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- Bondage Stories : Rural Revolution 2012
I am 36 years of age, married for 11 years, have 2 children, a home, and career. I was born and raised in a rural farming community in Iowa, and my husband pretty much the same except that he is from Nebraska. My husband and I have always enjoyed a good sexual relationship, neither if us have any complaints. While attending a local picnic in early August that was sponsored by our Church, we overheard a few of the congregation members talking about how a new website for swingers has been discovered in our area, and how this sexual revolution must be stopped before it taints marriages or pollutes the minds of our younger generations.
Shortly after we arrived home the kids dozed off to sleep, and we got the opportunity to fire up the computer and go online to check out what all the fuss was. We could hardly believe our eyes. The swinger website was full of folks swapping, trading, and exchanging partners for all sorts of sexual escapades. Many of the profiles had photos, and plenty of the people appeared quite attractive. On the surface we both seemed bewildered by this sexual revolution stuff, but I felt that familiar warm tingle down my spine and the wetness engulf my privates down below, as did my husband have a tent pole sticking up in his trousers. After awhile we noticed the energy drain from the busy day's activities, and began to retire for the night, without speaking another word, we both drifted off to sleep.
The work week passed by quickly, and once again the weekend was at hand. My husband and I were both ready to enjoy some time alone, as the children were heading off to a teenage jamboree in the next county, and would be staying over my Cousins place for both Friday and Saturday nights. Little did I know that my husband had been online during lunchbreaks at work via his mobile phone all week, checking out articles, swinger profiles, and secretly making plans.
We enjoyed a quiet Friday evening together, dinner and dessert, then cuddling up on the couch to watch a movie. When we finally got into bed together, I thought that sex would follow fast, but I was wrong. We spent the next hour and a half talking about and trading our inner-most sexual fantasies. The kind of sexual acts and situations that nice gals and guys from small rural farming communities just do not do or dare not to even speak about. When we both could not stand the tension for another moments time, we burst into the wildest, most intense sex session since our early dating days. It was amazing, I felt somehow renewed and reborn, I had rediscovered the simple pleasures of being a woman.
I spent Saturday morning fussing in my flower displays and vegetable garden, then went off to complete my weekend errands run and grocery shopping. When I eventually arrived back home, my husband unloaded the car, and was extra chipper and cheerful in spirits. I simply attributed his bliss to our wild Friday night sex session and went on unpacking and storing the items purchased. Frozen pizza was my husbands request for tonight's dinner, so I began to preheat the oven while jumping into the shower for a quick clean-up after the busy day of gardening and errand hopping. Make-up, perfume, and fancy dress was not in order for the evening, as it would be another night of just he and I alone without the kids.
Upon opening the master bathroom door, I was struck by sweet scents of candles burning but nothing of double pepperoni pizza. Emerging wearing wet hair and a blue color summer dress, I was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight unfolding before my own eyes. There was my husband with a fresh made bed full of our best linen set and a few extra pillows, affixing a set of restraints. Restraints!? Yes, a four-point set of soft restraints he was tying to the bed frame so as to hold my arms and legs. Spread out across my dresser was a large feather, a leather crop, a bucket of ice, some candle wax, a blindfold, ear muffs, and a tiny vibrator. Vibrator!? I had heard of those sex toys before, but have never actually laid eyes on one.
My eyes as wide as saucers, jaw slightly drooping, speechless, and ears straining as I listen to what he then said.
"Tonight, right now, we are going to start making fantasies come true. The first new experience is a technique that I read about on the swingers website, it is called sensory deprivation. The way it works is simple, we eliminate 2 of your 5 senses in order to enhance the remaining 3 senses. The second new experience is called total submission - total domination. that is simple and straight forward, you are going to have both arms and legs tied to the bed with strong straps."
I was helpless to stop the tingle sensation that rippled down my body, as a gush of wetness coated the inside of my womanhood, my head felt light and my knees gently trembled.
I did not say a word to object, I did not move a muscle to resist, as he removed the blue summer dress, then tossed it across a chair. He held both of my hands in his, and I could feel his warm soft skin, as he led me over to the master bed. As I sat on the bedside, he placed the tiny ears muffs into position, leaned into me, kissed me, then placed the blindfold over my eyes. My heart was pounding, my breaths were shallow and rapid, I felt strangely excited, and trusted him entirely. He eased me into a laying position upon the bed, propped my butt and hips up with a pillow, and began to apply the restraints. When the last of the 4 restraints had been secured, I was really feeling the vulnurability of total submission - total domination, and it somehow triggered a deep down primal desire in me, and then I realized that I was loving every sweet moment of it.
Anticipation gripped me as nothing was seen, heard, or felt for another few minutes, but my imigination was sure running away with me as the seconds seemed like hours. My entire body suddenly jerked as I felt the light touch of the silky feather make contact with the tender skin of my inner thigh. He slowly, delicately, systematically explored every inch of my body from head to toe with that feather. Of course I had felt a feather touch me before, but the sensory deprivation was working exactly as described, for my sense of touch was at a new level of intensity, a height never reached until now. I begged him to stop teasing me and just fuck me, but he said nothing, and made no attempt to satisfy the crave I was experiencing.
The gentle slap of leather across my inner thigh broke thru me like a crashing roll of thunder. The sensation was so indescribable, it almost sent me into an orgasm right then and there. Every slap of leather upon a soft and unprotected region of my body washed me in wave after wave of hot sensations that seemed to end somewhere deep within my pelvis. I really could not take too much more of this, and wanted him to ram me full of his manhood, but he still did not oblige.
I let out a loud yelp that the horses out in our pasture must have heard when the freezing cold sensation of ice hit me. He strategically placed the cubes directly over the tips of my breasts, and circled both nipples at the same time. I could feel the nipples harden and stand straight out, as my breasts firmed full and supple, while my entire body quivered from tingles of pleasure. He slightly indented my nipples, I could feel the cool melting ice water pool up a little. All of a sudden he released the pressure, my nipples sprang back out, the pool of water rolled away, but the moisture remained.
Deep from within my chest, a loud moan escaped thru my gaping mouth, as the first tiny drip of melted wax conformed to my nipple, then immediately hardened. I felt the waves of pleasure but did not feel any discomfort, as the thin layer of moisture provided just enough protection for me, and a cooling effect for the wax. The more that I concentrated, the more that I could feel a connection between my breasts and my womb. Difficult to describe, but so deeply satisfying to me, only for a fleeting few moments it lasted, but I secretly hoped it would never stop.
Tension gripped every muscle in my body, as the sonic motions from the vibrator spread with first contact on the hood, then radiated into my clitoris. My breathing went spastic and my heart palpitated so much it felt like a coronary attack was imminent. Never before had I felt anything like this. My first orgasm arrived fast, strong, and oh so very intense.
I could feel the wetness drip out of my pussy and run down the crack of my ass, then onto the pillow below me. I squirmed and bucked, but could not pull my clit away from that battery powered bumble bee between my legs, it felt like my head was going to explode with pleasure. Whatever cash my husband paid for that little toy was less then it's actual value, to me it was worth it's weight in gold.
Abruptly as it had started, everything stopped. My body went into a slow downturn of resolution and relaxation, and a few minutes later I came back to Earth again. I felt physically drained, and the real sex had not even started yet.
Soft moans escaped my lips as the warmth of his breath was felt on my pussy. My favorite treat, he was going down on me. Wave after wave of sensation ripped thru my cunt, as he licked, sucked, and bobbed with tongue and lips upon my clitoris and pussy entry. It was then I realized his technique was vastly improved, must be from new information that he read in those swinger articles online. I had reached another orgasm, but it felt distinctly different then my previous orgasm with the vibrator, just a satisfying, but in a slightly different way. I did not understand all of the new things that I was experiencing, but it sure felt great, so I went with it big time.
The oral sex ceased, he slid off the bed, and once again my body slipped into resolution and relaxation. My imagination went off the charts, as I lay waiting to finally get fucked by this handsome husband of mine.
After what seemed like such a long time, I felt the mattress push downward under his body weight as he slid back up the bed from the bottom edge, ending up squarely inbetween my legs, directly in front of my dripping wet pussy.
Another new technique is introduced, as he uses the tip of his cock to rub up and down along the slit of my cunt, and without a thought on my part, both vaginal lips relax and spread open wide, it is simply a natural reflex I reason out in my mind.
Slowly he begins to push the head of his cock into my vagina. He feels huge tonight. Twice the size that his tip felt for the past 11 years of marriage. I reason out that the sensory deprivation is responsible for the inaccurate assessment, that he is the same size, it just seems much bigger in my brain.
I gasp as the head finally wedges it's way past my vaginal entrance. The brief moment of discomfort passes, as my cunt stretches around the girth of his rock hard rod. He is slow, deliberate, and gentle while burrowing his shaft into my depths, and I am thankful because I could not resist a more forceful entry being tied-up to the bed. My mind submits to him, and the body rapidly follows suit.
There is firm pressure on the rearmost portions of my vagina. I have felt this sensation before in a few sexual positions, not every time we fucked, but whenever I felt it before tonight, I could also feel his nut sack slap or rub against my skin. This was different, I can not feel his sack of pleasure, but he slowly continues to apply pressure. When I finally tense up, he stops moving and just remains in the same position without withdrawing.
After a half-minute to a minutes time, he again begins to move slowly. In and out he glides, until once again I can feel the pressure deep in the back of my vagina, and begin to tense-up. The entire process repeats itself again a couple of more cycles. He seems to be allowing for my small tight pussy to adjust and accomidate to his thick and long dick. His girth splits me wide, but I can not take any more of his length, yet I still do not feel his balls against my skin. Soft whimpers escape my mouth and fill the room.
Suddenly I feel two huge size hands with a very strong grip take hold of my hips. It finally hit me...this is NOT my husband! I explode into an uncontrolled orgasm, as he freezes motionless and just holds me in that position as he basks in the glory of my spastic pussy.
Just as my muscular contractions of orgasm begin to subside, those strong hands squeeze tighter, and powerful arms lift my pelvis into a more upright position. He drops his pelvis downwards slightly, backs his cock out of me, and short thrusts in and out of my pussy with an upwards arc. The sensation of his cock head probing up against my cervical opening sends pulses throughout my deepest pelvic regions. I feel no discomfort, only the softening of my cervix. We fuck wildly and move in unison together, it flows so natural.
The familiar wave of hot pleasure builds within my body, and I buck my hips back down towards his up thrusting cock. Suddenly I release into a long and very wet orgasm.
In one single motion, he again repositions my pelvis, aligns his body to mine, thrusts himself faster and harder then ever before towards me, and pulls my hips down hard and fast. My entire body goes limp, every muscle in me submits, and I gasp deeply for another breath of air. I feel a dull pain from my cervix that only lasts for a few seconds. His cock is past my cervix and actually deep into my womb.
For the first time tonight, I can finally feel his testicles touch my body. He is fully inside of me now. I got every inch of the fat and long cock into my steaming pussy. He begins to move in and out again, but I ask him to hold still. I do not want this to end now. I errupt into another orgasm, just as the previous orgasm subsides, then repeat, and repeat again. I am experiencing a multiple orgasm, something I have never done prior to this. I simply could not stop cumming, nor did I want to stop, I wanted to go on forever. We continued to fuck even harder, faster, more forceful.
Then I felt it. That big cock head engorged with blood and seemed to double in size. Even while wearing the ear muffs, I heard a loud and forceful grunt flow out of him, as he tensed every muscle in his body, gripped me tighter, and thrust into me deeper. I felt the waves of muscular contractions run thru his cock, and the warm sensation of semen splashing deep within my womb. I never felt more like a woman, I had been so deeply sexually satisfied.
After a few minutes, he withdrew that huge manhood from my tiny pussy. I was absolutely, utterly, totally exhausted both physically and mentally. I lay there there shining in sex blush afterglow, restrained to a bed, with a womb full of thrashing sperm.
Shortly afterwards my husband untied the soft restraints, removed the ear muffs, and lifted off the blindfold. The mystery man had departed forever. Without saying a word, we both embraced, gazed into each others eyes, and fell asleep.
I never once saw who that man was to recognize a face. I never heard his spoken words to recognize a voice. I never asked his name. My husband and I both prefer and enjoy it that way, it lends such an erotic aura to the sexual encounter.
When we awoke the next morning, still laying together in each others embrace, I did ask one thing of my keep that online swingers site on our computer favorites list. We both relished the sparkle in each other's eyes, and mutual grin upon our faces.
Rural Revolution 2012