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- Bondage Stories : Their Cocks Were Dragons I Slayed Them And Drank T...
Their cocks were dragons I slayed them and drank their treasure
I'm Tonya, my husband and I joined SLS in July, of 2021. My husband said I should tell of how we came to be on this sight, because our real life story is very, very, non typical. So, after a couple of days of thinking about it, I decided there was only one logical approach to explain how we arrived here. And that's by going back to the beginning. Every word, every sentence, is true.
Unique. I have attempted to label myself over the years. Slut, cocksucker, cock slave, mentally unstable. I've settled on unique. But, in my senior year of high school, I sucked my first dick.
I was a virgin, an odd girl that looked punk. I did not follow the path of anyone. My friends were few, but all freaks like me. My music, my interest, my feelings all of freakish non conformist nature.
All the cool kids, hung out with each other, not the freaky, nerdy, wall flowers like me. I know I looked good. I was often called hot, but I knew such compliments were offered as an ulterior motive to have sex with me, in real life they just wanted pussy, and I'd be abandoned after putting out. I heard the stories in the parking lots and restrooms.
Sexual stories flowed through the hallways of my high school like a tainted river. Seemed everyone was sexually active and doing it with someone. But I was different, did not want to be a conquest, used like a thing and cast aside and ultimately, unsatisfied from what I heard. I'm a freak.
I had tattoos in high school, I wore Doc Martins and black baggy cloths with chains and my hair was usually tinted with cool aid, but I had a nice body hiding under the costume of anonymity. I am smart, and was a straight A student. Freaks, rule the world.
My breast were handfuls and firm, with perky nipples and my ass round and bubbly. My face, pretty, some called me pixie, saying I looked like a beautiful fairy in ways. My nose was pierced and my lipstick usually black. I was freak.
One evening, I'd went to a football game hosted by my school. I sat off with a few of the other freaks like me, laughing at the jocks, Karen's, the oh so privileged and conforming sheep.
I needed a smoke, so I left the freaks and wandered down below the bleachers to light up a small roach I'd carried for days in my pocket. I took a couple of hits when I noticed not far from me was a boy, and in the darkness I see could a girl, on her knees sucking his dick.
My lighter attracted their attention, panicking the girl and she bolted. Fleeing into the night. The guy just stood there a few seconds, cock sticking out hard, then he puts it back into it's zippered prison.
I don't know what compelled me, but I went towards the guy and apologized for ruining his blow job. He said it was cool, she wasn't very good at it anyway.
He was from the opposition, the rival team, there to support his friends on the field of testosterone engorged honor. He eyeballed my roach and said we'd call it even if he could have a hit of my cheeba.
I reached him my joint and he took a good hit off my Mexican press. It was about all I could afford back then. He handed it back and I snuffed the skunk and stuck back into my pocket.
The entire time, I was thinking how that girl who fled was on her knees, with his cock in her mouth. I don't know how or why I found it so curious a thing. He seemed nice, and I'd ruined his good time. I'm a freak, but I'm a nice person.
Sorry, I ruined your blow job. I said, I've never sucked a cock before, but I could try it, make it up to you. He smiled and after a few seconds, unzipped his pants and I had my first close up look, at hard cock.
It seemed a weird thing. I'd say it was as long as my hand and about as round as a golf ball. I looked at it. So, that's what a cock looks like I think to my self. I get on my knees and wrap my hand around my first dick. He spread is legs some and tugged his pants down a little bit.
I simply took it into my mouth. My first thought was how soft, a hardon was. Firm in my mouth, yet covered in a warm soft fleshy sheath. I sucked it deep into my mouth and felt it throb, like a living thing. It felt nice, did I do that, make it jump in my cheeks, I wondered.
I used my tongue to feel about the cock, it's texture, the vein, the swollen head that seemed like a Nazi helmet. Ah, that did make it jump in my mouth. I did not know if it was pleasurable to him, but I liked the effect. I licked the soft spot just under the head and it made him moan and his dick throb against my tongue. I'd remember that area, tuck it into my mental Rolodex for the future.
His words broke my growing fascination, my learning curve. Fuck, there is no way this is your first time, he says as I sucked his flesh. I took his dick to the back of my throat, almost chocking on the meaty stick. Fuck no, you've sucked cock before, he moans. I keep his cock deep in my mouth and use my tongue to feel the tender under belly of his dick. It seemed a freakish thing, like me. I related to his cock.
I'd say my first cock sucking experience lasted all but two minutes when he announced he was about to cum. I did not fully grasp the concept of cumming. He holds my head gently in his hands, grunts and I feel my mouth filling with something wet, viscous, blasting out of his hard cock and seeking to run down my throat or drown me.
It was warm and musky, and each time his cock pulsed in my mouth another glob of warm liquid fills my mouth. I did not know exactly what to do or how much was coming out of that thing, but I swallowed all of what was pumping out of his cock. That seemed the most logical.
Three gulps and I'd taken all that seemed to be flowing into my mouth. Then his cock begins to soften, and he extracts it from my mouth. I suppose it was over, but I instantly felt as if I'd slain a dragon, defeated it. I felt oddly triumphant. God damn, that was awesome, he panted as he pulled his pants up, fuck you can suck cock, he gasped.
I stood up and wiped my mouth off onto my sleeve. So, that was good, I did it right, I asked. Fuck yeah, that was the best I ever had, but no way that was your first time. You're a slut and we both know it, he said. How rude this bastard, he angered me, called me a liar.
Well it was, so fuck you ass hole, I said and walked back to join the freaks like me. But in my mind, I stocked my armory with the weapons I knew I'd need, suck it deep, tongue the tender underside, swallow it all, leave. It was war, and I would be victorious.
I felt some newness about me. Confidence, independent , sexual and in control. I made a boy cum. I sucked a real cock to completion. It made me feel an innumerable of different things all at once.
I felt the humility of kneeling before a guy and servicing his thing. I felt sexy and powerful, womanly. I could make a guy get hard then make it soft, with my mouth, I was brave and powerful.
I'd become, a cocksucker. That event made me feel like that's who I was. I found my true self, on the head of the cock of a rude, inconsiderate ass hole. But that is where my story began.
Within a month, I'd sucked off nine guys. Even one or two guys who'd normally not even associate with me. But I could make them hard, make them cum and turn and walk way. I had no shame, I'm a freak.
I used them, took control. A few begged for mercy, to slow down and make it last, but I gave no quarter to anyone. Beggars died the quickest. I was a dragon slayer and it made me feel strong.
Senior year is a big time in a girls life. I may not be the homecoming queen, but I could suck off her boyfriend. She wasn't going to do it. She may let him fuck her, then shoot his juices into space or on a car seat at lovers lane, but she wasn't going to suck his cock and let him cum in her mouth. She'd never swallow his cum. I would, I'm a freak.
I would show up at team games, and disappear under the bleaches when the freaks like me began to forget my presence. Under the bleaches I'd be in the darkness, and the word got out. Boys can't keep quiet. I found myself with four guys approaching in the shadows.
They spotted my lighter, flaring up, torching a joint. I took a deep drag as they stepped up to me. I looked at them and said, take em out. Each boy undid their pants and pulled out hard cocks. The weed helped me concentrate, focus and become one with the task.
I had earlier stopped at a nostalgic record store that sold records and 60's tee shirts and odd cloths. I found a patch that said Dragon Slayer. I bought the cloth patch and sewed it on my black denim jacket. I was a dragon slayer, and before me, four dragons stretched their necks forth, pointing at me, steeled and defiant, ready to war.
I dropped to my knees and took one boy in my mouth and one in each of my hands. I'd learned to stroke a cock with my hands, jerking them off, but death and defeat was only won when I swallowed their cum.
I sucked each boy dry in a matter of minutes. The dragons shriveled and died in my mouth and I swallowed their souls. Victory was mine and I drank the spoils of war and wiped my lips clean of the stains of battle on my denim sleeve.
The guys fled into the night defeated, so I headed back to the bleachers to join the freaks like me, when I noticed another boy, Ricky. He was shy but nodded and say hey, as I passed. I said hey, back and wondered if he had watched me in battle. The quiet freak knew, who cares I thought, he will die of shyness anyway.
A few weeks later, after our team won a football game, I blew half the team under the bleachers. They did not understand me. I was a whore, a slut or a cunt. I'd gotten a reputation, but they showed up, and had no problem cumming in my mouth, limping away in defeat.
It took a while, but I drained every one of their cocks dry. I was a killer of dragons, I could have sucked off the entire football team. I was in control, I chose the battle, not them. I smoked weed, sucked cock, so what.
As I walked away, there was Ricky again, standing in the shadows. He nodded and said, hey Tonya. I nodded back saying hey, and kept going. He had said my name, with painful shyness, how dare he. He was a freak, but cut from a different cloth. He had no familiars.
I'd seem him in the halls, lunch room and events. I thought of Ricky, seems he was always looking at me as I reflected on him. I wondered how many cocks he'd watched me suck. But, he never stepped up to the plate, had he done so, I'd sucked his cock too. I'm a dragon slayer.
Two years later, I'm in second semester, a fat scholarship paying for my college. I was a punk, a freak, but I am smart, I knew I'd need to make it on my own, and it takes credentials to do that. Education, was one of my weapons too.
I'd dropped the freak look, traded my punk cloths and Doc Martins for dresses and nice outfits, preparing for life in the real world, but always a dragon slayer. I had a free ride, and used my off time for parties, clubs and cocks in my mouth. I was now Tonya, warrior princess.
I frequented a small bar just off campus, and it was here I'd found many opportunities to satisfy my oral fetish. On one particular evening, I was in a fighting mood, and just finishing slaying my second dragon between two parked cars in the parking lot.
The guy had a nice big cock and I made him pray to Christ as his seed spewed into my hedonistic mouth and his cock suffered and died as he moaned out loudly. I drank the spoils of my victory and spat him out, dead, I'd smote him and tossed his ashes on the battlefield.
I got up and left the jock varsity football player behind to stuff his defeated organ back into his university sweats. As I walked away, I noticed a familiar figure. It was Ricky. I felt anger this time, was this fucker stalking me. Was I going to wake up in a deep damp basement pit hearing, it rubs the lotion on it's skin. Hell no.
I stomped up to him ready to unleash a hailstorm of anger and fury on his shy ass. But as I neared him, he spoke in that deathly shy voice, hey, Tonya.
What the fuck, are you watching me again, stalking me, I demanded of the freak show. He was backing away, looked shocked, scared and apologizing saying he was a student there, and had just seen me.
I sensed he was genuine, I seen fear in his eyes. I was in control. Ricky had always been a soft spoken, quiet and awkward guy with few friends that I knew of. Shy but harmless perhaps. I paused my attack mode for a second and rationalized the situation.
It was getting dark, so I told Ricky to walk me to the dorms but I had questions and he'd better have answers and not lie, or I'd cut his dick off. He stuttered somewhat saying he did not want that, and he does not lie.
Ricky was very smart, the only other straight A student in our high school and also perfect attendance, valedictorian. I always suspected he'd be in the news paper someday, Scholar goes postal, kills ten.
I learned he had a powerful crush on me during school, and one time during a football game seen me go under the bleachers and thought he had enough courage to speak to me in the darkness, hiding some of his shyness.
There under the stands, he found me sucking some guys cock, before he built the courage to speak to me. So, he just remained in the shadows afraid to come out, and watched me give head to some lucky guy, wishing it was him.
Ricky observed and learned my M.O. and would look for me to slip away under the bleaches so he could maybe speak to me, but always too shy, and before his courage could be found, he was watching me polish the head of one or more cocks.
I asked him why he did not just step up while I was on my knees and get a blow job if he knew I probably would have. He said he thought of it many times, but was afraid the other guys would not appreciate him being there and beat him up, or was overcome with shyness.
We reach the dorms and I tell Ricky to show me his room, in case I learned he was lying and I'd know where to come to cut his dick off. We get to his duel occupancy room and we are alone.
He said he first spotted me tonight, and built the courage to walk up to me and say hi, but I wound up sucking off the guy in the parking lot, and I spotted him. Same story, a repeated pattern as back in high school.
So you've seen me blow a bunch of guys I guess, I said. Ricky said yes, but his crush for me never went away. He said, I seemed to really like what I was doing, and he was just too shy, so just watched.
Are you a virgin I asked. Ricky took a deep breath and replied yes, but he had pleasured himself before, mostly after watching me suck off another guy. I was at a slight quagmire with my thoughts about Ricky.
As I stood in the room with Ricky sitting on his bed, his roommate came barging into the room. He looked confused to see a woman there. He said hi and placed his books on the bed.
Sure I like to suck cock, but this time something was different. I turned to the guy and motioned for him to come closer. He stepped up to me and I began to undo his pants. I said nothing, I just got on my knees and began to suck his cock. I wanted Ricky to see this, get a close look at what I do, exhibit my skills before him.
The room mate had a sizable cock for a nerd and I moved sideways so Ricky could see me suck the guys dragon up close. I slowly worked is prick from tip to base, fondled is full nerdy balls and worked my tongue about his cock until he moaned he was going to cum. I let him.
He began to moan like a girl and his jizz began to pump out in heavy thick streams, into my mouth. I eased the grip of my lips on is cock and uncharacteristically, allowed some of his semen to flood out of my mouth and run down my chin and onto the floor with a wet splat. I slew the nerd dragon, stood up and wiped my lips off on my sleeve.
Well,,, get the fuck out. I said to the room mate. He was backing out while getting his pants up. Your girlfriend is so hot, Ricky. She's so awesome, the guy blurted out. I tossed a book at him demanding he get out and don't come back for two hours. He kept saying okay, okay, god she's so hot, Ricky. I flung another book his way and hit the door as he closed it quickly.
I turned and looked at Ricky. Still have a crush, I asked. Ricky nodded, yes, I've always had a crush on you, Tonya, he say. I look at his pants and Ricky was pitching a tent in there, piled high with his hard cock. He kept his head down, his shyness was pathetic.
Something overcame me and I said, get undressed. His head raised up quickly, obviously experiencing a mild nerd brain shut down. I began to undress and told him, hurry up and get undressed or I'd cut his dick off.
Ricky got undressed and scooted under the dirty, sweaty dorm sheet. I got naked and stood there a second. His eyes bugged out of his head. I could see his fear, see his shyness overtake him, and see his cock throb from under the sheet. He stared at my shave mound.
I pulled back the cover and was impressed by his cock. Thick, cut and in with my best professional guess, seven and seven eights in length, just a pinch under eight inches. I know my limits, he was, under.
I straddled his body and shifted about until his cock was touching my entrance. I eased back and felt his thickness pry open my pussy, and with a pop it darted half way into my pussy. I paused and took a breath as my pussy adjusted and found it's direction.
Ricky moaned out loud, oh god. Two more breaths and I took all of him inside me until my clit pressed against his body. I had it all. I let a dragon inside my cave. I broke my own rules of engagement.
I rocked back and forth a dozen or so times and it was beginning to feel real nice. When Ricky moans out he was coming. I leaped off his thick cock just in time to see it spew a white rope of cum from the tip of it's head, all the way to his chin, splatting solidly against him.
I scooted back and took his cock in my hand and jerked him off with rapid pumps and cuddled his balls with the other. I was impressed at how much cum could shoot out of a shy nerd.
I drained his meat of all it's juice and was somewhat wishing I'd swallowed that load, it would of truly been a proper, dragon's rightful death to die in my mouth, but I'd befriended this one for some reason.
Ricky finally stopped shaking, and apologizing for cumming, offering many oh gods to appease his deity. He looks down and see's is dying hardon. His cum, my juices and some crimson blood at the base of his dying cock. Oh, god, I'm bleeding he says in panic.
I look at him and say, no dumb ass, that's my blood. I was a virgin. He looked back and forth at my body to his defeated cock, back and forth processing the situation. I feared his sharp mind would explode. I explained that while I had sucked a lot of cocks. I'd remained a virgin. I'd never even been finger fucked by a guy, or girl.
He was processing the data in his mind and I could see his shyness overtaking him again, perhaps it was being naked, vulnerable or fear I'd cut his dick off.
He remained under the sheet as I got dressed and when I had finished, I took a sharpie off his night stand, jerked the sheet away and ordered him not to move. I wrote my phone number across his chest in black marker and laid it back onto the sad little dorm table.
Your my boyfriend now, I said. You fuck another girl, I will cut your dick off. You let another girl suck your cock, I definitely cut your dick off. I'm your girlfriend now, and you will treat me with up most respect, like a lady and I will rock your world. Fuck this up, and I will cut your dick off. But, understand, I will continue to suck other dicks, this is who I am, and you won't change me.
He looked confused. Pay attention, like this is physics class, I said. Nod twice for yes, shake your head no if you don't, and I leave you alone forever in peace and I won't cut your dick off. Ricky nodded his head twice. He seemed quite pleased. I said, call me and walked out of his room.
Over the next two years, Ricky and I remained a couple. He was a shy nerdy guy, but smart and good looking, and he had a very nice suck able cock. I taught him to hold back his orgasm somewhat. He could last several minutes now.
Ricky also watched me suck other cocks. I was faithful, no other man would know my pussy but Ricky. We confided in each other, and his shyness around me in private, was slowly getting under control.
Ricky enjoyed watching me slay many fleshy dragons, and he'd often jerk off while I blew another guy. He knew they posed no treat to our relationship. On my 22nd birthday, he gifted me with two jocks in our off campus apartment to suck dry. I took my time with their cocks and Ricky took pictures.
We graduated college and our degrees allowed us to get very nice jobs. We got married and began to make crazy money. We live a very good life for early twenties ambitious freaks.
Ricky found SLS, a resource for finding me dragons to slay. He is really into watching me preform fellatio on big cocks, and our sex afterwards is very nice. Lasting sometimes up to five minutes, and his oral has improved a lot, making me cum nicely. I love to orgasm.
Then, just three nights ago, I come home to find Ricky had ordered out and our table was beautifully set. Wine, candles and flowers adorning several places in the dining room. The lights were low and the fireplace glowed with a low flame.
He kissed me tenderly and pulled my chair out. Ricky was being very romantic and his confidence, soaring. Over dinner I asked him what was the special occasion.
Ricky smiles and says it was our fifth anniversary since I wrote my number on his chest and threatened to cut his dick off. I laughed, I'd nearly forgotten that date, and I'd never really decapitate his dick.
He said, since I sucked off his room mate on that day, close up in his face thus clearly setting the expectations early on, he'd found another suitable gentleman for a reenactment of our anniversary, if I wished. I smiled and said yes, I'd love a trip down memory lane and he knew how I liked to slay dragons.
Dinner went very nicely, and Ricky ran me nice hot bubble bath in our dragon footed bathtub, romantically lite with candles. He brought me some more wine and fat joint on a silver tray. He informed me our guest would arrive in an hour, and he wanted me dressed to kill in my black lace thong panties, matching bra, garter and stockings.
Well, I said, who is this dominating, confident man, where did he come from I asked with a smile. He leans over the tub and kisses me. The man that loves you, and wants to please you, he said.
Sucking cock satisfies a mental need, but tonight my pussy was juicing all up in anticipation of something I'd done countless times. Ricky seemed, bolder, manly, and my body was reacting.
From SLS Ricky had found several men willing to sacrifice themselves to my oral desires, but to say it made me wet, filled me with lust and desire, would be inaccurate. I was a warrior princess, not a wench.
But tonight, perhaps it was Ricky's odd confidence that had me aroused. I knew when, I was finished plying my warrior skills to another fate less, doomed dragon, I'd let Ricky go down on me, and I'd have my orgasmic reward fitting for a warrior princess.
I was dressed and ready for battle. I checked myself in the mirror. Very nice, I thought, the black lace bra showed a pale view of my nipples underneath the thin fabric with just enough flesh riding above it. My tiny pantie trimmed my hips like a frame around a painting and the garter with stockings highlighted my shapely legs.
Awfully sexy for blow job, I thought. This guy will be treated in seeing more of my treasures than the others had. I was feeling sexy as I looked into the mirror. Poor Ricky, he'd not last five minutes tonight.
The doorbell chimed announcing our guest had arrived. I felt a tad vulnerable, unusual for the warrior princess I knew I was. Ricky stepped up behind me, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my neck lightly. You look beautiful, he says softly. It unnerved me a tad.
I stood at the foot of the bed facing the mirror, seeing the reflection of us standing there. Ricky's arms around me, he seemed so sure of himself. Who was this man, my husband, making me feel safe.
Stay here, this spot, while I bring our guest in, he said to me. Then from behind me I feel, and see in the mirror, Ricky wraps a thick leather collar around my neck and fastened it, and let the leash hang over my shoulder and between my breast, dangling to my waist. Stay, Ricky commanded me.
What the fuck, I thought. I felt chills run across my flesh as Ricky confidently positioned me there and walked out of the room. I looked into the mirror. A warrior princess does not wear a dog collar. My tongue was my sword and my cloths my shield. I looked like a sex kitten in a man's magazine. Was this not war, a fight to the death.
I heard the door open and Ricky greeting our guest. My pussy quivered and I felt my inner liquids seeping through my body, headed into my black lace panties. What the hell is going on with me, I wondered. I've done this for years, get a grip and kill this son of bitching dragon without mercy. I steeled my braveness, bring it fucker.
Ricky and our guest entered the bedroom. He dimmed the lights low, the glow of the candles gave luminescence and in the mirror I saw myself, sexy, candle light dancing off my flesh, I looked more an offering, than a battle hardened warrior.
Tonya, this is Brad, Brad, Tonya, the introduction was made. Wow, you are beautiful, Brad says. I've had plenty of compliments from the guys showing up, knowing I was going to suck their cocks, But his words were nu-nerving, disarming.
Ricky steps behind me and hugs me, kisses my neck gently and my knees almost buckle. I feel my leash tugging me gently downward. I follow the lead like a leash command for a dog to sit. I kneel on the floor before our guest. Ricky stands behind me and Brad begins to undress.
His shirt comes off. His chest is muscular, he is fit and strong. In my mind I think, yes, the strong die the easiest. He looks at me, looks at my body, sees into my sheer bra and panties. This fucker is taking away my shield, he is posturing, evaluating and planning an attack.
God, he looks like Spartacus, ripped muscles from head to toe. And the dragon. Thick, so hard and powerful looking. I knew dragons like this, I've littered the battlefields of my mind with many like it.
Ricky's cock and our guests were almost the same size, but Brad's, slightly thicker, perhaps half and inch longer, looked threatening. He stood naked in front of me. His meaty dragon aiming at me, muscles glistening in the candle light. I had a moment of doubt.
Ricky dropped my leash and kicks his shoes aside then stepped to my side and began to undress and was quickly naked. Good I thought, now he would begin jerking himself off and I'd slay this demon standing before me. But no.
Brad watching as Ricky pulls my leash and guides me to his engorged cock. I open my mouth and take my husbands dick into my throat, while I look at Brad, holding his dragon in his hand, stroking it's head and rubbing it's length, like it's his pet and he is about to sic it on me.
Ricky motions for Brad and he approaches swiftly. The beast is close and Ricky pulls my leash, guiding my head to the thick dragons head. I engulf the beast, finally, I have the monster where I need it, and I'm going to slay this hard bastard with swift vengeance. But no.
Ricky pull the tether again and the dragon is free, but my husband stuffs his cock into my vacant mouth. Who is this man, my shy husband, cock like steel and controlling things like a goddamn king.
I lavish his cock with my best oral and he offers me up to the dragon again. I grasp the meaty sheath of the enemy and pump it in firm strokes while sucking it's flesh, working my tongue on it's tender under belly. Brad moans aloud, he's mine, now, I can almost taste defeat. But no. Denied.
The two soldiers of lust, re-position themselves and now two dragons are imposing their will on me. Me the princess warrior faced with two cocks at my lips. I take turns, I lick both at the same time and try to get as much of both into my mouth at the same time.
The break apart and I gasp for air. The battle was theirs, but I was obviously not finished. Ricky tugged the cable tow and guided me to my feet. He steps behind me and I feel his hard cock pressing against the crack of my ass, pushing my lacy panty into my crevice.
He reaches around and cups my breast and offers them to Brad like I'm and offering of peace, but I want war. Brad steps close, he looks into my eyes and the at my breast. Ricky pulls the fabric off my tits and I'm exposed, vulnerable. His dragon touches my mound, my jewels as he sucks a nipple into his lips. I roll my head back against my husband and moan. Where is my armor I think.
I feel his dragon throb against my vagina. The boldness of the beast, taunting me, toying with me like a cat with a mouse. If I could only get my lips, my weapon around the invader, I'd teach it remorse. But no.
Brad stops sucking and fondling my breast, but now trails his tongue down my body, flicking it snake like into my belly button as he hooks his thumbs into the stretchy band of my panties and rolls them to the floor.
His snaky tongue slithers lower and if feel his breath across my clit and I tremble. I feel my breathing go deep, the chills, and wetness beginning to escape my hole. Goddamn them to hell.
Ricky tugs my rope and I'm guided onto the bed and before I can make a battle plan, Brad's face is buried in my pussy. His tongue wrestles with my clit, darts into my sanctuary and probes deep for my treasures. He's eating me out like a melting ice cream and my own body is about to rebel against me.
Suddenly my leash is tugged and I'm facing Ricky's hard cock. I swallow it with unbridled lust, taking him to the back of my throat and sucking it like the warrior princess I am. But no, a warrior princess isn't about orgasm on the face of her rivals, but I did.
My orgasm hit me hard, I screamed to my deity, oh god, oh god I'm cumming I hear my shameful pleas of mercy fall on deaf ears and my husbands cock swells harder in my agony. I sucked his cock like a wild animal and he stood fast, not bending, but getting harder each time he felt my body quiver with the after shocks of my orgasm on Brad's face. Goddamn them both.
I'd never came with another man. Only my knight, Ricky has brought me to orgasm. I suck my husbands steely sword as Brad continues to war against my pussy. I reach down instinctively and place my hand on Brad's head and tug him tight into my pussy.
Cum had always been the spoils of my victory, so I rub my treasures on his tongue, as surly he'd won that battle. Eat your fill, enjoy the spoils of this small victory. I ground his head into my clit.
Ricky pulled his cock out of mouth. How, why has he not cum. Shy Ricky is so predictably, he cums when I'm ready to make him, yet he defies my will. Why my captain.
Ricky bends down and tugs the leash so I face him. My pussy is on the edge of another loss. He lays by me, head on my pillow of shame and moves my hair off my cheek. Happy anniversary, he softly speaks to me. He kisses me, his confidence raging on his lips.
We are going to fuck you now, baby, unless you don't want us to, my husband says. My head nods in defiance to my warriors mind. My lips defy me too with, yes, yes fuck me, please fuck me.
I feel Ricky's lips press against mine as Brad spreads my legs and got into position. I feel his dragon at my doors, breathing fire into my slit, seeking to break down the gate and rush in.
I feel his cock, his battering ram push into my body, my pussy being spread wide by his thick dragon, he pushed his hips forward and filled me with his cock. I came instantly.
Again I prayed to the gods, oh god I'm cumming again, I'm cumming I yelled out like a wounded animal, I reached down and sunk my talons into Brad's ass cheeks and pulled him hard and deep inside me and ground my pussy against his body like bones grinding to flour.
Ricky's cock was at my mouth again, and my orgasm kept sending wave after wave of guilt and good bumps over my flesh, but I took his cock into my throat until I gagged on it, and tears boiled into my eyes.
I released my hold on Brad's ass and he began to fuck me. Driving is flaming spear deeper and and harder with each thrust. He was fucking me like a slave and he owned me. I came again. I spat out Ricky's cock, reached up and took him with a firm grasp on back of his neck and pulled his face to mine. I'm cumming on his cock, I raged into my husbands face.
Cum my warrior goddess, cum on his cock, Ricky said and with an authority I did not know he had. Brad slammed his meat into me harder and I came yet again his pet dragon.
After my orgasm let me go, my rope was pulled and I followed my collar up, Brad's cock slipping out of my vault. Ricky placed himself under my head, his own dragon pointing to the heavens, and I was on my knees like an animal. My haunches up high and face looking into the eye of a dragon while another circled behind me, flanking me.
I felt the hands of a warrior on my hips, and as I looked up at my husband, I felt another mans sword slice deep into my bowels until he had no more and my moans of pleasure spilled out into the room like the death cry of the many I'd slain. He fucked me.
Brad thrust his cock into me hard and fast like a machine and my husband responded by his cock throbbing millimeters from my lips. I again took his cock into my mouth, each thrust of Brad's cock pushed my mouth deeper onto Ricky's sword. I was being spit roasted like a slaughtered lamb, skewered from both ends and I was going to cum, yet again and they would feast on my spilled bravery.
I felt my orgasm building, I'd be defeated again. Where is my shield, my sword, my god I'm cumming again, I knew it. Brad's voice pulled me from deaths gate. I'm going to cum, where do you want me to cum.
I kept my mouth on Ricky's cock, my orgasm not staying away any longer, I strained not to cum so hard I strained not to die again on his sword. Ricky read my eyes, and my brave knight said, cum in her pussy, fill her full of your cum. Fuck them, god yes fuck them.
I almost blacked out as my orgasm found it's hold on me and crushed my very soul in powerful waves and then I feel Brad shove his weapon deep into me and hold fast, clutching onto my hips and holding me in his death grip, and I felt it. My spoils, my cum, the treasure I'd won so many times, now blasting deep inside my wet pussy as I gave up my own gifts to his steely dragon.
I orgasm hard, violently and primitive in nature on this man's cock. I let him spill his seed deep into me. I flinched, hesitated and he struck the winning blow. Cum in me, I moaned, cum in me, yes, fuck yes cum in me I whined like a lowly tavern wench.
The battle was over, Brad had slain me with honor and scattered my ruins upon the battlefield of my marital bed. He thanked me, us, several times and I bid the warrior farewell. Ricky walked him to the door as I lay defeated in a puddle of my own and his bodily fluids.
Ricky came back into the bedroom. He stood at the foot of the bed and watched Brad's cum drain from my well fucked pussy. He just watched me cum on the head of another man's cock, and he had a hardon still.
Ricky climbed on the bed and took position between my legs. I could feel another man's cum leaking in a steady stream from my cave. His dragon fed well in me. Ricky pushed his cock slowly inside me. I felt the liquids in me squish along his shaft and the walls of my snug cave.
God, you feel so good, Ricky moaned. Oh god, you feel so wet and good he almost stutters. I felt something odd, another orgasm wishing to be released. Ricky fucked me, my shy knight began to pound into me hard, slamming his dick into me with gusto and determination. I could hear the slap of wet flesh as his thrust hard into me with each stroke.
My orgasm was speeding to the surface and would not be denied. I grabbed a hand full of Ricky's ass and jerked his body into mine and he snatched my leash up and pulled me up to his face and fucked me harder. He looked at me and fucked me, holding my leash. I grabbed his ass with my other hand and growled at him, fuck me goddamn it, fuck his cum out of me.
My husband gritted his teeth and slam fucked me for ten minutes. He slammed into me like a battering ram, sending jolts of electricity through me like lightening. Then Ricky shoved deep and came inside me, flooding my cunt with his hot load.
We collapsed onto the bed, our battlefield. For an eternity we laid there sweating, catching our breath. Finally I snuggled up to my knight in shinning armor. Am I still Tonya, princess warrior. Slayer of dragons I asked with all the air left in me. Ricky breathed deep, no baby, your Tonya, Goddess Warrior, slayer of dragons. And tonight you found new weapons to battle future dragons with, and your spoils are now your orgasms. You ride dragons, they do your bidding and they die.
My Knight, my husband found new courage somewhere, and his genius mind seen all along I'd cheated myself of more glorious rewards when I slew past dragons. I'm Tonya, Goddess warrior, and our true story continues. From the chronicles of SLS, my battle will rage on. Now you've head our story. Find me, if you so dare.