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- Threesome Ffm Stories : Helping My Wife Out!
Helping My Wife Out!
A Night I Will Not Forget……
Hi SLS Sexy Story readers, my name is Trent and I am happy to share with you all a story that happened to me a couple of months ago. Till today, I can’t believe that I was on the favorable end of one hell of an epic night. I need to lay down the back story to this fateful night so bear with me as I explain.
I am very happily married to my high school sweetheart and the love of my life, Karen. We are both from your typical “small town” in the Midwest. We’ve known each other since we were about 10 and after a bad breakup in high school, Karen consoled her loss with me and over the next couple of months, our friendship evolved into more than “just friends”. After graduation we both attended the same university and not long after we got married. We’ve since moved from our small town and now live on the west coast in a medium-sized city that has a really nice vibe to it… not too big and surely not too small.
Karen and I had been living and building our lives in our new “home” for a while. We had been there for a couple of years when one of her best friends from college got relocated to our city. Karen and Nicole, Niki for short, reconnected and soon the two ladies began to hangout. It had been about a year after Niki moved to our city when she met this really neat guy by the name of Chris. Things between Niki and Chris got serious quickly and one night with Karen and I and a few other mutual friends there, Chris "popped the question" and of course Niki said yes. A few days later, Karen returned from a dinner with Niki and that's when Niki asked my wife to be her maid of honor. Much like how Niki filled that role for Karen when we got married, it apparently was Karen's turn to return the favor.
Over the next several months, Karen planned Niki's bachelorette party from the dinner that began the evening to the actual "party" part of it that was to be held in one of the suites of the hotel that Karen worked at. Because of the relationship that Karen and I have, she shared with me all of the details of the evening including what she was planning on to finish off the night. The night was to start at a local upscale Italian restaurant where not only were the ladies going to be there but their respective boyfriends or husbands were invited too. After dinner, the girls would be jumping in a "party bus" to tour the city then end up at Karen's hotel where they'd have the "ladies only" part of their night which would at one point include a male stripper. As Karen shared with me all the details I was completely comfortable with what my wife had planned out for their evening. Even though it really didn't matter to me, Karen went to great lengths to assure me that the agency that she secured the stripper from did not allow their dancers to go fully nude. Karen went above and beyond to make me comfortable with the fact that she was hiring a stripper. After all, that really wasn't something that either of us were into.
The night of the bachelorette party arrived and I went with Karen to meet the guests at the restaurant. Total there were about twelve women and four other guys. We had just been served the appetizers when Karen received a call on her phone that she insisted that she needed to take. Karen excused herself from the table and headed out. It took her longer than expected and when she finally returned she looked like she had seen a ghost. My wife's normal slightly tanned complexion was now white like fresh fallen snow. I asked her if she was ok and she defiantly said everything was ok. I knew better but the way Karen responded, I knew not to pursue things further. About ten minutes later, Karen excused herself again. As she walked out of the room I saw she had her phone yet again. Like the first time, Karen took a while before she returned and when she did, she looked even whiter and there was a sense of concern all over her face. I asked Karen if she was ok and again her answer was yes... I knew something was wrong but at that point, Karen wasn't willing to share it with me. We had been at dinner for almost an hour when Karen left the table again but this time she left her phone. When she didn't return for about another ten or so minutes I decided to go and see what was up with my wife.
I found Karen on an chair outside of the parking lot crying her eyes out! With me seeing her like that there was no way for her to say that there was nothing wrong when I asked her that time. She wiped away her tears and fessed up that she had gotten a call from the company that was sending the stripper and they told her that the guy that was supposed to dance for them later that night had a medical emergency and they tried to but could not find a replacement dancer. Karen said that the second time she walked out, she had called a few other agencies but due to the short notice, no one could provide a dancer.
Karen went on to tell me that she wouldn't have cared too much but she said that Niki was looking forward to "one last hoorah" before she got married and she was really looking forward to the male stripper. Then to make matter worse, Karen overheard a few of the other women commenting on how much they were also excited to have a male stripper before the night was through. I held Karen close to me in vain trying to give her support. After a moment or two, she told me that she really didn't know what to do about the stripper but she thought that maybe somehow, Niki and the other ladies would just "forget" about the stripper and by the end of the night things would be great even without one. I don't know why I said what I did but I told my wife, "Hey honey, I could fill in as the stripper!" My wife's reply was an elbow to my ribs and her saying that i wasn't funny or that me dancing was not or would never be an option.
Let me explain just for a moment that I am not or have I ever been a male stripper. However, from my younger days, I have spend many of hours in a variety of dance studios. Against my will as a young boy may parents made me take up ballroom dancing and that later parlayed into other styles of dance. Now I'm not in any way a professional dancer but I can hold my own.
I helped Karen clean herself up and we headed back to the room for the remainder of dinner. When the dessert arrived, a few of the ladies were making very suggestive and sexually charged innuendos with their dessert in regards to what they were looking forward to doing to the stripper later that night. Well, so much for the ladies "forgetting" about the stripper. Hearing the ladies make their jokes about the stripper only made Karen's anxiety greater and as much as she tried to hide it, it showed to the point that even Niki came to ask if Karen was alright. My wife played if off and tried to make like everything was in control but I think even Karen knew something wasn't right. When we were finished with our dinner, we headed to the parking lot where the party bus was waiting for the ladies. As they boarded the bus a few of them were chanting "Stripper, stripper, stripper...….". I knew that hearing that only would cause Karen to panic that she had failed her best friend. Karen was the last to board the bus and as she did, I told her that if there was anything that I could do to help her out to just call and I'd be there. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and my wife boarded the bus.
Knowing that I's be without Karen, I made plans to meet a few of my buddies on the other side of town for beer and darts. I climbed in my car and began the nearly thirty minutes drive. I had just gotten to the bar where my friends were when Karen called me up frantic as could be. She was really starting to panic hearing the entire time the ladies were on the party bus that all they were really looking forward to was the stripper later that night. With my wife just about crying on the phone telling me of her situation, I again in an effort to show her my support offered to fill in as the dancer. Like the first time that I offered my "services" Karen immediately said, "NO! I told you, Nate, you being the stripper is not an option..... so just stop it with your foolishness! You're really not helping.... as a matter of fact, you're really starting to piss me off!". Karen immediately hung up the phone and I knew that in my efforts to show her my support, I crossed a line. I sat on the hood of my car realizing that in my stupidity, and in my efforts to show Karen my support my mouth wrote a check that my body likely wouldn't be able to cash. As I walked to the bar, I began to think that maybe it was a good thing that Karen didn't take me up on my offer..... after all, what would I have done if she said yes!
I entered the bar and was with my buds for about twenty minutes when my phone rang. The caller ID showed it was Karen so I stepped away form the table. I found a quite spot in the bar and answered the call. "Nate...… are you serious about being willing to fill in as the stripper....?", Karen asked. I found myself in one of the biggest quandaries I had ever been in..... Do I say tell her no and break her heart OR do I tell her yes and THEN have to fulfill a request that I only a little while ago realized that I had bit off more than I could chew. There was only a moment of silence on the phone when my heart for my wife (and my ego) replied, "Yes!" The instant that I said yes, I realized that I may have opened up a situation that I wasn't ready to fill. Over the phone, I could hear Karen light up! She was so happy to hear that she'd be getting her stripper for the evening...…. even if it was her own husband!
Over the next couple of minutes Karen and I talked about how we'd try to pull this thing off. She told me that if I could find a place to get a mask to disguise myself then that's how we'd keep my identity a secret. Karen also went on to say that if I could head home and get my thong then with that I'd be able to keep form having to go fully nude. Karen gave me other details as to how we'd pull this off and when I hung up the phone it sounded like we had a pretty good plan. On the way back across town I remembered that there was one of those stores that sells Halloween costumes year round and since it was a Saturday night, they'd be closing late. I stopped by and picked up a firefighter's costume because Karen had told me a few times that Niki had a thing for firefighters. With my costume in the car I saw that there was an adult bookstore half a block away so in effort to get to the hotel sooner, I stopped in to get a male thong. As I was paying for my thong there next to the register was "bootleg" Viagra. I decided to buy one just in case...… I didn't want to either be or go limp as I danced for the ladies. I really didn't know if that stuff worked but I figured I'd give it a try.
I got to the hotel and gave Karen a call. She met me in the lobby and she looked very different than she did a little over an hour ago. She was much calmer and relaxed. Karen ran to me lunging at me giving me a huge kiss on my lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She notice the large bag from the Halloween store. I told her what I did and she lit up like a Christmas tree. Karen was so thrilled that not only was I filling in for the stripper, BUT I was now going to be wearing a fireman's outfit... much like the guy that was supposed to show up. Karen had secured two suites on one of the upper floors of her hotel, one for the bachelorette party and the other was for her to crashout in at the end of the night. Karen took me to the other suite and told me to get ready in there. I had about an hour before I'd be "on" so I gave Karen a kiss and made my way into Karen's room.
When I got in Karen's room, I pulled up a chair fronting the television and decided to try to keep my mind off of what I had offered myself to do. However, after a few minutes, I decided to build up some sexual tension in me so I turned on one of the adult channels and started to watch a porn flick. As I watched the movie, I began to stroke my cock off to the video. I built myself up a couple of times then let myself edge back down, I was building up some great tension in my balls for sure. When I realized that I would be needing to show up across the hall in about thirty minutes, I decided to take one of those "bootleg" Viagra pills I bought at the adult store earlier. I went back to watching the video and before I knew it my dick was raging hard.... The pill was far more effective than I thought it'd be. With about ten minutes before I expected to get the call from Karen I began to get dressed. I donned the black satin/Lycra thong, then the pants and jacket of the fireman's costume. The last things I put on were the black mask that would cover my eyes and then the helmet. As soon as I got dressed, my phone went off letting me know it was time...…..
I left Karen's room and headed across the hall. Even with the door closed I could hear the sounds of wild women having a great time. As instructed by Karen, I pounded on the door and once I did that, the room went silent. I pounded on the door a second time and soon after the second pounding the door opened. It was Karen. My wife saw me for the first time all dressed up in the get up and her face lit up with utter joy and relief. When she saw me she exited the room nearly closing the door behind her leaving it just a tad open. Karen approached me gave me a huge hug with her remaining hand and arm then planted one hell of a kiss on my lips. Her tongue probed its way seductively into my mouth then just as quickly as she kissed me she pulled away. "Oh Nate, thank you soooooo much! I owe you big time for this and trust me..... what I have in mind as a way to repay you you'll be more than happy with it!", Karen told me as she reopened the too making her way back into the room. She led me into the room posting me right at the door. Loudly, Karen announced, "There's a guy here from the fire department.... He said that he got a notice that there we may be in violation of a few fire codes...… He's here to give us an...…", Karen couldn't even finish her statement when the crowd of women erupted in screams and cheers. Karen led me down the small hall from the door to the main room of the suite and as I got to the room the women went even more crazy!
Quickly, one of the ladies put a chair in the center of the room and the others began to get in a half-circle around that chair. Karen was leading me into the room still and then from out of the kitchen area, Niki was being led to the living room area by two of her bride's maids. They led Niki to the chair in the center of the room and Karen led me there as well. Somehow, even with all the screams and cheers, Karen was able to give our the one instruction that really was all I cared about..... "Ladies.... please, whatever you do, do NOT remove his mask!" Hearing that I knew that for all intent and purposes, my anonymity would be kept to just Karen and me! Following her instruction, Karen headed off to que up the music that I sent her earlier that night. As the music started, the women all began going into a complete frenzy!
I began dancing in front of Niki and the other women cheered. I tempted and teased her as I unbuttoned and rebuttoned my jacket giving her a preview of my upper body. After I danced to Niki for a bit, I started to work my way around the room doing much the same to the other women. As I made my way around the room the ladies each took liberties with running their hands over my upper body. I had danced to three of the other ladies and realized that I didn't see Karen anywhere in the group of ladies I was dancing for. I looked about the room and then I saw my wife, standing in the corner with her arms crossed on her chest watching me with one of the biggest smiles on her face I had seen in a while. I gave her a wink followed that with blowing her a kiss then went back to dancing and shaking my thing in front of the women. As I finished going though the semi-circle of ladies out of the corner of my eye I saw that a couple of the ladies were tying Niki's hands and arms to the chair.
I had completed making my round with the ladies and then got back to Niki. I began removing my jacket and as soon as I had it off the level of the screams hit another level of ear piercing..... damn they were in a wild ass frenzy! I tossed the jacket behind Niki and started to work on the pants. As I toyed with the waistline of the pants the women began to chant, "Take it off! Take it off!" For the next minute or so, I teased and tempted Niki and the rest of the ladies by lowering then pulling the pants back up.... I made sure that as I teased the ladies I also grabbed the top of my thong giving them the impression that I had nothing on beneath the pants. That little game that I played went on for a bit till I was ready to take things to the next level. Thankfully, with the combination of the sexual tension in the room, a room filled with hot and horny women, and of course the help of the "little blue pill", my dick was raging hard and
Instead of being right in front of Niki, I backed off a step or two then turned my ass to her. I grabbed the waist of just the pants and in one quick motion I dropped the pants to my ankles revealing the black thong. The screams intensified almost to the point of it being deafening. I kicked off the pants leaving me in just the thong, socks the boots that came with the costume and of course the mask covering the upper part of my face. I danced my way to Niki and began to gyrate and shake my thong covered dick in her face. Thankfully with her hands and feet tied to the chair, I could push things with her as far as I could without fear of her pulling my thong off. After a few moments like that, I had thrusted my groin to Niki and she responded by lunging at me and somehow able to land a bite on my dick through my thong. I pulled back but the more I pulled, the harder she bit. I have to admit, it actually felt really good. Niki released me from her teeth and I went back to dancing in front of her tempting and teasing her.
After dancing for Niki for a bit, I made my round through the group of ladies again. Unlike Niki who had her hands bound, there were a couple of the ladies that when I got in front of them the reached out and ran their hands over my chest and lower abdominal area. One of the girls, Jennifer, who is one of Niki's bride's maids actually ran her hand down my torso and ended up with her hands on my thong covered cock. When her hands landed on my swollen cock, the ladies cheered and screamed encouraging her to take things even further. Sensing that things were getting out of control, I quickly pulled away moving on to the next lady in the group. When I finally finished making my round, I headed back to Niki looking to finish off with teasing her with pulling off my thong before I ended "the show".
In front of Niki, I stood with my back to her. I bent at my waist till my chest was parallel to the floor. I grabbed the waistband of the thong and with my ass facing Niki I pulled the thong over the cheeks of my ass. I thought the screams were crazy loud but when I did that I thought my ear drums were going to explode. There I was with my ass cheeks exposed to Niki, I pulled the thong back up. Much to the chagrin of the of the ladies I stood back up. faced Niki and looked to close my show off by giving Niki one last tempt and tease by gyrating my thong covered cock in the bride's face. I stepped towards Niki and began to thrust and shake in front of her. I reached for her head with my right hand and pulled her to my groin area. I playfully started to grind my dick into her face. Just when I was about to pull away, Niki managed to again grab my dick with her teeth. This time, her bit was a bit more intense and unlike the first one, it felt like she wasn't going to let me go. I decided to play along for a moment when two of the ladies quickly came to Niki and began to untie her...… wait...… this wasn't part of the plan!!!!!
My dick was in Niki's teeth and now her hands were free. I tried to pull away but as I did, I felt a hand on my ass cheek pushing me back to the bride. I looked over my shoulder to see who it was and it was my own wife!!!!! Karen was behind me and she was forcing me forward to Niki. Just then, one of the girls in the group began to chant, "Suck his dick! Suck his Dick!....." Soon, all the ladies joined her. Niki now had a hand on my thong covered cock and her other hand was working its way beneath the material of the thong. Unsure of what to do, I froze for a moment...… then Karen leaned her head next to mine then tells me, "Do what they want stripper boy! They want to see the bride suck your dick!" With that, the grip of Karen's hand on my ass intensified. Her grip got so strong that I could feel her nails digging into the flesh of my ass cheek.
I looked down at Niki who's attention was still locked on my groin area. Still unsure of what was going on, I saw Karen's hand reach around me landing on the waistband of my thong. In one fast motion, Karen yanked my thong down allowing my swollen cock to spring free of it's restraint. My dick popped out and sprung up almost hitting Niki in her face. My dick was so hard that it actually was pointing up slightly above horizontal to the ground. It only took a second for Niki to reach up and secure my cock in her hand. Her hand grabbing my cock resulted in the ladies screaming their approval. A second or two, Niki lunged forward taking my dick in her mouth! The warmth of her mouth was a welcome change to the chill of the air conditioned room. Niki's mouth adjusted as she leaned forward taking most of my dick in her mouth. The more she took in her mouth, the more the ladies screamed. Not since Karen and I began dating has my dick been touched by another woman let alone in another woman's mouth...… Damn it sure felt good! Niki began to bob her head forward and back on my cock and as she did, a lone hand landed on the back of her head... that hand belonged to my Karen. With Karen's help, Niki took more and more of my just over 9in cock in her mouth.
When Niki was able to finally take all of my dick in her mouth, she pulled herself away and off gasping for air! She collected herself for a second then secured my cock with her hand then started to stroke me. The bride used her saliva on my cock as lubricant as she stoked me. This went on for a moment before she dove in again taking my dick in her mouth! Over the next few minutes Niki skillfully sucked and stroked my dick to the cheers of the ladies in the room. I was in complete and total bliss under Niki's masterful oral skills and found myself building within. The chants of the women were now totally synced as they continued to chant, "Suck his dick! Suck his dick!....." Feeling the energy of the room, I decided to take control of the moment. I held Niki's head with my hands holding her steady. I looked around at the women still cheering her on then began to dictate things by thrusting in and out of Niki's mouth! The women cheered and screamed even more and soon their chants turned to "Fuck her face! Fuck her face!....." Soon I was timing my thrust in and out with their chants and the entire room was filled with women in a complete and total frenzy! I felt the urge to blow my load building in me and i was coming to a point where I really wasn't sure what to do next. Thankfully, Niki forced herself off of my dick giving me a much needed reprieve.
Niki stood up and the blink of an eye had her dress around her waist. She struggled to get her fitted light-pink dress below her hips and as she pulled it further down, it exposed her pink colored lace thong panty. Niki was stepping out of her dress then she turned her back to me. I got a glimpse of Niki's incredible ass and the tattoo of a pair of red lips on her right ass cheek. Niki backed up a bit brushing her backside against me. I stepped back unsure of what her intention was. With a slight gap between us, Niki bent over at her waist grabbing the seat of the chair she was in only moments ago. I grabbed my dick and flopped it the crack between Niki's ass cheeks and that got the ladies to scream again! The music was still pumping and as my time with these ladies went further, they got more and more crazy and out of control by the minute. I slapped my dick against Niki's ass cheeks a couple of times then she looked over her shoulder and mouthed to me, "Fuck me!" I know what I saw coming from her mouth but I was in a state of utter disbelief..... did she really just ask me to fuck her?!?! And if she did, what was I supposed to do..... after all, Karen was right there in the room!
Because my attention was locked in on Niki, I was totally unaware of where my wife was. Niki again looked back at me but this time she didn't just mouth those same words to me, she called it out lude enough that a few of the ladies heard her. "Fuck me!" As soon as Niki said that, the ladies closest to her heard her and they began a new chant, "Fuck her! Fuck her!....." the chant began with just the two next to Niki but it only took a second for the rest to catch on. The entire room was now flowing along calling me to fuck the bride. Just like she did a few minutes earlier, Karen leaned in next to my head and whispered in my ear, "Go head stripper boy..... do what the bachelorette wants.... Fuck her! Stick that big dick of yours in her pussy and fuck her!" I was frozen stiff as my mind processed those words that came out of my wife's mouth. My mind was spinning a thousand miles an hour and I really thought that I had lost all sense of reality...….
I felt a hand on my cock. I looked down and it was Karen's hand. She held me pointing my dick straight at Niki's pussy. I felt her other hand on my ass cheek and felt her nails digging into my flesh. Out of pure reaction, I lunged forward to get away from the pain that Karen's nails were inflicting on my cheeks. My surge forward resulted in my dick popping into Niki's pussy!! The initial thrust got just the head of my cock into Niki and the ladies in the room went absolutely berserk. They all saw my dick slip into Niki and they all began to high-five each other and cheer on their friend! With the head of my dick in Niki, Karen's hand on my as pushed me forward burying more of my cock into her friend. I had gotten about half of my dick in Niki when I pulled out of her. I pulled every bit of my dick out and my cock sprung out bouncing up ever so slightly. Karen grabbed my cock again with her hand and then used her other hand to start pushing me toward Niki. Realizing that I was now fully "all in" on this, I didn't need much of Karen's help to slide my dick back in her. Karen had me poised right at the entrance to Niki's hole and this time I pushed myself forward plunging my cock into the bride.
Niki was definitely dripping wet but she is also very tight. I managed to get all but the last inch or two in her before it felt like I bottomed out. I pulled back our but this time I left my head in her. In I went again and this time I was able to get all of my dick in Niki's cunt. I held myself in against her and seeing that I had slid all of my dick in her the ladies all began to chant again, "Fuck her good! Fuck her good!...." It didn't take long before my thrusts were in time with their chants. In and out I went plunging my cock completely into my wife's friend. I fucked her till I began to feel the urge in my balls build. I knew that if I kept this up, I wouldn't last much longer.
I pulled my dick out of Niki and no sooner did I dislodge myself from her did she spin around and drop to her knees. My dick was covered in a layer of her pussy juices still erect as could be. With Niki on her knees, she took my cock and stuffed it in her mouth. She treated my dick like a starving animal that got its first taste of food in weeks. She went after my dick like there was no tomorrow. Back and forth she went on my dick using her mouth and hands in perfect unison working my cock. She looked like a porn star with the way she attacked me and it was definitely one of the best blowjobs I had ever felt. I allowed Niki to control the action and as she did the ladies cheered her on! Their cheers began with "Suck his dick" but then quickly turned to "Make him cum!" Back and forth she went on my dick driving me absolutely wild with her skills.
Niki had put me on the edge of an orgasm then all of a sudden she stopped. She pulled my dick from her mouth and there was a large glob of her saliva covering me and hanging from the head. She stood up and reached for Karen. "You're gonna let him fuck YOU NOW!", Niki told my Karen. She went on to tell Karen that if she got fucked by the stripper then she knew there'd be no way she would tell Chris what she had just done. Karen was bewildered with what Niki told her and as she stood there somewhat dumbfounded, Niki and a couple of the other bride's maids started to hike up Karen's dress. With her dress around her waist it exposed her flesh colored sating thong underwear. Karen was thrown into the chair that Niki was in and when she landed in the chair her legs flew open. I looked down at my wife's pussy and the material that covered her was soaking wet. Niki pulled on my wife's thong and had it off of her in no time. Niki took my wife's thong and put it over my head like a necklace. "Here Mr. Fireman.... this is a gift from me to you!" My wife was there with her legs open and her bald pussy ready for me to enter her. I made my way to Karen and she playfully tried to tell Niki and the rest "no" but it was all for show.
I got to the point where I was ready to slide my dick into my wife and just before I did, one of the bride's maids was able to unzip the back of Karen's dress. Karen wiggled her way out of the top of her dress revealing the matching bra. I leaned in and pulled her bra exposing her nipple and began to lick and suck on it! that drove Niki and the rest over the top! I started to ease my dick in her and thanks to her being so damn wet i slid all of my dick into my wife. With all of the carnal action going on, I went directly to fucking Karen with all I had. As I fucked her the women in the room resumed their chants of "Fuck her good! Fuck her good!" That went on for a while till the chant of "Make him cum!" started. I kept fucking my wife till I was on the verge of blowing my load. Knowing how I am just before I explode, Karen pushed me away. She climbed up off the chair and pulled Niki back down on to it. With her friend back on the chair legs wide open, I knew that if I were to start fucking Niki, I'd be finished. So I decided to flip the script.
I dropped to my knees in front of Niki and leaned in to devour up her well fucked pussy. Her bald pussy was a slight shade of pink from the pounding that I had already given it and her pussy juices that had turned milky white was smeared all over her cunt. Realizing what I was about to do, Niki spread her legs open wider then used her index and middle fingers to spread her lips for me. I dove into the amazing pussy before me and started to lap it up. Damn she tastes amazing...… Lick after lick I was able to drive her closer and closer to her orgasm but it also gave me time to back off mine. I licked her inner lips and occasionally gave a slight bite to one then the other. With her inner lip between my teeth, I would give her a tug relishing in her reaction. After a little while of doing that, I started to focus on her love button,
My tongue glanced over her clit and she shuttered from her head to her toes. I gave her a few more licks and it only took a second or two when I felt her clit super hard and she was squirming almost out of control. I knew that she was on the verge of an orgasm so I decided to do to her what Karen can never get enough of..... As I licked her clit, I inserted my middle finger into her hole. With about half of my finger in her, I stroked the upper, inner wall of her pussy. Niki started to scream, "Oh my gawd…… Oh my gawd….. That's it!!!!!" As soon as Niki let those words out, the ladies started a new chant, "Make her cum! Make her cum!...." That chant filled the room as I sent Niki over the edge. Niki began to buck uncontrollably with her legs shuttering and shaking. Her legs went from as wide as humanly possible to squeezing tightly around my head. The harder she squeezed the more I fought to stay in there. I continued to finger and lick Niki till she couldn't take much more.
The room was filled with screams from Niki and the other women. They cheered Niki as she rolled through the waves of her orgasm. Everything in that room was a complete blur at that point and I really couldn't believe that what was happening to me was really going on...… I thought that if what was going on was a dream, please don't anyone wake my up! When it seemed like Niki had begun to roll through the final stages of her orgasm, I got back up to the point where I could resume fucking her!
I got back on my knees and had my dick ready to reenter Niki. I pressed her legs open and with one hand under her knee holding her leg up and open I used my other hand to guide my dick back in her. It didn't take much effort to slide all of my dick in her this time. As more of my dick entered her Niki reached for my neck and wrapped her arms around me. I held her on her hips and began to pump her as hard and fast as I could..... Niki screamed and begged me to fuck her as hard as I could. In and out I went on her then about a minute into that, she began to shiver and shutter again...…. Niki screamed that she was going to cum again! That got the ladies into another frenzy as they cheered her on to and through her second orgasm. As she began to buck, I could feel the walls of her pussy compress and release on my dick. I kept up my pace hoping to send her into the highest level of sexual bliss possible.
As Niki rolled through the waves of her second orgasm, she pulled me tighter to her. "Fuck me.... Fuck me... Fuck me!" she demanded! She looked into my eyes and told me, I want your cum in me!!!!! That was it..... hearing that sent me over the edge faster than ever and two thrusts later I was blowing my load in Niki. When the first rope of cum unloaded in Niki, I held her tightly... every muscle in my body was tense then it released. I felt the ropes of cum release form me and into Niki's pussy. She pulled me closer to her getting her and I nose to nose. As soon as our noses touched, everything in the room seemed to go silent because all I could hear was Niki telling me that she could feel my cum getting deposited in her...… Niki leaned to me then planted a huge wet and juicy kiss on my lips. We kissed for only a moment when I felt Niki's tongue slid into my mouth. I returned to tonguing with her and we kissed as the final drops of cum seeped out of my dick.
As my dick began to go limp, I pulled myself off of Niki. I stood completely up. My now semi-limp cock was covered in a cocktail mix of Niki's juices, some of Karen's juices and my own cum. When I stood completely up, my dick was about the same level as Niki's face. She reached out and took my dick in her hand then brought her mouth to me. Niki took my dick in her mouth sucking me clean of the mess we had created. When Niki had cleaned me off, she pulled her face away form me and I received a whack on my bare ass. It was Karen. "Ok Mr. Fireman...… You've been great..... Our bride here got all she wanted and more!"
Karen led me to the small bedroom of the suite where I was to get dressed before I left. She closed the door and tells me that she was so thankful for me for filling in as the stripper...… She gave me a kiss on my lips then tells me, "By the way... that was only PART of my way of thanking you.... I hope you got more left, 'cause when I'm done here, I'm coming over to our room and fucking you the rest of the night!" I got dressed and Karen led me to the door of the suite. She gave me a kiss at the door then headed back to the room with the other women. As she promised, when she made her way back to her room, we made love and fucked till the sun came up.
Three days later, Niki and Chris got married. I attended the wedding with Karen and after the ceremony I went to give my congratulations to the bride and groom. I gave Chris a "bro hug" and shook his hand, then I went to Niki. I gave Niki a congratulatory hug and when we embraced, she leaned her head to mine and whispered in my ear, "Karen is a very lucky woman...… you are an amazing lover Mr. Fireman!"