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- Female Dominant Stories : Loving Consent 1
Loving Consent 1
How I improved our loving relationship.
My wife Joan and I were happy married and just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary when two days later I had a heart attack and needed major surgery. I was put on medication that caused some serious problem for me down stairs if you know what I mean.
Joan is the love of my life and she caters to my every need. Her happiness is what I live for. I began to notice a mood change in her since my medical issues. She loved me the same if not more. She worries way too much about me and I understand her concerns.
She would be so heartbroken if she lost me. I was struggling with my ability to please and satisfy her intimately. She loved everything about our marriage and a healthy sex relationship was important to both of us.
I Know my wife well and could see her frustration in our lack of intimacy. She would never, ever admit to being disappointed or hurt my feelings over this.
I wished things could change for us and I was sadly beginning to accept that my ability to sexually please her in ways she always loved was likely not going happen. Yes I can please her orally, but I know she misses the pleasure of penetration, I so enjoyed giving her.
I kept thinking how unfair it was for her to not enjoy the sensation of my erection and both of us climaxing together. She was so content and emotionally satisfied when we done this.
I tried to think of ways to fill this void for her. She was still a beautiful and sexually active woman that needed to be satisfied. I made up my mind I wasn’t going to let her be deprived of the desires she loved so much.
The only way was too somehow persuade her into letting another vibrant sexually active male join us and please her in ways I couldn’t. How do I approach her with such a bizarre offer?
Joan would never even think of, or consider inviting another man into her bed. Early in our marriage I loved to photograph her beauty. She loved to dress up for me and pose. Nothing too provocative, but very tasteful suggestive photos. I loved how sensual she looked and she had a natural ability to let just enough skin show that made you want to see more.
A few times she let me take some nude photos and only because she seen how much it turned me on at the time. She alway hated me having those photo’s for fear of someone seeing them. I keep and treasure them in a safe place for memories of our fun days.
After much thought and consideration. I bounced an idea around about a young guy Joan and I knew. He worked as a bartender at a favorite restaurant Joan and I frequented. His name was Jayden. A cute blond haired blue eyed well groomed kid.
He was one of the very few guys Joan ever made any flirtatious remarks too. Joan mentioned a couple time he was such a cutie pie. He was very polite and respectful to Joan and we alway made sure he was out bartender when there.
I remember hearing her say to him in a humorous way, if I was only 20 years younger and wink at him. Joan was just letting him know she thought he was a cute kid. He would smile back and said the next drink was on him.
I remember telling Joan, that kids going to think you're a cougar. This was back before I had my medical issues and we went out more often. It’s been a few months since we’ve been there and seen him.
He’d told us that he does security camera installs doing the day and that’s what got me thinking? I didn’t know how plant the idea or thought of her having sex with another man.
I came up with a little lie to get her reaction. I got up one morning and over coffee, I said I had the craziest dream last night. Joan said what’s it? I can’t tell you it was just way too bizarre.
Joan couldn't stand me not telling her about it now. Honey it was about you and it seemed so real. Joan said why can’t you tell me? I said because your were doing something in the dream I couldn’t believe and for some reason I was watching you.
Well what was so crazy? I said you’re going to wonder what made me dream this. Joan looking at me like, let’s hear it. Ok, For what ever reason I dreamed you were having sex with that bartender Jaydon we know. Joan said WHAT! I said I don’t know why I dreamed about something like that?
She said Jesus Tom! I’m thinking I’ll describe the dream a little to create a mental visual for her. Well from what I remember for some reason in the dream, I was talking to Jaydon about something, I don’t know what and the next thing I was watching you two having sex!
I think I was upset but I didn’t say anything or stop you? Joan was looking at me in disbelief and I could tell I had her attention. I said I shouldn’t say anything else. This was just a ridiculous dream. Joan shaking head at me saying oh my god Tom.
I said what surprised me in the dream, you were enjoying it. It seemed so real at the time. What woke me up was I felt like I was cumming in my pants watching you? I don’t think I need to tell you anymore but you can imagine.
Joan looked down at my boxer shorts and said Jesus, Tom… Are your shorts wet? Sure enough I had a wet spot in my crotch and Joan was looking at me shaking her head back and forth in disbelief as I was telling her this.
I decide to put a spin on this and said, I don’t know if I had a good dream or a bad dream? I know for the past few months I’ve had concerns about pleasing you. Maybe that triggered this crazy dream? Maybe deep down I need to know you were being pleased?
Joans caring heart said Oh Honey you please me enough. I’ll alway love you no mater what. I said so you’ll still love me if I have crazy dreams. She kissed my forehead and said I’ll never hurt you and will love you always.
So the image was planted and I waited a few more weeks to ask her where she wanted to go eat? I gave her three choices and one of them was where Jaydon worked. She said I don’t care, you pick.
My overwhelming desire to somehow get the woman I so deeply love, back to a happy place sexually and moved me to pursue some kind of plan somehow.
I chose the place where Jaydo worked and Joan didn’t seem to be alarmed after I told her about the dream I had a few weeks ago. I pondered on how I could make something happen for her.
I remembered Jaydon had said he done security system work on the side and Joan had mention a few times that our security cameras kept kicking off line and unable to monitor them. Our system was well over ten years old and just maybe this would be a way to get him over to inspect and evaluate our system?
We went to dinner and thank goodness Jaydon was working that evening. He was pleased to see us and as usual he always complimented Joan on how nice she looked and good to see you. Joan loves his compliments and genuine smile.
After chatting a bit, I asked if he had time to come to our home and check out our security system as we were having issues. He said of corse I can. I’m available this coming Friday around 1 pm if this works. I said perfect.
The following morning Joan said Tom….. I wish you never told me about that crazy dream you had. It worried me and I can’t get it out of my head. Last night a million things were going through my mind.
I said what’s wrong sweetheart? Joan said don’t be upset but after you told me about your dream and us seeing Jaydon, must have triggered a stupid dream I had. I just looked at her with amusement, waiting to hear about it.
Well what was it sweetheart? She said I can’t believe this but I have to get it off my chest. I had a crazy dream similar to yours and I was doing bad things with Jaydon. Tom… I’ve never in 25 years ever had a dream about cheating on you and you know I love you too much for that to ever happen.
I said sweetheart, I think with this E.D. issue and me worrying about satisfying you and us not being able to make love like we use too has got both of us psychologically confused. I get so depressed and miss the desire I see in your eyes when we made love. I want to see it again and maybe this is why I had that crazy dream?
She said but why would you dream about me with Jaydon? Why would I dream something similar? I don’t like this and it bothers me a lot. I said between me needing to see the passion in your eyes again and you subconsciously not being satisfied like you used to be has triggered some unknown desires?
I said I’d never agree or want to see you with another man. But the thought of Jaydon being almost half your age having sex with you made me feel proud to married to such a beautiful and desirable lady.
I said was your dream a nightmare or was it consenting situation? Joan said I don’t know? I just remember us doing things we shouldn’t be doing in our marriage. I said if it was things you shouldn’t be doing did you let it happen in your dream?
Joan looked at me with a tear in her eye and said I think so? I’m sorry but I had to tell you and I shouldn’t be having this type of dream.
I’m not mad sweetheart. My dream was just as crazy and for whatever god forsaken reason I was letting it happen too. I think I was imagining the passion in your eyes like I used to see and I couldn’t deny that pleasure.
In fact…. Don’t get mad….But I’ve privately imagined you being with Jaydon but didn’t want you to think I didn’t love or care about your feelings and our marriage. It’s just the past several months I’ve been craving to see that look of sexual pleasure in your eyes and I guess Jaydon came to mind because you thought he was a cute guy and joked about being 20 years younger?
I know you're frustrated Tom and wish I could do something about it. I reached over and grabbed both of her hands and paused uncomfortably for what seemed like an eternity and my heart about to pound out of my chest said, Would you consider us experimenting something like this with Jaydon if we had the opportunity?
Oh God Tom! Don’t even say anything like that! This is crazy!!! I said Sweetheart I need to see that passion in your eyes again and this may be a way for both of us to be happy and satisfied.
I said don’t you miss the feeling of a strong vibrant man pleasing you? She said I’m good with our marriage and accept the hand we were delt. I said you didn’t answer my question. Do you miss it? Jesus, Tom…. Of course it would be nice if you didn’t have issues. You still haven’t answered my question.
Don’t do this Tom… As she looked at me and said OK… Yes I miss that sensation. Are you happy now? I said I do to Honey. I miss it very much!
That’s why I think we should do something about it to keep our sexual intimacy thriving. We both could feel and see that passion again.
Joan said, Tom….I don’t know what’s got into you? I know you miss our sex, but your thoughts are just too crazy! Besides, Jaydon is twice my age and I’m sure he doesn’t see me in that way.
Bingo! When she said Jaydon wouldn’t want her, I knew better. I can tell when a guy is attracted to a women. We’re men, we have imaginations that we keep to ourselves.
How about when he comes over Friday, let’s see how things go. Jesus,Tom…What are you asking me to do? I think you and I need sexual excitement in our marriage and this might be exciting for both of us sweetheart. Tom…I’m sorry but I just don’t think I could do this?
Another Bingo! She just said she didn’t think she could do this, not couldn’t do this!
I said just be nice to him as you always are and look nice when he comes by. I’ll bet he flirts with you in a fun way like he does at the bar. Joan said I’m telling you Tom, he’s not interested in me in that way.
I think I have my wife's head spinning about now and trying to figure out how to show her he finds her desirable? Friday I got up and went to my office room and opened my safe. I pulled out a folder of some sexy 8x10 photos of Joan. A few were very revealing and left you wanting to see more.
Joan still looks as good as she did. She still has beautiful full size tit’s that has held up nicely over the years. She can still go braless and look great! Her tummy is almost a flat as it was and only weighs 5 lbs more than she did when I took those pictures.
My plan was to leave the folder open on my desk because Jaydon would me in there installing a new security panel and could plainly see a few of the photos laid out in plain site. Joan wasn’t aware of this yet and would kill me if I said I was doing this!
Jaydon showed up at 1:00 as promised and I showed him around our security system and the main hub was in my office. I said let me know if you need anything and left him to his business.
Joan peeked around the corner of the kitchen and said Hi Jaydon. Glad you were ale to help us out. I left my office intercom on and I’m glad I did. Jason had been here about 15 minutes and Joan was making me a sandwich. She said should I ask Jason if he’s had lunch? I said go ask him.
I could hear through the com as Joan said, Jaydon would you like a sandwich and a drink? I’m assuming she startled him when she walked in. Joan seen he was looking at the photo’s I had on my desk and she blurted out…. OH! As I heard shuffling around. She said so sorry, Tom must have forgot to put these away!
Joan feverishly gathered them up in front of Jaydon and said these weren’t supposed to be laying here. You didn’t see these ok? Jaydon was caught and said sorry for looking Joan, were you a model? I’m assuming Joan was petrified but I heard her say. Brownie points for the flattery Jason but no I’m not, nor ever was a model.
Jaydon said well you should be. Joan said I’ll bring you a drink in a bit. Joan came stomping in and slammed the folder down and Jesus Tom! Why were these laying out? Oh…Crap, I meant to put those away! (I lied again)
Did Jaydon see them? Lord yes he did Tom! He seen them all! I said at least he didn’t see the nude ones I had in a separate folder. What did he say? Joan starring at me with a confused look. He asked me if I was a model. I said see, I told you he thought you were attractive.
Joan said well I was about 20 years younger too! Besides he was just being polite because I caught him looking at my photos. I said sweetheart, I’m 100% confident he thinks you’er just as beautiful now.
How does that make you feel that a young good looking kid like Jaydon finds you attractive?
I don’t know Tom? This is just crazy and feels wrong. I would almost guarantee if he saw you nude it would give him a raging hard on. She said stop it Tom! I said imagine what he would think if I accidentally left those nude photos of you out!
Joan said oh my god…. I’d be so embarrassed. What would you think if I showed those to him and asked what he thought? Oh God Tom you can’t do that. I would die if he seen me naked! I would never be able to face him again if I knew he seen them!
Honey I’m the proudest man alive knowing you could turn on a young stud like Jaydon.
I know damn well my wife’s emotions and thoughts were hitting her like a freight train and her moral values were being questioned. Her forbidden sensual thoughts were making her unsure of what to do about this.
I said it turns me on to think he finds you sexually attractive and wanted to touch your naked body. She said Stop Tom! I said could you imagine how you’d feel if he has his naked young body next to yours?
Joan shivered right there in front of me and I new I was getting to her forbidden thoughts. She knew I seen her submissive and erotic demeanor showing and finally said, How could I do this? I’m old enough to be his mom. I would feel so bad to do this to him.
I said I’m pretty darn sure he wouldn’t mind you doing anything to him. He’s a young hot blooded kid full of hormones and testosterone and at his age, always looking for opportunity to release his sexual energy. Remember how we were at that age. We had sex every chance we could get back then and felt like we couldn’t get enough.
After so much beating around the bush, I just came out and said I think we should do this. I would like to see Jaydon turn you on and help me give you that sensual feeling you loved so much.
Joan looked at me and shook her head and walked away. I know my wife well enough after 25 years that she was not saying no and wanted to ponder on what I’d do next.
Jaydon reported to me and said he had completed his inspection and we would need a whole new system because much of what we had was obsolete and he would need to come back tomorrow to install it.
I wanted to get Jaydon’s reaction and I said sorry about leaving my photography out. I didn’t mean to embarrass you or Joan. Jaydon said please don’t apologize to me. The photos were on your desk and I moved them aside to lay some of my gear down.
I noticed how beautiful Joan looked and leafed through them and I apologize. I said no worries and yes, she is a good looking women. Jaydon said you’er lucky to have such a gorgeous wife Tom. I wanted to tell her how gorgeous she is, but didn’t want her to think I was being overly descriptive or come off as being disrespectful. I just told her she was a beautiful lady.
Yea Jaydon she was a little embarrassed that you seen some of her photos. But your compliment eased her mind. I said let me ask you something. We’ve known you since you started bartending. Be honest with me. Do you find my wife to be a sexually attractive women?
Jaydon was a bit taken back and uneasy about answering my question. I said let me put it a different way. Do you remember when I had my heart attack about two years ago. We had only known you a short time then. Well What I’m going to tell you is personal. For a little over a year or so after my surgery. Doctors put me on a permanent medication and it’s left me in a predicament.
It was embarrassing at first and hard to accept, but it’s left me unable to please Joan the way she needs to be. I’ve thought about this for a while and I want to see that sensual satisfaction in her eyes again and hoped that you would be interested in helping a guy out?
Jaydon wanted to make sure he was hearing me correctly. So he said, how can I help Tom? Well, I’ve been dealing with this too long and I know that Joan thinks your a cute guy and has made a couple suggestive humorous comments to you and I think you're a great guy too.
I’m just going to ask, would you be interested in having sex with Joan? Damn Tom!….Are you serious? I said I am. I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think Joan would go for it. He said is this what Joan wants too?
I said at first no, but she said she had a crazy dream that you and her were having sex and she let it happen. She’s confused about this and said she didn’t think you would be attracted to her in that way.
Jaydon said, wow Tom…. I would love the opportunity to be with Joan as long as both of us were on board with it. I don’t want to make trouble for you guys. I said I’ll handle it and Joan and I would be fine.
The only thing is I must be there to comfort her. It’s just as much my desire as it hers. I walked over and opened my safe and grabbed my other personal folder and said this is what you can expect. Jaydon could barley contain his enthusiasm when he was looking at my wife’s totally nude body. Her breast were in full view and in one photo she was sitting facing me with her knees up to her chest and her feet spread far enough apart that you could plainly see her beautiful love canal.
Jaydon said what is your plan, when and how do you want to do this? I said tomorrow if you’re available. I think Joan is at peak curiosity about this and I don’t want her think about it too long and get cold feet.
You would need to treat her with respect. Be gentle and attentive to her senses. Don’t be vulgar or degrading. I want her to have an erotic pleasurable and sensual experience. I hope this will be something she can experience more often if it goes well.
Jaydon said I’m honored you chose me Tom. I understand you completely and will treat your wife with total respect.
I’ll tell Joan you need to go pick up supplies and will start the job tomorrow then we’ll play it by ear as things develop.
Jaydon was leaving and slipped his head around the corner into the kitchen and waved and Joan and said bye pretty lady, I’ll see ya tomorrow. Joan pointing her finger at him shaking it and said ok cutie pie.
The tempo seemed to be falling into place but I had some more gentle convincing to do. Later that evening I asked Joan how she was feeling about our earlier talks. I knew she had reservations but she couldn’t over the thought of dreaming she had sex with Jaydon out of her mind.
I said let me ask you this Honey. In that dream were you enjoying what you and Jaydon were doing? She had so much trouble saying yes. She finally said I must have or I wouldn’t have been doing things with him. People do things in dreams they would do awake Tom.
Well what if I told you I know for sure Jaydon wants to be we you. Joan said Oh God Tom… What did you do! I was talking to Jaydon and apologized for putting him in a predicament leaving the photos of you on my desk. He said he was just moving them out of the way to put his equipment down and they were in plain view and couldn’t help but to admire them.
He said you were a gorgeous lady and I was a lucky man. I asked if he thought you were attracted? He said oh my yes! Is she attractive in a sexual way? Oh my God Tom… You didn’t ask him that did you!! I did and he was a bit shocked at my question. Joan put her hands to her face and kept saying oh my god!!! I’ll never be able to face hat poor kid again.
I went on to tell him how frustrated I was because I couldn't satisfy you the way I wanted to and if he had the opportunity to be intimate with you, would he be interested. Joan looked at me so seriously. She knew me after 25 years of marriage and the way this conversation was going. I was going to tell her he wanted to have sex her. Oh God Tom!!!
I said you thought he was a cutie pie and enjoyed playful humor wishing you were 20 years younger around him. Jaydon said if we were serious about this he would love the opportunity to be intimate with you. Joan was dumbfounded for a few seconds, then suddenly realized I just made plans for this hot young stud take her to our bed!
Joans lips were quivering and could barely get the words out, did he really say he wanted to have sex with me? He sure did Honey! She just held her hands to her face staring off into space.
I know her mind has just been blown and she was trying to comprehend her emotions. I reached over and grabbed her hand and said I think we really need this Honey. Joan said are you sure Tom? Yes sweetheart, I need to see that passion in your eyes again and I think Jaydon can give that to you.
Joan was shaking right in front of me. I placed my hand on her leg and she quivered again and said Oh God Tom I just had an orgasm. I smiled and said now imagine what Jaydon can do for you. Joan moaned Oh..Oh..Oh My! As she just had a mind orgasm.
I have something special planned for you tomorrow and I want you to spend the day getting yourself ready ok? The desire I seen in her eyes was priceless as she quietly said ok Honey.
A little later I called Jaydon and asked if we could postpone the security install and just come over around 6:00. I said Joan is excited about you coming over for the evening and looking forward to being with you. I said she will be very shy at first because we’ve never done anything remotely like this.
Jaydon said he understood and glad we wanted to postpone the work.
The next morning Joan was in the weirdest mood? She said she needed to be alone for a while. She spent all morning in our bathroom and bedroom. I checked in on her a few times and she said I’m fine.
I was so nervous for my wife and want this to be a a special day for her. I text Jaydon and he said all was good on his end and looking forward getting together with us.
Again Jaydon was on time and I let him in. He looked good and dressed very casual. He had a six pack of beer and a couple bottle of Joans favorite wine. I went back to the bedroom and told Joan, Jaydon was here. She said I’ll be out in a minute Honey.
I asked Jaydon to be patient that Joan was very excited but very nervous also. I said I’ll let you know when she’s ready. Joan walked in trying to keep be calm but I knew deep inside she was a hot mess!
Joan walked right past Jaydon and said in a cheerful manner, Hi Jaydon. How are you this evening? Oh you brought some of my favorite wine. Trying to score brownie points are ya? Jaydon said it’s always better to be on ones good side. Joan smiled at him.
Joan was afraid to hug him as she’s never done that as our bartender acquaintance and still wasn’t sure he was attracted to her? Jaydon was a very polite and said you look great this evening Joan. She said you racking up brownie points by the minute sonny and thank you.
We had a good bit of small talk over a few drinks. Joan asked Jaydon many questions and was slowly relaxing a bit. Jaydon said how come you didn’t do any modeling? Joan knew he was referring to the photo’s.
Joan said oh my that was just some fun Tom and I used to play around with in our younger days. I’m way too old for that now. Jaydon said no you're not. You look just as gorgeous now as you do in those pictures.
Joan said don’t be silly Jaydon. He said no, I’m serious! I said hold on a sec, let me grab the pictures and we’ll compare because I know Jaydon’s right. I went to my office and got all the photos and put the three really good nude shots on the bottom and brought them in.
I opened the folder and Jaydon held one up looking at it then looked at Joan, yep just as gorgeous! The next same remarks. Suddenly the nude photos came up next and Jaydon said WOW! I said shoot sorry, I get those mixed up with the others?
Joan looked at me and said are you kidding me Tom! Jaydon said don’t be mad, you’er super attractive, very sexy and these are super hot photos of you! I’d love to see more if you have some.
Joan hiding her face said, thank god we don’t! We haven’t done stuff like that in years as she grabbed them from him. Joan said no way she looks the same. I said well why don’t you let us be the judge of that. Joan knew things were heating up and she just starred at both of us shaking her head. Her inner desire was on fire and becoming so submissive.
I said Honey, you have one of those silky bedroom nighties I love seeing you in. Why don’t you go slip it on and let’s compare to the pictures? She was rattle brained fighting her moral values of letting this vibrant young guy see her in such a private way.
My wife came to grips all this was going down and said ok but I don’t want to scare you off! Joan left for the bedroom to change. I gave her a few minutes because I know she wouldn’t come out without me coming after her and encouraging her.
I said Jaydon, I’’m going to check on Joan and give me just a few minutes, remove your shirt and pants and quietly come into our bedroom down the hall. I’ll leave the door open.
I went to Joan and she was standing in front of the mirror adjusting her silky nightie. It was low cut in the back with thin straps and a deep v in the front that left much of her breasts in view and just long enough to cover her beautiful ass.
I turned her to me, looked her up and down and said my god you are a beautiful women. I love you so much. She replied I love you to Tom. She put her hands on my chest and kissed me softly.
I looked over her shoulder as Jaydon quietly walked in behind her. He was stripped down to his sport briefs and I could tell he was packing a pretty good hard on. He was muscular and very fit. A rush of excitement shot through me as he stood behind my wife.
Jaydon reach out and put his hands on her hips and Joan tensed up and gripped my shirt. I reached up and gently took each shoulder strap and pulled them to her side arms. Joan was shaking and kept starring deeply into my eyes as I pulled the straps down under her arms.
Jaydon gently put his hands on her shoulders, leaned in and kissed the back of her neck. I felt a jolt from her body as he touched her. Joan wouldn’t take her eyes off me as I continued pulling her silk nightie down.
Her breasts were in full view for me now and I let the nightie fall to the floor. Jaydon rubbed her shoulders and kept kissing the back of her neck. Joan tilted her head to one side as he kissed his way down her shoulder.
I was so impressed with the gentle touch and way he was letting her experience the senses he was giving her. He kissed his way down her back and her sides coming dangerously close to her breasts but not touching them.
He dropped to his knees and kissed the small of her back as he traced his fingers over the edge of her lace panties. Joan was breathing heavily and I leaned in and kissed her deeply. I felt the passion in her kiss as Jaydon kissed up and down her sides. He moved down and kissed the back of her legs then back up to her hips.
He was being so tender and aware of Joans senses. I pulled Joans hands to my face as Jaydon slipped his finger under the edge of her panties. He hinted with gentle tugs letting her know he was going to pull them down.
Her butt cheeks were now exposed and he kissed between them as he slowly pulled the further down. Joan quickly grabbed my shoulders as her knees became weak. Jaydon had her panties all the way to the floor and when Joan stepped out of them. I knew she was accepting what was happening to her.
Jaydon stood back up and removed his briefs. I got a glimpse of his erection and he was well endowed! I instantly knew my wife’s sexual senses would be fulfilled. Jaydon moved closed behind her, put his hands back on her shoulders and pressed his hard dick between her butt cheeks.
Joan felt this young kids hardness against her and let our a soft murmur. She hasn’t felt an erection touch her in a long time and the thought of his so close to her private area had her aroused and wet.
I put my hands on her shoulders and gently turned her. She knew I was turning her around to present her naked body to Jaydon, this young kid full of hormones, testosterone and peak breeding needs. Joan didn’t resist as she closed her eyes and presented herself and placed one hand on his cheek.
She kept her eyes closed and we heard Jaydon softly say My God You're Beautiful as he placed his hands on her chest just above the v of her breasts. He slowly moved one hand down to a breast and caressed it. Joan leaned her head back on my shoulder and Jaydon took one of her tits into his mouth.
Joan was trembling with excitement Jaydon moved to the other breast and bean suckling and gently teething her nipples. Joan didn’t know what to do with her hands. Her desires has kicked in and she reached out and held his head against her breast.
I whispered in her ear, this is so erotic! She gave a soft mmmm. It was time, she was primed and her senses were alive. I took her hand and led her to our bed. She laid down and I beside her. Jaydon stood at the foot of the bed and needs no directing. This stud has experience and I let him choose his approach.
He knelt down and kissed the top of each foot then up her legs as his hands explored. Joan instinctively kept her legs together protecting her peach. Joan and I both knew once she spread her legs, she was giving her womanhood up to Jaydon.
Joan kept her eyes closed as I massaged her breast and Jaydon kissed his way up to her belly and back down. As he moved into position he nudge her legs and Joan let them spread very little at first, inch by inch. He took his time to let her adjust to his touch as he kissed and ran his tongue up and down her leg.
Joan was now spreading her legs voluntarily giving him more access. Joans nipples were erect and stiffer then I’ve ever seen. Jaydon now had my wife’s legs spread far enough apart that he could lay between them.
My wife is lying here presenting her love canal to a young guy half her age. He began kissing all around her soft smoothly shaven mound careful not to touch her lips. He licked and kissed all around it and I could tell this was driving my sweetheart crazy. I caught a glimpse of her gently rising her hips wanting to feel his lips on her pussy.
Suddenly Jaydon ran his tongue all the way up her slit and she let out a moan. Jaydon knew she was enjoying this as he began licking at her opening. Joan was purring like a kitten as Jaydon explored her sweet moist peach.
When he gently pulled her hood back and kissed her clit. She jolted as if she was electrocuted. He licked between her folds and rolled her lips between his lips then back up and tickled her love button with his tongue.
As soon as he slid his finger into her pussy she began to moan louder. She was raising her hips for more pleasure and he gave it to her. Then two fingers and he hit her g-spot and she couldn’t hold back.
I watched my wife have a huge orgasm as this young stud ate her pussy! This was different then when I ate her pussy. She always got off but the newness and thought of young Jaydon took her senses to a new level.
I was a bit emotional seeing her enjoy this so much. Jaydon’s face was creamy and I could smell my wife’s sweet nectar. She kept cooing as Jaydon licked her now swollen lips and clit. Jaydon let her calm down off her high before he brought her back up again.
This kid was good and Joan was totally aroused. She casually placed her hand on his head with her fingers twirling his hair encouraging him to please her. I was happy to see my wife so sensual.
He brought her up to another mini orgasm and she became so sensitive and pushed him off. I said are you ok Honey? She just murmured hmmm. Joan motioned for him to come up to her and he got beside her and caressed and suckled her tits, circling her nipples with he tongue.
That’s when I got a look at his erection and size of his dick. He was definitely larger than I used to be and I felt a bit jealous, but thankful at the same time. I couldn’t wait for Joan to feel a real hard erection again.
Joan laid her arm across his leg and his dick was touching it and she didn’t move away. She ran her hand up and down his leg as he sucked her tits. I guess I hadn’t thought everything through clearly and hadn’t imagined her handling his dick? I just wanted her to feel an erection deep inside her again and didn’t consider she would be brave enough to show him consideration in return.
Well I was wrong. She move her hand up his leg and ran her finger up and down his manhood. Then wrapped her hand around it and gently stroked it. I’m thinking this is the first time my wife has felt a rigid dick in her hand in a long, long time and first time hold a guys dick half her age. I remember when she used to love getting me hard and play with it.
I was not going to deny her anything. I leaned over and said wow Honey, he has a big one. Joan says uh huh as she strokes and admires it. I think I know my wife well enough that she won’t orally please him. She hasn’t tried that with me in so long. It wasn’t’ a pleasure for her to suck my flaccid limp dick.
Jaydon went back to fingering my wife as she jacked him off. I could tell Jaydon wanted her to suck him because he tried to make it easy to reach and she wasn’t responding. He wasn’t being pushy and just let her enjoy what she was doing.
Joan was so aroused with Jaydon fingering her. He seen that the faster he fingered her the more pleasure she was receiving. She couldn’t take it anymore and tugged at his arm pulling him over letting him know she was ready. She wanted his manhood, she wanted his hard erection in her now.
I kept telling myself she needs this. Don’t be jealous, she deserves to be pleased by his hard dick. Something she misses and has done without for so long. Jaydon knew she was ready and moved back between her legs. The look on my wife’s face was pure lust as she knew she was going to feel the power and strength of a hard cock and it was Jaydon’s. A kid half her age that wanted to fuck her.
Joan was trembling as Jaydon rubbed his dick at her opening. She whimpered trying not to scream out as the head of it entered her. Joan was so wet and both of them were spewing pre cum. Jaydon said God You're Beautiful as he eased his swollen rod into my wife.
He did this in one long very slow motion nonstop until he hit bottom! Joan cried out oh god..oh god..oh god.. oh god! Jaydon held his throbbing cock deep in her as she rode out a massive orgasm! I could see the pleasure in her eyes. The pleasure I’ve so longed to see. The pleasure she so deserves.
I was almost crying to see how much pleasure she was feeling. Her orgasm was wave after wave. Her body was shaking and quivering with pleasure. Jaydon slowly pulled back and started rhythmically pumping her not letting her orgasm subside!
Joan was pushing him away and pulling him back uncontrollably. She wanted him to fuck her madly. He gave her 5 or 6 deep hard strokes then rapidly pumped her then back to long hard stokes and that made her delirious. She screamed much louder than I’ve ever heard OH God! OH GOD! OHHHH GODDD!
I think my wife felt like she was actually going to die from the orgasm pleasure! Jaydon pulled out of her to let her regain composure. My beautiful wife looked over at me and burst into tears crying I’m sorry Honey! I’m So Sorry.
I had tears in my eyes as I held her head and said I love you so, so much. My wife was crying because she knew I just watched her have one of the best orgasms of her life with a hot horny young stud and it wasn’t from me.
I kept holding her and said I’ve never been happier Honey. Enjoy as much as you want! Jaydon sat between her legs jacking his hard dick and Joan looked at him and pulled him back to her. Jaydon easily slipped back in from all the love juice flowing from her.
I realized my pants was soaked from cum. Even though I can’t get an erection, I can ejaculate to some degree, but never this much and I wanted more of this.
Jaydon quickly found the rhythm they liked and he was really giving it to her. Joan does not use vulgar language but I could see she wanted to say FUCK ME!!! She was fucking him back as hard as she could. I could only imagine how she felt knowing she was fucking a young 20 something year old stud and cumming on his hard dick.
I was so impressed with Jaydon’s stamina and ability to control himself. I was never that good. Joan’s need to be fucked hard had kicked in and they were fucking each other with pure abandonment!
My wife has lost all regard to subtle love making and was fucking this kid with all she had! Joan had her legs wrapped around him tugging and pulling him begging to be fucked hard. I could see was building another orgasm and I whispered in her ear again. God You Are So Beautiful. That little comment told her I wanted to see that passion, that pure sexual enjoyment, that it was ok.
I’M So Sorry!! As she kept fucking uncontrollably! This was a beautiful site to see and hear!
Jaydon couldn't hold back any longer and moaned Of Fuck!!! He tried to pull back but Joan had him locked with her legs and a firm grip on his ass!
Joan was crying again from pleasure still saying she was sorry. I had to chuckle a bit knowing she was thinking of my feelings as she was cumming on another guys hard dick.
They both bucked and jerked as Jaydon filled my wife with his sperm. She felt him shoot his load and kept saying Go Yes! God Yes! I just witness this kid give my wife pleasure she’s never experienced before.
After a couple minutes of them entangled and feeling their sexual high slowly subside. Jaydon pulled out, leaned up and kissed Joan on the forehead and said Damn you’er a gorgeous sexual woman Joan! She pulled him back down and kissed him on the lips and said thank you Sweetie!
I said please help yourself to our shower. Jaydon said if you don’t mind.
I laid and held my wife and felt her heart beating heavily. She looked at me and had the happiest satisfied look in her eyes I’ve not seen in a long time. I said don’t say your’e sorry for this. Would you like to try this again sometime? She smiled at me and gave me a passionate kiss letting me know this was ok. She finally felt my compassion and desire for this to happen.
I told her I had ejaculated in my pants watching her being pleased. She smiled and said this might be good thing! Her caring instinct and concern that Jaydon was ok said, should go check on him and thank him? I smiled and said I think you should give him a special thank you.
We both knew what she was going to do and she said follow me Honey. She led me into our bathroom and opened our shower door and stepped in with Jaydon. She left the door open and I leaned against the sink to watch.
She reached down and grabbed his semi erect cock and said I want to thank for such a wonderful time tonight Jaydo. Would you like to collect on those brownie point you’ve accumulating? Jaydon smiled and said will I have a chance to earn more? Joan said you certainly will. Joan looked back at me. I winked, she smiled and leaned forward and began sucking his dick. A site I thought I would never see!
Jaydon put one hand on the shower wall to brace himself and the other on the back of her head. She was engulfing his cock and it was getting hard again. He said Oh God That Feels Good! Joan was so pleased she could turn on a young stud half her age and was giving him a great blowjob.
I could feel my dick twitch with excitement, but the old boy wouldn’t stand up. I was already planning in my mind when we could do this again? I was hoping that Jaydon would come back around again and this not be just a notch on the bedpost.
They were going at it for a few minutes now and Jaydon was humping and fucking my wife’s mouth. He warned he was about to cum and Joan kept jacking him off and sucking his dick. A low growl came out and he grunted AWHHH as he shot his load into my wife’s mouth! Joan looked up at him and let the cum ran out of her mouth, down her chin and over her tits.
She leaned forward and kissed the head of his dick and said thank you Jaydon. We hope you enjoyed this as much as we did. Jaydon said I’m looking forward to earning some more brownie points.
Joan and I had a couple more fun times with Jaydon but all good things come to an end. I looked for more ways to keep Joan sexually satisfied and that’s when I found SLS hence writing about this here.
I’ve officially become a cuckold and Joan is now my Hot Wife! Look for Loving Consent #2