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- Female Dominant Stories : Carpenters Wood
Carpenters Wood
This crazy adventure that came out of left field occurred over the Summer. I’m Bryce and my wife, Brandi, experienced something we had discussed numerous times, but never thought it would ever happen. A few months ago, we had our home renovated. This was somewhat of a major undertaken as we would have to stay in a hotel for approximately a month. This was a grueling task right from the beginning. Selecting an honest and competent contractor was the first hurdle. After weeks of meeting with several contractors we made are decision. We met with our contractor of choice, Randy to go over what all we wanted changed in our home and signed the contract. Randy is a very good looking, friendly, and well-dressed each time we had met with him. Brandi and I really hit it off with him. Just about every day Brandi and I would stop by our home after work to see the daily progress. Randy was a hard worker and being Summertime, Randy would have his shirt off when we showed up. When Randy saw Brandi, he was always respectful, and he would put on a shirt. Randy is about our age and has a ripped body. I had picked up that Brandi noticed his physique the first time she saw him without his shirt. Brandi isn’t one to make things obvious. However, I saw that she was checking Randy out when he wasn’t looking.
As the weeks went on, we became friends with Randy, and he had mentioned that after his work was completed, he would like to celebrate the renovations with us. He said that he had told his wife all about us and that she wanted to meet us. It was decided that the first Saturday after the job was completed, we would go to their house for dinner.
Randy finished the job on a Tuesday and reminded us that we had a dinner date the following Saturday. Randy said that he would have his wife, Elaine, call Brandi that evening to set up the time and to give her their address. That evening Elaine called Brandi and the time was set. Brandi told me that she had talked for over an hour with Elaine and she seemed to be a lot like Randy.
That Saturday we were to be at their home at 3:00 p.m.. We thought that was somewhat early, but what the heck, it’s a celebration dinner. Their home was about ten miles from our house and the sub-division they lived in were all five acre parcels. All the homes were moderately sized, and all the yards were manicured.
Brandi brought a dessert and two bottles of “Port” wine. As a side note, Port wine can get Brandi fairly wild if she has too much. We were greeted at the door by Randy in swim trunks and a shirt. Randy took us to the kitchen to put the dessert away and to put the wine in the refrigerator. He said that Elaine was out by the pool cleaning the patio table and chairs. Brandi and I had dressed casual, shirt and long jeans. We didn’t know we were going to be outside in the heat.
As we went out into the large screened in pool area that had about an eight-foot wooden privacy fence surrounding it, we saw Elaine wiping down the patio table. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Elaine was leaning over the table, stretching and wiping off the tabletop. She was wearing a bright shiny orange bikini that was either a micro or mini and her huge boobs were swinging back and forth as she wiped the tabletop. I didn’t have to look at Brandi to see if she was seeing what I was seeing. She’ll look at boobs as much as I will.
Elaine was so into the cleaning she didn’t notice us ten feet away. Randy said, “Baby, Bryce and Brandi are here”. She looked up at us and apologized for not greeting us at the door. Elaine then said, “Oh No. I forgot to call you back and tell you to wear your swimsuits.” I told her we were fine, and everything was good.
Randy said he thought it was odd what we were wearing when he opened the door. But thought our swimsuits were in our car. Elaine said they were going to fix this little problem for us. Randy then said, “Yes we can.” Elaine and Randy took us to their bedroom and they both opened their drawers. Randy said I could wear a pair of his brother’s swim trunks as they would probably fit me, and Elaine pulled out a bright shiny blue bikini like she was wearing for Brandi.
Brandi looked at me but didn’t say anything about the bikini when Elaine handed it to her. I was curious if Brandi would wear this bikini. Brandi has a very sexy body with huge boobs also, and I was hoping she would wear it.
Randy and Elaine left us in their bedroom to change. The swim trunks fit me and the bikini fit Brandi perfectly. She was smoking hot in this bikini. She asked me if she looked okay in the bikini. I just looked down at my swim trunks. I was getting hard. She then looked down at my swim trunks and said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Off we went to the pool area. When we walked out, Elaine said that we looked much more comfortable and told us to enjoy the pool, jacuzzi or just lay around and relax. Randy quickly glanced at Brandi, and then did a double take. I must admit, I like when other guys look at her.
Randy said it’s time for drinks and asked what we would like. I told him scotch and water if he had it. Brandi said that she would open the Port wine. Randy went inside and Brandi followed to help. Elaine had been fiddling with something on the jacuzzi and then she walked over to me as I stood by the pool. She made small talk about the renovations to our home.
Elaine is a lot like Brandi. Very bubbly and never met a stranger. As she was talking, I had wished that I wore sunglasses so I could have stared at her body, especially, her boobs without her knowing. Randy and Brandi came out with our drinks. Brandi pointed out a thick rope that hung down from a tree limb that was circular at the bottom. The rope was thick enough that the large loop at the bottom was firm enough that it would not squeeze the person sitting in it.
Brandi walked over to it and sat inside the loop and started swinging. Elaine walked over to Brandi and told her that she spends hours swinging on that swing. I walked over to Randy as he was cleaning the bar-b-que grill and we made small talk. After a few minutes I happened to glance over at the swing, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. For the second time today, I was seeing something I wasn’t expecting.
Brandi was still in the swing. However, now Elaine was sitting on Brandi’s lap, and they were facing each other. Not only were they facing one another, they were fondling each other’s firm breasts. As the bikini tops had very little in the way of material, I could see both lovely ladies’ titties as their breasts were being caressed. I about dropped my drink. Oh boy… instant wood.
I was mesmerized. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The fondling led into little pecks of kisses. Before long the pecks turned into long, deep, passionate kisses. It was hotter than any kissing I’ve ever seen before. As I stared, Randy touched my shoulder and said that it looked like the two of them are getting along very well. All I could do was nod, still entranced. Later I found out that they had been discussing their boob jobs, which lead to feeling each other’s breasts. This led into arousal. They then decided to put on a show for their husbands.
Randy asked Elaine if she would help him with grilling the meat. WTF!!! How can anyone think about food while this was going on? This was some exciting action going on. I’ll probably will never see anything like this again in real life.
Elaine got off the swing and began helping Randy. Brandi came over to me and put her arm around my waist and told me that she loved me. I told her that was a total turn on watching her with Elaine. She just looked up, smiled, and kissed me on the lips.
As the weather was hot enough, without watching the show, Randy said he was going to jump in the pool to cool down. Good idea, I still felt a little stiffness in my trunks. As I dove in, the girls were right behind me. Moments later we had all cooled down and were out of the pool preparing the table with everything for the steaks.
The dinner was delicious, along with the views. After dinner we all cleaned up, putting away the leftovers, washing dishes, etc. Time to relax with another round of drinks. The wives had the wine, I had scotch and water and Randy had rum and Coke.
I still had the picture of Brandi and Elaine on the swing in my mind. As I mentioned earlier, Brandi can get wild with me when she drinks Port wine and I was wondering if that caused her to be a bit crazy, in a good way. But she didn’t have that much wine. I couldn’t figure it out. Maybe Elaine just brought something out in her.
As we all were sitting around the patio table Brandi said she wanted some wine coolers and that she and Elaine were going to run up the gas station at the corner. Elaine went in the house and came out with two very long T-shirts for them to put over their bikinis. Off they went. Randy picked up on my quietness and asked if everything was alright. I told him things couldn’t be any better. I told him I was in amazement from what I had watched on the swing. He asked was I upset about it. I said absolutely not. I found it very arousing. He laughed and said it was more than just arousing for him. It made him harder than an old oak tree.
We broke the verbal ice at that point. We talked about how sexy both wives are, and that they both had boob jobs and that their breasts were very large and firm. Sex was now the topic of our conversation. At least while the wives were gone. The wives returned with the wine coolers, and they joined us at the patio table. Elaine asked what we had talked about while they were gone. Randy just said pick-up trucks.
Brandi said that she was going to hop in the pool, then into the jacuzzi. Sounded good to all of us. Off into the pool we went. After a few minutes we were all cooled off and had the sweat off us. Next, the jacuzzi with drinks in hand. Elaine told Randy and I to get in first so we could help them in. Kind of odd, but didn’t think much of it. Once we were all in Elaine said for us to find a seat. The women stood around and appeared to be stalling before sitting down. Randy sat down and I then sat across from him. Elaine asked Brandi if she could sit next to me and Brandi said, “Of course.” As Elaine sat down next to me, Brandi sat next to Randy.
I was sitting directly across from Brandi and Randy was sitting directly across from Elaine. Elaine and Brandi had some distance between Randy and I. No one was touching. The water was about 105 degrees, and we couldn’t stay in the jacuzzi too long. As we all chatted, I felt Elaine’s hand on my right knee. This startled me a little and must have jumped. Brandi gave me a strange look, like what happened?
Next thing I noticed, Randy jumped a bit and Brandi winked at me. I knew what she had just done. Time to get out. We are all getting hard boiled, and the hot water was making the alcohol kick in more and faster. I didn’t want to do something disrespectful with Elaine, so I thought it was best to go to the pool. Back into the pool we went. It had gotten dark as the time was flying. Elaine turned on the light in the pool and this was the only light on for illumination in the patio area.
As we we’re in the pool discussing the dinner, Brandi asked a question that blew me away. She asked me and Elaine if it would be okay if she kissed Randy. Elaine said sure, then Brandi looked at me for approval. I said sure, if it’s alright with Randy. Brandi walked up to Randy, put her hands around his face and began kissing him intensely. Elaine and I just watched as Randy became aroused and remove her top and started feeling her breast.
Brandi began working her way down his chest all the while kissing it. With the pool light on we could see Brandi’s hands working Randy’s trunks down to his knees. Ever so slowly Brandi’s head went under the water and right to his hard cock. Brandi slid his cock into her mouth and move her head back and forth as she was sucking it. Randy started moaning with delight. This was very exciting for me, and apparently for Elaine to watch as Elaine began to tenderly rub my neck.
Brandi and I have talked many times about a three or foursome, but never thought we would meet the right people. I told her that I wanted to watch her with another man and now it’s happening. This is even more exciting than I had ever imagined.
Brandi’s head slowly came out of the water, a breath was taken and back down she went for more cock. Elaine walked around to the front of me and began to French kiss me. She softly sucked on my tongue and lower lip and then reached down and was rubbing my stiff cock from the outside of my trunks. I had removed her top and was fondling her firm mounds.
Brandi had raised her head from the water after sucking Randy’s cock after many breaths of air and told Elaine to go with her into the house with her. Once again, WTF. Things were going great, and someone has to stop it. Elaine followed Brandi into the house. Randy was telling me how fantastic Brandi sucks a cock as he was pulling his trunks back up.
Randy and I talked about swapping partners. He said they talked about it occasionally, but they didn’t think they could if it came right down to it. I told him we had the same thoughts. We talked for about twenty-five minutes and then started wondering what the girls were doing inside for so long.
We decided to go in to get another drink and to find out what was going on. As we walked into the kitchen, they were nowhere around. We made our drinks and walked into the Living room. There, on a bear skin rug in front of the fireplace was Brandi and Elaine. Elaine was laying on her back with her head propped up on the back of the bear’s head watching Brandi licking and fingering her shaved pussy. Elaine said, “What took you boys so long?” Brandi didn’t look up or miss a lick.
Brandi had never eaten a pussy and I felt doubtful that she ever would. I always wanted to watch her, but never thought it would ever, ever happen.
Brandi had been so into licking and fingering Elaine’s pussy that she was a bit surprised when she looked up and saw Randy and I watching. Elaine and Brandi then swapped places and Elaine had Brandi squirming in no time. I got off the sofa and kneed next to Brandi’s head. I leaned down and began kissing her lips. I could taste Elaine’s sweet pussy juice that was on Brandi’s lips and tongue.
I sat up on my knees and brought my hard cock to Brandi’s mouth. She started giving me a blowjob as her head was raised on the back of the bear’s head. WOW, getting a blowjob while my wife is getting her pussy serviced by a woman. I motioned for Randy to get on the other side of Brandi. He kneed on the other side of her head and put his hard cock within reach of her mouth. She leaned her head to the other side and began sucking his cock. Brandi’s breathing was changing as having her pussy eaten and sucking two cocks had really turned her on, and possibly over the edge. I scooted closer to Brandi’s mouth and told her to put both cocks in her mouth. Randy and I had to reposition closer to her mouth and when we did, she was able to slide both hard cocks into her mouth. This was a real sexual turn on for her as she kept trying to take more and more of our cocks down her throat, along with her long, loud moaning sounds.
As Brandi was almost reaching orgasm Elaine pulled back and said it’s time for a change. She didn’t want Brandi to get too satisfied this early in the evening. Elaine had Randy and I sit on the sofa. Elaine kneed between my legs and grabbed my cock with her right hand. She bent over and began blowing me. Randy sat next to me, and Brandi took Elaine’s lead and began doing the same to him. Elaine was softly massaging my balls and giving me a very sloppy blowjob. When she moved her head away from my cock streams of saliva ran from my cock to her mouth.
As I was getting blown by Elaine, I was watching Brandi sucking Randy’s cock like there was no tomorrow. It wouldn’t be long before I’d blow my load, so I gently pushed Elaine’s head back and told her to swap places. We changed places and I got on to my knees between Elaine’s legs. I lowered my mouth to Elaine’s pussy, which I could see was extremely wet. I took my fingers to spread her slick lips. I then placed my tongue at the bottom of her pussy and gently slid it upwards to the clit. Once at the clit I tongued it harder and in a back-and-forth motion.
I glanced over a saw Brandi watching me. She was watching me eat a pussy while I was watching her give a blowjob. Brandi sat upward and said it’s time for a quick breather. She got up and went into the kitchen. When she returned she had something hidden in her hand. She told Randy and I to close our eyes and hold out our hands. When are eyes were closed she said not to open them until she told us to. Randy and I held out our hands with our eyes closed. I felt something light and small placed into my hand.
When Brandy told us to open our eyes, there were three wrapped condoms in each of our hands. I asked where these came from, and Brandi said they got them when they went for the wine coolers. So, the both of you had this all planned out I asked. Brandi said they planned it all when they were in the swing together. Brandi and Elaine had had the same talk Randy and I did about swapping partners, but never thought they would meet the right couple.
Randy said he had something he made that he wanted to show us. In front of the sofa was a handmade wooden coffee table that was about thirty inches wide by sixty inches long. It was sturdy and was decoratively carved. It had a wooden post on the top at each corner. They were decorative looking. Randy reached over and removed the four wooden posts that sat about three inches down into the table.
Once the four post were removed Randy stood up and went to the Living room closet and came out with what looked like a green leather bench top. The bottom of the bench top had a post at each corner, and he put it on the coffee table. This top stayed in place as the pegs went into the same holes that once held the decorative posts. The table pad had about the same firm cushion feel as a restaurant booth and was about three inches thick. Randy said he and Elaine like to have sex on it as it is the right height and width. How cool is that I said?
We then all went to the kitchen for fresh drinks. When we returned to the Living room, we all sat on the sofa talking about Randy’s talent as a craftsman. Randy asked me if I wanted to try it out with Brandi. I said “Sure!” With that, I told Brandi to lay on her back, which she did.
I directed Elaine to get between Brandi’s legs and eat her pussy while Randy and I suck on her tits and massage her breast. Everyone was in place doing their assigned task and Brandi was loving it. Within ten minutes Brandy was having several orgasms and squirting in Elaine’s mouth. Elaine loved Brandi’s hot, sweet juices squirting into her mouth. She was swallowing as much as she could, as quickly as she could. She wanted every drop of this sweet, tasty love juice.
Brandi was fairly worn out from all her squirting. However, Randy was so turned on by Brandi’s squirting that he said he wanted to show Brandi the best function of this table. Brandi was too exhausted to get off the table and just laid there. Elaine and I had moved to the sofa. As I was next to Elaine on the sofa I was fingering her pussy and kissing Brandi’s cum off her lips and face. Randy was sliding Brandi down closer to the edge of the table to where her butt was almost to the end. Randy then grabbed a condom, opened it and put it on his cock.
Randy then lifted and spread Brandi’s legs and moved in closer to her pussy with his hard cock. Elaine and I watch intensely. Randy put one of Brandi’s legs on each side of his waist, and he leaned forward until his cock was touching the entrance of her pussy. Randy gripped the sides of the padded tabletop with his hands and slowly tried to work his cock into her very tight pussy. Brandi has a very tight pussy, and it takes me little time to work my cock into her. Brandi tried to reach his cock to help him. However, she was too weak and couldn’t stretch enough to reach it.
Elaine saw Randy was having some difficulty, not a bad difficulty by any means. Nothing like a tight pussy. Elaine stood up and walked behind Randy. She bent down and put his cock in her mouth and drenched it with saliva. She then held onto his cock and gently worked it into Brandi’s slick pussy.
Once in, Randy fucked her slowly until the pussy had stretched. Elaine stayed where she was just to get a close-up view of the action. I got off the sofa and got next to Elaine, as I too wanted to watch my wife’s pussy get pounded. Before long Randy was fucking her pussy like a jack hammer. She was moaning, squirming, and telling him to fuck her harder, harder, harder. Elaine and I were right behind them watching his hard cock plunging in and out of her tight, wet, pussy as his balls were slapping her ass with each penetration.
The sound of flesh banging against flesh was intensely arousing, along with watching Brandi’s pussy juice begin to froth around her pussy from the fast, hard fucking Randy was providing. Brandi began to cum, and cum, and cum. I don’t think she was ever fucked this hard in her life. She was telling Randy to cum in her pussy. Elaine reached up and gently held Randy’s balls out of the way so we could get a perfect view of Randy’s orgasm.
Finally, Randy said he was about to blow his load, as his deep, hard fucking continued. Randy’s balls tightened as his cum was about to be released. With three or four forceful pumps Randy had shot his load. Elaine and I watched as his cock slowly shrunk to the point that it slid out of the Brandi’s drenched pussy. The tip of Randy’s condom was loaded with cum.
Randy and Brandi were worn out. Brandi passed out on the table and Randy collapsed onto the floor next to the coffee table. Elaine slid over to Randy and removed the condom that was just barely still on. She then began licking and sucking his flaccid cock clean. When Elaine was done sucking Randy’s cock, she looked at me and said that tonight has been the most exciting time she ever had. I told her that I totally agreed. I asked Elaine if that was how Randy fucks her. She laughed and said she never was fucked like that by anyone. She then said, “Since the party poopers are passed out it was up to us to make our own fun.”
I told her that Brandi had never been with a woman before and that I was pleasantly surprised at what all I saw her do tonight. She told me she hadn’t be with a woman either and that for some unknown reason they were turned on by one another on the swing.
Elaine said it turned her on when she was watching Brandi sucking two cocks at the same time. I asked her if she wanted to do it and she said, “Fuck yeah!” I told her to do what it takes. She went over to Randy, who was awake, just exhausted and asked if she could suck his cock and mine at the same time, like Brandi did. He said “Of course. Anything to get my cock sucked.” She then had me go over to where Randy was laying and had us scissor our legs together.
Once we were scissored together, Elaine got next to us and began stroking our cocks, one in each hand. As I was being stroked, I looked up and saw Brandi’s head leaning to the side watching us and smiling. As our cocks got hard Elaine began sucking us one at a time. When we were both hard, she put both cocks in her mouth. Fuck!, it not only felt fantastic, but it was also exciting to watch. She continued jacking each of us off while sucking us at the same time. As we were getting blown, Randy said that he had an idea. Elaine took the cocks out of her mouth and asked what it was.
Randy said that since she has now sucked two cocks at the same time in her mouth, did she want to try to put two cocks in her pussy at the same time? Her eyes lit up and she said, “Let’s try it!” Elaine stood up to reposition herself for the attempt. I got up, grabbed a condom and took out of the wrapper and got back down onto the floor. As she was maneuvering, I’m thinking to myself, does she really think she can do this? No way could Brandi ever do this. If she can pull this off, maybe that is why Randy fucked Brandi like he did. He never felt such a tight pussy. I put the condom on as Elaine was standing above our two cocks and then she slowly began to squat down until her pussy was touching our cocks. I looked over at Brandi and she was still watching. As Elaine had our cocks in her hands, Brandi sat up and was watching more intently.
Elaine inserts Randy’s cock first as he was having trouble staying hard after the fucking he gave Brandi. My cock was still as hard as it had been throughout the evening, so I wasn’t going to have a problem. I could feel Randy’s cock next to mine as Elaine was pushing mine in next to his as she lowered her body. In one fluid motion both cocks slid into Elaine’s slippery pussy. Her pussy was snug with the two cocks in it, but not nearly as tight as Brandi’s pussy is with just my cock in it. Yup… That’s what caused Randy to fuck my wife like a rabbit. Tight pussy!
With both cocks in, Elaine began bouncing up and down. Just high enough to keep our cocks inside her. As she was fucking us, I could feel Randy’s cock getting harder next to mine from Elaine’s vaginal CPR compressions. The pussy was feeling tighter as Randy’s cock was expanding. Elaine was loving her first double penetration. She was fucking us like she had been fucking two cocks together for years.
Randy was not used to a tight pussy, and he was ready to cum again, and quickly. He told Elaine, “That’s right baby, fuck our cocks, that’s right fuck us hard. I’m going to fucking cum in your tight pussy right now!” With that, I felt Randy’s cock swell as his whole body began to spasmed. I could feel his hot cum on my cock through my condom. Elaine continued fucking me as Randy’s cock slid out of her cummed pussy.
Elaine stood up, turned around and sat back down into the Reverse Cowgirl position on me. Brandi was not missing a thing. Elaine put my cock into her pussy and began fucking me. I watched as my cock slid in and out of Elaine’s pussy as she was riding me hard, like a horse. Randy’s hot cum was oozing out of the pussy with each deep penetration and running down my shaft and onto my balls. Elaine’s Reverse Cowgirl fucking was a sight to behold from my perspective.
Elaine had worked herself into a sexual frenzy. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Elaine kept telling me to fuck her hard and she wanted to feel my hot cum in her pussy. I blew my load and she kept pumping for more and more cum until she couldn’t fuck me any longer and slid off to my side.
As I laid there on the floor with my eyes closed in exhaustion and extasy, I felt my condom being removed. Next, I felt my cock being gently licked and sucked. When I looked, it was Brandi. When she was finished cleaning my cock she slid up and gave me a kiss, which I could taste my cum, and asked me if I had a good time. I told her it was the best time I ever had, what about you I asked. She laughed, kissed me on the lips and said “Ditto.”
As we all were spent, I helped Brandi up and I told Elaine and Randy to just stay relaxed where they were, and that Brandi and I would see ourselves out and would lock the door behind us. I got our clothes from the Master bedroom and two large bath towels from the Master bathroom. When Brandi saw the towels, she asked what they were for. I told her that we both were too tired to get dressed, so just wrap a towel around you. She said that sounded like a good idea and she took the towel.
On the way home it was somewhat exciting to be out with just towels around us. What if we got stopped for something? Brandi asked. That’s what is so exciting I told her. The chance of getting caught. In less than twenty minutes we were safely at home.
We went right to bed and slept past noon on Sunday. When we awakened, we both immediately began talking about last night and how much fun we had with Elaine and Randy. We hope they had as much enjoyment also. Around 3:00 p.m. Brandi called Elaine to see how they were doing. Elaine said that they were only awake about an hour and that they really enjoyed yesterday with us and would like to get together again soon.
Since that time, we all met several times and also went away together on weekend getaways. Our times together keep getting better and better. We finally met the couple we never thought we would. When you least expect it, BAM!