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- Female Dominant Stories : Sharing Rejuvinated Our Marriage
Sharing Rejuvinated Our Marriage
My wife and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary recently. Of course we have fought about many things over the years, but overall we have had a pretty good run. My name is Scott and my wife’s name is colleen. We are both 43 years old and are still in pretty good shape. Colleen could pass for being in her early 30’s and she still gets looks when we go out. We started dating after high school and we now have two older kids, a dog and a house, so you get the idea. The only problem for us was that 20 years of marriage pretty much destroyed our sex life from what it used to be. We both felt that the spark just wasn’t there and we struggled with it. My best friend describes it by saying whenever you see a hot girl, there is a guy who is tired of fucking her. I compare it to driving the same car for over 20 years. After that long, it’s just not as exciting as it was when you first started driving it. Either way, this was pretty much where me and my wife were at. Colleen and I talked about it and we tried to spice things up, but nothing seemed to work. She bought all kinds of sexy stuff to wear and also suggested that we could watch some porn. It was alright, but getting turned on by watching people on TV in order to have sex with my wife isn’t really what I wanted. I would rather that we turned each other on like we used too. In short, I wanted to want my wife again and she wanted to want me again.
Colleen then came up with the idea that we needed to get back to basics. She told me that she needed some attention from another man and I needed to see it. I thought she was nuts. She told me to hear her out and play along with her. She then proposed that she get dressed up and go out to a hotel bar near where we live and see if she could meet a guy that she would want to fuck if she wasn’t married. This is a bar that is commonly known in our area to be the place to go if you’re looking for a hook up. Her idea was that if she found such a guy, then she would text me to come to the bar and she would recognize me as an old high school classmate. She would then introduce me to the hot guy she just met and I would have to sit there right next to her as she flirted back and forth with him. I really didn’t agree that her plan to make me jealous would somehow reignite that sexual spark between us, but I reluctantly agreed. I’ll explain myself by saying that I’m man enough to admit that my wife is much smarter than me and if she thought this would work, then I was willing to try.
The next Friday night, Colleen got ready to go out and she was dressed in a red mini skirt, red thong, tight top showing off her D sized chest and high heels. I knew she would have no problem getting attention. She left for the hotel bar and told me that she would text me if she found a guy. After about two hours, I was actually surprised that she hadn’t texted me yet. Then about a half hour later, I got the text. She said “come here but just remember I love you with all my heart.” I was like what the fuck does that mean! My mind started to wonder what the hell she was doing, especially with the amount of time that passed. I got in my car and made the ten minute drive there in about five minutes.
I walked into the bar area and I spotted Colleen sitting at the bar next to this guy. My guess was that he was about 45 years old and he was a pretty good looking guy. As I approached the bar, I saw that he had his arm half around her with his hand on the back of her chair. I ordered a drink and was standing behind some people at the bar about ten feet away. I have to admit that I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Colleen turned to look around and saw me standing there. She froze and said “oh my god, Scott.” I walked over to her and the guy took his hand off her chair. She turned to the guy and told him that she had went to high school with me. She then got up and gave me a big hug. She went back to sitting next to this guy and introduced me to Josh. I shook his hand and asked Colleen how she has been. She went on telling me and Josh how she had the biggest crush on me back in school and stuff. I played along and told her that I had no idea. I told Josh that she was a cheerleader back in high school and I didn’t think I would have had a chance with her. We went back and forth like we had just reconnected. She commented on my wedding ring and I told her that I was married, but the sex isn’t what it used to be. She then said “oh my god, I was telling Josh that I have the same problem.” Josh chimed in and told me that he was telling her what guy in his right mind could ever get tired of a girl like her. He lavished her with compliments of how beautiful she was and how sexy she looked. He even asked me my opinion. I told him that I hear it can happen after 20 years of marriage! I also agreed that she is hot and that she is actually hotter now than she was in high school. Colleen told me that I was sweet and said that she had to go to the girls’ room. She swung her chair around toward Josh with her legs wide open and turned her head to me and asked me to keep her seat. I said of course, while looking straight at Josh staring down between my wife’s open legs! Her mini skirt was riding high and there was no doubt that Josh had a clear view. Colleen turned back toward Josh and he realized that he was caught. Colleen asked him if he liked what he saw and he was stuttering. Colleen told him to relax and she would be right back. Josh turned to me and said “holy shit dude, she is fucking hot, she is wearing red lace panties.” I just laughed and told him that it looked like she opened her legs on purpose for him to see. Josh was saying “really, do you think so?” He was telling me that he hoped it was his lucky night and he hoped he could get a “piece” of Colleen’s ass. He went on to say that he was in town for business all week and he had to catch a flight out the next morning. I asked him if he was married and he said that he was single due to the amount of traveling he has to do for his company. He was telling me how every girl he meets back home in Texas can’t deal with him being away so much. Colleen then came back from the bathroom and thanked me with a kiss on the cheek for saving her seat. She climbed back onto her seat and again opened her legs toward Josh again as she slowly spun around to face the bar. Josh couldn’t help himself and didn’t even try to hide looking. As Colleen faced the bar, she asked Josh if it looked better now. Josh said “oh yeah, is it me or is it getting hot in here?” and she laughed saying “yes it is getting hot.” Colleen asked if us boys were getting to know each other while she was in the bathroom and I said yes, telling her how he was here on business from Texas. Colleen corrected me and said yeah from Houston Texas and he sells computer software programs for medical offices. She asked what I was doing now. I played along and told her that I started my own contracting business about 15 years ago and I have 5 full time employees. Colleen acted like she was impressed and said that maybe I could come over her house and give her a price for a new kitchen. As she was talking to me, I saw that she put her hand onto Josh’s leg and kept it there. I told her that a new kitchen wouldn’t be cheap and she said “well maybe we could work something out!” I asked what she was talking about and she said “well you said you don’t get sex like you used to!” I looked over at Josh and he was listening to everything we were saying to each other. I told Colleen that she was beautiful and maybe I would take some money off if she fucked me whenever I wanted while doing the job. Colleen acted surprised and told me that I was very blunt. I then explained that she was pretty blunt herself since she was asking me if we could work something out while I see her hand on Josh’s leg over there. Colleen said “okay you like bluntness, I haven’t been fucked really good in a long time and now I have two good looking guys next to me.” When she said that to me, I felt my cock start to stiffen up and I was at a rare loss for words. I looked over at Josh and he was looking at Colleen in disbelief at what he just heard her say. There was a little awkward silence and he then picked the conversation back up asking me what kind of construction I did. I started telling him what I did when Colleen got up and said that she was going to play some songs on the juke box. Josh cut away from the work topic and asked “was she just saying that she wants to fuck both of us?” I was just like who the hell knows what she meant. Josh then said “dude, she took off her underwear when she went to the bathroom before and gave me a clear view when sitting down. She is shaved clean in case you were wondering.” I now knew what he meant by his comment about it getting hot in here. I was thinking to myself that she is taking this shit way to far but I had to admit to myself that she did give me a chubby without even touching me. Josh was clearly excited thinking that he had a pretty good chance of scoring with my wife and I couldn’t think of anything to say back to him about the fact that she took her underwear off and just gave him a peep show. This was uncharted waters for me.
The next thing I know, I hear our wedding song playing and realized that Colleen played it. She was standing over at the juke box smiling at me, which Josh thought she was smiling at him, LOL. Colleen came back from the Juke box and this time she spread her legs toward me as she spun her chair around. I stared down just like Josh did and Colleen asked me if I liked what I saw. I told her that it looked kind of like my wife’s box and winked at her. Colleen smiled back and said “I bet it would feel the same too.” I pushed the conversation and asked her if she planned on fucking me or Josh. Colleen laughed and said “why not both.” I honestly never expected to hear that come out of her mouth. I was still thinking this was supposed to just be a flirting thing as she tried to get me jealous. Josh obviously overheard what she said and he had a big grin on his face. I honestly didn’t know what to say to her. My attempt to call her bluff didn’t quite go the way I was thinking and I had no idea if she was just playing with me or if she was actually being serious. We had a couple of more drinks and the conversation turned to what it’s like living in Texas and New York. Josh got up to go to the bathroom and I finally had a chance to talk to Colleen. I asked her if she wanted to get going before things went too far and Colleen said that she wanted to stay. She explained that her original plan was to just do some flirting and then asked me if I wanted her to be honest. I looked her right in the eye and reminded her that we are always honest with each other. Colleen told me that she was definitely attracted to Josh and he had gotten her really turned on by just flirting before I showed up. She went on to say that she got even more turned on thinking about the possibility of fucking both of us. Now I definitely didn’t know what to say, knowing that she was serious. Colleen grabbed my hand and slid it between her legs and told me to feel. My fingers slid into her immediately. I can’t even remember the last time I felt her that wet. It was like she spilled a tube of KY between her legs. I asked “so you actually want to fuck this guy for real?” and Colleen said “there is no question in my mind that’s what I want.” I was asking her exactly what the hell she was talking about, like doing a threesome or something? Colleen said “yeah, why not?” We stared at each other for like a minute straight in kind of like a stand off!! Colleen broke the silence and said that she would also like to watch me fuck another woman one day and if I do this with her, she would make sure that we fucked another woman together. When she said that to me, my cock stiffened into a complete raging hard on. Hearing my wife tell me that she wanted to fuck another woman together with me turned me on more than actually thinking about fucking some other girl. I grabbed her hand and put it on my cock. Colleen laughed and said “I will take that as a yes!” I nodded my head as kind of an approval and told her that I never knew she was into kinky shit like that. Colleen said “look we’ve been together a long fucking time. We are both turned on right now just talking about it, so let’s just try it.” I finally said the word “okay.” At that moment, I was thinking to myself that I couldn’t believe my wife just talked me into letting her fuck another guy, but for whatever the reason, she was right about us both being extremely turned on, which hasn’t been the case in years. We had never talked about ever having sex with other people, but in the amount of time that it took Josh to take a piss, our lives changed forever. A few minutes later, josh came back and put his hand back on her leg asking if he missed anything. Colleen put her hand on top of his and intertwined her fingers with his, saying “I was just talking to Scott about fucking both of you.” I wish I had a picture of the look on his face when she said that too him. Josh looked at me and asked what I thought. I told him we should do one more shot and head up to his room if he was game. Josh ordered up three shots of Jameson and Colleen proposed a toast to some hot sex. Colleen asked Josh if he had any condoms, which he replied that he had a box of three in his room. We did the shot and all got up in a rush. We got to the elevator and once inside, Colleen kissed Josh the whole ride up to the third floor. I had never seen her kiss another man passionately like that and it absolutely turned me on. The door opened and Colleen held both of our hands as we walked to his room. We passed an older couple in the hallway and the look on their face was priceless. Colleen noticed the same thing and asked us if we saw the look on their face. I told her that she did look like she could be an escort and we all laughed the rest of the way to the room. Colleen even teasingly asked us how much we would pay for a girl like her. I had to break her balls and I told her that she would be at least worth ten bucks, while Josh said he thought more like $500 an hour!! Colleen laughed and said that it looks like Josh just went to front of the line. You would think I would have learned not to break my wife’s balls by now, LOL.
Once inside the room, Colleen told Josh to get his condoms out and went to the bathroom. Josh got his box of condoms out and we stripped down to our underwear. Josh was telling me that he couldn’t believe that this was happening and I told him that I couldn’t believe it either!! Colleen came out of the bathroom, came over to me and kissed me while rubbing our stiff cocks over our underwear while we sat next to each other on the bed. She said “ooh, you both feel like the same size as my husband.” She then stood in front of both of us and put one leg up on the bed. She pulled up her mini skirt and rubbed her fingers on her pussy and then licked them. She hummed in approval on tasting herself and then dipped one finger completely inside of her pussy, pulled it out and told me to taste it. As I sucked on her finger, she dipped a finger from her other hand into her pussy and told Josh to taste it. We were both sitting there sucking her pussy coated fingers like lollypops. She dipped her fingers a couple of more times to feed us more of her sweetness. I never saw her ever act like this and it was a huge turn on watching her have me and Josh suck on her sweet fingers. I was rock hard and wanted her badly at this point. Looking back at the entire night, I would have to say that this was the moment where she reignited the sexual spark for me. She then kicked off her high heels, took her top and bra off and then pulled her mini skirt off. She playfully tackled Josh onto the bed and pulled his underwear off. She started stroking his cock and looked me right in the eye and smiled at me. She then opened her mouth, slowly lowered it over his cock and started sucking it like a wild woman. She would stop and look at me for a second or two at a time looking at me lustfully and then go right back to sucking his cock wildly. I slid off my underwear and I realized that my underwear had a huge wet spot from all the precum that was dripping out of my cock like I was a teenager. She said “Scott, come over here and eat me” and went back to sucking Josh’s cock. I knelt down on the side of the bed and Colleen spread her legs for me. I started eating her out and to say she was wet would be an understatement. I really did miss seeing her that turned on and it only turned me on even more knowing how turned on she was. I sucked on her clit and rolled it around with my tongue, which I knew she loved. She started moaning loudly and after about a minute she went into her orgasm mode. A little secret about Colleen is that she can’t fake an orgasm. She trembles and gets goose bumps on her legs when she cums and to me it’s an incredible turn on to see it. She was just holding onto josh’s cock as she enjoyed her orgasm and I slid my hand up and down her leg feeling her telltale goose bumps. She finally regained her breath and told josh to get a rubber on. Josh scrambled for the rubbers on the night stand and tossed one to me also. Colleen laid down on her back and motioned for Josh. He climbed on top of my wife and he had one hand down on his cock to guide it into her, while holding himself up with the other arm. She had her eyes closed with her hands holding her legs bent back and spreading herself wide open for him. I knew he entered her when she opened her eyes wide. Her mouth followed with an audible “aaaaaaaah”. Josh was holding himself up with his arms on each side of her and began pounding my wife. She was holding onto his arms and moaning loudly I might add. I was just lying there next to her watching it. It was kind of surreal. Never in my life would I have ever said that I would let another man fuck my wife. I’m a pretty conservative old fashioned type guy, but I have to admit that seeing her getting off on being fucked by Josh somehow changed my mind and no doubt turned me on. I kept looking at her face and I could see that she was totally into it. Over the years, there are times when we would have sex and it was just ordinary sex. Then there are times when she would be totally submersed in the sex. There is a distinct difference with Colleen. This was one of those times I could see that she was totally submersed in it. Her mouth was wide open, screaming and moaning with every thrust and she even had her head tilted up as she obviously liked watching Josh slamming his cock inside of her. After a little while, Colleen told him that she wanted to get on top, which I knew meant that she wanted to cum. She always cums that way. Josh got on his back and Colleen got on top of him and slid his cock back inside of her all in one motion. She was riding him hard. She leaned back with her hands on his ankles while fucking him, which allowed me and Josh to both watch her devour his cock. She then leaned forward and put both her hands on his chest while working his cock with my pussy. I knew she was going to cum in that position. Minutes later, I could see that she was getting close and I turned my attention to her legs. I literally watched the goose bumps form all over her legs and a few seconds later she screamed out “oh yeah” and collapsed onto Josh with her arms and legs lightly trembling. I started to rub her back and she turned to me, telling me to kiss her. We kissed with such passion that I almost forgot what it felt like to kiss her like that. She then told Josh that she wanted him to cum and asked him how he wanted her. Josh said he would love it if she got on her hands and knees. Colleen jumped off of him and assumed the position. Josh got behind her and slid his cock back into her. He pulled her hips into him as he pushed forward with each pump. Colleen was moaning with each thrust. I was surprised at how long he was lasting. Colleen must have thought the same because she started telling him that she loves his cock and wants his cum. That was all he needed to hear, as he tilted his head back and let out some moans which I was sure meant that he was cumming. I looked at Colleen and she had her head sideways on the pillow saying “mmmm, I can feel your cock pulsating.” I don’t think my cock had ever been harder in my life at that point. Josh pulled out and lied down next to Colleen. I quickly put a rubber on and Colleen got on top of me. She rode me slowly and we were just staring into each other eyes like we hadn’t done in probably ten years. I didn’t tell her then or after, but I actually think I fell in love with her all over again at that point. She put her hands on my chest and fucked me just like she did to Josh. It took a little longer, but she had her third orgasm within probably 20 minutes. It was another thing that hadn’t happened in years. I pulled her down on top of me and held her as I started pumping upward, which no joke took about ten pumps before I shot my load. Colleen kissed me and whispered into my ear away from Josh “I love you”. We got up and we all started to get dressed. I told Colleen that she was a good fuck to continue her little charade and asked Josh what he thought. He looked at Colleen before answering, I think to see her reaction to what I said, and when he saw that she was smiling, he answered “yeah, she sure is.” Colleen, being the quick witted person that she is, said to me “it looks like I’m getting a good price on a new kitchen.” I just laughed, shook Josh’s hand and told him that it was nice meeting him. I then gave Colleen a kiss telling her that maybe we could talk about that new kitchen. Colleen said that she would love that and asked Josh if he was coming back on business again. Josh said that he would and hoped that he could see her again. Colleen exchanged cell phone numbers with him and told him to give her a call when he was back in town. She then gave him a big kiss and thanked him for a wonderful night. Josh thanked her and Colleen asked me to walk her out to her car.
We held hands the whole way out to our cars. One funny thing was that we walked out through the bar area and the bartender looked at us and smiled. I can only imagine what he was thinking LOL. We got to our cars and Colleen said “see you at home?” and I just said “you got it.”
On the way home, my phone rang and it was Colleen. She asked what I was thinking about. I told her I was just thinking about her getting fucked by Josh and I was hard again. She laughed and said she was thinking about the same thing and she was getting turned on again also. We talked the whole way back to our driveway. I remember asking her if she really liked having sex with another man and her exact answer was “I’m not gonna lie, I did.” We got out of our cars and held hands all the way to our bedroom, where we molested each other. We had foreplay for what must have been like an hour before even starting to fuck again. While I was in the middle of fucking her, I asked her if she wanted to get fucked by her boyfriend again and she was told me how she would love to and wants more. I jokingly told her that she should call him to change his flight and she tells me to hand her the phone. I literally pulled out and handed her the cell phone. Colleen texted him if he cancelled his flight she would come back tomorrow night and he answered right back that he would let her know! We finished having sex and lied there talking about what we would do if he got his flight cancelled. We were like two little kids giggling and talking all night. The last time I fucked my wife twice in a night was before we got married 20 years ago! I told her that this was the best idea she ever had and she agreed also telling me that she really does want to fuck another woman with me. We didn’t get much sleep that night talking about our newfound interest. I’m pretty sure that all the guys that I know would only dream of hearing their wife tell them that she wanted them to fuck another woman! I have to say that I’m no different, but I had to admit to Colleen that she had me wanting only her more than ever now. Colleen told me that she was happy to hear that, but she basically insisted that I am going to have to fuck another woman. She was going to try and find the right woman for me and she wanted to see me enjoy it, while also seeing how another woman satisfies me. She had never talked to me like that in our entire lives. I couldn’t believe that my wife really wanted me to fuck another woman so badly, but hey I’m a team player, LOL. I’m actually kind of curious to see how turned on she is going to get when it happens. She also explained that she would prefer joining me with another woman, but she also wouldn’t mind just watching me with another woman. Myself, I want her to be involved.
The next morning we woke up and Colleen checked her phone. She smiled at me and handed me the phone. The text from Josh read “got the flight changed to Sunday. Let me know if you would like to go to dinner first.” We talked about what to do and then she texted back “I really had a great time with you and Scott. Would you mind if I called Scott to join us again?” He answered back “I had a great time also and whatever you want is good with me.” A couple of hours later, Colleen texted him that she would meet us at his room at 8pm. Josh quickly let her know that it was a different room number now since he had to book another night and they changed his room. We didn’t think about that part, LOL.
Well, Colleen actually spent half the day preparing for it. She got her nails and hair done and when she got home, she must have spent two hours figuring out what she was going to wear. We drove there together and went up to Josh’s room. We told him that we met in the lobby first. Colleen was wearing a short black dress with high heels and I still didn’t know what was under it. You couldn’t help but notice the hot pink nail polish that she had on her fingers and toes. When we got to his room, she took the dress off in front of me and Josh, which revealed that she was simply wearing a sexy black thong with a matching bra. I couldn’t help thinking about how it took about two hours for her to wind up going with something so simple. Without saying a word, she started kissing Josh as she undressed him. I also stripped down naked. Colleen got him naked and pushed him onto the bed next to me. She started stroking both of us with each hand and telling us how much she loves our cocks. She then alternated blowing both of us. She spit on each of our cocks and pulled her mouth up to reveal strings of saliva before devouring each of our cocks. She thoroughly worked us over including our sacks. I could tell that it definitely wasn’t a show, she was loving very second of having two cocks. I can still picture her having each of her hands wrapped around our cocks with those bright pink fingernails as she stroked both of us and she was smiling. She spent about a half hour slowly teasing our cocks with her mouth and I could tell that she was being careful not to make either of us cum. After taking off her bra and thong, she lied down on her back and grabbed each of our hands and guided them to her pussy without saying a word. Her pussy was shaved smooth like a brand new hardwood floor. Me and Josh were on each side of her, fingering her at the same time. She was juicy wet. Josh started sucking on her nipples and I went down to enjoy some of her sweet nectar. Colleen was grinding her pussy into my face and I just held it there as she rubbed her clit on my upper lip. She made her pussy cum as I watched Josh gently pulling on her nipple with his teeth. I stayed right there and tried to suck up as much cum as I could. I rubbed my face all over her pussy and then asked Josh if he wanted to taste some of the best pussy around. We switched spots and I kissed Colleen immediately. She commented how good she tasted on me as Josh ate my wife’s pussy. I started sucking on her stiff nipples while looking down to watch Josh going to town on her. We spent about a half hour total on just eating her out and then we put rubbers on for the main course. I took a pillow case off one of the pillows and told Colleen that she was going to get blindfolded. She smiled and didn’t say anything as I tied it over her eyes and told her to bend over the bed. She asked what I planned on doing and I told her we were going to play guess the cock. She said “ooh, I like the sound of that”. She then bent over the bed and I pointed for Josh to go first. Josh stood behind her and slid his cock into her for about five pumps and pulled out. I asked her who that was and she answered “Josh.” We did this back and forth, while switching it up about ten times each and she got it right every single time. It looked to me that we were about the same size, which was about 6 inches and I was a little surprised that she could tell that easily. Colleen took the blindfold off and asked if I had any other ideas for her. I told her that I did and then told Josh to lie down on the bed and let his knees hang off the bed. I told Colleen to get on top to ride him and I would straddle Josh’s legs at the edge of the bed so she could lift off of him and let me slip in from behind her before sitting back down on his cock. Josh thought that sounded like a good idea and Colleen was riding him in less than a minute. I straddled his legs behind her and held her hips as she fucked him. I waited for her to raise off him and when she did I slid right into her. It worked perfectly. She held his cock in place so that when I pulled out, she stuck his cock right back into her pussy within a second or two and continued riding him. We did that back and forth for probably fifteen minutes and I was trying to hold back from blowing my load. My mental restraint wasn’t enough to override my little head though. When I cum, I usually don’t get vocal. I couldn’t help letting out what was almost a scream as I started cumming. It felt like my cock was going to explode and Colleen knew it too. I heard her say “holy shit” as I was cumming. Watching my wife alternate fucking another cock and instantly replacing his cock with mine was something I definitely want to do again!! I don’t know if any other guys would feel the same way, but I would recommend trying it. It’s just unbelievable. Anyway, I lied down on the bed afterward and watched after that. Colleen kept riding him for a bit while facing him and then she spun herself around while never coming off his cock. She continued to ride him cowgirl style and I could see her hand reach down to hold onto his balls. She always loves to do the same to me in that position. I got up and stood at the end of the bed to get a better view. She kept smiling at me the whole time while I watched her hold his balls in her right hand and rocking back and forth on his cock. She even rocked backward so I could get a perfect view of Josh’s cock stuffed inside of her. I have to say I loved it. After about five minutes, Colleen stopped smiling and a look of lust came over her face as she furiously rocked his cock and came. Confirmed by goose bumps with arms and legs trembling by the way, LOL. She then rolled off of Josh and onto her back looking exhausted. I asked Josh if he minded if I tasted her and he said “not at all”. I ate her out for a couple of minutes and enjoyed her cum. As soon as I got up, Josh got on top of her, slid his cock back inside and started pounding away. He shot his load about five minutes later. Colleen left her high heels on the entire time from start to finish by the way. Afterward, Colleen asked me if I could take a picture of her and Josh with her phone. She handed me her phone and put her bra and thong back on. She stood next to him and cupped his balls in her hand, while he had his arm around her with his hand on her tit. I snapped a picture and then she directed me and Josh to get on each side of her so she could take a selfie of us kissing her on her on each cheek (the cheeks on her face, LOL). I got dressed, while Colleen passionately kissed Josh goodbye for a couple of minutes. She put her dress back on and I shook Josh’s hand telling him that we should do this again. Josh returned the sentiments and said he would definitely let Colleen know when he was back in town. Colleen told Josh that she would text him the pictures we took and with that we left. On the way home, we talked about the orgasm that I had and Colleen told me that it felt like my cock grew an extra inch when I was cumming.
It’s been a couple of weeks since our little rendezvous at the hotel and our sex life has been renewed to a whole different level I never thought was possible. We are having sex like every other day and it is literally the best sex we have had throughout our entire marriage. I went from almost dreading having sex with my wife to now thinking about her all day long and I can’t wait to get home and see her. The passion and desire is natural and there is no effort what so ever put into it by either one of us. I don’t want to sound corny, but it’s like a damn miracle. Colleen found SLS and we are on this site every single night now together. We are now both looking forward to sharing our sex life with others! I heard of swingers before, but I never in my life thought my wife and I would be doing it!! I hope you enjoyed reading about our experience and I have to give all the credit to my beautiful wife for making it happen. I asked her to read this before I sent it in and she said she wanted to add a little bit to it, so here she is…
Hi, I’m Colleen and I just wanted to add to what Scott wrote about our experience. First of all, I am absolutely shocked that he actually wrote this letter. This is a guy that doesn’t even write me notes in the birthday cards he gives me! I think I fixed his grammatical mistakes, but I have to say that he described everything perfectly. There was one thing he wrote that means the most to me. It was that he fell in love with me all over again. I can’t express how much that means to me that he wrote that. And the fact that he felt that way right after watching me have sex with another man is beyond what any words could describe. I’m actually going to print this letter out and save it forever. I also have to explain that my husband is the furthest thing from an English major. He is a carpenter and an excellent one at that, so I am extremely impressed at how he related our experience in this story, at least in my opinion. I can see that everyone has a variety of reasons for being on this site, but as for us, we are still pinching ourselves at how having sex with someone else could drastically change our marriage so much for the better. Sex was a huge void for us and now it’s better than it ever was. I do mean better than EVER. All I had to do was have sex with another man, go figure!!! It turned the clock back in some ways, yet opened our future up in other ways. Oddly enough, it’s even revitalized our present relationship in general. We are talking more, paying attention to each other more and laughing together more often. Laughing with each other is the thing I cherish most. Maybe those marriage counselors should keep this in mind LOL. To be fair, I don’t think this sort of thing would have worked for us earlier in our marriage. Our relationship has evolved over the years in many ways and this is just another example of that. I’m sure any couples out there that have been together for a long time know exactly what I mean. A little honesty on my part is that I had secretly fantasized for years about Scott having sex with another woman, because the simple thought of it would get me off. I never said a word to him about it, but it did assist me in coming up with my plan along with the dog theory. The dog theory being when a dog doesn’t have any interest in their toy or bone until another dog comes along and shows interest in that toy or bone. All of a sudden they want that toy or bone more than ever! Scott and I think the same way about so many things that it’s almost scary. We literally can finish each other’s sentences. So I figured that he would probably get turned on if he saw me flirting or interested in another guy. I emphasize “if he saw me” because Scott is very visual. As he wrote, he thought I was nuts when I said it too him, but once he saw it, he got turned on. Oh, and something that I learned about my husband of 20 years from what he wrote is that he gets really turned on to see me get goosebumps when I cum. I actually never knew that, but it made me laugh. It must be that visual thing I was talking about, LOL. I also couldn’t agree more with Scott that this was probably the best thing I’ve ever thought up. Although I honestly have to admit that I never planned on it going as far as it did until I was sitting at the bar with Josh and I started to contemplate what it would be like. I will be happy to take all the credit though, since Scott liked it so much, LOL !! For me, I started thinking about the possibility of having sex with Josh and Scott together after about fifteen minutes of talking to Josh. I went from getting turned on flirting with Josh, to contemplating what it would be like to have sex with Josh, to wondering what it would be like to have sex with Josh and Scott together and finally hoping that I could convince Scott to try it. In all seriousness, I can’t thank my husband enough for doing this with me. For both of us personally and our marriage, it was a definite life changer. About a week ago, my best friend who I talk to every single day and knows me almost as good as my husband, asked me if something happened. I asked why she was asking me that and she explained that she noticed I have been very upbeat and happy. I calmly told her “well, I did have sex with Scott and another man at the same time.” It took me about a half hour to finally convince her that I was not kidding. We have had many laughs about it since. She thought I was crazy at first, but after calling me every single day since I told her and asking questions about it, now she doesn’t think I’m all that crazy now. Although she still can’t get over that I not only thought about it, but actually did it. I keep telling her that it’s something that we are going to keep doing as long as it works for us, but she thinks it’s just a midlife crisis or something. I just assure her that it’s as real as it gets and not to knock it until she tries it, which usually shuts her up until the next day, LOL. I really can’t wait to watch Scott have hot sex with another woman and hopefully join in on satisfying my man. Honestly, I have a close friend that I would love to see him fuck. And yes, I have fantasized about it happening with her many times. Scott didn’t mention that when we were talking about it, I brought her name up as a possibility and he told me that he thinks she’s pretty hot and would like to fuck her, so that’s not a problem. When I have innocently talked to her in the past about Scott, she told me straight out that she thinks Scott is a hunk, but I’m not sure of how to approach it with her yet? She has been married a long time like ourselves, but she definitely has some freak in her if you know what I mean. I even know that she has had numerous affairs over the years and her husband has no idea. I’m leaning toward just confessing to her that I want to see her have sex with my man? I would definitely take care of her husband, but I just don’t know if she or they would be open to it. My dilemma with it is the last thing I want to do is jeopardize our friendship. I will keep thinking it over. In the meantime, I found this site and I was amazed at how many thousands of people are into swinging. Who knew about this and didn’t tell us? LOL. By the way, I read the sex story on here by “Deb” titled “my husband was so right” and I have to say “WOW.” It’s like they hit the swinger lottery! I would love to meet a couple just like either one of them. Deb, if you ever read this story, you and I sound a lot alike and I have plenty of room in my underwear drawer, LOL!! I made Scott read their story and easily predicted his response. He told me “god, I wish we could meet this couple!” I kidded Scott that he should have named our story “my wife was so right!”, but he rightfully thought it would be disrespectful even trying to compare our story to their unbelievable experience. We have had many discussions about being together with another couple and we are without a doubt all in. The other day we were out grocery shopping and Scott started off one of those discussions when he saw this other couple. He told me that the wife was pretty hot and he would “do” her, while asking me if I would “do” her husband. We got so hot from talking about it the whole time while shopping that we had sex in our car right outside in the parking lot!! The last time we had car sex was 14 years ago after my brothers’ wedding. I see that I have done a little more than just add to what Scott wrote and I hope my input helps in describing our experience, but then again we are partners in the truest sense of the word – always have been and always will be. So I will end my half of our story with saying that we are both very excited about our new venture into the swinging world…Hugs and kisses to all ;)