Lisa was in front of Julie and didn?t seem to notice the comment or the pat on the ass and I just left well enough alone and smiled at the attendant. He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me as if to say, ?Way to go, dude!? I felt like a conquering hero even though I knew I was probably going to get nothing more than more fodder for my fantasy. But he didn?t know that.
We went to the window and I paid our admission. Luckily for me women were getting in free that night so it was pretty cheap. Julie walked ahead of us and I grabbed Lisa?s hand and asked her if she was ok with this. She said, ?I?ve seen naked women before. It?s no big deal.? I smiled but then she quickly added, ?Don?t get too worked up. You?re only going to be making love to me tonight.?
We followed Julie inside and she grabbed Lisa?s hand to lead the way. Lisa reached back and grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind them. There were beautiful naked and soon to be naked women all around. Many were on the stages and others were dancing either on or beside tables throughout the club. I was torn between looking at all the hot women and looking at several of the guys who were now looking at us. They all seemed to be wondering what it was about me that would make these two hot women come to a strip club with me. I, of course, was eating it up. I knew that several of those guys were envious of me at that moment.
Julie led us to a table close to one of the stages and we all sat down. Lisa was not bashful at all about looking at the naked women all around us and neither was I. I caught her glancing at me to see if I was looking. At first I pretended not to be looking when she glanced at me. But then I realized that she was in a strip club with me and that?s what you do in a strip club. You look. And you look long and hard. A scantily dressed waitress came and took our drink orders then Julie reached in her purse and grabbed some one dollar bills. She stood up and grabbed Lisa?s hand and dragged her up to the stage where four different women were dancing. Two of them were topless but wore g-strings and the other two were still covered on top and bottom.
I had been to strip clubs before and I knew what to do but I was interested to see how Lisa handled this. Julie went over to one of the girls who still had her top on and offered up a dollar bill. The girl came over to where Julie was standing and squatted down in front of her with her legs spread while Julie gently slid the dollar into the girl?s garter. Lisa just stood by and watched. Julie signaled the other girl with her top on to come over and she put a dollar in her garter, too. She was talking to Lisa and it was obvious that Lisa was a little uncomfortable and embarrassed. There were men all around and a couple went up near the stage where Lisa and Julie were to give the dancers their own dollar bills. Julie kept coaxing Lisa and one of the guys was talking to her as well. Finally Lisa pointed to one of the topless girls, a very tall and athletic looking blonde. Julie summoned the dancer over to them and she came over and squatted right in front of Lisa with her g-string covered pussy a foot away from her face. I watched as Lisa timidly lifted the girl?s garter that was very high up on her thigh and quickly slid the dollar in. Julie and the guy clapped and the dancer bent down and kissed Lisa?s cheek.
Lisa turned and came back to the table and even in the dark light of the club I could see how red her face was. She looked at me with a mock evil eye expression and I just smiled at her. The music was very loud making it hard to hear conversation but when Lisa sat down I yelled in her ear that I would give her $10 if she would dance like that for me. The waitress brought our drinks and when I paid her I asked for ten dollars worth of ones. Julie was still up at the stage beside several men giving away dollars and trying to coax the dancers into taking off the rest of their clothes. One of them was already totally nude and Julie got her to turn around and bend over at the waist with her ass pointing back at her before she would put her dollar in her garter. After she ran out of ones Julie came back to the table and stopped long enough to sip her drink then got up and said something and left.
I decided that I would have some fun with my wife and I waited until all 4 of the dancers on the stage were totally nude. I got up, grabbed the pile of ones and Lisa?s hand and drug her up to the stage with me. I picked out an attractive brunette and signaled her to come over. She came over and squatted in front of me and I took my time slowly sliding the dollar in her garter. I had my eyes fixed on her pussy lips the whole time and I knew that Lisa saw me staring. I then gave Lisa a dollar and asked her which one she liked best. She pointed at the blonde that she had given a dollar to earlier but she was at the other end of the stage with a group of guys getting loaded up on ones. Another blonde was dancing near us and I told Lisa to give her a dollar. Lisa held the dollar up and the girl came over. She stood right above Lisa and as I looked up at her I could see that her pussy lips were parted a little and there was a slight glint of moisture there. Unfortunately she didn?t squat down and spread her legs in front of us but stood and allowed Lisa to put the dollar in her garter then she danced away.
We got the other dancer over and I gave her a dollar and then Lisa?s favorite blonde was done on the other end and she danced over to where we were. She smiled at Lisa and squatted down right in front of us. She had her hands on here thighs very close to her pussy and she was slowly moving up and down as if she was fucking some guy who was lying on the floor beneath her. She had a small patch of blonde hair above her pussy and her lips were slightly protruding and brownish pink in color. I had to figure that this was the first time Lisa had ever seen another woman?s pussy so up close and personal and it was turning me on very much. Lisa grabbed at the girls garter to once again do a quick tuck of the dollar but as she started to jam the dollar in the dancer grabbed her hand. She mouthed the words, ?Be gentle, baby? and guided Lisa?s hand very slowly up her thigh until she could place the dollar in the garter.
I was standing right beside Lisa and I held up a dollar and she turned a little towards me. Her pussy was hardly a foot away from my face and I wondered how Lisa was handling me being that close to another woman. I moved my hand very slowly right up her thigh, feeling her soft warm skin and slid the dollar in. I quickly handed Lisa another dollar and told her to give her another one. She did and this time she was somewhat purposeful and seductive about the way she touched the dancer?s thigh and slid the dollar in. I then held up another dollar and told her to turn around. She turned and backed almost right over us and bent all the way over at the waist until her hands touched the floor. Looking up it was very obvious now that this girl was wet. Her pussy lips were parted more than before and there was obvious wet pink showing. I handed the dollar to Lisa and told her to put it in. She obliged and as she was putting the dollar in the dancer squatted a little and her pussy ended up closer than ever to Lisa?s face. I wondered if she was enjoying herself or if she was just drunk and trying not to disappoint Julie. I slid a dollar up into the dancer?s garter, too and she turned around and squatted back down in front of us, this time with her legs together and kissed Lisa on the cheek and then she kissed me quickly on the lips. I held up the last two ones in my hand and said to her, ?You get these if you kiss her on the lips,? as I nodded towards Lisa. I know Lisa didn?t hear what I was saying. Without hesitation the dancer turned towards Lisa, bent down and planted a quick wet kiss right on Lisa?s lips. She thanked us both, took the ones from my hand and danced away. Lisa?s face was totally red and I was grinning from ear to ear. We went back to the table and she punched me on the arm and asked me if I put the dancer up to that. I laughed and told her it was the best two dollars I ever spent. She punched my arm again.
Julie was still away from the table and Lisa and I sat there watching the other dancers and the men paying them to get naked. I leaned over to Lisa and said, ?Did you see how wet you made that girl?? She just rolled her eyes and shook her head at me but I could see the slightest little grin on her face when I said it. I do believe that the dancer got wet because of Lisa.
After a while Julie came back and stood between us and said, ?Get your drinks, we?re moving.? She grabbed her drink and we got up and followed her. She led us through a mass of tables to the back of the room and up a staircase. I was watching all the guys watching us as we walked through and once again I felt like a stud escorting two hot, beautiful women in a strip club.
We were greeted on the stairs by another tall blonde with very long curly hair. She was wearing a white teddy with pink ribbons and high heels. She led us into a private room and I was getting really excited about what might be about to happen. I had heard about the private rooms but I had never seen one. I was hopeful as to what might transpire. It was a small room with dim lighting and sparse furnishings. There was a loveseat sized cushioned seat on one wall and a smaller matching seat on the other. Neither of the seats had arm rests and I figured that must be so the dancer could get to her customer?s laps better.
Julie introduced the blonde to us as Danielle. She said that she and Danielle were good friends and joked that she taught Danielle everything she knows. We all said, ?Hi,? to each other then Julie said that Danielle was going to give us a private show. Julie sat on the loveseat and quickly pulled Lisa down to sit beside her. This left only the chair for me to sit in and I sat down. Danielle went to the wall and turned on some music and began dancing for us. She moved around the room gyrating her body in front of each of us. I was as interested in watching my wife as I was watching Danielle. Lisa was watching rather nonchalantly and sipping her drink but Julie was being more animated and shouting things like, ?Take it off! Take it all off!?
Danielle didn?t wait too long into the first song to start showing some skin. She undid the string around her neck and slid the top down exposing her expensive tits to us. She played around a little shaking her tits in our faces. This made Lisa a little red but Julie reacted by pretending she was trying to grab Danielle?s boobs. Pretty soon Danielle reached down and unsnapped the teddy at the crotch and was teasingly exposing her pussy to us a little at a time. About that time the first song ended and another slower song started playing. Danielle started moving her hips slowly back and forth to the music and moved the teddy upward around her waist so that she was totally exposed from her belly button down. She had her back to me and I could see she had a sexy tattoo on her lower back. I could see Lisa?s face and she was staring intently at Danielle?s pussy. It didn?t take long for me to see why because Danielle bent completely over with her ass pointing towards me and I saw that her pussy lips hung down a good 2 inches. As she moved they sort of swayed from side to side. She backed towards me and practically pushed her ass into my face. I could see her very clearly now and there was plenty of pink to be seen from my vantage point. She slid down and sat on my lap and began to dry hump me through my jeans. I didn?t know if I was supposed to touch her or not but my instincts told me that was a no-no in strip clubs. So I just sat there feeling myself get harder by the second while she moved in small circles on my lap.
She leaned back and put her arm around my neck and pulled her head back beside mine and really started working me good. I guess it was obvious to her that she had found the right spot and she had to be able to feel how hard I was pressing against her. For the first time I could see Lisa?s face and she was smiling? thankfully. She was slowly bobbing her head to the beat of the music and seemed to be enjoying the torture that Danielle was putting me through. I was not concerned about Danielle making me cum in my pants but I was worried about what I would look like when she got up. I never wear underwear and my cock had now grown very hard and was running down my thigh. Danielle was right on top of it and working it pretty hard and I knew that it would be very obvious when she got up. For whatever reason this embarrassed me. I was thinking that it was too bad that I wasn?t in high school anymore and could hide my erection behind my books like I used to do all the time back then.
I also noticed that Julie had put her hand on my wife?s thigh about mid way up and that didn?t help matters any. I was lost somewhere between wanting to jump up and fuck all three of them then and there and wanting it all to stop because it all felt like one big tease.
As the song ended Danielle kissed my cheek and slid slowly off of my lap. I tried to act nonchalant about it all but Lisa and Julie were totally waiting to see what Danielle had done to me. As soon as she was off my lap they were both looking directly at my crotch and the outline of my hard cock was very obvious against my jeans. They both laughed and I heard Julie say, ?I see what you mean!? I didn?t know what that meant but I knew that Lisa was happy with my size and I wondered if maybe she had told Julie at some point how big I am.
The next song had started now and it was slightly faster than the last one had been but had more of a pronounced constant beat to it. Danielle pushed the teddy down over her hips and let it drop to the floor so now she was completely nude. She turned her back to the girls and bent over showing them her ass and dangling lips. Again Lisa was focused on her lips and I watched her face the whole time. Danielle backed up towards them and pushed her ass real close to Lisa?s face and then Julie?s. Lisa was not saying anything and just watched but Julie was having a ball. She had her arm around Lisa?s neck and was pulling her head closer to Danielle?s ass. She was pointing and laughing and saying things to Lisa that I could not hear over the music. Danielle turned to face the women and then she straddled Lisa?s leg and moved down until she had her crotch on her thigh. I could see Lisa?s face quickly turning red but she didn?t push Danielle away as I expected her to do. Danielle began to grind her pussy into Lisa?s thigh and she appeared to be pushing her tits in Lisa?s face. I couldn?t see exactly how close her tits were to Lisa?s mouth but I knew they had to be only inches. I wanted desperately to see my wife suck one of Danielle?s nipples into her mouth but I knew that was not going to happen.
A couple of times when Danielle moved just right I could actually see her pussy lips on my wife?s jean covered thigh and that turned me on incredibly. I was hoping that Danielle was going to move over onto Julie?s lap and do the same thing because Julie?s legs were bare since she was wearing a dress and that would have really been hot to see. But soon the song ended and so did our private party. Danielle slid off my wife?s lap and grabbed her teddy and slid it back on. I was hoping to see a wet spot on Lisa?s thigh but her jeans were too dark and the lighting was too dim for me to determine if there was any evidence left behind. She just sat there for a minute not sure what to say or what to do. Julie had gotten up and was hugging Danielle and thanking her. I got up and helped Lisa to her feet and Danielle hugged us both and gave us both a light kiss on the lips. I was really hot from watching all this and from watching two different women kiss my wife on the mouth and I was more than ready to leave at that point.
Julie said, ?I think it?s about time to call it a night. I know you guys probably want to get home and get some sleep, right?? Lisa and I both jokingly said that we were ready for bed and we followed Danielle out of the room. We headed down the stairs and decided we all needed a bathroom break before we left. I told them I?d be out front getting the car and headed off to the men?s room. After I left the bathroom I went outside to give the ticket to the valet and waited for the girls to join me. About the time the car came they had made their way outside and I tipped the driver and we left.
Julie asked if we had enjoyed ourselves and I quickly said, ?Yes!? Lisa said, ?It was ok. It was different. But I?m afraid we may have woken a sleeping monster.? Julie wanted to know what she meant by that and Lisa told her that I was always fantasizing about a threesome and that by seeing her with other women that she was now going to have to deal with a whole new wave of my pushing her. Julie laughed and said something about how all men have that fantasy but the truth is that most men don?t know how to make love to one woman properly much less two. I said, ?Well, that may be true but it sure would be fun to try.? Lisa said, ?Just give it up, baby. You need a new fantasy. You got as close as you?re ever going to get tonight. Be happy with that!? Julie chimed in and said, ?Yeah, you need a new fantasy. How about a fantasy where Lisa gets two men at once?? I said, ?Oh that would be fine as long as I was one of the men.? Julie said, ?You wouldn?t be jealous?? I said, ?There?s nothing to be jealous about. It?s not like she could have sex with some other guy then fall in love with him and leave me and our kids after one hot night of sex.? Julie laughed. Lisa said, ?That won?t happen either so you are 0 for 2 on your fantasies. Keep searching.? I thought she was being a little harsh but I am used to having my fantasies shot down and I took it in stride. I was pretty confident that the night?s events were going to lead to some pretty hot sex when we got home and I was not disappointed about that at all.
The rest of the drive to Julie?s house was mostly the girls talking about all the store bought boobs that were in the place. And all the fat balding men that were spending hundreds of dollars only to go home and masturbate before they went to sleep.
When we got to Julie?s house I assumed she would jump out of the car and we?d be on our way but Lisa said she needed to use the bathroom again and I decided that I could go too so Julie invited us in. Inside Julie pointed me towards the guest bathroom and said to Lisa, ?You can use my bathroom. You know where it is.? I had not known that Lisa had been to Julie?s house but I knew that they hung out together frequently after their workouts so it didn?t surprise me.
When I came out of the bathroom Julie was in the kitchen pouring tequila in a blender. She said, ?I?m going to mix some Margaritas. Do you want one?? I told her that I?d pass but expected that Lisa would probably want one. She told me I could grab a Coke from the fridge if I wanted and I did. As she mixed the ingredients in the blender she said, ?I just love Lisa to death. You?re a pretty lucky guy to have a woman like her.? I said, ?Yeah, I?m pretty fond of her myself.? She asked me if I thought Lisa had had a good time tonight and I told her that I didn?t know. I told her that it was totally out of character for Lisa to do things like that and I expected that I would find out on the way home how she really felt about it all.
Just then Lisa came into the room and Julie said, ?Lets find out now!? She said, ?So, Lisa, tell us. When Danielle was grinding on your leg did your pussy get wet?? I almost spit a mouth full of Coke across the room and Lisa turned red for the umpteenth time that night. Lisa shouted, ?Julie! Shut up!? Julie didn?t shut up. She said, ?Come on, Lisa. Steve got hard as a rock when she danced on his lap. And I got wet watching that. I got even wetter when she got up and I saw that huge bulge in his pants. Then I got wetter still when she danced on your lap.? Lisa was even a darker shade of red now but I was in heaven hearing how Julie got wetter seeing how hard I had been. Julie continued, ?There?s no shame in being turned on by things even if you have no intention of exploring them.? ?Well, I didn?t so, lets just drop it. Ok?? Lisa said.
Julie sensed that she was going too far and changed the subject. She told Lisa that she was mixing a batch of Margaritas and she wanted us to stay long enough for Lisa to help her finish them off. Lisa said it was fine with her if I was ok with it. I assured her I was. Julie told us we could go wait in the living room and she?d bring the drinks out when they were ready. Lisa and I walked into the living room and had sat on the love seat. I could tell that she was a little upset about the conversation with Julie and I told her she should lighten up a little. I asked her if Julie?s comment about me being hard had bothered her and she told me that it didn?t. She said that she had told Julie that I was hung well and that I usually didn?t wear underwear. She said that when Danielle first sat on my lap that she and Julie were commenting about what would happen. I told her that when Danielle danced on her lap that it made me even harder than when she danced on mine. I told her that I thought it was very erotic. I asked her if it turned her on to watch Danielle make me hard and she sheepishly admitted that it did a little. I told her there was nothing wrong with that. I asked if it had turned her on when Danielle danced in her lap. She said, ?I was embarrassed!? I said, ?So? You can be embarrassed and wet at the same time. Did it turn you on, baby?? She finally said that it did turn her on but only because she knew it was turning me on. I smiled at her and said, ?That?s a good answer.? I kissed her and told her I love her and I love knowing that she was wet when Danielle was teasing us.
Julie came into the room holding two rather large drinks and she handed one to Lisa. She sat across from us in a chair and started telling us about how she knew Danielle. She had met her at an aerobics class she once taught and they had been close friends since. She said that Danielle was always trying to get her into stripping but that she was too shy to do it. Lisa laughed and said, ?Since when are you shy?? Julie said that she was not shy around people once she got to know them but the idea of dancing naked in front of all those bald, fat, horny men was not a turn on for her. She said that dancing naked in front of people she is attracted to is a turn on for her, though. Lisa said that she would never in a million years dance naked like that. She said that she had never even done it for me. I said, ?I told you earlier that I?ll give you ten dollars if you?ll strip for me.? She laughed and said, ?It will take a lot more tequila and a lot more than ten bucks to get me to do that.?
Then Julie started talking about how they should both go to the Cheetah one day and audition to be dancers. Lisa said, ?I?ve seen your body. No doubt they would hire you. But I couldn?t even get a job as a waitress there. Maybe I can park cars or something.? Julie put her drink down and said, ?Come on. Lets audition for Steve right now.? ?Yeah!? I said. ?I have some ones in my pocket.? Lisa said, ?Like I said before, a lot more tequila and a lot more than a pocket full of ones.? Julie didn?t stop, though. She walked across the room and grabbed a CD and popped it in the stereo and cranked it up. It was The Pussycat Dolls singing that ?Hot like me? song. Julie started dancing around the room and swaying her hips while she moved her arms up around her head tossing her hair around. I was pretty sure that this wasn?t going to go very far but I played along and started yelling, ?Take it off!? Lisa got into it a little, too and provided woof calls.
Julie danced over near us and I reached in my pocket and grabbed a few ones. I held one up to her and she snatched it out of my hand and then she turned her back to us and bent over slightly while she lifted her dress and showed us a brief glimpse of her red thong. I handed Lisa a dollar and when Julie turned back around Lisa held the dollar up and Julie snatched it. Then she reached up to the straps on her sundress and pulled them down and slid the dress some exposing her beautifully tanned breasts to us. They were definitely not store bought. They were smaller than Lisa?s and sagged slightly but turned outward at her nipples. Nipples that were rather long and apparently very hard. I was frozen because I didn?t know what to expect. I imagined that Lisa was going to jump up, grab my arm and march us out of there. But instead I heard Lisa let out another woof call and yell, ?Take it all off, baby!? The way Julie was moving around and as loose as the dress was on her it pretty much fell off all by itself. She casually stepped out of it and now she stood before us in nothing but a tight, red, skimpy thong.
Julie?s belly button was pierced with a little hoop and it was quickly obvious that her tan was an all over tan just like Lisa?s. As she spun around I could see a tattoo on the small of her back. She had a nice, fit body and she was doing a good job of moving it in the right way to make me start getting aroused again. I was sitting there staring with a huge grin on my face when Lisa snatched another dollar from my hand and held it out for Julie. Julie stuffed the two that she already had into the side of her thong and moved over closer to us. She had her crotch just inches from Lisa?s face and Lisa gently pulled the strap at the side of Julie?s thong out and slid the dollar in. Julie bent down and quickly kissed Lisa on the lips and backed away from us. She reached down and grabbed the dollars and tossed them in the air then she started to slowly pull the thong down over her hips. Again I was ready for Lisa to throw up the stop sign but all she did was let out another woof call.
Julie gyrated her hips seductively and slid the thong down and let it hit the floor. She stepped out of it and kicked it with her foot right at Lisa. Lisa caught it and after examining it handed it to me. As soon as it was in my hand it was totally apparent that it was very wet. I know that Lisa had to know it was wet when she handed it to me. There was no way to miss it. I was now extremely turned on and I was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe I was going to get my fantasy after all.
Julie was indeed tanned from head to toe and she was also completely shaved just like Lisa. Her pussy lips protruded a little but not as much as Danielle?s had. I was very hard now and really wishing that Lisa would touch me. I guess she read my mind because just then she reached over and put her hand on my thigh right where she knew my cock would be. She squeezed me in her hand and I looked at her. She looked at me and smiled and raised her eyebrows as if to say, ?Whatever? I?m going with the flow.?
Julie then turned around and sat directly on my lap. Lisa moved her hand and let Julie slide back until she felt my hard cock under her. She did exactly what Danielle had done and leaned back grabbing my head with her arm. She began to slide back and forth on my cock while my wife sat right beside her urging her on. Lisa said, ?See if you can make him stain his pants. Danielle couldn?t do it but if you can you get the job.? I was thinking that I did not want to cum in my pants at all. After a couple of minutes of Julie dry humping me and my wife urging her to make me cum I said, ?I have a better idea. See if you can make Lisa wet!? Julie said, ?I like that idea!? and jumped up off my lap. She immediately turned around and slid onto Lisa?s thigh just like Danielle did. She began to slide her pussy up and down Lisa?s thigh as she grabbed her around the neck and pulled my wife?s mouth ever so close to her hard nipple. I was dying to see Lisa suck that nipple into her mouth but she didn?t. Instead she sat there doing nothing while Julie fucked her leg.
I said to Julie, ?I don?t think she?s wet yet? and Julie said, ?I know!? Just then Julie bent her head down and began to kiss Lisa. I was totally transfixed watching this. Lisa just sat there with her lips closed and her hands by her side but Julie didn?t stop. She continued to grind on Lisa?s leg while she began to use her tongue on Lisa?s closed lips. I was rubbing my cock through my jeans now and wanting to yell at Lisa to kiss her back. I reached down with my hand and took Lisa?s hand in mine. I moved it over onto my cock and let her feel what she was doing to me. She squeezed me tight in her hand and I saw her open her mouth and let Julie?s tongue in. I almost exploded right there on the spot. Pretty soon I could see her pushing her tongue back into Julie?s mouth and they were kissing passionately. Lisa moved her hand off of me and put both her arms around Julie and pulled her close. I was sitting right beside them watching them kiss and I could hear them both moaning and slurping each other?s tongues. I don?t think I have ever seen a hotter, wetter kiss in my entire life.
Julie moved one of her hands onto Lisa?s chest and started massaging her tits through her shirt. This made Lisa moan even more. Then Julie moved her other hand into my lap and started groping for my cock. She found it quickly and was rubbing and squeezing me through my jeans while she tried to get her hand inside my wife?s shirt. Then she pulled back from kissing Lisa and raised up enough to once again have her nipple right in front of my wife?s mouth. This time Lisa did not hesitate and eagerly sucked the nipple into her mouth. I saw my opening and leaned over and started sucking Julie?s other nipple. Both women were moaning loudly now and I was rock hard. I moved my hand in between their bodies and started undoing the buttons on Lisa?s shirt. Julie pulled away and took over with both of her hands and finished the rest of the buttons. While she was doing this I moved in and started kissing Lisa. She immediately shot her tongue in my mouth and started moving it in and out as if she was making love to my mouth with her tongue. Julie had opened Lisa?s shirt now and was working on unhooking the front latch on her bra. Once Lisa?s breasts were exposed I stopped kissing her and moved back to give Julie full access. Julie moved down into the floor and positioned herself between Lisa?s legs. Lisa was laying back on the couch and Julie pushed up between her legs so that she could get to Lisa?s nipples with her mouth. She began to eagerly suck Lisa?s nipples and massage her breast with her hands. While she was doing this Julie was grinding her breasts into Lisa?s crotch and Lisa was pushing up off her seat to thrust against her.
Julie reached down and started unbuttoning my wife?s jeans while she moved up to kiss her again. I wondered if this was going to be the moment when Lisa decided that everything had gone too far and make Julie stop. Instead she reached down and helped Julie undo her pants then helped push them down past her hips. She raised her ass up off the couch to allow Julie to be able to slide them all the way off. While she was removing my wife?s pants and panties in one motion Julie moved down into the floor on her knees. Lisa sat up and removed her shirt and bra and tossed them aside. Then she reached over and tried to push her hand down the front of my pants. I reached down and started unbuttoning them to allow her to get her hand inside. When they were unbuttoned she jammed her hand inside and grabbed my cock and pulled to get it out of my jeans. Julie, now having totally removed Lisa?s pants and panties grabbed my shoes and yanked them off my feet. Then my socks and finally she ripped my jeans off.
Julie then moved in between Lisa?s legs and immediately started licking her pussy. I could not see anything other than Julie?s face buried in my wife?s crotch but I could hear her slurping and I could hear how wet Lisa was. Lisa was moaning loudly and pushing her hips up off the couch to meet Julie?s mouth. She had her hand on my cock but she was so lost in what Julie was doing to her all she could do was squeeze me very hard. Julie now moved one hand up to insert her fingers in Lisa?s wet pussy and moved her other hand over to me and onto my cock. Lisa felt Julie?s hand on me and let go and let Julie take over. Julie was stroking my cock slowly but firmly and making love to my wife with her mouth and fingers at the same time. Lisa suddenly moaned very loud and raised up off the couch. She tightened all over and I knew she was having an intense orgasm. Julie let go of me and reached under Lisa with both hands so she could grab her ass and pull her into her mouth. I watched Lisa?s body shake all over as she shuddered her way through a long powerful orgasm.
When her orgasm subsided Lisa seemed to suddenly be aware that my pants were off and that my cock was rock hard and standing straight up. She quickly bent over and took me in her mouth and began to lick, suck and slurp my cock like she had never done before. Then I felt Julie?s tongue licking my balls and felt her gently sucking them into her mouth. From the way Lisa?s head was positioned I couldn?t see Julie at all but I could feel her. I managed to pull my shirt off over my head and tried to get a better look at what these women were doing to me. Lisa?s head was resting on my stomach and all I could see was the back of her head. I pushed her head away a little and she must of misinterpreted what I was doing because she raised up completely removing me from her mouth.
Then she did something I wasn?t expecting. Still holding my cock in her hand she offered it to Julie. Julie didn?t hesitate and immediately took me in her mouth. She was in the floor between my legs and I had a clear view of what she was doing. She had one hand on my shaft working it up and down and the other was gently massaging my balls. Lisa got up and positioned herself between my legs, too and I could see that she was watching Julie intently. She looked into my eyes and smiled really big. I smiled back, of course. Then Lisa moved up to take me back from Julie but instead they ended up kissing while Julie continued to stroke my wet cock. There I was watching my wife kiss this other woman while that other woman?s mouth was still wet from my wife?s pussy. All the while the other woman is pumping my cock furiously. I finally couldn?t stand it anymore and I said, ?If you don?t stop you?re going to make a big mess.? They stopped kissing and both looked at me with grins on their faces. Julie squeezed me harder in her hand and kept pumping me while Lisa grabbed my balls in her hand and squeezed them. I couldn?t hold back any longer and I erupted into the air. The cum shot out of me with a force I hadn?t seen since I was a teenager. The first shot came down on Julie?s arm and before I knew it Lisa had moved her mouth on me and was eagerly taking my cum into her mouth. There was apparently more than she could handle and she pulled back while I was still oozing cum. Julie quickly took me in her mouth and began pumping me again with her hand to get every drop out of me. While she was doing this Lisa moved up and pushed her tongue in my mouth letting me taste my cum on her. She pulled away and said, ?I love you so much, baby,? and I told her I love her the same.
She then slid back down my body and when she was between my legs again Julie took me out of her mouth and began kissing Lisa. Now the two of them were sharing my cum and Lisa?s juices in their mouths and I was enthralled by that. They continued to kiss and ended up falling down onto the floor. Lisa was lying on her back and Julie moved on top of her. They were kissing passionately and their hands were roaming up and down each other?s bodies. I watched as Julie took Lisa?s hand and guided it down between her legs. I watched Lisa slide her finger inside of Julie?s pussy and heard them both moan when she did it. I moved down on the floor so I could see better. Julie rolled over on her back and spread her legs wide. Lisa rolled with her and stopped when she was on her side. She raised up on one elbow and continued to move her finger in and out of Julie?s wet pussy. She then inserted a second finger and started moving her hand faster. Julie reached down and grabbed Lisa?s hand and moved it up to her mouth. She licked her juices from my wife?s fingers and pushed her hand down again. She did that a couple of more times and then the next time instead of pulling Lisa?s fingers towards her mouth she pushed them towards Lisa?s mouth. Once again I really expected Lisa to balk at this and say no. But she didn?t. She pushed her wet fingers into her mouth and sucked Julie?s pussy juices from them.
This finger tasting went on for several minutes. Soon Lisa was doing it all on her own without Julie?s hand there to guide her. She would push her fingers inside of Julie, get them really wet them raise them to Julie?s mouth. Then she would do it all again and raise them to her mouth. I was hard again in no time watching them. Finally Lisa raised her wet fingers to my mouth and pushed them in. I quickly sucked Julie?s juices from her fingers and Lisa smiled at me. I decided to be brave and I said, ?Baby, I really want to watch you go down on her.? Again I was expecting a stern, ?No!? But instead Lisa said, ?Oh, yeah? You?d like that?? I said, ?Very much so.? She said, ?Well, I wouldn?t want to disappoint you now that your fantasy has come true.? She moved down and in between Julie?s legs and as if she?d done it a million times before she lowered her head and began to slowly and gently lick and suck Julie?s pussy. Julie?s legs were spread wide and I moved around so I could better see my wife?s tongue moving on her.
It didn?t take long at all for Julie to start moaning and pushing against my wife?s mouth. Then she arched up and started trembling as she came in Lisa?s mouth. Lisa continued to suck hard on Julie?s clit until Julie finally calmed down and rested on the floor. Lisa didn?t stop, though. She was still gently licking Julie?s pussy and sucking her lips into her mouth. Julie said, ?If you?re going to keep doing that then you should turn around and let me do you at the same time.? Lisa quickly shifted her body around so that she was straddling Julie?s face and lowered her pussy on Julie?s waiting mouth.
I was in heaven watching this. I moved around behind Lisa and also straddled Julie?s face. I took my cock in my hand and guided it into my wife. She gasped when she felt me enter her and I know she could tell that I was harder than I had been in a long time. Julie continued to lick Lisa?s clit and I could look down and see her face and tongue every time I moved out of my wife?s pussy. What an incredible site. Occasionally I would feel Julie?s tongue on my balls and that just heightened the pleasure that much more.
Lisa began to moan louder and Julie reached her hands behind me and grabbed my ass. She started pushing me into Lisa and told me that she wanted me to make Lisa cum all over her face. She was shouting encouragement. ?Fuck her!? ?Make her cum!? ?Fuck her harder!? I felt Lisa?s pussy muscles contracting on me and I knew she was cumming hard. Julie was sucking Lisa?s clit and Lisa arched her back and let out a pretty loud moan. It seemed to go on forever and I tried as hard as I could to stay inside her but eventually her contractions pushed me out. As soon as I was out of her I felt Julie take me in her mouth and she started licking my wife?s juices off of me.
Lisa rolled off of Julie and I had to move away from Julie too so that Lisa could lay on the floor. Julie didn?t hesitate and moved on top of Lisa in a 69 position and she said, ?Now it?s my turn.? She lowered her pussy on Lisa?s mouth and Lisa started licking and sucking eagerly. Julie lowered her head between Lisa?s legs and began pleasuring her again, too. I figured that when Julie said it was her turn that she wanted me to fuck her like I had just fucked Lisa. I wasn?t sure if that was going to go over well or not but I moved behind Julie and over my wife?s face. Lisa immediately reached up and grabbed my cock and guided it into Julie?s pussy. I could see that she was watching every inch of me slide in and out of Julie. I started fucking Julie really hard and Lisa was obviously sucking her clit as much as she could with all the movement.
I knew that I wouldn?t last long and I was hoping that Julie would cum before I did. Lisa reached up and was massaging my balls while I pumped in and out of Julie. Julie had now raised her head up from between Lisa?s legs and was yelling, ?Yes! Yes! Yes!? I didn?t have to guess as to whether or not she was cumming because she yelled out, ?Oh, God! I?m gonna cum!? Julie?s pussy clamped down hard on me as her orgasm took over. I knew I was going to cum and I didn?t know if I should do that inside of Julie so I pulled out of her. Right as I pulled out I exploded all over Julie?s ass and pussy and on Lisa?s face. I moved my hand onto my cock and pumped it hard while I shot cum all over them. Lisa moved her mouth up and was licking my cum as it dripped down Julie?s pussy.
Of all the first time, incredible, erotic, extremely hot images I saw that night, the image of my wife licking my cum off another woman?s pussy while her face and the other woman?s ass were covered in my cum is one I don?t need a picture of to remember. That image is burned in my mind forever.
We all pretty much collapsed after that. Sometime later on Lisa and I managed to get up enough energy to clean up and go home. On the way home she told me that this was a one time thing and it would never happen again. I played along but I doubt that is true. We did both admit that it was the most intense sexual experience that either of us had ever had. We both also admitted that we love each other very, very much and nothing is stronger than what we share together. When we got home it was the middle of the night and we made love again. This time slowly and tenderly but with more passion than we had shared in a long time.
The party was a week ago and since then we have made love four times. Four times in seven days where before last weekend four times in a month would have been a lot for us. Lisa had her normal sessions this week with Julie and she said they were the same as they always are. They work out, they laugh and they share a secret that no one else except me is privy to. Lisa swears that there has been no mention of what happened and nothing has happened that would clue anyone else at the gym in, either. Lisa says that she always worried that if we did something like that then she would not be enough for me anymore and I?d always want another woman with us. I think the amount of passion between us in the last week is enough to show her that she was wrong. At this point in time I feel closer to her than ever before because together we broke down so many barriers and let go of so many inhibitions that I now feel like I know her in ways I never knew in all our years of marriage. And the Lisa that I know now is so much more passionate and open. Not just sexually? but passionate and open about everything in life.