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Valentines Double Penetration
I thought I'd share a Valentine?s Day story with our friends.
So, there I was, as many men find themselves, deep into the fog of the normal mid February quest for tightly packaged pretty chocolates, a mushy or maybe humorous card and something stuffed, if it's the right price. This year a day before Valentine?s Day my quest took me to the newly opened Meijer store no more 3 or 4 miles from my kingdom, exciting, no, but quite convenient. I'm in no rush, which is a problem, my mind wonders when I'm not under pressure so I'm just there looking at the red boxes thinking "seriously if they'd make the box in the shape of some large breasts that would make this selection more fun and a hell of a lot easier". My wife and I had recently started considering ourselves "in the lifestyle". We had tried a few things, enjoyed most and had really began to open up and share with each other the dirty fun stuff like our fantasies and what features we liked in playmates. I knew from experiences that Angela, my wife, enjoyed playing with other women but I guess I was a little shocked when she connected the dots for me on what attracted her to one woman over another. Simply put, she loves big tits. I now know the shape and style she likes and that she can bring herself to orgasm just sitting, watching a couple have sex if the woman has nice breasts. She enjoys seeing the ladies breasts move and ripple sensually while she?s riding a lucky fella or getting fucked. Sadly though Mr. Russell Stover has not realized that there is a wide open market for knocker shaped chocolates so I'm really stuck not knowing which to take home. What I do know is that it just doesn't feel right. This kind of present seems so robotic; it's just not hip enough. We've always enjoyed each other sexually, but now it's getting really hot and a naked weapon yielding infant on a card just doesn't say "I love you babe. How about some Valentine?s day anal sex?" That is more along the lines of the rhythm of our marriage. I'm thinking maybe I should scrap this idea and go to the Den and pick up something more fun. I know she loves the outfits, the porn, she's really not hard to please but she?s very fun to please. Standing there I get a sort of joy and pride come over me as it hits me, I'm a very lucky man, my wife will love a dirty new toy and a movie with some sweaty times in front of the big mirror for Valentine?s Day, and of course I will too. As I walk out of the Meijer, empty handed and probably now considered a thief, I mean who can't find something to buy in Meijer, I'm juggling in my head what to get then it hits me like a tequila shooter. I'll get her a DP video.
One of the fantasies she expressed to me was that she would like to try double penetration sometime. While at home fumbling threw some porn one night after a sexy time at the local swing club I ended putting in an older DVD that had a DP scene and when it came on she couldn't take her eyes off of it. Normally if there is a cock out nearby she's trying to suck it for every last drop, but when that scene came on she was mesmerized. She told me then while it was playing for the second time, she'd like to try that. She said ultimately she'd like to do it with another male and myself but she said first she would want to try it with me in her ass and a large breasted girl with a strap on inside her vagina. As I'm drawing on this memory I'm sure everyone in the parking lot that passes me is wondering why the fuck I have a light bulb hovering over my head and a Grinch like grin painted naughtily on my face. I'm thinking "now that would be a Valentine?s Day to remember" as I whip out my blackberry and scan the contact list for possible partners in this salty crime.
Early in our days in the lifestyle we met a single girl who for this story we'll call Ashley. She is a taller girl, 5 foot 7 or so, dark haired, slender and toned and the new proud owner of some medically enhanced breasts. Her and my wife had really hit it off and they had some limited fun together but we hadn't seen or heard from Ashley in a few months. So as we progressed in learning what we were ok with and enjoyed, we hadn't really shared much of the advancement with her. I know my wife had been patiently waiting on her to pop back into the club but I figured "what the hell, why not" as I pulled out of the parking lot and sent a text saying "hey girl, had any fun lately". Soon after she answered stating that she had missed us and has been working extra, especially on the weekends but would love to see us soon. So naturally I put my devilish plan in motion and asked her if she'd like to fulfill a fantasy for a friend on Valentine?s Day. I suspected that I really didn't need to go into what the fantasy was because I couldn't imagine this hotty not having a prior Lover's Day engagement. To my surprise the phone rang shortly after I had texted the question and it was her, with a certain excitement in her voice. After small talk we discussed what my idea was. By the time I hung up the phone the event was full steam ahead. We had a date, a time, a plan, she knew what role she would play and she offered to bring her own strap on. Tomorrow, 8 pm she was to arrive at our place. It was my job to have Angela, relaxed with a drink and soaking with me in the hot tub.
I guess at this point I could probably spare all of you the events of the next twenty-four plus hours. We're normal people, a mom and dad of two little girls, small business owners of nothing to special so you can fill in the blank if you wish. The important part to note though is I did my job. I whisked the kids away to the sitters for the night, and by eight pm my long legged blond wife was soaking in our hot tub, listening to a 2pac hit and enjoying a screw driver. Shortly after the second drink Ashley had made it through the front door that I left unlocked and she slid out to our back deck and snuck up behind my relaxed wife giving her a subtle lick around her ear. Angie is a little jumpy, so it startled her at first but quickly realized it was a friend and I, familiar with my wives responses could see the arousal flush over her body a tad quicker than even her nipples could become ready to engage.
From there we dried and made our way to the bed room, Ashley leading Angie. She had been to our house once before but for pizza, not pussy, but the twenty eight year old bartender seemed to have mapped out the quickest route to our bedroom. With these two women it didn't take conversation or directions to get things started. They looked at each other with the same desire you see from any woman when she's shoe shopping. To one another they were must haves. Angie had said if she saw Ashley again it was "gonna get ugly" in the sexiest meaning of ugly of course and it seemed to hold true as a kiss between the two friends was followed by my wife pushing her present down onto our bed. Part of the deal with Ashley was that she got to have her fun with Angie first, I guess that was her attempt at twisting my arm. I patiently watched and enjoyed the two sexy women as they let their sexual demons take over.
My wife first enjoyed Ashley's body beginning with the girls long neck, and quickly moving herself to and all over her large new breasts and slowly down to her hips. Angie had found that she really enjoyed pleasuring a woman years ago before we had met and I had been with her before when she had this opportunity but this time was clearly different. This girl?s body responded and enjoy her every touch, either soft or sensually firm. She seemed to do no wrong as she stopped licking her pussy occasionally to share Ashley's taste with her, pull her hair and slap her breasts with excitement. Angie seemed to draw out all of the enjoyment for Ashley, making her wait for her orgasm as she moved from between her thighs to her legs and lower abdomen just before it seemed Ashley would cum. When the time was right my wife slipped both her hands under her friend and grasped at tight ass lifting her a few inches off of the bed and burying her tongue deep within her and bringing her to orgasm. Ashley shook with pleasure and her hips seem to bounce around my wife's face as she gripped her tightly to extend the orgasm.
At this time I can see that Angie suspects that Ashley will reciprocate but Ashley dismisses herself into our adjoining restroom. I had already battled in my head whether or not I should undress as the women were playing and had elected to take get naked. Neither of them really seemed to notice as they had been going at it like two cats in a bag. Angie whispered "I love this type of Valentine?s day" just as Ashley emerged from the restroom wearing a bright red strap on. I think it was at this time my wife realized what was about to happen. She seemed to have tad bit of fear that was easily overcame with pleasure as Ashley began licking my wives vagina while I leaned over Angie and gave her a kiss. Shortly after Ashley and I switched places. I got between my wives legs and lifted her butt and legs some off of the bed and began licking around her asshole. I can honestly report I have no idea what the hell Ashley was doing while I did this, I'm a man, I?ve got a one track mind and I was thinking "let me in here" while I lapped and poked at her ass with my tongue and it began to relax and open. As it responded I first entered her with a one finger then two and her pleasure took over her hips as they began to wave with every one of my movement and each kiss from Ashley. It was at that time how her fantasy that had played out in her head took over and she began to direct us to do the things as she desired. First she had me lay down so she could position my cock in her ass to her liking. She slowly but steadily worked in as far in as she wanted and reached for a kiss from Ashley as she rubbed some spit on the head of the strap on. I felt Angie inhale deeply as the strap on entered her and as it did her body seemed to squeeze around my manhood. Our friend waited for Angie to get adjusted to having all of this inside her and as my wife's hips began to fuck my cock Ashley started thrusting in tune to her movements. This had to be quite a scene and to this day I regret not recording it, but here I was laying down on our bed, my cock as deep in my sexy young wife's ass as it?s ever been. She had one hand on the bed to brace her and one around this gorgeous girl?s lower back no doubt scratching at her honey toned skin. Angie had her mouth ready to suck and lick Ashley's breasts every time a thrust brought them close enough all while Ashley's hands firmly gripped Angie to give her position while she fucked her, at, coming from a guy, a respectable level of professionalism. As Angie's fantasy is playing out I close my eyes and take in the moans of pleasure emitting from the women?s' bodies. Within a second or two I recognize the ones coming from my partner and I know she is but a few thrusts away from orgasm. I open my eyes to see my wife grasp at the back of Ashley's head and drive her lips into her own. I recognize this is something she has done so many times before to me as she cums and the shutters of her body drive me over the edge as I finish in my wife and Ashley's tumbles on top of both of us during this kiss finale.
I doubt that either of us ever forgets that Valentine?s day and today as I made that mid February journey to the store, Hallmark this year, for those keeping score, I couldn't help but relive it again in my head and I thought it was only appropriate to share with you, our friends. I wish each of you a great day and much love and extend special Valentines thanks to those with which we have made memories. To Ashley, if you are reading this, I still have no idea how your ear ring got in that particular spot, but it has been cleaned, feel free to come claim it.