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- Bondage Stories : Our Accidental Mfm
Our Accidental MFM
It was early Friday afternoon and we?d just finished a four-hour modeling shoot. Our assistant had put away the props and tidied the studio. My wife and I were sitting on the sofa enjoying a glass of chilled Chablis.
?Have you looked at the draft of the book and the rope kit?? Jill looked at me with a bit of a smile. She was referring to tomorrow?s shoot. I?d had to leave the engagement meeting early. A Japanese gentleman had booked an appointment last week, saying he was only going to be in town for five more days and requesting a shoot with two scenes on Saturday morning. We have enough demand that we no longer work on the weekends, but the price he offered was double our normal rate and I liked the look of the previous book he showed to us, though the material was a little racier than our usual. The book was in Japanese and contained eighty scenarios of rope bondage. The knots were extraordinarily intricate. I stayed long enough to know that this book was to be in English and to instruct the amateur on creating their own bondage. That was the point at which I?d left.
I said, ?Anything develop after I left??
?He left a kit and pages on the scenes we?re supposed to photograph. It?s very intricate. He will be bringing a load of props tomorrow and he thinks about half a dozen setups for each of the two scenes. The kit has four bamboo poles that lock together and some interesting ?props?.? She grinned as she said this and then she said, ?You interested in trying out a scene??
Our assistant Donna stuck her head around the corner. I don?t know if she?d heard our exchange, but her cheeks were a bit red, so I guess so. She said, ?Right, I?m off now. Do you mind if I help tomorrow? I could do with the hours and it looks like fun.?
Jill shouted out ?Sure we?ll be here at noon.? Before I could open my mouth. We heard the door close. I walked over to the suitcase Juri had left. I said, ?His check cleared??
?He paid cash.?
I opened up the suitcase and Jill stood beside me. I took out the notebook he?d left and three of the bundles of rope. ?OK which one shall we do first?? Many couples can?t work together and certainly we?ve had our challenges. We?re both pretty driven. Lately I?ve been feeling that she?s become bossy, and several times she?s treated me as if I?m a complete fucking idiot. I flipped the pages and settled on one that had her bottom in the air, her legs separated by a bamboo rod tied to her feet, stretched forward by another rod that went up between her arms. Both hands would be tied to that rod. There was a little leather riding crop with a biggish tag that could be used to administer discipline. There was another pose I liked where she would be tied upright, her legs again separated by a rod and that had a variation where she?d be bent over.
We have a pretty vanilla sex life; I mean we?ve been together for five years and I think we still find each other sexy and I know I?ve never strayed. Of course we stay so damn busy who?d have the time and we?re always up each other?s pie hole. Anyway also in the kit was a flimsy white bra and a pair of white granny panties. I laughed when I took out the bra; Jill has large breasts and I was pretty sure the bra wouldn?t even come close. It was fun watching her strip and then try it on; they were spilling out but it was covering the essentials. The granny panties were something else. I noticed she?d shaved completely, which was a new look that I wondered about.
She has very big lips and has mentioned being embarrassed about them so she kept her hair longer than I liked but now they were out there. She noticed me looking and said, ?What big eyes you?ve got.?
?Mmm. You look great. I?ve always loved the way your vagina looks.? We had a thick pad we used under sets so I put it down and I covered it with a black cloth and then she assumed the position. She kept the book and started reading instructions, which I wasn?t sure was entirely appropriate if she was the one being dominated, but I figured I?d let it go. I secured one leg just above the ankle to the pole and spread her other leg. She said I had it a little too far apart, but I?d started tying it and figured she could live with it. She repeated her complaint and I said, ?I think you should just shut the fuck up.? I took an end of the next rope and swatted her across the behind.
?Oh that?s the way it?s going to be.? She kept quiet though and I had her sit on her heels white I looped the ropes over her shoulders and over and under her breasts. I looped it around her neck and tightened it gently so it raised her breasts in their white bra, causing one nipple to appear over its edge. I noticed the nipple was hard.
Next came the waist wrap, which was interesting in that the rope was folded in half and the loop held near the navel. The end was then passed through and in between the legs, with each of the two ropes passing on either side of the vagina. They were then secured to the waist rope from behind. Tightening up the rope caused it to move against the wide crotch of the white panties, pushing so that her lips formed a distinct bulge in the panties. I brushed against the bulge and she said, ?That?s not in the instructions.?
I pushed her forward, enjoying the view of her bulging pudenda and then I took the other pole and ran it up towards her arms, tying it crosswise to the pole separating her legs. She chose that moment to ask whether I?d received the check on the Philips shoot. She knew that was a sore subject because it was the one shoot where I?d given some proofs before getting the final payment. She felt it was because the bride, for whom we?d some boudoir shots, had a spectacular ass. I said, ?No.? and she then started to berate me in her usual bossy tone.
I responded by securing her forearms to the pole and saying, ?You know this might not be the best time to aggravate me.? She picked up on another transaction we?d lost money on and started haranguing me and that was when I went over to the kit and picked up a red ball gag. She could see me coming with it and started shouting obscenities at me but I quickly muffled her noise.
That was when we heard the voice of our other assistant Mark in the hallway. Jill struggled against the bonds while I went into the hall. Mark was a good looking young guy who I figured was gay based on his lack of reaction to some of the young models we?d seen in the studio. Some of them were stunning and not shy at all about changing outfits, but I?d never seen him even sneak a glance, though the other day I was almost sure I?d caught him checking out Jill?s ass.
He said he?d come back to look at the notes Juri had left. I thought quickly. This was a great way to prepare for the shoot and a little bit of payback to Jill. She?d been an absolute bitch. I told Mark to wait a minute and went back into the room. I leaned into Jill. ?Mark?s outside. You have a choice. Either you stay tied up and I spank you hard for being a bitch or I invite him in here and we continue to go through the instructions. I guarantee you having him here will make me go easier on you.? She started struggling against the bonds but I figured it was all show. I said, ?Nod if it?s OK he assist.? She nodded.
I called to Mark, who came in and said, ?Hey Jack,? then as he saw Jill ?Oh my.?
I said, ?This is the first scene. How are we going to light it??
Jill had gone quiet. Mark and I discussed lighting and then I picked up the book. ?What?s the next step??
?The last step is the knotted rope between the legs, but here it calls for the underwear to be peeled down.?
I said, ?How do the underwear go down if the rope is already tied to the waist band?? Mark looked up and I could see a red flush mount his cheeks.
?It says use the safety scissors.?
Jill started making noise through the gag. I said, ?Well for now let?s just run the rope and tie it up.? I looped the rope over the waistband and ran it back through her legs, tying a knot where it would rest against her clit. I asked Mark to hold the rope while I read the instruction. Jill had turned her head to look at me. I told Mark to lead the rope up to the band around her neck. As he pulled the rope I could see the knot pressing into her mound. The knot was perfectly centered over her clit and as I watched the panties started to develop a moist spot. The white panties turned almost clear and now her lips were almost perfectly visible pressed together over her hole. I asked Mark to go get one of the black backgrounds from the other room and while he was gone I released the ball gag and asked her if she was having fun. She said, ?I can?t believe you let Mark see me like this.?
I grinned at her, ?You should have seen the lump in his pants. None of the models ever caused that reaction.?
She waggled her butt. ?Is he gone??
?No, I asked him to get the big black background. You want to finish up the other sets by ourselves or do you want to tease him some more??
She was smiling, ?You sure you don?t mind??
?I like showing you off. It says we should have a safe word. How about ?Potato??
I helped set up the background and then we finished a few more ropes. Every time we shifted Jill, the knot rubbed against her clit and the wetness on the panties spread. I made sure that Mark adjusted the ropes around her middle because I knew it would give him a good reason to stare at her pussy. I could see her looking back watching him.
I undid all the ropes to give her a break, though I took some pictures of the patterns the ropes had left on her skin. She sat down and had another glass of Chablis while we prepared for the next set up. For this set up Jill?s arms would be over her head suspended from one of the truss frames in the ceiling. She was still wearing the white bra, but it was really difficult to make these knots look good with the bra and I thought about asking Mark to snip it off but I wasn?t really sure about it. Then I rationalized we?d taken many pictures of topless models and this wasn?t any different than going to the beach. I was looking Jill in the eyes when I told him where to find the scissors in my desk drawer. ?OK??
She winked. Mark took his time making the cuts, and her nipples were rock hard when the pieces finally fell to the floor. We tied the ropes in a new pattern that caused her breasts to bulge like ripe fruit.
?Shall we try these?? I picked up a couple of suction cups from the kit. ?They?re used to extend the nipples so we can wrap this fine line around them.? They were tubes with a piston that could be retracting by twisting the knob. He placed it around one of Jill?s nipples, trying very hard not to touch her breast, but after a couple of attempts he couldn?t get a seal, so I said, ?Why don?t you try a little mouth moisture to get a seal?? I figured he?s stick his finger in his mouth and swirl it around her nipple but instead he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked it. I was mildly shocked but a little intrigued. Why had he felt free to be so familiar? I looked up at Jill; she looked shocked but a low moan escaped her lips and she arched her back. He gave it a good suck and then put the suction device on. This time it sucked her nipple about two inches into the tube. She gasped. I looked at Jill?s face now she was biting her lip. Mark showed no hesitation about sucking the other nipple and then extending this nipple up the tube. I readied some small twine and told him to release one and then directed him to hold onto the tip while I wrapped it tightly. We repeated this with the other. Jill was watching us manhandling her breasts with interest. We tied the remaining twine to the ropes running on top of her breasts so her nipples were pulled upwards.
We turned out attention to the bottom half now. Apparently Jill had really enjoyed our breast play because the white panties were completely soaked in the center and a drop of arousal was leaking through.
I had Mark lean down to fasten each ankle to the bamboo rod. While he did I picked up the light switch, the one with about thirty knotted silk tails and started lightly slashing it across her breasts, telling her I was just bringing out a blush. Each time I hit her she jerked a little and I became convinced she was fairly near orgasm. I stopped my slashing and took some pictures and had Mark adjust the lights to get some great shadows.
Mark had now tied her legs apart and we stood back and looked at the rope diagram. I said to Mark. ?Do you want to try to tie this one??
I handed him the double rope which he placed around her waist with the loop in front. When he ran the rope through it fell between her legs and he then reached between and ran them between her cheeks back up to the waist. This had the effect of mashing her lips. I went back over to the kit and pulled out a blindfold and walked in behind her, slipping it over her eyes. ?This is so you can?t tell who?s touching you. I think it?ll add to the mystery.? She grinned. ?Do you want the ball gag back. Then we can say you protested.? I whispered in her ear. ?Even if you don?t?. She nodded.
I put it on loosely I stood back to take some pictures. The pictures were fabulous. I said, ?Let?s seen what we can do with the lower half.? The panties were really in the way but I just wasn?t comfortable with having her completely naked in front of Mark, even though they weren?t really hiding much.
I said, ?Let?s take the ropes off and try these.? I picked up a pair of chop sticks that were included in the package. I held them on either side of her lips and had him tie both ends, but there really wasn?t enough to hold them, though I could hear her moaning against the ball gag. Her fleshy lips and clit were pressed tightly against the now almost transparent underwear. Mark was sitting back on his heels watching this as if in a trance. I realized there wasn?t really any more we could do in this position. Her legs were about three feet apart and her hands were tied above her head with her bare breasts bound, her nipples pulled upwards by the linen strings.
I had the feeling it wasn?t enough. I wanted her to be in a position where she was completely vulnerable and on display, with her pussy open. I realized I wanted Mark to see her amazing clit and her big lips framing an open hole. I went back to the kit and looked at the remaining accessories. There were a total of six clips that would do nicely.
I sent Mark to the storeroom to bring back a wooden sawhorse we?d used on a construction shoot and while he was gone I took the ball gag out of her mouth. ?How are you doing??
She laughed, ?Frustrated. Are you nearly finished? I was so close to cumming when you were down there. What were you doing??
I chuckled, ?Trying to tie chop sticks on either side of your pussy lips. But the underwear stopped me from getting a good grip.?
?Mmm you should have taken them off.?
?I didn?t know how far to go. I got some great shots though. Are you getting tired??
?I need to stretch. Maybe a new position?? She paused. ?Without the underwear??
I leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. Her lips were hot. I reached down and slipped my hand into the underwear and pushed my fingers through her lips and into her hole. She moaned and said, ?God I want you in me. Send him away and fuck me.?
I pulled my hand out and said, ?Just one more pose. I want to show him your lips and your hole.?
?God you make me feel so dirty.?
I heard Mark in the hall and said, ?I want to try these clips before we change positions. You OK with five minutes more?? She nodded.
I said to Mark, ?Let?s cut off the underwear.? I busied myself with the clips while watching him. He did it very slowly, tracing the point of the scissors up her leg and across her mound before snipping each side. The panties fell to the paper with a wet sound. He sat back on his heels and said, ?Wow, she?s beautiful.? A drip fell from her lips. Mark continued, ?I?ve never seen a woman get so wet.?
I walked over with the clips. ?See if you can put this on one of her lips.? The clips had a screw device that clamped them down but first he ran his fingers through them and pulled one to one side. It was pretty engorged. I saw him fit the clamp to it and tighten it down. I handed him a line and told him to fasten it to the bamboo pole near her ankle. He then fastened the second clamp. This had the effect of stretching both her lips and left her clit looking very swollen in the center. I handed him the switch. ?Let?s get some pink there and take the last shots of this setup.?
He started off very gently but quickly gave her some stronger strokes. After ten strokes she started a very obvious orgasm and I had him pull away so I could get some pictures. She started cumming and said. ?Touch it touch it.? Her clit was all the way out of her hood and looked very angry. I nodded at Mark and he started rubbing her hard and then to my amazement he leaned down and put her clit in his mouth. She must have cum for a minute. When she?d finished he sat back on his heels.
?I hope that was OK. It just looked so fucking good.?
He stood up and we looked at each other. We both had very obvious erections. He said, ?I?m going to have to take care of this.? I laughed and as I passed him he reached over and closed his hand around my cock. I was completely shocked and just kept on moving. I lowered Jill?s arms and took off all the bindings, being careful when I unwrapped her nipples. They?d taken on a very interesting shape and I paused to take some shots before they resumed their normal shape.
He nipples looked a little pale so I suggested Mark suck them to get some blood back in them; they were still very long. Mark seemed to enjoy nursing on my wife and his hands were into it as well, lifting and weighing each breast as he suckled. I was pretty sure Jill had noticed his erection. I busied myself getting the workhorse set up. Jill was now working on her third glass of wine and seemed perfectly comfortable sitting in front of us completely naked. There were still some string marks on her and I got the bottle of olive oil we used for swimsuit shots and asked Mark to rub it into her skin to get the marks out.
By the time I got the set up he?d progressed from her ankles up to her tits and was doing a creditable job of getting them mark free. I realized we were either going to have to get the oil off of oil her entire body. The consensus of the model and the assistant seemed to be to oil the entire body. Jill asked whether I was interested in doing any of the male poses in the back of the book. The only poses involved tying up male genitalia, but I knew exactly whose genitalia she wanted to tie up.
I was beginning to feel a little jealous when Mark said, ?Let?s try out one pose on John.? Jill was on me like a flash and quickly had my pants around my knees. It?d happened so quickly I was only half erect and so quickly sucked on me to get me fully there. She tied my hands together and hauled them up using the rope that minutes before had secured her. Now she tied my feet apart to the bamboo rod and then she asked Mark to tie the knots. I wasn?t sure about that. The first thin rope went around my scrotum and was tied a half a dozen times so my balls looked like small figs in a sock, then the rope was looped around the base of my cock. My hard cock bobbed to the beat of my heart. Jill leaned down and said, ?The book says he can?t come like this so I could suck him for hours.? She bobbed up and down on me for a couple of minutes and then said, ?Let?s leave him like this and do the next scene.?
I struggled and shouted but she just put the ball gag on me. The workhorse was behind me and I couldn?t see what they were doing and there was a certain amount of laughing and then gasps. He got the camera and I heard some clicking. He then came and swung me around so I could see his handiwork. Jill was stretched over the horse, her legs tied apart. Her pussy was splayed open and her little brown asshole was completely exposed. . She was looking back at me.
To tell you the truth the sight made me feel a little sick. We were both tied up and vulnerable. I wondered if I?d gone too far in allowing this to play out. As I watched Mark put down the camera and walked over to her with the bottle of olive oil. I watched as he dripped it onto her asshole and watched it stream down to her open vagina. He said, ?You know I always thought you two were pretty conservative, but the sight of this surprised me.? He put the bottle down and traced his finger over her asshole. ?This is a pretty well fucked ass. You can tell by this little ridge here.? He traced his finger around it. ?This is an ass that enjoys a good fucking.? He put the tip of his finger inside down to his knuckle. Now I had no idea if Mark knew what he was talking about but I knew that Jill had never permitted me any ass play, nit that it was a big deal to me. Now however I could hear her moan. Mark pulled his finger out and quickly inserted two and then three fingers. Now he was moving his hand in and out, adding more oil from the bottle, twisting his fingers around. Then I saw that he had all five fingers in. Jill was bucking against the straps but then I heard the familiar sound of her orgasm. He continued hammering her ass with his hand until she came down. He looked at me and said, ?Not many that can cum from just having their ass played with.?
He went up towards her head. Her arms were on either side of the horse and tied to the legs and both her tits were swinging free. He fondled them both and then I saw him rub his crotch on her face. I knew what was coming and sure enough he dropped his trousers. A very large, curved cock sprung out. It was larger than mine. It was so hard it was banging against his flat belly.
Jill looked at me and said, ?Are you going to let him fuck me??
She said it in such a submissive voice that my dick nearly exploded. I couldn?t say a thing because of the ball gag. Mark took the rest of his clothes off and walked around behind her. I was sure he was going to fuck her, but he turned around came over to me. He let my arms down and took the gag off. ?That was fun but I wouldn?t do her without you.? He took the lash we?d used on her earlier and lashed my cock until I though I?d explode.
He unstrapped my legs. I was free except for my bound cock. I walked over to the box and found another fairly thin rope, folded it in half and then made a loop at the end. I pushed Mark back and slipped the noose over his rather large nutsack and tightened it so his ballsack tightened and his balls looked like shiny ripe fruit. I wrapped it around half a dozen times and then around the base of his shaft before tying it off. His cock was pretty huge. I?ve never been interested in guys but I couldn?t help but put my hand around his shaft. Mark said, ?Have you ever made her squirt??
I said no. He walked over to the table and leaned down to untie her. His cock was close to her face and I saw her move her head to lick him, so I figured she was cool with what was happening. She stuck out her tongue and rolled it around the head. When he pushed it towards her she took it in willingly and moved her mouth on it, licking and sucking it. He started fucking her mouth slowly, reaching down to play with her tit, slapping it lightly. She stated humming around his cock, something she does. It always makes me cum. It looked to be working for him too but he pulled off.
He continued untying her, saying.
?This is going to be a two man job. Lie down so she can sit on your cock as if she?s riding you reverse cowgirl.?
I lay on my back. We were both in this guys power. He had the olive oil bottle again and now he was dripping it over my cock and I felt his hand curl around me, covering me in oil. Then he directed Jill to knee over me, and squat down. It took me a few seconds to realize he?d fed me into her ass. She leaned back and my hands cupped her boobs. Now Mark was on his knees between her legs. I couldn?t see clearly so I asked Jill what he was doing.
?He?s playing with my pussy and he?s got his fingers, ahhh, ahhh, in me deep. He?s sucking my clit. You're fucking my ass.?
I could feel him pounding away with his hand. He was being so rough that I could feel him through the thin membrane but apparently it wasn?t too rough. She started cumming, clenching around my dick, but of course the rope around my balls prevented me from cumming. He kept on fingering her and she started to whimper, saying, ?It?s too much, it?s too much? but then her moans became deeper and she kept on cumming. I thought he was going to hurt her, but then all of a sudden I saw a stream of liquid gush up and hit him in the face. She was shouting, ?Shit, I?m squirting all over.?
I felt his hands on my balls and there was a feeling of relief. He held up the string as he moved forward. I could feel the moment he penetrated her and his shaft rubbed against mine. Now she was moving with him, moaning as another orgasm ripped through her body. I felt him pounding her and I could feel my cum rising. He and I managed to cum within seconds of each other, filling both holes.
She pushed him back and pulled off both of our cocks. I?ll never forget the sight of her ass and pussy as she stood, both gaping red, both with cum oozing out.
Mark lay back, ?Man that was great. Thanks so much.?
Jill stood over him and said, ?You?re not finished. Lick his cum out of my ass.? She squatted down and I saw him stick his tongue out. She flipped around and deep throated his limp cock. Few seconds effort and she had him hard again and now she flipped around and rode him. She was in athlete mode, riding him hard. Her body started sweating and I saw drips rolling down her breasts and dripping onto his chest. I walked over and stood over them, putting my cock in her face. She leaned back and started licking me and then she started cumming again, holding my cock in one hand as her body trembled. I saw his finger was on her clit. When she?d finished she pulled off him and then proceeded to jerk us both off, bathing her tits in a load of cum. She made us both clean them up, selecting the tit with the other guys cum on it for us to clean.
We cleaned up and then finished the second bottle of Chablis. Mark finally stood and said, ?Well either this is going to continue to be a great job or I?m fired, but either way this was a great night.? She pushed him back down and blew him once more, swallowing every drop this time.