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- Female Dominant Stories : She Kissed Me Deep As His Fat Cock Slid Into Her
She kissed me deep as his fat cock slid into her
I’m Glen, my beautiful, sexy wife is Lynn. Our recent separation from monogamy and trip down the path of hedonist debauchery has lead us here, to SLS, the rabbit hole to guide us deeper into our pillow secrets.
Lynn is an acting hobbyist, part time thespian and lover of the arts. She could act in a lot more roles, but does not want a long term gig or seek fame and fortune. A commercial here, play there and being occasional back ground fodder for a low budget movie is right up her ally, and satisfies her ego well.
At 5’3” 120lbs, she would blend into any scene if it were not for her eye popping, smoking hot body. Lynn is a milf of the highest standards. She sets the bar high for 4o year old women. She is proportioned for lust. Full hand filling firm breast with eraser sized nipples, shoulder length brown hair and ass you could bounce a quarter off of and get two dimes and a bent nickle back, and a smile that is approachable and honest.
We’ve been married 11 years, sex has always been fantastic and she will take the lead more often than not. I dread getting old with her. I swear she’s going to kill me in bed on a Viagra overdose just trying to keep up with her, but hell if I don’t go out like a fireworks.
I’m also 40, and in good shape, but you just don’t know Lynn. She will ride my 6” like a stolen Harley and can suck my very soul from out of my cock. She says she is my personal slut and intends to keep me addicted. I’m addicted alright, and her desire to please me is clear and warming. I love my little slut and want to please her equally.
A few weeks ago, Lynn’s agent called from the Orlando office and Lynn put her on speaker phone. Pauline, her agent said a small budget film with some director we’d heard the name of a few times was filming on location and there was a roll she thought would challenge Lynn.
It involved a troubled man in a troubled relationship, a woman who loved him, but he could not be faithful and hooked up with any woman he could bed down. Lynn’s roll would be playing one of the women he hooks up with, in a nude three minute sex scene. She would just be one more woman he was unfaithful with, emphasizing the mans infidelity issues. There were to be four identical scenes with 4 different actresses to convey his addictive behavior.
Pauline noted Lynn had not done but one topless scene, but thought she fit the profile of the type of women the troubled man found to be his kryptonite. She told Lynn to consider the roll and get back with her the next day.
Lynn was both excited about the roll as an actress but also a whole lot concerned about a nude sex scene. She was not too concerned about who may see this low budget B movie, unlikely anyone we knew would.
We discussed it at length, and I fully supported her decision either way, I in fact encouraged her ever so slightly to try something she’d not done, and the pay was really good, which did not hurt. Lynn said she’d think about it and decide in the morning.
As we went to bed Lynn had snuggled up to me and laid there for a while. She finally spoke, asking how I felt about her simulating screwing some guy. I thought a second and said, probably proud, hell I have an awesomely hot wife, and after all it’s just acting, no real sex taking place, just a roll.
She started to rub my cock and found I already had a semi. Is that from thinking of all the men who may see me, being naked and naughty, Lynn asked with a giggle. I said, blasted dick has mind of it’s own, it seems it is. She began to suck my dick and had me harder than steel in no time. Maybe, I can get a roll doing this, Lynn said, then sucked my dick to the base and just kept it there, percolating, working her tongue on me soft and slowly.
I told her she had better stop or I would blow, but Lynn said, blow, cum in my mouth. I rarely get a full blow job, preferring to take it to the next level and having sex with her. But she was clear, lay back and enjoy it. With in a few minutes I was at the point of no return and told Lynn I was about to cum. She slow jerked my cock and went deep as I blew my load down her throat. Lynn took it all, and stayed on my dick, sucking and licking until I was clearly dead to the world. Ever so often she just wants to suck my cock. Morning came and Lynn accepted the roll and got all of the information. The next day I took Lynn to the set, at a luxury resort hotel in south Orlando on International Dr. Two rooms were taken for the set.
We arrived and met the director and Lynn signed a bunch of paperwork then was given a sheet of perhaps two short lines, and directors instructions. There were only about six words to speak on her part, the scene was simple to build clarity concerning the troubled mans depth of cheating and sex addiction for multiple women.
A couple hours later props were set, lighting was checked, sound was checked, and all sorts of wires, two cameras, fans and computer monitors were taking up most of the room and all pointing at the bed from the side. The bed had been moved across the room to make space for the equipment.
The main actor, Greg, the man Lynn was supposed to do the scene with showed up from the other room. He seemed ok, about my size 5’10, similar weight about 170, with a nice smile and holding his paperwork. He was wearing a thick white hotel robe.
He greeted Lynn and said he was nervous and asked Lynn if she was. Lynn said not to bad, just awkward, it was her first time doing this type scene. Greg said it was his first time as well.
The director’s assistant brought Lynn a white robe just like Greg had on and told her she could change in the bathroom, so off she went to put the robe on. Greg and I made our own introductions and chatted a few minutes as Lynn changed out of her cloths. He seemed a cool guy I could have a beer with.
Lynn comes out of the bathroom wearing the white cotton robe and hands me her cloths in bag. In no time Greg and Lynn were called over to the scene and standing by the bed. I suppose it was the directors assistant, was giving them some instructions. I remained in my seat along the far wall.
A call was made for all but the essential technical people, to leave the room as they were about to shoot the scene. I was allowed to remain as were two camera operators the director, his assistant and the sound guy. No sooner had they left, I noticed Lynn and Greg were removing their robes and the directors assistant was guiding them into the right positions. Lynn looked sexy as hell and I notice the camera guys looked at each and smiled.
Lynn was directed to lay back with two pillows under her shoulders and head, with legs bent at the knees. Greg was then directed to get between Lynn’s spread legs. That’s when I caught a glimpse of his cock. I thought wow, he was big there. I’m six inches and decent thick and this guy’s meat dwarfed mine and he was still limp.
I seen Lynn look down at his cock and it seemed like she froze for second, eyes fixed on his meat, then snapped back to the job at hand. There was some hair moved here, arms there and legs here, by the assistant, satisfied she finally stepped out of the scene.
The assistant yells out quiet on the set. Then the director takes command with, alright, let’s get this right on one take everyone, ready and Action. I watched Greg begin kissing, deep kissing with tongues and moans, then began to simulate fucking Lynn.
His ass moving up and down like he was deep fucking her slowly. This went on for a minute or two and the director said, breast. Then Greg began to kiss Lynn’s breast and suck a nipple into his mouth. Damn, I was beginning to feel the sprouting a boner as the scene unfolded. That went on for minute or so, and I became aware, I now had a steel hard cock.
That’s it, use the full body now Greg, the director called out quietly. Greg began to hunch his body up and down, what would be pelvic grinding into her clit. I watch Lynn’s hands grab his ass cheeks and encourage his movements. Man, my dick was going crazy.
Ready for your line Lynn, in one, two, the director said, and I heard my wife say, “I want you to cum inside me tonight, Bobby”. Damn, my dick swelled up even harder. I was finding this whole scene a massive turn on.
They did the grinding sex for a minute or two then the director says, build on it Greg, a bit harder now. Greg began banging into Lynn like he was fucking her hard, and Lynn was moaning and kissing him with passion, her hands moving all over his naked body. I was really into the scene and honestly felt a bit disturbed at myself for having a hardon from watching this scene go down.
Big finish Greg, I heard the director say. Then Greg slams into Lynn a few more times then pushes hard against her as if cumming deep inside her. Line Greg, the director said. Greg gives his line, God, you’re so good, Kathy. Lynn’s line followed, Gail, I’m Gail, and they froze looking at each other.
Cut, the director called out and director’s assistant called out it’s a wrap, and the crew began to shut everything down. She tossed Lynn and Greg their robes and I noticed they both were suddenly a bit red faced as they put on the robes with their backs turned towards the room.
The assistant and director seemed pleased and Lynn came by and to get her cloths and get dressed, but she had big smile on her face like something was up.
We get into the car and Lynn is laughing and saying that Greg started getting an erection as they did their rolls, and when the director said harder, his meat was thumping her clit. Lynn turned a little red and said he kept whispering he was sorry as his dick ground against her slit.
Lynn said the directors assistant offered them some type of tape, but since it was a just a few minutes they opted out to avoid having to pull the tape off their sensitive areas as apparently it is very tacky. Perhaps I should have put some tape on, are you angry, she reflected. I said hell no, that was a hot scene, so maybe that added to it.
Lynn looked at me and said, hot. Then looked me up and down and her jaw about dropped when she noticed I had a full blown hardon. Then she smiled as she gripped my dick and said, maybe I should of just let him slid it in me while were at it. My bastard dick throbbed so hard in her hand.
We get home and are ripping each others cloths off and I’m on top of her as she guides my cock into her in a frenzy of lust. I shove my cock deep inside and we both moaned out loud and started fucking like animals.
Did you feel his cock thumping your pussy, I heard the words spill from my lips in my heated state and upon actually hearing the words, I was almost ashamed or shocked, maybe even frightened of what I’d just said, but any such feeling was as quickly displaced as Lynn echoed back, yes, yes his fat cock was pounding against my pussy. I shoved my hands under her butt and pulled her up into me and we just fucked.
Did you like his fat cock, I almost growled out at Lynn. Yessss, his cock felt so nice mashing against my wet puss, she stopped mid sentence and said baby I’m cumming, fuck me, fuck me. I pounded into her hard and could hear the wet slaps of our bodies colliding together, but knew I was a goner as soon her body began jerking and shaking when her orgasm flooded over her.
That set me off quick, and I unloaded a massive load deep inside Lynn, but just kept fucking her wet pussy as I was cumming in powerful pulses of blissful orgasm. Orgasms fading, we fell into a heap on the bed, panting for air, gazing at the ceiling. That was awesome, I was able to mutter after several minutes of just gasping. It was, man I came so hard, Lynn agreed.
It was only 5pm, but we’d worked up an appetite, so we decided to go out and eat early. We were finishing our dinner, and so far had no talk of our wild sex earlier, then Lynn says, So, imagine if Greg’s dick had accidentally, just slid in me. I couldn’t break character, I’d just had to let him fuck me until he pulled it out, and say my lines like a professional.
Babe, are you deliberately trying to give me a boner, I exclaimed. Ha, it’s true, she said. What is true, I ask. Well, guys will say and do anything when their dick is hard, and I do love your hard cock, but after a man cums, they can have different feelings, but you are the same, the mention of another man’s cock in me really does excite you doesn’t it.
I never thought it would, but these last couple of days seem to have awakened a new part of what seems to turn me on. Not like I can choose what turns me on, I say. Oh, it turned me on too, and that is the last thing I’d every thought would, but damn, you seen me cum an hour ago. I never suspected. I hope you don’t think I’m a tramp, she says.
I shook my head no and was about to answer when Lynn’s phone rang out. She answered it, and I hear, oh no, no I’m still in the area, yes, yes, okay, got it, bye. She looked up at me her eyes big and a smile of disbelief.
That was Pauline, oh my god. My scene today had to be tossed, reflections off the window or something. They want me to do the scene over, in one hour. Apparently me and one other woman did the scene before they discovered the bad reflections so we both are re-shooting. And I get paid for another scene.
Well, I said, I guess we better finish our drinks and head to the hotel. We both talk about the scene as we make our way down International Dr like two school kids excited about something grand. We both knew this was fuel for future fantasies.
We get to the set and Greg is already in a robe and sitting in one of the seats we’d had earlier. He smiled and said I guess you heard. Lynn said yes, it was a shame the footage was scr*ped. Greg said it had been a long day, he’d done five of the same scene with the four different women, leaving only Lynn’s second take, and he sure could use a drink.
I said well maybe after the shoot we can grab a drink, then the directors assistant came up and handed Lynn the robe, and she darted into the bath room to change. Greg seemed a little shy, as if he suspected Lynn had told me about him getting hard with my wife, so I just blurted out, Lynn said she had fun shooting that scene with you, said it was nice, I know it looked hot. But, as soon as I said that I felt a bit awkward.
Oh, great, she’s the perfect actress to work with, calm and poised, professional. I agreed. Then he ask, so she enjoyed the earlier take, he asked adding, and you thought the scene look okay, believable, he asked.
I said oh yea, it was great, I’m sure the camera made it look even more real. And yes, Lynn said for her first such a scene, it, felt really good. Greg nodded, and said, good, I hope it all goes as well this time. Yes, I could use a good drink after this.
The set had been running and set up since early morning so as soon as Lynn came out the call to positions was announced. Lynn hands me her cloths bag again and says, here I go. I say if it accidental slides in, be professional, I grinned. She smiled and literally trotted over to the bed.
The assistant spoke to them and there was some nodding of heads and the robes began to come off. I could see the back of the assistant and Lynn was looking at her and shook her head no, then I seen assistant’s hand come to view and almost hand Greg what looked like something shiny, he almost took it the shook his head no as well. This seemed to please Lynn. I was wondering if they both just denied the personal tape again.
They were guided into position and lights popping on and boom lowering and I was getting a hardon. I watched Greg settling between Lynn’s spread legs again, and I had to re-arrange my growing hardon. I was hoping Greg got another hardon too, and the idea excited me.
The director’s assistant called for ready and quiet on the set, and it became so. Is there a fucking reflection camera 2, the director almost shouted. No, director, I heard a sheepish confirmation. okay, actors ready, you done this before, you know the lines and timing, so just do it once again. And, action.
I watch Greg and Lynn begin to kiss like long lost lovers, and his body inches up onto Lynn and there is a slight pause with a push and I watch the action unfold as he simulated fucking my wife, or should I say the character’s Gail and Bobby began to fuck.
The scene had no direction, the actors knew the lines and just had to repeat what Greg had already done five times. I was watching the slow grinding of Greg on Lynn and her expressions were quite real and believable. She’s a splendid actresses, I thought.
And it gets harder, the director says. Greg pushes up on his arms a little and I watch one long slow push forward, a pause then he begins to fuck her harder. Lynn’s hands grab his ass she begins to pull him into her like she did before and pushing her ass up to greet his thrust.
The scene was getting very hot, and the passion seemed to escalate when the director says, big finish Greg. Greg slams into Lynn a few solid final thrust and then pushes deep and waits, God you feel so good, Kathy, Greg moans, Gail, my name is Gail, Lynn replies. Cut, the director shouts, and the assistant calls out, that’s a wrap. Really good work, you two, best shot of day, the director the tells Lynn and Greg.
The assistant tosses the robes to Lynn and Greg and their back are again to me as they adorn the cotton robes. The seem to say a few words, Lynn is smiling and turns to head my way. She is still grinning and I hand her the bag of cloths so she could change.
Greg goes into the other room to change into his street cloths and Lynn finally comes out. She seems flushed, but smiling. I said, Greg had mentioned he could use a drink, so I offered to buy him one after the shoot, he should be along any second.
Lynn was grinning but seemed nervous, so I asked what’s up. She looked around to make sure no one could hear or see and she looked at me more seriously. I guess I better tell you now, then. I said tell me what. She bit her lip and seemed highly nervous, more so than I’ve ever seen her, and she whispered to me, I let him fuck me,,, just now.
My expression must have been priceless to her, because I’d never seen such a quick 180 degree change in attitude when I said, really, seriously, his dick was just in you, that’s so fucking awesome. Your not just teasing me are you, I ask. She shakes her head no quickly and her look of concern was instantly replaced with that smile I love so much. He got so hard, so I let it slid in.
Wow, that’s awesome, I said. She looks down at my cock pitching a tent and laughs, God, I’m so glad to see that, I was so worried, it was a wild, very spontaneous act, base on our conversations earlier, she said. I turned away from the few remaining in the room and re-positioned my steel hard cock.
Did he cum, I asked. Lynn frowned and said no, he was just in for a few moments near the end of the scene. I said damn, I could fuck you right here on this floor, right now. Lynn bounced up on her toes, clearly happy I had enjoyed what just went down.
Greg was dressed and stepping up to us, how’s it going. I asked if he was ready for that drink. Greg glances at Lynn real fast and back to me saying, he’d kill for a drink with us. We stepped into the hotel corridor and I asked Lynn, our place is only twenty minutes from here, maybe Greg would like to come over and have that drink there instead of a crowed bar.
Lynn smiles real big, what a smart idea, what do you say Greg. He is quick to take us up on the offer so we give him the address and he agrees to meet us there after he stops by his hotel for a quick shower.
We separate in the parking lot and as Lynn and I head to the car I say, seriously, you had his cock inside your pussy. She takes my arm as we walk and says, yes, and it’s quite thick and very hard.
On the drive home I reach over and get my hand up her skit, she spreads her legs and I am met with a soaking wet pussy, dripping from deep inside. His cock was right there, Lynn said. Damn baby that’s so hot, and your so wet.
We get to the house and step inside. We are both pumped and excited. We stop in the middle of the room and look at each other. You’re going to fuck him, again, I said matter of factually, like it just a calm fact of things. She nods, yea, I’m going to fuck, him again. And I’m fucking you too, she adds.
Let’s get ready, I say, and we bolt to the shower and shower together. I had to put my finger inside her pussy while in the shower. Was his cock here, I asked. Lynn nods, says yes, his cock was so deep in there where my finger was, and kisses me tenderly. She squeezes my hardon with a firm grip. You like that, I can tell, she says softly.
I kiss her wet lips, the shower water is splattering on our skin and running down our faces, I have a finger deep inside her pussy and she is death gripping my swollen cock.
Fuck him good baby, fuck the shit out of him, I say. She clinches both arms around me and pulls me tight and says I will husband, I will fuck him so good he will never forget it, and kissed me as the mirrors steamed over.
Lynn gets clothed in small white spaghetti strap top that hangs just below her breast, and a short black skit that just hides her butt cheeks while standing. I look at her and tell her how hot she looks.
I slip into my white cotton pajama pants and a wife beater. Not a term I say I like, but these undershirts are comfortable for around the house. We get a beer and sat down on the sofa.
I ask if she is nervous, and she says maybe just a tiny bit, but definitely excited. I said yea, I just felt your pussy, you couldn’t deny it if you had too. I think someone else will get excited soon, too. I nod yes just as the door bell chimed.
Oh my god, he’s here, Lynn says with a mix of panic and excitement. I said I will get the door, and went over and opened it and greeted Greg, and invited him in. He said what a lovely home, Lynn is a tidy house keeper and a good actress he says.
I said have a seat there by Lynn and I’ll grab you a drink, is beer ok , I ask. He said absolutely then said hi to Lynn and sat down. Lynn say hello and glad he could make it over. You look real nice, I heard Greg say as I stepped into the kitchen for drinks, and Lynn said thank you, so do you. I get back with beer and hand him one, then sat Lynn and my second one on the table. The talk goes into acting and how long Greg had been on the set today, and shooting five of the exact same scenes with the four different women.
Greg said the whole film was going to only be in production for about two weeks, and that today’s work seemed to take a long time considering how much actual filming was to be done.
Lynn agreed it seemed a long shoot for only four scenes. She said she needed to run to the bathroom and would be right back. Greg and I watched her walk out of the room, her black skirt showing off some of her sweet butt cheeks.
As she disappeared Greg commented on he was glad to get a chance to work with Lynn, that is was memorable. I was thinking yea, you had your cock inside my wife, but what I said was, She really enjoyed working with him, and we look forward to seeing the scene in the completed film.
Lynn come back and her nipples are poking firmly against the thin white cotton top. She steps to the sofa and turns to sit, but bends over to get her beer off the table, and her skirt rides way up her butt, exposing about half of her backside.
She was in no hurry, and gave us a long look before she finally raised up and took a drink of her beer, then sat down, this time a bit closer to Greg. I asked if they thought the scene was well planned out, positions and camera angles.
Greg said he thought it worked out ok. Lynn said, she thought it was ok, but they could of mixed things up a bit to make it more exciting. I said what do you mean Lynn. She paused a second and got up then sat her beer down, again giving us a good view of her tight little butt.
Lynn then turns around and straddles Greg. You mind, she asked him. Greg says not at all. ok, so from here, it can look like what they basically wanted, some sex. Then she begins to move her ass back and forth on Greg’s crotch.
I said, yea, that looks nice, that could of worked I suppose. Then, Greg, or Bobby and Gail in the film can do everything, see we can kiss, Lynn says and leans in and begins kissing Greg. They are kissing deep and it’s getting heated. I say okay, I can see that working, just as well, absolutely. Lynn pulls away a little, and then the Bobby character can easily reach the character Gail’s,, breast very easily. Check it out, she says.
I’ll be the director, so action, Lynn says, and they begin kissing again and after a minute or so, Lynn says he then feels her breast. Greg’s hands go right under her thin top and he’s massaging her breast and playing with her nipples. The shirt is pushed completely above her breast and they continue to kiss and Greg feeling her breast, all the while her ass his scooting back and forth on his crotch as if fucking him.
Finally, Lynn leans back, but stays on Greg’s lap. I say, well that seemed to a good alternative and that would have been a great scene but, the simulated sex, I don’t know how that would play out like that, I said.
Lynn pull her top off and tosses it aside, her beautiful breast once again in full view of her co-worker, then stands up and begins to pull her skirt off. There, not like you have not already, seen me naked she says. So, take em off, let’s see how the scene would of worked, Lynn says.
Greg is quick to stand up, and I can see he has a hardon under his pants. His shirt came off, then he removed his pants and quickly sat back down, but his hard cock was fully exposed. His dick was clearly much thicker than mine, and some two inches longer, and the idea it was in my wife earlier caused my own dick to steel up like a lead pipe.
ok, Lynn says and again straddles Greg, now here is how it would appear. You be the director baby, call action, Lynn says to me. I say action, and Lynn leans into Greg and they begin to kiss passionately. Soon his hands got to her firm breast and takes them fully into his grip. I look down and see Lynn’s ass moving back and forth in Greg’s naked crotch. Lynn moves forward with her hips and I know her slit is running up and down his shaft and pressing it into his abs.
One of Greg’s hands abandons Lynn’s breast and cups her ass cheek, helping her slid up and down. It’s looking hot and my dick has a tent pitched and going no where.
After a couple of minutes, I say, cut. Well, I see one issue, Greg’s cock is still visible from at least two angles, and the original position hid that, so you can’t be having sex in the scene if his tool is showing. Maybe the director was correct in his choice.
I see, Lynn said, ok so scoot down some Greg. He held onto Lynn’s ass and scooted lower into the sofa, almost but not quite laying on his back. I watch Lynn crawl further up Greg’s body saying, I know this can work, ready baby.
Lynn is shuffling about, I’m sure getting her wet pussy spread across his fat cock shaft. Action, I say. And I was right, as they began kissing again, I watched her petite body glide up Greg’s hard cock and it left a wet spot along the bottom of his hard fat cock. They kissed and he mauled her breast and she slid back and forth on is rigid dick. My own dick was ready to explode.
Ok, that is better, but still, his penis can be seen above and below when you act out the scene. Maybe the director got it right, I implied. Okay, I know this can work, Lynn says. I tell her visually it does work better than the original.
Alright, let’s try something, cause I know it can work, don’t you Greg. Greg said oh yes, it seems to be much better actually. Lynn scoots a little further up Greg’s body. Okay, so last take, say action, Lynn said. I say action.
Greg and Lynn tie into a deep kiss and his hands are all over Lynn’s breast. I watch her ass scooting up and down slowly, then she goes up pretty far and I watch her little ass wiggle a bit and she lowers herself fully onto his lap, they are kissing harder and as her body moved back I could see no evidence of Greg’s cock.
She’s taken him deep into her pussy and was fucking him. I lean out and looked at her ass from behind and see Greg’s fat cock spreading my wife’s pussy wide and she was fucking him with full length slow movements. Her juices coated his cock like syrup. Yes, now that is how the scene should have been shot. That is working. I said.
Lynn leaned back, her body still rocking back and forth on his cock, fucking him with a slow grind. So how does this look to you, she ask. I said it was looking just fine, very hot scene. What do you think Greg, she moans. Greg has his hands on Lynn’s ass, helping her ride his hard cock. Oh yea, this is it for sure, how it should have been shot, he says.
Yes, it looks much hotter, than when you slid you cock into her on the set, I said. Greg smiled and looked at me, so you knew about that little, impromptu act he said. I said yes, Lynn tells me everything.
Lynn is so hot, I could not control getting a hardon. Then I felt my boner tapping her at her entrance when acting out the scene, it had no where else to go really. I could not believe I heard her whisper, do it. With that I just had to ease inside her and take a few strokes to see what she was like.
Lynn was riding him, slow fucking him and looking at me, feeling her breast and smiling. You know his thick cock is inside me now, filling my pussy so full, do you like me doing this, she ask while grinding her pussy on Greg’s meat. I said yes, you look awesome doing that, I got such a hard on right now.
Show it to me, Lynn says to me. I raise up and drop my pants and my dick is like mahogany. I sit back down and Lynn abandons Greg’s cock and gets into doggy position and begins to suck my dick.
Greg gets up and gets behind my wife, he is looking at her ass and stroking his fat cock, still greased wet with her juices. Fuck her, I say. Greg smiles and gets behind Lynn and pushes his cock deep inside my wife, her moan vibrates on my shaft a her tongue works magic on it.
I feel Lynn’s body bumping back and forth as Greg holds her hips and begins to drive his thick cock into her with solid thrust. Soon he’s pounding her pretty good and hard, each time his hard dick bottomed out in her pussy her mouth was pressed deeper onto my shaft.
Lynn spits my dick out, looks at me and says he’s fucking me baby, he’s so deep inside me I’m going to cum. I bend and kiss her lips, they bump into mine with each stroke Greg slams into her. Cum baby, cum all over his fat cock, I say. Watch me, watch me cum on his cock baby, Lynn says louder.
Fuck it, fuck my pussy, Lynn demands to Greg. He responds by fucking her harder and fast. Oh yes, his cock is spreading me so wide, that’s it, don’t fucking stop Greg, fuck that pussy, she almost shouts out.
Greg is holding onto her hips and slamming into her from behind. Lynn takes my cock into her mouth and goes to the base just as her orgasm hits, her moans and cries vibrate around my dick and I can feel her body shake as she cums on his cock.
She spits my dick out and shuffles up onto me and guides my dick up insider her soaking wet pussy. She kisses me in a panic and grinds her cunt into me hard as her lips find my ear.
Do you feel my cum where I came all over his cock, she says is very low sexy voice. God her pussy never felt so good, so hot and wet around my cock. Say yes, you feel so fucking good. Lynn raises her ass up enough that my dick slips out of her pussy. Her head spins back to see Greg and just nods to him and is quickly back to kissing me. I feel her body push harder into me and know his big cock just slid back into my wife’s pussy.
Her lips are at my ear again, he’s fucking me baby, his cock is do deep in me. She has gone into a sex crazed frenzy, kissing me then going back to my ear again. I’m so bad, fucking another man right on top of you. I tell her she is very naughty, she’s a bad girl.
Feel my naughty pussy, she says and raised her ass up off of Greg and sinks back on top of my cock. Lynn is looking into my eyes and giving me her used pussy, feel it baby, feel my naughty pussy, she is panting. I tell her how great her naughty pussy feels.
Yea, you like my naughty pussy, she asks again. I say fuck yes, I loved her naughty pussy. I’m about to make it really naughty for you then, Lynn says, then again she pulls off me and let’s Greg stuff his thick cock back inside her doggy style. She is kissing me madly as Greg fuck her, I can feel her mound grinding against my dick as he shoves deep. I know what his cock is feeling, her wetness, the heat and velvety grip around his shaft.
Fuck man, I can’t hold out any longer, I’m about blow a massive load, Greg announces. He is slamming into Lynn’s ass harder and faster. Yes, oh man her pussy feels so good, I’m about to cum somewhere, fuck he moans out.
Lynn is staring into my eyes but brings her lips to my ear. He is about to cum, his cock is so hard and he’s going to cum. Greg chimes in again, okay, yea I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum in her pussy, oh fuck yes, fuck yes he calls out.
Lynn is whispering in my ear, hear that baby, another man is cumming in my pussy right now, ah,, ah,, ah yes I feel his cum filling my pussy so full. I have such a naughty pussy, she says. Greg has pressed up tight against Lynn’s ass and dumping his last few squirts of jizz up inside my wife. He takes a deep breath and slips out, they sits back onto the sofa.
Lynn lowers her ass and with a simple tilt of her ass my cock slides into pure heaven. Damn her pussy was so wet and hot, I’d never felt pussy like this before, it was simply the best feeling my cock could possibly feel.
Feel my naughty pussy,, do you like me being bad now, Lynn ask. I grab her ass and begin to piston my dick up into her cum filled pussy like a mad man. Lynn laughs a little and says yea, you like it when I’m naughty. I tole her I did. I was not going to last and told her she felt so good I was about to cum.
Cum with me then baby, I’m so close too, fuck my used pussy, fuck it, she growls and I’m pumping up into her as fast as possible. Feel me cum, feel his cum, now you cum baby, add you cum to his and mine, hurry, she says. I feel her orgasm hit as her words stopped, and my own orgasm explodes into her used pussy.
We ride out the orgasm and eventually catch our breath. Lynn gets up and sinks into the sofa as well. And I melt into sofa, dick shrinking and fully content. Greg gets up and begins to dress, he thanks Lynn and I for a very memorable time, and we let him know we also had a great time.
I don’t bother to dress and just walk him to the door and say good bye to our guest. I go back to the sofa and Lynn is sitting up against the arm of the sofa sideways and I sat down at the other arm rest and look at her. Legs spread wide, a white stream of cum leaking out of her hole, beautiful breast and perky nipples peaked out.
This is about a naughty as a woman can get isn’t it, Lynn asked. I say, I don’t know, but she was certainly very naughty tonight. You’re leaking two loads of cum, I say to her. Lynn nods, yes but he told us three times he was going to cum, and you didn’t say anything, so he came in my pussy. You liked that didn’t you, she smiled at me. You know we will do this again, don’t you, I say. She nods, yes.