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- Threesome Ffm Stories : How I Lost My Lifestyle Virginity
How I Lost My Lifestyle Virginity
My husband and I met Bill and his wife Jo at a wedding we attended about a year ago. We were seated at the same table for the reception. Bill immediately introduced himself and complimented me on how beautiful I looked. His wife Jo agreed and told me to sit next to her. My husband Mike sat next to Bill and we were all quickly talking like we were old friends. Typically, you only exchange the usual pleasantries at such events, but we hit it off from the start. By the end of the evening we had exchanged numbers promising to do dinner in the near future.
Bill is a very big guy. He was almost 6’6” with a burly build. His shaved head and beard made him look extremely intimidating. Even though he looked scary, he turned out to be one the nicest guys I’ve ever met. Bill owned a construction company and was now semi-retired. He said he wanted to be done working by 50, but it took him an extra three years to say he’d finally had enough. Having sold off his company and equipment for a bundle, he now only did small projects to just keep busy.
His wife Jo is also very tall. Standing almost 6’, she has a large frame for a woman, but is very beautiful and catches everyone’s attention. One of the first jokes she made the night we met was how her tits were the same size as my 36DDDs, but she had the extra build to support the weight. However, her most prominent feature was her ass. I caught my husband staring at it a few times the first night we met. I couldn’t blame him because even though it is large (I hate to use that word), it is shaped perfectly for a woman her size.
Over the next months we met Bill and Jo for dinner several times, usually at least every two weeks. Each night we were the last to leave the restaurant and made immediate plans for the next meeting. We took turns picking the restaurants as we lived about two hours from each other’s homes. My husband Mike always looked forward to hanging out with Bill as they had hit it off from the start. I’m also sure he looked forward to seeing Jo because she always dressed sexy and loved to make flirtatious conversation.
We were on our way to meet them at a new Italian place located just about at the half way point between our homes. I had given my husband a birthday gift of a charter fishing trip and he could take five other people with him. However, the date wasn’t locked in yet. Mike put Bill on the top of the list of people he wanted to go and needed to confirm whether he would be available on the three open dates the charter boat captain had given. He was hoping the following Friday would work out and was going to ask while we were having dinner.
As we chatted over the first bottle of wine, Mike brought up the trip asking Bill if he could make it the following Friday. Bill shook his head no and said he had to get the house ready for their par…….…he trailed off without finishing his sentence and just shook his head no. Jo’s look at him already told me they had something planned for the following weekend and we were obviously not on the guest list. Mike just pressed on and asked about the following Friday. He sipped his glass while Bill played with the calendar on his phone. I could tell he’d understood Bill’s slip up and the half smile he gave me showed he was a bit disappointed at being excluded from whatever our new friends had planned.
I excused myself to head to the ladies room and Jo invited herself to come with me. As soon as we were in door Jo said, “Sweetie, I don’t want you to feel we didn’t want to you come next week, it’s just we weren’t sure you’d be….…comfortable”. I asked her why and she hesitated before saying, “We’re in the Lifestyle, do you know what I’m talking about”? Jo’s facial expression showed she was waiting for my response.
Our suspicions were now confirmed as Mike and I had joked about Bill and Jo being swingers not long after our first meeting. A few comments they had made put the thought in our mind, but there was no doubt now. I grabbed her hand and said, “Well if we are welcome, I’m sure Mike would love it”. Jo laughed and said, “Bill has wanted to ask you guys from day one”. She leaned in, kissed me on the cheek and said, “So have I”.
When we went back out the guys had locked in a Friday next month next for their trip. I didn’t even have to say anything because Mike said, “Baby, we have a pool party to go to next Saturday”. Bill had apparently filled Mike in on the party and judging by my husband’s smile…he was all in. Jo’s glance at me and the smile on my husband’s face made me feel excited and curious about what we were about to get into.
We talked about their party over dinner. It was going to be a clothing optional pool party with about forty-fifty couples attending throughout the day/evening. We were assured everyone attending were great people, fun to be around and all we had to do was say no thanks if things got uncomfortable. Bill said jokingly, “Sweetie, just say it’s your first time”. I laughed and thought to myself, YES, it is a first! The though made me excited and I felt a desire grow in my pussy.
I stayed in touch with Jo throughout the week. She and I discussed what would be appropriate to wear besides my bikini, which I learned Bill was anxious to see me in. It was then Jo asked, “Sweetie, do you have any interest in being with Bill”? I didn’t know what to say. The thought had crossed my mind several times since their invite. You really don’t go to a swinger’s party for the bar-b-que, but Jo sounded like she wanted my answer right now.
I really liked Bill. He was big, handsome and kinda rough looking like a big biker guy you would see in the movies. I just said, “Well, let’s see how things go and only if you are ok with it”. She laughed replying, “Ah yeah, I’ll be ok with it”.
We had talked all week about today, but as my husband and I drove to Bill and Jo’s house we went over some ground rules one last time. We had both already agreed if the chemistry was right, we’d play around with others however, I told him I was not just going to jump into bed with anyone who asked. I will admit as we talked I was becoming more and more excited. I knew Mike was as well because I brushed my hand over his cock while he was driving and he was already straining in his jeans. His dick was probably so hard because he also knew he would have a chance to fuck Jo today if everything worked out.
We had talked about swinging a few times however, never followed up on anything. These talks always made Mike horny as hell and I got fucked rather nicely each time. This was one of the reasons I sometimes brought up the subject on my own. Yes I said one of the reasons. The other reasons were because I was curious about trying something new and finding out what swinging was all about.
Bill and Jo’s home was amazing. They live right on the river and it took about two minutes to pull down the long private road leading to their home. An area in a field about 200 yards away from the house had been cleared and sectioned off for parking. There were already about twenty cars lined up and Mike pulled in a spot under a shade tree. We looked at one another, took a deep breath and asked at the same time, “You sure about this”? We answered each other’s question by getting out of the car.
A young girl pulled up next to us on a golf cart and said, “Hi, I’m Kelli, you guys must be Susan and Mike”. We just nodded as she asked what else we needed from the car. I checked through my purse quickly and Kelli said, “Don’t worry. Either Erica or I will be out here if you need a ride back. Bill always has us do this for his parties”. We climbed on and headed toward the front entrance.
We listened to Kelli explain how she had met Bill and Jo while dancing. They hired her to dance at one of their parties and had been back ever since. She said she loved it because Bill always paid her so well just to have fun and get tan. She dropped us at the front door telling us to just go on in. She said she thought most people were in the pool area, but there were probably a few at the bar which was straight in the house to the right.
Mike and I walked in the front door and heard laughter coming from the direction Kelli had pointed us. As we rounded the corner Jo yelled out, “There’s my girl”! There were a few people sitting at the bar and Jo came around and met us halfway. We exchanged hugs and I admired her very muscle toned body which was clearly visible through the net dress covering her bikini. Her large but shapely ass was now almost fully on display for my husband to finally get his wish at seeing.
Jo offered me a drink and I said not just yet. She pointed Mike down a hallway next to the bar area and told him he would find Bill in the pool table room. Mike kissed me and walked down the hall leaving me with Jo. She went back behind the bar and we chatted while she made a pitcher of some kind of mimosa type drink. She said she wanted to take me on a quick tour to which I readily agreed. This house was beautiful and I could not wait to see the rest.
As we walked back out toward the front entrance the door opened and a gorgeous guy about 6’4”’walked in. His shirt barely contained his chest muscles and his arms were massive. He was maybe 25 and his blond hair made him look like someone who fell off the cover of a beach magazine. My pussy tingled a little when he smiled at me and said, “Oh, you have got to be Susan”. Jo hugged him and led him over and introduced me to Steve. Steve held his arms out for a hug. I readily accepted and my pussy began to get wet as I felt this young guy pull me in to his body.
Jo told Steve to go put his stuff in “his” room. He grabbed a small bag and headed down the hallway. Jo said, “He played football with my son in college”. She then said in a low voice, “We have him over a lot, he’s a great guy and god he is good in bed”. Jo must have seen how I was staring at Steve’s ass as he went down the hall because she said, “I showed him your picture he wants you something bad”. She went on to say, “He said he would walk the 4 hour drive to get here if he had to”. My pussy was now very much tingling and my excitement pushed aside all previous feelings of regret about coming.
As we made our way down the steps to the basement we met a fortyish blond coming up the steps. Jo identified her as Sara who immediately understood I was being taken for a little tour. She went back down the steps and gave me a little hug when I reached the bottom. Sara was very pretty and although a little heavy, she looked very sexy in the sundress she was wearing. We continued the tour with Sara accompanying.
The basement area was massive and resembled a combination of a nightclub and a Dave and Buster’s game room. Jo skipped a lot of the rooms because she said it was just Bill’s work stuff in them, but did show me a couple small bedrooms along the back area of the nightclub room.
Jo then showed me the wine room. It took up one side of the basement level and was huge. There must have been 500 bottles of wine lined up in the racks along one wall. A stone bar and seating area was on the right and one of the walls was nothing but a giant TV screen. As I started to ask her how many wines were in the room Sara pulled me by the arm saying, “Come here sweetie, I’m going to show you where to go if you really want to have fun”.
Sara led me across the basement area, opened a door and walked into the room. I looked back at Jo and she just blew me a kiss saying, “You are in good hands”, while she headed back to the stairs. I followed Sara’s voice as she urged me to follow her.
Sara opened a door and the first thing I saw was the swing hanging from the center of the room. Sara walked over and began pushing it in a circle and told me it was her favorite. There was also a Sybian mounted on a small stage and more dildos on the wall than I had ever seen at a sex toy shop.
The back portion of the room was nothing but six king sized beds. They were placed in twos in length and three across running from wall to wall. The ceiling and sides of the walls around the beds were mirrored and I wondered how many orgies had taken place in that giant bed. I guessed there had been plenty because several boxes of condoms ranging in sizes were lined up just underneath the foot of the beds along with different lubes and other lotions.
Sara asked me if I had ever ridden a Sybian before. I told her I knew what they were and had a few girlfriends who talked about it, but I never had. She started to plug in the power saying, “Well come here”. I stopped her and said, “I’m really not, well you know, ready for that right now”. I held my hand up making a cup shape and she agreed we needed a drink.
When we went upstairs the group in bar area had increased with about eight people sitting. Jo was pouring out shots as Steve lined up the glasses along the bar. When he saw us he remarked, “Two more please”, as he placed a couple more glasses onto the bar. I was feeling a little relaxed than I was earlier, but a shot would probably loosen me up more. The group cheered our host and fired back.
I sat down in one of the last chairs at the bar. Sara jumped in the other and we began making small talk. After about 15 minutes Sara left and Steve came around to sit down next to me. I will admit I was feeling some wetness as he smiled and asked, “Do you mind if I sit down”? I readily pointed to the chair and he and I began getting to know one another.
After about 30 minutes, Steve leaned into me and said, “You are beautiful, I am so glad you guys came today”. He touched the small of my back and said, “I hope you have fun today”. He moved his hand down and lightly brushed it across my thigh before moving it away. I felt a tingle in my pussy and wished he’d keep touching me. He then excused himself to go help Jo with another round of drinks.
As Steve and Jo prepared another round, I walked into the pool room. My husband was playing against a guy I hadn’t met yet. Hell, there were a ton of people I hadn’t met, so I really wasn’t too concerned. When I walked in, all the guys turned to look me up and down. Two of them remarked to my husband, “You lucky bastard”, to which the others agreed. They invited me in and I declined saying, “I just wanted to check on you baby, I’ll be out here with Jo”.
Mike leaned into me and asked, “You meet anyone you like yet”. The half-smile on his face told me he already knew about Steve and I assumed either Bill or Jo had talked to him during the week. I looked in his eyes and he kissed me and said, “Just have fun baby”. Even though we had already discussed the possibilities of having sex with other people, I had now been given my husband’s final stamp of approval to fuck another man. The young stud Jo had apparently arranged for me was perfect. Steve was behind the bar with Jo when I returned. They were just about to pour another round of shots to the small remainder of the group who one by one declined except for one guy. He was quickly corrected by whom I would guess to be his wife by the manner in which she said, “NO”. He changed his answer and walked away toward the deck overlooking the pool area. They were followed by the last three people at the bar who said they were all getting naked in the pool.
Steve, Jo and I were the only ones left in the room and I decided, “What the hell”, I might as well get really loose. I asked for another shot. Steve poured and picked up his glass. He made a toast, “Here is to two beautiful women”.
As he spoke he leaned into Jo and they kissed. He then leaned across the bar toward me. I felt an urge to back off, but this is what I had figured on and now was as good a time as any to put my toes in the water. I leaned across to meet Steve and kissed him softly at first, then opened my lips to allow his tongue into my mouth. I pulled his head toward me so he could not break free and he let out an approving groan.
When I released Steve’s neck he looked at Jo. She leaned toward me and stared right into my eyes. I didn’t hesitate to meet her lips with mine as we shared a very passionate kiss. Jo was only the second woman I had ever kissed in this way and the feeling now was so much better than the playful night I had years ago. When she pulled away she raised her glass in the air and said, “Sweetie, I wanted to do that the moment I met you”. We cheered, fired back the shot and I felt the desire in my pussy build at the thought of what I just did and what may be in the future. It didn’t take very long for me to find out.
Steve and Jo began to kiss passionately. His big muscular arms pulled her into him as she ground her hips into his groin and pulled his head tightly into their kiss. He had both hands grasping her voluptuous ass and massaged her cheeks while they hugged.
When they finally stopped, Steve and Jo smiled at me and moved from behind the bar. Steve walked by me and brushed his hand across my thigh. Without saying anything he headed toward the hallway which led to several bedrooms. Jo just smiled as she walked by me following Steve to the hallway. She then stopped, turned to me and said, “Honey, aren’t you coming”? Her question alone made my pussy start to moisten however, I hesitated in my answer.
Kissing a guy I just met less than an hour or so ago was one thing, jumping into bed with him and another woman was a whole different story. I guess Jo read the expression on my face as she said, “Sweetie, I’ve known him for years, he’s a great guy and you will have fun”. She came back over, kissed me softly and said “Don’t let me lead you into anything you don’t want to do, I love being with you and if this is too much, I understand”. She kissed me again, smiled and paused for my response. The bond I had built with Jo over the months and her words pushed my inhibitions aside. I kissed her back and walked with her toward the hallway. Jo said, “Steve wanted you as soon as he walked in”. She added, “Plus, I finally get to take your clothes off”. She wrapped her arm around my waist and rubbed her hand across my ass.
When we walked in the bedroom Steve was already naked and standing next to the bed. His body was all muscle and his stomach was the perfect six-pack outline. My pussy stirred at the sight of him standing there with a very hard cock sticking straight up. It was about 7 inches long, kind of thin, but so hard it looked like it was throbbing.
Jo shut the door behind us and Steve moved toward me. I just wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me close and kissed me deeply. I could feel his hard cock rub against me as he tightened his hold around my body pulling me even closer into him.
I then felt Jo move my hair to one side and kiss the side of my neck from behind. She whispered in my ear, “You’re first sweetie” as she kissed my neck and rubbed my waist and ass. She then pushed my hand down towards Steve’s cock. They had obviously done this together before and I felt so turned on at that moment I was ready to explode.
Steve pulled me back into him and kissed me again. I wasn’t playing now and grabbed for what I wanted. When I placed my hand around his shaft Steve moaned and I felt his muscles tense. We were still locked in a kiss and the thought which ran through my mind was, I love my husband and still love the feeling when he kisses me. This was very different. Steve wanted to purely fuck me and I wanted nothing more for that to happen at this moment.
Jo pulled the straps of my sundress down over my shoulders and Steve backed away from me to watch as Jo undressed me. As my dress fell down over my tits, Steve’s eyes showed his approval as he grabbed his dick and stroked it slowly watching me be undressed by Jo. She knelt and kissed around my thigh before pulling my panties down. I stepped out of my clothes and decided I wasn’t changing my mind now no matter what regrets I may have later.
I rolled onto the bed and lay on my back with my legs spread for Steve. He knelt between my legs and kissed my now aching pussy. Any other time I would welcome having my pussy eaten but now was not one of them as all I wanted was his dick inside me. I pulled his face away and guided him up toward me. Steve kissed my nipples while Jo and I shared a brief glance at each other. She understood immediately and opened a dresser where there was a stash of condoms ready.
Jo tossed one at Steve hitting him in the side of the head which made us all laugh. He knelt up between my legs, tore the wrapper off and slid it over his hard cock. I was so turned on I could not wait for the moment he would be inside me and I slightly sighed in frustration of him taking so long. Steve positioned himself over me and guided the head of his dick to my ready pussy. When the tip touched, I sighed and spread my legs wider for him. As he pushed inside me, I surrendered all thoughts of regret and could only think about being fucked by this young guy.
Steve went inside me slowly, pushing only a few inches in with each stroke. I was so wet and ready for him there was no effort and the feeling of his cock in me was incredible. I pulled my legs up around his waist as he pulled all the way out to the tip and thrust inside of me with the whole length of his cock. As he hit the back of my pussy I felt ready to explode and moaned out, “Oh god, just fuck me”. Steve did just that. He started slowly pumping into me and then grabbed me around my ass and began to pound away with long hard strokes.
I was in absolute heaven as Steve fucked me steady and hard. Although I rarely orgasm in this position, the circumstance of fucking this young guy with my girlfriend watching turned me on so much I could feel one quickly building.
Just then Jo slapped Steve’s ass and said, “Now fuck my girl good”. Steve repositioned his hold around my ass and began fucking me faster. He was pulling completely out and thrusting back into me with all his weigh and I felt him hitting deep inside my pussy with every thrust. Each stroke pushed me closer to having an orgasm and I begged him, “Don’t stop”! Steve pulled me into him and began grunting like an animal and the orgasm I experienced was amazing. I screamed out, “Oh fuck me” and pushed back into his strokes as I wrapped my shaking legs around his waist.
Steve kept pumping into me until Jo pulled at his arm saying, “Baby, I want it now”. She knelt next to me, kissed me once as she raised her ass in the air for Steve to take her. I was still feeling the tingles of my orgasm, but was a little disappointed. I wanted Steve to keep fucking me, but the look on Jo’s face told me she wanted his cock more than I did right now. Hell, what are friends for? Steve pushed into Jo from behind and she sighed in pleasure as she backed into his thrusts with each push. I moved off the bed to watch as I collected my panties and dress. Steve had both hands full grabbing Jo’s ass as he pumped into her so hard the bed rocked with each thrust. He was looking at me as he pounded the hell out of my friend and judging by Jo’s sighs of pleasure, he was about to get her off too.
Jo released a loud scream of pleasure and began to orgasm about ten seconds later. Her scream was so loud I knew there was no way anyone in the other rooms didn’t hear her. I was worried someone had heard me, but I knew everyone had to have heard Jo. As she rocked her hips back and forth in orgasm, Steve pulled out of her, ripped the condom off and stroked his dick a few times. He then shot stream after stream of cum over Jo’s ass and back as she moaned in pleasure. When he finished shooting his load, he leaned down on Jo and they both collapsed into the bed breathing heavily.
I quickly put my panties and dress back on, tried to brush my hair into place with my hands and pondered what to say at this moment. Jo solved it for me by saying, “It’s going to be a long night sweetie, go have another drink and we’ll meet you in a few minutes”. She added in a joking manner, “Plus he needs to clean me up after making a mess”. Steve only let out a satisfied sigh and lightly smacked Jo across the ass.
I opened the door and stepped into the hall. I brushed my dress back into place and took a deep breath to try and regain some composure. I heard voices from the bar area which immediately told me our little threesome was not a secret and I would be doing the “Walk of shame” when I went out to rejoin the party. I just said to myself, “Fuck it, I had fun so I don’t really care”, and walked out toward the bar.
My husband was now behind the bar messing with the blender. He smiled at me when I came into the room. There were three other people seated at the bar, Sara and a couple I had not met yet. They turned to follow my husband’s eyes. Sara exclaimed, “Oh yeah girl, come here” and motioned me to sit next to her. Mike walked around from the back of the bar and met me before I sat down. By the look on his face he already knew what had just happened, but his smile told me there was nothing I should be concerned about. He kissed me softly and asked if I wanted a drink.
When I sat down next to Sara she turned and asked me if I was having fun. Her hand went in between my legs and she rubbed the inside of my thigh. I laughed and said, ‘Well, it’s been a new experience for me”, to which she stroked her hand lightly over my still throbbing pussy while leaning in to kiss me.
As I kissed Sara, I opened my eyes long enough to see my husband staring at me. The sexy smile he has always gets to me and I knew he was enjoying the show I was putting on for him. I pressed toward Sara and took her tongue into my mouth and kissed her hard as she grabbed hold of my pussy and massaged it slowly. The other couple asked Mike in a joking manner to get back to making the drinks. This caused Sara and I to stop, break apart and we each let out a little sigh of pleasure as we rejoined the party.
Mike poured several drinks out and I heard Jo yell from behind, “Me to sweetie” as she and Steve walked back into the room. Jo came up to the back of my chair, kissed my neck and grabbed my right breast before sitting down next to me. Steve was only wearing his tight shorts and everyone could see his dick was already hard as he walked to the edge of the bar and leaned onto it while letting out a deep breath.
There was dead silence for a few uncomfortable moments until my husband said, “Well, I guess we can formally meet now”. He pushed a shot toward Steve and they clinked glasses while laughing in what was apparently their inside joke.
Mike poured out six more shots and we all cheered our glasses and fired back. Mike smiled at me making me want my husband now more than I had ever wanted him before. I was feeling guilty sitting next to Jo and Steve, who I had just had sex with, and my husband’s glance and sexy smile wiped those feelings away replacing the feeling with a desire to fuck him right then and there.
The couple I didn’t know got up saying they were heading out to the pool. Sara followed them, pulling Steve as she walked toward the door leading to the deck. Jo leaned over, kissed me and said, “I need to go out and check on everyone anyways”.
Mike smiled at me and finally let me in on the back story of my “Lifestyle” virginity being taken. He had spoken with Steve on the phone several days ago after Jo had asked him if I would be willing to be with another guy. The quick fuck I just had was pre-arranged by Jo and my husband. I felt a little silly, but wasn’t going to complain because my pussy was now ready for more attention.
There were about ten people in the pool involved in a half-ass game of volleyball, girls on one side, and guys on the other. Jo excused herself and went down the steps leading to the pool area while Mike and I stood and watched the game. Sara pressed her ass into my side and I wrapped my arm around her waist while Steve did the same on the other side. We exchanged comments about the ridiculous game going on as all the players were obviously more concerned about not spilling their drinks than scoring points. I then felt Sara’s hand move down over my ass. At the same time, my husband also began to rub my ass and I felt my pussy begin to stir in anticipation of what was coming now.
Jo stripped off her dress as she walked to the steps leading into the pool and was met by cheers from both sides of the net. I noticed my husband’s glace was locked on her ass as she took off her top and pulled her bikini bottoms down. She eased into the water and moved to the center of the guy’s side. They all surrounded her and one by one she hugged each of them as the others waited their turn. Sara giggled, “She is going to be awhile”, and pulled my waist into her tightly. As I turned to reply she leaned in and kissed me deeply. I was now very much ready for more and although I wanted my husband, I also wanted Steve’s young cock in me again as well. My pussy was aching for attention as Sara sucked my tongue into her mouth and pressed her hips into mine. As she kissed me I felt my husband’s hard cock press against my ass as he rubbed his hands up and down along my waist. Steve followed his lead and did the same to Sara. I was so turned on I could feel my clit swelling in my panties and wanted to be fucked right where we were standing.
Sara pulled my hand leading me back into the house. We stopped at the door looking back as my husband and Steve grabbed their drinks off the rail of the deck and walked toward the door. I could see Steve’s cock was hard, but the bulge in my husband’s pants was almost comical. Even though I loved my husband for the way he has always treated me, he still does all the special things most men forget about after years of marriage, I also loved the fact he was very gifted in the dick department and I wanted him badly.
Sara and I walked down the hall to the same room I had just experienced my first… threesome? I was now going to have my first foursome here as well and the though made me laugh to myself. I smacked Sara’s ass while we walked into the room. The guys were still in the hall when I looked back out the door. Steve was pulling his shorts off and my husband was standing there taking off his shirt. I grabbed Mike’s arm and pulled him into the room where Sara finished the job of taking off his shirt and began working on his pants.
Steve came towards me and I grabbed his hard cock as he walked into the room. He kissed me gently as I squeezed his dick hard in reciprocation. I heard Sara exclaim, “Oh, yeah”, and realized she had just discovered my husband’s “gift”. She was on her knees pulling his jeans and shorts down and I felt a hint of jealousy when I saw his hard dick spring out. Mike is about 8 inches long and very, very thick. In fact, his cock is the most perfect one I’ve ever seen or had. I wanted him, but I also wanted Steve again and I just pushed the thoughts out of my mind deciding I was probably going to eventually fuck both of them anyways. I’d let my husband do whatever he wanted right now.
Sara pushed my husband back onto the bed and headed to the condom drawer. She had obviously been in this room before and I laughed when she tossed a handful back onto the bed. She kissed me once, then slipped her bikini bottoms off and crawled onto the bed to undoubtedly fuck my husband. I felt the jealous twinge again, but as Steve pulled my dress up over my head I wanted nothing more than to be fucked by him. Hopefully, this time it would last longer.
Steve pulled my panties off while was I crawling onto the bad. I knelt next to Mike and watched as Sara rolled the condom down his hard, beautiful cock. I was thinking to myself, “That’s’ my dick”, but I wanted Mike to have as much fun as I already had today. Steve’s hands on my ass told me right away I was about to have another VERY good fuck. I knelt next to my husband and kissed him as I spread my legs and pushed my ass up toward Steve. I kissed Mike once more as he stared into my eyes while Sara straddled his waist and began to lower herself down on him. I laid my head on his chest and watched as she took each inch of my husband into her, sighing with every downward move of her hips.
Steve suddenly took me from behind. I almost screamed out when he pushed his cock into me. He grabbed my hips and began pounding away at my pussy. He was fucking me harder and rougher than he had the first time and I was so turned on I could only cry out in pleasure as he thrust his dick into me.
Sara had worked her way down the length of my husband’s cock. She looked at me and said, “Oh you lucky girl”, as she repositioned herself and started to bounce up and down on my husband’s cock. Mike’s dick is very thick and I loved when we fucked in this position. I knew exactly what she was feeling and whispered to Mike, “I think she likes you baby”. He kissed me quickly and we banged our heads together due to Steve’s pounding me from behind.
About five minutes later, Sara came first. Her scream of pleasure was loud and long as she rolled her head back and orgasmed on my husband’s cock. She picked up the pace of her rocking motions as she came and I felt my husband’s body tense which told me he was going to come any second now. Steve’s merciless pounding was harder and his breathing and grunts of pleasure told me he was ready also. I was in heaven kneeing there getting the living hell fucked out of me by this young stud while holding my head on my husband’s chest. I pushed my ass back into Steve to meet his thrusts and said, “Give it to me baby, fuck my pussy”.
He squeezed my ass hard, pushed into me with all his body weight and I felt his cock throb as he came inside me. Unfortunately, Steve coming in me made me miss my husband let go inside of Sara. He only groaned in pleasure and was laying there with his eyes closed. I put my head back on his chest as Steve pumped into me a few more times to finish himself off.
Sara moved off my husband, kissed me on the cheek and gathered her panties back up off the floor. Steve’s cock slipped out of my pussy. He rubbed my ass one more time, scooted off the bed and headed into the attached bathroom. Sara knelt back on the bed, kissed me and then kissed my husband. She thanked Mike for the ride, blew him a kiss and said it was time for her to get back outside.
Mike and I lay silent for a few moments until he finally asked me, “So, you still ok with all this? I smiled at him and said, “I’m good, I was a little upset watching her with you, but it also made me horny at the same time”. He confessed he felt the same watching me with Steve, but since it had always been one of my husband’s fantasies to watch me with another man I knew by the look on his face he was happy. We then kissed passionately for the next several minutes.
Our kissing session stopped when I felt a hand brush across my ass and go down the inside of my leg. It was Steve. How the hell did I forget the young stud who had just fucked me was still in the bathroom? When he saw the startled look he apologized and said, “You guys need to come downstairs, its “Joey time”. With that Steve leaned in to kiss me quickly and was out the door after he put his shorts on.
My husband and I dressed after we cleaned up a little in the bathroom. He gave me another long passionate kiss after telling me how sexy I looked today. When I joked, “Oh, you just like watching me get fucked”, he replied with, “As long as I am the last guy fucking you at the end of the night”. His comment didn’t seem to mean much at the time, but I later found out exactly why he had said it.
The living room was vacant when we walked out. My husband asked if I wanted another drink and I quickly said no. The day had already been filled with too many drinks and I wanted to take a break for a while. Mike grabbed a couple bottles of water from behind the bar and we made our way down the steps to the basement where we assumed everyone had gone.
As soon as we turned the corner to the basement you could smell B-B-Que. Joey was one of Bill’s good friends who owned a restaurant and always did the catering for Bill’s parties. He had set up a long buffet line in the basement and had his mini kitchen (or should I say a LARGE mini kitchen) right outside the back door. The line had already started so Mike and I grabbed some plates and waited as the crowd moved their way along the tables.
Bill later told me Joey always did a great job, but today he had outdone himself. There was not only B-B-Que’d ribs, chicken and pulled pork, but grilled seafood which included lobster tails in an incredible sauce which I wish I knew how was made. Everything Joey brought in was met with cheers from those waiting in line and he seemed to relish in the attention of making everyone so happy. There was so much food to choose from I was glad to have to wait so I could see everything.
Kelli, the girl who driven us up to the house, was now working the food tables and bringing tray after tray of food from the outside. She glanced over toward me and smiled. By the way she was smiling I knew she had already gathered I was having a good day. I had been fucked twice by a young stud and was still very much buzzed from all the drinks we had done so far. Even though I had tried to freshen up earlier, I guess you could tell by my appearance I was having a good time.
Mike and I got some food and walked out to the back where the pool was located. There was a large screened in tent set up on the side which I did not see earlier. Bill had fans on each side. Even though it was hot today when we sat down the fans made it pleasant. To say Bill had it “going on” would be an understatement….this place was incredible. Not only was the pool complex gorgeous, but Bill had built a “special” area, I guess for Joey, which had a place for him to park his refrigerated trailer and a long outdoor grill with water and sinks. Bill definitely knew what he was doing when he built this home and if my husband and I were going to attend a “swinger’s” party we had hit the jack-pot by coming to Bill and Jo’s for our first.
Steve was in the pool surrounded by a bunch of women who were taking turns hugging and kissing him hello. At that moment I felt a little bit of regret as I now realized Steve had just put me down as another of his conquests. The feeling passed quickly as I thought to myself, well if you’re going to get fucked, it might as well be someone who looks like him. Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband and would never do anything to hurt him, but Steve was fucking incredible and as I watched him with the other women I wanted him back inside me again.
After we finished eating, Mike and I took a quick walk around the pool complex. I call it a complex because I have seen smaller pool areas at luxury resorts. Bill had outdone himself when he built this area.
There were two pool houses which each had bedrooms and baths. There was a mini shower area near a place where the lawn was removed and a large, sand filled volleyball court was made. However, my favorite was the “Tiki Bar” which was not what you would imagine as a Tiki bar. Bill had done the entire thing in concrete and stone. There was a giant TV mounted behind the bar and about 100 bottles of top shelf liquor standing ready. The pool complex was absolutely amazing and I now knew why Bill had made a fortune doing construction…..he knew what he was doing! He also had probably imagined all the naked women he would have enjoying this place as there were now about 30 or so naked/half naked women attending the party.
As my husband and I walked back to the deck area Steve called out to me from the pool. He waded over and said, “You need to get out of those clothes and come in here for a while”. When he reached and stroked his hand over my ankle I felt my pussy begin to scream for attention. Mike kissed me from behind and said he was going to grab some drinks for us and for me to jump in.
I stood back and slowly dropped my dress off over my shoulders. Getting naked in a bedroom with someone you are about to have sex with is one thing, stripping in front of 50 or more perfect strangers felt very different. Different, but it made me feel sexy as hell at the same time. Especially the way Steve was looking at me as I slid my panties back down and walked over to ask a young girl if she had an extra hair tie I could use. I could feel his eyes on my ass the whole time and it felt GREAT! Steve was watching me the entire time I walked down the steps into the pool. I know my nipples were hard as the cool water and my state of arousal made them stick out prominently. I waded over to Steve and was met with a kiss.
As my husband came down the steps into the pool holding two drinks I had to admire his cock. He had obviously caught the attention of several other women in the pool because I saw a few of them eye him over. Mike is a little beaten up by the hard life he has lived, but damn he is still a sexy man. I felt so happy he was mine and was getting horny again watching him wade into the water. He only paused a moment as the cold water hit him in the waist and he joked, “If it shrinks, it’s the waters fault”. His cock was hanging very nice and to his credit, it never shrank…
As we talked someone hugged me from behind. Without even looking back I knew by the size of the person behind me it was Bill. He quickly apologized for not having come down earlier but wanted to make sure Joey had everything in place and ready.
Bill eyed my tits and what Jo had told me a few days ago about him wanting to see me naked was in fact a very accurate statement. I wouldn’t say he was being obvious, but I felt his glance of me up and down showed he not only just wanted to see me naked, he wanted me.
Bill’s cock was not as big as what I would expect from such a huge guy. He was definitely smaller than my husband, but it was really fat. He caught me looking down at it and said, “It’s a grower, not a shower”. I laughed and was a little embarrassed at having been caught checking out Bill’s package. The four of us talked for a little longer until Bill excused himself to go check on Joey at the grill. He seemed to be having a problem keeping the fire on and looked over to Bill for help. As Bill moved away my husband kissed me and said he was going to help out and hit the men’s room. Steve grabbed the empty cups off the side of the pool and told me he would go make a re-fill run.
When Steve returned with the drinks he asked if I wanted to go check out what was going on inside? Knowing the layout of the basement I already had a pretty good idea about what was going on, but I agree as I eyed this young stud up and down once more. His muscles were huge and the pool water only made them sexier as he knelt down to quickly cool off before we walked out onto the deck.
We made our way up to the grill as Mike was putting the last bolt back in having had to remove the top to fix a clogged line. Since everyone was now naked, I didn’t even bother putting my clothes back on. The sun was so nice today it felt great to walk around naked while drying off. Plus, I was admiring Steve’s ass and was glad he didn’t bother putting anything on either.
Mike and Bill waved us over to the side of the grill where Joey had just finished preparing some type of Oysters. I’ve never been a fan, but when I tasted one, they were absolutely fantastic. Joey got a quick hug and a thank you for the special treats he’d made. We all then walked into the basement where the music was now cranked up and the party was apparently starting to kick into overdrive.
All the tables were now pushed to the side of the room and Joey had everything still ready for whoever wanted to have a late snack. The center had now been turned into a dance floor and there was a small platform with a pole surrounded by a cage in the corner next to the wine room area. A young girl, probably in her early twenties was inside the cage putting on a rather hot show for a few guys standing around her. I assumed she was one of the dancers Bill had hired as special entertainment. By the way she moved, Bill most definitely got his money’s worth.
Steve grabbed my hand and led me over to the large room where the swing and beds were. I looked back and saw a devilish grin on my husband’s face as he and Bill followed us toward the room. I quickly thought about backing away, but I was so turned on at this point I was ready for anything.
There was one couple on the bed area in a 69 position. They never even stopped as Bill whistled at them in approval of their little show. Jo was in the swing being serviced by a very young, muscular guy. He wasn’t as big as Steve, but looked like he worked out every hour of the day. He had his face buried in Jo’s pussy as she reclined back in the swing enjoying being eaten out by her young stud.
Bill gave Jo a quick kiss and Mr. Young Stud never even glanced up. Jo blew me an air-kiss and raised her thumb up giving me the “What do you think about this look”? I only smiled and eyed her young buck up and down as he kissed her pussy and rubbed her ass.
It was then Bill picked me completely up off my feet and lightly tossed me into the middle of the beds lined up along the back side of the room. Steve jumped into the bed next to me and immediately locked me into a long kiss while he held my face in his hands. Two seconds later, Bill was between my legs kissing my now ready clit as he locked my legs into place by wrapping his powerful arms around my waist. To say I was ready for what would come next would be a joke. I was dying to know what was coming next.
My husband lay down next to me on the other side and gently rubbed my tits while Bill ate me out. I will have to admit, when I looked him directly in the eyes I was so turned on I almost came without any more assistance from Bill….who was a VERY skilled pussy eater.
As Bill ran his tongue along my pussy he motioned for Steve and pointed toward the rack of sex toys lining the wall. He jumped up and grabbed a small purple vibrator and handed it to Bill. Twenty seconds later I fucking exploded in one the most intense orgasms I had had in years. I felt my whole body was shaking and the only reason I couldn’t make it stop was Bill had me locked in place and never let up with his licking. I was not only so turned on by the earlier events of the day, but the feeling of Bills bald head and beard between my legs was so different from my husband I only wanted more. And more is what I got.
I finally had to push Bill away from my over sensitive pussy. He wasted no time in grabbing a condom from one of the boxes under the bed. I glanced quickly as he put it on. Bill was not lying earlier about being a grower. His dick was not long, but had swollen up thicker than a damn beer can. I was about to be fucked hard and I could tell by the look on Bill’s face he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.
My pussy was now so wet Bill had no trouble entering me. He pushed slightly in at first, then grabbed me around my ass and rammed all he had into me without mercy. His dick was thick and I was now in heaven as I was completely filled.
I looked at my husband who was still lying next to me. He was slowly stroking his cock as he watched his friend fuck me. The look of approval on his face took away any regrets I had about doing this and I now only wanted to be fucked hard. Bill had no trouble doing just that as his grip around my ass tightened and he began ramming his cock in so hard I thought he would crush me. He is a huge guy and I know he wasn’t trying to hurt me, but damn he was slamming into me with all he had. Ladies, I was being fucked harder than I had ever been in my life and it felt incredible.
My husband and Steve were now lying on either side of me as they watched Bill pound into me. Both had their cock s out and were stroking them which only made me more tuned on than I thought I could ever be. I reached out and grabbed Steve’s dick in my right hand and my husband guided my left hand down to his cock. Both were so hard I felt their blood pulsing as I squeezed them and the feeling put me over the edge. I released in another powerful orgasm and screamed so loud I embarrassed myself.
I guess one more orgasm is what Bill was holding back for. As soon as I calmed down, he began pounding away working toward his own orgasm. It did not take long. He was grunting and holding my ass in place and I could feel his muscles tensing. I released the two cocks I was still holding onto and pulled Bill’s ear into me to whisper. I said, “You can fuck me anytime you want baby” and gave him a quick kiss as he began groaning in orgasm. Wasn’t the best dirty talk I have ever done, but it worked for Bill. He shot his load inside me as he panted and squeezed my ass so hard I knew there had to be red marks left on it.
Bill pushed himself up off me and looked over to my husband. Bill said, “You weren’t kidding, that is some sweet pussy”. The look of satisfaction on my husband’s face at Bill’s compliment was a little confusing to me at first, but I later realized my husband had always been proud of the fact I have stayed in shape and still have such a sexy body for a woman….getting more refined. I also knew Mike had been turned on watching me with his friend because I could now see his rock hard cock I had been holding a few minutes before. It was a beauty.
Steve had already put a condom on and was moving on the bed to position between my legs. I stopped him by saying, “No sweetie, you fucked me this morning, I’M fucking you now”. He looked puzzled until I said, “Lay down”. Steve did just that by rolling over onto the attached bed next to us. I said this before, I love my husband and no man has ever treated me so special the way he has throughout our marriage. Right now I was on a mission and the fact my husband was watching me made my pussy ache. I was about to jump on a younger guy who was built, gorgeous and had a hard cock ready for me. There was absolutely no effort needed to guide Steve’s dick into my waiting pussy. I lowered all the way down and took him inside me. Steve reached to place his hands on my waist but I pushed them away and said, “I’m in charge”. He smiled and stretched those big ass arms out to either side as he laid back to allow me to fuck him….and fuck him is what I did.
I love the feeling of being on top of a man because I can guide him to the right spots inside me. Being so wet from my earlier fuck with Bill caused my pussy to make sounds as I rocked my hips and rode Steve’s cock. Steve was staring at my tits the entire time and only tried reaching up once. He remembered my instructions, “Lay there and get fucked” and put his arms back down.
It only took a few minutes of my saddle work on Steve to make him start to groan and build up. He grabbed the sheets on either side and the sight of his flexed muscles made me ride him harder. He was a very big guy who I assume would intimidate most people just by his build and size. Right now I owned his ass and I was working his cock the way I wanted.
I grabbed both my tits and held one up to flick the nipple with my tongue. This little trick did it as Steve groaned and let loose inside me. As he came I lay on his chest and he wrapped those big arms around me as he pumped his cock into my pussy and released the last of his cum. I was a very satisfied girl at this moment and my pussy was tingling so hard I thought I would cum again just laying on top of Steve.
My attention was now on my husband’s hard dick which was ready for me. However, I had other thoughts on something special for him. I slowly pushed up and gave Steve a long kiss before moving off his cock. A quick glance down at the full condom told me I had caused him to empty what I guessed was everything he had into me. He dropped his arms back to either side and took in a deep breath of satisfaction. I was pleased at having fucked him so good and was already looking forward to doing it again.
I rolled over to where Mike was laying and kissed him deeply. When I felt his hard dick he moaned and pulled me in tighter to him. He was already trying to move into a position so he could fuck me, but I wanted him to do something else for me. I pointed at the boxes of condoms and said, “Come with me”.
I went over to the swing and rubbed “young buck’s” back. He was still eating Jo’s pussy and was doing a good job as I had heard Jo scream out in orgasm during my fuck session with Bill. When “young buck” moved I leaned in and kissed Jo. I asked her, “Do you want Mike to fuck you”? Her smile was followed by her pulling me into a long kiss. Once we stopped, I turned and saw Mike standing there with a raging hard cock and an expression on his face of “what do I do”?
My husband looked at me for a final approval and I simply answered his look by grabbing his throbbing cock and guided it toward Jo’s waiting pussy. He kissed me deep before taking hold of it himself and placing the head of his cock at Jo’s slit. Without any effort my husband pushed the head of his dick inside my friend. She moaned out in pleasure as Mike toyed with her only giving her a little at a time.
Young buck grabbed hold of the right arm of the swing and looked at me with the expression on his face of, “You coming”? I kind of felt bad because I never even got his name…I just refer to him as “young buck”.
When I took hold of the other arm on the chair, young buck motioned me to pull. When we did my husband’s dick impaled Jo and she yelled out in pleasure. The swing knocked Mike off balance, but he recovered quickly and his cock never left Jo’s pussy. I’m sure there may have been some extra effort on his part because my husband had wanted his dick in Jo’s pussy for quite some time. Young buck and I began a steady pulling and pushing motion which forced Jo’s pussy into my husband with each thrust forward. Jo was in heaven as she moaned and played with her nipples taking my husband’s cock deep into her with every stroke.
I had a funny thought run through my head at this moment. My girlfriend Jo was fucking my husband and making me do the work to make it happen. Yeah! Jo was now my hero and I envied her for being so confident and sexual. I’d had gotten hooked on the new experience of the Lifestyle and I wanted Jo to teach me everything she knew about it.
Young buck and I worked the swing for another few minutes and Jo’s breathing was increasing. Her leg next to me started to shake and she wrapped it around my knee to stop it. Jo then leaned back in the swing and came so hard I had to stop my efforts just to watch her. She let out a long moan which was followed by an utter scream of pleasure. Her leg wrapped around my knee was now quivering and I noticed she had had other leg around young buck’s leg doing the same. Jo reached for my hand and pulled me toward her when I took it. She locked me in a deep kiss which turned me on even more. It also told me something else at the same time….Jo and I would be sharing more adventures in the future.
I kissed her back and ran my tongue around hers as she subsided from the orgasm she just released. Even though I did have a little feeling of jealousy at her having been pleasured so hard by “MY” husband, I was also ready for the next act to begin. Mike and I were now fully involved in this new experience and I felt things which I had only fantasized about before.
What came next was my husband. Mike pulled Jo into him and grabbed her around her shapely ass holding the swing in place. He pounded into Jo for about a minute and looked over to me one last time. I said, “Give it to her baby”, and this put him over the top. My husband rammed his cock all the way into Jo and moaned out as he came inside her. I will have to admit, I loved fucking Steve because he was built so gorgeous, but watching my husband fuck my friend made me want Mike badly. I thought how lucky I was to have such an incredible man in my life and envied Jo for taking his cum from him. This feeling disappeared as Mike leaned to kiss me as he released the last of what he had into Jo. Yeah, “MY” man still knew who “His” girl was, even though he had his cock buried deep inside my girlfriend.
As my husband slowly pulled his cock out of Jo, she pulled me down for another kiss. There was no longer any feeling of jealousy or regret. As I kissed her back deeply, I felt my pussy begin its stirring again and knew this day was going to be a very long one. To say I was horny as hell would be an understatement. I wanted sex and I wanted to try new things no matter what may be thrown at me. Mike leaned in. The three of us kissed together which was very erotic. This day was a very new experience for my husband and I and we were just at the tip of the iceberg. I will admit I was now so turned on sharing the kisses with my husband and Jo I wanted to be fucked again right now. Even though my pussy told me I needed a break from my workout with Bill and Steve, I was ready for more.
Mike went over to the bathroom to take off his condom. As soon as he closed the door Jo pulled me into her and asked, “So are you having fun honey”? I kissed her again and said, “I wished you had invited us a long time ago”! Her smile at my approval showed me we were now going to be a regular couple on their guest list for future fun.
Young buck had already put a condom on and was patiently waiting as Jo and I finished our little girl talk. I moved out of his way and he took both arms of the chair and guided his cock into Jo. I guess young buck had waited long enough after doing his warm-up job and now wanted some fun of his own. He slammed his dick into Jo and began pulling her into him fast and hard. She leaned back and held on to the swing to allow him to fuck her with all he had.
Mike came back out and we watched as Jo got fucked by her young friend. This guy was pounding her very hard as Jo leaned back in the swing to allow him to do what he needed to do. She was a very sexy woman, but she was also obviously in total control as she used young buck’s cock to please her.
Mike and I went back out to the pool area after watching Jo for a few more minutes. She blew me an air- kiss when she saw we were going to walk out of the room and went back to getting fucked. Steve was still on the bed. I guess I had done him pretty good because he was asleep and still in the same position I had left him. It may seem strange, but I felt very sexy at that moment because I had caused him to give up and fade out.
As soon as we sat down in the lounge chairs we must have both fallen asleep. Even with the music blaring, the day of drinking, sun and sex called for a quick nap. Bill actually shook us awake about an hour or so later. It was dark and the whole pool area was lit up in a pink glow. Might be tacky in some people’s taste, but I thought it looked beautiful with all the prefect landscaping and decorations.
Bill asked if we wanted to go to the hotel party. I noticed most of the people were now gone and I looked puzzled. He explained he had done one of his last contracting jobs at a hotel which was about 15 minutes away. He worked out a deal to have a floor booked whenever he had parties so his guests would not have to drive home. This was smart because even though Bill and Jo’s house was enormous, there was no way it could sleep all the people I’d seen today. Kelli and Erica were actually making runs back and forth from the house to the hotel. Damn Bill, you must have done this before….lol.
At first I thought Bill’s question may have been a polite way of saying “we would like you to leave now”. It was only about 10, but since almost everyone had left I assumed it was an early end-of-night. This thought was quickly dismissed when Bill pulled me into him and said, “We would really rather you guys stay for our private party”.
After today, I could not imagine what the hell a “Private Party” would entail, but was now awake and very turned on by the way Bill had pulled me into him. My husband never said a word because he and Bill had already talked earlier about the “private party”. I guessed we were not going anywhere. Bill led us back into the basement area where there were about 10 people sitting in the wine room. The young girl I’d seen in the cage earlier doing her dance was now tending the bar. She was still naked and waved at me when I walked in the room. I didn’t even know her name, but I waved back as we made our way over to the up-stairs steps.
Jo was at the bar with Steve and the young buck (I never got his name) from earlier. I was still fighting to knock off the effects of our nap and excuse myself to head to the ladies. Jo followed me down the hall and as I turned in the guest bathroom she said, “No baby, keep going to ours”.
The end of the hall had two large wooden doors leading into what I assumed was Jo and Bill’s bedroom. I pushed open one of the heavy doors and was somewhat taken back by the lavish outlay of their room. The bed was huge and had to have been custom made because it was almost twice the size of a regular King size bed. The room opened onto a deck area which overlooked the pool and also gave you a small view of the river which ran across the back of the property. I had a quick thought again. Jo, I always liked you, but damn you have it going on!
There was a fireplace on one side of the room which sat catty corner to the Jacuzzi tub which took up the entire other half of that side of the room. You could’ve fit 10 people in that thing (We only had five later that night but, you’ll have to read on for those details.)
Jo pointed me to the master bath and I was again taken back by how big this home really was. The master bath was almost as big as the bedroom itself. The walk-in shower was huge and it connected to what I assumed was another Jacuzzi tub. The other tub was definitely special ordered. There was a window which overlooked the river. Several mirrors were installed which would allow someone to soak in the tub while watching the ducks on the water. Damn Jo, your husband thinks of everything.
A quick look in the mirror told me I had some extra work to do on my makeup and hair before I would be rejoining the party. I now believe this is why Jo told me to go to her room. She had what appeared to be a small beauty salon set up on one side of the room. I would have no trouble whatsoever in primping myself back up with all the supplies Jo had on hand. Damn I love my girl! Jo gave me a quick kiss and said, “Take whatever you need sweetie”. She lightly smacked my ass and went back out to the bar area.
20 minutes later I rejoined the group at the bar. Jo gave me quick hug and an approving glance over. I returned the smile and gave her a quick kiss to say thank you. My husband had gone back down to the pool to jump in and freshen himself up. Steve was now in charge of bartending and young buck was with Bill in the other room shooting a game of eight-ball. I did feel a whole lot better now at having taken a nap and freshening up, so when Steve asked if I wanted a drink I said make it a light one please. He smiled at me in the manner which told me my light drink would NOT be a light one.
As I sipped my drink Jo and I chatted about how their home was just so incredible. She and I had been friends now for a while, but for whatever reason I felt more bonded to her today than I ever had before. She is a very beautiful woman who had always been so nice to me, but now that I knew the other side of her….she was my role-model. Today had been an experience I would always remember and Jo had been the one who pushed me to try a different taste of life. At that moment I leaned into her and we kissed very long and passionately. I didn’t care Steve had to have been staring at us because I wanted “Jo-time” right now.
When we stopped our kiss, Jo rubbed my face and said, “You know I want you right”? My pussy was now awake and ready for what was about to come next. All I could think to do was to kiss Jo again. This time it was more passionately. I felt her tits rub against mine which turned me on even more than I could imagine. I wanted her so badly I thought I would just take her right then and now. Jo had other plans in mind though and she broke away from my kiss and gave me a sexy smile. My husband walked back in from his swim and eyed me over. He gave me a kiss and told me I looked beautiful. At that moment I didn’t feel just beautiful, I felt sexy. Not sure if there is a difference, but it was a very new feeling for me.
Steve was still behind the bar playing around with some type of special shots he wanted to make for us. Jo gave me one quick kiss and rubbed my leg. She said she was going into the pool room to retrieve Bill. My husband leaned in and kissed me deeply. I guess today had changed him a little too because I had not felt that type of kiss from him in a very long time. Don’t get me wrong. He has always told me he loves me and I know in my heart it is very true, but today the way he kissed me made it feel like we had just started dating.
Steve was the one who interrupted as he leaned over the bar and jokingly said, “There are rooms for that all over the house”. I looked my husband in the eyes for a moment and instantly knew he and I would be making love later tonight. As it turns out, he WAS the only one to make love to me that night…..everyone else just fucked me like a play toy.
Jo and Bill came back about 5 minutes after Mike and I had spit out Steve’s experimental shot creation. He was a gorgeous guy, but he sucked as a bartender…lol. Jo ran her hand down my back as she sat down beside me. She must have hit her little beauty salon while she was gone because her perfume was heavenly and she had touched up her hair. She leaned into me and whispered two words into my ear, “Girl time”. The way she said it in her confident, sexy voice made my pussy melt and I wanted to try this new experience now. Yeah I had kissed a few girls in a playful manner before, but I had never had sex with another woman.
Jo got up and walked toward the hall leading to the bedrooms. She gave me a quick look as she rounded the corner. Her look may have been her way of giving me a final chance to back out, but I was ready for her and I wanted more. I gave my husband a kiss and said, “Jo and I need to talk”. He only half laughed as he whispered under his breath, “Yeah OK”.
Jo was waiting for me at the door leading into her bedroom. As soon as I walked to her she pulled me in and gave me a long deep kiss. There was no way I was turning back now and I wanted my first experience to be with “my girl” Jo.
She led me to the bed and I willingly lay down in the center. Jo slowly ran her hands over my legs and then crawled on the bed over top of me. My pussy was now aching for attention. As she kissed me several more times I reached down and felt how damn wet I was. Jo obviously knew what I had done because she whispered, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll get that for you”. I was now on fire and pulled her down on top of me to lock in a very, long kiss. The playful kissing I had done in the past was in no way anything like the way Jo was kissing me. I felt like I had surrendered to her, I only wanted her to touch me and touch me she did!
After a few minutes of toying with my tits, Jo moved down the bed and lightly ran her hand over the top of my pussy. I almost came as soon as I felt her touch, but I pushed my head back on a pillow and waited for what she had in store me.
Jo kept up her teasing for another few minutes which seemed like an eternity to me. I was so horny I was almost embarrassed of myself of the feeling. She ran her hand slowly up my leg from the ankle to my waist and then went back down the other side. The touch of another woman was so strange and unusual, but “OH MY GOD” it felt so good.
Not as good as when Jo basically plunged her face down on my waiting clit and took me into her mouth. I actually cried out in pleasure and grabbed hold of the pillow which was lying next to me to muffle out the scream. Jo sucked my clit so hard I felt I would orgasm right away. She had other plans. Jo let me go and ran her finger along the length of my pussy. She easily worked two fingers inside. She lay between my legs and began working her fingers in a slow circle inside my now soaking wet pussy. As she took me back into her mouth I knew there was no way I was going to manage to hold back anymore.
It only took a few minutes or so of Jo’s magic tongue before I felt my orgasm building. She had found my “right” spot inside and was working her fingers in a way which made my muscles tense. I thought about grabbing the pillow again, but could hardly move as Jo flicked her tongue over me and worked my pussy with her fingers. I knew this was going to be a loud one, but I didn’t care at this point.
When I came I actually felt every muscle in my body tense up and I let out a loud scream of ecstasy which must have been heard by everyone in the house. My girl was sexy, confident and could eat pussy better than anyone had ever done to me before or since. I never admitted this to my husband, but Jo blew his game out of the water. I just laid there as she toyed with me and felt every muscle in my body continue to tingle as she worked my now very over sensitive clit.
As I recovered from what was probably one of the most incredible orgasms I’d ever had, Jo slowly worked her fingers out of me and crawled up to lay next me. She rubbed my tits and lightly kissed the side of my face as I tried to regain from what she had just done to me. All I could manage to say at this point was, “Oh my dear lord”. This made Jo smile and she kissed me very long and hard as I held my hand over my pussy so she wouldn’t try to go after me again. Any other time I would have been ready for more, but the orgasm Jo just gave me still had my legs shaking even after a few minutes of our kissing one another.
I felt it was my turn to try and return the favor and told Jo to lie down. She kissed me once more and said, ‘No baby, that will come later, we have other things to do right now. ”. She rubbed my tits once more and told me it was play time.
We walked back out to the living room arm-in-arm and were met by four very knowing looks. My husband was grinning from ear to ear as was Bill. Steve only looked up and smiled at me as he poured a round of shots into the glasses lined up on the bar. Young buck (I never got his name!) was sitting at the bar next to my husband and he stared me up and down as Jo and I went over to the bar. Jo sat down on the other side of my husband which left an open seat between Bill and young buck. I sat down and Bill immediately rubbed his hand over my legs.
We all took the shots Steve had prepared (these were better) and as soon as I was done, Bill pulled me over toward him and kissed me deeply. As he kissed me I felt young buck run his hands over my other leg. I took the clue and spread my legs a little to allow each of them better access to touch my now ready and willing pussy. Jo had done an excellent job, but two men toying with me had me ready for more.
I went back and forth from Bill to young buck, kissing each of them while they continued to run their hands over my body. My pussy was so wet now I felt I would slide off the barstool if I moved too quickly.
It was Bill who said, “Why don’t we take this someplace more comfortable”? Steve didn’t say a thing as he rounded the bar and headed toward the hallway. Young buck gave me an unknowing look as to whether he should also follow. I answered his question by kissing him hard and grabbing his now extremely hard cock. It was then I realized my husband and Jo had disappeared.
Bill led me into Steve’s guest room. Again he picked me up and lightly tossed me onto the bed with no effort what so ever. Damn he was strong. Steve was already lying on the bed with his cock held in one hand. I didn’t need any instructions. I grabbed his dick and began sucking on the head.
I felt the bed move as Bill crawled on behind me. I was kneeling in the center working Steve’s cock and had my ass in the air ready for whatever was to come next. Bill rubbed my ass a few times and said something I couldn’t make out. He then reached under me and rubbed my tits as I sucked on Steve’s cock. I could feel Bills hard dick against my thigh and I was ready to be fucked.
When Bill pushed into me he grabbed my waist and pulled back. His whole cock went into me with one thrust and I was completely filled by his fat dick. The feeling made me desire more and I sucked on Steve’s cock even faster. When I felt his dick getting harder in my mouth, I was now drunk with lust. I know this may sound insulting or vulgar to some women, but I loved being used by these two men. They only wanted to fuck me and I was now willingly to do anything they wanted me to do.
Bill pounded into me a few more minutes then held my ass in place as he worked his cock around the inside of my pussy. I was just starting to feel my orgasm build when Bill released inside me. He groaned out and pulled me back hard on his cock which caused me to wince a little, but damn it felt good. He then pumped his dick into me a few more times and lightly smacked my ass in a playful manner.
Having relived Bill, I went back to my attention on Steve’s cock. As Bill pulled his dick out of me I had the chance to run my hands over Steve’s hard leg muscles while I held his cock in my mouth. This guy was built and my pussy was aching to take him at least one more time.
Just as Bill moved off the bed, his cock was replaced by another one. It startled me at first, but I knew it had to be “young buck”. I glanced back and realized I was now going to be taken by someone who I didn’t even know their name. I felt like a slut at this moment, but after today I really didn’t care.
Unlike Bill, “Young Buck” had a condom on and pushed his cock into me slowly. I went back to my cock sucking duties which made Steve groan out in pleasure as I ran my hands up and down the length of his shaft. What I wasn’t expecting came next!
“Young Buck” did not only fuck me, he pounded me so hard I could not continue sucking Steve’s cock. At first I tried to keep Steve’s cock in my mouth, but gave up when “young buck” began his motion.
Ladies, I can only describe the way he was fucking me as fast and hard. The thought of a “Jackhammer” ran through my mind and all I could do was hold onto Steve’s legs as “Young buck” did his business. This guy was strong and although his cock was not very big, it felt great. He had a hold on my ass so hard I couldn’t get away from him if I wanted to. Not that I did, but oh my god he fucked me hard.
The orgasm “young buck” gave me was unexpected and felt incredible. His cock was so hard every push into me hit a different spot in my pussy. My legs were now shaking as he continued to “jackhammer” away. I just held onto Steve’s muscled legs as I got used like a slut and thought to myself, “Jo I will be your friend forever if this is what you have as house guests”.
“Young Buck” groaned out. He slapped my ass, which is something I really don’t like being done, but at this moment I didn’t care. I pushed back into him and was finally able to move my hips from the grip he had on them. A few seconds later I worked his cock into the right place and he exploded inside me. Yes, I did feel like a slut, but I was now so turned on there was no going back.
As “young buck” subsided he lightly smacked my ass again. This time I told him I didn’t like that stuff. He pulled his cock out of me and kissed my ass cheek as an apology. I was still holding onto Steve and his hard cock was now on the side of my face. This was an incredible experience and I did not want the night to be over.
Just as “young buck” moved off the bed, I heard Jo scream out in what I assumed was a VERY intense orgasm. I also assumed it was my husband who had caused it because I heard his familiar, “Oh yeah girl”! This was something he always said when he and I were fooling around. Up to now, it was meant for me and I did feel a little jealous, but after today those jealous feelings were fading quickly. He was having his fun…I was having mine. It was Steve’s cock I wanted to service at this moment. I ran my hands over his chest muscles while I took his cock into my hand. He only moaned out as I began sucking his cock again. At this moment, I knew I again owned his ass. I felt like a very bad girl and will admit I loved the feeling.
Steve’s cock was not as big as my husband’s, so I had no problem taking him all the way in. There was only one time when it hit the back of my throat. It caused me to gag a little, but I was now on a mission. This guy was going to be sucked off no matter how long I had to do it and just feeling him tense as I worked his cock made me only want more. Yeah, I guess you can say I was now a very bad girl.
Ladies, I love to suck cock and it makes me horny as hell. When I glanced over at the mirror the sight of me sucking this muscle bound guy was so erotic I almost came just by the feeling of his dick in my mouth. Steve’s dick was now mine and I wanted to make him beg for release. WHAT THE HELL HAD GOTTEN INTO ME?
From across the hall I heard Jo come again. My husband must have really pulled out his “A” game for her tonight. However at this moment, I did not care about what he was doing. I wanted Steve to come for me and I was going to kick into my “A” game to ensure he did it hard.
I released Steve to grab a small bottle of lube which was laying on the nightstand next to the bed. I squirted some into my hand, rubbed it around for a second and dove back onto Steve. As I put his cock back into my mouth he groaned out and placed his hand on the back of my head. I was making him groan, but what I did next made him explode.
I pressed my finger on Steve’s ass and he moved his leg to allow me better access. Now that I knew he was OK with his anal exam, I pressed one finger slightly into his ass. It was tight at first but the lube and Steve’s willingness to allow me to do this made it very easy after a second or so. I was only holding the head of his cock in my mouth as I worked my finger into his ass, but I immediately felt it throb in my mouth when I had my finger all the way into his butt. Well Steve, if one feels good….you are going love two.
I then worked two fingers easily into Steve’s ass. He groaned out and his muscles tensed as I went back to sucking him. His leg muscles were hard as rocks as I pumped his cock with one hand and toyed with his ass with the other. The grunts of pleasure he was making made me want to come myself and I knew I truly “Owned” him right now. Jo may have been my husband’s idea of an ideal fuck buddy, but Steve was the ultimate fuck buddy. I had not felt as sexy as I did right now for a long time. I sucked his cock and felt for the right place to hit inside him to make him explode. It only took a few more seconds.
Steve grabbed the bedpost with one hand and the sheet with the other. His cock was so hard I could feel him pulsing in my mouth as I took him in. I must have really hit the right spot in his ass because he actually yelled out, “Oh holy fuck” and begged me not to stop. There was no way I was going to stop because I wanted his come and I got more than what I expected. Steve groaned out and his muscles tensed even more than they had been. I held still and only ran my tongue on the underside of his shaft before taking him back into my mouth. This put him over the top and he released inside me.
The first stream of his come kinda took me by surprise, but I swallowed it down. The second one made me feel dirty and I rammed my fingers into his ass and pumped his cock as hard as I could. This caused Steve to pull most of the sheet off the bed and yell out, “Oh my God, take it baby”! I felt so “dirty” at this moment I wanted nothing more than to get fucked again. I sucked Steve’s cock and took everything from him. He finally pushed at my head and begged me to stop, but I kept at him for another minute until I realized his cock was now going down and I had done what I wanted to do. Big muscle man had just been taken hard by a woman.
As Steve laid back and relaxed after his climax, I slowly pulled my fingers out of his ass. Fortunately this bed room also had a bathroom. I gave him a quick kiss and headed in to do a clean-up. When I looked in the mirror I didn’t even recognize myself. I was so turned on all I wanted was another man inside me and I hoped it would be my husband. I know it was hard for him to come while fucking and tonight was one night I hoped he had not come while he was with Jo.
Steve was pushing up off the bed when I came back out from the bathroom. I took in a long look at his muscled body and my pussy was screaming for attention now. Steve pulled me into him with one arm and ran his hand gently over my face with the other. He kissed me deeply which made me feel like I was going to melt right in his arms. I had only had this feeling before with my husband, who loved me. Steve didn’t love me. He just wanted to fuck me. This made me so hot I wanted to push him down and take him, but I had just sucked everything out of him and even though I was rubbing his cock as he kissed me, “little” Steve needed a break.
Steve and I walked out into the hallway. Through the open door to the main bedroom I saw Jo on top of my husband. She was riding him as Bill took pictures. I wanted to go in, but decided I had had my fun, I would let my husband have his alone time as well. Plus I wanted to try and get Steve hard again before the night was over. Steve and I went out to the living room bar area and there was no one around. He motioned me to the steps and we headed down to find the rest of the party.
Sara was in the swing, only she was not sitting in it. She was lying face down on her stomach and had her legs pulled open to allow a guy I had not met to fuck her from behind. Another young guy who looked almost like “young buck” was on the other end with his cock in Sara’s mouth. There were two other guys standing on either side of Sara with their erect cocks in hand. It only took a second to understand this game. Sure enough, they played switch about thirty seconds later. I now understood why Sara loved the swing. She was being fucked by four guys at the same time.
Steve leaned into me and asked if I wanted to try. As I shook my head no, I glanced down and was happy to see his soft cock from earlier had now begin to shape back up. I guess Sara’s little demonstration had helped things along. I gave it a quick rub and it shaped up even more. The bed on the other side of the room had three couples in various positions. I didn’t know any of them from earlier and was really not ready to jump into an orgy. I know that sounds funny since I had already fucked four men and one woman today, but a girl has to have some limits. Steve walked me out of the room holding my hand. We went over to the wine room to join another couple sitting at the bar.
Brenda and Joe were close friends with Bill and Jo and had known them since they were young. Joe and Bill had been in business together for many years until Joe called it quits and moved on to another line of work. He had been hit from the rear by a beginner driver and broke his leg badly. Construction jobs were out of the question, even after two surgeries and a ton of therapy. Joe was about the same size as Bill except he was much leaner. His bald head complimented his looks and I could not help noticing the rather large cock he was packing. Although it was not hard, it was very large and fat hanging down as he leaned his butt back on the side of the stool.
Brenda had caught me looking and gave me a knowing smile. She had to introduce herself because the guys had forgotten formalities. Brenda was a very pretty woman. Although I hate to say the word older, she reminded me of the actress Jennifer Connelly but with a few more years. She was also in incredible shape and must have put in hours a day working out to hold such a sexy figure for a woman her age, which I guessed to be early to mid-sixties.
As we chatted about all the wines in the room I felt Steve rub behind me. There was no doubt his cock was ready for more attention as I felt it poke into my right ass cheek. I reached around giving him a knowing squeeze and said, “We’ll go back upstairs in a minute”. I was listening to Brenda tell me about her upcoming cruise to Alaska. Even though I was horny and wanted Steve again, she was just so sweet I could not just walk away without hearing the rest of her story.
Steve and I excused ourselves and headed to the steps to return to his bedroom. I was kinda of excited to have another chance with him. Even though my pussy was somewhat sore from its workout today, I wanted more. Thankfully the alcohol had dulled some of the soreness and I was ready to go.
I saw my husband in the living room. He was coming to look for me and we stopped so I could give him a long deep kiss. As I did, Steve ran his hands along the side of my waist and I was now more than ready to have some more fun. I looked at my husband and whispered, “You ok alone for a bit”? He only smiled and kissed me once more before squeezing my hand to let me know he was OK. I guessed his fuck with Jo had done him in for the night and by the look on his face, it must have been a good one.
I went with Steve into his room and he closed the door behind us. He took me in his arms and kissed me before picking me up off my feet and laying me down on the bed. His face was between my legs before I could say anything. I just laid back and ran my leg over his back while he worked my pussy into frenzy.
After five minutes I couldn’t take this anymore, I wanted his cock in me now. I pulled his arm and he got my hint. Steve positioned himself over me and guided his hard cock into my waiting pussy. It felt amazing as I held onto his arms and allowed him to work his way back into me. It was then I realized he had not put a condom on. This was the second man I had fucked today without using protection, but right now I was not going to stop to rectify that issue. Steve pushed the remaining portion of his cock into me and groaned as I pushed my hips into him to meet his inward thrust.
Steve was fucking me for about ten minutes until I felt a sudden orgasm build. He had his arms wrapped around my legs holding my ass and was slamming his cock into me very fast. I ran my hand over those huge arms one last time before wrapping my arms around his neck and letting go with yet another orgasm. I truthfully will have to say I’d lost count of the number of times I came that day however, the one Jo had given me will always stand out as the best. The one Steve gave me was not as intense, but still made me want more of his cock after I told him to hold still for a moment while I regained.
Steve continued fucking me for another few minutes. He leaned down over me and whispered in my ear. He asked, “Can I fuck you in the ass sweetie”? My immediate “NO” response told him to enjoy what he was getting and go back to work. Although I do think back when I masturbate in the tub about how I should have just said yes.
Steve rose up on his knees and pulled my waist into his with each thrust. He was pumping me hard and I now wanted him to give me what come he may have left over. I said, “Honey, give it to me”. He increased the pace, but the look of frustration on his face told me he was not going to be able to come in this position. I said,” Jerk it for me baby”. He pumped into me a few more times, pulled his cock out of me and knelt over my waist. He was stroking his dick very fast and those muscles were completely tensed up as he masturbated for me.
I ran my hands down his chest and this must have done the trick. Steve tensed up, pumped his cock a few last times and moaned out. Although not much come came out of his cock, the look on his face told me I had pleased him yet again. I ran my hands over his body as he finishing milking his dick and watched him pump the last tiny bit out.
When I came out of the bathroom, Steve was lying face down on the bed and was almost asleep. I lightly smacked his ass and startled him awake. He leaned up to kiss me once more and asked if I wanted to crawl in bed with him for the night. I wanted to, but changed my mind when I thought about what he was asking. Yeah, I had just fucked this guy several times today, however being held by someone as you fall asleep with them is something which people in love do. I was not in love with Steve. I loved fucking him. Beyond pure sex, there was nothing else and I said no once again. I gave him one last quick kiss on the cheek, another squeeze of that rock hard arm and left him spent and falling asleep.
I went back out and sat at the bar alone. I thought back about what had happened today. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled because I felt sexier right now than I had in my entire life. Although my appearance would tell a blind man I just had sex, I didn’t care. I knew I was hooked on this new lifestyle. I also knew my husband and I would be back at Jo and Bill’s again.
Although Steve left early the following morning, I still got to fuck him before he left on his four hour drive home. It was a quickie right next to his car. I was bent over the trunk of his sports car with Steve fucking me from behind. Although I didn’t come this time, feeling Steve’s strong hands on my ass as he rammed into me from behind was an incredible turn on and I loved being “used” like a little slut. Erica, who was back on duty waiting for the day’s guests to arrive, had driven both of us to the car. She was sitting in the golf cart trying not to watch, but she was only ten feet away. She and I actually locked eyes for a few moments when Steve groaned out and finally pumped his load into me. This only turned me on more and I could see by the look on her face she was probably wanting in on the fun.
Steve pulled his shorts back up and kissed me deeply. He said he loved the time we’d spent together and hoped I would be back again. I rubbed his cock and said, “As long as he will be here, I will”. We kissed once more and he got into his car and drove off.
During the quick golf cart ride back to the house my earlier assumption was confirmed when Erica asked, “How is he”? My brief explanation let Erica known she was missing out on some really good dick. She said, ‘Well, maybe next time”. We both laughed as we joked Steve was an invited “fuck toy” for Jo’s pleasure to use as she wanted. Even though I was laughing, I was happy to have been on the receiving end of her “fuck toy”. This was just another reason for me to like Jo at having shared her favorite young guy with me and making my introduction into the world of swinging a wonderful experience.
Bill, Jo, my husband and I had a nice breakfast poolside. Although we really didn’t bring up what had happened, you could almost feel the sexual tension between the four of us and I was already ready for more. Although both wanted us to stay for today’s party, there was no way for me to make another night of arrangements for someone to watch our dog.
We made plans for the following Friday night to have dinner at the same place we’d eaten last time. The food there was very good however, I’m sure Bill chose this place again because there was a waterfront hotel about five minutes away. He’d done work there about a year before and mentioned we could get a couple rooms after dinner to make it an over-night trip. My pussy was already stirring and the look on my husband’s face told me we were going to be having another fun night with Jo and Bill next Friday. This is another story though and will have to wait until we get back from the trip.
Anyways I’m hooked on the lifestyle now, as is my husband. We love making plans with our friends and look forward to the next adventure in the new world which Jo and Bill opened up for us. I’ve also noticed Mike has become so much more passionate toward me. It feels like we just started dating as he brings me flowers for no reason and has even delivered lunch at my job a few times this week. I guess knowing his wife is still very desirable to other men has made him step up his game a little…lol.
So, if you are ever at a wedding or other event and sit down next to strangers….they might be the people who change your life.
Submitted by: Localloversinit4fun